Celebrity Sex Stories

Saga of the Sex-sworn Pt. 01

Fan-fiction set in the world of Hunger of the Gods.

Jul 16, 2024
26 min read
sorcerymagicSaga of the Sex-sworn Pt. 01fantasybisexualtaintednorsesex magic
Saga of the Sex-sworn Pt. 01
Saga of the Sex-sworn Pt. 01

Saga of the Sex-sworn Pt. 01

Note: this story is set in the world of Shadow of the Gods and Hunger of the Gods, but about 50 years before those books. It has lots of non-consensual things in it, because that world has limited consent. You won't find any actual characters from that series here - you need yo read the novels for that!

Go read his books, they are wonderful (although there is a little less sex than in this).

Some words:

brynja a mail coat

drengr warriors

Jarl Earl, lord

niðling swear word roughly coward

samræði-witch a witch specialising in sex magic

seax a short sword often carried as a secondary weapon

sieðr-witch a shamanistic magic maker

thrall a slave, bound by a magical collar

vaesen a small monster

A note on Slater: if you would like to see what Slater's cock looks like, then go and explore the Bad Dragon website. Or, as it would be in this world, the Lik-Rifa website.


Kanerva had been hunting him through the town for the last three days, lured on by a scent here and an image there. But at last she had seen him enter the tavern on the road near the docks. Like her, he wore a brynja and carried a helm. His seax looked well cared for. But she knew that this was the least dangerous part of him.

Pausing for a few minutes to let a drunk fisherman past, she entered the tavern. The rush light flickered, darker than the moon-lit streets she had just left, and it took her a few seconds for her eyes to compensate -- seconds in which she stepped aside from the door. Best not to be seen framed by it, even if there had been no signs that he was aware of her.

The stink of piss and stale ale that mixed in the rushes on the floor would probably hide her scent from him, but she had no desire to get close. A nod to the innkeeper had a pot of ale before her in exchange for a copper, and she sat down in the corner whilst her eyes swept the stinking room.

Finally she saw him in the far corner, by the door to the outhouse. He was leaning over a pretty lass who probably worked for the inn. Watching out of the corner of her eye she appraised the girl. There was something about her. A hardness that talked of the warrior way rather than the usual bar work you might have expected. And an arrogant look to her too.

Aha! It seemed that she wasn't the only one hunting tonight. Perhaps this would provide the proof she needed -- and far quicker than bespelling the man. Sure enough, after a few minutes her prey and the girl left through the back door, but not before they gave a look around the room. A lesser hunter would have been spotted, but she wasn't to be caught out like that, and all they saw was a tired warrior-woman with her head in a pot of ale.

She could try to follow them, but there was always a risk that they were waiting and watching. Far better to go back out of the front. There were only two directions the alley at the back of the tavern could take, towards the town gate, or back towards the centre.

Her instinct told her that they would head out, towards the wood. Sure enough, from under the overhanging thatch she spotted the couple, arm in arm, heading towards the wall.

She kept entirely still, relying on the shadows to hide her, as he raised his head and sniffed the air. Apparently satisfied he walked on, the girl at his side. A few houses further on they stopped again. This time it was the girl who raised her head. If she hadn't been sure before, she was now.

Just ahead of them the town gate was closed, and wouldn't reopen until dawn. At least that was the theory. But evidently a coin and a smile was enough for the couple to be let out onto the path to the woods.

She had no intention of spending her coin on a corrupt doorkeep, although she decided that the Jarl should be informed when it was convenient. Instead, she quickened her pace, and walked along the inside of the wall for a dozen yards.

Making sure that the guard wasn't watching, she muttered the ancient words under her breath, and leapt up onto the logs at the top of the wall.

In the distance she could see her prey, almost at the forest now. Flexing her legs she jumped down to the ground. The girl ahead had heard something, and her head whipped around, looking back at the gate. But no good hunter would let herself be seen, and the long grasses kept Kanerva hidden.

