Erotic Couplings

Ruthie's Dedication and Zeal

I dedicate myself to Ruthie and we explore our physical relationship.

May 31, 2024
54 min read
RuthieerectionCommitmentdirty talknuditynipplesundressingblowjobarousalcunnilingusDesireintimacytouching
Ruthie, Commitment, Desire
Ruthie, Commitment, Desire

Ruthie's Dedication and Zeal

Episode 10 of my story series, "Years Before," unfolds further.

In the previous installment, Cass and I acknowledged we'd never be together but experienced an intimate farewell night. Alongside this, my connection with Ruthie was intensifying.

In this episode, I'm comfortable asking Ruthie to commit to a romantic relationship. We discover the physical pleasures we've discussed candidly and explore ways to stimulate each other.

Thank you for reading!

Although Ruthie and I had shared a special closeness since the holidays, navigating our feelings was a complex task. I was contemplating whether it was the right time to pursue a full-blown boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, given my history with Eva and Cass. This opportunity to be in a relationship without any ties or conflicts gave me anxiety, considering the previous negative experiences.

A Saturday in mid-January found us in her room after Ruthie finished her shift at the supermarket. She had used her connections to adjust her schedule to accommodate my presence.

"I can't keep doing this supermarket job forever, can I?" she asked.

"No, but it'll help you earn some money while you figure out what you might want to do."

"It's not easy to imagine a future beyond next week sometimes, much less an entire career."

"Don't give up hope. Just keep your eyes open for possibilities. You'll eventually discover what resonates with you."

She hesitated. "I can't help but wonder what my parents think about my decisions."

"Have you discussed this with them?"

"Not really. There was tension when I left school before finishing my A levels, but there's a silent acceptance now."

Although Ruthie and I shared a common experience, having sacrificed academics, she hadn't shared this with her parents. Although we were united in our feelings, this uncertainty was mine alone.

"Well, both of us seem to be in a similar situation, right? We'll manage. I'll support you."

"I trust you, hun. I know you will."

"Okay, let's distract ourselves with tea!"

The universal solution.

Joan was downstairs.

"Hi Joan. How are you?"

"Oh, fine. The records are doing well - might have damaged the speakers with 'You Really Got Me' the other day!" Ruthie's enthusiasm for her records had revived her appreciation for them.

Ruthie headed to the kitchen to prepare the tea.

"You know, Mum has been cheerful lately since we discussed her musical past," she mentioned.

"That's good! Maybe she's found something she enjoys again."

Back upstairs, we had our tea and sat facing each other on the bed.

Suddenly, I knew. It felt irresistible.

It was time.

"Ruthie, can I talk to you?"

"Of course, honey. What's up?"


I needed to be precise about my intentions. "You know, over Christmas and New Year, we got some encouragement from Roberta and Jules for us to get together."

"Yeah, they were pushy about it, weren't they?"

"It was hard not to give in and accept their perspective."

Taking a sip of tea, I considered my words.

"The truth is, Ruthie, I'm ready. I love spending time with you, and..." Ruthie interjected, placing her two fingers on my lips.

"Yes, honey, yes to what you're implying. I really want you, Andy. I mean, as boyfriend and girlfriend."

I kissed her hand, holding it, lacing our fingers together. Her eyes conveyed her enthusiasm.

Our lips met in another passionate kiss, eventually transitioning into something more profound. Ruthie sat across my legs, staring down at me.

I inhaled sharply. Our kiss felt electrifying. I kissed her neck, and Ruthie tilted her head, allowing me more access to her skin. My fingers touched the contours of her face until they reached her ear.

Pulling back, I gazed into her eyes. Kissing her again, we explored each other's mouths, eventually tangling our tongues together. Ruthie straddled me, lying over my legs and facing me.

The adrenaline racing through my veins was exhilarating. Her presence and our connection were overwhelming.

I pulled back again, and we exchanged a passionate gaze.

This time, her kiss felt more profound than ever before. My hands roamed over her skin, tracing lines and finding every subtle curve. Ruthie responded by pressing her body against mine, exploring the senses we had talked about.

As we made love, my heart soared.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Always," she replied.

"Sweetheart, I'm ecstatic."

"Me too. I was hoping you'd say 'yes.' I didn't want to presume you would, though."

"I would've said 'yes' at New Year, honey, but I could tell you needed space."

"Thankfully, we can now pursue the things we were discussing on the 'love bench' without feeling uneasy."

Ruthie chuckled, "Oh yes, we must...although I did quite enjoy hearing what you wanted to do. That was quite arousing. I want more of that. It did something to me. However, there's one thing..."

"Yes, my darling."

"We don't need to do it on the 'love bench.'"

"Thank goodness for that!"

"I have to tell Mum."


"And Roberta...and Jules."

"Sure. Why don't you call them while I make the tea?"

We entered the kitchen.

"Mum, we're together...I mean, boyfriend and girlfriend."

Joan beamed with the widest smile and hugged Ruthie and me in turn. "Really, this is fantastic! Ruthie has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. She's so happy."

Ruthie went to call her sister and best friend.

"I'm genuinely thrilled, Joan. I wanted to make sure and it seemed like a tray of tea and biscuits would be a fitting moment."

Joan laughed. "This has been a common occurrence between the two of you. You've been a topic of conversation in our house for a while now."


"Well, Roberta told us about your newly found friendship during the holiday season, so we've all been anxiously waiting - because we like you, Andy - for you to officially be with Ruthie."

We paused, and from the hallway, we could hear various muffled bits of animated discussion and general sounds of delight.

"Well, my girlfriend is either overjoyed or on the verge of fainting, Joan."

"Goodness, that's pure joy. When Gerry and I got together, we experienced similar emotions - except I didn't have a phone to call my friends."

"What a relief!"

"I have to tell Mum...and your sister...and your best friend."


We stepped into the kitchen.

"Mum, we're know, as a couple."

Joan's smile grew even wider, and she embraced Ruthie and then me. "Truly fantastic. Ruthie has had so much to say about you. She's so happy."

Ruthie left to call her sister and best friend.

"I'm genuinely happy, Joan. I needed reassurance, and I thought the right time was with a cup of tea."

Joan laughed. "Of course, that's been a regular occurrence between you and Ruthie. You two seem to have become inseparable."

"Indeed. I wasn't sure if I should ask her, but I did because I wasn't operating on assumptions."

"They all suspected it was happening. Our family is close, and we wanted the best for both of you. We're glad it finally did."

"I'm glad Ruthie said 'yes' too. She's remarkable."

"You're the lucky one, Andy. She's marvelous."

"I know I am. I'll treasure her."

We heard Ruthie's voice calling for me from the hallway, "Andy, Roberta wants a word!"

I took the phone from Ruthie.

"Hi, Roberta."

"I'm just so, so happy for you both! She's a lucky woman."

"And she's very lucky to have me," I replied.

"At least now you can be what you truly are - more than just friends."

"Actually, I still want to be friends, but things have changed. No need to suppress that side of us."

"It's been a hot topic of discussion among the family."

"I could tell, but nobody forced it or anything."

"Indeed! Mum even told you about her dress from Christmas, 1971, right?"

"Yes, and she did look serene wearing it that night."

"She still has those records, I bet they're getting a workout now. I hope that means she'll let us use her hi-fi."

"She's upgraded it recently, and I'm sure she's trying it out."

"It seems many of us are sharing your joy. We're all happy you two are official."

"I can't tell you how much it means to me," I said, laughing.

"So will you take care of her? She's truly a special person."

"I will, Roberta. She's precious."

"When can we see you two together again?"


I called Ruthie back to the phone. Ruthie returned to the kitchen with Joan and I.

"They're all overjoyed and El said some...colorful phrases while on the phone."

"Hilarious! So, do you want us to join you for a drink tonight?"

"That would be great!"

"No problem. Can I give my parents a call and inform them about the news?"

"Go ahead."

After having some food with Ruthie and Joan (Gerry had gone to watch the local football match), Ruthie changed and we walked around the corner where we met Jules.

Upon seeing Ruthie and myself, Jules hugged me and said, "Wow, you took a long time!", followed by a big laugh.

Ruthie and Jules were both holding onto one of my arms as we made our way to the pub. However, Ruthie later switched to holding my hand tightly.

"This feels nice." I mumbled quietly to Ruthie.

Ruthie smiled and squeezed my hand back.

In the pub, we grabbed a table and ordered a cider.

"Alright then, how did this happen? What prompted it?"

Ruthie recounted some of the events that had happened over the past few weeks, eliciting exclamations of "fuck", "shit", and "wow" from the other two until she mentioned New Year's Eve.

