Celebrity Sex Stories

Removing Obstacles in Chapter 2

A camping excursion challenges the dynamics of a romantic pair.

May 2, 2024
20 min read
woodsThe Clearing Ch. 02seductioncheatingcuckoldvolleyballcampingvoyeurquickieorgasm denialoutdoor
The Clearing Ch. 02
The Clearing Ch. 02

Removing Obstacles in Chapter 2

The story that follows is a product of the author's imagination and should not be taken as truth. The individuals mentioned are over the age of eighteen and their names, actions, and events are purely fictitious.

The night was fast approaching with its darkness and chill as Alexa and Mark hurried to set up their tent. Both of them were tired, angry, and famished. Mark had brought hot dogs and marshmallows but required the assistance of a fire to cook them. Neither Alexa nor Mark possessed the necessary skills to create such a fire. Marie and Zac remained in the RV out of sight, giggling and apparently listening to an adult film.

Deciding to gather some wood, Mark ventured into the forest, using his cellphone as a makeshift flashlight. Despite not having thought to charge the battery, he was certain he would come across some wood somewhere among the dense trees.

Alexa headed over to the car in search of the hot dogs and marshmallows. They were located in the cooler at the back. Bumbling in the dark, she could not locate the hot dogs and grabbed the cooler instead, which flung to the floor violently, threatening to break. Frustrated and hungry, Alexa struggled with the cooler, dragging it to the picnic table to examine its contents better.

When she searched for Mark, he had vanished into the darkness, so she remained at the table in hopes of finding the elusive hot dogs. Zac emerged from the RV, wearing a thick coat with fur lining and brown pants. He had abandoned his shirt, revealing a sculpted, muscular frame.

"You managing over there?" Zac inquired with a smug expression, flaunting his physical attributes.

"Yeah," Alexa mumbled without enthusiasm.

"Heard Mark went to fetch some wood. Good luck with that," Zac commented thoughtfully before glancing back at the RV.

"Where's your brother?" Alexa asked gruffly.

"It's Mark," she corrected him. "He ventured into the forest in search of firewood."

"Hope he finds some."

Trying to locate the hot dogs in the cooler, Alexa groaned in frustration. When Zac emerged from the RV again, he noticed her dilemma and stepped up to help.

"Here, let me take a look," he offered, earning a skeptical gaze from Alexa.

Placing the coat on the table, he focused on the cooler, making quick work of the search. Alexa watched, equally intrigued and annoyed by Zac's self-assuredness.

"Aha! I found them," he beamed, marketing the hot dogs with triumph.

"Thanks," Alexa mumbled, unable to avoid his assistance.

"No problem," Zac replied, slipping his coat from his shoulders and offering it to her. "I'm already warm enough."

Alexa hesitated to accept, unwilling to admit she needed help from him. Despite her reservations, she stood up, stepping out of the cooler, and discovered that her ice-cold hands made handling the sizzling meat difficult. Catching Zac's eye, she sighed and reluctantly accepted the offered coat.

"You should be cold," Zac teased, receiving a disapproving glare.

Catching him by surprise, Alexa grabbed the coat before returning to the table. Remaining independent, she grilled the hot dogs and roasted the marshmallows while Zac sauntered back to the RV.

"You wanted to brag about your RV or your truck or your…" She couldn't complete the sentence before calling out to Zac, who had reappeared. "What are you back for? Showing off is more like it."

"I just happened to be here worrying about you," Zac responded, his grin disappearing. "What am I supposed to gloat about?"


"Then why get so angry?" he pressed.

"I'm not."

Confused, Zac took a step closer. "Well, what's this?"

He approached her, examining her face intently. "Is this anger? Envy? Arousal?"

Caught off guard by his shamelessness, Alexa stammered, "It doesn't matter."

Zac stepped even closer, invading her personal space. "You may not be ready to acknowledge it, but I'm pretty sure you're feeling more than you want to."

"Stop," she said, seeking to maintain some distance.

"Or maybe you just want someone to dominate you."

Horrified, Alexa's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Reflecting on her encounter with Mark that day, she recalled how close they had been to climax, with Alexa virtually holding on for dear life.

