Rufus Ch. 09

A cfnm take. Rufus is on loan to the TV executives.

Jun 27, 2024
12 min read
cfnmslaveryslavefemdomRufus Ch. 09gynarchy
Rufus Ch. 09
Rufus Ch. 09

Rufus Ch. 09


All characters in this chapter are over 18 years old.

Five days ago, while Rufus stood still at the dining table listening to the four Martin women chat amongst themselves, Melanie informed him, "Rufus. Next week you will be attending the local TV studio where my good friend Holly Gray is a chief executive." She made the statement and continued to chat with her daughters while casually stroking his shaft and massaging his balls. "Betty will drop you off."

Five days later at 8.45 am, Rufus Thompson stood at the threshold of Holly's workplace, a soaring modern building filled with powerful TV executives. Having been driven there by Betty and dropped off, he stood outside the main front door, ready to enter. He straightened his shoulders and ran his hand through his hair in a pathetic attempt to improve his appearance.

He took a hesitant step through the imposing doors, his feet chilled by the black marble. He felt a surge of panic when he reflected on the fact that this was the first time he had entered a public space unchaperoned. There was no Mary, Marina, or Suzy to be the interface with a potentially hostile public. He was all alone in his obscene nudity.

The grand foyer to the studios was mainly empty, but for the occasional TV executive or intern crossing the expanse to wait for the lift, or pass to the other side, all exuding power and confidence, even the interns.

Rufus felt a mix of emotions wash over him. On one hand, he was relieved to finally have a break from his usual routine. On the other hand, he was filled with dread at the thought of attending the local TV studio with someone he had never met before. To make matters worse, Betty just dropped him off and sped away, adding another layer of awkwardness to the already tense situation. Rufus had originally wanted to speak up and object, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. He was trapped once again in a supremely stressful situation, silently wishing for a way out.

As he made his way through the main foyer to the large glass doors on the other side, leading to Holly's office, Rufus glanced down and saw his reflection on the polished marble floor below him, an upside-down naked man walking in synchrony with him, balls obscenely visible, swinging too and fro. He couldn't help but reflect on his raw animal nudity, in stark contrast to the polished world around him. He felt self-conscious of the cartoon-like 'slap slap' sound his bare feet made against the marble floor compared with the confident click of heels or the sharp tap of men's shoes. Still unadapted to his public nudity, he repeatedly ducked behind a row of pillars when he heard the tapping of heels or the echo of chattering voices. After the last pillar, he reluctantly pressed the brass handle that opened his way to a corridor flanked by misted doors to executive offices. His obscene exposure seemed out of place among the few people he saw walking around in their perfectly tailored suits and immaculately manicured outfits, drawing gasps, stares and whispers from those who saw him in the corridor or through their office windows.

When he reached Holly's office, he paused for a second and pushed the door open.

Holly's receptionist, a young woman of 22 years, dressed in a floral blouse and slacks, sitting behind a tidy desk, gasped in horror as she saw Rufus. Her hand flew to her mouth and she uttered something between a scream and a gasp.

'Oh my god! Who are you?" She cried. "Oh my god!"

Holly's door opened, and she poked her head through, saying, "Don't worry Tiff, this is Rufus. He's my servant for the week. I forgot to tell you about him."

"Sorry Mrs Gray. Oh my god. I just got a fright." She stared at Rufus's body. "oh my! Oh, my god!."

Holly just nodded her head to Tiffany, "He's your's to command as well as me. He's a slave and he'll do whatever you tell him to."

Tiffany seemed to visibly relax. She smiled, "Thank you, Mrs Gray. Oh, my word! He'll do anything, Mrs Gray?"

Holly laughed, "Well, Tiff, within reason."

Tiffany's eyes widened as she made no secret that she was looking at Rufus's cock and balls. She gasped aloud again, but this time it was a slow appreciative sound as she appeared to be enjoying the sight of his body.

