
Road Tripping Pt. 28

Lou and Molly make a quick trip to Florida.

Aug 6, 2024
65 min read
cum eatingsixty-nineanal playrimmingsquirtingpussy eatingcreampiestrap-onRoad Tripping Pt. 28anal sex
Road Tripping Pt. 28
Road Tripping Pt. 28

Road Tripping Pt. 28

Chapter 28

Readers, this is a fictional road story set in the 1980's, before cell phones and the internet as we know it today. There is pot smoking in this story. All sexualized characters are fictional and over 18. This is part twenty-eight of a many part series. I hope all have enjoyed it so far. Any constructive feedback is appreciated, Thank You S. L.

The alarm clock and the smell of coffee led Lou, Molly, and Sara to the kitchen where a half-awake April was pouring herself a large cup and looking just as tired as them after she had put two pans of cinnamon rolls in the oven for them. "Good morning my little lovebirds. I hope none of you are crippled from wrapping yourselves around Lou all night."

"Just like our tent with Aunt Mable's mattress, but a little higher and wider mom," Molly answered with a halfhearted laugh as she put the half and half on the counter for the others and went to have a quick look in her room and pack up her clothes and a few items she had dug out from the boxes to wear in Florida or destroy digging and in the parking lots ahead.

They ate and promised to call from Florida and when they got back to meet with Sara and go west again. Once they were done Lou went to take a quick shower to wake up more. Molly went in with him to brush her teeth and hair.

She also wanted to leave Sara and April a few minutes alone so they could say a more private goodbye.

Sara went to get her bag from Sky's room and she and April shared a deep kiss and long hug. "I will see you soon April and do my best to keep those two out of trouble on the road." She joked as she gave April's ass a playful squeeze.

"Keep New York City in the fall open for shows. Randy's client said he will give him good tickets for some of those shows and we will get some real nice hotel rooms in Manhattan for as many as we can and see how much fun we can have from there."

"I won't tell them anything and any extra tickets we may have we can always sell or miracle someone with." Sara said as they went to kiss one more time before going back to the kitchen for one more cup of coffee.

April was going to try and go back to sleep after everyone left since she did not have to be in until noon again. She said goodbye to the three of them before taking a quick shower and curling up in bed for another four hours of sleep.

At ten minutes of six, Lou had Andromeda rolling out of the driveway and soon onto the still quiet highways. It did not stay that way for long as the Tuesday morning traffic kept Lou alert as he kept up and let Molly and Sara get another two hours sleep across the backseat. A new live tape from a 1971 Dead show that he traded a meatball sandwich and a Molson for was playing for the first hour and a half of the trip.

They got Sara back to her house with fifteen minutes to spare. It was quick hugs and kisses, and Molly said they would call her tonight and on the road to and from Florida. After a quick stop for gas, Molly had them rolling down the road with The Doors greatest hits cassette playing as Lou took a two-hour nap of his own before they stopped at a nice chain restaurant for lunch half-way to Lou's apartment.

Two hours later they pulled behind Lou's apartment in time to see his landlord going out to shop after telling them Max had just left an hour ago, but Darla should be home around five. She asked if they needed anything from the supermarket.

They went upstairs with an armload of stuff each as they began to empty and clean Andromeda for the stereo shop tomorrow and then the drive to Florida the day after. Once in the empty apartment they dropped off some of their stuff to sort through and whatever needed to be washed.

When they were done with two trips to the basement and upstairs once more, they were both a little winded and sweating from the warm afternoon. "Lou I'm beat. We can unload the rest in the morning. Why don't we take a shower and see if you can fuck the last of my period out of me while no one else is home."

Molly had the water warming in the shower as Lou packed his pipe. She had gotten two towels from Lou's room and joined him in the bathroom for a deep shotgun hit. "I like this large bathroom you have and the old-fashioned clawfoot tub. I hope we can get an extra-long one for our house in the future we can share."

"I think we can both fit in it since I know Max and Darla like to take a candlelit bath together from time to time. Just have to put extra towels around it. In the future we'll just have to pay someone to weld two tubs together so we will have extra room to play."

"We will have to try that another day or get a room in an old-fashioned bed and breakfast one day and try that out, but right now I just want to share a shower with you and wash and get your dick good and hard to fuck my period out of my bloody cunt!" Molly finished with a loud laugh while checking the temperature of the water.

They went in under the warm spray meeting in a deep kiss as Molly played with Lou's cock and he began to finger her pussy and get her ready for him soon. "That's it, Lou, push your fingers deep in me and get me good and ready to for you to fuck me hard and fast. I miss your fingers and especially your tongue deep in me."

"I wish more than my fingers were in you now, but I can't wait to have my cock in you soon my love." Lou said as he kissed her again deeply and had her moaning into his mouth as he used two fingers on her clit and had his other hand playing with her ever-sensitive asshole.

Molly came soon and was glad for his strong arms hold her up as she shook for a moment and just enjoyed the feel of the warm water and all of the wonderful sensations she was experiencing. "That was wonderful Lou. You helped me wash my bloody cunt out even more and next I'm going to suck your cock good and hard so you can pump me full of cum and flush me out thoroughly."

Lou kissed her deeply as they shared the soap and a washcloth and were soon out grabbing their towels and running naked through his home like they had through April's house last night.

Lou had tossed an older, dark blue blanket on top of his bed earlier and he and Molly put their towels down, across the center of the bed before she pushed him down on the bed and was on top of him sucking on his cock and looking up at him with a lustful look. "Get good and hard Lou and then roll me over and fuck me fast and hard. I want to see how strong your bed is!"

Lou's full-sized bed had some extra bolts and C-clamps to strengthen it from a previous time when he and an earlier girlfriend had broken the frame, and Lou had fixed it stronger than new two years ago.

She was loving the taste of his pre-cum leaking from his head, as she let some roll on her tongue and stick to her lips for a moment before licking them and going back down on him for some more.

"You taste so good to me Lou, but I need you in my pussy and filling me with all of your wonderful tasting cum. It's a shame it is going to waste this time on the towels and in the shower after you fill me." Molly said making a cute little pouty face as she met him with a sticky kiss.

Molly kept playing with his cock as they kissed for a moment before she was on her back, and Lou was lowering himself over her as she guided him into her. "That's it Lou!! Fill and fuck my bloody cunt good and hard."

Molly was already very wet, and he went all the way in her with one fast stroke that got a quick moan from her and her long legs wrapping around him as she went to suck on his neck and encourage him to fuck her faster.

"YES LOU!! FUCK MY BLOODY CUNT FASTER AND WASH MY FUCKING PERIOD OUT OF ME!!" Molly Shouted as she came for the first time and the bed creaked beneath them as Lou did as he was told and was hammering away at her as fast as he could.

It was only a minute later he shouted. "I'M GOING TO FILL YOUR BLOODY CUNT NOW MOLLY!!"

They met in a fierce kiss as both of them flooded her pussy with their mixing cum filling and cleaning her as he pulled out once he was done but she was still squirting her honey that washed out onto the towels.

Lou stayed above Molly as he continued to kiss her tenderly now as she held his chest and just let the love and deep pleasure flow between them.

After two more minutes like this Lou heard his landlords, car pull into the back yard and they both ran for another quick shower to clean both of themselves of the last of Molly's period they would find out three clean tampons later.

They were dressed soon after the shower and had a load of towels going with a few other things. Darla got home soon after and Molly asked where she would like them to order from on her. Lou had some of the pot from Mike out and was packing the bong.

The landlord came up later for a few bong hits and hung out until Max got home at nine for some leftovers and Massachusetts weed, before all went to call it an early night.

Lou and Molly awoke to a cool and rainy Wednesday, and after a quick breakfast and cleaning the last of their stuff out of Andromeda, everywhere including her secret compartments in the dash and under the hood, Lou took off for the stereo shop. Molly went to wash anything that needed it and figure out what they would need for Florida. They wanted to travel light and be ready to leave early tomorrow so they did not have to rush the drive.

They would have plenty of long rides ahead of them on their way out west.

Lou got to Stereo Shop and just as they opened, and he met the owner, Julio at the door with clasped hands and he pulled Andromeda into his garage since he was first customer there today. He showed Lou the CB he had for him that was one that showed only the handheld microphone that had small knobs for volume and digital display showing what channel they were on.

"With this setup Lou I can hide all of the rest of the electronics almost anywhere under your dash with all of the room under there and I got ahold of this small shortwave transmitter and receiver that I can mount and hide since if the cops see this out they may ask questions, but I can have most of it hidden and you will just have to flip this switch to it and plug a different type of mike into the same jack under the dash. The tuner will be in your glove box and only light up when it's on."

"Wow that will be cool to have and see what we can hear in some of the really out of the way places we have been."