"If you want to play your games, go back to the RV and marry Marie," she snapped, turning her back to him.

"Fine," Zac said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It was fun while it lasted."

"It's always fun for you," Alexa spat back.

"By the way, did you know you're a better lay than your sister?" Zac asked as he entered the RV, shutting the door behind him.

Getting enraged, Alexa squared off against Zac, "You can't speak to me likethat!"

"Why not Alexa? You know you're better than that."

"What!? I have a boyfriend. You're dating my sister!" Alexa exclaimed, heaving a sigh.

"Oh yeah, boyfriend. If he were a man, he wouldn't've left you stranded. He would've provided heat. Shred that smelly tent. He'd have you sitting by a roaring fire, grilling franks. If he had any actual survival skills, he'd've upgraded your accommodations like I have for Marie."

Hearing her sister's name piqued Alexa's interest. She peered at the camper where the door was still shut, the TV still in operation. She imagined that maybe Marie could've heard their conversation, and perhaps, that was for the best.

"Just camping."

Zac moved closer to Alexa, his expression menacing. "Camping my ass! All humans are driven by those basic instincts. Fuck. Fight. Feast. Sleep. We don't require any more than thoseto thrive, and that's what both men and women actually yearn for. A true man wouldn't've withdrawn and let you escape when we arrived. He'd've completed the act. He'd've demonstrated his ownership of you."

Alexa felt her blood boil. She resisted the temptation to let him touch her, despite running images in herhead of Mark ravishing her. The image of Zac and Marie stepping out of his truck beside Mark was engraved, as he fucked her.

"You're such a chauvinist pig," Alexa jeered, still caught in Mark's rape fantasy.

Zac's face hardened, and he walked towards his fur-lined coat. He put it on, his coat covering his manly body. "If all I provide is Fuck. Fight. Feast. Sleep, then I'll take back my coat. You don't need a man or a man's coat. You're fitted out for all that, remember how to find me if required. Just follow the screams from your sister."

"Fuck you!" Alexa shouted indignantly, as Zac opened the camper's door. Seconds later, she could hear them engaging in a bisexual orgy, with Marie screaming, "Oh Zac! Yes! Fuck me Zac! Zac! Oh please! Zac! Fuck me, Zac! Oh!"

Recklessly walking through the woods, Mark was searching for logs to help start a fire. His phone's light flickering, he didn't observe it. He was on autopilot, admiring the surroundings and getting in synch with nature. Completely unaware of his situation, he could've carelessly gone deeper into the forest. It started to get dark and preternaturally cold when his phone died. Suddenly startled, he felt his own skin crawl. Since he was no longer aided by technology, he found himself at odds as he couldn't locate the camp or find his way back.

Cold and scared, Alexa's numbing body began shaking even more. In the vehicle, the bite of the mountain air didn't dissipate, but it was warmer within. Pondering her experience camping, she realized neither she nor Marie had engaged in camping activities before meeting Zac.

Marie seemed to make camping out seem incredibly enticing - and packaging sex in the process. Alexa wasn't outwardly optimistic about Mark's potential change when they came to the clearing but realized, listening to Zac, she doubted it might have been a boon. After all, she shivered and reminisced about the "Fuck. Fight. Feast. Sleep" regarding Zac and his brutish persona.

Furious, Alexa stood up and went to her vehicle. Here, the strong breeze didn't feel as punishing as where she was before, and it was slightly warm inside. She had never seen Mark when he was pushed to the limits and realized, maybe he could change in this wild space.

Marie and Alexa were constantly competing against each other. While Alexa, the older sister, was always the winner, she could see how her little sister was growing more popular with boys and earning her parents' affection. From grades to athletic skills to behavior, Alexa took the lead in all aspects of life. However, there was one area where Alexa had not had the same success: relationships.

Alexa's love life was mediocre at best. She had only been in a few relationships with gentle, respectful boys, but had never experienced the wild side. However, this did not stop Alexa from grappling with what it would be like to be with someone different. Her fondest thoughts often wandered to the things her parents would never approve of.