Jules immediately asked, "So, do I need to please refrain from ever asking about the person you've been saving yourself for?"

"Um, I think it's rather obvious, don't you?" Ruthie responded.

We all laughed. Ruthie then revealed that during the time when Jules and I were sleeping beside each other, Ruthie and I had engaged in some intimate moments.

"What? Holy shit. Come on, what happened?"

Ruthie knew I wouldn't be embarrassed by the conversation, considering that she knew Jules liked to be frank about sex.

"Well, when you were asleep, Andy kissed my shoulder and I quite liked it. He eventually kissed up to my neck, and we had a great time. We might have gone further if we were in a relationship then."

"Really? That's hot! It's so sexy you had that without me knowing. Bloody hell, my swearing's out of control!"

I chimed in, knowing that we could potentially have a great time trying out what we'd discussed that we'd like to do with each other. "So, with the two of you being so open-minded about sex, we can find out for ourselves what we'd have done next." Ruthie gave my thigh a squeeze.

"Oh, Andy, you dirty...well, have fun trying that out! I love you both."

We spent some time with Jules, who once again let her imagination run wild, especially as the conversation became more and more explicit. However, she had a weakness for discussing sex, which caused her imagination to race.

Ruthie had reminded me that she and Jules are rather open-minded when it comes to sex. Giving my words choice, I purposefully teased Jules with some of the details I recalled from my encounters with Eva, causing her to get quite excited.

"That sounds so sexy. Oh my, it must have felt amazing."

While discussing our experiences outside, I had hinted at certain aspects that excited Jules, even if she didn't notice until she went to the bathroom.

"Oh fuck. I might get too into this if you keep talking like that. Ruthie, you're making me feel all hot and bothered in here. I've gotta go to the loo or I'm going to ruin my pants." She got up and left.

"She's got quite a spot for talking about sex. You seem to have the knack for exciting her."

"Yes, I'm aware that behind all her bluster is a great friend. I really do value that."

Ruthie nodded in agreement, "She feels the same way. It's nice for you to get a break from all the relationship stuff. I just hope it can last a long time."

Ruthie returned, saying, "She'll be out shortly. You might find it intriguing to know that your conversation enticed her enough that she just finished, if you comprehend what I imply."


"Exciting you...I adore it." Ruthie squeezed my arm and kissed me on the lips. "I'd like to hear more of it later." She smiled as she kissed me again.

Jules emerged, seeming to fiddle with her outerwear since it appeared to be quite lined up, implying she had just masturbated in the pub's restroom.

"Now, where's my drink? I must regain my composure."

I was amused and reminded of her first attempt at introductory remarks on New Year's Eve.

"Well, that's certainly Jules speaking there."

Jules answered. "Yes, it is, because Jules is lying on the floor of the toilet, completely exhausted from masturbating." This almost caused me to spill my beverage.

"So it seems you're still wearing Jules's breasts since her nipples are still quite evident, just as they were before she left for the lavatory."

"Oh, were you admiring my breasts?"

"Yes, extremely so...while you were asking me to share with you details of my hard, damp penis!"

Jules smiled, lifted her glass, and I responded with mine. We shared smiles. Ruthie, evidently excited to witness her friend and man getting along, sat back.

"I adore this," Ruthie exclaimed. "Competitive dirty conversation. Perfect."

The remaining hours passed in a flurry of discussion, minimal consumption of alcohol, and these three people feeling completely comfortable with one another. By night's end, we escorted Jules home.

As Jules embraced Ruthie, she wrapped her arms around her and kissed me on the lips.

"Thank you so much for coming out tonight. I'm so delighted for you two. I honestly am."

Ruthie responded, "You did play a part in promoting this, you realize. You and Roberta."

"I'm glad we did. Now, have a great time together and with Andy?"

"Yes, Jules?"

"Make sure to keep my girl safe."

As we made our way back, Ruthie mentioned that Jules had fully devoted herself to "saving herself" as well. Apparently, her view was that if Ruthie had discovered me, then there was someone for her as well.

Upon entering our residence, the kettle had, of course, just boiled, so tea was once more our beverage of choice. Standing in the kitchen, Ruthie touched my cheek and kissed me.

"You performed admirably with Jules. Fetch the tea. I'd like you to speak with me upstairs, if you understand what I imply."

We journeyed upstairs after some dialogue with Joan and Gerry. This time, instead of sitting facing each other, we began to become used to being comfortable with each other's presence. Ruthie wore a shirt with a mid-thigh denim skirt. I sat with my head on the pillows and Ruthie lay across me, her bare legs stretching out before me and my free hand resting on her. We just remained there and sipped our tea for a bit, reveling in the intimacy we could now openly enjoy.

"So, my dear..."

"Yes, sweetheart."

"Why don't we talk about what excites you during intimate situations. What do you find arousing? Is there anything you've never tried?"

"Well, I've never had a boyfriend in the traditional way. It's all been transient evenings out. Christ, that sounds horrid, doesn't it?"

"Don't worry. That was before, wasn't it. You can inform me about your desires...or should I inform you?"

"You could share something with me."

I paused to caress her hair. Being in close proximity to her, physically, was a novel experience.

"Well, from where I am currently," I nuzzled into her hair and kissed her head, "I might gently open the buttons on your shirt a little and allow my fingertip to run from your lips to your breasts to determine if you're wearing a bra or not."

"And if not?"

"Then I would delicately explore your skin. I'd want to feel the form of your breasts and stroke them, waiting for you to respond, possibly a little movement from your body towards my touch or your legs rubbing against one another a touch more."

Ruthie inhaled softly, her free hand pressing against her body below her navel.

"Let me take that in for a moment. So steamy, oh." Ruthie was moving slightly, her eyes closed and one hand on her cheek and neck.

"Would you want me to touch your nipples?"

"After I'd carefully held your breasts and caressed them, to perceive how they might fit in my palm."

Ruthie began to breathe in a different manner and her legs moved slowly, her feet rubbing each other's ankles and calves.

Ruthie didn't seem to be like this. "I...I'd love you to...unbutton the remaining buttons of my shirt and suck and lick my nipples, and run your tongue from my neck to my belly button."

"I'd enjoy doing that."

"I want to feel the chill on my skin after your tongue has been there."

"Perhaps I could lift you up and push your shirt off your arms so I could explore your skin - your back, your neck, your shoulders, your breasts, your stomach, everything."

"Mmmm." Ruthie sank further into me, her legs still sliding slowly. She undid one of her shirt buttons, grabbed my hand resting on top, and set it on her stomach. "Just remain here, dear. Your hand on my skin feels lovely."

Conversing was fun. It was enjoyable discussing Ruthie's preferences and with a little more physical contact.

It was so important to me that she didn't feel we were overstepping any boundaries. She was way too precious to me. As we lay there, it was quiet apart from our breathing. We didn't have to be doing anything else.

"You know, Ruthie, you have fantastic legs. I truly enjoy how they're stretched out in front of me here."

"I'm not against showing them off, especially for you, dear. I like donning short skirts when I'm feeling good about myself."

"Should I take that as a clue of your state of mind on any given day?"

"Definitely. Don't come near me if I'm wearing a long skirt. Long skirt, bad day." Ruthie chuckled a bit. "Not that I'd have any, though!"

Everything was tranquil but with that hint of us knowing we could be physically intimate.

I needed to clarify something with her. "Ruthie, can I ask you something now so we're on the same page?"

"Yes, sweetheart. What's on your mind?"

"So, although we're 'together, together' now, I don't want to assume we'll sleep together but, if we did, should I take care of the contraception so we don't have to worry?"

"Oh, Andy, you're really considerate, but you don't have to. Cass probably told you I had a problem a while back. I had someone inside me when I asked them not to. Cass set me up with a visit to the doctor for an emergency contraceptive pill. Shortly afterwards, I started taking the pill regularly."

"Are you OK with it? I've heard it can play havoc with your body a bit."

"Nope, I've been fine on it, and when I began thinking of you, I made sure to keep taking it."

"Knowing you're on birth control makes me feel better."

Ruthie abruptly interrupted. "Andy?"

"Yes, Ruthie."

She took her time before answering again.

"Andy, I desire to sleep with you. When the moment is right, we will. I want you there. I want some of, a lot of, what I witnessed you and Eva doing that night."

"OK, that's a fantastic image to imagine." I said, struggling to keep up with the conversation. I could feel my penis starting to harden at the thought of being with Ruthie. "Do you often think about that night with Eva and me?"