Seeing nothing untoward the girl stepped on, disappearing quickly into the shadow of the trees. Kanerva guessed they wouldn't go far. Why would they need to? And of all the people who might be in the forest tonight, they had the least to fear. No vaesen would go near these two!

If only they were as safe as they thought.

A few minutes into the trees she could hear them. Clearly in their rut they had foregone caution. All the better.

Kanerva approached the clearing carefully --making sure she was silent and downwind. She could already smell the somewhat rank maleness of her prey, and the heat from his conquest. As she looked through the branches the moonlight twisted her view, dappling everything in its silver grey light. Both of them were already half-naked, his brynja discarded on the ground, and her dress pushed away from her breasts. He was leaning into her, building their desire with short nips of the teeth on her neck and breasts.

Kanerva knew that, even though she couldn't see it, his eyes would be flecked with yellow -- as would the girls'. Their limbs seemed slightly longer, their teeth sharper, their movements quicker and more aggressive. In one movement he ripped her skirts off her, leaving her naked and angry. "My dress! You fucker niðling!"

"I'll buy you another for your troubles"

"Sure. You bring me out here to fuck me because you can't control yourself and you think to buy me with a dress."

"Oh we both know you can't be bought... Now get down on your knees and let me mount you."

The girl turned her back on him, and slowly knelt on the moss of the forest floor, before bending her back until she was on her hands and knees, her pussy raised towards him.

"Oh mighty lord, fuck me, I don't deserve you, fill me up with your mighty dick!" She burst into laughter and waggled her arse in his direction. "Come on you hund, show me how you ride your bitches..."

The prey pushed down his britches and Kanerva almost gasped. His cock was the final proof she needed. Not the smooth, or veined cock of a man, this was animal.

Standing out from his groin it was fully nine inches long, and the bulges and ridges on it were visible even from twenty yards away. The girl was still taunting him as he knelt behind her and grabbed her by the hips.

"Hund am I? Let's chase those deep thoughts from your head, bitch"

His cock leapt forwards, ramming into her. She let out a yelp -- of pain or of joy, Kanerva wasn't entirely sure -- and growled as he mounted her.

"Oh hund, I'm your bitch. Mount me. Use my pussy and let's grow some pups. Fuck me hund, fuck me..."

There probably wouldn't be a better opportunity. Kanerva loosened her axe from her belt and strode into the clearing.

"Who the fuck?" The prey tried to stand up, but his britches around his ankles and his cock in the girl resulted in an undignified scramble, one that was rapidly ended as the flat of the axe caught him across the temple.

The girl could have been a problem, but he collapsed forwards, pinning her naked body to the ground under him, and a second swing of the axe silenced her screams.

When they woke both wore the thrall collars she had brought with her in the sack at her back. She had been hunting one, but it always helped to have a spare in-case, and this in-case looked like being very profitable indeed.

"Well, you two. Both tainted with the wolf-God's blood. And now you are mine..."


"Hey, sieðr-witch, what have you got there?" The jarl's drengr were as pleasant as ever as she walked into the long-house with her new thralls.

"I am a samræði-witch you arseling! And shut up before I curse you with lice"

"Well get your arse in to see the Jarl. Gyðastill hasn't dropped, and the Jarl and his sisters are beginning to doubt you."

Kanerva knew she couldn't put this off any longer. Gyða should have given birth two weeks ago, and unless something happened there was a risk to her life, and more importantly from the Jarl's perspective, the life of the son he was sure he was owed.

The Jarl was sitting at his mead-table, surrounded by his drengr. "At last the witch has returned. You shouldn't waste time hunting for these creatures, you should do what I'm paying you for!"

"I see that your concern for your concubine is as strong as ever. You bravely sit here whilst Gyða cries in your chamber. In the meantime I've been out making your town safer by capturing these ulfheðnar" she saw the Jarl beginning to rise "But fair enough. It is time. Let me go and see her."

Leaving the male thrall with the drengr, Kanerva led the female through the hanging at the back of the hall and into the Jarl's chamber. There, on a pile of furs lay his concubine, her belly swollen with the child who seemed determined to kill the both of them. "No sign of labour?"