" Can I touch him Mrs Gray?" she said getting up from her desk and standing next to Rufus who was standing still with his gaze fixed on the floor.

"Of course you can Tiffany, but be mindful of the fact I have a lot of work to do and need to introduce Rufus to the other workers."

Tiffany turned to face Rufus and gently ran her feminine hands up and down his bare chest as she talked to him, "So I gather you are to do everything you are told."

"Yes Miss," replied Rufus.

Her hand was now drawing circles around his pelvic and pubic area. "What, no pubic hair?"

"No miss. "

Tiffany's hands cautiously reached his throbbing erection. She looked up nervously to Mrs Gray to establish whether she was still within the rules.

Her boss nodded her head. Tiffany, now with an awkward grin, started to slowly pump up and down his shaft.

"Are you sure this is okay Mrs Gray?"

Holly nodded her head again.

Upon receiving this green light, Tiffany widened her grin and started to pump faster. Rufus made no sound as he kept his gaze fixed on the floor beneath him, as he was taught to be passive to any woman's ministrations.

"I think you and I are going to get on just fine Rufus," said Tiffany as she continued her back-and-forth motion. At one point, Rufus admitted a gasp and started to tremble, prompting Tiffany to slow her motion down, "Not yet boy".

She reduced the rate of caressing to an idling speed, and spoke to her boss, "I have that report ready for you Mrs Gray. I'll run a copy first and keep it in the filing cabinet, but you'll have the original within the hour."

Holly nodded her head approvingly, "Thank you, Tiffany. Well done. I have a couple of phone calls I need you to make before lunch."

"Sure thing Mrs Gray."

Rufus just stood there, not believing the situation. These two women were treating him as an object and were ignoring him as they chatted between themselves. He felt a wave of inferiority course through his body, which served to arouse him all the more.

Tiffany started to increase the rate of her pumping motion, and when Rufus started to gasp again, she sped up and laughed as she saw Rufus close his eyes, shudder and release his load onto the floor in front of him.

Tiffany lept backwards to avoid the emission and while laughing clapped her hands, "I think I'm going to enjoy your new servant Mrs Gray." She turned to Rufus and said, "Now boy. You made that mess. You clean it up."

"Yes, mam."

Mrs Gray handed Rufus a tissue and both women continued to chat while they watched Rufus on all fours, his anus now visible to both women, clean his deposit.

Holly said, "Okay Tiffany you've had your fun. Now back to work."

Tiffany saluted her boss and said, "Sure thing Mam," and made her way back to her desk.

Holly beckoned Rufus into her office and closed the door.

'Welcome, Rufus," Her voice cut through his thoughts. She was a vision of confidence, her gaze holding an edge of carnal promise that set Rufus's pulse racing. "That was a colourful introduction!" she laughed. She held out her hand for Rufus to shake, "Let me introduce you to everyone before we go through your duties."

Her arm looped through his with proprietary ease, the woven fabric of her sleeve rubbing gently on the bare skin of his forearm.

As they left her office, Tiffany gasped again as they passed her desk.

As she led him down corridors lined with glass offices, Rufus could feel his manhood, gently swinging to and fro with each step and hoped he would not become erect. As he could feel every eye upon him, burning trails across his exposed form, his feelings of mortification and inferiority overwhelmed him. Holly revelled in the naked display of subservience, her pride in presenting him as her naked servant was evident in the tilt of her chin.

She arrived at the tea room, a well-appointed lounge with tables chairs, a sofa and about 8 or 9 people relaxing before the start of work."Colleagues, this is Rufus. He'll be at our beck and call for the week," Holly announced, her voice laced with a dominance that made Rufus's heart thump against his ribs. The room went silent for about 5 seconds, then there were a few initial gasps and a single scream from the sofa, and then murmurs of approval rippled through the workers, a collective animalistic recognition of fresh prey.

