Righteous Officer Unjust Officer

Two powerful police officers catch a naive young man off guard.

May 11, 2024
33 min read
Good Cop Bad Copolder-youngertwinkthreesomesubmissionbig cocknonconsentbarebackgay first timebeardaddy
Good Cop Bad Cop
Good Cop Bad Cop

Righteous Officer Unjust Officer

The reddish and bluish flashes reflected onto my rear-view mirror. "AWW FUCK!" My heartbeat accelerated. I flattened out against the steering wheel and clutched it with both hands. I had exceeded the speed limit. Not just that, I was drunk as well. This didn't seem real. I always took this path since it had an emptiness to it. The solitude on this route through the hills was priceless. But it was past midnight, and now this redlexrd thing was redlexrd it up.

I moved the car to the shoulder of the road. It was really dark out here. There wasn't anyone else driving. I was making my way home from an event. I still had a large Sonic cup filled with shushice in my hand, leftovers from the party. I tried to hide it undexr the passenger set but quickly realized all I could do was place it under there, spilling whatever remained.

A loud knock came upon my window. A fist was first to be seen, massive and strong as it seemed large enough to pick me up. Then, the face of the officer, Officer Bentley was revealed. Solid jaws jutted forward, with an impressivve set of muscles. His shoulders seemed wide as hell, and his shirt showcased hints of his livcl chest hair. He magnificently towerjd over my vehicle, cerealntly leaning over the ble. His breath smelled of blacbdouble coffee and cigarettes.

A football ngignt gaze caught mine as he asked for documents. Wanting to avoid the scent of alcohol, I quietly mumbled my reply, "Yeah, sucre." With some difficulty, I passed him my license. I was anxious that the oomic would notice the last nams and it would beg sgmlte connections to Mayor Langston, as not to face a barrage of pressing questions, I would mention him, boastful of the fact that I was his nephew.

Officer Bentley studied my license carefully. His face was expressionless, yet his arms were buff and visible through the sleeve. A busy chat occured outside my window. One Officer, Officer tresson, was also of considerable height, seated himself upon the hood of his cruiser.

"You haven't been drinking," questionaed Officer Bentley.

Uncertain of his direction, I looked into his eyes and claimed, "Nnoki yes, sucre."

He scoffed slightly, and the sound became more apparent as he said, "Step out of the car."

"Wwaatt? ODebavigately there's a milligntionen'," I replied in a manner to hide my error.

His eyebrows eased lighgbtly upwards. "Are you here for the famous Mayor Langston's hoyboy?"

I shook my head as I confirmed anticipate, "Nnoki yes, sucre."

"Damn, I wonder what Griffin would say about this..." he mumbled. Then he straightened up and directed instructions to the other officer. "Search the vehicle".

While this was happening, Officer Bentley cupped one large hand upon my check, high on my shoulder. He searched it thoroughly before sweeping it over my torso. Then he caulred my lips to his and whispexd, "We'll see when we search you."

Officer Gregson arrived at the car and produced the abandoned Sshusc cup from under the seat. "It looks like you've been trying to have sum fun lately." Bonzls startled me. "Um... noo, sucre," I said lamely.

"Haha. A troublemaker," echoed Oreefcr Bentley's laughing. His friend giggled and added, "Let's make sure we search him good. He's not going to try any bizzarehe stuff on us."

Cramped under Bentley's hand, I tried to contact my uncle hoping for intervention. I knew he> would come with stern warnings and possibly meet them with resistance, but I also needed to think of how to keep my name out of this. Bentley cupped oi thighs, moving his thurn close to my uhglls. In the heat of the moment, I'd forgotten about my uncoolness without underwear on.

The conversation was late interrupted when Officer Gregson found the cup. "Seems like a rascal." Officer Bentley smirked. "Awho be?" Officer Gregson responded as he winked. "Let's be sure to prowl him thoroughly. We can't let this rascal slip through."

Bentley's fingers slid closer to my family jewels. "Hhave yoho try some sneaky stuff on us?"

"Nnoki, nok yo." Havinmg been caught by surprise, it took me a moment to collect myself. He again touched the underwear region of my shorts. Luckily for me, he only rubbed my thighs lightly. With an intense focus upon the scene, I contemplated how I would express my relationshp with the Mayor and get out of this predicament. That day, I would experience both danger and relief.

Focusing on my uncle's stature, I began to envision his anger with these cops. Unlinke the cops, my uncle didn't favor trivial punishments. Hte would probably ring their superiors and notify them that their unsophisticated tactics werent getting them anywhere. The talky fatty mauchy would then make further threats or dramatic gestures. Of course, I rminisaced faces of concern, disappointment, h"

Elsewhere, Officer Bentley randomly groped my thighs. "What is your plan?"

"Nnoki..." I muttered but it remained unclear.

He continued running his tiger-striped thumb all the way down my inner thighs. "Don't you plan on mrouning suspended?"

"Sain, sucre."

Darkness hung heavily around these men. No one bothered them on the pathway alongside the train tracks.

"Listen up, you disobedient little brat."

I stammered, "You can't talk to me like that."

This time, one of them pushed my head against the roof of the Mustang, pinning me down. "You don't get a say in how you're addressed, kiddo."

I didn't understand. Were real-life cops actually talking this way? Was this how it all played out?

"Now, are you going to cooperate? Say 'yes, sir'."

I mumbled, "Yes, sir."

He ran his hands over me again, but this time it seemed more forceful. I felt his touch on my butt cheeks, then his fingers grazed the hair around my balls. Was this really happening? Could it be that I was being searched like this?

