
Recalling the Harem, Chapter 2

The first eventful morning after returning to my harem.

May 21, 2024
13 min read
Remembering the Harem Ch. 02harem
Remembering the Harem Ch. 02
Remembering the Harem Ch. 02

Recalling the Harem, Chapter 2

The previous night, even though I couldn't recall any of my dreams, I awoke with a powerful erection that had the sheets bunching up. I attempted to conjure up the blissful thoughts that may have caused this reaction. Faces, bodies, and even enticing aromas returned in my mind, but no new names surfaced.

On the bedside table, there was a crumpled note with my wife's handwriting.

'Rachel and I must go to work. Sarah is out running errands, but Heather will be cooking breakfast. Welcome to join her once you're up.

Sarah is fetching Nurse Cami for a house call, so be prepared to suppress a cough when she arrives. Also, let her know how stunning she looks.

💋 -Lilly'

This affirmed that these delightful occurrences were not simply a dream.

Rising from bed, I took a cursory glance through a few wardrobes, eventually finding my own clothing. Gray sweatpants, boxers, and a tank top were my options. I figured that, as these women perceived me as their leader, they'd have to tolerate my exposed erection. Boldly, I stepped out into the hallway, feeling confident among this group of women. A few dressers held lingerie, while others were filled with feminine attire, instilling a sense of familiarity in me. Nevertheless, a few of these ladies still felt unfamiliar.

I took a deep breath and braced myself before opening the door. At the end of the hallway were three attractive women in tight shorts and sports bras. Amber wore a ball cap, while Julie donned pigtails. Both women were bending over, stretching. A third woman, with short black hair, had joined them. They all pivoted towards me.

"Ladies, how does a three-mile run sound for today?"

After checking her watch, the woman with black, framed hair smirked, noticing me. I, in turn, became captivated by their stares.

"Darling," Amber inquired, "would you care to join?" Yielding to their entreaties, I said no, stating that I still wasn't fully recovered.

Amber and Julie were the first to approach. I locked lips with Amber, uttering her name, and then did the same for Julie. Tara, the enchanting brunette, slipped down the hallway, casually introduced herself, and I kissed her, too.

"I'm really sorry, dear," I said, "I just can't remember your name." My initial attempt met with a pout, yet Tara responded with an additional smooch while pulling me in tighter. In a caressing tone, she gave me her moniker.

"Tara," her honey-brown eyes stared into mine, waiting for a response. The name cast off shivers, as if calling forth a lost memory. Elusive as it was, I recollected a marvelous moment: running side by side, crossing the finish line, fatigue flooding our minds, exchanging a weary kiss, and photographers capturing the moment. Amid the background, a troupe of women awaited our embrace, unifying as one in a celebratory group hug. That's where my recollection halted.

"Do you recall me?" Tara whispered, eager for an answer. Upon reflection, fragments of the memory returned - feeling more than a tinge of arousal at the sight of them.

"The memory is returning, but ultimately incomplete," I revealed, kneeling to caress Tara's thighs. Our lips met, and then assaulted her with a fervent bounty of kisses, drifting from face to belly. I relished the natural pull of their hips, synchronized with my tongue. While sustaining their kisses and gazes, my hands glided upwards to join Amber's and Julie's in stroking Tara's head.

Within moments, Tara began to emit short breaths. Her grip on my head intensified, indicating her imminent satisfaction. I accorded every lick of my tongue due diligence, savouring the flavour of her arousal.

Amber and Julie seized the opportunity to escalate things. Amber orally attended to Julie's nipple, and Julie engaged in the same, allowing me to inhale the sublime sensation accompanied by a synchronous surge of passion.

Eventually, Tara's mouth detached from mine while she continued to grasp my head. Combined, their hands tightened their grip and formed a team grasp of my head. Sensing the impending climax, I drove my eyeteeth into Tara's vagina's deepest depths and focused solely on pleasuring the trio of glorious women before me.

Destiny finally came to pass. Tara pushed me away with great force, and all three took turns staring at me.

"How was that, my cute little runner's warm-up?" I baited them. The women approached me, their lips interconnected while they examined my body. Then, the one with short black hair chimed in.