Her parents had numerous conversations with Marie about her promiscuous behavior. Her mother once confessed, "We're surprised you didn't get pregnant from being so active." Her father's voice, strict and cold, echoed, "What's wrong with you?" Despite being pretty and fit, her parents' dissatisfaction stuck with Alexa.

Alexa and Marie didn't get along for most of their lives. Just recently, they had started trying to mend their relationship. Alexa had tried encouraging Marie to break off her new relationship with Zac, a guy she believed was more her father's age, overly confident, cocky, and disgusting, but her efforts bore no fruit. The more Alexa attempted to persuade her sister to leave Zac, the more Marie fell in love with him. The better she got with him, the more Alexa knew he was breaking her. Strange as it might have sounded, Alexa admired how well Zac dominated her sister.

Mark was Alexa's definition of the perfect boyfriend. He was charming, handsome, and showed Alexa the kind of respect she needed. He seemed to be doing well in school. Plus, he was comforting and seemed like he could take care of her. As she shivered in the darkness, something inside of her yearned for Mark to return, not only because he'd keep her warm but also like a real man. She heard Zac's voice in her head, jabbing at her, "A real man would take control, make you his own."

As Mark navigated through the dark woods, his thoughts strayed to Alexa. With her beauty and her talents, he was astounded that he had landed her. His friends didn't believe it was real when he showed them her photographs. Finally, when they met her, they came to understand reality.

His biggest concern of the trip was whether Alexa would be angry or upset about his disappearance. Maybe he had lost his way in the dark? The wood he carried seemed dry, and he had matches to start a fire. The three-day survival trip seemed terrifyingly long with Zac's presence.

While Alexa was at the campsite, he was sure she couldn't stand being so close to Zac and his revolting attitude, let alone the way he treated Marie. His heart sank at the thought of how Marie perfectly suited Zac's needs.

When Alexa stepped out into the open clearing, the wind was unbearable. Instruction to get back into the car was in her mind, but she decided to be resolute. She braced herself for the cold, seen Zac waiting for her at the camper, his cute body, alluring and warm.

Bursts of laughter filled the air as she approached. It was Mark's farewell to the movie. She sighed and approached the camper, careful not to look directly at Zac standing in the doorway.

"So, little sister," Zac said, his body in all its nudity. "I suppose you've come for the third prize?"

Alexa, her eyes covered by her hand, uttered quietly, "Can you please put some pants on?"

"Oh, a nudist camp, just for you," Zac said, trying to sound as grotesque as possible.

Marie appeared on the bed, her naked body half covered by the blankets. Her erect nipples and rumpled hair confirmed Zac's nighttime activities. Alexa, not wanting to be caught peeping again, hid her embarrassment.

"What do you need?" Zac inquired in a playful tone, turning his head toward the door.

"Mark has not returned yet," Alexa replied, hesitant even to look at him. "He's been gone for an hour and a half. I thought you would've left?"

Her heartbeat quickened, her breath shallow and tense as she was continually confronted with the one man who made her skin crawl.

"I'll retrieve him," Zac offered, his warm body emitting heat into the cold night.

Feeling the shivers wrack her body, Alexa yearned only for Mark at the moment. "Just go find him," Alexa pleaded, holding her body tightly shut against the cold sensation.

Alexa had her doubts that Mark would take kindly to her sending Zac after him. Given his response to setting up the tent earlier, she had her reservations. She didn't know what to do, yet she was genuinely concerned about his whereabouts. At the same time, she was taken aback by Zac's swift action and the genuine care he showed when he mentioned he'd go look for him. However, she was still guarded by what he had said and, quite frankly, his nudity.

"I'm not frightened... He's merely been gone a spell," Alexa replied, peeking up again and regretting it upon seeing Zac's imposing, erect member staring at her.

"Gotta save Mark, sweetheart!" Zac exclaimed as he hastily threw on a pair of pants and shoes, leaving his torso uncovered as he threw on his coat. Obsessed with the impressive bulge in his trousers as he descended, she didn't get out of the way fast enough, and they collided. Falling back, Zac maneuvered her towards him.