Ruthie took her time responding. She slowly sat up, my hand slipping from her shirt. She turned to face me directly. I observed that she had unbuttoned another button, revealing her nakedly visible cleavage, the curve of her breasts, the slightest hint of her nipple's edge. She made no effort to adjust it. First, she kissed me gently on the lips and stayed close enough to whisper quietly.

"Honey, would you like to kiss me here, please?"

Ruthie ran her hand through my hair.

She was sitting on my legs. I pulled her close. She rose up on her knees, making her chest level with my face.

My lips traced a line from her neck down the middle of her chest. I could feel her breathing quicken slightly. I treasured the sensation of her bare skin on my lips. Seeing it so close.

Listen, Ruthie, could you lie down for me, please?

As I knelt by your bed, you moved and lay on your left side, propping your head on your hand, smiling at me. Your shirt opened up more, revealing more of you.

The idea of you not wearing a bra but not showing your nipples aroused me. I teased by lightly tracing the edges of your shirt with my finger, pushing it slightly. Your legs shifted against each other, which I took as a sign of your excitement - your "tingle." I decided to go for it and undid the two buttons on your shirt.

The left side of your shirt fell open, showing your left breast. It was soft and round, with your nipple hardening due to the excitement you were experiencing. You looked down at your exposed chest and then up at me, smiling.

"Honey, this is what I wanted with you," you said.

You guided my finger to the center of your chest. I gently stroked your skin between your breasts. You placed your hand on top of mine, pressing it flat against your skin.

"I really, really want you to touch me, to do what you've been talking about with my boobs. Please, it would be amazing."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be in an awkward situation with your parents downstairs."

"Honey, don't worry. Since I started paying rent and consider this my room, no one will disturb us unless I'm not here. My family are great about maintaining that."

That blew me away.

"I want this to be special for you, Ruthie. Let me know if I do something you don't like."

"I will. I really want to feel your hands...and your mouth on me. Please."

The setting was perfect, with no one else or anywhere else mattering.

You moved your shirt to fully expose your breasts to me. My hand touched your skin for the first time. You made a small sound when I brushed against your breast. With my finger, I traced the rim of your areola, testing how much I could move it.

"I've wanted you for so long, Andy."

You spoke softly, lying back on your bed. I sat up and moved over you.

You let out a soft breath and whispered "yessss" as my hair brushed against your bare chest.

I kissed your nipple and then repeated the same with the other one, sucking slightly to draw your areola into my mouth.

"Oh..." You murmured as you exhaled. "That's turning me on."

"Should I stop?"

"No, do it again, please."

I kissed your other nipple and then repeated the same with the other one, sucking on your areola.

You gasped and your hands reached towards my head, pulling me towards you for a deep, passionate kiss.

"Oh, honey. I don't want you to stop," you breathed heavily, "but I'm getting close to a certain point and want to enjoy a lot more of you."

"I want to do the same. Let's have some fun and make our first time special."

Ruthie had picked up a temporary job at the supermarket, so we ended our special time there. It was the perfect way to start our physical relationship.

A few days later, I visited you. I had a reason - to check Gerry's Beatles records to figure out which ones he was missing. With your help, I could gift them to complete his collection.

While making the usual pot of tea for us, you came up behind me for a deep, intense kiss.

"Hey, honey, I have a special surprise for you." You turned around, pulling me into another intense kiss.

"Wow, if that was the surprise, I'm grateful."

No, there's something better," you said. "Bring the tea up."

We had an intimate and unforgettable day that day. As an initial step towards intimacy, it was extraordinary.

One day, Ruthie and I snuggled up in her bed. A big grin spread across her face as she gazed at me. Then, she placed her hands on my thighs.

"You can tell by the way I'm grinning this is going to be good news," she said.

"What's the story with your parents?" I asked.

"They're going to be away for Valentine's Day," she replied.

"And they're going to be far away?"

"Yes, they'll be gone from Friday right through to Sunday."

"Hmm, interesting," I murmured.

"I spoke to Mom about having you over. She suggested it and said it would be fine if we stayed in my room."

"You have your own double bed?" I asked, trying to picture the setup in her parents' house.

"Yes, I chatted with Roberta about this. She agreed, as long as we didn't make a mess of her room. We could use it."

"And everyone's OK with this? This is a bit more serious, right?"

"Dad mentioned it too. He supports this idea."

I expressed my gratitude to both Joan and Gerry. "I'll be sure to thank them," I said.

"I believe she'd like that. I think your relationship reminds her of their earlier days before she and Dad drifted apart."

As I was filling the tea kettle, I bumped into Joan in the kitchen.

"Hi, Andy."

"Hi, Joan. I'd like to say thank you for allowing Ruthie to have me as a guest when you're away."

"Of course, Andy. Ruthie has filled me in on the details, and, even though I wouldn't let every guy Ruthie has ever been with walk through my door, I'm good with you. She appreciates how you treat her. Gerry agrees, too."


"Yeah. After all, we've been in your shoes before. We didn't have the opportunity to ... be alone together," Joan said cagily.

"I appreciate that anyway. You're being very generous."

"And you've stumbled upon a missing record in Gerry's Beatles collection."

"That's right. He thinks he's got them all, but there's one that hasn't made it into his collection." Ruthie would be getting it for his birthday.

"Amazing! You'll be 'man of the month' if it's as good as you say.

Later, we were relaxing in her bedroom after Ruthie had finished work. Ruthie was still comfortable in just her bra and panties. It was nice to see her face-to-toe with minimal clothing. She bought well-fitting bras that held her breasts snugly in place. I also admired how her black underwear sat against her skin.

She was blonde, but her dark eyebrows and lashes contrasted her hair. I could see a hint of the black patch of her bush against the thin pastel color of the underwear.

I quickly lost track of my thoughts as Ruthie began speaking.

"So, what part of me do you like most?"

"I love your whole body, Ruthie. You're beautiful," I replied.

"Hmm, especially like this?" She pointed to her bush.

"No, I want to say it every time I look at you."

"Ok, here's something you might enjoy. This part" - she put her finger on her bush - "has never experienced a tongue exploring what it offers. It's pretty sensitive for me, so think about that."

"I sure will," I murmured.

Ruthie took her finger away from her vaginal area and stood up. She grabbed my hands and pulled me in close. Whispering sweet nothings in my ear, she pressed her body against me. "I want to experience your tongue doing that."

I was so hard just talking about it, but I wrapped my arms around her and continued to seduce her. "I'm Up for anything. I'd love to feel your muscles react when I press my tongue across you and then lick your clitoris."

She tensed, no doubt imagining my actions. "I'd want to find out if I can insert my tongue into your vagina as well."

I smiled. "Can we try?"

Ruthie nodded. "Sure, let's see."

She moved backward, exposing herself to me. Standing there in just her underwear, she looked stunning. I would give anything to touch every part, but I settled on the most intriguing sight. Her dark pubic hair surrounded her private areas, and I was curious to feel it.

"Is there something specific you'd like to do?" she asked, guiding my hands toward her sex.

"Absolutely, but I think I want to start at your clitoris first. I'll give that a good licking."

I followed Ruthie's lead and focused on her clitoris. It looked as if it could bring her immense pleasure, and I was eager to put theory into practice. Once my tongue started working on it, Ruthie's body began to sway. She moaned softly as my tongue stroked her, causing her hips to shift.

Soon, I realized my intentions were clear. I walked toward Ruthie's pussy in the aim of covering it with my mouth.

"I want to taste you," I whispered.

Ruthie pushed me backward, then fell against me, her breasts mashing against me. "I want you to feel what happens when you touch me, but not quite like that," she said, indicating oral sex.

I suddenly thought of something and asked, "Could you show me?"

Ruthie let out a groan and pushed me again. Finally, she said, "One second."

She reached for her clothes, stripped herself of them, and laid on her bed, her legs spread wide. She looked back at me, a dark expression coating her face, knowing what I was doing.

"Come here, darling," she beckoned.

I moved toward her, and her body began to shudder. I pressed my lips against her pussy, making contact with her flesh in a way I imagined would be sensual. I had no idea how I was doing, but I wanted to pleasure her.

"Oh, Andy," she whispered, broad smiles lighting across her face. With that, I explorater her folds with my tongue, ready for whatever might happen next.

Aw, Ruthie uttered softly as her head sank into my chest. Her lips brushed against my ear, and she whispered seductively, "Mischievous man, darling. I'm yearning again. If I weren't fighting the urge, your finger would have already slipped in there."

"And who's being naughty now, attractive woman."

Ruthie kissed me passionately with her lips parted and tongues intertwined. My hands caressed her bare midriff, then maneuvered around her back, allowing my fingers to stroke up and down her spine, unwittingly grabbing her bra strap in the process. I could feel her trying not to turn and squirm. Then out of nowhere...