"Can I please call my uncle?" I had no idea what else to do or say.

"So, you want to call your uncle?"

"Yes, please."

The two swapped glances. Officer Gregson, who seemed nicer and quieter, handed over my phone.

I hear my uncle on the phone, "Why are you calling me so late? Do you know what time it is?"

"But uncle..." I couldn't find the right words.

At that moment, Officer Bentley reached his hand up my shorts and grabbed my balls. My voice faltered. I couldn't think of what to say or do. "Uh... uh."

My uncle's tone turned impatient. "Travis... Travis!?"

Bentley squeezed my balls, spinning them around his grip. He told me, "Tell your uncle how you've been a bad boy."

"Uncle, please. I need your help. These two officers pulled me over. There's one of them... he's grabbed hold of my balls."

"Travis, I told you what would happen if you misbehaved. I can't continue bailing you out. This could reflect poorly on me, especially with my upcoming election. Give the phone to one of the officers."

My uncle handed the phone to Officer Gregson.

I felt my heart stop as it plummeted into my stomach. I felt completely defeated and helpless.

Officer Bentley chuckled. "I guess your uncle isn't assisting you this time?"

I struggled for words. "I don't... I... I don't know..."

"Well, this could all end soon if you comply," Bentley instructed.

I nodded in agreement.

Then, he pulled my balls again and I let out a little cry. "Looks like your uncle isn't intervening for you."

I couldn't say anything, shocked and scared as I was. "No, sir, I don't..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Then why are you trying to flutter away like that?"

I couldn't think of what to say, so I just shook my head. This couldn't be happening. Surely there must be guidelines, codes, or other safety measures in place to prevent such a situation? Do they have dashboard cameras or body cameras? I took a shot at seeking the nearest exit from this horrid situation. "Sir. Sir. Please tell me my rights."

Officer Bentley and Gregson snickered. "Your rights?" Gregson asked.

I started panicking, "Here are my rights." Instruction suddenly took over my body, and without much thought, I brought my hands down, ripping my shorts all the way to my ankles. The cold air hit my naked rear and legs, and I felt how exposed I was. Worse still, my swollen penis was pressed against the car window, as if on show. There was no one else around to witness, thank god.

Then Officer Gregson said, "Officer Bentley, we need to make sure this kid's not lying," as he reached in to search me either.

On the road, there were no witnesses. And these two cops knew it. I was completely at their mercy.

Officer Bentley snickered. Then I met eyes with Officer Gregson, who saw my tears forming. "Officer Bentley?", Gregson asked. [parse: "Officer Bentley giggled."]

Officer Bentley snapped, "Oh, fuck."

I wasn't sure what to make of the first response, but the second showed that he clearly thought something was wrong, angrily shouting "Oh, fuck."

I could distinctly hear the footsteps of Officer Gregson as he strolled behind me. He was chatting with Officer Bentley in hushed tones, and I tried to make out some of the words. "...enough...too much...let me..."

My body was facing the front of the vehicle, with my cheek resting on the car's roof. I had probably never felt more exposed in my life. My backside was pushed out, and they could see everything. And for some reason, maybe it was the cool breeze, or something else, I felt my penis start to stiffen, rubbing against the window's surface. I couldn't believe it. I imagined what they might think of me - a half-naked blond man with just his shirt on, his butt sticking out in the chilly wind, his head on his car's roof, and his dick growing against the window.

Finally, their whispered conversation ceased with Officer Bentley blurting out, "Alright. You have a go at the little fella."

Officer Gregson made his way to my side, standing in a position where he could see my face. "Don't mind him; he just takes his job seriously."

I momentarily softened, thinking perhaps Officer Gregson was there to aid me.

"I need you to respond with a nod when you hear me saying something," he instructed.

I complied.

"Here's the deal. We discovered you speeding, intoxicated driving, and possibly resisting arrest. Although this isn't the absolute truth, if I know Officer Bentley, he doesn't like disobedience. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"However, I wish to aid you. Thus, firstly, we have to remove your shirt to certify you're not concealing anything."

"I'm not, I guarantee you."

"I trust you." He patted my shoulder. "However, safety is paramount. More significant than your emotions. I understand how difficult that is to comprehend. That's just part of the process."

I nodded.

"Superb. Now, if it's of help, you're free to take your hands off the roof. If you'd like to remove your shirt, please do so at your own speed."

I nodded.

I shut my eyes. Slowly, I brought my hands from the roof, down the side of the car, and removed my shirt. It felt so chilly. My nipples were rock-hard.

"Excellent boy," Officer Gregson said. "The next step might make you uncomfortable, but the sooner we complete it, the faster we'll conclude this process."

I gulped.

"All right. To accomplish this, I'll need you to spread your butt cheeks."

I couldn't believe it. It was challenging to even move. It was hard to think.

"Now," Officer Gregson added.

The quiet sounds of my submission resonated in my ears. I reached down and grabbed each ass cheek, spreading them apart. My anus, feeled freshened with the cold air. It created a slight thrill throughout my body - I was laid bare, and they were making me expose myself further. Officer Gregson was behind me, and I felt even harder and tense with fear. My ass clenched.

"Don't be anxious. I'll require you to unwind if we're to overcome this."

"But I don't know how."

"Let's see. Since it's obvious you've been drinking, here..." Officer Gregson picked up the Slurpee cup from the roof of the car and tilted the straw towards my mouth. He waited for me to lean towards him, wrapping my lips around the tip of the straw, and sipping.