Julio was looking at the chromed metal roof racks on top of the white station wagon and doing some figuring in his head. "Lou for an extra fifty bucks I can fit in a power boost, and I will run some wires through the roof racks of the car at the same time I run the cable for the CB antenna. You may get some really good reception, and you could be able to transmit a long way in an emergency with either, but it would not be legal at all."

"I understand Julio and I agree it is a good insurance policy considering where we have been in less than three months. I brought enough cash to cover what we talked about and up to a hundred more. Can you put a place to plug in a second CB antenna and have it to join up with everything. Set it up so it will go up near the front of the cars roof please. It will help reception I think."

Julio got a second magnet mount antenna down from the wall and showed Lou where he would put the plug near where he was going to run all the cables into the roof rack and Lou handed him the $400.00, he brought for these upgrades.

Lou hung out telling him about some of the places they had been and left a few nice pieces of petrified wood and turquoise for him and his wife and kids. After a half hour, he went for a walk down to a local library a block from the shop and spent three hours looking through their shelves for any new information.

He found a pair of pictures showing two views of a broken bronze item with the language of Cortinarius on it. Lou wrote down what he thought it said and he did his best to copy all of the writing in its original form and then went to get the best photocopy he could. It was a good copy machine that let him blow it up and adjust the tone and he got a good clear copy of the pictures and of the entries for them and two other pieces of information he found in other sources.

Lou got back to the shop just after one in the afternoon just as Julio was putting Andromeda's interior panels back together with all the wiring completely hidden and the crystal hung by Star returned to its proper position. Julio showed Lou how it was all set up and where everything was and how it worked together from the CB to the short-wave setup and the switch for the power boost.

"Lou, the power boost for this set up is stronger than I even thought it would be. When you have it on for any time make sure the car is running, or it will kill your battery in about thirty minutes. I checked it and I'm glad you have a working voltage gauge in the dash and not just an idiot light."

He motioned for Lou to get out of the car, and he showed him how the antenna's worked. "Lou when you just have the back antenna plugged in it is just a normal CB antenna. When you plug in the front CB antenna it then activates both antennas and the whole rack as a receiver or a barely legal transmitter. When you add the power boost to this setup you will be able to hear a lot, I think but if you transmit anything you will be in trouble unless you move quickly or are in a dire emergency.

He had also replaced the two bad speakers for free since they were only few months old, and Lou headed back to his apartment and got there shortly after two and found Molly and his landlord in her garden and both quite red-eyed, having an iced tea, and enjoying the now sunny day.

Lou said hi to both and went upstairs to get the vacuum and give Andromeda a good interior cleaning she needed. He showed Molly and the curious landlord the CB radio set up and how the microphone worked with the channel selector built into it and all that showed was a small hook for it just under the dash. Lou would explain to Molly later all of the other features that had been added to their car.

Lou checked with the women about the weather for the rest of the day and asked the landlord if they could use her grill. He gave Max a call to let him know he was going to grill up some steaks for everyone tonight. After a quick run to the grocery store, he was back for a round of bong hits with Molly and Mrs. Appleton. He went and began to get the steaks going and talked with her son Aaron who came home from school and had an early one a little rare before he went to his second shift job.

Max and Darla were home within minutes of each other and after a quick change of clothes both were joining the others for dinner at the garden table and relaxing for a while and splitting a bottle of wine Mrs. Appleton had brought out as all enjoyed a fine evening. At dusk they went up to the second floor and shared joints that Molly and Max rolled. By 9:30 everyone was falling asleep on the chairs and couch in their living room.

The landlord went downstairs to play with her favorite toy while she was very high, and her son was out. Darla was the first in the parade to the shower after her long workday and fun evening. By 10:30 everyone was in bed with Molly telling Lou. "My tampons have been clean almost all day, but I will give you the night off. You had better sleep well for the hotel tomorrow night. Mol hasn't come out to play in ages Louis." She said with her best wicked grin as she played with his half hard cock for a moment before kissing him and turning out the lamp on her side of the bed.

Lou and Molly were up with the dawn and had coffee and some frosted flakes, trying not to wake anyone else up this early. Molly had packed and loaded up all their clothes in just three bags for their trip south for six or seven days and Lou had one large box of souvenirs and gifts for his family. Darla came out of her and Max's bedroom, saying hi on her way to shower and get ready for work, grateful for the already made coffee. Max had the day off and went back to bed after saying hi on his way to pee while Darla took her wakeup shower.

Lou had Andromeda heading down the driveway and out into the cool but sunny morning. He kept them on some secondary highways for the first hour, until they were clear of the Washington DC area and its nightmare traffic, before he pulled onto 95 south for Florida.

Molly took over around 9:30 and had them moving with traffic through Virginia and into North Carolina. They stopped at the Burger King in the rest area and were gassed up and on the road again in less than half an hour. It finally got clear of traffic and open enough to look out for cops as they shared half of one of the two joints they had with them. They had left all their other weed in Lou's bedroom, aside from the small bag he gave to Max and Darla.

Molly looked at how far they had driven as they crossed into South Carolina and debated stopping at South of the Border, but it was early, and she had seen there was a hotel from their favorite chain with a pool just inside Georgia and a field behind it in the picture, they might be able to smoke a joint in.

Molly took over after a stop around two and drove for the last hour and a half while they finished their joint and Lou ate the roach once it had been out for a few minutes. They pulled up to the hotel just as the Crosby, Stills, and Nash tape ended and soon they were checked into the mostly empty hotel. They had their bags upstairs in one trip and were stripping their clothes off as soon as all was locked up all the windows were closed that looked out from the second floor.

"Pool and dinner can wait Lou. My Pussy can't!!"

"Come in the shower with me and let me wash your cock with my pee and then you can make sure my pussy has been washed by your pee on the outside and then with your tongue and cum inside of me." Molly said as she went to the bathroom already naked and then taking two of her fingers and pushing them into her already moist pussy as the shower warmed up and they hoped the water pressure got better in there.

They were in the shower and Molly took ahold of Lou's already hard cock and had him bend a little at the knees so she could hose down his erection with the pee she had been holding for the last ten minutes since they were checking in. "I Love you Lou and that you are hard for me already. My pee is making you even harder." She said with a kiss before she brought her pee covered fingers to their lips to share with their kiss.

While they kissed Molly brought his cock head to her clit and waited only a few seconds before his warm jet of pee hit her clit and had her moaning into his neck. "Oh Lou, I missed this so much over the last few days."

Lou kept up a strong and steady stream on Molly's pleasure center for over ten seconds and causing more sounds and kisses against his neck while his strong arms kept her balance in the shower. His fingers kept up a steady motion kneading her soft ass cheeks adding to the closeness they felt. Her crystals were gaining their glow in the dimly lit shower while they kissed once more and washed each other for a minute before they were out and drying quickly before opening the door to the air-conditioned room.

"Please lay down on the edge of the bed Molly and hand me a pillow for my knees, while I feast on your magnificent pussy my love." Lou said.

She loved what he was planning. He was really good at eating her and this gave him easy access to all of her, as she sat with her asshole just off the edge of the towel she had put down.

Lou began to slowly run his long tongue from the top to the bottom of her already wet slit to tease her. Her clit was already poking out from her lips, begging for even more attention by his third pass, with his tongue just teasing at the edge of Molly's twitching asshole.

Lou's tongue worked deeper into her as more fluids ran from her with each pass. Molly was moaning and fighting the urge to wrap her legs around his head and let him build her pleasure slowly celebrating the end of her period together.

Lou began to suck on her clit in earnest as he took a finger and put halfway into her pussy before removing it and they circle and tease her asshole to bring her to an even greater peak as she came soon and had her pussy squirting into his waiting and open mouth.

Lou did not swallow much of her jets of cum but held most of it in his mouth as he stood once her orgasm had subsided and met her with a deep and cum filled kiss as his cock began to enter her still spasming pussy and buried himself until the pubic hairs were lightly tangled together.

As their long and deep kiss continued Lou began to slowly work his thick cock in and out her, withdrawing until just his head was in her and plunging back into her with increasing speed over the next minute.

"That's it Lou. Fuck me good and hard. My pussy tasted so good from your lips. I can't wait to drink us all mixed together from your lips. Fuck me faster and cum in me my love, for now and all eternity." She finished as they met in another long kiss and pressed her glowing stones into both of their chests.

Lou kept up a steady pace of long strokes that had Molly holding onto his back and meeting him for another deep kiss. Molly was beginning to peak again as Lou let out his own deep moans in between kisses and held himself deeply inside of Molly as both of them came together and had both of their mixed cum filling and adding even more to Molly pleasure.

For a moment they just held the other looking into the other eyes while all they were now and in the past were again deeply joined in their eternal love for the other.

After another slow kiss, Molly relaxed her legs and Lou pulled out of her and immediately went to his knees and had his tongue licking all around her soaked pussy that had a small trail of his cum leaking from her with her own river.