"Damn it."

Ruthie unfastened her bra, flinging it across the room.

"Would you mind if I recreated what you did to my breasts the other night? I just can't get enough of it."

Ruthie's breasts were stunning. They weren't too large; they boasted a perfect roundness, with her areolas subtly protruding beyond the curve of her breasts. Her nipples were incredibly erect.

I led her to her bed, where she reclined while I lifted her breasts, worshiping their beauty from above on all fours. I touched, kissed, licked, and sucked them, unable to get my fix of her.

I craved more. My tongue drew a line from her navel to her chest and back, then positioned her closer to me by caressing her back gently with my hand, eliciting a response as I gently tugged her nipples into my mouth.

I yearned for her to experience absolute pleasure at my hands and mouth. Her body writhed now. Her legs quivered, and she emitted a low "mmmmm, ohhhh." before she released all the tension.

She glanced at me, her arms reaching for my shoulders, her hands intertwined behind my head.

"Oh, dear. Here it is again, a strong tingle. It's as if I'm on the cusp of orgasm but not yet there."

"Would you like to discuss it for a bit?"

"Yes, please." We made ourselves comfortable so Ruthie could lie back in my arms, nude save for her briefs. Her body, a vision in all its glory, stretched out before me.

I found her impressive. It wasn't lost on me that I was still fully clothed.

I talked softly to keep her face by mine, occasionally grazing her lips with mine.

"When I sense you've bought some excitement, it excites me immensely. When I sucked on your nipples and licked your skin, you were rubbing your legs together."

"Did I?"

"Yes, and your legs tell me when you're getting close to climaxing. You rub them against each other a tad."

"You're aware of that already?"

"Yes. Your legs are a major indicator. I want to understand what makes you feel good."

"Well, I've never paid attention to it because I cherish orgasms," she said sweetly.

"It's delightful, isn't it? The anticipation and enjoyment."

Ruthie climbed up and repositioned herself, facing me on top. Her chest heaved as she brushed her hair away from her face, and she kissed around me. Her lips leaned against mine in a tender, lingering kiss. Still, I kept whispering, and I could tell I was making myself quite hard.

"Maybe, the excitement you're experiencing is your body's way of letting you know it's preparing for climax."

"Oh, fascinating. I've never noticed it before because I am too focused on orgasms," she said, her eyes gleaming with wonder.

"It's truly exhilarating, experiencing everything in between and exploring the path to climax."

Ruthie's eyes widened suddenly, accompanied by a wide grin.

"How in the world will I resist shagging you in the upcoming three weeks? I'm one step away from stripping naked."

"Undoubtedly, there are various things we can do in the meantime," I suggested optimistically.

Ruthie's eyes brightened.

"Oh, it's so tempting. It's just so tempting, though. I'm a step away from taking off my pants."

Ruthie closed her eyes for a brief moment. I let the quiet settle in. Ruthie spoke once more.

"I'm also loving this connection. You want to explore it with me. It's simply extraordinary."

She lay down beside me again, one knee raised slightly, and her chest curved into her stomach, then across her hips, her pubic hair, and down her lovely legs. Her face looked peaceful with her eyes closed. Her lips, slightly parted. Her blonde hair, somewhat disheveled - that was Ruthie. I loved her.

I realized that this extremely attractive woman had apparently never had an exclusive relationship before. But maybe the fact that she could have sex whenever she wanted overwhelmed everything, making her the object of mistreatment.

Cass was mutual attraction, the adrenaline of physicality, and possibly the excitement of forbidden fruit.

Eva was...well, it should've been the story of young love fully appreciated. But, based on the premise that it was, it was sure to be messy and, as expected, it was. Our sexual connection was powerful, maybe too strong because it took us deeper than I initially imagined.

But Ruthie...

Although our route to getting to know each other was unconventional (it being unusual to be so intimate and naked with her and having already been quite frank and open about our sexual lives), Ruthie was my chance at an uncomplicated relationship without any other promises or obligations.

And I wanted her, desired her. It made my heart swell thinking about it.

Ruthie snuggled close to me, and I spoke, partly to break out of my own thoughts.

"Should we spend the afternoon here or go out?"

"I could, but let's go out."

Ruthie got up and, as if it was the most normal thing to do with me there, she ran her hands up her chest until they rested under her breasts, lifting them slightly. She made an approving "mmm" sound. Then, she started considering what tops she could wear without a bra.

Ruthie explained her reasons in her own unique way.

"My breasts feel so good after you touch them, they need to be free. Covering them up feels like I'm removing the feeling of you touching them and I want that to stay, especially if we don't have sex yet."


As we headed into February, I called Cass because we'd rarely seen her recently, except on a quick visit where she told me that Christmas with her mother went well. I went over to her place while Ruthie was working. It's unusual for me to park my car across the street from Cass's and walk over.

"Cass! Cass!" I shouted.

"In the living room." I walked in.

Cass was smoking a cigarette and offered me one. I rarely smoked now because Ruthie wasn't a heavy smoker, so I could quit easily.

"How are you, Cass? It's great to see you."

Cass stood up, and we hugged and kissed each other on the lips. Friendly, without any signs of our past encounters. She seemed genuinely happy.

"I'm doing well. I have some news."

"Okay, you first."

"I'm moving Mom's." I processed this piece of information.

"Wow, a big move for you. Why?"

"I'm a bit tired of being alone so much. Dad spends so much time elsewi-"

Cass interrupted me, "And David...and you."


"Yes, Andy. I've realized that the whole thing with him and then you and Eva was just a big mess. A lovely, sexy mess sometimes...but terrible in the end. So, I took the chance to change it."

"So, a completely fresh start, then."

"Yes, with my mom. She's got room, and she wants me there. And she's changed. She's learned that constantly dominating me as a mother doesn't work for me, and she finally understands that I'm no longer her little 10-year-old, but an adult woman. It finally clicked."

"I'm really happy for you, Cass. I really am. I know this place was fun, and I almost lived here, but I get it. And it seems like this house has mixed memories for you now."

"I'd be lying if I didn't admit that all of that turned me on. How did the three of us end up naked twice and not have sex?"

"I'm not sure. I knew you were a virgin, and I didn't want it to happen by accident. But those moments were pretty hot. Like, really heated. I can't imagine being in that situation again!" Cass chuckled.

"So," Cass changes the topic. "What's the latest news?"

With some hesitation about how Cass might respond, I shared it with her.

"So, me and Ruthie are..."

"Together, aren't you? Christ, Andy. When the two of you came over to wish me a Merry Christmas, the attraction between you was electric. Really tense. It's no surprise at all. And, well, Ruthie is a great girl and deserves to be loved, and you know how to do that?"

"Yes, you're right."

"Right - don't hold back with me, you know you can do it. Both I and Eva felt the joy of being with you. You're not like other guys. She'll have a great time if you do what we did! Holy cow, that was intense. How are you with Ruthie's past, though. She's had a few relationships."

"Yes, but none of them really seem to have meant anything to her. It was just having sex. I'd like to think we're doing things differently. I care about her, Cass. Have you spoken to Eva recently?"

"Yes, although I haven't seen her face-to-face, with a little time, Eva and I have started to talk more on the phone again."

"I'm really glad about that, Cass. It would've been hard to lose that relationship. She's still in London, right?"

"Yes, spends most of the week with her new boyfriend and goes into work from there. Comes home on weekends. Eva has gone into all the details of how intense things were between you two."

"I'm shocked she still talks about it."

"Don't underestimate the impact you had on her. You showed her what love could be. Made her understand what it means to be in a relationship. Earl says you will be her first love when she thinks back. It was that significant for her."

"Wow, I thought," he stated. "Being with her was a revelation."

"And she says you have her virginity. You made her live through the details that night. It's hard to forget."

"I'll never forget what we had. It means too much to me."

"Can I tell her about Ruthie?"

"Of course."

"What led you two to come together?"

"Two broken people taking care of each other. You remember how upset Ruthie was from that guy who mistreated her and hurt us. That destroyed her. Then, by chance, we ran into each other in the city about a month later and she listened, took care of me, and our friendship grew."

"And there were no issues about us sleeping together at that time, right?"

"No, Ruthie said she expected it. I told her it was just a final step. If anything, it set out how things would progress. Look, it's still a new couple, but we knew we were ready to commit to each other by the time you saw us."

"Well, I'm truly happy for you both, Andy. She deserves someone who'll love her. I hope you're the one."

"When are you leaving, Cass?"

"After Easter. I'm planning on setting up a surprise for her before I go."