Then Alexa heard Mark calling out to her from the darkness.

"Alexa!" Mark hooted when he hobbled into the clearing with what remained of the pitiful firewood heap in his arms, but she couldn’t hear her, nor could he see her by the tent or in the automobile. He continued stumbling forward, carrying the firewood, his eyes probing the clearing for movement.

In the distant gloom, he spotted the bright caravan glowing like a firefly. Alexa was standing there, conversing with Zac, and he was completely naked. His body stood out in the light of the doorway.

Incapable of hearing their conversation, Mark dropped the wood and called to Alexa, but she couldn't hear him. Dismayed by his exposure, he hesitated a moment. After Zac returned to the caravan dressed, he sped into action.

"ALEXA!" Mark bellowed.

Startled by Mark and Zac's strong arms around her, Alexa pushed off Zac's chiseled chest, but he would not let her go.

"He made it home, huh?" Zac remarked, his attention focused on Alexa.

"Yes." Alexa agreed, starring back.

Mark strolled over to the caravan as Alexa disentangled herself.

"What are you up to?" Mark accused Zac.

"Lost your phone, huh?" Zac responded calmly.

"No, my phone expired, and it was dark. What the hell were you naked for?"

"Just following the rules of the nudist campground. No clothes are permitted here - not even for myself."

"Well, put on some pants when you're around my lady!" Mark demanded.

"No worries, bro," Zac replied, with a passive-aggressive tone. "I'll groove to my own rhythm - with my dong out. It's all natural, man. We're in nature. I never noticed you and your girlfriend's clothes when we arrived."

"F*ck you, Zac." Mark fumed, but before he could utter any more, he caught sight of Marie standing in the kitchen, her fantastic rear prominently displayed. He had pondered what she appeared like without attire. He had heard rumors in college concerning her... yet seeing her shapely buttocks, he experienced a sudden surge of emotion.

"Stay in your cabin and we'll remain in our tent." Mark dictated.

"Cool, dude. I'll vibe out fully nude. It's routine, pal. In nature, there's no need for clothes."

"Enjoy your time, and I'll stay clothed," Mark growled.

Mark seized Alexa's hand, pulling her toward their tent without speaking another word. They entered in silence, each contemplating the day's interactions. Mark about Alexa in Zac's embrace, and Alexa regarding Zac's words - 'F*ck. Fight. Eat. Sleep'.

"Why didn't you command him to put his pants on?" Mark enquired eventually.

"Forget about him," Alexa said.

"I don't understand how Marie endures him."

"Good looks and confidence are decent attributes," Alexa said unwittingly.

"What!" Mark exclaimed, a touch of wrath in his voice.

"Sorry, Mark. Just shake it off." Alexa said, attempting to cover her blunder.

They sat in silence. Each contemplating the past events. Mark about Alexa with Zac's embrace, and Alexa about Zac's words - 'F*ck. Fight. Eat. Sleep'.

Indeed, he had noticed that, Alexa thought as she took a second to reply, "I did mention it to him."

"You should've left instead of staying there."

"I was concerned about you, and you weren't responding. I needed his help." Alexa stated, her own anger starting to surface.

"Was that why he grabbed you?"

"Grabbed me?"

"He grabbed you after he put his pants on."

"How long were you observing?" Alexa inquired, turning her head toward Mark, "He didn't grab me. I slipped and he caught me."

"Oh," Mark replied, pausing briefly, "It didn't look like that."

Grab me, she mused. He didn't grab me; he caught me. Her anger ebbed away, replaced by drowsiness. Right before she shut her eyes for good, Mark said, "I just got a little turned around. On my way back, my phone ran out of power."

"Did you remember to pack a flashlight for tomorrow?" Alexa asked.

"No. I forgot it." Mark acknowledged.

"You said you had everything under control."

"I thought I did."

The anger left Alexa as well, and she didn't say anything more. She shivered in her sleeping bag, fully conscious of the coldness spreading through her. A scene featuring Zac's penis very near her mouth suddenly flashed into her mind. Maybe this day could have a positive outcome after all, she pondered.

"It's going to be quite chilly tonight," she remarked, recalling Zac's words the day before when they were by the picnic table.

"Yep," Mark answered.

"Perhaps we should share the sleeping bag for warmth," Alexa suggested, turning to him, still contemplating the experience back at the camper.

"There's simply not enough room in the sleeping bag," Mark replied, exhausted and seemingly oblivious to her intended meaning.

They could hear the heater in the camper kicking in and out, followed by laughter from within. During the night, the heater continued this routine, keeping everyone within the camper warm as the chill persisted outside and they tossed and turned on the hard, cold ground.

The following morning, Alexa awoke to the sound of sizzling bacon in the distance. Mark was still sleeping, his hair sticking up wildly. She felt a bit of fondness for him despite the incident from the previous evening and her restless night.

She got out of the tent, and couldn't help but take in the wonderful smells wafting through the air. Zac was tending to a frying pan over a campfire, the aroma of bacon and sausage filling the air. A kettle sat beside the pan, steaming slightly.

"Hey there, Sparky," Zac said. "What an eventful night?"

"Yeah," Alexa muttered, trying to smooth out her hair. She sat down on a log near the fire to warm her hands and feet. The day bore the promise of being pleasantly serene as the sun made its way up.

"Got something hot to wake you up, pretty lady," Zac quipped, employing a slight cowboy accent. He poured her a cup of coffee in a tin cup, which felt novel and unsettled her cold toes. She held the cup gently, waiting for it to heat up.

The two sat in silence, Alexa anticipating some sort of juvenile remark from Zac - or for Mark to awaken - but neither occurred. Zac continued to cook the pork.

"Where's Marie?" Alexa inquired.

"She's sleeping. She had quite a night." Zac responded, winking suggestively.

Alexa attempted to disregard his crude remark and focused on the coffee, which she cautiously tasted. The rich aroma of coffee delighted her. She ended up liking it without cream or sugar. As she sipped it, her body warmed from within, slowly returning her to a lively state.

"Delicious," Alexa remarked.

"I know," Zac smugly said.

Almost with a sigh, Alexa looked down at her unfinished coffee and rolled her eyes. "You're such a kid."

Zac smiled smugly, "That's called confidence."


"Alrighty then, what's your specialty?" Zac challenged.

"Volleyball. I'm the MVP this year. I'm the best on the team. I could kick your ass easily."

Zac smirked, "Who's being cocky now?"

Alexa gave an embarrassed grin, "I fell into your trap."

"Listen, you're really good at volleyball." Zac conferred, "I caught your game on TV."

"You did?" she queried, astonished.

"Hell, yeah!" Zac proclaimed.

"I didn't know our games were aired on TV," Alexa revealed.

"Had to catch that MVP in action," Zac joked, winking mischievously. Alexa scowled, took a long drink from her cup, and returned to the tent.

"Listen, you're exceptional at volleyball," Zac declared, stopping her. "I watched one of your games on TV last month - against Florida State."

"Really?" Alexa asked, at once surprised and pleased.

"They don't partake in ordinary services, but Marie and I opt for a variety of channels, allowing us to access certain ones."

Alexa raised her eyebrows, her suspicion evident.

"What's the reason behind that?" Alexa questioned.

"I have a strong fondness for female volleyball athletes." Zac responded coyly.

"I have a feeling you do, indeed." Alex added with less animosity.

"Their sportswear, specifically the bikini bottoms and tops, really appeal to me." Zac continued. "And you look amazing wearing it."

These words appealed to Alexa, their sentiment not seeming so repulsive after all. A small segment of the public had accused the sportswear as sexist, but none of her teammates seemed to care nor was she bothered by it. If she could admit this to herself, then perhaps others could do the same.

"You shouldn't say such things." Alexa insisted.

"What exactly shouldn't I say?" Zac inquired.

"You know exactly what." She interrupted the silence. "I'll say it's inappropriate."

"Well, why is that?" Zac questioned.

"Imagine Marie overhears you." For a moment, Alexa pondered Zac's prior comment before continuing. "And what if my boyfriend catches wind of it?"

"He already knows you're desirable." Zac commented while looking her straight in the eye.

Alexa's thoughts drifted back to yesterday's events. Had she heard the sounds of Zac and Marie's encounter? Were those the reasons her boyfriend hadn't objected?

"Please refrain from making these statements to me."

"Why? What did I say?"

Marie interrupted her, appearing from nowhere.

"I told you she looks good in her volleyball bikini." Zac reminded, pointing towards Alexa.

"You do," Marie concurred while smiling.

Caught off guard, Alexa realized she expected a more hostile reaction from Marie. Perhaps she had matured over time. As the thought crossed her mind, she remembered Mark hadn't purchased the viewing pass Zac had been talking about.

"Ahem..." Alexa spoke to break the topic.

"Mmm, I'm famished," Marie cooed, redirecting the conversation.

"That's how I feel," Zac agreed while winking at Alexa.

"But what would you like if you could have both?" Marie teased while getting up.

"Maybe we could work something out," Zac responded while grabbing Marie. He kissed her passionately then nibbled on her neck. All the while, Alexa sat dumbfounded, feeling as if she was no longer part of the conversation.

"You're quite hungry, my dear." Marie whispered after a brief moment.

"Quantities are limited, continue." Zac told her before standing. Alexa observed as Marie strode away, and gulped, still speechless.

Zac chuckled as he made his way into the camper, but Alexa stayed put.

"Did you enjoy our breakfast, Miss Sunshine?" Zac inquired.

"Yes, it was delicious." Alexa stated truthfully.

"Thank you. Next up, it's your turn."

To her surprise, Marie returned to hand out plates, handing one to Alexa. Mark followed, sitting down next to her. The group exchanged small talk before clearing their dishes.

"Zac, what's the plan for today?" Mark inquired.

"I'm not too sure. Are you expecting anything?" Zac asked.

"I hadn't considered it. We could go hiking."

"Sounds good. GuysReady!" Zac said, employing a common slang term.

The silence was overbearing as they devoured their meals, until Zac stood to serve their plates, beginning with his own. Next was Marie's, then Alexa's, and lastly, Mark's. After dispensing their plates, Alexa noticed she received an additional sausage and immediately remembered Zac's earlier wink. Feeling hungry and desperate, Alexa didn't question it.

"Tasty meal," Alexa complimented.

"This is an achievement, my dear." Zac said before heading back into the camper, leaving Alexa to wonder how he managed to influence Marie that way and if she was truly changed.

"Thank you, Zac."

Eating in silence, Alexa couldn't help but notice the humorous titillation she felt. She'd never heard anyone address Marie in that way before.

Zac returned, causing her thoughts to vanish, and she observed as her discomfort reemerged. "I should check on Marie to ensure she follows our rules...and wears her uniform." He said with a sly smirk towards Alexa.

Alexa watched in awe, slightly repulsed by the very thought but unable to refute it, as Zac moved back into the camper and Marie's voice and Moans filled the air.

Alexa entered the tent with Mark, who was in his sleeping bag, dozing. She lay down on her bed and attempted to banish the memory of the two in the camper from her mind.

"Mark, are you awake?" she inquired.

When Mark didn't respond, she snuggled into her bedding. It was colder inside the tent than outside, but it was warmer than the previous night, so she slept the sleep she had missed the night before.

"Hey, what's happening in the tent?" Zac called from outside.

Mark woke up to the jerk's voice but didn't react. In his half-awake state, he noticed Alexa beside him. Her hair was disheveled, and her clothes looked dirty, but she was still stunningly attractive.

"Let's go on a hike!" Zac yelled.

Mark loathed him. The sound of his voice. His infuriating personality—he hadn't forgotten what had occurred last night, either, and he had spent the entire night with sexual fantasies of Marie walking around naked in the camper. He had considered slipping in underneath Alexa in the darkness of the night and climbing into her sleeping bag, but he thought she wouldn't enjoy that after their recent fight.

Alexa shifted next to Mark. Even though her sweater concealed her breasts, Mark felt the familiar sensation when near her.

He shifted and attempted to kiss her on the cheek to rouse her. She opened her eyes and stretched her arms outside her bedding.

