Gay Sex

Rory and Aurora: A Duo's Narrative

Rory hails from an island that fosters unique perspectives.

May 20, 2024
25 min read
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Rory and Aurora
Rory and Aurora

Rory and Aurora: A Duo's Narrative

I'm 30 and Rory, she's 25. I'd seen her for years but only met her recently. She wasn't like the other girls in the area. She told me her family was from some Pacific island I couldn't pronounce. Despite being in the area for a long time, she never merged with the crowd. Whenever there were groups of people, she'd sit quietly, observing and sharing her thoughts at times. Everybody seemed fascinated by what she had to say, and would start discussing it further. If she danced, everyone followed. If she acted smart and thoughtful, everyone tried to match her. If she got wild, everyone followed suit.

I was just a regular dirtbag guitarist. We played songs people liked, had a lot of gigs, drank a lot, and fooled around a lot. I usually managed to steer clear of jail and had a place to sleep. Women favored me because I was in the band, meaning I had various places to stay, plus sometimes the other guys allowed me to stay on their couch. This eventually turned into a semi-permanent setup with a basement room in Tommy's house, who played the keyboards. I had my own door, and his girlfriend tolerated me sometimes when I needed a place to stay. I had a bathroom and a bed, what more do you require?

Back to Rory. She had her own unique style that the local girls couldn't replicate. They simply couldn't. She was petite - not even five feet tall - with a sturdy frame, which is local lingo for having a divine body. Large breasts, a round backside, she was an embodiment of perfection. But what set her apart was her fashion sense - a style that, I don't know what you'd call it. She used to wear short dresses with suspenders, and these round-toed patent leather shoes, but with four-inch heels. It was a mix of Shirley Temple and Marylin Monroe's provocative styles, not vulgar or overtly sexual, but no one could help staring at her.

I first encountered her, like most people, during a gig. She was seated with some girls and they took to the dancefloor. Unlike the others, Rory didn't immediately pay me any attention, which was both odd and flirty to me. I knew she was aware of me. She was surrounded by her friends, laughing and dancing, her red lips gleaming in a smile.

During the break, I approached the table. "Hello ladies," I said. "It's great to see you dance. Is there a song you'd like us to play for you?" As a band member, this came naturally to me.

"Wow, we aren't sure," one said. They chatted among themselves and didn't seem to genuinely care what we played, but they didn't want me to leave their table.

Rory was watching the others, amused by their indecisiveness. When our eyes met, she nodded at me and asked, "What about you? What kind of music do you like?"

"Everything," she replied, her dark eyes meeting mine. "So surprise me."

My sense of virility awakened.

Of course, she ended up back at Tommy's basement with me that night. My old truck was a mess with food wrappers, Empty cans, but the seat was wide and smooth. I took some hard turns, sliding her firmly against me. "Wow," she said, "This is smooth."

"Yeah, I've been working on it," I said.

She placed her delicate hand on my thigh, and we headed back to Tommy's house.

I won't detail the sexual encounters, but Rory and I saw each other regularly over the following months. Maybe it was the island influence, but her approach to intimacy was new to me. She relished the pleasure, giving and receiving. It seemed as though she had escaped the sin-and-chastity lessons given to American girls; Rory was one of the most sensual women I'd ever encountered.

She'd perform oral sex but never finished me that way. Sex for us was a series of exchanges, switching and returning to each other. I would satisfy her, and she would blow me or tease my balls until I was close to the edge, then we'd alter positions and proceed. [2] [3] [4]

I can't help but emphasize this. Her seductive skills were mesmerizing. She moved her body in ways that made your senses go wild. I used to think this was a customary practice from her Polynesian origins, but her ability to thrill me from every angle, be it from above, below, or even from the side, was nothing short of masterful. And it wasn't just me; we cherished those long, whispered nights buried in each other's embrace.

Rory was known for her magnetic flirtations. She had a way with men; a single word, a suggestive gaze, and they were hers. Women, on the other hand, were entranced by her as well. The glowing cheeks and heaving sighs were her signature moves. Rory was a big believer in physical contact, and guys often tried to resist the urge to hug her, but deep down, they loved her embrace. We often spent our nights hopping from one venue to another, listening to locals and sometimes scoring gigs just by being in the right place at the right time.