Ruthie was taken aback but understanding when I told her. She went to see her the following day. Given how involved things were with Cass, Eva, and me, the outcome as it stood right then, for Cass and me at least, was the best possible scenario.


The first weekend of February, between Ruthie and me, was a swirling mix of passion and, even though pushed to the edge, we maintained our restraint.

We both knew what might happen on Valentine's weekend and that led to an increasing connection between us.

Ruthie had a shift at the supermarket on Saturday morning, so it was 2pm before I could see her. I wanted her to feel special after what would've been an early beginning.

I pressed the now known doorbell. Joan came to the door and let me in.

"Hi Andy. Those are very nice. For Ruthie, right?"

"Yes, I know she had to get up early for work, so I wanted to cheer her up a bit."

"You go up. I'll put the kettle on and one of you can come and get it in a few minutes."

I went upstairs, but Ruthie was asleep on her bed. She seemed to have taken off her pants, lied down, and drifted off to sleep. I went back downstairs.

"She's dead to the world, Andy. I think she had a very tough day."

Recently, someone had to leave us. It's probably his termination since Ruthie is now in charge of restocking the shelves early in the morning. She started at 6 a.m. this morning. Although it's a great opportunity for her, managing people can be overwhelming. However, she managed to complete the task successfully. Let's take care of these flowers. They'll die if we keep them in their packaging, and they're too beautiful to waste.

We were discussing and sipping tea, minding our business when we heard some steps and whispers.

Ruthie entered the room, wearing her work uniform, top, underwear, and socks. She scratched her hair, making it stand up in different directions.

"Mom, sorry. Andy! Hi, honey. Oh, these flowers are nice, Mom. Did Dad buy them for you?"

"No, Ruthie. Your partner got them for you."

Ruthie paused and looked at the flowers for a moment.

"For me?"

"Yes, my dear. I wanted to get them for you before anyone else did."

Ruthie's eyes filled with tears and she grabbed my hand. She started crying. I stood up and held her as the tears flowed.

"Mom, please tell him."

"Ruthie has never received flowers from anyone, and she has always desired it. She has long hoped that a man would surprise her with some flowers but never did. We had a small discussion about it this week because she hoped you would buy some for her, but she didn't think it would happen."

Joan continued, "It's a simple but meaningful gesture, Andy. You can see how much it means to her now."

Poor Ruthie. She looked at me, her scattered hair from sleeping and tear-stained face, nearly making me emotional too. She spoke up.

"Mom, I've never had flowers from anyone, not one, not even Jules last year. God, it's so silly. But I don't know... I'm 20 years old, and no one has ever bought me flowers until you, honey. I love you for this, I really do."

She leaned her head against my shoulder, looking at the flowers.

"Tell your girlfriend to come upstairs, Andy. We've planned date weekends for you both to have some privacy and time together. Thank you for getting her flowers."

We went up to the bedroom, and I fetched a flannel from the bathroom. Ruthie lay on her bed. I knelt in front of her and wiped her face using the damp flannel. She cleaned her hair with her free hand too. I also handed her some tissues.

"Oh, Andy, I'm such a crybaby. Damn flowers. They're delicious, but honestly..."

"No, Ruthie, you're not, darling. I'm delighted you like them."

"You're so amazing, Andy. Help me take off this hideous supermarket uniform."

I pulled off her shirt, and she draped herself in her enormous towel dressing gown.

"Can I just lounge in this for a while, honey? It's quite comfy."

"Of course, darling, take your time. I'll go make some tea."


Joan was busy as well, brewing some tea downstairs.

"So, how's Ruthie doing?"

"She's calmed down a bit. She's all wrapped up in her dressing gown at the moment and resting."

"I know she was upset, but remember, she's been in some terrible relationships. The men used her. So, you might witness a few emotional moments unexpectedly."

It's fortunate Ruthie was awake, or else I would've badly dropped the tea on the way in.

I regularly handled this process, but I struggled today.

Ruthie laughed at my blunder.

"What are you doing, honey? Are we drinking that or are we throwing the tea cups down?"

"I'm glad you found it funny, Ruthie." After finally placing the tray on her bed, she hugged a bit longer.

"Yes, I'm okay, thanks."

"I just shared with your mom how cruelly you were treated by your previous partners."

"What did she say?"

"In a nutshell, she called them 'bastards'."

We relaxed in the living room, sipping tea and chatting about various topics, including how Ruthie sometimes wanted to visit her sisters at their universities. She wished to see what their lives were like. I made a mental note.

The afternoon was progressing smoothly. Ruthie was sitting cross-legged on her bed, her robe loosening, revealing her underwear that didn't bother her in the slightest.

Joan yelled from downstairs, "Ruthie, I'm leaving now. See you tonight. Bye, Andy." We replied with our goodbyes.

"Where's your mom going?"

"One of her oldest friends lives across town. They occasionally meet up at a nearby pub for food and drinks on a Saturday. Today is one of those days."

"So that leaves us here then."


Ruthie glanced at me, about to say something, but changed her mind. I opted not to fill the silence. She placed her hand on my knee.


"Yes, darling."

"I know we're together next weekend, and it's going to be incredible." Ruthie's fingers were absentmindedly tracing circles on my leg as she spoke.

"Yes, it will. I must admit, I'm finding it tough waiting." If I said anything else but how much I wanted to make love to her, I'd be lying.

"Me too. Look, you've already been such a blessing in my life. My breasts crave you daily!"

She cupped her breasts and giggled at her admission.

"The same goes for me, Ruthie. I adore them."

"Mmm, so...I was considering how we could spend a bit of time together, just cuddling, touching - you know, intimate things. Feeling close."

The thought excited me so much that it made my head buzz, and my lower half reacted accordingly.

"I know I've mentioned that this room is my sanctuary, a place of solitude, but knowing we'll be alone for a few hours activates a certain freedom for me."

"Andy, I'd love to do that. I guess you've been contemplating what you'd like."

"Ruthie, I am. A lot." She leaned in and whispered, "I was even thinking about it last night."

"Show me, Ruthie."

"Alright, honey. Stand up for me."

I stood by the side of her bed. The feeling of surrendering to her wishes was thrilling, and the anticipation made my heart beat a little faster. As Ruthie stood up, she barely moved her arms, causing her robe to fall open. She bent her shoulders slightly, and the robe dropped to the carpet.

She was standing in front of me, in her bra and panties. She raked her fingers through her blonde hair and rested one hand on my chest, letting out a peaceful sigh.

Her hands reached for the bottom of my shirt and raised it over my head. She caressed my chest and back, pressing a gentle kiss in the center.

I looked her in the eyes and we kissed, her hands on my back. Our bodies were so close, the sensation of her touch heightened on my skin.

"Feeling alright, sweetie?"

"Fantastic. You."

"I'm having a great time...a lot."

Ruthie gently undid the buckle of my belt and then my jeans, gently sliding her hands beneath them to feel my behind. She sat back down on the edge of her bed, helping me out of them. In a matter of moments, I was standing naked except for my underwear.

Now it was her turn to appreciate me. She looked me up and down, acknowledging that my aroused penis stretched the front of my pants. Her gaze settled on my face.

"Honey, may I touch you?" She looked at my erection and then back at me. "There?"

"Absolutely, beautiful. Whatever you'd like to do."

"Good, because the last time I saw you, you were showing off how big you are."

My arousal involuntarily twitched at her comment.

"Ruthie, would you like to touch it?" Her finger lightly traced along the line of my hips, stopping at the base of my penis. I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation. Her finger slowly traced along my length, causing my erection to pulse. She examined me, her fingers feeling my ridges, the small indentations, the tip of my penis, my foreskin.

Compared to how I was treated by Cass and Eva before, this was unbelievably gentle, making it even more erotic.

I knew I was dripping wet as the moisture gathered at the tip of my penis, leaving my underwear damp. I kept quiet, simply soaking in her actions. [

Ruthie's breaths were getting deeper than usual. The house was so silent, I began to notice how deeply I was breathing as well. Her hand gently slid over my pants, feeling the outline of my erection. She held it for a moment, encircling the middle of my shaft, lightly squeezing as it throbbed and grew harder due to the blood rushing through my body.

I opened my eyes. She must have noticed me looking at her because she looked up and said, "I really want you inside me."

I was unable to speak. The touching was overwhelming my senses, and more so because it was Ruthie. As she continued to hold my now extremely hard dick, her other hand gently caressed my balls, allowing them to rest in hers and applying a little pressure. Eventually, she released me and placed her hands back on my hips, looking up at me.

"Oh honey, I want you inside me, but I want to wait until next week," I bent down so we were eye-to-eye.