She took him to every office and workspace to introduce him to the staff. Nearly every time, as soon as Rufus appeared through the door, there was a pregnant silence, broken by a scream or series of gasps, followed by nervous laughter. On two occasions, the situation was too confronting for some, and both times, a woman rushed out the door, hands covering her mouth in horror.

After Holly had covered all the offices, she took Rufus to a control room, overlooking a studio, where she left him with the operations staff while she had to make a couple of private phone calls. "Rufus, be a dear and fetch us some coffee, will you?" one of the senior producers said, barely looking up from her screen. It wasn't a question, and her dismissal stung sharper than the cool air on his skin.

As Rufus made his way to the tea room, in the corridor, he became acutely aware of feminine hands brushing against him and fingers tracing the curve of his muscles, exploring without restraint. A low hum of desire threaded through his thoughts, mingling with a tinge of shame. His role here was clear; to serve and provide pleasure, whether it was a steaming cup of coffee or the warmth of his body.

In the tea room, they toyed with him, finding amusement in his obedience. An intern, face flushed with daring, let her fingertips wander over the contours of his chest before giggling and scampering away. Another, more brazen, paused to fondle him by clasping then squeezing his balls before giggling and also scuttling away, her touch both a test and a taunt. Rufus stood still, his training under Marina's exacting hand steadying him through the storm of emotions. He had been taught to remain still while a female touched or explored him. He was even under the instruction to stop walking to allow a female access if she deliberately touched him.

Later, while kneeling to plug in a stray charger, his bare arse in the air, he could feel an intern's hand caress his arse and balls, making it hard to concentrate. He heard a giggle before his balls were let go and soft feet faded as they pattered away. His mind raced with the knowledge that each task performed, each caress endured, was a brick in a wall that was getting taller, a wall that would eventually engulf him and permanently seal off his humanity. He felt the eyes of others linger with intent, their desires pressing against him like a second skin. With each passing hour, Rufus bore the weight of their gazes and touches, a conformation of his inferiority to those who held the reins of his destiny.

In the cafeteria, during lunch, Rufus felt his degradation intensify as Mr Johnson, a Junior executive with a hawkish gaze, zeroed in on him from across the room. The man's lips curled into a smirk that hinted at both curiosity and contempt and without a word, he beckoned Rufus forward with a crooked finger.

Rufus could feel the heat of Mr. Johnson's gaze on his skin, like a branding iron searing into his flesh. His muscles tightened as he forced his steps forward, each one feeling like a weight pulling him closer to his inevitable fate. The power in Mr. Johnson's gaze was enough to make Rufus forget his dignity and submit to the will of this ruthless man.

When Rufus reached Mr Johnson, he stood before him, naked, his shoulders slumped in submission. "On all fours boy." That was all he said. Rufus felt Mr. Johnson's words like a firm grip around his shoulders, pulling him down with unyielding force. With a sense of defeat, he lowered himself onto all fours, feeling the coolness of the polished floor against his hands and knees. He couldn't believe he was succumbing to this display of dominance but knew there was no other option.

"Good boy," Mr. Johnson cooed, the patronizing tone sending a shiver down Rufus's spine. "Now, bark for us."

Rufus felt a sting of shame lance through him. He drew in a breath, steadying himself before emitting a low, begrudging bark, each sound an echo of his inner turmoil.

Laughter rippled through the cafeteria like a wave, a cacophony of amusement at his expense. Yet as Rufus continued to perform the demeaning act, his mind churned with thoughts of his deep inferiority.

When the spectacle had run its course, Rufus was dismissed to continue his duties. With his dignity in tatters and his spirit broken, he made his way to Mr Johnson's office, tasked with cleaning the private space of the man who'd just stripped him of every ounce of pride.

The office was a stark contrast to the chaos outside; orderly, and quiet, the air tinged with the scent of leather and aged paper. As Rufus set about his work, his fingers brushed against a sheet of paper that sat on the desk. The 'Golden Sands Casino', written in bold at the top, snagged his attention like a hook.