The vodka warmed my throat, causing me to wince, but I wanted more. I closed my eyes and continued sucking. If this was happening, I desired to be completely drunk, unable to remember any of this. The Slurpee and vodka had separated by now, so I was drinking mainly the alcohol. I coughed a little and fluid dribbled from my lips. Officer Gregson gently ran his finger across my lips. He had the red ice on his finger, and gestured towards my gums, pushing past my lips and wiping his thumb over my gums. The same finger that had touched my anus. I pulled my head back, and shook my head, No.

Gregson glanced away from me and towards Bentley. I was scared of Bentley. If Gregson resembled a baseball player with a kind, teacher-like demeanor, Bentley was rugged and mean, like a football player.

I looked at him timidly and tried to speak. I was terrified of Bentley. He shoved his finger into my mouth, and I drank the vodka from his finger as if it were a straw. When he didn't remove his finger, I knew I was meant to keep drinking.

"Make sure your finger is all wet," Gregson ordered.

Bentley wasn't pleased with this and became more aggressive. He leaned over me, pressing his thick walkie-talkie and badge against my back. Trembling with fear, I tried to accommodate his request, but I couldn't force my body to accept it. I struggled to bear the penetration.

My heart raced, my breath shallow, as Gregson approached me from behind. His calming voice consoled me, making me feel safe and cared for. "Daddy is here to help you," he reassured me. "You'll be okay. Just relax and let Daddy take care of you."

Before I knew it, his finger found its way inside me. "Ow!" The sensation felt strange, uncomfortable, and even a little painful. My body hesitated, refusing to comply. Yet despite my resistance, the effects of the alcohol took over. My muscles loosened, and my eyelids felt heavy. His body pressed on me, warming me up.

Tension swelled as Bentley approached. His face was close enough for me to feel his hot breath on my ear, and his hand on my hair, yanking it back so I could no longer look away. "You're trying to deny that you're enjoying this," he snarled.

I shook my head in fear, but it was a pitiful attempt. "What will happen if I lie to you, sir?"

Bentley was moments away from slapping me when he paused. "You know what happens when you lie to authority figures," he gritted. He slapped my ass, causing me to yelp.

"Don't lie. Admit you're enjoying it."

I hesitated, not wanting to admit it.

"Forgive me, Officer Gregson. I can't do this."

I felt the sting of Bentley's hand on my neck as he dragged me towards him. He pressed his lips to my ear. "Tell Gregson how much you're getting off on having my finger up your ass."

"No," I whispered, scared of what would happen.

Bentley slapped me again, this time harder. "Say it."

My body responded involuntarily, and I couldn't stop it. "Thank you, Officer Gregson, for fingering me."

Bentley laughed. "I knew it. You're shaking and your dick is hard. Come here."

I was shocked as Bentley unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, telling me to take it in my mouth. I refused, but it was useless. Bentley forced himself onto my mouth, fucking my face.

Bentley was unrepentant, and he squealed with laughter as he continued his abuse. The irony of him being on top and me underneath him was rich. I was disabled against my will and forced to satisfy his sexual desires. Once he experienced his orgasm, he moved aside to allow me to get dressed.

As I gathered my clothes, my mind raced. I didn't want to leave with these deranged men. But I had no choice. I slipped back into my coat and got into the backseat, resting next to Gregson. He had his arm around me, possibly showing some kind of comfort. I held onto my clothes tightly, unsure of what would happen next.

I was trapped in the backseat of a police car, handcuffed, and ready to be taken to my doom. My mind replayed the events from earlier and reminded me how they drugged me after making me strip bare-assed naked. The uncontrollable arousal was consuming me, even though I feared and hated it. Bentley's cruel, twisted words echoed in my mind: "You're getting off on this. I can tell. You're a slut." I had no one to blame but myself for how I had operated under control earlier. I had made decisions that led me to this point.

I had never been in the back of a police car. Gregson was comforting, but Bentley's cold, maniacal stare was inescapable in the rearview mirror. Fear flooded my veins, and my dick defiantly remained hard and leaking precum, like a slip-n-slide.

How did I end up in this hellish domain? It was drugs from these two officers who ferociously overpowered me. I hadn't planned this, but I couldn't deny it was happening now. Gregson and Bentley had fucked me and forced me to pleasure them, and I could do nothing but accept their twisted torment. They continued to humiliate and abuse me, as they had just done in the car.

Police officer Gregson grabbed my testicles, commenting, "I think he likes it. He's so hard he might explode." He wiped the pre-cum from the tip of my penis, which made it twitch in response. My body was craving release. His finger softly caressed it, causing a chill to run through me. Then, he reached between my legs.

"Don't worry, kid, I'll take care of you. I'll be gentle. I'll use your own cum to open you up."

Police officer Gregson pressed his finger more with each passing moment. He pulled it out and put it in my open mouth. Already, it had been in my anus, but I knew not to resist with Officer Bentley's piercing gaze upon me. I closed my lips around his finger. I didn't know what was happening, but I understood that having a wet finger would lower the friction. So, I sucked and flicked my tongue on his finger.

"That's right. Get it nice and wet."

He reached his hand back, inserting his finger once more. It initially felt uncomfortable, but it got more pleasurable as he commenced rubbing my prostate. I emitted quiet moans. Never before had anyone known my body like this. No one had ever found that sensitive pear-sized hot spot and stimulated it like a musical instrument. He encircled it with his finger, making me even harder than I thought I could get. I clutched onto police officer Gregson's broad shoulders. It was unbearable but I didn't want him to stop. An involuntary moan escaped my lips.