"Suck my pussy clean and come up here and kiss me again Lou." Molly said with a smile as she used her right hand to spread her lips so their mixed honey would flow to his tongue and mouth. She did her best to flex her own internal muscles to push his cum out for him even more.

Lou's tongue was deep inside her while his fingers were again teasing her asshole at the same time Molly had her own playing with her clit. In another minute she was howling out her next peak and sending Lou three more big squirts mixed with his cum still flowing out with hers.

Once Molly was done holding his head in place Lou was standing up and meeting her another kiss full of both of their honeys. Molly met his kiss as her tongue wrestled with his as all flowed between their mouths.

Their kiss became slower and more tender as it went on for several minutes with Molly taking his still half hard and very sticky cock and putting him back inside of her as they continued to stay slowly joined for another few moments.

Finally breaking the kiss Molly looked up with a laugh at Lou's cum coated face and wrecked Fu Manchu mustache and let out a laugh. "We better go take another shower or they will laugh at us going to the pool Lou. Your face is covered in our cum."

She leaned up to give him another quick kiss and roll out from under him. "You taste wonderful, but I still think we need to washup before we leave the room honey."

They raced for the shower again as she washed his sticky cock with her pee before using her hands and some soap to finish the job after he shot another hot yellow stream at her still tingling clit and got her off lightly again, before he washed her pussy while she was doing his cock and balls.

"Mol can't wait to play after dinner and a quick smoke in the field behind here or a short high ride up the highway an exit or two Louis." Molly said as she washed and fingered his asshole while he did the same while sucking on one of her rock-hard nipples.

Ten minutes later they were dressed in their swimsuits and heading for the pool for an hour of relaxing in the evening sun and smelling the fried chicken from the restaurant next door that had them going for a big dinner, with no room left for any of the very good-looking pies they had.

They went back to the room and just laid down for an hour catching up on the news and letting all of the very good fried chicken digest before they went to drive up north two exits while smoking half of their last joint carefully, before parking in the hotel lot again within sight of their room.

"Time to go upstairs Louis and do some more training of your ass. I didn't get to see you and Felix fuck each other and Marta and I want to make sure that happens this time we are together. I talked to her and Hailey while you were getting Andromeda her new radios."

Lou closed the door and Molly turned off the TV and used a dimmer switch on the main light panel to darken the hotel room for the night. "Please get undressed Louis and help me put my cock on after you come to me in the shower. I want to give you a drink and take one from you."

They were naked in seconds and getting the strap-on vibrator out for Molly to put on along with some of their other toys to play with. Molly was going to just bring the toys in the bathroom with them for a quick rinse when Lou asked her. "Put your cock on Mol. I want to shower with you hard and ready and get your ass ready and play with your cock in there."

"Ok Louis. I love the idea, and I can't wait to feel your tongue and cock deep in my ass soon." She said with a wide smile and took the strap-on in her hands and began to put it on.

Lou had the water warming and Molly was kissing him and stroking his thigh with her cock. "Let me in the shower first Mol and I will get on my knees to wash and suck your cock and ass."

Molly kissed him one more time as he got in and carefully got to his knees. "I am going to soak you from my pussy while you get my ass ready for you and wash your chest and cock. I want you to wash my tits and cock while I am on my knees getting you even harder Louis. I love you."

"I Love you Mol." He replied as and then began to lick her quickly wetted cock and had his fingers teasing her ass. In a minute he had one finger working to the second knuckle in her ass and her cock almost all the way down his throat.

"That's it Louis. Suck my cock. I love watching you suck me like Felix and Irv, and I can't wait to see you with them again too." She said while enjoying the sight of him sucking on her while his fingers kept playing with her asshole adding to the whole illusion of transformation in her mind while her clit was begging for more direct stimulus.

Lou continued to suck on Molly as his finger got her moaning deeply and had her hands playing with his wet hair and encouraging him to suck her deeper. Lou moved one of his hands just enough so he could stroke her clit, and, in a moment, she shot a stream of her own cum squirting onto Lou's hand with the rest of the water.

Lou held Molly tightly as she shook and came, to keep her balance while he withdrew his mouth from her plastic cock and kissed her thighs and let the warm water just fall on them while his held her closely.

After a moment Molly opened her eyes and looked down again as Lou continued to hold and kiss her lightly. She smiled down and wordlessly helped him to his feet. "Thank you, Louis. That was wonderful. I want to suck your cock and get you good and ready to fill my ass with your cum. First wash my cock and tits with your pee, while I start getting your ass ready for my cock and others in the future. I will have to ask Maggie and Donna if they got any bigger ones, they might loan us to try out."

"You said they bought a large double headed one. We will just have to get one and then we can fuck each other with it Mol." Lou said with a wicked grin of his own looking down at Molly who was just beginning to lick the head of his cock and play with his balls.

"Next time we are in New Jersey we will have to go to that store on a weekday morning and do some shopping together for some more fun toys and oils. Sara will hopefully be with us so she will have fun in there again although we will have to buy any toys for her."

"Sounds like fun to me Mol. I can't wait to see what they actually have there and see what we can share and enjoy together and with our friends Mol." Lou said as Molly held him and was ready for him to spray her chest and protruding cock down before she took a drink from him and made sure he was ready to fuck her ass.

The water from the shower cascaded over them as his warm yellow spray joined the water running down Molly's chest and after being directed against her left nipple Lou lowered his cock enough to spray the tip of her plastic one for a moment, before Molly took ahold of him.

For a second, she sprayed her right nipple until she felt him just begin to slacken and she took his cock in her mouth and let him fill her with the last of his pee. She drank some of it and used the rest to swirl around his cock as her tongue played with him and her fingers sought out his asshole.

In less than a minute the taste of Lou' precum replaced that of his pee and she knew he was ready to fill her with his cum. Much as Molly would have loved a big drink of his cum but her asshole was twitching to be filled.

They were out of the shower and after quickly drying as they kissed and fondled each other's hard cocks, they moved out of the bathroom and put some of their other toys on the edge of the bed on a towel with their oils. "Would you like some cinnamon buns tonight Mol?" Lou asked as she got on the bed and was quickly on her hands and knees.

"Sounds great to me Louis and then I will oil yours up with the same flavor so the whole room will smell like breakfast tomorrow, along with a lot of coffee so I am good and awake to meet your parents."

"First, I want to feast on your buns before I season them with the oil. Too bad this doesn't actually taste like an actual roll Mol. We will just have to get some frosting or the caramel you've mentioned for some extra sweet eating." Lou said with a laugh before he was behind her and quickly spread her soft ass cheeks and had his tongue licking around her bumpy center as he teased her for a moment.

"It all sounds yummy to me Louis!" She answered followed by a deep groan as his tongue worked into her ass as his oiled hand began to stroke her cock and push it against her fingers stroking her clit. In seconds she let out another deep sound as she came from all of the stimulation.

As Molly calmed down Lou went to his knees and worked some more oil on his hand into her already slightly open asshole.

"Your fingers feel almost as good as your tongue Louis, but I want that hot cock of yours deep in me and filling me with more of your cum NOW!"

"Ok Mol. Let me oil my cock for your cinnamon buns. They tasted so good before the oil and will better when I fill them with my cream."

Lou added some more oil to his hands and stroked himself a few more times as he repositioned himself behind Molly and gently pushed his head against her still slightly open sphincter.

He felt only a little resistance as he pushed his head all the way and gave Molly a moment to fully relax around him, before she was pushing back slowly and just feeling herself open and his cock warm her deeply from inside.

"You always feel so good going in any of my holes Louis. Please fuck me and fill me with your cum NOW!" Molly grunted as he was running two thirds of his cock in and out of her and reaching around for her vibrating one.

Lou kept up a steady pace of long strokes while both had hands stroking her cock as Molly moaned deeply into the pillow. Streams from her pussy shot out and soaked both of their thighs as waves of pleasure rolled through Molly's whole body for several moments while they were joined.

Soon Lou felt himself nearing his own peak and buried his cock in her and held there as her whole body shook beneath him. He was moaning deeply into her neck and shoulder as she kept her face in the pillow so half of the hotel did not hear their mutual climax.

"Oh, Louis I love the feeling of your cum filling me. Stay in me and just sit there and let me feel you go soft in me for a minute."

Lou stayed in her, tenderly kissing the back of her neck and using one of his oil covered hands to stroke her left breast.

Molly laid with her head sideways on the pillows feeling more of Lou's warm seed flow deeper into her as a faint blue/green glow showed from the darkness under her now oiled breasts and rock-hard nipples.

After he was less than half hard, Lou slowly slipped out of Molly, while slowly kissing his way down her spine. As he did this one of his hands sought out her dripping pussy and he slipped his thumb into her as his fingers toyed with the base of her strap-on cock.

