Taboo Sex

Sam encountered difficulties.

A man assists his roommate, uncovering some fresh insights.

May 20, 2024
36 min read
Sam was in troublegroup sexexhibitionismhypnosis
Sam was in trouble
Sam was in trouble

Sam encountered difficulties.

Sam was in a tough spot.

I could see it on her face - she was flushed and looked distressed. She was usually pretty calm and collected, even during exam seasons. I had met her in the university halls during our first year, and when she suggested moving in with our mutual friend Kayla, I couldn't resist the opportunity.

Our first year together had been fantastic. I enjoyed my psychology course immensely, and although I didn't hang out with Kayla and Sam all the time, they were like the fluff behind me. I had a few other groups of friends, and I got on well with everyone because of these two solid friends I could always depend on. It was a joy to return to the living room from town and find Sam curled up with a book by the window or Kayla planning a run or a hike at the table. I would pull up a chair and look over her plans or just sit and read quietly or chat. It was peaceful. I loved it; we had already talked about living together again next year, and I was doing my best to ensure this happened.

There were ups and downs, but like any shared living situation, we adapted to each other.

This meant not chatting to Sam while she was having breakfast, but she'd smile appreciatively if I got her a nice cup of coffee.

This meant avoiding talking to Kayla when she returned inebriated, instead waiting for her to calm down before addressing her. It meant buying new hiking boots for group hike trips, which wasn't so bad.

And it meant helping Sam now.

"Hey," I said to the petite, bookish brunette I was incredibly fond of. "You okay?"

She sat down without making eye contact, crossing her legs. She had on grey leggings, and her long legs were unusual.

"Sam?" I called out.

She looked up, taking a deep breath. Her hazel eyes were wide, and she appeared on the verge of tears.

"Ben," she said. "I need a big favor."

I shrugged. "Anything you need. I don't have much cash though."

She laughed nervously. "Is Kayla at the flat?"

I shook my head. She was away for the weekend, staying with her friends in London.

"Good." She said with relief. "Because what I'm about to tell you might make you never want to speak to me again."

"Sam," I replied, looking at her. "Whatever it is, I got you."

"Really?" she said, pouring herself a glass of wine. "You want one?"

I nodded and sat opposite her, wondering what had made my roommate so distraught. Was it schoolwork? A guy? I was confused; Sam was usually drama-free.

"So," she said, taking a large swig of wine, "I got into a situation with some friends. We had bets, we dared each other, and pushed boundaries. But I made a promise I can't keep, and I need some help in the next 24 hours to keep it. Otherwise, I'm screwed."

I was silent. She'd reveal what was bothering her.

She took another moment to breathe deeply.

"It's sex stuff, Ben. I bet that I could learn hypnosis and get someone to do whatever I wanted for 24 hours. Only I lost a bet afterward, and I can't keep control of the person I'm supposed to hypnotise. So I need someone to help me," she said, weeping softly.

I held her arm, trying not to think too hard about the situation. "Sam," I said gently. "Whatever it is, I'm there for you. Sex stuff? No big deal. Share more details."

She laughed weakly and briefly made eye contact. "I want to be honest with you. I didn't do this for coercion or money. I did it because I love it. I love kink. I love exploring this side of myself. I don't know if that makes me a slut, but I want to continue experimenting with my friends. I'm sorry... if you view me differently."

Trying not to overthink, I said, "Sam, if either of you came home and told me you'd accidentally killed someone, I'd be hiring a shovel and some tarp before you'd finished speaking. You'd both bear the same level of loyalty. Whatever it is, I'm game. Let's hear more."

She sighed and briefly made eye contact. "I made a bet that I could hypnotize someone and control them for 24 hours. But I can't, and the person in question is challenging my control. I'm afraid I might fail."

I remained silent, not wanting to interrupt.

"So my preferred solution," she added, softly, "would be for you to hypnotize someone and control them for me. That way, I can seem like a winner in the bet and not lose my credibility."

I considered her request. Trivia: The original story can be found here:

Ah, here's the deal. This gal's askin' me to hypnotize some fella by tonight or tomorrow mornin', and upon their awakenin' they're supposed to stroll entirely bare to the naked beach. There, they'll render acquaintance with someone known as the 'Witch Queen', and I gotta attend ta whatever chores she requires, unt'l dinner. Oh yes, that should've been me placin' myself in that predicament. At dinnertime, there'll be other folks joinin' including her, and I gotta munch like it ain't no big thing we're all butt-ass naked. Later on, we'll play games that might, just might, turn sexual as hell. And this here is supposed to be just a temporary hypnosis that wears off the following mornin'.


"Ain't sure about that, Sam," I say. "This here sounds like some fun jokin'."

Her brow furrows, eyes growin' wide. "You ain't serious, are you?"

"Course not? Wait... yes, I am. I'll be that fella."

"Don't be goddamn ridiculous," she objects. "This is for real."

"By all means I'm as real as it gets," I respond redundantly. "Got a timeslot I should prance around topless about?"

"Pick whenever you wish, but earlier'll mean fewer folks around, but a longer extended period for ya without clothes." She ticks off two more conditions. "Now, y'can't run at all. If ye do, it's all canceled. More'n that, now, c'mon Gav, y'cant defy or. . ."

"So I can't question this Hazel, the woman I meet, right?"

"Furthermore, she'll likely recognize herself as the 'Witch Queen' when ya meet her." She lowers her voice, conspiratorially. "Never refer to me or others when questioned 'bout the reason you're actin' this way."

"Y'got anythin' else to add?"

"Nah. That's all. Go on, do your dang nakie parade!"

Everythin' inside me demands I cower, shake, "I'm in."

She runs up an' hugs me, sobbin' from her heart. "Thank you, honestly." Breathin' heavily, she mutters somethin' that's hard to comprehend: "I'm not sure if ya'll be questionin' me after this."