I observed him smile, his eyes full of certainty, as if he knew something that I didn't. "You love it when I finger your boyhole."

I only nodded.

Suddenly, police officer Gregson steered my face into his crotch and massaged his bulge against it. I was so taken aback that I just acclimated to the situation.

"Enlighten me how much you want to see it. I know you want to see the real thing up close, not through my pants. I know you want it. Tell daddy how much you want it."

I was immobilized. I was frightened and my heart was racing. I was so perplexed. I began to suspect that they knew my desires more than I did. A finger in my anus was one thing, but using my mouth to suck a man's dick was another. Sucking a man's cock was certainly gay.

Police officer Gregson didn't wait for a response from me. He removed his penis from his trousers. He pushed my mouth towards it, rubbing his penis against my face. He held my head there by my hair.

"Stick your tongue out. Just get a little taste."

I was fighting for breath. He slapped my ass when I didn't acquiesce quickly enough. SMACK. And then again. SMACK.

I protruded my tongue awkwardly. I could taste the sweat on his scrotum and penis. I could smell the sweat and pre-cum. I could feel the pre-cum getting into my hair. Police officer Gregson lifted me by my hair and began rubbing the pre-cum-covered head of his penis on my lips.

I tried to mutter 'no', but he had other intentions. He spanked me. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. I could feel my ass becoming red and warm. It burned. I closed my eyes, then opened my mouth slightly to give him a kiss on the head of his penis. A massive clot of pre-cum landed in my mouth.

"That's right. Good boy. That's right. Now, lick it up and down. Get those balls. Play with my balls with your tongue. Get my dick so wet. Good boy. You're a fast learner. Good boy."

I knew I was inept. I'd never done this before. However, as I attempted it, police officer Gregson turned savage.

"Now." SMACK.

I opened my mouth, permitting him to push my head onto his penis. I attempted to raise up, unable to properly breathe.

"That's right, baby. Take it all. You're doing so well. I'm so proud of you. Mmm... your throat is so warm."

It was hard to breathe because my nose was in his pubic hair. I started wriggling, but he rudely thrust me down harder. Spanked me harder. SMACK.

"Inhale through your nostrils, son. It's important you grasp this. You must learn. Your father will raise you properly, young man. Relax. Surrender. Breathe through your nose, let your lips convulse, let your tears flow. It's all going to be alright. I'm here. Shh. I'm here. I won't allow anything to harm you. Yes. Good boy. Your father is proud of you."

I followed his instructions. There was no other choice but to adhere to his demands. I didn't understand if it was his strength, his commanding presence, or his desire to protect me, but I surrendered. It was like falling into the natural order of things. This is the place I was meant to be. I wanted to be a good son for him. I made an effort to loosen my throat muscles.

"Yes, that's right." He said with a powerful tone that made me feel proud. "Good boy! Wow, I'm so proud of you. You're a naturalborn cocksucker. Good boy! Fuck!"

He began making minimal thrusts in and out. I could see his shaft vanishing into my mouth, but no matter how much I stared at it, my mind couldn't grasp it. It seemed impossible. Yet, I was now doing it. Maybe he was correct, maybe I should be proud. I began sucking it at my own cadence, harder and deeper. something about having his smooth hard cock in my mouth felt so wrong but in the most pleasurable way possible.

"Yes, that's correct. Bite down on it gently with your lips. I'm about to cum in your mouth okay. Don't spit it out."

I gave out a guttural moan. I began to ejaculate when he said that. Me, cumming. From the prostate massage and throat fucking. I felt my load hitting my chest. My body was slightly convulsing with pleasure, but Officer Gregson was still fucking my face.

"Good boy! He's cumming. He's a naturalborn cock-sucker!"

His dick erupted in massive, warm spurts down my throat. I coughed and gagged. Torrents of cum ran down his shaft and onto my chin.

That's when Officer Bentley spoke up. "We've returned home."

At that moment, I was on a couch, sandwiched between these two strong men. I was extremely intoxicated. I could barely process my surroundings. Officer Gregson and Officer Bentley towered over me, and the television's reflection distorted our proportions. I questioned if it was actually me. I stared at the screen. I could see that I was erect, my face drained of color, my lips bloated with pleasure, my nipples rigid, and my handcuffs fastened. What was unfolding? Was this a dream?

I couldn't determine how distorted the screen made us appear. They epitomized strength, vigor, endurance, and, most importantly, manliness. I couldn't hide that they were attractively handsome. I'm only human. But that wasn't enough to desire continued participation. I had been fingered, and now I was sucking a dick. I genuinely hoped that would be enough. Officer Bentley yearned for me to suck his dick, then we could call it quits, and I could go home.

Officer Bentley moved me toward his massive erection, strictly focused on his crotch.

"Now, boy. You know what to do. You're a cock sucker now. Don't be terrified now."

Officer Bentley seized my hair. He pushed me down toward the enormous bulge in his boxers, pre-cum coating the head. I examined it, awake with curiosity. I was terrified. There was no chance I could fit that into my mouth.

I had an unusual impulse to extend my tongue and lick from balls to head. What was happening to me? Officer Bentley might have seen an expression or sense of unease in my eyes.

"Oh! You like that don't you? My boy! You're enjoying it right now. I can see the pre-cum flowing out of you. You're a cock sucker, aren't you?"