Now, let me share a few of the moments we've shared together. But before that, let's jump straight to an evening that sticks in my memory.

We piled into the pickup, cruising toward town. "You know, it's always the women who are drawn to you," I said.

"It's true," she chuckled distractedly.

"Have you, you know, slept with a woman?" I inquired discreetly.

"No, I've never tried," she responded casually.

"Would you? It could be pleasurable," I suggested.

She paused, absorbed in thought. "I've sometimes wondered about it. It seems enticing." My right hand was resting on my thigh, as it often did when I was driving with her. A hard-on shaped beneath my jeans.

"You'd give it a go?" I asked.

"I'd consider it. As long as you were there," she answered.

"Can you imagine how great that would be?"

She took a small breath before responding. "I have."

"Fancy trying it tonight?"

Her eyes widened. "What would that entail?"

"We go to Hamster's, and we see if there's anyone you like. Maybe someone will catch your fancy."

I winced at my choice of words; it was not the most elegant terminology. "It's a college bar," I said apologetically. "But it's a great place to dance, throw back some drinks, and potentially lay a few eggs."

I was never a keen fan of Hamster's. It was a party spot, with good music for the pop fraternity at Chatford University. Let's just say it wasn't the epitome of music sophistication. Still, you can't go wrong with a crowd of twenty-one-year-olds who thought beer was life-sustaining, and it wasn't a terrible place for finding someone to bone if you were of legal age.

We sipped our beers at the bar, swaying to the music. Rory coaxed me onto the dance floor, and though it wasn't my preferred style in music, it was certainly enjoyable being so close to her, especially with her wearing high heels and that little red number. We were drowning in the atmosphere of lust and anticipation, searching for contributors to our own party.

Rory stood close, quizzing me. "Did you pick anyone out yet?" she hissed.

"Who?" I asked.

"Pick someone," she insisted.

I scanned the room. "Well, there's that tall one with the red hair."

"Now you're talking," Rory grinned.

"There's also that brunette over there in the mini-skirt."

"You're making my mouth water," she teased.

Rory was a touch shy when it came to flaunting herself. She wasn't the type to dress provocatively and display herself carelessly. Rather, she dexterously wielded her allure like a CEO wields a loaded wallet, choosing when and how to let the world know of her presence, with raised eyebrows, smirks, and language so sweet it could make the most hardened misogynist swoon. That night, it was Rory who drew all gazes to her. Her dress swayed with her movements and the lights gleamed from her red lips; they, too, were like neon signals saying, "I'm here. Come for me."

We returned to the bar, placing our beers back on its stained surface. She conspiratorially glanced at me. "So?"

"So what?"

"Anyone catch your eye?"

"Again, the tall one with red hair," I nodded.

"Say something," she urged.

"Hi," I smiled. "Seems like Hamsters favors tall women," I joked.

She laughed. "Hm. Maybe you should've brought me into this earlier."

"We can do it right now, if you want," I suggested.

Unfazed by my offer, Rory shook her head. "I don't know how to flirt."

"You're better than me," I said. "You don't need to change a thing."

Taking my cue, I reached out for her hand. "Come on, let's dance."

By this point, we were in full stride, and Rory had pulled me in for a hug. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I was close enough to see that red lipstick stained on her chin. As the song progressed, her pelvis started thrusting against my thighs. I caressing her ass gently, pushing into her muscles. And so began the end-of-the-night ritual.

"Hmm, not an option," I replied.

"Pity," she expressed a hint of disappointment.

I swiveled my barstool towards her. "To be frank, Rory, this scenario is a bit tricky for me. If I walked in here as a single guy, I'd know who I'd like to approach. That being said, it doesn't necessarily mean she'd be someone you'd fancy."

Her red smile brightened as she said, "Bring her over to me."

I took a deep breath, looked around the room. "There's this table with a group of women over there."

"Uh huh," she acknowledged.

"The one in the tank top and the denim skirt?"

She was grinning widely. "The exact one."

"Alright, go get her," I instructed.