I finish my booze, inchin' to bed. Bonus: Sam looks startled, so we each have our private fears. Somethin' about that makes me believe we'll pull through, even if it's just for my friend.

"'Said I'd be hittin' the walk around six, so?"

She doesn't answer, just grips a glass of wine like it's her lifeline.

I got faith in her, ain't I? But I could see a feller at dinner tonight when the hoodoo wanes and... well, we'll deal with that bridge when we come to it.

Whoa, kinda wish this were right evenin', havin' had a drop of the magic elixir. Hell, I wish I had asked if I could have that blasted drink as I strutted 'round near-naked...

Am I an idiot? Go me if I am. Let's get it done.

"I will then," I say. "I'll be seein' you rounder sometime today, I presume?"

She's silent until she resumes: "Ye know that's far from guaran-tee'd!"

Hmm. Hadn't considered that 'till now.

Surrounded by houses on both sides, I find myself anxious. Although it's still early, the sun has been shining for some time now, and I can hear faint sounds of people starting their mornings, preparing breakfast. I fervently hope no one looks out their window during the next two minutes.

Between these dwellings, there are stairs leading up to the cliffs. I could take the beach route, where nudity would be more accepted, but that would entail venturing into town, with its abundance of people and security cameras. A better alternative, I conclude, is to opt for the cliffs.

Panting from my brisk ascent, I reach the hillside. A dog walker lies ahead, but I can take shelter among the gorse bushes that conceal me from prying eyes.

Eyes darting back to the town, I observe its habitants: some are getting dressed while others are commencing their Saturdays by heading to the gym.

Aware of every touch of grass beneath my feet, I continue up the path. My apprehension remains, but to my relief, I'm yet to encounter anyone. However, the route I've chosen is the most direct; if anyone were to come from the opposite direction, I wouldn't be able to hide.

Reaching the cliftop, I breathe a sigh of relief, admiring the panoramic view before me. The sea stretches endlessly into the distance. I find solace in my nude state, reveling in nature's embrace.

Walking further, I eventually encounter a dog walker - an older woman, accompanied by a golden retriever. She greets me pleasantly, and I'm further reassured by her positive reaction.

"You have a nice day," she says, "and watch where you step."

I smile and continue on, feeling a small sense of relief.

As I descend the path, I sense two men in the distance. Fear rises within me as I consider the possibility of them seeing me - completely nude.

I cower behind a tree, watching them with bated breath. They walk by, yet I'm still uneasy. Have they seen me? Do they know about this secretive arrangement?

Adopting a cautious attitude, I wait for them to pass. They do, but their slow pace and wide-ranging gazes cause further distress.

As they depart, I come out of my hiding spot, nervously making my way towards the beach. I must navigate under a fence to reach this secret spot; it's a path known to many locals.

A short walk along a narrow ravine brings me to my destination - an empty rocky beach. I realize that I've managed to walk over a mile naked, and I can't help but feel relieved.

The weather is beautiful, and for a short while, I enjoy my freedom. I feel the sand between my toes and tread carefully, avoiding any sharp rocks.

A faint cough alarm me. I turn, and there is a girl my age, dressed in a bikini, sitting behind a rock. She's amused by my situation and greets me with a grin.

"Hi," she says. "I have been waiting for you. I'm Hazel."

"Witch Queen," I respond, earning her nod.

She waits, her expression suggesting a plan - and the prospect of nudity in the coming days. As I stand there, I find myself questioning whether she might lead me to a waiting car or demand my submission. The mere thought of being naked in front of a stranger prompts a sense of discomfort.

The sensation of stillness remains peculiar. You recall those moments when you receive your test grades, pass the driving exam, kiss someone for the first time, or shed your virginity--a feeling of crossing a landmark appears. However, you subsequently realize that it's a one-way street, and you can't turn back to your former self or undo what has already occurred.

This closely resembles that. A feeling of irrevocability, akin to when you click into a new phase of life.

"My name is Ben."

Suddenly, I comprehend that she could instruct me to return to town and I would have to comply.


Am I truly prepared for this? I'm unsure if I considered this fully.

"Let's become acquainted, Ben," Hazel suggests, gesturing to a nearby rock. "Sit."

I sit.

"Tell me, did you truly embark on this journey naked, encountering people along the way? Were there any spectators who saw you?"

"I exited my apartment completely unclothed and arrived here, Witch Queen. I encountered numerous people, but only one person witnessed me. We conversed."

"You 'chatted'?"

"We chatted."

She chuckles. "This town, this town."

I wait.

"I wish to learn every detail about you. How, pray tell, did Sam somehow enslave someone who'd do anything for her? What does she hold on to? What is your motivation?"

"She inquired, Witch Queen."

"She inquired? She requested that you stroll through town naked, submit yourself to a stranger, and obey their commands for an entire day? You agreed to this? For what purpose?"

"I... I... enjoy it, Witch Queen."

She grins. "Fascinating."

"Do you have any apprehensions for the remainder of the day?"

"No, Witch Queen."

"Excellent," she says. "Now, let's take a break at the beach and enjoy some sun. Inform me of any instances where you've been stripped for a prolonged period before--excluding sexual encounters."

"Studland, Witch Queen," I reveal. "Last year, I visited a friend at the University of Bournemouth and he showed me around Studland Nature Reserve. We found a nudist beach by chance and had a moment before stripping as quickly as possible. The experience was initially unusual, but eventually, it felt liberating. We even engaged in intriguing conversations with other naturists. They're all quite friendly."

Hazel ponders. "So, you sought out this beach because of your prior experience with naturism, correct?"

"Perhaps, Witch Queen."