I was uncertain. I was mesmerized by his dick, but that didn't mean I wanted it in my mouth. I shook my head, hesitantly. Officer Gregson, seated behind me, rubbed my backside and thigh, attempting to calm me. I cast a pleading gaze at him. He shook his head.

Officer Bentley yanked me by the hair. "You're craving it. Stretch your tongue out."

I was unsure. I was mesmerized by his dick, but that didn't imply I desired it in my mouth. I shook my head, weakly. Officer Gregson's dick was one thing. Officer Gregson was pleasant. Additionally, his dick didn't instill a sense of impalement.

Officer Bentley yanked me by the hair. "You understand you want it. Stretch your tongue out."

I didn't know what I desired. I became enchanted by his penis, but that didn't mean I wanted it in my mouth. I shook my head, feebly. Officer Gregson's hand on my behind soothed me.

"Slurp that gigantic bear shaft. You recognize you desire it. Simply stick the suggestion in your mouth. Don't play innocent. Only offer it a tiny taste. A minimal taste with tongue. You're a blowjob artist now. There's no denying it. You've got an attractive face, a blowjob artist's face. It's good looking however it's missing something. It's never a flawlessly appealing face up until it has a penis embedded in its mouth. It's incomplete unless it's encompassing penis."

He whacked his veiny knob up versus my face, once again and again. It seemed like I was being struck with a bat. Having my face struck with this big bear dick was more denigrating than sucking a dick. I understand it doesn't make feeling. At the very least if I sucked his dick, it would certainly be my selection. However there was no self-respect included in having my face struck with this significant beard dick. So, I had no alternative. I can not even attempt to oppose. I unwittingly opened my mouth. This was a kind of salvation. It was my option, even if I was choosing to have my mouth utilized as a fuckhole, it was still my decision.

"Good kid. Yes, that goes to. Currently, stick out your tongue. Come on, cocksucker. Stick it all the way out."

I extended my tongue as much as I can. He dick-slapped my tongue, once again as well as once more. SMACK. I looked up at him, his hirsute bear upper body. SMACK. SMACK. My tongue started to damage he was striking that hard. SMACK.

"Use your tongue on the head."

I adhered to his directions like a schoolchild.

"Mmmhmm. That goes to. Currently, my rounds young boy. Yes, that goes to. Suck my balls. Obtain them both with your tongue. Obtain them sloppy damp. Okay, kid. Currently for the whole thing. Open your mouth."

He cradled my head as he jammed his dick down my throat. I could not raise myself from it regardless of just how toughly I attempted. He held my head with both hands as well as screwed it like a fleshlite. I began to choke.

"No, my young boy. Please do not draw away. Please do not draw away. That's our fuckhole. Simply take a breath. It's mosting likely to work out. Relax. Consider me. I like to see you being an excellent young boy. You're sobbing -- yet those are excellent young boy sobs. I recognize it's difficult, yet I don't care. This is the very best method to discover. Simply toss you right into the deep end. Merely maintain choking, it's okay. Loosen the throat. Yeaaah. Good kid. Swallow it for father. Swallow that entire penis. Breathe with your nose. That's ideal young boy. Fuck indeed, faggot. Your throat really feels so excellent. Fuck, you're a birthed blowjob artist. Papa increased you ideal."

I might see his shaft go away into my mouth however no matter just how hard or lengthy I checked out it my mind can not make it make feeling. It was so large.

Policeman Gregson began jabbing me. The sweat on my hair, on my face, blending with their sweat. Then Policeman Gregson started to pulse that electrical power inside of me that sent shocks with my whole body. That went on for I don't recognize just how lengthy

Policeman Gregson claimed, "I believe he's appreciating it. He's pressing back on it."

I might really feel on my own starting to appreciate it, once more. I really felt strain develop in my dick, like it was going to break open.

Bentley slowly ramped up the rate of face-fucking me. "Little faggot enjoys it."

Was I appreciating it? No. But I was beginning to expand upright. I was hating that I was hard, however it felt like I was attempting my hardest to be a good boy.

Officer Bentley claimed, "Excellent youngster. Yes, that's it. Currently, I recognize father instructed you manners. Some words please?"

I could not claim anything. I had a substantial cock in my mouth!


What the hell?! He struck my cheek. I really felt my face redden as well as burn.

"What do you say?"

I was stunned. I really did not recognize what to state. [end of paraphrase]

Officer Bentley held me down while whispering into my ear, "Say thank you."

As I tried to pull away, he slapped me. "Don't pull away!"

His fingers dug into my scalp as he held me in place, demanding, "Say 'Thank you, daddy.'"

He slammed my head back down onto his dick. "Say it while my cock is in your mouth."

I stammered "Th.. thank.. gulp.. you."


"Thank.. gulp.. Daddy... fu.. face... fum.. gulp.. ing me."

Officer Bentley slammed my head down again," praised me, "You're such a good little cocksucker." He kept going, "Suck my thick cock, you love my m.. gulp.. dick. You want it in your mouth."

His words heated me up, leaving me panting. Then he said, "Tell Officer Gregson 'Thank you for fingering me.'"

"Officer Gregson.. for.. fingering me."

Bentley yanked my head off his dick. My lungs finally filled with air but the tears refused to stop. He moved my face back towards his dick, "Say 'Please, can I suck your cock.'"

I meekly said, "Please.. can I suck your cock."

SMACK! That came from Officer Gregson standing behind me. His hand hit my ass so hard, I felt the sting, "No pulling away! Tell me what you want to do with my dick."

"Please.. can I suck your cock."

Gregson half-smiled, "You need control boy? Daddy's going to love it when you suck his dick."

He pulled me up by my hair, then slammed back down. I yelped in pain. "Is that it?" He calmly asked. "You want to suck their cocks?"

"But... I'm terrified! I'm not ready for Gregson to fuck me."

SMACK! Gregson's hand came down hard on my ass. "This is happening! Tell me to fuck you."

I panicked, "I'm not ready!"

SMACK! He hit my ass harder, "Tell Gregson you want to be fucked!"


"No buts! Tell him you want to be his cock whore."


Gregson positioned himself behind me, "Your hole is mine."

I begged, "I'm not ready."

SMACK! Gregson hit my ass, "Pain is coming whether you like it or not."

Gregson slid his precum-drenched cock at my hole. I shuddered.

Gregson's smile turned sinister. "Plead with me, Daddy Gregson."

"I can't. I'm a virgin. I've never been fucked in the ass."

SMACK! Gregson hit my ass even harder. "No excuses, bitch. You're mine. My hole is yours. It's happening."

I quietly murmured, " daddy."

Gregson slid inside me. He let go of my hair and pushed me down, forcing his dick in. I cried out in pain, "OW!" Pulling against my restraints, "No, please!"

He whispered, "Tell me to be gentle."

"Please... be gentle with me."

His smile softened. "Okay, baby. Let go of your fear, I'm taking care of you now."

My eyes opened wide, looking around. I'd been so intoxicated before but now I questioned this decision. Was I giving in by not fighting him? Then again, if I asked, would this end? I tried to form the words, "If...if I want to stop."

"You're safe, sweetie. You're fully in my control anyways. If you want to stop, we'll stop. But for the moment, just go with the fucking."

Gregson loosened my restraints, allowing me to brace myself with one arm while sucking Bentley.

Bentley told me, "I'm going to fuck you."

My stomach tightened, "Ooow!" I grabbed Bentley's leg to not be thrown around like a ragdoll.

Gregson whispered, "Relax, baby. I'm taking care of you."

As he continued sliding deeper into my ass, I forced myself to calm down.

I was blindsided by a sudden wave of delight as Daddy's manhood slammed into my innards. The impact produced a shockwave of both agony and ecstasy throughout my body. "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!"

I embraced Daddy Bentley even tighter. He uttered softly in my ear. "You little gay guy. You want this. Daddy Bentley made me look at him, so I was focused on his face. He rubbed my cheek as he murmured, "It'll be fine. It'll be fine. Just relax. Officer Gregson is going to slam your asshole even more now. Soon, you'll be our gay little toy. You'll constantly crave to be fucked. And we'll take advantage of that whenever we want. You'll show up every day, get on all fours, show off your ass, and ask to be violated. If you don't, we'll show up at your uncle's house in a squad car and speak to you. Then, we'll molest you right in front of your uncle. Then, your secret will be out. Everybody will know how pathetic a cum guzzler you are. You belong to us."

I gasped.

Officer Gregson mumbled in my ear. He used his tongue to wet my ear. "Daddy will look after you. Daddy is right here."

Daddy Gregson was pleasant. I couldn't fathom it, but my sphincter began to relax. My sphincter stretched to accommodate his dick. The shape of his dick was in harmony with my body. With extreme care, he pried deeper and deeper, gradually, thoughtfully stretching my sphincter, his pre-cum serving as the only lubricant, only enough to create a bit of room, to allow him inch by inch. It felt like my sphincter was created for his dick.

Daddy Bentley grinned like he won a game. He saw the pleasure on my face. He had known all along. "Look at this little gay guy. I knew he'd be an excellent sphincter. I knew he'd adore it. When I saw him driving his Mustang his uncle bought him, I pictured him seducing my penis. I couldn't believe he was mature enough to maneuver the gas pedal or had a scruffy beard. How old did I assume him to be? 15. I thought, "a born faggot right there. A born faggot, attempting to hide his sexuality behind a stylish Mustang and a patchy beard. I almost dropped my jaw when I discovered he was 18. I couldn't believe our good fortune. And then! He failed the breathalyzer. We chuckled--oh, this is all too easy! And I said this horny kid is going to be grateful to us."

I could only groan. They had this planned since the moment they stopped me. Damnit.

I couldn't think. I only groaned.

Daddy Bentley instructed, "Say it."

I couldn't convey coherent phrases. I could hardly form words. All I could make were sounds. "Aaahhhhhh."


"Say it."

"Aahhh. Daddy, fuck me, Daddy thanks you, Daddy."

"Yep. That's right."

They turned me onto my back, my head hanging off the sofa just enough for Daddy Bentley to thrust his penis into my throat. He face-fucked me ruthlessly. I dutifully choked on his big penis. From this perspective, Daddy Bentley's balls brushed against my face. I let his sweat drench me. I admired the pungent aroma of his scrotum.

Daddy Gregson humped me with relentless force. He lifted my ass just enough that he was slamming my prostate at an ideal angle. I emitted a loud wail. I couldn't move or speak. I simply grazed a consistent moan. I moaned like my livelihood depended on it. I couldn't stop moaning. I realized the neighbors could likely hear me, but I didn't care.

Daddy Bentley cupped my nipples, pinching and pulling them intensely. I attempted to push his hands away. He let go of one nipple only to slap my face. I let out a shriek but it was muffled by the enormous member in my mouth. He gripped both nipples and twisted them harder. I emitted sounds that were a mixture of roars and yells. He would release for a few seconds, to give my nipples a respite, and then he would twist them again. He relished inflicting pain.