She left her stool and paused. "Got any ideas where we're going next?"

"Perhaps," I responded. "My basement at home is never exactly romantic, but it has a bathroom and a bed. You know, the bare necessities."

"Okay," Rory said, and strutted across the room.

I marvelled how she does this with so much grace. She was such a beautiful sight, moving between the tables. The random people in the room stopped talking and stared at her as she passed. The table with our chosen girl had a group of college-aged women with cocktails. They must've sensed that Rory was heading for them as they fell silent, put down their glasses, and locked eyes on her. She seemed like she could've brought the entire group home if she wanted to.

Once Rory reached their table, the redhead was almost standing and the others were waiting, possibly expecting her for something. Whispers were exchanged, and in an instant, the half-dozen women all rose from their chairs and headed to the dance floor.

It seemed like a good choice. The redhead was gorgeous, the subtle sort that didn't seek attention but charmed you the moment you laid eyes on her. She had a pink tank top and a skirt shorter than Rory's, with bits of frayed denim on her thighs. A bra strap hung from her left arm. A simple headband held back her hair. She stood tall and walked with confidence, following Rory to the dancefloor.

The band was playing some ridiculous pop tune I've heard a hundred times on the radio. Could've been Taylor Swift or any other pretty singer. I prefer old blues or country but I know how to cater to the clients. The five women grabbed a spot on the dance floor and started dancing with sincere enjoyment. Unlike other women who watched indifferently, Rory had a big smile and was focused on each one, hiking up the cheer of the room. It was heartwarming to see.

As the evening progressed, the band shifted tunes. When the lights dimmed and they started on a corny ballad, I figured it was probably a Bon Jovi or Ed Sheeran song. Yeah, songs that make me cringe. The women stopped dancing but Rory and the redhead stayed on the floor to practice a waltz or so. They broke into laughter as they worked out the steps and were dancing closer by the minute. I lost sight of them again, but when the song was over, they were locked in a kiss.

I glanced over at the redhead's table to see how her friends reacted. Strangely enough, they appeared good-natured about the affair, nodding heads and laughing lightly. They seemed to be cheering, "that's her!" To me, they appeared a little jealous.

By the end of the song, Rory and the redhead walked hand in hand back to where I sat at the bar.

"Larson, Aurora," Rory introduced them.

"Aurora," I greeted. "So we have Rory and Aurora, quite a tongue twister."

They looked into each other's eyes and laughed loudly. I'm not sure if they were amused by their alliterative names or the tongue twister part. [How can I make this easier?] You can make this easier by using simpler words and more casual language, basically shortening the sentence structures and making the whole thing sound more conversational. Here's an example: "Not really," I said. "Aw, that's disappointing," she replied. I turned to face her. "I mean, if I was single, I'd know who I'd fancy here. But that doesn't mean it'd be someone who interests you." She gave me a big red grin. "Try me," she said. I gulped, my eyes wandering to the group of women at the corner with drinks. "OK, they're just over there," I told her, nodding towards the table. "The girl in the red tank top and the denim skirt?" "Yes!" Rory laughed. "Grab her then." She slid off her stool and paused. "What next?" "Amazingly, I've got an idea," I said. "I've got a place at home with a bathroom and a bed. It's no palace, but it's got the essentials." "Okay, I'm up to it." Rory got up and walked confidently across the room towards the table. More heads swiveled to watch her strut across the room, the girls at the table falling silent at her approach and eyeing her with anticipation. I couldn't help but think she could've taken all of them home, based on her presence alone. The girl in the tank top and the denim skirt remained seated at her table, when Rory approached. They spoke for a moment and then the girl joined Rory's exit towards my spot at the bar. "Larson, this is Aurora," Rory introduced them. "Hi, Aurora," I smiled. "Rory and Aurora, this could be fun," I mused, because their names drew an alliterative reaction. They both caught my drift and both laughed. [Is this good?**] Yes, this version is less formal and more engaging. It matches the tone of the original text and should satisfy the original requirements.

I sat close to Aurora, watching as she sipped some expensive drink. Deciding that it was worth the cost, I bought a round for everyone. I offered her my stool and stood nearby as she and Rory chatted, their conversation primarily directed at each other.