"Mmm," she murmured. "That's nice."

He kissed her again, and their kisses deepened. Mark felt his cock becoming hard, and he slid his hand down to the bulge in his jeans.

"What are you guys doing in there?" Marie inquired.

"Just a minute," Alexa responded. "We'll be ready in about fifteen minutes."

Mark emerged from his bedding and nearly attacked Alexa with kisses. They hurriedly climbed into her bag, and Alexa reciprocated Mark's morning neck kiss.

Spurred on by their mutual cravings, they wasted no time like they did the previous day. Mark removed his pants, his erect penis visible in the frigid air, while Alexa pushed her pants down and off on one foot but not the other.

Mark didn't hesitate. He plunged into her bare and raw, and Alexa muffled her cries using her own hand. He moved slowly for a limited time before her moans lessened into pleasure and his cock warmed up.

"Mmm," he murmured softly.

"Come on, you two!" Marie giggled.

"Hang on a second," Alexa snapped angrily. Eyeing Mark carefully, she could see his resolve wavering. His cock was slowing down.

"Don't you dare stop," she hissed, glaring at him angrily. She refused to be denied this time. He was going to fuck her or else suffer the consequences.

Mark continued thrusting into her, and the laughter and whispers of Marie and Zac outside the tent filled the air. Angered, Mark kept up his thrusts, yet Alexa held him together with her arms.

They fucked like this, with Marie and Zac whispering and laughing outside. Their impending orgasms arrived quickly while Marie and Zac kept themselves entertained.

"I'm close," Mark whispered, Marie's ass in the kitchen the previous night on his mind as he fucked Alexa.

"So close," Alexa murmured, her own orgasm building within her while considering her revenge against Marie and Zac.

But Mark couldn't hold back any longer. He pictured how Zac must be fucking Marie and coveted revenge. The excitement caused his cock to explode, and he pulled out of her warm opening, splashing his semen onto her sweater.

"I couldn't control myself," he apologized, feeling remorse as he dropped onto his back, emotionally exhausted.

Alexa stayed still for a moment, considering exploring her arousal herself but didn't.

"It's okay, Mark," she said comfortingly. "We can try again tonight and let you get me off properly."

"Let's go!" Zac shouted, shaking the tent for emphasis.

"We're on our way," Mark retorted angrily.

I didn't do it. Alexa mused as she emerged from the tent, wearing her cum-covered sweater. When she came out, Marie glanced down at the stains and smirked.

"What were the two of you up to in there?" Marie quizzed flirtatiously.

Alex stated, "Only altering the situation," as Mark came out from the tent, his trousers wrinkled and improperly adjusted.

"Must be challenging to change in there considering the size," Zac commented. "I heard you both grunting about like it was a locker room."

"Yes, it's a bit confined within," Alexa replied subconsciously, and Mark's neck hair stood on end as Marie chuckled, but he wasn't sure why.

"Break free, amorous pairs!" Zac exclaimed, and taking Marie's hand, they headed into the woods. Mark and Alexa followed suit. Alexa observed how Zac took charge and knew exactly what he was doing. She began to understand better what Marie found attractive about him. Mark observed Marie's ass, which was well-defined in her tight yoga pants.

At the trailhead, Alexa asked, "Where precisely are we going?"

"To the summit, of course. Three miles up. Three miles back. Gradually rising elevations throughout." Zac answered.

They walked one at a time on the narrow path, Zac at the front, Marie behind him, Alexa behind her, and Mark at the back. They didn't speak or communicate much during the first mile as Zac kept a hard pace. By the second mile, everyone was drenched in sweat, and Marie had switched positions with Alexa, becoming the second and third in line.

Mark took the second mile at a leisurely pace, enthralled by Marie's ass swaying back and forth as they hiked. On particularly steep sections of the trail, a glimpse of her underwear could be seen over the top of her yoga pants, underneath her shirt. She wore forest green panties.

It wasn't until Mark glanced away from Marie that he noticed Alexa and Zac were no longer in the lead.

Marie and he had let them slip behind.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de