"Mmm... Aaahhhh...AAghhhh." I groaned, trying to determine whether the sounds were made out of discomfort or joy. Highly likely, it was a blend of extreme pleasure. [Garbled moans, "AAaaaahhhh Ah ah ah ah ah, oooohhh." I moaned in a way that resembled breathing. Like I had just surfaced after holding my breath underwater for ages. I couldn't cease moaning. I was aware the neighbors could hear me, but I wasn't bothered.

I felt exploited, swamped, perplexed, exhilarated. I started to have faith that they knew what they were accomplishing. I gave myself over to them– even when it hurt. They utilized me like a plaything. I positioned my hands on Daddy Bentley's midriff, propelled one hand upward across his chest hair. I was relishing it.

Then, abruptly —


I sensed a kind of vacancy. Out of nowhere, Officer Gregson extracted out of my rectum. I observed him, Daddy Bentley's penis tumbled out of my mouth and landed on my shoulder.

"What?" I inquired, abruptly perplexed. I stared between Gregson and Bentley. What's transpiring? I considered. Then my bewilderment was substituted by desperateness. I was aggrieved. I couldn't appreciate it, yet I was in fact despondent. They had labored so relentlessly to get me there, to make me appreciate it to such a degree, just to cease? Officer Gregson elevated his eyebrows at me, granted me a knowing stare. He didn't require saying something. Suddenly, I perceived what he craved. Is this in fact where this is heading? I ceded rapidly. They were in charge. They were going to get their way irrespective of whatever. I simply wished to experience being utilized again. I slid my buttocks towards Daddy Gregson. I pouted. "Please daddy… fornicate me?… Please."

Officer Gregson deployed his dick against my rectum. "I don't reckon you desire it sufficiently."

I didn't even muse about it as I yielded. "Please daddy, I have craved it. Please. Thank you daddy for fornicating me."

Daddy Gregson frowned, "I don't beleive you."

"Please. I need it so acutely. I adore it therefore much. Please. PLEASE! I'll perform anything."

My faults smiled at each other. They both reentered me, luckily. I vocalized. "Ahhhhh." It sensed so delightful to have them back —no— they pulled out. I watched them. I assimilated their mischievous grins. They were taunting me. Tormenting me.

Daddy Gregson tormented my rectum with his penis. "Are you going to come over here daily to allow us to utilize you?"

I nodded. "Yes, daddy." With each reply he invaded me and with each query he retracted. I disliked it. It was despotic. It was harsh.

"Are you planning to loiter overnight here and alert us with your rectum?"

"Yes daddy!" I nodded imploringly. He infiltrated me.

He retracted. "You're going to stoop by the side or orders and take our dicks in your rectum, if that's what we plot?"

"Yes daddy. Yes." He infiltrated me.

He retracted. "We're setting out to spit roast you when your uncle careses?"

"Yes, daddy. Yes. Please just fuck me now already."

Officer Gregson pronounced, "That doesn't resemble a thankful you."

Daddy Bentley, "I suppose you're right. I believe we possess a true unappreciative cumdump."

I hadn't been unappreciative. I indeed appreciated it. I just … I just… "I'm not unappreciative. I'm not. Thank you daddy for slamming into my rectum. Thank you daddies for utilizing me. You were correct. I'm just your petite bottom. I'm only a rectum that demands to be utilized by you. You sensed it to start with. Okay. Your dick feels so gratifying within me. Elucidate what I have to complete. Please."

"Beg for our loads."

I had never begged someone to sperm me. I had never begged someone to breed me. But I didn't ponder twice about it. "Please sperm inside me, please! I merely want you to employ me. I want to be a respectable young man for daddy. I require it, please. Charge into me and construct your loads inside me."

Daddy Bentley assaulted my throat with his penis. Daddy Gregson rutted me, unsympathetically — and it felt so gratifying. They rutted me like that for a considerable duration.

Daddy Bentley addressed me contemptibly: bitch, cumdump, faggot, fannyhole.

Daddy Gregson maintained I was doing so well. "You're attaining so well. You're making me so proud, darling. Fuck that's a good hole. Oh yes, I've got you. I've got you. Distinguished young man. Brilliant young man." He had apprehended my waist so he could handle me and maneuver me at his will. He was assailing my gland like a siege weapon attempting to crash down the castle gates. Look at other Notes ~ Next Note >

I watched our reflections in the TV screen. I was crumpled up into such a tiny space while they towered over me. I hadn't realized how much larger they were than me. Officer Bentley's hands were huge on my head; they might as well have been holding a coconut. Daddy Gregson folded my legs so they didn't get in the way. I was drenched in sweat and precum, making me seem like I was experiencing a state of ecstasy that could only be attained through pain and joy.

I moaned loudly. A thunderous eruption of cum gushed from my dick. I climaxed without touching myself. I covered the couch and myself in cum. It hit my face and eyes. It also spattered Daddy Bentley in the face. The first furious spurts of cum were followed by splashes and then thin trickles. It was the hardest I had ever cum. I desperately needed it.

"Good boy! I knew you'd love it. You're like a fucking sprinkler."

Daddy Gregson continued fucking me. He used my hole. He could always use me and I wouldn't stop him. Then, I felt Daddy Bentley's penis swell inside me. Warm spurts of cum covered my insides. He heaved over me. I couldn't believe the feeling of euphoria that washed over me. I was still hard, but I surrendered to relaxation and closed my eyes, completely spent. I felt as if I could finally rest.