Aurora was breathtakingly gorgeous up close. While I couldn't tell if she had makeup on, her skin appeared flawless, giving me the impression that it was natural. She was a young woman of twenty years, with striking blue eyes that held an intensity that was both captivating and lethal when she smiled. Her tank top was not the most flattering style, but it managed to accentuate her slender frame and the full, rounded breasts that sat beneath it. I couldn't help but be excited to see where this night would take us.

Mindful of the potential challenges we might face, I realized that ensuring a positive experience for all involved was crucial. I didn't want to get anyone emotionally invested or expecting a long-term commitment that might not be there. Thankfully, Rory and I had a similar view of these situations – we were sexual predators at heart. Aurora seemed like a curious young college student, one who had likely experimented with her fair share of college boys and was now craving more. This was the perfect candidate.

Aurora spoke to me once more, "Rory's been explaining what you gentlemen had planned, and while it sounds interesting, I'll admit I haven't done anything like that before."

"What do you mean by that?" I inquired, wanting to ensure we were all on the same page.

"I've never been part of a threesome. Not even with a woman."

"It seems like all of us are in for a first tonight," I responded with a grin.

Rory chimed in, "A lot of this was my idea, by the way."

Aurora nodded. "I see."

Rory turned to face me, "But he wouldn't mind, would he?"

"I'm not sure what I've signed up for, but it's all happening so fast," I laughed. Both girls looked at me with amusement, their laughter light and friendly, reminding me that this was their plan and they were in charge. Aurora ran her hand along Rory's arm, who sat with her hand practically up her skirt, fingertips brushing against her exposed thigh. The movement sent shivers through me, knowing exactly what Rory was doing.

We finished our drinks and Rory suggested we move on. "Are you guys ready? Larson, you have anything to drink at your place?"

"I've got a bottle of Jack," I responded.

"Coke or something?" Rory asked.

"I think I have some ginger ale left."

"Let's go," Aurora said, taking the lead. The girls walked out the door, arm in arm and surrounded by my watchful gaze.

Upon reaching my truck, Rory opened the door for Aurora, implying that she would sit between us. This arrangement seemed appropriate.

Rory turned to Aurora as they sat in the cab, saying, "You look stunning in that dress and those shoes. You look like a fairy or some magical creature straight out of a storybook." Rory's words sent chills through the air, and I couldn't help but think the same thoughts.

While driving, Rory continued to tease Aurora, placing her hand on her inner thigh casually. Aurora's skirt barely covered her panties, meaning her panties were now exposed. Rory slid her hand under the hem of her skirt, stroking her with each passing light, causing my arousal to skyrocket.

After a few minutes of their conversation, I heard Rory say, "We should really get you out of these."

"I agree," Aurora responded, and she lifted her hips to help Rory remove her panties. The delicate task was difficult as we drove, but Rory managed to extract them.

"You're so beautiful," Aurora told Rory, who did not blink at the compliment. "You look like a magical being of love, like a fairy from a magical island." This was something I had thought occasionally, but never found the words to say. Rory seemed captivated by the idea, and I could only sit back and enjoy the enchanting moment.

With the situation progressing, Rory found herself under the skirt once more, playing with her friend's most intimate parts. I was focused on navigating the road, while also managing these girls who were on a mission to please herself. My arousal was at an all-time high.

"It's time you get rid of those cans," Rory remarked, nudging them away with her foot, up against the door, and contorted her petite frame to lie down on the floor of the pickup truck, opposite Aurora. "Here we go," she said, and she could finally slide the panties down Aurora's long legs and off her.

Rory glanced at Aurora's crotch, now at eye level for her. Looking up at Aurora's face, she observed her peering down at her quizzically. "That's amazing," Rory remarked. "Can I?"

Aurora nodded, offering her right leg for Rory to place over her shoulder, raising her face to her crotch. "Beautiful," Rory crooned as her mouth made contact with Aurora's silk-smooth flesh.