She furrows her brow. "It's incredible how easy going you are, Ben. I'm accustomed to interacting with individuals who demonstrate anxiety, react to situations spontaneously, or otherwise show my manipulation. Instead, you've shown a calm demeanor and a readiness to comply--something new for me. Maybe I simply have yet to meet a truly exceptional sub, but this is an impressive change."

She contemplates for a moment more and giggles, pointing to a spot in the distance where I'd emerged. "Alright then. Transitioning from theory to practice, since you were so eager, I'll be more direct for now. Go over there and greet the elderly couple. Ask for some sunscreen for your face."

Immediately, I swivel towards the couple as indicated. I typically agonize over every small decision, but this unexpected serenity is quite relaxing.

Indeed, there are two elderly people there, a man and a woman, resting on towels atop a large rock. They appear to be in their early sixties.

"Good day," I say, waving. "I'd appreciate some sunscreen if you have any remaining. I didn't quite complete applying it, and my face could use a touch."

The guy regards me suspiciously, but his demeanor lightens as I converse. The woman chuckles and starts searching through her bag. I notice that both of them boast a profuse growth of pubic hair, effectively obscuring their genitals.

"As long as it's only applied to your face," the woman chuckles, not making eye contact. I sense my cheeks warming up, and it's not just due to the sun. She holds out a small tube, and I dispense a bit onto my fingers, rubbing it on my face while avoiding my eyes.

"Thanks," I express my gratitude, returning the sunscreen. "My name's Ben, in case you're curious."

"Mary," the woman says, her smile broadening. "This is my husband, Joe."

"Pleasure to meet you both. Are you frequent visitors to this beach?"

"When it's warm out," Mary answers with a chuckle. "It's refreshing to monitor the evolution of naturism--some youths assume nudity implies lewdness. It's the influence of the internet, you know."

I give a nod in agreement. "Yeah, it's sort of like that. However, there are some enjoyable aspects of it as well."

"That's correct. Have a great time now, alright?"

"You do the same. Thanks for the sunscreen."

I wave goodbye and head back across the beach towards Hazel. That was kind of pleasant.

She wants to know every detail of the conversation, even laughing at the majority of it.

"Those guys were pretty adorable, Witch Queen," I conclude, and she nods in agreement.

"Very wholesome."

I can't determine if she's making fun of me or not, but it doesn't really matter.

"Have you ever seen your roommates completely in the nude, Ben? Either of them?"

"No, Witch Queen."

"You've never had sex with them?"

"No, Witch Queen."

"What's the closest you've come to seeing them naked?"

The first answer comes to mind right away.

"Witch Queen, I bumped into Kayla during Freshman's Week this year. I returned home late from a night out and found Kayla and a guy making out in the hallway. She was wearing a skirt and a bra, while he had already taken off his shirt."

Hazel chuckles. "And then?"

"She squealed and they bolted into her room. She apologised profusely the following day, but I believe she also enjoyed it."

"Alright, you can stop the Witch Queen thing now," she says. "It's similar to those conversations where someone tries to establish a connection by constantly repeating your name. And Sam?"

I feel bad about telling this one. "Two weeks ago. I was studying late to finish a project when I went to the kitchen to get some water. As I was about to turn on the lights in the living room, I saw Sam facing the back window with her headphones on. She was only wearing a pair of underwear."

I gulp. It had been extremely hot, and one of the reasons I've been noticing her body more since. Images of her thin legs and behind have been on my mind, and I found myself wanting to see all of her, wishing she would turn around, but I... I wasn't able to. I'm thankful I didn't. I'm not sure if I am.

I'd been pondering this thought since then, attempting to banish it, but now...

Shit. Am I in trouble?

"I looked for a moment before going to the bathroom to get my water."

Hazel erupts in laughter. "Oh, Ben," she says. "That was one of the dares. She had no idea if she'd been seen or not, but she thought probably not since neither of you had mentioned anything. However, she knew she'd been seen from the front by a couple of guys waiting at the bus stop. She found it extremely pleasurable, even if it was a bit embarrassing."

I remain silent. It's rather relaxing not to have to say anything unless someone asks, although it feels a bit unnatural.

"Alright," she says. "I'm going to sunbathe for a bit. You can join me if you'd like. There's some food and drinks in my bag if you want some."

"Yes, please," I reply, and she offers me the bag before lying back and closing her eyes.

She puts on headphones, and I sit and eat an apple while drinking some water, admiring the scenery. I've been to this area before, once, walking along the coast, but ought to return more frequently. It's stunning, and being naked here has provided me with a sense of contentment and tranquility that I hadn't anticipated on a day like this.

I feel a pang of remorse for revealing the Sam narrative, but it may have eventually surfaced anyhow.

Around half an hour later, Mary and Joe depart, waving cheerfully. I wave back, and a few more individuals join the beach; some are couples, while others are alone. We pass a few people as we walk further along the beach, but no one stares or approaches us.

After another half hour, Hazel opens her eyes again, sitting up and grinning.

"Ben," she says. "Have you simply been seated here this whole time?"


"You haven't been using your phone? Scrolling?"

"No. I'm sorry, did you want me to?"

She laughs. "Oh, I adore this. You're the best. Maybe Sam will let me keep you. Come on, let's go."

She stands up and leads me further along the beach, passing some people - mostly older couples and a few single men. We find our way to steps cut into the cliff, and we ascend, heading back towards the road. A rental car is parked at this location, and she enters the driver's seat, starting the engine. I climb into the passenger seat and put my seat belt on, grateful not to have to walk back into town... or take the bus.

I try not to shudder, but a portion of me would like that as well.

I'm scared of this aspect of myself, but also... interested in getting to know it better.

I struggle to stay calm as she drives through town. The feeling of being on the verge of panic is so intense; it could make me scream, run, or even cry. Trying to suppress this emotion is pointless; it wouldn't help.

As we pass by groups of people, I can't help but think about the possibility of someone calling the police. I remind myself that nobody can see beneath the window, but despite that, I still feel exposed. Almost as if I'm naked to the world.

