Erotic Couplings

Repaying the Instructor's Kindness

The mature student aims to repay the educator personally.

Jun 2, 2024
8 min read
scriptPaying Back The Teacherteacherstudent
Paying Back The Teacher
Paying Back The Teacher

Repaying the Instructor's Kindness

Vrinda is a 21-year-old woman who has just finished her education and started working.

  • Vrinda had private lessons with a male teacher around forty years old, referred to as Sir.
  • Major Indian cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore are known for their job opportunities.
  • Vrinda: "Hello Sir, how are you?"
  • Sir: "Surprised to see you! I thought you'd be back in Mumbai by tomorrow. Come in, young lady."
  • Vrinda: "Thank you, Sir. I flew back home. I didn't want to disturb you late."
  • Sir: "No worries. I just finished dinner & was planning to read. No reason for me to sleep at 11:00. Route of a bachelor in his forties."
  • Vrinda: "I remember your habits. No need to say I've caused trouble."
  • Sir: "Your mom loves you more than you can imagine. She's applied her time and energy for your education."
  • Vrinda: "I'm grateful to her and you. Both supported me during tough times."
  • Sir: "It's been my pleasure to help you, Vrinda. Now tell me about your first day at the job. What was the training like?"
  • Vrinda: "I had to go to the Delhi office first, then Bangalore for the training. My training schedule allowed me time to return to Mumbai, but I wanted to go home immediately."
  • Sir: "Glad to see you've already embarked on your professional journey. You make decisions quickly and independently."
  • Vrinda: "It's because of your support and Mom's sacrifices."
  • Sir: "You had your ups and downs during college life, but we always had faith in your potential."
  • Vrinda: "I can't forget your faith in me, so I want to repay your investment in me."
  • Sir: "But all you've done is agree to teach you and your mom's paid me for it. It was never about money. I just enjoyed teaching you."
  • Vrinda: "I think you've missed something, Sir. I've spent many hours with you discussing various subjects. I've sensed the loneliness you live with..."
  • Sir: "I live my life efficiently, Vrinda."
  • Vrinda: "But there've been subtle signs of attraction...I've always seen you as more than a teacher."
  • Sir: "Enough of this nonsense, Vrinda. I've never transgressed your trust. I treated you as a student and nothing more."
  • Vrinda: "But you just said you consider me as family..."
  • Sir: "That's a casual remark in a different context, Vrinda. Your mom asked me to help you. I agreed despite the pressure of work."
  • Vrinda: "I sense your loneliness and attraction. When we interacted, it felt more than a student-teacher relationship."
  • Sir: "Get back to your mom and profession."
  • Vrinda: "I understand, but I don't think it's the end of our bond."

Sir: "You're old enough to understand the boundaries. It was just education."

Vrinda: "I understand that, but I won't forget the way you treated me as you have, Sir."

Sir: "It's fine, girl, just make sure you don't cause any friction between us and your mom."

Vrinda left Sir's home that night, feeling conflicted. She'd never forgotten the many hours of lessons or the loneliness he'd hinted at. Now, both their lives had taken a new course and she felt unsure about their bond in the future.

Ripples and tensions remained.

Who Am I?

I'm at a stage where I want to be close to you, Sir. I'm grateful for your support in my student years.I've noticed the affection in your eyes, Sir.I'm returning home after completing my education and job training.I want the friendship we shared to remain strong.I know you consider me family, Sir.I feel the simmering of something beyond teacher-student, something exciting and attractive.I felt lonely like you, so we kept each other company.I can tell you're experienced in the art of teaching.You advanced my education and gave me confidence.But be mindful of our relationship boundaries, Sir.I've realized my indebtedness to both you and my lovely, self-sacrificing mother.

Sir: I understand your gratitude, dear Vrinda.Your bond with me goes deep.It's time to strengthen that bond from your end too.Our friendship will continue, but under mature terms.I've known you for these past years, and I can see your potential.You're not just my student, but a dear friend I nurtured.I've enjoyed your company at odd hours, laughing and joking.You gave me joy in these final years of my bachelorhood.You filled up the emptiness in my life.My "out-of-office" time will now be a routine.Adulthood's knocking, so say goodbye to the flirtation.

Vrinda, a student, and Sir, her private tuition teacher, discuss their bond and tugging emotions.Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi - the three major Indian cities.Vrinda returns home after completing her studies and training, paying back the favor of Sir by offering him her gratitude.Their bond felt deeper than just a teacher-student interaction.Vrinda ponders the nature of their relationship.Sir recalls how he saw Vrinda as a bright, hardworking student.Ripples of unease surface as Vrinda feels something other than a teacher.Both Vrinda and Sir are unsure if they should acknowledge the magnetic pull.Both ponder if they'll continue being close.

Sir tries to maintain the boundaries of their relationship.Vrinda remains conflicted about their bond despite it being the end of her lessons.Finally, Sir warns Vrinda to respect the lines drawn between them.Her experience with her educational journey and her recruitment, plus Sir's kindness and support.

Vrinda reflects on the lessons, the initial discomfort, and the desirous feelings growing.She'll cherish the pivotal moments as they are remnants of a teenage time where she wanted to express herself.

The story conveys the desire to see the other person beyond the teacher-student roles.The revelation of the underlying attraction simmering in their bond.The tensions arising as the lines in their bond were blurred.The will to continue while being mindful of the situation.

My name is Vrinda and I assure you there won't be any hassles, Sir. I'm indebted to you for everything you did for me. No regular instructor would exhibit such kindness. The college personnel were solely completing their hours. None of them were concerned with grasping my strengths and weaknesses in my studies. I required individual attention, which you granted here. I might have dropped out of college if not for your guidance. I am at a loss for words to express my gratitude for that. I now intend to repay you in some unique fashion. Where do you intend to go? Please stay and hear me.