Aurora had leaned back against me, and I extended my right arm around her shoulder, happening to have my fingers hitting her heavy breast. As Rory got positioned between Aurora's legs, I steered with my left hand, and we drove down the main street in town in this fashion; I rolled Aurora's pink nipple between my fingers while Rory suckled on her pussy from the truck's floor, a leg over each shoulder. At times, I could hear Rory chomping down there, and Aurora's breathing was turning frantic, transitioning into quick pants with whimpers. She swiveled her head and buried her face in my chest while I drove, and Rory gnawed at her tender parts. Suddenly, Aurora tensed against me as an orgasm washed over her. I think she uttered an "Oh God" or the like in there. It was mostly just sounds. It was a tremendously sensual moment, in my truck, surrounded by electricity while the everyday surroundings of the small town lay dull and unaware that such a scene could occur.

"We're here," I announced, slowing into the driveway and pulling past the house to the basement entrance.

"Can't I stay here?" Rory insisted, with her face submerged between Aurora's legs.

"Sure, stay here," I replied. "I'll just sit here and watch."

"You like to watch?" Rory teased.

"Yeah, definitely," I stated.

"That's great."

"I think it would be better if we went inside so I can return the favor," Aurora suggested, sounding almost scholarly.

"Good idea," Rory concurred. "Larson, could you assist me and open this door? I'm flexible but not that flexible."

I walked around and opened the passenger door. Rory was folded up on her knees on the floor and Aurora's legs were parted, her glistening pink labia gleaming for all to see.

"I guess it's a bit difficult to be modest," Aurora observed, mixing half-apology and half-joke as she offered her thighs leverage.

"You don't need to apologize" -- my words and Rory's were identical in both phrasing and timing.

I helped Rory out. Aurora scooped up her underwear to accompany her to the basement, I suppose it's prudent to maintain one's belongings. I apologized for the mess and followed them down the stairs. It could've been worse.

In the spirit of treating myself, I suggested, "I'll make you some Jack and ginger ale," and this suggestion met with approval from the girls. I found ginger ale and located three glasses. Since I didn't really feel like the ginger ale myself, I mixed them up to match intensity.

When I turned back, the women were softly kissing. Aurora towering over Rory by around three to four inches, but Rory was clearly the boss. She commandeered both of Aurora's side profiles and held them fast while their tongues entangled, their throats throbbing with the intensity of it. I set their beverages on the table.

The girls disengaged and Aurora commented, "You're not like other girls, are you?"

Rory: "And you?"

Aurora conducted one-on-one eye contact with Rory. "I guess you've got a point."

Rory: "We should probably remove these items." She snatched hold of the tail of Aurora's tank top and delicately removed it. Aurora reached to her back and unhooked her bra, tossing it on the dresser. Rory was already unfastening the button that secured the skirt in place, and in a moment it was discarded as well. [

Let's take a look at this, buddy," Rory said. She stood beside my chair, her hand on my shoulder, chill and friendly. "Check out this view," she told me, grinning. "Got a good eye for ladies, huh?" We all laughed. Rory leaned in and said, "Let's get you on that bed."

But Aurora had thought of something first. "Wait up," she said. "What about you?"

"You've got a point," Rory said. It wasn't hard to undress them. You just snap your fingers, and their little dresses come undone completely, like magic. Ta-da! There's Rory in her bra and panties now. Click again, and her big ol' breasts are out in the open air, trembling with emotion. The two of them were gorgeous and absolutely charged up. They embraced each other, planting kisses on each other's lips. I looked on, watching their mouths exchange affectionate, unique whispers through soft tongues. Rory then reached out and played with Aurora's perfect, ample bosom.

Aurora, in a swift motion, knocked Rory down on the bed. The kissing continued. She caressed Rory's fantastic cleavage, less gentle this time. Her grip tightened as she squeezed and twisted Aurora's nipple. Rory placed her limp arms to her sides and remained quiet.

Aurora detached her lips from Rory's and shifted onto her. She palmed Rory's massive breast, not as shy this time. With all the excitement, Aurora then let out a yell, biting tenderly into Rory's neck and running her tongue under her ear. Her other hand dove straight for Rory's fun part. Her mouth licked all along the outside of Rory's slit, while her fingers traced along her cracks and found her most sensitive area.