Molly was moaning again into the pillow even before his tongue trailed down her sweaty and cum splattered crack of her ass. Her tone changed a whole octave when Lou's tongue reached her bubbling asshole and circled her and lapped the cum from all around her. It was only another minute until she was squirting out her next orgasm as his thumb deeply stroked her g-spot in time with his still lapping tongue.

Lou collected some of their cum in his mouth and moved from behind Molly and met her with a deep kiss to share themselves again. "I left most of my cum in you Mol so you can feel some run out of you when you fuck me."

As Lou said that he stroked her hard cock and kissed her again deeply. As the kiss grew deeper, Molly's oiled fingers began to reach behind Lou and toy with his asshole.

They made out for several minutes as Molly picked up a cloth and wiped Lou's cock before she got the oil and began to coat both of their cocks. Roll over for me Louis so I can fuck you as good as you did me. I want to feel your cum shooting out of your cock while I fuck you like I felt with you in me."

Molly kept stroking his cock as she got behind him and first went to part his ass checks and trail her tongue down his sweaty crack that also just had a hint of her own cum mixed in from her squirting all around when she came.

"I Love rimming you Louis and feeling your cock get hard again from my tongue. I will get you good and ready for my cock and start it on low for you and see how long you can last."

Molly plunged her long tongue deeply into him. For several moments she kept up a rapid tongue fucking and licking all around him like he had done for her and had him moaning and pulsing in her hand.

"I am ready for you whenever you want Mol. Your tongue feels wonderful in me. Fuck me good and hard Mol like I did for you."

"All right Louis. Let me oil you a little more and get my cock ready for you. I will go slow at first my love but then I want to feel you fill my hand with your cum." Molly told him as she pushed two oiled fingers deeply into him, making him moan into the same pillow Molly had been minutes earlier.

Molly knelt behind him, turned the vibrator she was wearing onto low and pushed her oiled cock into him slowly and with tender kisses on his back as she buried herself all the way in him with one steady stroke. It was his turn to moan into the pillow again.

"Fuck me Mol. I want you to make me cum again from your cock my love." He grunted out as she pulled back and turned the strap-on to its second setting and began to fuck him deeply with each stroke.

Her hand was wrapped around his oiled cock again and began to stroke him at the same pace she was using in him. She could even feel some of the vibrations in his ass through his cock. "Louis you are already twitching and your pre-cum is already leaking out of the head of your dick like you're cum that is starting to run down my legs as I fuck you."

"Fuck me harder Mol. I can feel my cum rising again!!"

Molly stopped for a moment to turn the vibrator up to full before resuming her deep in and out motions with three-quarters of her toy. "I love you, Louis. Cum for me my eternal love!" She almost shouted while now dripping sweat onto his back and using her hand and her hips even faster on him.

Less than a minute later she felt him swell in her hand as she held herself buried all the way in his ass, feeling him begin to spurt his cum into her hand as she joined him with her own orgasm from both the vibrator pushing near her own clit and all of the excitement from how they joined this time.

It added even more to the illusion she was experiencing making love this way for both of them knowing how shared their pleasure was.

Molly pulled out of Lou after just a minute relaxed together, met for a kiss and shared their handful of cum from him while she still felt a cool trickle running down her thigh and calf.

"Time for another shower and to put Mol to bed until we are out of your parents' spare bedroom. Your mom might want to borrow my strap-on if she hears us, Louis." She said with a laugh as she walked to the bathroom, taking off her toy to wash in the sink as Lou put the rest of the oils and other toys back in the bag on the desk.

They took a long shower together this time, just kissing, holding and washing each other. After ten minutes they were drying and brushing their teeth, before laying down and putting an old horror movie on.

Four hours later they woke up to a John Wayne movie playing. "I guess the getting up at dawn and driving caught up with us Molly." Lou said as he got up to pee followed by a half-awake Molly. Five minutes later both were sound asleep until just after dawn again with almost nine hours sleep.

Molly was the first to wake up and saw a still sleeping Lou's cock was hard under the sheet in the warming room. Before he had a chance to stir, she was under the sheet and had her mouth over the head of his cock while the tip of her tongue teased his piss slit and circled his circumcised head.

In moments he was moving as he woke and kept getting harder as she took him deeper in her mouth as her tongue danced around him and her fingers began to play with his balls. "Time to wake up and fill my pussy Lou before we go for breakfast."

"Good morning, Molly. I love you and how you woke me up today. Can I have a little pussy appetizer also?"

Molly moved over a little and they moved to their sides, and each lifted a leg to give the other room for some more oral fun. Molly had Lou's cock back in her mouth by the time his tongue was circling her clit and warming her pussy instantly.

For a minute Lou warmed Molly up and got her good and wet before two of his fingers began to probe her pussy and bring her to start running his cock halfway down its length down her throat in between deepening moans. A minute later she was squirting her first orgasm of the day into his Fu Manchu and three-day beard.

Once Molly caught her breath as she kept licking his almost purple cock, she moved in a fluid motion, laying Lou back on the bed and settling on top of his cock and filling her pussy with one deep and wet thrust.

Molly stayed still for a moment feeling herself stretch and be filled by Lou again. "I want to just savor your cock in my pussy. It may be a few days before we can have serious fun together. Too many Alligators and SNAKES in the woods around here Lou!" She said with a smile before bending down to kiss him and moving herself on him with a slow tempo that soon increased in speed.

"Ride me faster Molly. I can feel you gripping onto my cock. I think your pussy is getting stronger with all of the workouts." He said as his right hand reached down to try and play with her clit as she rose and fell on him before grinding herself back and forth on him to add to the power of her next orgasm that had her kissing Lou again to muffle her shouts of pleasure.

Molly rested for a moment on top of Lou before he rolled her to the side and ended up on top of her, still inside of her, and once she was set, he kissed her and began to move in her again.

Once he was fucking her faster Molly had her fingers reaching for her clit to add to her own pleasure and try and match his peak. Less than a minute after she began to stroke herself both of them came to a stop as they joined a mutual orgasm that had them staring into the other one's eyes lost in the love, they shared again this morning.

They lay together for a few minutes enjoying just holding onto the other with no clothes to get in the way until a bright sunbeam came in between a slight opening in the curtains, that lit the room and was taken as a signal to get their day moving. Thirty seconds later Lou was warming the shower while Molly got out both of their shaving kits so she could do her legs and Lou cleaned up his face before they took a shower and got to breakfast before seven.

Molly had them pulling out of the parking lot before eight heading south on 95 to Lou's parents' house near Orlando Florida. They shared their last half a joint before they left Georgia and were moving quickly with the light traffic. It was before the tourist season started so it was not a busy ride, and the cops were not out as much.

After about two and a half hours they pulled over for gas, the bathroom, and a quick call from the payphone to let Nancy and Mitch know they were on their way and about three or four hours away. The last time Lou had driven down here traffic had been awful and it took him over eight hours from this same rest stop then to get to their house.

Lou pulled Andromeda back out to the traffic and set his cruise control for 4 miles an hour over the speed limit as he saw many out of state plates on cars that were pulled over, although the fifteen-year-old station wagon was not usually given much notice by the police.

The flat and wide roads kept moving well and it was just after one-thirty when they were pulling into the new planned community where Lou's parents had moved four years ago after his father took an early retirement deal from a major electronics company that was restructuring and wanted to get all of their highly paid senior people out.

Mitch took their deal in cash and stock to go with his pension and they sold their house in Delaware for what five houses cost in the just being built community. They had the pick of the lots and took the one on the highest ground, with Florida's wet reputation even though they were fifty miles from the shore.

Lou pulled the station wagon into the driveway of their single-story ranch style house. Lou's mom and dad were out to meet them before they were parked from around the side of the garage. Two other couples were in the large, screened enclosure near the freshly lit barbecue.

It was all hugs and handshakes as Nancy and Mitch led them around back. "You two get in the bug shelter with everyone else while I get some steaks and some of that fish Ed caught yesterday cooking. You're not a vegetarian are you, Molly? We do have salad and other sides."

"No, I've been smelling the grill since we pulled up and breakfast was a long time ago Mr. Bergen."

He sensed her hesitation in addressing him "Call me Mitch dear. Were all adults here right. Right Nancy."

"Yes dear," she said with a smile as she led them into the twenty foot by twenty foot screened in area with two picnic tables and a small bar set up on one end with some liquor bottles and a cooler they could see under it. Lou and Molly each took an ice-cold beer and talked and ate with everyone for the next few hours. Lou went and got the stuff they had for his folks and showed them all some of the things they had collected and some of their photos from the places they had been and to put some faces to the names they mentioned.

Molly liked Lou's parents, and she saw they both had almost the same shade of blue eyes he did. His mother had the same color hair as Lou, although she was a petite five foot three, but with a chest almost the same size as her own. Mitch was built a lot like Lou at six foot tall and no more than a hundred and ninety pounds, as both looked like they enjoyed a happy and active retirement, as Nancy told her about her 5 handicaps in golf and the couples tennis league they were in.