"No, Kanerva. But the child still moves. Please can you help? The Jarl has talked about cutting the child from me..."

"He would most likely miss and cut his own dick off! Men are useless."

That drew a nervous smile from Gyða.

"Right, lets do this. You," she gestured to her thrall, "Go and get hot water, and then stop any of the men from coming back here."

Tenderly Kanerva undressed the very pregnant Gyða. This would be her first child, and despite the harrowing situation her pregnancy had only made her look more beautiful. Her thighs had strengthened as she bore the weight of the unborn child, and her breasts had filled out. She didn't need to be beautiful for the magic to work, but it helped.

"There are tales of a magical fruit that can help in these situations... but of course we have none. And I assume the Jarl has tried fucking the child out of you?"

"He has. Until his dick became soft with frustration. And all I got for it was his cum on my tits... which is less than helpful."

"I told you. Men are useless. But he wasn't entirely wrong... He didn't give you an orgasm, did he?"

"He never has... that's not his style."

"Aye, and it's likely he never will. When he goes away on a hunt I recommend getting yourself a lover. But that's for later. First let's weave some magic."

Kanerva reached into her sac and pulled out a wooden wand. Eight inches long and an inch thick, it was carved deep with runes.

"You have a dick for a wand?"

"No one said they had to look one way or another, and for my magic it seems appropriate" She pulled out a paring knife, small and deadly sharp. "Now the men all seem to think this needs a seax to make it proper, but it's the blood that matters, not the blade. So give me your palm. There's going to be a bit of pain, then some joy, and then all too soon a world of pain. But the ebb and flow is what makes life, and your child will bring you joy enough..."

Kanerva certainly didn't know the child would bring joy. In her experience children brought anguish and heartache, but maybe this time.

The small knife cut into Gyða's palm, and the blood welled out of her fist and onto the wand. As it filled the runes and Kanerva muttered her magic the wand began to throb in her hand. It was time.

She placed her hand firmly between Gyða's breasts and pushed her back onto the bed. "Breathe"

The tip of the wand touched Gyda's clitoris, and a groan escaped her lips. Round and round she moved the wooden tip until she saw Gyða's pussy reacting, then slowly she eased it inside her.

"Feel the magic working on you. Feel my magic words."

Kanerva lowered her mouth onto Gyða, licking around the pulsating shaft of the wand and over her clitoris. As she spoke the words her hot breath caressed the swollen and tender lips, and she let her tongue reach upwards again. "There is nothing as beautiful as a fully pregnant woman. Give in to my mouth and my wand. Feel all the joy you should in lovemaking, and none of the hate or despair. Wrap your legs around me, and pull me onto you..."

Gyða's body was reacting, as she knew it would.Her nipples were hardening, and her pussy was swelling with blood. Her breathing was growing ragged, and a trembling was beginning in her hips. Soon her entire body was shaking, and she screamed out as waves of joy coursed through her.

And then silence.

And then a groan of pain.

"Oh. It's started. I can feel it. Oh."

"Time for that hot water I think."


Now that her work was done, all barring the screaming coming from chamber, it was time to collect her thralls and her payment.

Jarl Eriksson was deep in his mead, probably trying to drink away the sounds of childbirth, and was more than a little reluctant to hand over the hack-silver he had promised. But in the end he had to admit she had done as promised.

"And try fucking her properly next time! Or find a drengr to do it for you. One with a big cock and a bigger heart!" Kanerva stalked out of the hall, her two new thralls following her unwillingly.

"You two, let's head out to my steading. You will find out what you will be doing once we get there."

Kanerva's steading was three leagues from the town, and took most of the day to get to -- a single roundhouse from an earlier age, surrounded by the usual clutter of outhouses, a small garden, and a scattering of animals. The wall that surrounded the steading seemed better looked after than the roundhouse itself, the logs well faced, and gaps filled. As the party approached the gate it was pulled open from within, a tall thin thrall heaving it back, seemingly without effort. Once they were through, she turned to her new thralls.