"Holy shit!" Rory cried out. I had never seen her behave this way. Her eyes closed, her arms waved in the air, some sort of rhythm shaking her body back and forth. Aurora's mouth vacuumed Rory's neck, taking pleasure in her muscles contorting. Then she shoved her fingers into Rory's delicate area.

"Ahhh, stop stop stop, I can't take it anymore," Rory shouted.

"Okay," Aurora said. "I'll give you a peck on the clit and it'll be better."

"No no no no no, not again!" Rory begged.

"I'll go easy on you," Aurora teased.

Without missing a beat, she slid down the bed, her lips landing on Rory's sensitive region. She kept her thighs separated with her hands, barely touching the smooth flesh there with her lips. Aurora licked along the edge of Rory's outer labia, sucking on individual parts occasionally, then using her lips to nip at these sculpted, fantastic lips.

Rory was now pleading, "No, please don't do that, Larson, it was a dumb idea, that girl's unhinged! You have to put a stop to this!" She didn't push Aurora's face away, and Aurora didn't pay her any mind. And I just sat in my chair, watching.

Aurora was now eerily close to her target. She licked her way towards Rory's prized little button. With each passing moment, I knew what would happen. I leaned back in my chair, waiting for it. Aurora gently placed her mouth over that sacred part and sucked on it like a vacuum cleaner, sticking two fingers into Rory's moistness.

Poor Rory looked like she was about to spray herself due to the wave of pleasure consuming her. She stopped moving completely, covering her face with her hand, a statue of ecstasy. Bizarrely, though she was still, her breasts continued vibrating like Jell-O. Total paralysis, completely overwhelmed by this galactic orgasm.

Why bother describing this to you? Rory laid limp, her body unmovable yet in a weird, rigor-like state, gripping her breath through her mouth, her eyeballs rolled back, seeing only white. With all that, her breasts shook in place like gummies, unaffected by her lifeless body.

Finally, her body transformed into honey and seeped into the mattress, drained. Her hand headed towards Aurora's head, stroking her hair as Aurora eased her licking and nibbling.

"I was convinced you hadn't experienced this before," Rory mentioned.

"That's correct."

"Hmm, let me know when you've mastered it then, cool?" Both of them exchanged laughter and grins. Rory put her arms around her. "Step closer and offer your mother a hug, please."

It was a tender moment, a warm embrace with Rory reclining and Aurora lingering next to her. Aurora kissed Rory's face and they stared into each other's eyes. Rory began to regain consciousness, and the two kissed once more. Then Rory said, "Whenever you're ready, sweetheart, sit on my face."

Aurora left the bed, stretched a little, and returned to sit with her knees on either side of Rory's chest. Rory stated, "Now, scoot up closer." When Aurora's knees were positioned across Rory's shoulders, she modified her arms so they were available. "Keep going. Now hold onto the headboard."

"Now," she whispered, "You are the one in charge of this. I'll be moving my tongue and lips, but you are the one who controls where to place them. Find something that brings you satisfaction. I can't move much, but you can, so you're in charge. It's all about you. Lower yourself onto me, however you prefer."

Exactly what was happening couldn't be observed from my spot in the chair. Aurora eased herself down carefully, as if she believed she may end up injuring Rory. Rory, on the other hand, smirked while I watched from the bed's foot as Aurora moved her hips left and right, pausing from time to time to relish a specific spot, before progressing forward or back. She held onto the headboard as her lifeline, maintaining herself vertical as Rory sent shocks of delight through her with her tongue.

Aurora raised herself and looked down at Rory's expression. "Honey, would it be okay if I recruit your sweetheart to lend a hand, if you catch my drift?"

"What do you suggest?" Rory inquired.

"Well, is it really your pussy that is in need of attention?"

"That's fair."

Aurora looked back at me. "Honey, can you make your way down here and eat your girlfriend's pussy while she sits on her partner's face? I'm sure she'd be ecstatic."

Immediately, I jumped from my chair and came to lie on my stomach between Rory's legs. To explain the situation from south to north: you would first observe me - still clothed - with my feet touching the ground, my mouth on Rory's damp pussy. Farther north, Aurora perched on Rory's working mouth while clinging to the headboard as her anchor. Both women were completely nude.