"Ruthie, If I had given in to the feelings when you were touching me, we would both be completely naked, hot and passionate right now."

Ruthie took a deep breath and pulled me close, our mouths meeting in a deep kiss. Ruthie broke away.

"May I say something?"


"I've never wanted to fuck anyone as much as I want to with you now. I really, really do." Her head rested on my shoulder. "I can feel the excitement coursing through my whole body."

"You could definitely feel what was happening to mine!" We both laughed.

"And I know exactly where I'd prefer to experience that sensation right now!" Ruthie stated firmly.

I held her, stroking her back from bottom to top, following the line of her spine. I stopped at her bra strap.

"Ruthie, can I take off your bra?"

"Yes, please."

She took off her bra and let it slide down her arms, landing between us. I reached for her breasts and she leaned back on her arms, still beside the bed. Her skin glowed under the daylight. Her perfect body lay spread out before me.

I couldn't resist. I scooted closer between her legs and bent down to tease the waistband of her panties with my tongue. Ruthie let out a slight intake of breath at first, but then she relaxed into it. I continued to lick upwards towards her belly button. I circled her navel and kissed it before moving to her chest.

I could feel each nipple with my tongue, licking each aroused area and then sucking, drawing them into my mouth in turn. Ruthie moaned softly as I released them, only to inhale deeply again when I moved to her other breast. As I released it, she sat up and wrapped her arms around me, her hips moving slightly. A quiet "mmm" slipped out as her hands felt the shape of my back.

"I could spend all day just playing with your breasts. I really could."

"But I want you on the bed, sweetheart."

We got up and Ruthie moved to lay down on the bed. I climbed on top of her, kneeling between her legs. As the bed was small, there was limited space. Her legs moved slowly along my calf muscles. Ruthie positioned a pillow for a better view.

"Ruthie, I'm trying very hard to control myself." I whispered.

"Just tell me what you want, sweetie." Ruthie teased me with a look, knowing what I was thinking.

"I want to be inside you, feel our bodies together, making love."

Ruthie sat up "Let's do that, honey."

She guided me over her until I was lying on top of her. I was so terrified of pressing her into the mattress. My chest pressed against hers, her breasts against me. Her feet rubbed slowly along my calves. We were gazing into each other's eyes.

"This is what I want, sweetie."

We kissed softly, our lips lingering. I kissed down to her neck, along her shoulder and back up. Ruthie sighed deeply. I gazed back into her eyes.

"Don't move." she softly said. Her hands slid down my body found the waistband of my pants. "Lift your hips a little for me."

I raised my hips and she pulled my pants down, my penis sprang free and completely erect. She guided me back down towards her.

"Now, honey, those are your bare bottom cheeks."

I rubbed my head frantically. I could feel my erection pressing into her stomach. She wrapped her legs tightly around me like she was trying to pull me into her own body. I felt my pre-cum dripping onto her. I couldn't think for the sexual urge raging inside me. Ruthie's hands were on my lower back, and then on my buttocks.

"We're so close to making love, you know." Ruthie tugged at my bottom cheeks.

As I frantically inhaled, the weight of her body upon me making each breath a concentrated effort, I became all too aware that her underwear was the only thing preventing us from fully consummating our desire.

We locked eyes, grinning and kissing one another. Both of us were panting heavily. Ruthie could feel my stiff member rubbing against her skin through her briefs, and in response I involuntarily moved with her, slipping slightly underneath her. My testicles nestled comfortably on her pubic hair as it poked through the material.

Eventually, the sensory overload and our heightened passions subsided as we knew that we would wait to fully embrace the moment. With our gaze locked, we calmed down slightly. I was acutely aware of the effect my enhanced arousal was having on my body.

"That was incredible, but I'm probably leaving a few traces of myself on you."

I hadn't quite managed to climax, but the intense stimulation had sent me leaking slightly onto her.

"Don't worry about it, sweetie. The tissues are just over there on the table."

I hesitantly arose, my now discarded underwear falling to my legs.

"Oh, sorry. I suddenly realized that I was completely exposed to you here, naked, with a giant erection."

"Honey, let me think, do I find it unnerving to see my naked partner, whose impressive manhood is so exposed, standing tall in front of me in my own bedroom?"

"No, I suppose not then."

"Well, you're free to ponder that while exploring my body then."

Ruthie had managed to scrub some of me off her tummy with the tissues provided. I stared at her with a smile on my face. The sight of this beautiful woman lying naked on her bed, smiling up at me, her aroused form before me was so arousing that, unconsciously, I wrapped my hand around my erection.

"Oh honey, you're not going to pleasure yourself while looking at me like that?"

"I'm trying very hard not to. But is it alright if I did something else?"

I walked over to her. First, I attended to her tummy to ensure I'd removed any remnants of me from her. Ruthie's fingers impulsively stroked my glans gently, making sure to hold me securely as I did this.

"Back then, when I saw that, sweetie, it was all I could do to not run over to your bed and indulge myself with your beautiful body."

"Is that what you remembered from that encounter?"

"Yeah, and I'll tell you now, it was massive in my hand. I can't wait to get that inside me."

I moved away and stood at the end of her bed, my entire body exposing my nakedness, nestled between her legs.

"Well, since that option is off the table this weekend, can I show you what I was pondering the last time I saw you bare-chested?"

"You were going to touch my breasts when you were staring at me and stroking your dict?"

"Yes, seeing you like that was a major turn-on."

I lifted one of her legs, her breath catching as my lips etched kisses onto her bare toes. I began making my way up her leg inch by inch, tasting her skin and causing her to sigh quietly each step. As I made my way up to her knees and reached the seam of her briefs, I slowed so I wouldn't accidentally undo them in my pursuit of her sensitive parts.

"Ahh, honey, that was lovely." I continued, bringing the other leg to my end of the bed and starting my path of sensual exploration on that one as well. Ruthie's breathing was much deeper now, and she allowed her hips to subtly sway with my advances. This made it difficult to maintain my tracing of the seam on her more wet briefs.

I reached the seam on her second leg. The scent of her filled my nostrils. Her outer lips, visible through the now semi-transparent briefs, teased my nose. I licked along the edge of her fabric up and down, slowly approaching her wet spot, earning an "Ooh fuck" from her.

"Go on, then. Please."

I was right in front of her pubic area, clearly visible through her wet underwear. Impulsively, I opened my mouth and covered it as if I were about to bite into an apple. Ruthie graaned her hips.

"Oh my"

Ruthie reached for her underwear and pushed it to one side, revealing her very wet vulva. Her hair, her lips were shining.

I rested my tongue at the very top and then slowly teased, halting with her every response to my mouth. She lost her grip and the underwear slid back over her hair. I raised my head for a moment. Ruthie was clutching and massaging her breasts, her back arched.

"Lift your hips for me, Ruthie."

I peeled her underwear away and tossed it on the floor. We were now naked together for the first time.

"Oh, sweetheart, are you...please...lick me, please."

For a moment, I admired her nakedness for the first time. Flawless and divine.

Slowly I placed my tongue on her exposed labia. Ruthie issued the longest moan of pleasure. Licking and kissing them, I teased them, pushing my tongue in a little.

"Oh, sweetheart, lick my pussy, make me come. Please."

I gently slid my tongue across her open fold, exploring her secret area. Ruthie moved her knees up, her feet in the air, which raised her up towards me and gave me better access to her wetness. I found her vaginal opening and pushed my tongue in. Ruthie started to let out, and then quiet her moans. I moved up to find her clitoris.

This was a sensual experience. I enjoyed feeling her wetness on my tongue. Ridges of skin guided me to a small firm tip. Ruthie pushed harder into my face, panting short breaths. She responded more and more to my every lick, increasing my desire.

"Oh, you...are...making me...come, aaaaaaah."

Her legs spread wider, inviting me to lick her even deeper. I slipped my arms under her thighs and lifted her up so I was on my knees, supporting her weight and pushing my tongue into her as deeply as possible.

"YES, FOR READ THE BOOK, YES. Oh God you sexy...oh."

Ruthie's body trembled with her orgasm, but she knew that, if she moved, my tongue was gone. She rested her hand on my head. I went one more time, eliciting a deep moan as her breathing eased a little.

I felt her orgasmic release and then the calming down, and, as her weight lay more heavily on me, I gently laid her back down on the bed.

She was trying to regulate her breathing with occasional deep breaths. Beads of sweat on her chest showed the effect of the intensity of what we just shared. She looked right into my eyes.

"You, you...oh, please come here, you amazing, sexy man."

She pulled me down, turned me on my back, and lay on top of me. Now we were skin to skin with my erection tucked into her soft belly. I cherished the feeling of Ruthie's naked body on me.

"Ooooooh, the lead-up to sex, the foreplay, is really this good?"

We lay entwined, my stiffness wilting as we settled into each other. We slid around until we were spooning, me behind her, and we rested for quite some time.

"Andy, sweetheart. I've never done this before. Is this what the lead-up to sex, the foreplay, is like?"

"Yes, my love." My face was next to her beautiful blonde hair, which demonstrated the evidence of our intense sensuality. "Do you like it?"

"I can't put into words how much I like it."

"Now I can't put into words how much I desire you, Ruthie."

She exhaled, moved further into me, and dozed off for a few minutes. I lay there, reflecting on how good I felt because I caused her to have an intensely intimate and ardent orgasm.

From nowhere, she spoke again.

"I've never experienced fulfillment, never felt so...satisfied, ever, and we haven't even had intercourse yet."

She panted heavily. I responded.

"I just want to make you feel as beautiful and satisfied as possible. You deserve it."

"Oh my God, I've never felt this exhilarating, I've never felt so fabulous!"

After a while, we decided we should probably do something else with the remaining parts of our day. By the time Gerry arrived home, we were sitting passively in front of the television. Quietly holding hands, we were physically fatigued but utterly content.

Jules called. She wanted to go out and asked if we were interested in going to the pub. We decided to go, but we had to settle something first.

"So, Ruthie, I understand there are no limitations between you and Jules."

"Between the two of you, there wasn't much to begin with, you two gossip queens!" Ruthie chuckled as she thought about those conversations. "Here's the plan: if she asks, we tell her...or at least make her work for it. Do you know where I'm going with this?"

"I do. Could be fun."

"I've known her for ten years. Nothing I've ever told her has come back to me through a third party, and she knows almost everything. Think of it like Eva, Cass, and me on a wild night at Cass's."

"Okay. Let's go for it."

Jules was her usual cheerful self. She looked like she was going somewhere completely different from us. Her dress was on the skimpy side, revealing her figure, but she had a jacket on top of it and red tennis shoes. We went to the pub and ended up in the same place we were last time, in a booth. Jules on one side, Ruthie and I on the other. Drinks were placed, and it was only about halfway through the first pint of cider when Jules started talking.

"How are my favorite lovebirds keeping it up? Have you two finally had your chance together?"

Ruthie responded and seemed to be trying to get a rise out of Jules like before.

"No, Jules."

"No! Shit. I thought you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other, especially after the kiss I saw on New Year, and you weren't even a couple then. That was so hot."

Ruthie glanced at my watch and continued.

"Oh, we've definitely had our hands on each other...a lot. In fact, about two and a half hours ago, we weren't wearing the clothes we're wearing now."

"Oh, really. Details, please."

"Not anymore, but we talked about that thing on the phone a while ago, you know, the thing I'd never experienced before."

"Yes. A good pussy licking." Stating things in her own unique way, it was now almost impossible for Jules to lean forward without spilling our drinks with her breasts.

"Well, it happened!"

"Holy shit! Fuck! I love that! I've only had it once. How did it feel?"

"It was like my body was under control of my pussy. I could feel everything he was doing...everything made me want to move. He picked me up!"

Ruthie squeezed my hand, looked at me, and kissed me right on the lips.

"He what? Fuck me! Oh, Ruthie. You're so lucky."

"Well, you know how Andy and I talked on the phone a while ago? The thing I'd never had before?"

"Yes. A good cunt licking."

"Yeah, well, it happened. I thought you might have caught on."

Jules took a moment, daydreaming while she took a large sip of her pint. Eventually, her mind came back to the present.

"And how did Ruthie make you come, you dirty bastard?"

"Well, Ruthie was on top of me, naked, so I could feel his dick on me."

"But you held back and didn't fuck, right?"

"Yes, we did, but we wanted to control ourselves. Andy got up and happened to catch a glance of me in just my pants, so he started touching himself..."

Jules' eyes widened. "What, playing with his..."

"...big, wet, hard cock. It was ridiculous, Jules. It was so thick! Very..."

Ruthie looked at me and gave me a hint. I took over.

"Yes, so instead of fucking, I whipped your pants off and went down on you to see if I could make you come."

"Yes, I did, and it was absolutely amazing! So incredible, but we forgot you."

We were getting a kick out of this, and Jules was getting close.

"Fine, you can always help me out later if you'd like. You'll have my dick hard in no time!"

"I can always remove my top, showing my tits, and you can suck them. You love them, don't you."

"And while you're at it, you could take out my cock and play with it..."

Jules suddenly got up and went to the restroom. Ruthie and I burst out laughing. We had her right where we wanted her.

Ruthie said to me, "Sorry you couldn't join us earlier, my sweet. I was having an amazing time."

I replied, "I'm thrilled for you, Ruthie. You'll discover that I'll find a lot of pleasure in pleasing you. We'll always have time next week."

"Oh, we haven't told Jules about that yet."

She chuckled, "You know what, you're quite a beast."

I smiled, "I know, but it's not often that it's me who's talking about what I've been up to, and for you to be there with me, discussing it, is making Jules' head spin!"

"It's not just her head that's spinning," she said.

After a while, Jules returned, a little flushed.

"Was that on purpose?" she asked teasingly.

"What?" we questioned, pretending innocence.

"Come on, you two know what I'm talking about. Andy, you turned me on last time, and now you know I have to do something if the conversation gets too heated. Thanks to all the talk about dcks, psss, bobs, and licking, you'll be pleased to know I gave myself a good rub and an amazing orgasm. Drinks, anyone?"

We all laughed and had a great night.

We left hand-in-hand. When we got to her house, Jules asked, "So, any plans for Valentine's next week?"

I answered, "Yes, Ruthie's parents are away, so I'll be staying with Ruthie."

"The whole weekend?"

I confirmed, "Yes, Jules, and I don't expect we'll be wearing much either."

"Oh, Andy, you're such a perv." Jules teased, and we all laughed. "I love you two so much, but you two have to stop making me horny. I'm going to lie down and recover. Good night!"

Ruthie said playfully, "You did ask."

On our walk home, Ruthie pulled me aside.

"Know something, I really didn't mean to forget about you..."

"Ruthie, you don't need to worry at all," I reassured her. "You made me feel satisfied today."

She revealed, "Andy, can I talk to you about something? It's about...well, you and me."

"Yes, Ruthie. What is it?"

She hesitated, then said, "I'm not...very keen on blowjobs. I've had some bad experiences, and it's put me off quite a bit."

"Well, then there's no need for you to do something you're not comfortable with."

"Really...but every guy seems to want them."

I assured her, "Believe me, it's not about how it makes them feel, it's about you."

Ruthie smiled, "I noticed."

I continued, "I'll share something with you that really gets me going."

"Oh yes. Tell me."

I revealed, "When we were talking earlier, I was incredibly aroused and there were moments when, if you'd touched the skin between my balls and bum, I would have reached the point of no return."

"Is that an area you find particularly stimulating?"

"Yes, Ruthie."

We went back upstairs, snuggled up in bed. Ruthie lay down on top of me with her jeans covering her legs. She moved my hand so it was on her stomach beneath her sweater. This was a position we often assumed when relaxing in her room.

"Ruthie, can I talk to you about something? It involves you and um...going down on me."

"Yes, Andy. What is it?"

She took her time before saying, "It's not something I'm particularly fond of. I've had a few unpleasant experiences, and it's put me off considerably."

"Well, Ruthie, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"But what if there's another way? What if I could still pleasure you without doing something that makes me feel uncomfortable?"

"Really. There is one thing that gets me going."

"What is it?"

"When we were earlier, I was extremely aroused, and during those moments when I was playing with your clitoris, if you had touched the area between my balls and butt, I would have been well on my way."

Ruthie noticed, "That does sound like something you enjoy."

I suggested, "Then maybe touching me there could give us both pleasure."

"Have we tried that?"

"I'll leave that up to you."

We continued cuddling. I felt Ruthie's hand on my butt, then her fingers brushed against the area between my balls and butt. She noticed my reaction and giggled, "Yes, that is definitely a sensitive spot for you."

We continued exploring this new way of satisfying each other.

"Did you remember the time you told us how you found out your butt was a turn-on?"

"Yeah, it still gets me going."

"Well, you have a small section from your pussy to there, but for me, it's longer and touching it in just the right way feels good..."

"Wow, honey, that sounds really awesome."

Ruthie's legs began to move as she felt the invitation of the sexual conversation. My erection had come back after being hard for a while during the day.

Ruthie faced me and said, "Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?"

