
Rent Boy Ch. 06

Clea and Charlie make a plan.

Jul 21, 2024
17 min read
humiliationfuta on malename callingRent Boy Ch. 06degradationroughdubious consent
Rent Boy Ch. 06
Rent Boy Ch. 06

Rent Boy Ch. 06

Somewhere deep inside Charlie, he enjoyed this. Enjoyed the sensation of his hips being gripped, hair being pulled. Even the feeling of soft groin flesh slapping against his ass, the feeling of her cock boring out his hole. Clea didn't seem like she'd lost any energy since she'd come. If anything, she seemed more pumped, more desperate to fuck. She dragged her fingers down his back, making him arch his back and moan. Clea moaned with him as she felt his tight ring contract around her girthy cock, feeling his insides stretch as her head drove itself deeper and deeper inside his guts.

Oh, today was a good fucking day.

She slapped his ass again, and picked up the pace more, finding some other reserve of energy deep inside and burning that down to its nub. She looked over at the clock...

Not long now.

She kept fucking him, driving her cum deeper inside him, his asshole squelching lewdly as her cumsoaked cock popped out and then back in again. Clea loved the sensation of it all, and bent over Charlie's back, nibbling his ear. Not long now... 3, 2 and now... 1.

Clea shot another load, this time deeper inside Charlie as the room filled with a piercing beep. Clea swore, looking behind her. The security camera that was blinking red was now completely turned off, facing the floor. They had some time, but not a lot, not before Velma dealt with whatever she was dealing with and came back. She pulled out, her wet cock slapping against her thigh as it started to soften.

She lightly slapped Charlie's ass.Warm cum began to drip out as his ass jiggled. His brain still felt fried, so his mouth opened and closed wordlessly in awe and pain as he knelt there, ass rising in the air as his head fell to the ground.

"Hey, hey, turn around Charlie. I promise I'm not going to fuck you anymore... well no, I'll definitely try to fuck you again, just not now."

Charlie slowly brought himself up to his elbows, then up to his knees. He slowly turned himself around, dazed, staring at Clea. Clea wasn't looking at him, instead looking down at two pills in her hands. One green, the other white. Charlie remembered seeing her come in with a clenched hand: she must've smuggled pills in and hidden them in the folds of the dog bed while she fucked him to keep them away from Velma.

"Can't fucking remember which one it is. I think it might be green." She held onto Charlie's nose and forced his mouth open, placing the pill on his tongue and closing his jaw with both hands so he had no choice but to swallow.

"Open!" Charlie opened his mouth. The pill was gone. Clea smirked, and took her pill, laying back in the bed. "Good. If I've done this right, that was the caffeine pill and you'll be able to walk on your own two legs soon. The pill I took is going to knock me out so no-one can say I should have tried to chase you."

"Chase me?"

Clea flicked his head. Charlie winced, holding his forehead. "Listen up fuckmeat. You need to steal some clothes from here and leave through that exit." She gestured to the door behind her, and Charlie's eyes followed her fingers. "From there, just follow the printed instructions I left on the floor, that'll get you to the mall. Try to stay out of sight. It'll be a big crowd so maybe grab a hoodie. When you're in there, our mutual friend will take care of you."


Clea scoffed. "Sarah couldn't take care of a fucking goldfish. Just take the clothes and leave. I'm - ahh - fucking yawning already." 

Charlie felt his brain beginning to crackle. It was a weird sensation, a sensation of a brain just now waking up after having spent the past... what, hour, thirty minutes or thirty hours in a daze. Things became clearer, tears of exhaustion no longer forming behind his eyes. He stood up - wobbling - but stood tall, shaking out an arm and a leg. He felt better than he had in hours.

Which reminded him. How much free ti---

"Sarah's probably going to ram a car through the front door once she sees the feed cut out, so you have to leave now!" Clea slapped him on the leg and Charlie yelped, spurred back into action. He could see Clea getting more and more drowsy. At times, Clea's head rocked back slowly, her eyes closing only to snap open and her head to rock forwards in alarm. Every time her eyes would open back up, she'd be groggier and drowsier, more prepared to fall asleep the next time her eyes closed.