I have always been a fan of cunnilingus. I consider it the best way to give women pleasure and also to induce orgasms. It is pleasurable, uncomplicated, and thrilling - especially if you're attentive and give them what they adore. Everyone feels extra satisfied afterward, which can lead to good will, which, in turn, brings more happiness.

Aurora experienced two orgasms after about two minutes sitting on Rory's nose, then another one a minute later. She elevated herself between breaths to reboot and then mounted her face again, leading me to believe she is someone who experiences numerous orgasms or perhaps is just discovering this ability. It's said women are biologically capable of having limitless orgasms, but lets be real, that's seldom true. One or two, if you're lucky.

Maybe Aurora is someone who has ten or twelve orgasms and this was simply an average night for her, or perhaps this is a hidden ability that many women never learn they possess. Perhaps, and I can't be sure.

I had warmed up Rory quite a bit and she was humping my face while she continued working on Aurora with her tongue. I headed for the clitoris with caution, considering how tiring the previous orgasm had been for her. I ran my tongue down the side of it and then tried a special technique where I flicked the upper side of the clitoris with the underside of my tongue, moving downward. Now I observed Rory moaning over Aurora's groans. I walked my lips encompassing her clitoris and swallowed it into my mouth, the entire thing, slapping it with my tongue while I sucked. Not surprisingly, she experienced another orgasm.

She didn't pause in any way whatsoever and just maintained grinding her vagina into my mouth while her juices streamed all over my face. It was an extraordinary occurrence in human history. And then, like clockwork, Aurora came again, when Rory was recuperating. [Paraphrased text completed.]

Aurora was starting to slouch over, and Rory said, "Alright, Larson, that's fine, you can head back to your seat now." I carefully edged my way out of the pile and went back to my viewing spot, wiping my face on the sleeve of my shirt. Aurora allowed Rory to lick her gently, rocking her back and forth on her face until she toppled over and the two of them snuggled together in each other's embraces.

They shared a brief kiss, and Aurora remarked, "There was something I saw in a movie that appeared interesting to attempt."

Rory inquired, "What's that?"

"They referred to it as scissoring," Aurora explained. "Do you know about it?"

Rory shook her head no.

"I'm not sure if it's authentic or fictitious, but let's try it out," Aurora suggested. "It's when two women find a position where they can rub their genitals together."

"Alright," Rory was in a receptive mood.

They lay adjacent to each other, trying to figure it out, until one girl lay down and the other girl rested her head at the opposite end. They both laughed when they discovered the correct arrangement.

"Wow," Rory exclaimed. "I don't believe this is bogus. That feels wonderful."

"Let's proceed with caution," Aurora urged.

Watching these two attractive, highly aroused women move their crotches back and forth together was a treat. "Can you do it like this?" Rory asked Aurora.

"I believe I can," Aurora replied.

"Let's see if we can achieve climax simultaneously."

"That's an excellent concept."

It took them some time, perhaps five minutes. During some of that time they lost the rhythm or the contact wasn't quite right, but they got better and better at it until, in a partially-seated position, looking into each other's eyes, they experienced a volcanic explosion of a mutual orgasm. Waves washed over them in unison, both of them experiencing the same spasms, spreading from one of them to the other, their eyes locked on one another. Then, as if on command, they both returned to the bed, staring at the ceiling, breathless.

They ended up cuddling, which was enjoyable to observe. Cuddling and kissing, caressing, breasts mashing together.

"Is there anything else you'd want to do?" Rory inquired of Aurora.

"Well," Aurora stated, "To be honest, I'd expected we'd be doing more intercourse while I was here. I hadn't imagined it would be you and me as much."

Rory glanced over at me. "You're correct," she said. "Larson is a great fuck, as well."

"I had assumed as much."

"Oh, he's not mine," Rory chuckled. "I don't possess him. Would you want to fuck him?"

"That actually sounds like a great way to conclude this evening."