"We get out early in the morning before it gets too hot for all of that plus Mitch just turned sixty so now, he can join the local softball league and run around all the eighty-five-year-olds." She said with a smirk at Mitch.

Molly laughed and said If they had time she could go for some tennis when she went to practice.

"It's been a few years since I last played but we could give it a try partner. I promise I won't run you over Molly." Lou said across the table.

"I told Mitch the last time he almost took me out I was going to whack his shins with my racket next time." Nancy said with a laugh as she got them each another Michelob and waited for their neighbors Key-Lime pie.

After they were all finished eating, the men went to inspect Andromeda with their beers in hand in the hot late afternoon sun that showed storm clouds gathering.

Molly and the three other women talked and relaxed as they asked her a few questions they did not want to with the men around. Molly sensed two things during this far gentler interrogation than the one April had given Lou.

One. She knew they had quietly decided they liked her, and they felt that she was a good match for Lou.

The second thing she sensed was an energy flowing between the three older women in the screened enclosure and there was more going on here than just a lot of sports.

She said nothing to Lou about this for several years, until later events and revelations.

They could hear the thunder in the distance, getting Lou's parents' friends to head to their homes, and Lou and Molly to gather the modest amount of clothing they had with them. Lou had put their toys in the wagon's back secret compartment for now, and they unpacked in five minutes in the spare bedroom that was decorated for Lou's sister Kim's kids when they stayed over.

Everyone relaxed for the next two hours until Kim, her husband Justin, and their son Stan age six, and daughter Kerry who just turned five arrived. After hugs and introductions, they got ready to go to a local family restaurant.

The kids asked to ride in Andromeda with Lou and Molly. Kim went with them as Justin was happy not to have to drive after his long day at work and rode with Lou's parents to the restaurant.

It was a fun meal for all as Lou and Molly talked of some of their trip and told everyone of their plan to drive to a place to dig crystals that grew in ancient seashells. "It's called Ruck's Pit, and it's less than two hours from here, I think. They say all you do is use a hose and a rake carefully and just pick the pieces out of the piles of sand."

"Do you think you can make money with those guys?" Mitch asked

Molly looked into his and Nancy's eyes replying. "It will only cost us ten dollars each to dig there and if we get five pieces to sell for ten dollars each, we will make money and if the article is right, we may come away with more and some may be even very valuable."

Lou spoke up next after finishing his apple sauce. "Dad, we have done good and if there is not much there, we will still have spent only about fifty dollars for the whole day. If we do good, we will be back there soon to dig for more."

They talked of how the tour they were following would likely come to Florida at some point in the next months or if there was a break they would come back again.

The kids were excited about their stories of going places and digging up things for money and asked if they could go with them tomorrow, with deep pleading eyes at their parents.

Lou and Molly said they would love to have some help, and it should be safe and fun as their mother said she would come along since Justin had to work half a day tomorrow. Disney was a harsh mistress to work for, but his executive job paid very well, and he was planning to retire at 53 with over 35 years at the park. It paid well enough that Kim did not have to work and could stay at home with the kids, and they were thinking about adding to their family.

After dinner they went back to Lou's parents' house and soon Kim, Justin and the kids had left. Lou and Molly had a good hour talk where they explained how they were able to afford their life on the road and that after over two and a half Months Lou had only a thousand dollars less in the bank then when he had started on the road and their unemployment was still coming in for them until November 30 for Lou and December 31st for Molly.

"Dad, next year we will set things up to pay some taxes in whichever state we settle in, but for now we are just hoping no one notices anything. Vermont looks good to both of us, and the rents are low. If we can make enough, we may and try to set up a store in the future there."

"We understand Lou. We just want to make sure you are ok and are not in any trouble and not doing anything really illegal. I understand you making money under the table selling food and rocks in parking lots and I agree the tax man is not going to come looking for you." He said with a laugh.

It wasn't even ten and all were yawning after long days. Lou and Molly each took one of the kids' beds, with Molly laughing at Lou's feet hanging off the end of his nephew's bed. She did not dare stretch out on the one she was in, or she would have her toes off the end too.

Molly awoke first to the smell of coffee at 6:30 and soon her and Lou joined his parents at their table for coffee and some toasted muffins with butter. Mitch and Nancy were in their tennis outfits for the Saturday morning matches starting at eight.

Kim and the kids were at the house for 7:30 and less than ten minutes later they were all on the road to Rucks Pit. It was going to be almost a two-hour ride, and Molly told the kids some censored stories of the road driving in their car.

Kerry liked all of the crystals hung in the car and Molly told her some of Star and how they found the Petrified wood piece beneath the great crystal hanging from the mirror. "If you are in a lightning storm at night and the flash catches Andromeda's eye the right way, a rainbow can shoot out of it and light up the whole car. We have seen it happen twice in the car and a friend saw it while we were in a room inside, but she saw it out the window."

The ride went well in the air conditioning and soon they were pulling up to a small lot with a sign and a small and weatherbeaten building. Lou paid for everyone to dig while Molly and Kim covered the kids and themselves with generous amounts of sunscreen and bug spray. It was as open and primitive as it looked in the pictures, but he could see the two others there getting pieces out of one of the piles of wet sand.

For the next four hours the five of them went to work on a single freshly dumped pile as a team and were soon pulling out many interesting pieces from the sand. Molly and Kim were on the hose's most of the time while Lou and Stan used small rakes to get the pieces and then handed their finds to Kerry to put in their buckets.

Everyone had fun and they ended up filling their two five-gallon buckets and the two beach buckets the kids brought for what they wanted to keep and ended up filling. Lou and Molly went back to the office after loading all their finds for the day up while the kids got rinsed off again along with mom. The owner had pieces for sale and Lou asked him about some of the values of three uncommon ones and one rare one they had found, as Molly looked at his other prices to get an idea of what they could sell what they had for.

They also gave the owner a couple of pieces of turquoise and petrified wood from their other diggings. Lou and Molly had already agreed it would be worthwhile to come back here again in the future.

Everyone was cleaned up as best they could and put on fresh t-shirts before they headed out in Andromeda as the afternoon rain clouds began to gather. Lou had seen a Pizza Hut at the exit from the main highway and soon they were pulling into the parking lot just as the storm began.

It got dark as the first deep crash of thunder rattled the crystals in the car and got everyone's attention while Lou was backing the car into a parking spot near the entrance. Just as he shut the motor off a great streak of lightning flashed a half a mile in front of the car, over the open fields next to them, and for a second the interior of Andromeda was lit in a weak rainbow showing throughout the car from her crystal "eye" in the half light of the storm.

Lou and Molly would later tell each other that night that for a second, they were both worried that they were going to see the blinding flash next and Andromeda taking everyone on another trip off of the Earth. That would have been very difficult to explain to everyone and impossible to keep the two young children from talking about that kind of event.

For a second all were silent and just a little stunned as the loud thunderclap again made the crystals rattle and sing a little before both kids shouted excitedly "MOM!! DID YOU SEE THAT!!"

"Yes dears." Kim answered after taking her own moment to digest the strange event she had just seen. She had a crystal hanging from the mirror of her own car, but it had never done that, and she drove in storms like this all the time. From the looks and silent conversation, she saw Lou and Molly have there was more to this than just rainbows, but she could not ask in front of her children, as she had understood some other unusual things about their relationship from their talks in the car.

They ran into the nearly empty restaurant, and everyone had a fun lunch while the storm raged outside for the next hour. Molly and Kim had a hard-earned beer as the kids played some video games and soon, they ate everything that was brought out and all left full and went out as the sun came out from behind the last of the afternoon storm clouds.

Minutes later all were loaded up and just after Lou got onto the highway, he noticed he was the only one awake in the car. It was a quick and quiet ride with all of them sleeping until they pulled into the driveway at Mitch and Nancy's.

They came out of the house to see how they were doing, telling them Justin was going to be over soon to join them for dinner from the grill. Lou and the kids got all of the shells and crystals out of the station wagon to wash off with a garden hose and put out in the evening sun to dry. Kim and the kids ended up taking two each and handful of the loose calcite crystals they had found hundreds of during the day.

Once they were done, they all went starting with the kids for showers and a full change of clothes. Kim was in the shower when Justin got there and was impressed with all they had found. The kids filled dad in on everything that they had done and seen talking a mile a minute as they showed him the shells they were keeping.

Mitch had the grill going again tonight and soon Hamburgers and Hot Dogs were filling plates along with sides and more talk of the day the kids had, digging and seeing the rainbow in the car.

The showers and food refreshed the kids and adults for a little while but by seven both kids were half asleep and Kim was ready to call it a day. Plans were set where and when to meet on Monday for the drive to Disney World. Since they were staying at a hotel there that night they were going to check in first and then go to the park for the day. Then Justin had set up a dinner for all at one of the resorts fanciest restaurants for Mitch and Nancy's thirty-fifth anniversary that night.