"I suppose I should know your names. You," she pointed at the girl.

"It's Helga"

"And you?"


"Good. Well, Slater and Helga, you are my thralls. You will do what I say, and I think you both know the pain that you will suffer if you don't. You will live here with me, and you will do whatever I say. There are few rules. Do the work I set. Don't fuck each other or any of the other thralls. That's it."

"Oh, and if you're thinking of killing me in the night and stealing the keys to those collars, be warned. I'm a witch, and those collars are cursed -- if I die, for any reason, they will burn. And they will burn through your pretty necks until your foolish heads are removed from your somewhat attractive bodies. The others will tell you that they feel the need to look after me most carefully as a result."

"Now, it's getting late. Helga, you can sleep with me on this side of my house. Slater, join the boys on the other side."

With Helga and Slater there were now four thralls at the steading. Helga and Slater found themselves joined by the tall thrall, who they learned was called Oddrun and a huge-muscled thrall called Vigi.

On their first morning Kanerva made all the thralls come out into the yard in front of the steading.

Helga was forced to goto the well and collect six buckets of water, which she did with a fair bit of muttering under her breath.

"Oh shut up, Helga, and come and sit here with me," called Kanerva, pointing to a bench at the side of the hut. "Now, boys, strip for us."

The two thralls seemed to know what was up, and quickly pulled off their leggings and tops, until they were stood there naked, clearly without shame. Oddrun had a lean, cord-like physique, pretty rather than masculine, and almost hairless. Vigi was as well built as Helga had suspected, with pronounced abdominal muscles and a thick cock. Helga couldn't help murmuring her approval, which brought a scowl from Slater.

"Slater, why are you still clothed? Do you need me to remind you of your status?"

"No, mistress, I will strip..." With that he turned his back and removed his clothes.

"Oh that won't do at all. Turn around now, and let's look at you! After all I've already seen you fucking Helga here..."

Slater slowly turned around, a look of hatred on his face.

"There we go. Not so hard was it?" Kanervavlooked him up and down, "And not the only thing that isn't hard. Well boys, you have two buckets each. Wash yourselves for us. We want to see you getting good and clean..."

Kanerva reached out for Helga's hand, "See I said there would be compensations! They do look rather good, don't they?"

Kanerva couldn't help herself. They did look good. Very different, but all -- in their way -- exciting. She ran her hand over Vigi's chest, feeling him shiver in anticipation. Then around Oddrun's arse, revelling in the smooth skin. She could feel herself getting excited. And now the men had been thoroughly cleaned it was time for her work to start.

"Helga, I need you to help me. My magic is subtle, and deep, but first I need to make an assessment and bind my thralls more deeply than can be done with the collars. Don't be frightened, you will come to love it. And for you it will be different. Today you will watch me bind Slater. Now go and collect some herbs for me..."

As Helga walked to the herb garden, Kanerva strode back across to the three boys.

Her two were already starting to show signs of excitement in anticipation of what was to come, their cocks twitching, their eyes dilated, and their breathing getting heavier.

"Oddrun, Vigi. I think I will need your help. Are you ready?"

"Yes mistress"

"Good. Slater, I'm going to make you drink something that will awake your wolf. It will make you angry. But it will also rob you of your ability to resist me. I advise you to surrender to me completely -- it will make it easier for you. And in the end it won't make any difference. You will love me."

"Never! I hate you, witch!"

His hatred only made her more excited. Under her dress she felt her nipples hardening, and she was sure that only the rough cotton of her dress was hiding her excitement. Given who she was dealing with she was sure they could all smell her arousal.

"They all say that, don't they Vigi. But you love me now, don't you?"

"I do mistress. You are my everything."

Slater looked at Vigi in disgust. How could this huge creature bend a knee to this tiny woman? Helga had come back with a selection of herbs, and Kanerva looked through them, selecting some, and discarding others. Eventually she had what she needed, and withdrew into the roundhouse, where a pot of water had been set to boiling on the fire.

Slater could hear chanting and singing from inside the hut, and a few minutes later Kanerva returned with two steaming bowls. She let them cool for a minute, and then, smiling, took a sip from one of them.

"See, not too bad! I add some honey, to make it sweeter. Now, Vigi, hold him."

Slater found himself pinned from behind. As much as he tried to struggle he was no match for the giant who held him. Oddrun walked up to him and pinched his nose, forcing him to open his mouth, and at that the witch stepped forwards and poured the hot liquid in. Before he could think to spit it out, Oddrun had clamped his jaw shut, and he was forced to swallow the bitter drink.

Kanerva looked around at Helga. "Oh, mine was just tea. Lovely in the morning.

Slater's wasn't, as he will soon find out."

Indeed Slater had started to shiver, his limbs seeming to lose control, and Vigi carefully lowered his naked body to the ground. But rather than letting him go he knelt by his head, pinning his shoulders down. Oddrun had moved to his feet and gripped those tightly. Soon the reason for this became clear. Slater's eyes began to fleck with yellow, and he started to groan. His muscles knotted and it was all the other two could do to keep him on the ground.

With great care Kanerva bent over him, and lightly touched his cock. Instantly it started to change, and as she stroked it Slater's blood poured into his dick, engorging it.

Kanerva felt her own body respond in turn. Soon Slater's cock towered above his stomach, nine or ten inches long, swelling in three distinct phases from a wide, fat base, narrowing before bulging again, and then tapering before his huge glans finally marked the tip. Along the sides ridges of nodules spiralled down its length, clearly very sensitive to the touches of Kanerva's fingers.

Now she really wanted him.

Kanerva reached up to her hair and plucked three long strands. She wrapped each one around Slater, whispering as she did so, and tying them in three different intricate knots... "One for the maiden, one for the mother, the last for the crone."

Kanerva stood and pulled her dress over her head. Naked apart from a silver chain around her waist, she stood astride Slater. The man bucked and writhed, foam coming from his mouth alongside incoherent curses.

She was looking forward to this. Ever since she'd seen him fucking Helga in the clearing she had wanted him. Part of that was her own curse, a constant need for sex, for feeling full, for the warm gush that gave her. But part of it was also how she'd seen Helga react to him. And now he was hers.

"Helga, you have an important job to do. I need their cum. All of it. I will harvest Slater, but you need to deal with Vigi andOddrun... not a drop must touch the ground. Catch it in your hand, or better yet your mouth. And look out for Oddrun, he may not look like it, but he can spurt like an archer! I swear he took down a fly on the wall once when he was in my hand..."

"Now, Slater, my handsome boy, let's see what you're made of!"

Kanerva squatted down over Slater's cock, her pussy throbbing with anticipation. As she gripped his erection to guide him home she felt the strange bumps on him throbbing, and secreting a silky smooth juice.

"Ah, so that's how you manage to get that beast inside your mates! Well let's just see how good it is..."

The first inch or so of his cock felt heavenly. Her pussy began to stretch wide, and she could tell that her body was responding. She stopped there for a moment -- using all of her willpower to avoid sitting down on him -- and rocked back and forth.

The feeling was exquisite, the few nodules on his glans rubbing intensely on her. She lifted herself up slightly, enough to be able to grip him again and rub him along her pussy and over her clit. A wave of sensation rocked her body, and this time when she flexed down on him she let him drive deeper.

Despite the lubrication he seemed to be creating his sheer size was causing her problems. She couldn't remember the last time she had been stretched so wide, and he was only halfway inside her. Gasping she decided to pull herself off him and try again, but as he started to slide out of her it felt like her pussy was on fire.

Those fucking bumps were like exquisite torture, teasing and grasping at her pussy walls. She looked across at Helga, who was stroking Vigi.

"Oh Helga. You poor thing. You must have loved this!"

She glanced down at Slater's chest and traced her fingers across it. Like all of her thralls he was beautiful in his own way...and what a cock! When he was fully bound she was sure he would be an amazing fuck. But for now she need him her way.

Smiling she shifted her position slightly, and decided that it was all or nothing.

She placed both hands on Slater's chest and thrust herself onto him, feeling the threefold bulges in his hard cock passing her lips one by one, until she was full of him and her clit was grinding on his pubic bone.

She couldn't hold it in and cried out in joy - almost in pain as her pussy and clit throbbed and a wave of butterflies swept through her body. Her pussy was alive and tingling as she rammed herself down time and time again, harder and harder.

She wanted to fuck him like he'd never been fucked before. She wanted to ram him so deep in her that he would be swallowed up entire. She felt her orgasm building, and could tell that he was near too.

"Come on you bastard, cum in me. Come on. COMEON!" Then suddenly there it was, his balls and cock were twitching, pulsing inside her, and she felt waves of hot juice flooding her. That was enough to set her off, and she collapsed forward on him, her body shaking from head to foot.

At the same time she heard Helga gagging as one of the boys came in her mouth, and then seconds later the sounds of the girl dashing to the other one, just in time judging by the moans.

It was time to work her magic. Carefully she stood up, squealing as Slater's dick slid out of her, then she cupped her hand under her pussy. Helga was standing in front of her, a dribble of cum escaping from the side of her mouth.

Kanerva pushed Helga to the ground, and squatted over her face. Helga seemed to guess what she needed to do, opening her mouth to reveal a white mixture of Vigi and Oddrun's ejaculate.

Kanerva took her hand away from her pussy and let Slater's cum drip down into Helga's mouth.

"Good girl, Helga. Now stay there while I get the binding bowl." She reached out for the silver vessel she had set aside earlier, and raised it to Helga's lips. "Now spit it out into there. Well done. Now clean me up... no that's not part of the spell, I just want to feel your lips on me."

Helga kissed and sucked on her pussy and clit and it felt like a mead balm -- a blessed relief from the huge rough cock she had been fucking. Gradually the tingling in her body subsided, and she was able to focus on Helga and what she was doing. She was fairly sure all the cum had been licked off her by now, but still Helga kissed and teased her.

From the way she was working at her, Kanerva was fairly sure she had done this before. And that she was more than a little skilled. As her breathing became more relaxed she felt Helga move into a steady rhythm on her clit, and somehow she knew that this was just what her body needed. She wasn't even that surprised when she felt her orgasm beginning to build again.

Riding Slater had been the waves crashing against a drakkar. But when it came this time it was like a tide coming in. Inexorable. Unavoidable. Certain and very very wet. Lifting all the boats up. She moaned aloud. "Aaaah, thank you Helga. Thank you boys. Thank you Sla.." Looking down she noticed that Slater had passed out. "Oh well. I will thank you when you wake."

Kanerva added the contents of the binding bowl to a porridge she had cooked earlier, then more herbs, and a little honey. "I love this, but cum tastes of cum. There's no shame in making medicine taste better. Now, Helga, yours is the only essence not in the mix. Sorry to do this, but I need your blood."

Kanerva drew the seax from her belt and reached for Helga's left hand. "On three. One, two," and then she sliced across the palm.

Helga squealed, but in truth it was a shallow cut, and Kanerva held her wrist tight over the bowl and let the blood drip in.

Once she decided she had enough she reached for her wand, and used it to stir the mixture. As she did so the runes along the wooden shaft began to glow, looking more and more like the veins of a cock.

Groans fromSlater showed he was coming around, so it was probably time for her family to make their oaths. "Gather in, all. Today we welcome Helga and Slater into our family. Vigi, Oddrun you know how this works. We all eat, one spoon at a time, until the bowl is empty."

"Then we fuck until we can't fuck any more."

The bowl passed around, and with each round the sexual tension rose. Slater went from half-asleep to semi-hard. Vigi and Oddrun kept eyeing each other up, and Helga couldn't keep her eyes off the pair of them.

Finally, as Oddrun scraped the last of the bowl clean, Helga couldn't resist any longer, and launched herself across towards them. Grabbing Oddrun's thick member in her left hand she bowed her head to Vigi's smooth cock, taking it in her mouth with a hunger that impressed even Kanerva.