I admit it was a bit odd to be discussed as if I were an item for purchase, or something that existed to perform a service. Odd, but not entirely unpleasant, as I had been sitting there with an erection the entire time, and a little fucking did sound appealing to me. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

"Honey," Rory said - she rarely called me that - "Let's get you out of those clothes and you can give our new friend a satisfying experience," she said in a relaxed tone to me.

Aurora was standing in front of me, completely naked, her hair dishevelled, her eyes bloodshot, her vaginal fluid around her lips and chin, lipstick stains on her face and neck. She reached out and undid the buttons on my shirt, slowly, before removing it from my arms. She stood back and examined me.

"He's an attractive man," she informed Rory. "I noticed him right when you two entered tonight. Needless to say, I didn't expect it to go this way." She giggled. She lightly pinched my nipple. "Let me help you take off these pants."

She unfastened the button on my jeans and slid them and my underwear down. I kicked off my shoes and she took off my pants, leaving them on the floor. Then she said, "Let me see you."

It was an auction-like atmosphere. Rory had her head propped up on her hand in the bed and was observing me, too. "He's an excellent specimen," she observed.

Aurora grasped my penis and stroked it a couple of times. "Wow," she said, "It feels like he's close." She kept stroking my shaft and it was true; I was nearing climax if she didn't slow down.

Rory suggested, "You could just jerk him off, as he likes that."

"No, I'd rather engage in intercourse," Aurora stated.

Rory had me close to the point of ejaculation and was not slowing down. "How would like to do it?" Rory asked me.

"I'm not certain. What do you prefer?" I inquired.

She mentioned regular missionary position, but reconsidered, saying that if they switched, she could have her face between Rory's legs as well. This way, no one gets left out.

It felt a bit underwhelming to me, but the thought of fucking her as she went down on Rory seemed like a fantastic dream. Something we could proudly share with grandkids someday.

"That sounds great," I replied.

"Me too," Rory chimed in.

Aurora lifted my dick to show Rory, "This one's not bad, right? Hopefully it lasts a few minutes." She was still stroking my penis.

"Let's try it," I suggested. Rory laid back with her legs spread, leaning against several pillows. I'd never seen her pussy like that before - dark red, soaking wet, puffy. My bedsheet had patches of moisture from both ladies.

Aurora climbed onto the bed on her knees, positioning her head between Rory's legs. "Ready, big guy? Can't wait to see what you've got," she teased, looking over her shoulder at me.

Her vagina was tight, wet, and absolutely waiting for me. My member is moderately sized, and. based on reactions, a bit thicker than average. Fortunately, I am not someone who ejaculates quickly. I'll release when it's time.

I slowly inserted myself into her while she got her mouth prepared on Rory. Aurora stated, "It won't last long, I think."

Aurora responded, "I know, right?"

I heard slurping as I entered her slowly. I maintained a moderate pace to set her expectations. She adjusted her hips in rhythm with me.

Rory was moaning after a couple minutes, and Aurora lapping at her pussy. I pondered increasing the pace, and decided to do so. I increased my thrusts forcefully, in and out of Aurora, going deep and holding for a moment, pulling out, then slamming back in. Aurora's hips wriggled back at me like a hula dancer, taking me as deeply as possible.

Rory's moans had changed to a sound without words. A combination of a cry for help and a cheerleader's motivational chant, urging me on. Simultaneously, Aurora mumbled and groaned, sucking on Rory.

I thought Rory would climax first, but Aurora surprised us with a massive orgasm - a full-body eruption, milking my dick. Aurora moaned loud and thrust her hips back at me as she shoved her face into Rory's vagina and sucked voraciously. Rory grunted and began to thrust, and then I did. This intense group orgasm shook and reverberated through us all.

Finally, Aurora collapsed, resting on Rory's chest. Rory closed her eyes and was still while I released the last drops into Aurora's reproductive tract and withdrew. My penis glistened with their fluids. I wanted to lay down as well, but there was no place for me.

Rory opened her eyes and suggested, "Let's make room for Larson." Aurora rolled to the side and Rory shifted to the other side, and I fell between them in the bed. I rolled onto my back and both women snuggled up to me, one on each arm. We all slept for a while before Rory and I took Aurora back to her off-campus apartment. The girls likely exchanged numbers.

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