Clea's eyes closed, and Charlie counted the full ten seconds before she snapped away with a shout, startling him. She gave him a dirty talk, gesturing back to the shelves before laying back on the bed.

"Fuck. That's strong stuff."

As Charlie looked around the store, he could hear Clea starting to snore from behind him. Fuck, that drug was working well. He had no time to think about that, just had to get new clothes. He heard banging at the front door, curses from Velma directed outside the store.


There were people keeping her distracted. Clea had planned this. He looked over at the rough but somewhat chubby woman who had just come twice into his ass, and tried to consolidate the feeling of her nails still fresh down his back with the idea that she had taken a drug and organised a crowd for a chance for him to get to safety.

He'd thank her later. For now, he had to get a shirt.

He raced past shelves of food items and tech to find some clothes hanging on coat-hangers and lying in neat little piles inside cardboard boxes. He had to pick whatever would give him the most cover, make it less obvious he was, well, a "he." The most surprising thing in this place would be a guy, so despite his own reservations, he'd have to look as unisex or as feminine as possible. And to him, that meant pink shirts.

He grabbed a pink shirt, one he wouldn't be caught dead in. He threw it on and looked down at the graphic design for it: "Momma's little girl," with love hearts and cocks surrounding the bubbly letters. There were three boxes of these shirts, and Charlie didn't want to think about what had to happen to the shirts or to the people wearing them to warrant this much stock. He shook his head, trying to stop thinking about giant cocks and loads, just as the lights went out. 

Charlie's head snapped to the ceiling, to the lights that were slowly dimming. Probably a sign to get the fuck out even more urgently.

He pulled on some boxers, shuddering in disgust as the legs of the boxers became moist: the cum that had settled on the back of his thighs began to seep into the fabric. He pulled on a pair of light gray tracksuit pants, a purple scarf and a gray cap to complete the set. No - he hoped - he looked like any other girl out on a run. He pulled the cap down over his eyes as he walked towards the backdoor and opened it, gently closing it behind him so as to not wake up Clea. Clea's cock twitched with another load of pre as she began to dream. She said something, under her breath, as Charlie was about to leave. It was faint, barely anything, and took him a second to recall a name. A name Charlie recognised but forgot immediately. He knew the name, knew that she was naming her accomplice.

He twisted his head back to face her, to try and remember what she had just said. There was pounding on the door from the shop.

"Fucking damn it." Charlie pulled the heavy steel door behind him, eager to leave this nightmare place as his butthole twitched in relief.

As Charlie went through the exit and stepped into the underground passage that headed out to the park and the mall, he noticed the dead feeling this place gave him immediately. Where the loading bay was filled with the sounds of air-conditioning, the cardboard boxes and containers stacked to the ceiling giving the space a sense of life and abundance, this place was empty and silent. In the distance, car tyres squeaked. But in between those moments, everything was dead. Charlie sat down, breathing in and out, slumping against the wall and resting his head against it. He was so tired. So full.

His ass felt so sore but so good. Clea had spanked his ass, making it tender and hard to sit on without shifting weight from time to time.

Did he like this? He had to consider that. Had to consider how horny he was when Velma poured the cum down his throat, how much he came as Clea milked him through only fucking his ass. Even thinking about those events caused a hitch in his chest, nostrils to flare and his heart to quicken. His cock rose against the fabric of the boxers, the cum that still coated his dick making the fabric moist.

Maybe he did like this. He'd had some success with girls before, but had never considered himself desirable. Perhaps it was this place, a place where he was a rare commodity that people fought and schemed over, that made him feel like this. It was romantic in a sense, before you remembered it was populated with rapists and assholes.

Speaking of, would it be better to go back to Sarah? She had promised him three hours of free time, though Charlie got the sense it was more a curse than a blessing. Three hours where anyone could rape him was the vibe he was picking up. Sarah truly didn't care for him then, didn't care for his wellbeing and safety, to throw him to the wolves with no safety net. He thought he knew that already, knew that from the blowjobs and the ass invasions. Still, there was some part of him that thought he should endure the torture so that he could see the 'Ice Queen' exterior crack and fall away, at last revealing a loving partner.