Slater was looking a little wistful at this, as if Helga had ever been his, but Kanerva took his hand and placed it on her pussy, whilst her hand got to work on his limp cock. It wasn't limp for long, and soon she could feel those delicious lumps and ridges coming to life.

Oddrun and Vigi were kissing each other deeply, their hands roaming up and down each other's bodies, and Helga now had both their cocks pressed together as she used two hands to wank them.

Slater was getting more and more aroused, and Kanerva suspected she might need to let him off the leash soon. Oddrun had pushed Helga onto the ground and she was now kneeling under him, sucking on his cock. Oddrun, in turn was down on all fours, Helga having to bend her head like a young calf suckling at her mother.

And now Vigi moved behind Oddrun, rubbing his dick up and down the bigger man's arse until he found the right angle, and then pushing inside. Oddrun groaned, the groans turning into panting as Vigi fucked him harder and harder.

"Go!" said Kanerva, and Slater was off, mounting Helga from behind as he had that first time. Helga howled as that huge cock spread her pussy, and Slater took her for all he was worth.

Oddrun leaned up slightly to kiss Slater, and if Slater was surprised he soon decided that this was a very very good thing. Kanerva leaned back, her wand deep in her pussy, alternating between hot and cold, as it was wont to do.

This looked magnificent, all her family enjoying each other like this. Now Slater had pulled out of Helga, and had walked behind Vigi, who looked a little nervous, at least until Slater's cock was in his arse. Then the look turned to one of fierce concentration, as Slater's arms pulled his body back, and Oddrun and Helga took turns licking his cock.

Kanerva walked across to them, rubbing her body up against Slater's side, and stroking Vigi's hair. Oddrun took the opportunity to lean into her, and move her far enough away from Slater to get his tongue onto her clit.

It was time to confirm the magic, and to complete the binding. She lay down on the furs and spread her legs. "Oddrun, you first"

He knew exactly what she wanted, and grasped onto each of her ankles, spreading her even wider, and displaying her pussy to them all. Then the tip of his cock was on her, and then he was inside her.

She always loved that first thrust, those few breaths when even the wettest pussy resisted, until with floods it gave way to the inevitability of a good hard fucking. As she struggled to focus she saw Vigi was playing his part, manoeuvring Slater so that she could grasp him in her left hand, and placing himself on the other side so she could grasp him in her right.

For a few seconds he was unsure what to do with Helga, but she seemed to get the idea, and squatted above Kanerva's face, lowering her pussy onto her waiting tongue.

Kanerva was vaguely aware that the four of them were sharing kisses above her, and then she felt the first change.

Now Slater was sitting on her face, her tongue lapping at his balls and the gap between them and his asshole. Helga was at her hand, pushing Kanerva's fingers deep inside her pussy. Vigi was in her own wetness, the smoothness of his cock a contrast with Oddrun's thick meaty dick. AndSlater was in her other hand.

Round and round they went, swapping places, until a sudden cry from Oddrun told her he was unloading inside her. The hot flood of cum almost sent her over the edge again, but she knew she had to hold on. With Oddrun gone it left the three of them, and to her surprise it was Helga who came next, frigging herself with Kanerva's fingers until she cried out and a flood of clear liquid shot from her pussy. Now it was just Slater and Vigi, and she was quite relieved when it was Slater who could hold back no longer: "Kanervaaaaaaaa" and a second lot of hot cum was deposited inside her.

Now Vigi took hold of her ankles, pushing his cock into her cum filled vagina. Every thrust pushed the cum deeper into her, and frothing and foaming spilt it down her pussy lips and across her thighs. As she knew it would be, this mix of sensations was too much for Vigi and groaning he became the third one to fill her. He struggled manfully on for a dozen strokes, but then admitted defeat and pulled out, leaving her pussy aching and swollen and very very full.