Lou and Molly were going to leave from there early the next day and try for Lou's home that night and after a day packing and getting Andromeda looked at and her oil changed, they were going to pick up Sara early the next day and begin the trip west and back to following the Grateful Dead Tour.

Everyone was in bed before ten again. "See you for a little fun when we wake up in the middle of the night Lou." Molly said with a wink as she put three of their towels on the floor for some in the middle of the night fun.

The clock said 2:47 when Molly got her eyes to focus, and she tapped Lou on his exposed foot as she went out the door and down to the bathroom. Lou was in the hall by the time she was out, and they shared a quick kiss before he went to pee. Two minutes later he was in the bedroom with Molly laying out the three towels on the floor between the beds for them as she took off her old t-shirt and met Lou for a deep and slow kiss.

"I don't want to wake the house Lou, but we can have a quiet sixty-nine and make each other cum. I want a drink of your cum and my pussy misses your tongue." Molly said as she pushed his shorts down past his already hard cock.

"I love You Molly and I will do my best to keep quiet." Lou replied as he kissed her deeply and gave both of her nipples a gentle pinch, making her moan into his mouth and have her hands grab and return the favor to his chest.

They broke their long kiss and moved to the floor quietly as both had their tongues doing other things besides forming words.

Lou was just taking his time letting his tongue work all along her from her clit to her wrinkled asshole, with light pressure at first to let the pleasure and feeling slowly build in her. With his third pass he could begin to taste the first drops from her almost always wet pussy and his slow build up always had her dripping into his mouth.

At the same time her flavors began to coat his tongue Molly was getting the first sticky beads of pre-cum emerge from the slit of his growing cockhead. She used her tongue and gentle pressure from her lips to coax more of his fluids into her mouth.

Their slow tease carried on for several minutes as she got him rock hard while she began to more than just drip onto his probing tongue while his nose tickled her clit. Molly had to take him deeply into her mouth to muffle the sounds she could not help making as she came for the first time in two days.

As soon as Molly stopped shaking, she took her mouth from his cock to say a whispered. "Thank you that was wonderful. My turn to make you cum soon my love."

Lou pushed two of his fingers into her pussy deeply to soak them while she used some of his fresh pre-cum and her own saliva on hers. Seconds later she returned her mouth to his cock, and he was again eating her pussy deeply. At the same time, they both had their wet fingers probing each other's hungry asshole.

It took only a few deep movements from their embedded fingers to have both of them peaking together again.

Molly struggled with the first three blasts of cum from his cock to handle all from him after a night off. She did not try to hold to much from him in her mouth but swallowed most of his load while her fingers worked on his prostate bringing another two large gushes of cum for her as her own orgasm rolled through her whole body.

Lou was fighting the same battle she was, as he tried to drink all that was pouring from her pussy in several long squirts that filled his mouth and forced him to gulp her fluids like she was peeing at the same time. Molly's strong thighs were holding his head in place while he fought to drink and breathe, but it was worth every second of sharing their pleasure as one again.

They silently untangled from one another and met while still on their sides for a long and deep kiss that shared their deep orgasm's again, while bathed in the subtle light from the crystals glowing between Molly breasts. They did not want to untangle from each other as they kissed and talked quietly on the floor about the earlier rainbow and the drive ahead to Molly's Grandmothers.

Lou helped her up from the floor and they dressed and picked up the towels silently before another quick trip to the bathroom. They met for a kiss again and carefully got into the beds that were too small for either of them, until the house began to stir at seven am.

It was another lite breakfast as Nancy was already dressed for her Woman's Sunday Golf Matches and Mitch had plans for two newspapers and all of the Sunday morning politics shows. This gave Lou a flashback to most of his childhood, where his dad did this almost every Sunday and his mom went out to Golf, Tennis, or Bowling, most of the time with his sister, while Lou would use this quiet time for his hobbies.

Molly had decided to wear her favorite blue/green skirt Lou had gotten her and tank top to match with an open white dress shirt tied off over her belly. Nancy said she loved the skirt, and Molly told her she would send her one from Hailey and Irv when they saw them in two weeks and asked what her favorite colors were. Having seen her purple 1965 Mustang in the garage she was not surprised at her choice.

Lou was backing out behind his mother's convertible and soon they were on a different set of highways than yesterday, on their way to see Molly's Grandmother. It took them two hours and one wrong turn before they were looking for the visitor parking in the large condo she was living in.

Once inside the airconditioned main lobby of the large and very nice-looking building they called Molly's grandmother to meet them. Molly ran to hug her as she got off the elevator and she gave Lou a hug after taking a moment to assess her granddaughters new man.

At first sight she thought he was a definite improvement over the last one she had met at Quintin's wedding. From what April had told her, he was a good one and he and Molly were a good match.

They went up to the apartment on the third floor of the ten story hi-rise. They could look out the window and see dozens of people using the pools and other facilities in the large, enclosed courtyard. She had moved her three years ago after selling the house near Miami her late husband had bought, before he had died eight years ago.

After talking for an hour and showing her pictures from the road and telling her some stories and how they made money to survive they asked her where she would like to eat, and they headed to the lobby of the building. On the way they ran into someone she knew, and she introduced them to Al who looked to be a fairly rugged 65ish, ten years younger than Louise. Molly asked if he would like to join them, but he was on his way to his afternoon ping-pong matches near the pool.

As they walked away, she whispered something in Molly's ear that had her giggle and said they would talk more when they sent Lou on an errand, with a laugh and he noticed her look at his crotch for a moment.

Louise loved their car, and it was a fun ride to a nice Italian place that had many people she knew, and they said hi too as Lou and Molly were introduced to many that day. The food was excellent, and they split a small bottle of wine with Lou limited to one glass. "Wine hits Lou too hard and I don't know my way around this state. I won't matter tonight staying at his parents' house, but you are on a one glass limit tomorrow. I don't want to waste the hotel room." Molly said with a laugh.

Louise took Lou's wine glass from his saying. "Ok. You've had enough I don't want my granddaughter endangered or disappointed." She said with her own laughter as she poured half of his into her glass.

Neither told her how much pot they usually smoked, and that one glass of wine alone would not put Lou to sleep.

They also told them about their friend Darcy and the place she ran, when Louise told them about her organizing a bus trip out west and asked if they knew any fun places to stop. "I have her number grandma, and I can call her from your place when we get back and you can see if it can happen. You two are close in age and both are a lot alike in your attitude towards life."

They also told her about Felix's parents' store and all of the cool things they sold that they might find worth stopping at or going to if they were staying in Tucson. "It all sounds like a good idea to me Molly. The are always asking about out of the way places and where you can either collect your own or get things at a good price."

Lou added. "If we can time it out right, we can be there and help on that day or ask Felix and Marta to go there for a day or two to help Darcy out and everyone looking for things. The only tough part will be the road getting there. It is very rough ...Louise." Lou said with some hesitation of his own despite her telling him to call her that.

"You'll get there Lou. Louise said with a laugh. You just have to give me some good and healthy great-grandchildren with Molly in a few years. April told me you had just met before going on the road together. You are still getting to know each other but I can tell you are very good for the other."

As they left Louise stopped to talk to friends at two other tables and asked them what they thought of going to the digs and Molly told them about the hotel an hour from The Petrified Wood Mine was new and very nice when they stayed there for several nights.

Once back at Louise's apartment Molly called Darcy who was happy to hear her voice and that all was well with her.

"Darcy, Lou and I will be out there in about two weeks if all goes well, and I will call you a day or two before we get there. There is a mall just outside Chicago we have been to and if there is anything you can think of you might need or want, we will pick it up for you."

"Thank you, Molly how is Lou, and everyone else?"

"They're great, and Lou and I are in Florida staying with his parents for a few days for their anniversary. Right now, we are visiting my grandmother, and she is organizing a tour bus going out west in the late fall, and she was wondering if you could handle a group of at least forty people from the large condo she lives in?"

"Forty people in November Molly. Hell Yes!! She shouted loud enough for everyone else in the room to hear. It's usually quiet then so the business would be great to have. Let me know what dates they are thinking of and please give them my number."

"Darcy my grandmother Louise is right here. You two can talk a little now about this." As Molly handed her grandmother the receiver.

Darcy and Louise talked for about ten minutes while she jotted down notes on a pad at her desk. Molly got them each a glass of water and they relaxed and talked for a while after the call. At one point Lou asked where her bathroom was, and Molly gave him a look telling him to take his time so she and her grandmother could talk freely for a little while.

Lou took his time and went to look at some books on shelves in the hallway to give them a few minutes as he picked up and looked at a Heinlein book he hadn't read. When he heard the two women laughing loudly, he figured it was a good time to return and ask if he could borrow the book.

"I will mail it back to you after I read it, and Molly has read it."

"You two can keep it. I got it from the exchange table we have in the lounge and had been meaning to put it back after I had read it." She said smiling at Lou for giving her and Molly some time alone.