"Is it having a cock in your mouth that you don't like?"

"Yes, one guy didn't let me pull away, and I choked. I hated it, Andy. Hated it."

"Then we won't do that."

"I'd like to kiss and lick you, and I know I'd like holding and playing with you, too."

"We'll have a great time doing that."

Ruthie started moving her left foot up and down her right lower leg. She was starting to feel tingly.


"Yes, my love."

She put her hand on mine, which was back on her stomach.

"Can you help me now?"

"How can I help you?"

"Your hand..." she squeezed it "push it underneath my jeans. I'm very wet...for you."

I did as she asked, feeling her moistness on my hand. It was making me feel wet inside my own jeans. I slowly explored her, making sure to gently circle her clitoris with my finger tip.

Ruthie's legs started moving, her hips started to rotate. I adjusted to keep my hand in place. Then I pressed a bit. Ruthie gasped, her eyes closed, her hands went into her hair, her hips pushed down, and my finger got trapped in her jeans due to the tension.

"Come out for a moment, honey."

Without hesitation, Ruthie stood up and took off her clothes, revealing her naked body while maintaining eye contact with me. She got back on the bed, leaning slightly toward me.

"Andy, make me come and do whatever you want, honey."

My finger reentered her as my mouth devoured her breast. I took her lovely nipple and areola into my mouth, massaging them with my tongue as I sucked occasionally. Ruthie's hips began to move again.

I touched her, moving my finger away gently and moving it up to her clitoris, taking my time to be as slow as possible so she could feel every touch.

I found a particular fold of skin that seemed to lead to her clit and was likely very special to her. Running my finger from the very top of her entrance, along that fold, caused her wonderful body to lift with it, her hips rising.

I did it slowly...once...twice...a third time, ensuring to avoid pressure on her clitoris to keep it intense.

"Oh, fuck me, oh."

Ruthie reacted to the growing intensity as my attention to her clitoris built up to a fantastic orgasm. She pushed herself onto my hand as her body responded, her hips moved to guide me to more speed and pressure to help her reach it.

So quickly, Ruthie grabbed a pillow and covered her mouth, muffling a substantial cry as her body arched, allowing her orgasm to take over, her legs spread wider as she leaned into my hand.

No words. The pillow was removed. Ruthie stared at me with a look that had elements of surprise and joy and many other emotions. As the thrill passed, I adjusted my speed to match her sinking back on the bed. She was breathing heavily.

"I swear, honey, I want your cock deep inside me as if it hurts."

She twisted around until I was between her legs on the bed.

"Sit up a little for me, honey." I shifted so we were almost face-to-face. Ruthie removed my t-shirt.

"Stand up for me, honey. After what you just did, you're not leaving this room until I've made you come."

Ruthie undid my jeans and took off my clothes. In no time, I was naked and Ruthie had my hard penis in her hands, letting it rest there, enjoying its weight.

I watched her leisurely drag her finger across my glans to spread the droplets emerging from my tip. She caressed my erection softly, sensing the skin texture, the engorged veins, the firmness, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Then, while gently touching me, she kissed the tip with her gaze fixed on me, ensuring I was paying attention. This ignited an intense pulsing in my penis and hardened it to the point of maximum rigidity in my life. My foreskin resisted the growing glans, which was soaked with moisture.

Another sensation tickled me. Her tongue slowly inched down my shaft and then back up again.

"Is this pleasing you, dear?"

I could barely utter more than a murmured "yes." I could hear my heartbeat reverberating in my ears. Whatever she was about to do with me, I was hers - utterly. Ruthie's hands gripped me firmly and began to work me up, moving the skin on my penis from base to tip, slow but deliberate. I had never been able to masturbate myself like this.

I felt a hand unexpectedly brush across my balls gently. I released a deep sigh.

"Lie down for me, honey."

With only the smallest inkling of what she was doing, I lay down on her floor.

Ruthie was elegant and sensual as she manipulated me, her nudity stunning, her face comprising a calm expression and a subtle grin on her lips as she knelt between my legs, meticulously adjusting the position of my knees so my legs were elevated.

She grasped me once more and I closed my eyes to relish her touch, to yield to her and surrender control to her because, when it came to operating my cock, there was always a temptation in the back of my mind to take over.

Ruthie tended to me, not frantically, but in a steady, rhythmic sequence. I felt her hand slide under my balls and her fingertips stimulate my perineum.

"Oh, yes, there."

It was now my legs that opened wider. She was stroking me, managing me, carefully but assertively, not afraid to jerk my shaft, causing the skin above my glans to transition from taut to relaxed with each sweep of her hand.

I opened my eyes to a stunning sight. Ruthie radiated calm, smiling, engrossed in my penis and perineum, her breasts and body swaying in unison with the movement of her hands, her blonde hair, slightly disheveled. She was simply breathtaking, captivating in her own right.

And then...

I experienced the rush, the heat in my erection and then...the ecstatic release as I ejaculated. I felt the initial gush settle across my stomach, bordering my chest, followed by a continuous stream of more emissions. I was ejaculating wildly with her continuing to work me, aware that there was a little more to come.

"Oh, that's it, dear. I've been dying to witness this. You ejaculated for me."

Ruthie continued to manage me, ensuring that every last drop had been discharged. Once she had finished, she deposited the tissues on my stomach and then carefully arranged me, resting my penis atop my pubic hair.

"Did I satisfy you, dear? I am overjoyed I got you there."


"Yes, dear."

"That was just so, so wonderful. Thank you so much."

"For you, dear, anything. Really."

After she finished serving me, she nestled atop me, elbowing my waist for support to face me. I could feel her breasts pressed against me, her hips resting on my body, her legs nestled against mine. Ruthie kissed me. Those sweet, lingering kisses that held so much meaning. I ran my hands through her hair.

"Ruthie, you were so...I don't know how to articulate it."

"Let me explain. You located a spot tonight I've never landed on. When your finger was edging my clitoris?"

"Yes, you seemed to enjoy it."

Ruthie grinned. "Enjoyed it! My cunt yearned for you to continue rubbing it like that. My brain was falling apart, I swear..."

"That good?"

"Mmm, very much so."

We got dressed, swapping tasks to ensure we were both decked out. Hugging each other on her solitary bed, we snuggled together, resting on our sides, facing one another, and our legs intertwined. Because of the energy expended from climaxing, I closed my eyes again.

A soft, timid voice floated into my consciousness

"Andy, Andy, my sweet." Ruthie brushed her fingertips across my face to awaken me.

"Dearest, we fell asleep together."

She wore a delightful smile. It was broad daylight outside. I strained my focus on the clock. 3:13 a.m. A moment of confusion, then self-realization, and a sense of release.

What else could we do but immerse ourselves in the tranquility, the closeness? I closed my eyes once more.

"Hey Ruthie, what time is it?" I stretch and realize I'm in the same position I was when I woke up at around 3 in the morning.

"It's 8:15 now, sweetheart."

"Oh, good morning my love! How are you?"

"Much better with you still here. Isn't yesterday just wonderful? I've never had such a steamy day, although it started with me crying."

"It was almost perfect for me, darling. Want to grab some tea?"

"Sure, let's."

We walk downstairs in our slightly wrinkled clothes. Joan is in the kitchen, beaming as we enter.

"Good morning to you two lovebirds!"

"Hi Mama, we must've fallen asleep."

"Ruthie, I saw the light under your door and, since Andy wasn't with you, I thought you had both dozed off."

I explain, "Well Mom, I did wake up around 3 but fell asleep again."

Ruthie questions, "Did you?"

"Yes, sweetheart. We got tangled together and before I knew it, I was asleep."

"Sorry Mama, I would've said something but..."

"No, no, no, that's how life goes long as you're having a good time!"

We eat a light breakfast before Ruthie and I head out for a stroll to freshen up a bit more. We're back at Lake Park and, this time, we sit on a bench gazing at the shimmering lake reflecting the bright, watery sunshine and clouds.

I wrap my arm around Ruthie and pull her close as we sit on the bench.

"You know, I never thought you'd do what you did last night. It really turned me on."

Thinking back to how Ruthie pleasured me makes me recognize how intimate it truly was.

"Sweetheart, after the way you've been making me feel since we got together, I really wanted you to come, too. You've made me feel so desirable, so desirous."

"Sweetie, the irony isn't lost on me that we ended up sharing a bed completely clothed after exchanging orgasms, my dear."

"Honey, I think it's perfectly in line with our relationship, wouldn't you agree?"

We chuckle, hug, then hold hands for a long time, watching the lake and people moving around.

For the first time in my life, I'm in an uncomplicated, loving relationship, and it feels just right.



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