Wouldn't it have been good to have his girlfriend be the same one to decide how his rent gets paid, and to pay her in sex? That seemed like the dream. To be a stay-at-home husband, doing all the arts and crafts and engineering projects he never seemed to have the time to do, and the only payment being butt-stuff - which on the whole, hadn't been too bad. He had gotten pleasure out of it, and clearly she did too. It's the method he disagreed on, even though before he would never have considered it.

He had gone from being a 100% straight male at the start of... (what, yesterday, two days ago?) and was now seriously considering the pros and cons of receiving anal sex from a maniac.

Charlie broke down in a soft sob, hands over his face.

If he could change his position on anal sex in a day or two, what were the chances he could change his position on how he took that anal sex over the next three. This place was corrupting him, fucking with his morals and will. He could still feel the high from drinking all that cum still surging through his system, could still feel it drooping out of his ass and his tongue licked at the salty crust Velma's cum formed on his chin as it dried.

He had noticed this while getting changed to leave for free time, but had not lingered on it, but the thought came to him freely this time. When getting dressed, he noticed the elastic straining more than it used to. His pants fit tighter. He could feel it. Could feel his own butt getting bigger.


The cum really was changing him. He knew different cum had different effects but... could it have just been a natural change instead of the cum? It wasn't extraordinary, he didn't suddenly sit two inches higher than normal, but his butt was definitely a little bigger than it was a day ago. And would the cum today have a similar effect or not?

Charlie stepped forward, rubbing tears from his eyes, and his feet landed on a sheet of paper stuck to the ground with cloth tape. He stared it, staring at the words and diagrams. It was drawn crudely, quickly, with arrows doing left and right turns, with details about where cameras were. This was Clea's accomplice. What had she said? That she was working against Sarah?

Charlie crumpled the paper slightly in his hands as he paced, one hand to his forehead and he thought.

Would this be... good? No Sarah was probably good, but it was one of those devil you knew against the devil you didn't situation. Clea had saved him from Velma, but that wasn't a senseless act, it wasn't giving him his freedom. If he left the shop, Sarah would have found him or someone else would have. Clea was just part of a group of people that just wanted to find him next. If Charlie left, ran, trying to break for shelter, he didn't know the park well enough to find a secluded area. It also struck Charlie that if he found a secluded area such as a bathroom or a small grove in the park, it probably meant that a) he would be harder to find if he wanted Sarah to come rescue him, and b) that meant the next rapist would be able to have their way with him out of the way of prying and maybe helpful eyes. So being public wasn't good and being off-the-grid and hiding wouldn't help either.

So again, Sarah or Clea's friend.

Charlie unwrapped the paper, re-examining the instructions. He would go to meet this person, see who they were and why they wanted to meet with him. If he didn't like it, he would bolt, and try to run back to home. Worst case, he had a number memorised for Lily and would call her for help if he could find a phone. He had to get back home to get his stuff, his car keys, everything, so that he could fucking get out of here. That was the plan.

He looked down at the map, and followed it to the letter.


Lorelei Ulster and Clarissa Asger had complicated and tenuous connections to Sarah's family. They had always been called her aunts, when in fact it had been a long line of inter-marriages and adoptions, emancipations and illegitimate children for these two to become connected to the family at all. Once you had some connection to the family (for example, say your mother has relations with the family's domineering matriarch and divorces her husband but through sheer force of lawyers keeps her children, keeps you) you never want to leave. Once you grow accustomed to the free mansions passed around within the family network, the free plane tickets, high-class restaurant reservations and the best sex workers in the world, it becomes difficult to want anything else.

Once you're in the family, like Lorelei and Clarissa, you change and become a person that just can't function in normal society. Lorelei and Clarissa (like most people in the family) were futanari. Clarissa had straight dark brown hair that went down to her shoulder blades and was not dressed for the occasion of formal security guard duties, wearing only a crop top shirt saying "BOYS SUCK" that strained to keep her tits in and cut-off denim shorts. Clarissa has interrupted her career for a week to be here during Charlie's stay, whilst in the middle of woo-ing the head of a party committee, aiming to become one of the most powerful people in the county in a few short months.

Lorelei was her opposite: dark black hair tied up in a bun with a slim and severe face. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, her long black dress refusing to expose any cleavage unlike Clarissa. She ran a multi-billion dollar female escort agency despite having certain conservative views that ran at odds to her operation. And now both were stood in the middle of a lingerie store, hoping for a sighting of a male.

Sarah was as close to the family matriarch as any of them could get in the organisation. While they found success outside of the insular bubble of this residence, in here Sarah was king. She held the matriarch's favour and could - with a text - have them cut off. They were powerful, but legion. They could be let go and replaced in an instant with the organisation being no weaker. They stood around, listening to Sarah's tinny voice through their earpieces as they watched for Mark. All they had was a photo of the last clothes he wore, but Clarissa swore up and down that she could smell man-meat a mile away.

Both women had differing views on the opposing sexes. Clarissa found them cute, would often toy and tease with male genitalia more than any futa might, and might indulge in some sex with their inferior sexual instrument, where Lorelei held the almost religious position that sex between a man and a futa was sacred and that only futas could penetrate men. Her dreams involved one day training an army of men to service her around the clock in an almost religious fashion. To her mind, sex between a man and a woman was vile, and sex between a futa and a woman was degrading for both parties. Neither said it out loud to the other, but knew another about the other's own beliefs to fucking hate each other.

Lorelei looked up at the entrance to the shop. People kept pouring in, drawn in by the sales, heads pulled down and looking at the dildos, milking machines and fleshlights strewn on the tables at the front of the store. They were in Popping Cherry's, the most flagrant sex shop name Lorelei had heard of and kind of respected the owner (Cherry Blackrock) for. She could see Cherry over a row of low aisles, sitting at a counter, and returned Lorelei's gaze with a faint wave. Lorelei scowled but Clarissa waved back eagerly.

Lorelei wheeled on her fellow family member. "We're not here to wave, we're here to find Charlie."

Clarissa turned over a small pink chastity cage in her hand, admiring the price tag that had been covered up by a pink "SALE" sticker and a new total. "We'll find him, one way or another. This chastity cage is fantastic. Small, has inner velvet lining so your male is constantly teased and look," Clarissa held up a small plastic gadget at the head of the device. Lorelei leaned in closer.

"Is that a straw?"

"Kind of. You put it in their urethra, they can pee out of it and be fine, but you can also put a condom over it while you fuck them, tease them, make them orgasm with vibrators..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't need to hear..."

"And it collects their cum in a neat little condom so you can feed it to them later as a reward."

Lorelei looked stunned. "I've never actually put a chastity device on a male before. I might do that."

Clarissa looked surprised. "You haven't? Come on. Surely you've tried it once. When's the last time you had a boy?"

Lorelei groaned, pinched the bridge of her nose. "Probably... six months?"

Clarissa whistled. "God, you need that new slut bad don't you?

"Clarissa, everyone wants that slut, not just me. We need to pay attention to make sure he doesn't try hiding in the changing rooms for the remaining hour and a half, there's no cameras in there. Let's just fucking split up, we'll cover more of the store that way."

Lorelei walked away in a huff, walking towards the changing rooms as Clarissa brought the device closer to her face, giving it a better look over, thinking about ways she could use it on Charlie. There was a shriek and Clarissa was knocked down, the chastity cage skidding along the floor, landing underneath a display. Clarissa tsked at the woman who had just knocked it out of her hands then stopped, her eyes drawn to the girl's tracksuit pants. The thickness of the fabric made her butt look so much bigger than it was but Christ--

It was huge. One of the biggest bubble butts she had ever seen.

Now if only it was on a boy... on that cutie Charlie's ass...

Clarissa felt her cock stiffening as her breathing grew hotter, her gaze fixed on that butt as it wobbled and shook as the girl slowly got up from her knees. Clarissa wanted to pull her back down and rip those pants apart. The girl kept her cap down but Clarissa could see the hint of her right eye as she looked over her shoulder. Clarissa chuckled, nibbling at her lip, rubbing her cock over her shorts. Clarissa could see the rush of red on the girl's face, the way she pulled at her shirt that said "Mama's Little Girl." She was just a whore and she wanted this, she just wanted to act coquettishly and be a brat about it. That was fine by Clarissa. She could settle for that as long as this bitch was okay with anal and being called Charlie.

Clarissa reached out, to grab at the whore's ankle but someone else helped her up to her feet. Clarissa glared upwards at the large black lady who was holding the whore's head to her chest, pressing the girl's face into her breast, never letting Clarissa look at the whore's face. The message was clear: "fuck off."

Clarissa grumbled, moved her cock around in her shorts to a more comfortable side and turned away, looking towards the entrance as she heard the girl and the black woman walk away. She turned slightly, seeing that ass again. The girl was slightly shorter than the black woman, who had one hand under the whore's armpit as they walked, holding her fast to her chest. Still, the whore turned her head slightly, turned to look at Clarissa.

Her cock twitched, and she ran a wet tongue around her top lip. This fucking whore would have to wait until after Charlie. Clarissa turned back to the front and began walking towards the entrance, scanning the rows for any sight of him.


Charlie brought his face back to Candy's breast as the two of them walked down the aisle towards Cherry Blackrock, towards the back rooms of Popping Cherry's. The last ten minutes had been a mania, from following the directions that led him to Candy of all people, to the kiss she gave him that he could still feel on his lips, to them running into this woman who was clearly on the lookout for him. He relived that moment when her hand was about to land on his ankle, where she was going to turn him around and see his flat chest, jawbone and bulge and see him for who he really was. His acting did some of the work, his shriek as he tripped over her foot probably sold it but Candy kept him safe.

He looked into Candy's eyes as she walked the both of them to Cherry, and saw her look down at him, meeting his eye. She winked, and Charlie could feel something inside him melt.

He looked to the front again, heart full. The woman at the counter saw the both of them approaching and punched some keys on the till, saying something into a walkie-talkie as she came from behind the counter towards them. From Candy's description, this was Cherry, the owner of the place and the person who was going to give them some shelter from Sarah for the time being. She had thick and long wavy hair down to her shoulders, bright ebony skin, and a red mesh top. Charlie could make out the size and colour of her nipples as she walked towards them, her huge breasts swaying, her small member still apparent from the bulge in her jeans. She walked up to Charlie and give him a kiss on the lips.

Charlie's head rocked back in surprise as she went for it, but her hand was there at the back of his head to keep him steady. He felt her tongue reach into his mouth, play with his tongue, suck the air out of the back of his throat, felt his upper limb go numb as she started to lightly pull on it with her teeth. Like Candy, she was a master kisser. She let the kiss go, letting a small strand of saliva hang between their mouths as Charlie slowly blinking his eyes, dazed.

Cherry chuckled, wiping the trace of her kiss from his top lips with a thumb. "Aww, what a little cutie." He felt his whole body tremble as she said that, as she gently cradled his face. Candy softly shook up, and he realised he was leaning against her for weight that whole time, his legs having suddenly given out. He and Candy followed Cherry to the changing rooms, into the small door beside the counter at the changing rooms full with discarded and worn clothes hanging from racks. Cherry closed the door behind them.

"So glad you made it with him in tow Candy, you've done a fantastic job getting him past those hoity-toighty bitches."

"Thanks Mom."

Charlie's head snapped up to Candy as she said that, then looked across to Cherry, to her growing bulge and thick lips. His cock stirred in his pants, something Cherry seemed to know as well as her grin went wider the lower down his body she stared. Charlie couldn't deny what had suddenly become an incontrovertible truth.

He wanted to fuck Candy and Candy's mom.

"My, you make a pretty little girl don't you Charlie?"

One hour and twenty minutes of free time remaining.

In the midst of his discomfort, Charlie admitted to enjoying the rough treatment. The humiliation, the name calling, and even the thought of being a 'Rent Boy' in chapter six of their sordid tale, brought an unexpected thrill. The degradation was all part of their twisted game, and Charlie found himself craving more. The rough anal play, despite the dubious consent, only fueled his desires further.

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