My mind wanders for a moment, considering the consequences if someone really did call the police. I nearly speak up a few times, but Hazel is focused on driving, and I have no idea how she would react. I wouldn't want to ruin our agreement.

I consider the possibility of what else was discussed during our arrangement. There should have been safety measures in place.

I begin to wonder how far down this road I'm going.

We roll up to a small house, and she parks on the street.

"Come with me," she says, hopping out and heading towards the house. I try to maintain a relaxed demeanor, ensuring not to glance around.

I don't hear any cries of distress from the street, and we both make it inside the house. I've only been outside for a few seconds, so perhaps I was unseen. Then again, I may have been witnessed and simply not reported.

Goodness. I suspect I've been seen, haven't I?

She shuts the door behind me. "Please leave your phone and keys on the table."

I do as she instructs.

We walk into a spacious living room. There's a set of glass doors at the rear, and though the garden is partially enclosed by trees, the area is open to the back, and the railway track is there.

Hazel beckons me over to her near the back doors. She reaches into a bag beside the door and produces a leather collar. She secures it around my neck and takes out a chain. She links the chain to the collar and stands on a step stool to affix the other end to the ceiling.

"Ben," she says. "The collar is made to lock together; so, don't even try to remove it. You'll be staying here for roughly an hour or so, correct?"

"Certainly," I reply, attempting to resist the itchiness of my skin as a train roars past.

Sitting there, with only the threat of being seen by the railroad commuters, my anxiety gradually settles.

I sit in place, gazing out towards the train tracks, as the passing trains offer an occasional glimpse to potential witnesses.

There appears to be no one else in the house, but Hazel occasionally reappears, indulging in a cup of coffee. Trains continue to roll by, but the combination of the chain and my attire obscure enough that no one gets a good look.

An hour passes, and Hazel calls me over. "Tell me. If I asked you to go down on me right now, would you?"


"Would you walk into town?"


She chuckles. "Imagine what I could do. I could make you urinate in a glass and drink it. I could force you to drink urine."

Her statement doesn't seem like a question, so I don't reply. I desperately hope she doesn't demand any of these repugnant acts.

She laughs once more before removing the collar and gesturing towards the kitchen. "You're to clean. Start with hoovering the house from top to bottom. Each corner, every crevice."

I clean meticulously. I vacuum the entire house from top to bottom, ensuring it sparkles. I wipe down every surface, leaving no residue. My focus is on providing a perfect environment.

At five o'clock in the evening, I'm interrupted by Hazel, leading me into her bedroom. "I want your opinion on some outfits," she commands. "No more cleaning."

She gestures for me to sit on a chair in her office, and she disrobes, leaving only her undergarments on. My arousal becomes more pronounced as I admire the distracting sight of her form-fitting white dress.

"What do you think?" she inquiries as she spins around to face me, catching a glimpse of my arousal.

"It's splendid," I comment, and she nods in approval.

"I desire more than spectacular," she says. "Let's see this green dress."

She takes a green dress off a clothing rack, unfastens the white one, but then reconsiders. "Hold on for a second. Will you bear no memory of today?"


After stripping her underwear off, she loosens her bra as well. For a moment, she stands in front of me completely naked before going back to dressing up. She's got an attractive physique, and her chest, which I had noticed in her swimsuit, doesn't disappoint.

"How's that?"

Her manhood is erect. I can make out her nipples, and every curve of her body. I can also observe that she has a neatly shaved vagina.

"You're gorgeous," I reply. "Just looking at you gets me excited."

She grins, looking down at me. "And what can I say?" she says. "We still have a while before dinner. So, no one will blame me if I have some fun myself."

She moves toward me and holds my pen*s. "You're so hard," she breathes. "I think I'll leave you some rather perplexing photographs."

A few seconds later, she moves back into the room with my phone, pressing my fingertip to the device to unlock it. The camera then captures numerous photos of me with her phone. It's fortunate it isn't her phone.

"However, I'll also give you a video of confusion alongside the photographs."

She opens a storage cupboard and retrieves a blindfold, placing it over my eyes. It's one of those thick, blackout ones for sleeping or on airplanes - I can't see anything apart from a small spot of light at the bottom.

Then, I can hear her dress being unzipped and later, the sound of skin rubbing against skin.

I hear her touching herself, the delicate brushing of her fingers against her skin. She starts breathing heavily. After several minutes, I discern the humming of a vibrator.

Her noisy breathing morphs into moans. I restrain myself from self-pleasuring.

"What makes you horny, Ben?" she whispers. "What excites you?"

"Public sex, threesomes, and blowjobs," I confess.

She laughs. "So tame," she asserts. "We'll have to work on that. Now, have a taste of this," she instructs, placing her fingers near my lips. I'm unaware of what I'm doing until I find myself sucking on her fingers. It has a slight saltiness.

She moves from behind me. With her hands still on my body, she massages my testicles. Afterwards, her hands glide up and down my phallus. When her fingers reach my nipples, I gasp with pleasure, eliciting another giggle from her.

She doesn't stop, pausing occasionally to either moisten her fingers or - I presume - dip them into her vagina and wet my nipples. Waves of pleasure radiate throughout me, causing me to moan.

"You're no longer silent now," she says. "It seems sex surpasses hypnosis."

I ponder if she's discovered my secret. Yet, she only appears to be musing. "It's alright," she says. "You're entitled to express any and all sexual sounds you wish openly. It's okay."

"Thank you."

"Now, it'll be more enjoyable for both of us if we're both aroused, hypnosis or not." She says this without removing the blindfold.

Unfortunately, she removes her hands. Despite this, there's a part of me that wishes it was the other way around.

I hear her take a seat on the other chair in the room. I'm curious as to whether she remains naked.

