Room Service

A four night stay in a hotel.

Aug 6, 2024
10 min read
hotelvoyeurismRoom Servicemasterbationsurorise
Room Service
Room Service

Room Service

I work for an electrical engineering company that is based in a town on the North East side of England. However, I am based at their South Western branch in Cornwall. In early September 2022 my company sent me on a training course at their head office to familiarise me with a new item of stock that they were introducing. It was just a short course, 4 days, and I would have to stay in a hotel as it was too far to travel back home every evening. I arrived on Monday afternoon around 2 PM. My course didn't start until the afternoon of the following day. It was going to be a boring 4 days it seemed. I didn't know the town and I was staying alone and didn't really fancy going out, so I settled down to read a book that I had brought along. By 10 pm I was in bed.

I awoke the following morning and went down to breakfast. Afterwards returning to my room because my course didn't start until 1 pm and went on until late evening. I returned to my book. At about 11.30 I heard the sound of a key turning in my door. The door opened and a lady came in pushing a small trolley loaded with cleaning things. She had clearly come to tidy my room, thinking that I had left. She apologised when she saw me and pointed out that there was a card that said "Occupied, do not disturb" I should have hung it on the outside of the door if I was still in my room and she would have come back later. It seemed that guests were supposed to be out by 11 am. I apologised to her and said that now that she was here she may as well do what she had to do. She was an attractive woman, very attractive, probably mid thirties. She had long, dark hair that was tied back in a pony tail, and sensual dark eyes. She had the kind of smile that sent a message straight to my groin, and she clearly noticed that because she saw the movement there and blushed slightly. An identity card pinned to her tunic said that her name was Helen. That just happens to be my favourite female name, it's so sensual and sexy to me. That piqued my interest further. We were still standing facing each other, waiting for the other to speak. I knew that my arousal was obvious now and if I didn't move it would soon become embarrassing. Then she seemed to snap out of it and she moved over to my bed to change the sheets. Helen was only in my room for about ten minutes doing what she had to do but all the time there was a sensual tension in the air and I know she felt it too.

I came back to my room after the first day on my course. It was about 7 pm. I had already eaten and there was nothing to do but watch TV or read. I started to think about Helen and our encounter this morning. A daring thought came to me. It was risky. If it went wrong and she complained to the hotel management they would no doubt tell my employers and I would lose my job. Would it be worth the risk? I went to bed at 10 but couldn't get to sleep thinking about her. By the time I did get to sleep I had decided, I was going to risk it.

I went down to breakfast the next morning then returned to my room. Helen had come at 11.30 yesterday so by 11 O' clock I was on the bed, naked, my shaft standing hard and erect. At 11.15 I heard a noise in the corridor, the sound of her trolley wheels on the hard floor. A quiet tap on the door and then her key turning in the lock. She opened the door and came inside. At first she didn't see me but as the door closed she saw me on the bed and gasped. She turned to go but I quickly said "no, Helen, please come in, will you pass that towel to me?" For what seemed like minutes but was only seconds really, she hesitated, staring at my nakedness as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Then she slowly took the towel that I had placed on the radiator and brought it over to the bed. I took it from her and placed it on the bed at my side. I was fully erect. Helen didn't make any attempt to move away, she just stood there, staring intently at my hard shaft. I started to slowly move my left hand up and down. Still she didn't move. The usual demanding need started to come over me. I knew at this point that I was going to do it, I was going to make it come and let Helen watch me. She made no attempt to touch me, she just stood there watching, her eyes never moving from my groin, watching my hand, moving quicker now, watching the foreskin sliding up and down, up and down. The sensation was exquisite. I could feel the tingle starting way down in my toes. Helen was waiting. It was as if she could sense that it was going to come because her mouth opened slightly and her tongue passed over her upper lip. The tingle shot up my legs and I exploded, shooting a powerful jet of juice high in the air. I couldn't help my cries which I tried to stifle with the towel. Three more spurts followed, landing on my chest and some on the bed sheet. Oh sweet ecstasy, so lovely. As it faded I slowed my movements and stopped, letting my hand fall onto the bed. My body jerked as an aftershock came and my penis started to soften.

Still Helen didn't move, watching, enraptured, fascinated. I cleaned myself up using the towel that Helen had given to me. Only then did she move away and, taking the towel she put it into her laundry cart. Still without speaking she started to tidy the room and replace the tea and coffee that I had used. the usual things that she must do many times each day. I got off the bed so that she could change the sheets, standing there naked as she did so. Then, without a word she was gone, taking my dirty linen with her and leaving me to get dressed. I was in a kind of daze. What had just happened? I still couldn't be sure that Helen was not going to report the incident to her bosses at the hotel. I didn't think she would because she seemed to be enjoying it almost as much as I was. Why would she have just stood there otherwise? Wouldn't she have gone out and reported me right then? That thought helped a little to comfort my whirling mind.

I didn't follow much of my course that day, my thoughts were elsewhere. I got back to the hotel at 7 pm and watched a little TV. By 9.30 I was in bed, my thoughts on what had happened that morning and my shaft hard and demanding. I brought myself off in seconds and drifted into a relaxed, deep sleep.

I awoke early and after showering went down to have breakfast. By 11 I was naked on my bed, eagerly anticipating the next few minutes. Then a thought struck me. What if Helen didn't come today? What if it was her day off and someone else was doing her rooms? I could hang the 'Do not disturb' sign on the door I suppose, hoping that Helen would ignore it and come in anyway, but what if she saw it and didn't ignore it thinking that I don't want to see her? No, I couldn't risk that. I would have to wait and see what happens.