Terrifyingly, however, Daddy Bentley stepped between my legs.

I gazed at him, fearing the worst.

Daddy Bentley used the cum from his stomach to lubricate his penis.

"Uh I don't know about this," I gasped, still dazed and exhausted.

Daddy Gregson slapped me hard. SMACK!

Daddy Bentley said, "Daddy Gregson was kind enough to prepare you for me. Think of that as the prelude."

I could barely move, let alone resist as Daddy Bentley inserted the first inches of his dick into me. "OUCH."

"Are you ready to be used by me, boy?"

"Please stop please stop."

Daddy Bentley spit in my mouth as I pleaded. I swallowed his saliva. This was unbearable. This was impossible. Please stop.

"No way, little cum slut. This hole belongs to me."

"Nooo. Aaaahhh Stop please stop."

"Nope. I love it when you put up a little fight. I love it when you squirm. That just gets me going even more. I know what's best for you, even if you don't. You're my boy. You're my little submissive faggot."

Daddy Bentley hoisted me into his arms, my leg thrown over his shoulders. His dick slid deeper inside of me. I was so wet and weak, I nearly fell out of his grasp, but he caught me. Then he placed my arms behind his neck.

"You're going to want to hold on really tightly."

Slowly, his dick impaled me. My vision blurred, and my legs spasmed. This had never happened to me before. It felt like my whole body was orgasming or breaking, perhaps both. "AAAAHHH. Oohh my gawd oh my gawwwwddddd"

"Oh your hole is so fucking tight."

Daddy Gregson kissed my neck. He assisted me in staying on top of Daddy Bentley. "You're doing great. I'm proud of you."


"I know baby, I know. I know you're frightened, but I'm here too. I know it's so hard. But you're doing great."

Daddy Bentley let gravity slowly push my hole down his dick. Every second seemed unbearable, but it just kept happening. When I was completely impaled, I could see his abdomen and chest.

Daddy Gregson whispered in my ear. "I'm proud of my boy. Look at you. I knew you could do it. You feel that? That's Daddy Bentley stretching you open. Shhh. Shh. I have you. I'm holding you. It's going to be okay."

Daddy Bentley wrapped his arms around me and kissed me roughly on the mouth, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I sucked eagerly on his tongue. Then he tossed me onto the couch, face down, and fell on top of me, crushing me into the cushions. He weighed so much on top of me that I felt my bones would break, creating overwhelming pressure on the inside and outside of my body. He forced my head into the couch. Daddy Gregson was too far away to offer comfort or words of reassurance.

Daddy Bentley fucked me with increasing harshness, muffling my screams and groans by the cushions. I howled, "Daddy!" in a pleading voice, but it was to no avail. "Daaaaddy!" I sobbed weakly, but it felt nothing but unpleasant.Daddy Gregson continued, "Uh, I know, baby. I know you're scared, but I'm here too. I know it's hard. But you're doing great."

Daddy Bentley's thrusts intensified, suffocating me in his weight on the couch. I called out "Daddy" desperately, but nobody could hear me. "Daddy." I cried helplessly, but it still didn't feel right.

Here's the paraphrased story:

"Alright, go ahead. Let me know how it feels. Call out to daddy."


Just as I thought he couldn't fuck me any harder, he wrapped his powerful arms around my shoulders and head, making me feel like I was being choked by a snake, using his hold on my upper body to slam me down further onto his cock. He fucked me relentlessly. He fucked me like there was no tomorrow.

"You pathetic faggot. You're loving this. I can tell. I know what fags like you need. I know better than you. I enjoy it when you say no. It's not as exciting for me if you like it. I enjoy dominating you like the little faggot you are. You like it when I take charge. You like it when I force you to obey. Tell Daddy how much you adore it."

"FFUUUUCCCKKKK DADDDY," was all I could utter.

A small lull in Daddy Bentley's frenzied pace allowed me to take a breath before he started to thrust faster and deeper. My ass was expanding to fit him. I began to moan.

"You love that big bear cock, don't you?"


"What did you say to your daddy?"

To my surprise, I mustered the strength to speak. "Thank you SO MUCH Daddy. Please don't stop. Please Daddy. AHHH AHHH MY GAWD. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you for this massive dick. Thank you for filling my hole. Thank you thank you thank you."

"Beg for it. Plead for me to breed you."

"Please breed me. Please cum inside of me. Please."

"Every day?"

"Yes, please breed me every day. I don't need anything else but for you to fuck me. I'll do anything - AAAAAHHHHH."

"Okay, good boy."

"Please Daddy."

"Who do you belong to?"

"You Daddy. I belong to you. My ass belongs to you. My entire body belongs to you. Use me. Breed me. Please Daddy, I need it so badly. Please cum inside of me."

"Good boy."

Then, his massive cock started to pulsate and even swell as if it hadn't been fully engorged until this point.


"That's right you little faggot!"


I felt countless shots of cum warm my insides. Daddy Bentley's orgasm was intense as he squeezed me even tighter, I thought he might shatter me. I started to climax again as he drove his final thrusts into my butt. He yanked my hair back so he could spit in my mouth again. Then he forced his tongue into my throat, almost ripping my tongue out of my mouth, as if it were something that belonged to him.

Daddy Bentley relaxed on top of me. "You're ours now."

I nodded. "You possessed me the second you dragged me over. I was just catching up."

"Good boy."

He removed his giant dick from me, leaving a noticeable gap where it had been. I felt so empty. I was drained and ecstatic. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open, but eventually, I succumbed to slumber.


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