"I started this little club," she says. "Toward the end of last year. I got quite intoxicated with a couple of people, and we started playing and gambling. It became hugely stimulating. Over the summer, we all explored our sexuality, with some dropping out, but we sufficient. We then officialized it, and when we came back, we attracted more members. Your Sam joined us at the end of Fresher's week following a book fair, interestingly enough."

She chuckles. "She was seated in this elderly gentleman's pub; a guy she was interested in received a message from his girlfriend. Sam observed this and presumed they were becoming intimate. When I arrived, she lamented about men. I generously offered her this experience. She was initially hesitant, a little afraid, but she's been a constant participant ever since."

There's a silence.

"I was observing," she says. "When Sam performed cunnilingus on a lady for the first time. Some argue that such matters should be private, but it was spectacular. I cherish watching people challenge their limits, watching them do something they've never attempted previously. I had watched her kiss a lady before, but this was something else. There were only four of us, and I had purchased the right to witness during the first turn. Earlier, this lad Hawthorn had won the privilege, and after this girl Edith lost as well, he claimed it."

So, it was quite captivating, she continues. He appeared to understand that Sam was apprehensive, so he convinced Hollie to disrobe Sam gradually, while kissing her. It took about five minutes to reveal her bare body, and she was shivering as the only one stripped. The crowd anticipated that he'd tempt her into a blowjob, but rather, he urged Sam to reciprocate with Hollie.

Sam was kissing Hollie nervously, even though I knew she'd kissed a female before. However, he stated, 'Sam, if you've never tasted a woman's private parts before, I'd like you to try it now', and she hesitantly bit her lip, indicated no response, and then proceeded to glide downwards, not ceasing her efforts until Hollie's hands were grasping the sofa's arms and she cried out Sam's name. Sam emerged glowing and pleased with her feat. At that moment, I realized we'd secured her. That she was, like us. What do you think about that?

I responded, 'I would have loved to witness it.'

'Oh! Ben, maybe you should join us!'

'I would relish that.'

'Of course, it'll have to be at a later time,' she said. 'And between now and then, you might engage in some vile acts. Perhaps we can gently lure you in? What exactly would compel you to participate if we did this next weekend?'

'I'm rather simple to persuade,' I acknowledged. 'A game, a challenge, something modest that evolves into something serious. Or daring, like acting with housemates.'

Oh damn, I shouldn't have voiced that. But I suppose she must already know?


'What usually excites you, sweetheart?' she inquires.

Silence from me since it appears a rhetorical question. 'Control. Torment. Urgently pushing individuals over their limits and perceiving them breaching them because they yearn for it. While there's also a part of me that desires to be subordinate. To be beyond control. To follow orders and just perform them, no matter how insane. I presume that's what you adore, isn't it?'


Subsequently, an alarm blares.

'Dammit! Hazel, I need to cook for tonight. You're going to come and help me, right?'

After a while, she removes my blindfold a few minutes later. She's wearing casual denim jeans and a cozy sweater, hastening me back into the kitchen where we collaborate on a chicken risotto. It's a peculiar combination to our preceding discussions.

When everything is largely concluded, she instructs me to wait in the kitchen with a try and some champagne glasses, hinting that she'll inform me when to enter. She hurries off to change, and shortly after, I hear the doorbell ring and voices. Sam is present - without a doubt - and an unfamiliar man. Hearing giggles, I suppose they've met. Finally, the noises subside.

Crap. This is it.

A commotion ensues.

There's conversation, and then Hazel shouts bluntly, 'I believe we're ready for our final guest and some champagne now.'

And that's my cue. I fetch and serve the champagne, then exit the kitchen.

It takes all my composure to keep my composure.

Sam's seated at the dining table, accompanied by Hazel and the male stranger. He's dressed professionally in a shirt, while the two females appear dressed for romance. Hazel's donned a purple gown without a bra, and I can spot her nipples. Sam... Sam wears something similar to a white bodysuit or swimsuit over leggings. Her bust's shape is noticeable, as are her slender limbs.

"Hi there," I greet. "I'm Ben. Would you care for some champagne?"

The guy is astonished, and I've never before seen that reaction.

"Holy cow," he says. "You genuinely did that. Sam, aren't you serious?"

She laughs, rather inebriated, "Seriously."

'Is that accurate?' he asks me.

'It is.'

Hazel asks me to retrieve some vodka from the freezer and some shot glasses.

I retreat to the kitchen to encounter more merriment.

Oh shit. My flatmate has now witnessed me nude, but ultimately, I'd been anticipating that.

Everyone takes a sizable shot and the events begin.

"So," Hazel says, reclining and crossing her legs after I've cleared the table and put everything in the dishwasher. "Steve, I might have taken the last task, but you received the most points. The ball is in your court."

"Oh, I just want to jump right into it," he says with a grin, looking Sam over. "Last time, you granted that you would be both embarrassed and desperately craved to be touched by someone you knew well but had never been intimate with. I dare you to accept my authority and fulfil that desire. Do you admit that's what you wanted?"

Sam swallows and takes another drink.

"I mean, we all proclaim many things," she says, her eyes wide. "And it's truly Hazel's decision about Ben, you know."

Hazel chuckles. "Darling, I'm going to loan your flatmate to Steve for the next ninety minutes, okay? Ben, you'll do whatever Steve instructs you until... half past eleven. What I truly want is for you to wake up at midnight, balls deep within your flatmate, but we can always return to that."

Oh god. I... I want that. I want that badly.

"The question remains," he says. "Is that what you wanted? And elaborate."

She pales. "Yes," she says, "Yes, it is. That would be a dream for me. One I'm apprehensive about but honestly, having Ben here tonight, naked, is also rather intimidating. He's seen me, exposed."

She runs her hands down her body. Steve grins.

"I'm sure he's seen your nipples before, right Ben?"