Sir: I'll heed your words only if you release my hand and return to your initial spot.

Vrinda: Isn't it amusing, Sir? You're asking for distance. Haven't you previously enjoyed my touch? Speak candidly. Wouldn't it merely be between the two of us if you indulged in my embrace? Have you never dreamed of cradling me in your arms? Smelling my hair? Feeling my form? Kissing my mouth?

Sir: What precisely are you doing, Vrinda? Desist. Uhh... Uhh...

Vrinda: Uhh... It's only a kiss, Sir! Uhh... Uhh... Uhh... Did you enjoy it?

Sir: Vrinda, stop, please.

Vrinda: Shh... Don't speak, Sir. Merely savor the moment. How did you label me? Quick-witted and dexterous? That's what I am. You've never expressed your desires. You've never breached the threshold. That's the issue with your cohort. We realize if we want something, we need to request it. How else could we possess it? Innumerable times, I've seen you staring at my chest. You adore my large breasts, don't you? I'm so satisfied with them. Would you care to touch them? Utilize both palms... Umm... I revel in your touch. Sigh... How did you respond? Why do you appear perplexed, Sir?

Sir: Nothing... Vrinda... Where is your...

Vrinda: Oh! Your hands can't caress my bra, correct? I set it aside when I reached your parking lot. It's in my purse. You desire to examine it?

Sir: No, leave it aside. But how? And why?

Vrinda: I'm adept at numerous tricks, Sir. Nimble-footed and brainy, remember? I can eliminate my bra without discarding my shirt. And in a manner that no one notices. I shall demonstrate next time. Now relish this... Sigh... Touch me here, Sir. Additional spot too. Both of them crave your touch. Umm... Wow! It's wonderful.

Sir: They're so delicate, so tender. Oh my goodness, Vrinda!

Vrinda: I am savoring it, Sir. Continue. And keep conversing... Do you recall anything about my Mom?

Sir: Of course... Your Mom... She's a delightful woman. She must be pleased with you. You're a remarkable girl. Fascinating... Divine... Sensational... Vrinda!

Vrinda: Sir! What transpired with you? Umm... What did you refer to? My Mom or my breasts? You're so comical. Uff... Steadily... Be patient, Sir. Do you want to observe them? Should I take off my blouse?

Sir: Ahem... If you're not averse...

Vrinda: Not at all, Sir. I can adapt for you this day. Here it goes. Wait a moment. Ahh!

Sir: Magnificent!

Sir: Thank you, Sir! Can you observe the goose bumps? Ohh... Let's be a bit forceful. I won't dispute. Promise!

Sir: Oh Vrinda, you're enchantingly stunning. I never expected to witness them in actuality. And to touch them. And to palpate them. They're simply captivating. Ohh...

Vrinda: Thank you for those floats of praise, Sir! I knew you would appreciate them... And the sole person I considered during my flight, apart from my Mom, was you.

Yes, I recall all you've done for me. I'd be nowhere without you. My job is a dream come true, Sir. The organization, the position, the location, the salary. It's all ideal. It's all thanks to you. I owe it all to you. Ugh... Oh gosh... Yes... Yes... Squeeze them... Rub them... I dig it. Oh Mom!

Sir: I did no such thing, Vrinda. You've always had the potential in you. And your mom, what a stunner! Stunning indeed. You owe this success, these achievements, even this beauty of yours to her. Your mother is remarkable.

Vrinda: You're joking, Sir. But I'm aware of the debt I've incurred to Mom. However, I wanted to repay you in a way. I didn't want to consult her since I knew she would have compensated you with whatever resources she had. I wanted to offer something greater than that.

Sir: You've been mulling things over beyond your years, Vrinda.

Vrinda: Perhaps, yes. What struck me was your isolation following the loss of my stepdad. Your longing for vitality. You were upfront as an educator and a gentleman. You lied to hide your sexual impulse but you failed.

Sir: Am I...?

Vrinda: Yes, Sir! You could have taken me by force or seduced me, but you refrained. You're an exceptional educator. A wonderful human being. I'm offering you the most private and cherished part of myself right now. Would you like to sample them? Go right ahead.

Sir: Thank you, Vrinda. I'm honored. This is the second most valuable gift I've received for anything I've done in my whole life. Thanks. Umm... Oh my goodness...

Vrinda: What do you imply by 'second best'... Can't you respond first? Uff... Hold on... Hurts... Stop...

Sir: I can't... Umm... I can't resist now... Vrinda! Let me... ohh... Let me enjoy you... Umm... Let me dine on you... ssss... You've got a body to die for... Hmm... It's heavenly... You resemble... uh...

Vrinda: Nooo... Sir, be done with it. What about mom? What have you heard about her?

Sir: Nope... Forget it. I'm losing my focus here. Quit me not now, Vrinda. I need you. I've adored you for ages, but never voiced it. You've instigated the primal urge in me today. Let's savor this moment to the max. Let's leave no stone unturned. Move in, Vrinda.

Vrinda: No! Answer me first.

Sir: Oh alright. Hear me out. I know your mom pretty well. She's a fantastic woman. Confident and resolute. With a lot of self-esteem.

Vrinda: Don't mislead me. I'm asking about your mention of her body. It resembles mine, right? And I'm soft and exquisite like hers? Why? What's the secret? I want to know!

Sir: Fine, okay. Your mom has been paying me for the last two years for teaching you. Remember that?

Vrinda: What about that?

Sir: Didn't I mention the amount? Or the transaction method?

Vrinda: Nope?

Sir: Well, your mom has recompensed me in precisely the same way you're attempting to repay me now. That's your response, isn't it? Let me continue devouring you, my dearest Vrinda.

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