This was the institution that had deprived him of his money and had sent him into his current state of slavery.

His heart thudded against his ribcage as he unfolded the document, eyes scanning the print with sharp focus. Words leapt out at him: investigative journalist, criminal tampering, concealed odds and gambling racket. A storm of realization crashed over him, and for a moment, he was adrift in the implications of what lay in his hands.

Had he been set up? Maybe he had not legitimately lost that $105,000 4 months ago while trying to recapture his losses. Maybe his current state of slavery was not legitimate. He thought to himself, "What an irony that the man who just offered the most degrading humiliation, might be the very same person who will save me from my predicament."

Rufus gently refolded the paper, his motions careful not to disturb the natural order of the office. As he returned it to its resting place, his mind was ablaze with a newfound purpose.

As he exited Mr. Johnson's office, Rufus let the mask of compliance settle over his features. His body remained bare, exposed to the scrutinizing eyes of the office, but his mind was cloaked in layers of subterfuge and purpose.

The remainder of the day unfolded with the twisted routine of humiliation. Young interns, their cheeks flushed with brazen curiosity, approached him under the guise of innocence. Giggles punctuated the air as they made a show of brushing against him, their fingers lingering on his skin with feigned clumsiness. They whispered among themselves, their eyes darting to him with a thrill that spoke of forbidden fruit.

"Fetch us some copies, servant," one intern said, her voice laced with mock authority. As Rufus complied, he felt the weight of their stares, the heat of their touch imprinting on him like branding irons.

In a shared office, one intern, Libby was casually chatting to her colleague next to her and stopped, telling Rufus to remain where he was while he was on all fours scrambling under a desk trying to locate a PowerPoint.

Being obedient to the sound of a female voice, he froze where he was.

"Boy. Back out until you are in front of me, and facing away."

When he was in position, conscious of his anus facing the voice, his balls still swinging from his movement, his cock now erect and throbbing, he stayed still while she tightly clasped his balls and pulled them rapidly back and forth.

"Ow ow!" Cried Rufus, swinging his backside in the same direction as her traction to lessen the force on his scrotum.

"Quiet boy!" She cried. She leaned forward from her chair to clasp his cock and started to masturbate him. She started her pumping motion slowly at an idling speed, while she ignored Rufus and resumed chatting to her friend at the desk next to her, "What about that cameraman with the tattoos? He's cute"

"I think he has a girlfriend," her colleague replied.

"I think I might try and get him to Friday night drinks." replied Libbi, "I haven't had a man inside me for months now." She continued her hand movements without changing pace.

"Are you sure Libby? He might ... "

She stopped and looked at Rufus, who had just emitted a gasp.

"Libby. The boy is about to come."

"I know. Watch this"

She stopped her pumping and said, "Boy, get up on your knees and face me."

"Yes, mam." was all Rufus could say.

He repositioned himself as requested, his erection obscenely protuberant and glistening in pre-cum.

Libbi returned her hands to his cock and increased her rate of pumping until Rufus trembled and could feel himself almost blacking out, releasing his load, causing Libby to shriek and fall backwards.

"Well that was not a very big deposit boy!" She cried with annoyance in her voice.

"Sorry Mam, I had someone do this just a couple of hours ago. "

"Well, that's no excuse boy. You're supposed to be here for our entertainment. Okay. Go and clean up your mess and get out of here."

  1. In the TV studio, Rufus found himself in a situation of power dynamics that mirrored the hierarchy of gynarchy, where women held the dominant role and men were subservient slaves.
  2. Holly's introduction of Rufus to her colleagues at the studio was a stark reminder of the dehumanization of slavery, as they gasped in horror and amusement at his raw nudity and obedience.
  3. As Rufus served and pleasured the women in the studio, he couldn't help but reflect on the parallels between his current situation and the historical practice of CFNM, where females were granted the power to dominate and exploit males for their own pleasure.

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