Lou and Molly left around three in the afternoon and were back at his parents' house before five. Nancy asked if they would want to come and play a little tennis with their friends before going out to eat at the clubhouse tonight.

They got a change of clothes to play in and borrowed some rackets from Mitch and Nancy. They took his 1985 LTD to the courts where their friends were practicing. They broke up into two foursomes and gave the younger ones fifteen minutes to warm up and remember how to play. It had been two years since Molly last picked up a racket and over five for Lou.

It was fun and Nancy and Molly got to know each other better when they teamed up and saw both had a strong competitive side with sports. Lou and his dad teamed up for a few games, before Lou and Molly played his parents and lost 6 to 3. Lou said he would buy the first drinks as everyone went to the clubhouse to change before eating.

Molly followed Nancy to her locker where she had left the clothes she had worn earlier. Nancy handed her a towel saying. "I hope you aren't too shy their Molly." As she stripped and tossed her sweaty outfit into a bag and went to warm up the shower.

Seeing Nancy strip and go right to the shower Molly got a good look at her and if she wasn't Lou's Mother, she would have taken a longer look at her taught body. A moment later she was naked and across from her happy to have a chance to shower before eating.

Nancy tossed her some soap saying. "I can see why my son has fallen for you so hard. I watched you out there. You are fast, and I bet you are getting stronger with all of the hard work you two do together. Along with many other fun things I bet." She finished with a laugh and an obvious look up and down Molly's body while she stood there and returned her admiring gaze.

As Molly finished her shower with her eyebrow raised in thought about several things until one idea caught her cold for a second. When her and April meet for the first time it could be very interesting.

Nancy tried on Molly's blue/green silk skirt and loved the feel of it even more when she saw how it could adjust for anyone. Five minutes later they were out to meet their freshly showered men and go to the clubhouse restaurant.

For the next two hours they met some more of Lou's parents' friends and were seated at a large table with the two couples they had played tennis with and met a few days earlier. It was a fun time with a few more drinks and more talk of the road and their plans to be in California in two weeks and about their friend Sara who was going with them. A sly smile from Nancy to Molly told her that she had a good guess that Sara was more than a friend to both her and Lou and when she had shown her a picture of Sara, she told Molly she was a "cutie".

They got back to the house at 9:30 with everyone full and exhausted. After a few minutes of chatting all were heading to their beds since they planned to be on the road by seven in the morning. Lou and Molly talked for a few minutes before trying to get comfortable in the small beds.

It was before six when Nancy knocked on their door and soon, they were getting ready for the day and packing all of their stuff up quicky since they were heading north from Disney World early in the morning tomorrow.

They followed Lou's dad to Justin and Kim's place, and the kids asked to ride in Andromeda again, and all had a fun ride to the huge park. They went to the hotel they were staying at in the resort and got themselves all set and met in the main lobby of the hotel at nine AM and took the tram over to the park.

The kids had fun leading Lou and Molly around the park they knew very well. Lou had been there a few years ago and Molly when she was thirteen, so their young guides were good to get to some popular rides. It was a Monday, so it was not busy at all and by lunch they had done most of the favorite rides and went to check out some of the other things in the park. The afternoon rains had Lou and Molly playing antique arcade games while the children were back with their mother for a nap.

After the rain ended Lou and Molly went to ride some of the water park rides and went back to the hotel around 4:30. They found Kim in the lobby waiting for them. "Hi guys. Justin is taking the kids on some rides so we can hang out."

Then after looking around and in a whisper. "Follow me. I know a place where we can smoke this fat joint I've got. I know you two must by dying for a smoke after three days down here."

"The last time we smoked Kim, Lou answered in a whisper as they began to follow her out a side door of the hotel, was when we left the hotel in Georgia. We only had two joints to smoke for the ride down."

They followed a long and winding path with two turns to smaller ones before they came to a small clearing with a table and no one else around. "Only the park employees know about this place and even Justin has been out here with some of the management people who smoke." Kim said as she got out a fat joint and lit it and passed it to Molly.

"We owe you for this Sis. Next time you are up my way we will have to smoke with you and Justin, or I will hide some really good stuff deep in the car. She has secret compartments in her. I just did not want to risk it this time, but the cops left us alone."

The joint got Lou and Molly very high after a few days of not smoking. They talked and Kim asked them about the rainbow and if there was any more to this she asked. "I saw the look you two gave each other, like there could be something else."

"There is some more and the crystal that Star hung is very special. Next time we are together we will show you some of our notebooks and explain more about that and something else we are working on with our friends, that involves some ancient history research and more."

"Ok Lou. I don't really understand."

"We will explain more later. Molly told Kim. Lou might be embarrassed to tell you but both times we saw the rainbow we were making love in Andromeda. There are other things, but we will talk more next time we meet and have our notebooks and some private time. Do you ever write down your dreams Kim?"

"I have heard that people do that, and I jotted down some things once or twice. Should I do that Molly?"

"If you want to. If they seem very vivid or if you talk with people, you know now or if you were to join Justin in one. Lou and I have been in each other's dreams at the same time, and they have been very profound."

"Justin and I did have a joined dream a long time ago and there could have been others we have forgotten. The kids keep us very busy, but I will, and I'll ask him to write anything down that he remembers. We should get back and get ready for later tonight. Justin has gotten us reservations at a really fancy place here and I have to get the kids ready."

The walk back was warm, and all were happy to get into the A/C again and get to their rooms for showers. Kim gave Molly the roach for their long ride back to Lou's tomorrow. She was happy to have some time to get ready without the kids and enjoy her high while she showered and maybe got out her own little buzzing friend.

Lou and Molly were happy to have over an hour to get ready and have some fun, naked time together before dinner as a warmup for after dinner.

The second the door to their ninth-floor room was closed Molly was taking off her shirt, tank top and shorts as Lou had his shirt off and took off his shorts after closing the curtains and turned on VH-1 for some noise to cover them a little. Molly threw their slightly used towels from two nights ago on the bed before lying down with her legs spread and her fingers playing with herself as Lou walked over to the side of the bed stroking his inflating cock.

"Here you go Lou. Suck on my fingers while I get that drop of cum from the tip of your dick and get you hard and ready. We don't have too much time, and I haven't gotten all dressed up in a long time. I'm glad I shaved my legs a few days ago. A few more days in all this heat and I'm going to shave my whole pussy bald. You will love it anyways Lou." She finished with a laugh before beginning to lick and suck on his cock while Lou licked her fingers and reached down to have his fingers begin to get her even wetter.

Her tongue circled his head while two of his fingers parted her pussy folds and after teasing her hard clit, he began to work his fingers into her just deep enough to graze her g-spot. This had her working his cock deeper into her mouth in between licking his sweaty balls.

As Molly did that, Lou took his fingers out to lick them clean. He dipped his fingers back into her soaked pussy again for just a moment and then took them out and ran them up and down his saliva coated cock for her to enjoy.

For another minute they made each other even hornier with their lips and fingers before Molly rolled away from Lou, spreading her legs at the same time. "Fuck me and fill me with your cum while we still have some time for a slow shower."

Lou was on top of her in seconds as guided his cock into her already wet and ready pussy. "I'll eat you fully later Molly after we eat. Tomorrow night we might be too tired to have too much fun."

"Two nights after Sara will be with us so a night of rest might be good." Molly finished with a laugh as he thought about Lou entering her with Sara lowering her sweet pussy onto her face at the same time.

Lou took his time entering her and letting her feel all of him go into her. He also loved the feel of Molly using her pussy to grip him and make him work a little to open her up and share their pleasure. "Molly you feel so good and tight with you grabbing onto my cock with your whole vagina."

"I Love the feel of your cock in me and opening me again Lou. Fuck me slow and deep and make me cum all over you." She finished talking and they met in a slow and deep kiss. Lou just kept his slow pace up while Molly made low, happy sounds into his mouth and his neck while she kissed him there.

After a few more minutes of this slower pace, Molly let out a deep purring moan as her whole body seemed to grab Lou with her pussy, arms, legs, and mouth as she came in a long and wonderful orgasm that filled her own pussy and covered Lou with the results of her pleasure.

Lou stayed still in her until he felt her whole body relax under him. He kissed her on her lips and then began to move in her with long thrusts the quickly built in speed. "That's it Lou. Fuck me good and deep and fill me with all of your cum to join with mine. I want to clean all of our yummy cum from your cock."

"I want to suck your pussy clean too Molly!" Lou said with a grunt as he was running his thick seven and a half inches in and out of her as fast as he could.

At least Disney built their beds strong here as it did not make a sound, while they did. Lou was looking deeply into Molly's eyes as both felt their joined love flow through them as Lou made a few more primitive sounds and Molly joined him in her own song as he filled her spasming pussy with his cum.

As both of their deep orgasm's subsided, they met for another long kiss while still joined. When their kiss finally broke, they looked deeply into each other's eyes again while whispering "I Love You." To the other before Lou then grinned at her and pulled out of her swung his body around.

Within seconds his tongue was buried deeply in her pussy while both of their mixed cum bubbled and streamed from her. As the first large glob of mixed cum rolled onto Lou's tongue he felt her tongue begin to clean his cock slowly while she had her chance to savor them mixed together again.

Lou coated his thumb with their mixed cum and began to work it into her already wet asshole.

Seconds later Lou felt a cum, and saliva coated thumb of Molly's begun to work into his ass and fuck him as she worked his cock in and out of her mouth. It did not take her long to have his cock get fully hard again and begin dripping fresher pre-cum to go with everything else. Her moaning into his organ like a wet vibrator around him as she came again added to all the sensations Lou was feeling while drinking her latest squirting orgasm.

Molly used her long thumb to continue to massage Lou's prostate as her orgasm had her in their sphere of love, oblivious to all around them. The only other thing Molly was focused on was his swelling cock in her mouth that was streaming more pre-cum out until she felt him freeze and begin to erupt more cum into her mouth.

Molly drank his first blast before trying to keep all of the rest in her mouth. Once he finished and she milked him for a few strokes it was her turn to swing around and in the same motion rolled Lou on his back and impaled herself on his cock and meet him for on fiercer kiss.

Their kiss grew slower as Molly rode his slowly deflating cock and felt herself peak one more time from their joined passion.

After breaking their last kiss, Molly was off of Lou and on her way to the shower. "We can play some dirtier shower games later, but it is going to take us both some time to get ready now." Molly said with a laugh as she went around the corner and Lou heard the water starting to warm up.

It took them almost a full hour for the two of them to get ready with Lou done first, he had a few minutes to call Max and Darla and tell them that he and Molly would be home tomorrow night, and they could be late getting there if they ran into any delays along the way. "Don't shoot us Max, if we come in late because we hit bad traffic, but if we are in time we will smoke some of what we left behind."

"You two will need to smoke after that long drive. We will see you and try and have some leftovers for you two. Have a safe ride you two." Max said as he went back to smoking with Darla and their landlord in their kitchen.

Molly dressed in the red, white, and blue silk skirt she had gotten to match Lou's tie-dye and had only worn it a few times. It was a good match for a silk floral top she had to go with it. Lou was dressed in new navy shorts and a good dress shirt with a red, white and blue tie to kind of go with Molly.

Lou had asked his mother about how formal this place was, and she told them he could wear shorts and a dress shirt in Florida as formal wear for men.

They were the first to the lobby and were soon joined by everyone else and were off to the restaurant with Nancy telling Molly she loved this skirt as much as her other one. Soon they were at a very large table with the two kids doing their best to be good. It was a long but fun dinner with many different foods and a large choice of desserts and some champagne to toast the anniversary couple on the thirty-fifth and too many more.

Lou and Molly were ready to go to their room by nine when the party began to break up. They said their goodbyes to everyone, and Molly got deep hugs from both Kim and Nancy, who had grown to like Molly and were very happy Lou had at last found a good woman.

"If anyone is up early, we will see you at breakfast around 5:30 when we plan to eat quick and be on the road as early as we can. We are going to try to get to my apartment in one day, but it's a long drive. I will call you mom the day after unless we get in before ten." Lou told his folks before they went in the elevator and to their room.

They were out of their dress clothes that Molly folded carefully for both of them while Lou got a five AM wakeup call set. They were both naked by the time they met for a deep hug and kiss at the foot of the bed. "Do you want to take another shower Molly. I have to pee, and I want to warm up your brown flower and get you ready to fill with cum again Molly."

"Yes, Louis I wish my cock and other toys weren't still in the car, but we had no way to get to them with the valet parking. Sara and I will make it up to you in three nights." Molly said with a smile and a tug on Lou's half hard cock.

They went under the warm water and continued to kiss while Molly held Lou's cock against her clit. He took the hint and a warm stream from him hit her clit causing low sounds of pleasure join their kiss.

Lou worked his hands lower and began to fondle her soft ass cheeks and add to all that Molly was feeling as his stream began to slacken. As his flow ended, she let loose with her own pee onto his held cock, causing him to harden even faster. They continued to kiss deeply as his hands worked deeper into the valley of her ass.

For a moment she washed his cock and gave her own pussy some more washing. Lou's fingers were working their way deeper into her crack and now tickling her bumpy asshole, exciting her even more.

"I'm clean enough now Lou. Come and pour some strawberry oil on your cock and in my ass and fuck me NOW! We have to get up too early tomorrow for any real late-night fun."

"Three nights from now we can stay up and you or Sara can drive the first leg in the morning while I sleep in the back Molly." Lou said with a smile and handed her a towel.

"We will have to be past Chicago for Sara to drive. I don't think she is ready for that kind of traffic Lou." Molly said as she went in her bag and got out the oil, she had kept with her in case they could not get to the rest of their toys and oils.

"Here you go Lou. Get me good and oiled and fill me with your cum. I want to know tomorrow sitting in the car that you fucked me good."

Molly was on the bed first and held her ass up off the covers and towels and wiggled herself at him seductively. Lou was behind her and soon parted her soft ass cheeks and plunged his tongue into her while one of his hands sought out her pussy.

Molly moaned and picked up the oil groaning out. "Eat me good and then let me oil your cock up and get you ready to fill me."

Seconds later she shouted into the pillow and squirted her cum all over his hand while her ass muscles held his tongue wiggling inside of her and kept her orgasm rolling through her.

Once she relaxed her muscles and lifted her head from the pillow Lou moved and met her for a kiss before opening the oil and covering his hand and beginning to work some into her already wet and relaxed asshole. Her pussy continued to drip and shoot little pulses with his fingers entering her.

"Fuck my ass now Lou!!" Molly all but shouted as she reached for the oil and Lou's cock to get him ready to fill her.

Lou had two fingers slowly going in and out of her and stretching

her and making her tug his hard cock even faster with her oiled hand. As soon as he pulled his fingers out form her Lou moved behind her and slowly entered her very receptive ass. Molly did not give him a chance to let her rest and adjust to him.

She just pushed her whole body back and swiftly took him with another deep sound of pleasure and another pulse from her pussy to soak his balls again. "You feel so good filling me Lou. Your cock is so warm in me, I cum a little every time you enter me back there."

"Your ass is so warm and soft too Molly. Ready for me to fuck you good and hard Mol." Lou said with a laugh as he began to move inside her and kiss the back of her neck.

"Yeah Lou! Fuck me good and deep with those long and slow strokes I love as you build up speed. I'm going to soak your balls and the towels again!" She all but howled again as her face went back into the pillow so their neighbors did not hear them.

Lou's long strokes had Molly cum twice more in a matter of moments before he let her have a short rest. Once she lifted her head from the pillow, Lou began to move in her much faster than he had been.

"Yes, Lou fuck me faster now. Make me feel you fuck me good. I want you to pump all you're cum deep in me and have it run out of me all night slowly. Aren't I a dirty girl Lou!!" She finished almost breathlessly.

Lou was sweating and breathing a little hard above her as he answered: "And I'm a dirty boy who wants to fill your wonderful ass with my cum Molly."

In thirty seconds, Molly was again using he pillow to muffle her sounds as Lou was grunting deeply and holding his cock all the way in her as he filled her with his cum while kissing her neck again. She had three heavy streams of cum splash him and cover both of their thighs in the results of her strong orgasm that joined with his.

For a minute they remained joined and enjoying all of the good feelings rolling between them. Molly had to get Lou to move when one of her legs began to cramp up from all of the walking and other fun things they had done today.

They were in the shower a minute later with Lou rubbing Molly's left thigh and kissing her breast. Molly was enjoying all of this as she washed his cock and began to feel a little trickle of cum flow from her.

The shower was over soon, and they both went to lay down and watch some TV after a long day. They saw the weather looked nice for tomorrow with rain the day after. By the time the sports report was over they both were asleep for the next seven hours and their early wakeup call.

  1. After their meal, Molly suggested, "How about we bring out the strap-on and have some anal play to spice things up before our road trip continues?"
  2. Later that night, Lou and Molly indulged in some 'sixty-nine', pleasuring each other orally while also engaging in some 'cum eating'.
  3. As they continued their road trip in 'Andromeda', Lou mentioned, "I've set up a CB radio in the car, and I even installed a special antenna for better reception during our long drives."
  4. During one of their stops, Molly found a strip club with a special show, "Let's pay for a private room and watch a girl squirt while we enjoy some 'pussy eating'. It could be a fun and exciting experience."
  5. After a long day of driving and exploring, they decided to settle in for the night. Lou proposed, "Why don't we treat ourselves to a 'creampie' before calling it a day? It's been a while since we’ve had our favorite post-coital treat."

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