Even as these thoughts were going through my mind I heard a key in the door lock. I was ready to jump off the bed and apologise to whoever might be there but I needn't have worried, Helen came in with her trolley, letting the door close and lock automatically behind her. Without a word she took a chair and placed it at the side of the bed where I was lying, sitting down with one hand in her lap and the other under her chin, just waiting, watching me intently. She noticed the stains on the sheet where I had spurted my cum last night and she smiled slightly and her lips parted. The index finger of the hand that she was holding under her chin went to her bottom lip and she held it there, looking for all the world as if she was studying a difficult concept in school or college.

I was stroking myself slowly with my left hand. I always masturbate with my left hand. I'm not left-handed but it feels more natural to do it with my left somehow. I reached over to touch Helen with my other hand but she wouldn't let me, gently taking my hand and placing it back on the bed. Her eyes never leaving my hard, demanding shaft. I wanted her to touch me but I knew that she wouldn't. I moved slightly so that she could see more. I felt the tingle starting and just let it happen. Eyes closed, face screwed up as it rushed up my legs and detonated in my penis, sending spurts of cum high into the air. As it subsided I opened my eyes to see Helen watching. Thoroughly absorbed in what she was seeing. When she was sure that I had finished she stood up and moved the chair back to where it belonged. After handing me a towel to wipe myself she got on with tidying the room. I got off the bed and stood naked in front of her. She changed the sheets, putting the dirty ones in her laundry container and after she was satisfied that the room was serviceable she simply opened the door and left without a word.

What a strange situation this was. I couldn't believe that it was happening. I lay down on the newly made bed and wondered if she would come again tomorrow. That would be my last day, I would be driving back home after the course ends. I wish she would talk to me. Apart from the first day when she told me about the 'Occupied' sign for the door, she hadn't spoken a word. In a way it was sexy, a bit mysterious. As I lay on the bed thinking about her the energy changed direction again, flowing down and into my penis, in seconds I was hard and urgently pumping.

The following morning was a repeat scenario. Helen came in without knocking at 11.15. I was on the bed naked and she placed the chair at the side of my bed so that she could see me clearly. As I moved my hand slowly up and down my shaft I realised for the first time what an attractive woman Helen was. She had everything I love in a female. Long hair, dark eyes and a really sexy smile. That smile was what attracted my attention at the begriming. How long ago was that? Just three days. It seemed like I had known her longer than that. But then, I didn't really know her at all. I hadn't even heard her speak since the first day when she told me about the 'Occupied' card. I did remember that she had a soft, sensual voice then, I would love to hear it again.

She had her head in her hand again like yesterday. Her index finger brushing her bottom lip. Watching, waiting, anticipating what she knew would soon happen. I was aware that my movements had become quicker and I could feel the beginning of my orgasm. I could let it fade at this point and prolong our time together. I knew that this would be the last time I would see Helen. I would be travelling back to Cornwall tonight. I slowed my movements and the tingling receded. I noticed that Helen was squeezing her thighs together and I longed to see her naked like myself. I wondered if she was really wet. I wondered what she looked like down there. Was her slit low down between her legs or higher up like Sarah. I would never know but the thought was making it come again and this time I let it happen. I exploded with such force that I couldn't help crying out loudly. I was staring intently at her face all the time my cum was spurting out. She had removed her hand and that beautiful, sexy smile was on her lips as she watched enthralled.

I lay for a while, breathing hard, heart beating wildly. Helen was moving about the room, tidying up, replacing tea and coffee. I realised that she would need to change the bed sheets but I didn't want to move, I wanted to stay here for ever, and I wanted Helen to stay with me. I wanted her to take off her clothes and come and lie down with me, but that wasn't to be. Reluctantly I stood up and let her look at me naked, this would be the last time she would be able to do that. She removed the bed sheets and replaced them with clean ones and then she said "I won't be here tomorrow, I don't work weekends, make sure you're decent when the weekend staff come to do your room." It was the first time she had spoken since she told me about the 'Occupied' card. She smiled and my penis started to rise again. I explained that I would be going home after my course ends tonight. I thought I saw a look of disappointment cross her face, maybe she thought that I would still be here on Monday when she came back to work. On an impulse I asked her for her phone number, maybe I could contact her and we could arrange to meet somewhere. She just smiled, kissed my cheek and turned and left the room with her trolley. As she closed the door she winked at me and that was the last I saw of Helen.

As strange encounters go, this must be one of the strangest. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before and I'm sure never will again. There are many things I regret about it. I wish I had been more outgoing and asked her to take her clothes off too. I wish I had tried to persuade her to touch me and let me touch her. Probably most of all, I wish she had spoken to me. To tell me what she was feeling, what she wanted me to do, anything just to hear that sexy voice.

I drove back home that evening, over 250 miles, and went straight to bed. I lay there thinking about Helen, caressing my hardness. In my thoughts I was touching her naked body. Gazing at her lovely slit. Watching her stroke her clit as I rubbed my shaft. Exploding at the same time that she did. My orgasm shook me and brought me back to earth. I drifted off to sleep to dream about her. Goodnight Helen. Goodbye.

During the training course, I decided to take a risk and call for Room Service, hoping it would be Helen who would come to fulfill my request. Unfortunately, it wasn't her that night.

After the exciting encounter with Helen, I started imagining what kind of surprises awaited me during my remaining days at the hotel. Could there be another surprise in store with Room Service?

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