"Welcome, all" she said. In the warm evening they gathered in the roundhouse. Vigi had lit the fire, and the flickering light sent shadowsdancing across their bodies. The boys were all naked, as was Helga. Kanerva had pulled on a loose skirt, but her breasts, still tender, were on display. "I think we are well rested, and well bonded. It is time that I told you what we have planned, family of mine. The first part is a saga -- after that more plain language may be needed."

Oddrun brought out a simple instrument, and plucked at the strings. All leaned forwards to hear Kanerva bring the past to life.

"Hwaet! Family friends, stern swords

Lovers and lifesworn, together listen

As we talk of brave battles, and pacts oath bound

Of promises made and promises kept

Of Jarldoms pledged and tears wept.

Two young heroes made war on the north

From two fine families, in land both rich.

From the hills tall Fingol, fair of foot and axe

From the plains Eric Karlson, with strength few could match

And thirty more drengr, bright brynja shining

Spear tips clashing ride out to their fate

Hunting for villains, for outlaws, for fame

But finding the trollhame.

Wave on wave of warriors attack

Axe-wielding, sword-singing,

Forward to the foe, leg to leg, shield to shield

Blades break, blood flows, limbs severed,

Heads broken, many a great drengr to the dreamland goes.

Then five are left, piled round withdead,

Fingol and Eric, Storri Strongaxe, viper quick

Neil the Erseman, never beaten

Ake the Smith, deep in craft.

With sword and axe, spear and shield,

Five bold warriors leave the field

Trolls lie dying, Foemen crying

Five of thirty return.

And by the moon they swear their oaths,

Neil, Storri, Ake bound to serve each other

Through life and death

But Fingol and Eric pledge a deeper bond

Their Jarldoms when they come will be joined as one

Each pledges their firstborn in marriage..."

"Well that's enough of the saga. It goes on -- and here we need to step away from the bard's version, and hear the tale as I know it. Eric and Fingol came into their inheritances at about the same time. Eric's hall is in the north. He has many strong drengr in his warband, and is a mighty leader. But he is as poor in geld as he is rich in valour."

"Fingol is wily, and wealthy too. So both men marry, and their wives become pregnant. And then the inevitable happens, because the dead god's know fate has a sense of humour. Their firstborn are both girls. Nevermind! Says Fingol.An oath is an oath. They shall wed!"

"But, says Eric, how will they get a child? How will our lands unite? Now I told you Fingol was wily. But I never said that he was worth spit. He suggests a plan. When their children are of age and married, he will take Eric's daughter to bed, and Eric will take his to bed. The ur-grandchildren will be born, and both will pledge to have them rule together."

"Well Eric likes this idea. And here we are 17 years later. The wedding is due soon, and all are happy, except perhaps the happy couple. I hear they like each other well enough, but they aren't exactly thrilled with the plan, which somehow they found out about."

"Did I sayall were happy? Maybe not all. Fingol has got cold feet. Eric is no wealthier than he was before. And Fingol has no intention of leaving his lands to Eric's child. Grandchild. Whatever."

"So he has paid us a considerable sum -- with more to come -- if we can do the one thing that will bend this in his favour. We are to get to his daughter, and one of you boys, with a bit of help from me, will get her very very pregnant. Eric won't be able to accept this -- but he also won't be able to back out of allowing Fingol to get an heir on his daughter."

"So that's our task. Simply find a way past a few hundred drengr, seduce and impregnate a princess, and get out without being caught. Easy."

  1. In the world of Shadow of the Gods and Hunger of the Gods, Kanerva was a skilled samræði-witch, specializing in the practice of sex magic.
  2. The encounter between Kanerva and her prey in the forest culminated in the discovery of Slater's unique physical attribute, hinting at his tainted connection with the wolf-God's blood.
  3. After their capture, Kanerva used her magic to put both Slater and Helga under her control, tainting them with the Thor's hammers she had prepared for this purpose.
  4. In her steading, Kanerva began instructing Slater in the ways of norse sex magic, hoping to utilize his extraordinary strength and length for her own mysterious purposes, submerging him further in the world of fantastical sorcery.

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