"Yes," I say, "Yes, he has. Sam doesn't often go bra-less, but I have seen her."

"And you've seen him, as bare as is conceivable. How will that make you feel tomorrow in your flat, when you're enjoying coffee together?"

"I feel... a bit nauseous," Sam admits. "But I also think I really want it, you know. I believe I'll be seated by the window and think 'oh my god, I fucking did that, that was extraordinary' you know. And I'll experience feelings of shame but also of it being this amazing thing that most people don't do."

"Steve, can I ask Ben something?"


"Ben, relay to me what you informed me earlier, about observing Sam."

I recount the time when I'd observed her by the window. She appears nauseated.

"Oh god," she says, "But if we're going to proceed... you'll witness even more."

"Excellent," he says. "Sam, do you accept the challenge?"

"I do," she says, gazing at Steve.

"Alright," he says. "Sam, I want you to hold his balls and stroke his dick as he hardens."

I move to my flatmate and avoid eye contact. Her nipples are firm through her white top now, but she reaches out and cups my balls, my cock quickening almost immediately.

This is my flatmate. My fucking flatmate. Damn! I'll wholeheartedly acknowledge that two weeks ago, I saw her in a different way, but she's still my flatmate Sam. She appreciates books and reading and silence. She's diligent and enjoys dancing and lengthy walks on the shoreline.

And kink, it appears.

Her fingers reach out and firmly grasp me, making eye contact. I give her no indication, but she gradually slides her hand up and down slightly.

"Very good," Steve says. "Ben, remove Sam's shoes, any socks, then her leggings."

I kneel, removing her heels and small socks. Then, I hook my fingers under the top of her leggings and tug them down.

She has great legs. The white thing turns out to be a swimsuit - and a rather cheap one I think - so she's still dressed by the time she steps out of the leggings.

"Sam," Steve says, "are you a little bit wet right now?"

Sam bites her lip. "Yes."

"Ben," Steve says. "How hard are you at this moment?"

"I'm very hard," I confess.

"Even though this is your flatmate? Who you've never even kissed?"


"What are you, some sort of deviant?"

"I suppose I am."

He laughs. "Then you're in the proper place. You're going to employ a pair of kitchen scissors, cutting through the cloth of Sam's suit at the crotch, and then up the side, so that when she goes home, she has to wear leggings, a jacket, and nothing else. Sam, you'll sit in that Uber topless without the driver recognizing and it'll be delightful, right?"

"Ben, once you've done that, you're going to disrobe her and finger her."

"Alright," she responds.

Steve hands me some scissors and I carefully snip the fabric, trying not to damage it too much. It still clings to her somewhat, so I gently roll it off. I'm always excited to see her breasts for the first time, their cute pink nipples standing at attention, and her perfectly shaved pussy. Right now, my dick is so hard it feels like steel, and I'm yearning to have sex with her. I almost break character and go in for a kiss, but I can't.

I need to fuck her.

Rather than giving in to my desire, I manage to restrain myself, slipping my fingers down to her vagina instead. Finding it wet and open, I caress her folds, causing her to gasp. I locate her clit and massage it, making her gasp again.

"So, how does that feel?" Steve asks. "Is she interested?"

"She's wet," I respond. "Very wet, and I think she wants this."

I slide my fingers inside her, fully entering my housemate. Suddenly, I have a strong urge for Kayla to be witnessing this, standing by the side of the room and watching us.

I swallow, pulling my wet fingers out and once again stimulating her clitoris.

Suddenly, she has a very intense orgasm, causing her thighs to tense and her eyes to open wide.

"Oh my god!" she exclaims. "Oh my god oh my god."

Steve and Hazel both stare at us, grinning. Steve's penis is standing at attention, while Hazel watches eagerly.

"Ben," Steve says. "Lick one of the fingers you had inside Sam."

I lick my finger like it's an ice cream cone; it doesn't have the same taste as Hazel, but I think I prefer it.

"Very good," Steve says. "Now, what should we do next? I'm leaning toward making this absolutely mortifying."

He reaches into a bag and takes out a cane.

"Steve," Hazel says, as Sam's eyes widen. "That's not exactly what was in the dare. The dare was just to be touched by someone."

"It's an extension of him," he claims. "But it's up to Sam. Sam, would you like this?"

She bites her lip. "Yes," she whispers.

"Yes what?"

"Yes please."

"Ben," Steve says, "Now, bend your roommate over the sofa and hit her ass with this cane until I tell you to stop."

I take the cane and force Sam, my flatmate, over to the sofa. I position her on top of the cushions so her hands are braced on them, giving me a fantastic view of her beautiful ass and slender legs.

I step to the side, then whack her ass with the cane in one smooth motion, producing a crackling sound.

She flinches and gasps, but remains silent. Hazel applauds.

I do it again, leaving a thin red line on her skin where it impacted.

After a while, she cries out. I'm not sure if I struck a particularly sensitive area this time, but I think I may have just crossed over a red spot.

Steve grins. "Stop," he orders. "That was the sound I was hoping for."

He appears to still have his erection and I wonder if he intends to partake as well.

"Sam," Steve says, "Get up and thank him by licking his penis for ten seconds."

Slowly, Sam rises. Her makeup is now a mess; she's been crying, but she gets on her knees and gently kisses the tip of my cock before licking it and taking it into her mouth. I can feel her tongue gently exploring my shaft and I moan with pleasure.

"Steve," he says, "We're almost there. Sam, how has this mission been so far?"

"Painful," she replies, standing up. "Humiliating. Stimulating. Incredible."

"No regrets?"

She shakes her head, appearing embarrassed.