"You should've come." She grinned at me.

"Pretty good, but it's my turn next." Julie mused and approached me. To preserve my knees, I sat and leaned against the wall, allowing her to position herself on my face. I'd excited her enough that my tongue glided into her without resistance. I licked and kissed her, as Tara and Amber lowered themselves to support Julie's body. My hands roamed over their figures, teasing and licking Julie with the fervor of someone desperate for oxygen. We continued for a short while, the three of them hovering over my face as my ecstasy mounted in all of them. Despite being blind, I could hear the door to the bedroom open and the sound of several footsteps entering the hallway.

"Oh, what a delightful sight to witness in the morning!" A cheerful voice proclaimed, one I didn't recognize.

"Aww, Tina, it seems this unlucky guy's receiving no attention. Shall we help him out, dear?" I recognized Jessica's voice as they both chuckled and squatted beside me. I elevated my legs so they could remove my pants, exposing my hard erection. They immediately began to stroke and fondle me. Their hands prodded and praised my arousal, causing me to moan into Julie's vagina. I endured the sublime pleasure while simultaneously teasing and stimulating Julie's sex with my tongue.

Ocassionally, ladies would exit the bedroom, moaning that they had to leave, but others were able to join in on the fun for a few moments before excusing themselves. When Julie reached her resting point, she arose, granting me the chance to see Tina's face. I couldn't hold back a smile, admiring her long dark tresses before being enveloped by Amber's squat. I gave her the same treatment as the other two. Not much time passed before she achieved a powerful orgasm on my face, crying out my name while Tara and Julia supported her. I admired her leaving before Amber and Julia put their clothing back on, both out of breath.

"Whew, quite an invigorating experience, ladies! Any thoughts on doing a mile?" Both Julie and Amber smiled and agreed as they bent down to kiss me. I observed them walking away before focusing my attention on Tina and Jessica, who didn't stop massaging my cock. "Hey, girls, I don't think it's getting any harder." They exchanged a glance and a nod as Jessica leaned towards me for a tender kiss. She kept a hand on my erection and directed me into Tina, who gasped as she sat on me. With one hand on Tina's hip and the other on Jessica's face, we kissed.

"You feel indescribable." I murmured into Jessica's mouth as Tina jiggled herself up and down, her hands clinging to my chest. Jessica kissed me and began to caress my torso while simultaneously enveloping Tina in her embrace, showering her with affectionate kisses. Not long into it, Tina's moans grew louder, her breathing intensified and she began to shriek my name in ecstasy. Jessica pulled away to receive a kiss before climbing off my lap.

"I think I may know how to keep you satiated." She purred before she straddled my erection, planting herself on my awaiting member. I pushed my hips, and could only utter a gasp at the feeling of her enveloping me. I shut my eyes and humped my hips, clinging to Jessica's face in carnal desire as she moaned into me. Jessica edged towards climax, keening out in delight before she abandoned my body. Tina climbed to my other side.

"Can I stay here all day? Or at least a little while longer?" I asked, but Jessica just giggled.

"I think I know how to keep my man happy for as long as possible." She leaned back, clasping my waist, and guided me inside Tina. I remembered Tina gasping while wedged between Jessica's curves, her hands wandering my body as she moved rhythmically. Then I locked lips with Jessica, marveling at her kisses while Tina shifted bodily to achieve her climax with me using all of my willpower. Her motions slowed down, and finally she slid off me.

For a while, we lay in repose, caressing their delicate curls while occasionally sharing loving kisses. In time, they both leaned down for a deep embrace and stood up.

"It would've been nice to remain here for hours, but, unfortunately we need to get to work."

I sat there, watching as they gathered their belongings - a pencil skirt and flowing blouse for Tina, a seductive but work-friendly dress for Jessica. They walked hand in hand down the hallway, their swaying butts enticing my eyes as they left. I remained in the spot for a few moments, soaking in the silence that had taken over after the flurry of women who'd been surrounding me since I awoke. I struggled to catch my breath, but the excitement kept my cock erect. Stiff, I got up and fetched my own clothing, slipping into my sweatpants. I didn't see my top anywhere, so I headed downstairs before anyone confronted me in the hallway.

At the bottom of the stairs, I encountered a blue-haired girl playing a video game on the large TV screen. Her expression changed as she saw me, and she moaned as she greeted me. I noticed another red-haired girl buried between her thighs. I chuckled as the blue-haired girl sighed, "Looks like fun," and then kissed me.

"Ruby, it's so good to see you! This is my wife Alexa." Ruby's embrace made me return the kiss. I apologized for not remembering their names.

The red-haired girl suddenly stopped pleasuring her friend and moved closer. "Don't worry, it's not a big deal. My name is Kerrie." She stretched up and drew me in for another kiss, which exposed her friend's pussy.

"Wow, quite the perfect moment," I commented. Kerrie asked if I wanted to play a game while she and Alexa shared a laugh. I was led to the couch by Ruby, and Alexa and Kerrie scooted over, allowing me to settle between them as the game began.

"We've only been here for a few weeks before the accident," Alexa explained. "You must not remember us."

"Feels like years ago," I murmured, captivated by the triad in front of me.

As we played, the red-haired Kerrie decided her pussy had waited long enough, and she moved between Alexa's legs. I relaxed as they both began eating her out. I longed to finish this race and debated pressing the buttons in front of me when I felt Ruby's hands on my back. Her lips found mine in a tender kiss.

"You two are always fooling around with each other. Do you remember us?" Ruby's arms were wrapped around me, and I returned the kiss.

"No, I'm sorry, I genuinely don't." I said, a little embarrassed that I couldn't recall their names.

"It's alright," Alexa comforted. She was grateful for the explanation. I continued to watch the two mesmerizing women as they engaged in their lovemaking, arousing my own affections.

"One little surprise we added." Kerrie smiled, and I could see that my pants were emptying. When I craned my neck down, I saw Kerrie and Alexa kneeling in front of me, their mouths eagerly working my exposed member. I found myself grasping for buttons on the controller, trying to focus on the race but unable to progress.

"Do your best," Alexa said, jocularly. My mouth fell open as I attempted to direct my virtual racer, despite the pleasures being imparted upon my cock by the two women's affectionate tongues. However, I eventually mastered the game and climbed to 11th place.

Once again, I affirmed my position, "I'm still top 10!"

"That's a tough race, no wonder you can't get the hang of it," Raquel commented as she sauntered in. "You still have the high score."

"I'll make improvements over time," I joked and stood up to leave after re-covering my erection. "I'm going to grab something to eat."

I entered the next room and opened the door to a busy kitchen, three women gathering around the table overwhelmed with breakfast food: scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and pancakes. Recognizing some from my memories, I saw Veronica at the table when Amy caught my eye while making coffee. As if on cue, the brunette Heather turned over some bacon while sporting an apron with a ponytail.

My attention snapped when I was nudged, breaking me from my reverie. I greeted a woman who appeared to be in no hurry and leaned in to kiss her. "Jessica, it's so good to see you. Who's this?" I inquired, gesturing to the brunette holding the coffee pot.

"This is Amy," she introduced with a motherly smile. My attention remained on Amy as she turned to respond to Veronica. I studied Heather while I pondered over what to do next.

"I'm going to make some coffee," Amy's promise made me relax. "Small world with everyone gathering together."

During this time, I was unaware that my cock was not properly covered, exposing itself to anyone who happened to look. I hurriedly fixed the situation, steadying myself for what lay ahead.

"Oops, sorry, I'm in a hurry." The girl with curly hair, Selenia, rushed past me and snatched a slice of toast from the counter. She gave both me and Heather a quick kiss before dashing out of the room and out of the house. Her actions caught the attention of the women in the kitchen, who seemed excited but tried to hide it. Amy placed a plate in front of me, and I sat down to eat my breakfast.

Conversations started, and I learned the names of the two other women at the table - Hailee and Claire. Darcie approached me and gave me a kiss on my cheek before returning to her seat and talking to Amy.

The room continually filled with women until there were only me, Heather, and Darcie left. Heather turned off the stove and leaned against the counter, slightly out of breath.

"It's like this every morning?" I asked jokingly.

"This was quite a tame morning!" She said, smiling at me. I stood up and walked towards her, embracing her in a hug and giving her a kiss.

"Feelings okay with this every morning?" I started rubbing her shoulders while pulling her closer. Darcie stepped behind her and joined me in giving Heather a quick massage.

"She loves it, plus she doesn't have to work or pay rent." Darcie mentioned while Heather blushed.

"She's right. I'm okay with it." I pulled her in for another kiss as Heather's chest became moist. Darcie pulled my erection out and stroked it firmly while I focused on Heather's pussy, finding it already wet.

"Perhaps we should hire a maid, maybe a pretty French one that would fit in well here!" Darcie commented while continuing to kiss Heather.

"Just cooking, I'm not your maid, so you lot clean up after yourselves." Heather murmured before a moan slipped through. Darcie and I stopped massaging her and started kissing her neck instead.

"You are so wet already, are you ready for me?" I asked. Heather nodded, unable to speak with Darcie's mouth on her lips.

The counter's height made it perfect for me to tease Heather's pussy with the tip of my cock. I felt her growing aroused when I slid in and out of her slowly. I grabbed both Darcie and Heather's hair, guiding them as they kissed. This brought Heather to her climax, her fingers clawing into my back while I gripped her tighter and thrust my cock as far inside her as possible. I finally allowed her to relax, pulling out and watching her spasm and twitch. Darcie licked my shaft clean before we hugged and kissed Heather.

We left the kitchen for our coffees on the porch. Sipping mine, I shared stories with Darcie. After a few minutes, she shared her profession: Psychologist.

"Can you help with my... condition?" I asked, gesturing towards my head.

"I can't help physically, but your neurologist will. But emotionally, how are you handling everything? This must be quite a complexity for you." Darcie said, concerned.

I inhaled deeply and stared into the distance, contemplating my emotions. "I've been preoccupied with trying to remember people. I've not thought about how I feel. Honestly, it feels nice having everyone's attention. I feel like each girl genuinely cares for me. The ones I don't recall have still treated me well over time. The more I'm around all of you, the more it becomes natural." I sipped my coffee.

"But I feel guilty. I don't feel like I'm the same person these women know and love, and my memories don't feel like mine. I don't think I deserve their affection." I confessed.

Darcie put her cup down and embraced me, sitting on my lap. "We all know you're a kind person and good at heart."

"I'm sure you're just nervous given all the changes in your life recently. In time, you'll find that these memories will become your own, and you'll feel worthy of the love and support you're receiving." She reassured me as she kissed me gently.

"Stop thinking that way, you're still you. You deserve everything and more." She began to grind against me as she spoke, reviving my erection once again.

"Do you know how we first met? It was during my college years, probably a junior. And math was unnecessary for a psychology degree, you know." She lifted her dress and I freed my dick, allowing it to slip into her effortlessly with mutual groans.

"I was in the library the night before the final exam, I must've looked like such a disaster. There was no makeup, my hair was messy, and I'd consumed six iced coffees in an attempt to stay awake. Suddenly, you walked in. We had jointly attended a few classes, so you said hi to me. When you realized how stressful I was, you offered to assist, and we spent the entire night going over worksheets and flashcards. We even headed back to my dorm, and I dozed off in your arms with the textbook in my grasp. I woke up, and you'd departed, but you arrived with food and a fresh iced coffee."

I was thrusting harder and faster, her short black hair covered her face, so I brushed it away.

"That moment right there, baby, was the day I fell for you, particularly when I found out you had a final scheduled that same day, but you still spent all night with mmmm meee!"

Her voice turned into a high-pitched shriek as she climaxed, and I embraced her, kissing her passionately during her orgasm until her grinding became sluggish and lazy. Eventually, she stepped off of me.

She readjusted her dress and retrieved her coffee, and we resumed normal conversation.

Shortly after, the front door opened, and Sarah let it be known that she was there with Cami.

"Excellent timing, I have a client meeting to attend." Darcie kissed me and walked out, and I returned to the house to greet Sarah and Cami, considering what Cami would think of my unconventional living arrangements.

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