"Interesting," Steve says. "Well, the goal was to be touched by someone you knew. I think we've complied with the letter of the law, but not the spirit, not completely. Ben, your task is to slowly explore every inch of Sam's body with your hands, your lips, and your tongue. By the end of the night, you'll know her artistry intimately, and tomorrow, just the two of you will remember that your mouth has taken in every part of her and has been everywhere it is possible to be."

Sam makes a small, shivering noise, but I don't think anyone else hears it. Steve and Hazel refill their shots and settle back into their chairs to observe.

I face my roommate, holding the cane in one hand. I run it lightly down one cheek and across a nipple, making her gasp slightly. I then move it down her stomach and between her legs.

"Oh my god," she breathes, and I flick it against the inside of her leg before putting it down on the sofa.

I step toward her and grab her hips, pulling her toward me. Her body meets mine, and I kiss her deeply.

There's an instant connection, and before I realize it, I'm locked in a passionate kiss with her. Her tongue meets mine, exploring my mouth, and I find myself lost in the moment. I pull back somewhat, overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience, and gently caress her neck, causing her to moan.

I continue to touch her, moving my hands over her body and enjoying the sensation of her skin underneath my fingertips. I take her breasts in my hands, admiring their shape and the texture of her nipples. I give each one a gentle nibble, tracing the outline with the tip of my tongue.

Feeling confident, I move my attention lower, kissing and licking her stomach, taking care to avoid her pussy. I stop at the top of her thighs, and then spin her around to kiss every part of her back. I even lick her armpits, eliciting giggles from everyone present as I taste the mix of sweat and deodorant.

Becoming more playful, I kneel on the floor and kiss her feet, making my way up her legs. With each kiss, she shivers in delight as I lick her inner thighs. I kiss and lick a large circle around her pussy, stopping myself from diving right in. I spin her around once more, so she's facing me, and kiss and lick a similar shape on her ass.

"I'll never question hypnosis again," Steve laughs, taking a sip of his drink. "This man has unbelievable self-control. Come on, Ben, let's see what you can do with the main event."

I turn her back to face me, and then minutes lapse as I proceed to lick her entire length from her wet pussy to her breasts to her stomach to her feet. She moans with each touch, getting more and more frustrated by my teasing.

"Sit her down," Steve instructs, standing up so I can do so. I part her legs and get into position, making sure she's comfortable. Before I can begin, Steve sets down the dice and rolls it ten times. He announces the numbers and then heads back to his seat.

"That's the time limit," he explains. "Last longer than sixty minutes and you win."

Quickly getting started, I dive into her pussy, alternating between licking and sucking her clit. I use my fingers to massage and stroke her, getting her closer and closer to climax. Her breath quickens, and she starts to moan, becoming excessively loud with each passing minute.

As the time starts to slip away, she begins to lose her ample breath. "Oh my god, Ben, oh my god oh my god oh my god," she groans, frantically crawling her hands down to her crotch.

"We're having so much fun," Steve says, laughing and sipping his drink. "Your kegels must be amazing."

"Exactly," she replies, losing steam after another thirty seconds and beginning to pant like an animal. "Oh god, Ben, oh god oh god oh god."

As she nears an orgasm, her voice begins to fade, replaced with animalistic grunting. I can feel her firming up, fully enjoying the situation as she finally climaxes, her entire body trembling in pleasure.

"Oh my god," she moans, rubbing her pussy with her hand. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god."

She looks exhausted, but the others cheer her on. Steve grins, "Great performance! So, you want to bet again?"

Sam takes a deep breath, eyes wide in disbelief. "If I win, you'll pay for next week's dinner. You can create the game and select who joins in. I'll have my own bedroom and no hypnosis this time. And wherever we are, you must be locked in a chastity device."

"Alright," Steve agrees. "How about we try ten minutes? You've already broken your record from earlier."

Sam sighs, "Alright, let's try."

"The catch is that everyone who is here stays the whole time, so no one can leave until you win or lose," he continues. "And you have to have had mine in your pussy by the end of the bet. I'm going to roll the die."

Steve rolls the die, and it lands six. He looks disappointed but still smiling. "Was that too short? You can have ten minutes with my cock inside of you if you like."

General murmurs of agreement.

"Fuck yeah," Sam says. "Let's do it."

Hazel laughs. "You're so brave, especially after getting fingered, beaten, and thoroughly tongue-raped," she says.

"Don't be so harsh," Sam replies. "I'm ready to prove myself again but this time for real."

Before I can say anything, I'm already inside of her, making sure to pick up the pace to last the full ten minutes. She moans in approval, each cry coming even closer together.

"You want it faster?" I ask, picking up the pace.

Sam moans in response.

I keep going until the minute runs out. I glance at the others. They're all eager to see her reaction. Several of them are still sporting hard-ons, desperate to come.

"Praying that she doesn't fake it, nice and rough," Steve says.

"How did you know?" Hayls asks, his face slightly surprised.

"Because she smiles for it afterward," Steve replies. "Got any other crazy ideas, Shaw?"

Sam grins, "I didn't think about that. Okay, you can have sex with me in front of exactly that way if I lose."

"Everyone in agreement?" Steve asks.

She nods. "Agreed."

"Good, let's get started then. Kayla." He motions for her to stand. "Grab her legs."

Sam looks nervous, but climbs onto the couch, her heart racing with anticipation.

"Let's just do my favorite," he says, outlining the rules before acknowledging Kayla. "See?" He smiles, mildly satisfied.

Sam nods in agreement. "We keep the earnings."

Steve nods similarly.


She speeds up the process of putting her leggings back on and putting on her jacket, not seeming to care much about appearances. Her cleavage still looks fantastic.

Steve rolls out of bed. "It's 11:33 PM. You have 37 minutes left before midnight. This gives you 20 minutes of extra time if you start now. Hurry up, Ben, be eager."

Sam grabs my hand, catches the key Hazel throws with her other one, and we make our way down the hallway.

"Press the green button when you're ready," Hazel instructs. "Enjoy yourselves! We'll be watching!"

We enter the locked room. It's furnished as a spotless bedroom and adorned with numerous squeaky clean sex toys. Wow. This is Hazel's side job. Perhaps the car rental wasn't herprimary focus.

Sam wastes no time. She presses the green button, and the cameras swivel towards us as a monitor underneath turns on, displaying us. She pulls me in for a passionate kiss.

Holy shit. It's incredible. Naked in front of a camera, we're about to have sex. I realize I love this. This show. All of it. I don't care if anyone I know could be watching, or if it's being streamed in the student union.

Sam smells ofsex, and it's intoxicating. I unzip her jacket as she pulls away, allowing it to hang open. She spins around, giving the camera a great view of her breasts, but then quickly zips it back up. I slide two fingers between her labia and she moans at my touch. She's already wet.

She manages to free my hand, allowing her to suck my fingers, removing her jacket in the process. As I look at her bare chest and marvel at it, she accepts my dick in her hand and starts stroking it. She then slides down to her knees and takes my dick into her mouth.

I don't respond at first. I'm merely enjoying the sensation of her tongue and her hand on my cock, licking and sucking and stroking. After everything that's happened today, I'm craving physical pleasure. Climax builds and builds in my body, and then I ejaculate into my roommate's mouth unexpectedly. The orgasm causes me to lose my balance and I fall back on the bed. It's the most intense orgasm I've had and I close my eyes, attempting to recover from it.

Holy cow.

When I open my eyes, Sam is still kneeling, grinning proudly. She swallows then swallows again.

"You're delicious," she breaths. She stands up and leads me over to the bed. I pick her up and carry her, even though she's quite heavy. I place her on the mattress and pull her leggings off. She squeals in delight before covering her mouth. I continue, choosing to ignore her.

I kiss her left breast, then her right. I flip around and give her pussy another quick lick. I feel her hands on my cock.

I roll back around and Sam straddles me. There's a brief moment of hesitation.

Our eyes meet, and we both recognize this as another moment where we're bound to a decision. This is unlike anything that's come before. Although she may argue that giving me oral sex earlier is comparable, I believe the concept of being physically one with someone is different.

After a brief moment, she makes the commitment, sliding backward onto my penis, remaining eye contact. She releases a deep breath at the same time. I can see her expression change as she moans and her movements become more rapid.

It's breathtaking. I love it when I'm inside her. I think she enjoys it, too.

She doesn't stop, but it's not giving me much leeway to thrust forcefully, so I focus on moving my hips. She's using her hands to push down on me, adding to my thrust while she does. She chuckles puckishly.

"Oh my god," she groans. "Oh my god oh my god. Fuck!"

Her body moves with rhythmic efficiency, breathing heavily and moaning loudly. She's losing control of her speech and her body convulses every so often. "Ohhhhh!" she gasps, reaching orgasm in front of an audience.

She's lost in her own pleasure, so when I have a moment to enjoy it, I remove her and push her under the covers. [2]

"Yup, that's right," she whispers, and I slide back into her, penetrating her with powerful strokes. Her hands sift through my body, sensing my highly-receptive nipples and triggering erotic shocks in me. She scrapes her nails along my back and it pushes me into a state of urgent ecstasy, resulting in huge amounts of ejaculation inside her.

"Wow," I gasp, flattening myself on top of her. She kisses my cheek.

"Well done," she remarks, flicking the switch next to the bed to shut off the cameras.

She continues, "It's twelve twenty now. You got to leave. Head to the sparkling clean bathroom, pee, and snatch your stuff and a towel. Then leave the house. Hide, I'm not sure where."

I step out infrequently to the ungreased bathroom and pee, then take a white sheet and retrieve my keys and phone from the container, then exit the apartment. I don't see Hazel or Steve, but I linger near the entrance.

"Certainly, very nice," Steve states. "You won this round, but it's anyone's game."

Sam replies, "Hazel caps her feed." She pauses. "You'd be aware of this if you were just attentive a few weeks ago. She can't be seen by those in the UK or in the US as she's conscious of them."

"Shoot," Steve replies. "Incredibly? Hazel?"

"That's correct," Hazel smiles. "I did say that, and it's still accurate."

"Darn it."

"So, Steve," Sam says. "There was a discussion about your need for chastity?"

I hear rustling upstairs and quickly slink back down, hiding in the mailroom for a second. I persist not to be a problem.

Five minutes later, Sam strolls down the stairs wearing a coat and leggings, so I peep out of the door. She's donning a key on a string.

"Ahh." I understand.

She points her finger at me. "You're not going to recall any of this day," she tells me. "Instead, you'll recall a pleasant stroll on the seashore, encountering a girl, and spending your day with her. You went to her place, but you had a quarrel, and she kicked you out, disrobed. You somehow managed to obtain a towel, your keys, and your phone on the way out, but nothing else."

She demonstrates the time on her phone - twelve twenty-nine.

I nod. "That's my ride," she says, gesturing with her finger. The digital clock shifts to twelve thirty.

She walks away and climbs into the car, and just as she slams the door, I wrap the sheet around my midriff and quickly dash backward.

"Please," I say. "This girl kicked me out. Can you grant me a lift?"

Sam groans. "Is that okay, driver?"

The driver also groans, but agrees. It's a college town, for sure.

I express deep gratitude, then maintain silence. We get back to our apartment and re-enter it. We both fall down on seats.

"Oh my god," she states. "Oh my god Ben. Oh my god. Thank you."

I chuckle. "Sam, I... I adored that. It was friggin' terrific. I'm not sure if I'm embarrassed or thrilled."

She stares at me for a long time.

"Now you understand," she says, grinning.

"Yep. I guess the only issue is... how are we going to continue next week?"

She hesitates, biting her lip.

"I have a proposal."

Read also:
