
Sasha's Company Trip

A stunning, self-assured woman embarks on her inaugural business journey.

May 13, 2024
16 min read
Sasha's Business Tripnegotiationorgasmexhibitionism
Sasha's Business Trip
Sasha's Business Trip

Sasha's Company Trip

Hey, I recently participated in an online roleplay with a very hot girl named Sasha. I'll also be sharing an audio recording if you'd prefer to listen.


"What do you think about this outfit? I asked my colleague and sales partner as we got ready for a day of medical sales presentations."

"Not too bad, sweetie," said my stylish gay coworker, dressed in a form-fitting skirt and a tight white button-up shirt. "You're looking killer today!" he exclaimed, and we were ready for the presentation.

After sealing three major deals and impressing our clients, my sales partner, Max, and I decided to grab a drink at the hotel bar.

Flirting in the bar was a familiar experience, but this was my first business trip, and being single created a fresh, exciting scenario. Max was a seasoned player and hooked up with a conference attendee and checked if I was okay.

"I'm good, Max. You go ahead and have fun. I'm gonna go back to my room and call it a night."

In the meantime, I pressed the button to close the elevator doors when a manicured hand pushed in from outside. Being 6'2" in heels, I found myself looking up at a good-looking, distracted person who appeared rushed.

"I must be an executive," I thought as he pulled out his room key and ignored me. He glanced at me quickly and then continued on his way without acknowledging my existence. I stared at him, fascinated by his confidence and strength.

In the past, I always controlled the room and dominated in sales meetings, but he seemed unfazed by my presence.

"So rude of me," he said and glanced back at me. I snatched a glimpse of his toned physique and took in his strong masculine energy. For once, I felt a little intimidated.


I read her body language and her fashion choices. Dressed provocatively without being overtly sexual, she wanted the attention of the person she approached. However, I wasn't a rube to fall for it at first glance. I weigh over 200lbs and women rarely intimidate me. I'm a big fish, and I saw her trying to be a little one.

"I'm focused on my destination. Like a laser beam, I'm on a specific course," I said, but kept my gaze locked on her.

Sasha was surprised by my response. She'd got me off guard by playing shy and innocent, and now she was on the back foot as I considered the larger game I was playing.

I looked down at our elevator buttons and noted that my suite was on the top floor. "You're not going to get off here, are you?"

I stared at her, deliberately pausing after each word, enjoying the effect on her.

"I appreciate your candidness, sir. In fact, I'm quite attracted to it," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest but keeping my gaze locked.

"I like to be honest, but it would help me if you moved aside. The door is about to close." I didn't stop for his response and didn't soften my tone. She stepped aside reluctantly, the tension radiating between us.


Max's brief absence had sparked my curiosity, and I found the prospect of encountering a mature, confident guy exciting. I had no intention of getting trapped in the elevator, and I was debating ending the game, but something about this guy intrigued me. He didn't seem to respect female dominance, and that was a part of my charm, so I was intrigued to see what he'd do next.

It was no longer about sales presentations or deals, this was pure fun.

We arrived at the fourth floor, but I didn't want to get out. That was when I found out that he had his own agenda. "Eye, you've set the tempo. I don't think you can just call it off now," he seemed to whisper while staring at me, his intense gaze challenging me.

I was expecting a line about how the doors would close, but he avoided falling for it and replied instead, "I can be as unmoved as a rock. It's a technique my VPs appreciate."

"Intriguing. But you should expect the unexpected from someone like me," he responded after glancing at the buttons.

On the top floor, I sensed his playfulness but did not show it on my face. Still, I could feel his confidence and power.

I held his gaze. "I feel like I want to stay here. Not on the fourth, but on the 15th."

Time seemed to stand still as his eyes pierced mine. His words lingered, "You know, it's a long ride to the 15th floor."

I led with innocence to get into his head and pushed the open, fully knowing he'd stop me from getting off at the fourth level. "Maybe you have nothing better to do."

"Will you oblige?" He stared back, his eyes lustful and intense, letting me know our game was far from over.

At that instant, he made me his own, and there was no question in my mind that he was equipped to deal with me fully.

It was now time to secure his offer.

He was considering the merits of a test ride, but once I had comprised myself, I was back at the table and assumed my sexiest stance.

Most men show a sign of weakness when I display a long, tanned leg and inhale deeply, causing my D cup breasts to rise and become prominently displayed before their eyes.

However, this man didn't flinch; he had sampled the finest delicacies in life and it was evident that nothing about me rattled him.

"So, what should I do?" I enquired, crossing my leg through the threshold of the elevator. My intentionally elongated toe extension in my high heels didn't go unnoticed. A smile appeared on his lips as he took in every muscle from my thigh to my pointed toe. A good strategy and it was apparent he appreciated the challenge.

This was no ordinary guy I was dealing with and he wouldn't melt like the boys I effortlessly conquered. I exuded confidence, but deep within me a part wondered if I was luring a lion in a $3,000 suit.


I smiled. The tigress is too proud to yield. However, she's left her sole foot within the elevator, and the doors will soon begin to close. She must make a decision. Walk off in her independent pride or admit what we both know - and what she's prepared to hand over to me. If she turns back, it will be as if I'd tugged on a chain around her gorgeous neck and pulled her towards me. She's accustomed to using men's longings for her own advantage, but, deep down, that merely stirs disgust for the gentlemen who can be so easily manipulated. It also leads to a lonely life. A tigress needs a mate who can tame her, and a tiger craves only the finest and most dominant individual to exhibit his superiority. She unquestionably was the finest. Yet, so was I.


Shrewd. He returned the choice to me with the doors set to shut. There was no choice to make. I was as drawn to re-entering the elevator as a moth to a flame. He wasn't just another toy that I'd abandon once I'd lost interest. He was a top-tier predator and was drawing me back into the elevator with an unseen hand on my hip. I adopted a last, desperate attempt at retaining control.

"I'm sure you've got a full-length mirror in your suite," I purred.

"However, what I'd really like is another drink and to remove these shoes."

I held the door open with my hand and bared my neck to him, effectively inviting him in for the kill. He was "locked in" and attempting to escape was futile.

"Will you mix me a bourbon and perhaps we can both enjoy the view?"

He smirked with assurance. I stood tall and wished he would take me where I stood.


"I'm confident I possess a drink that satisfies your taste," I said as I offered to take him on a thrilling ride to the upper floors. I suppressed my smile, but not my eyes' delight at the prospect.

"In fact, I possess a peculiar superpower. I can always foresee what a lady has been imbibing."

This evening was clearly looking up, I thought, while still hiding my smile, but not my eyes' eagerness for what was to come.


"Am I mad to allow these doors to close and travel to a stranger's apartment?" I questioned internally, even as my body betrayed me and I stepped into the elevator, allowing the doors to close behind me.

"I'll simply inform Max of the room number." I reasoned, attempting to justify my reckless behavior with a man whose name I was still unaware of.

"I'm Sasha," I divulged, for the first time looking up to shake his hand. His grip was firm but soft; he took my palm as if he were claiming ownership of it, enclosing his other hand over mine and subtly moving me closer. He loomed over me with a contented expression, as if he had been given a present he truly treasured.

"I'm gonna send a message to my friend letting them know where I'm at for safety reasons. Just in case we don't agree on the viewpoint. But I have faith in your gentlemanly behavior and you being a gracious host?" I tried my hardest not to giggle or blush because he was breathtakingly handsome and had such a commanding presence. For some reason, I felt more secure than a woman should in a strange man's room, but his demeanor was so serene and comfortable. This was my first encounter with a real man.


I let go of her hands to allow her to send her message. When she finished, I put one hand behind her neck. "I'm Joseph, and this is how my authority operates," I murmured, my other hand softly on her back as I leaned towards her, pressing our lips together.

"Hmmm," I murmured, pulling my lips back just enough to keep talking while keeping them connected so our lips moved in unison.

"Citrusy, tangy, even salty, with some heat, but deep down, definitely sweet."

With this, I adapted my actions accordingly, my lips sealing hers and my tongue delicately playing with hers. At the same time, my right hand traced down from her lower back to just above her butt, squeezing and lifting it a little, which lifted her off the floor entirely, so she was only on her toes.


He moved so gracefully, his hand cradling my neck and then before I could react, his voice whispered soft and comforting words into my ear. A wave of emotions overtook me as I became a part of him. His lips met mine, taking control and leaving me in awe. His large hands cradled me, making me feel small and delicate. It was effortless for him to possess me. He made it clear he desired me and awakened my curiosity through his undeniable arousal. An exhilaration swept over me when the elevator doors opened to the luxury suite floor.


Soon enough, we were in my suite. Unlike any hotel room Sasha had ever been in, it felt more like a giant living room. There was a window the width of the room, with a view of the city skyline and its lights. I led her towards it, holding her shoulders as I stood behind her, facing her towards the window. I carefully unbuttoned the white blouse she wore, making sure not to touch her breasts. I slid the blouse off her shoulders and down her arms.

"Do you need that bourbon, or are you as eager as I am?" I asked gently, using my hands to maintain her hair and give her a passionate kiss as I touched the back of her neck.


"Mmm, absolutely excited and the view from this room is living up to the hype," I replied and turned to face Joseph. I grabbed his belt and led his left hand to inside my trousers and cupping my derriere, raising onto my tiptoes. My left hand banded around his neck and I pulled him in for a deep, fiery kiss, while wrapping my right leg around him.

"You have no idea how eager I am, but yes, definitely need a drink." I released my grip and he walked away, leaving the room to get us a couple of drinks.


The passion of that kiss was intense, but we both knew she was used to taking the initiative. Our tongues fought for dominance, until I realized that she was still subconsciously seeking control. To change that... I would need to be subtle.


When he returned, I was completely nude, standing near the window with my back facing him.

"Do you like the view now?" I teased with the confidence of a 24-year-old former track star and fitness model.

"The view is certainly riveting, don't you agree?"


His response caused me to grin; I didn't seek his approval, I just needed reassurance he knew how attractive I found him. Soon, I found that feeling mortified at the thought that he had known my flaw-- uncertainty about my own loveliness. However, Sasha was secure in her beauty and dismissed any self-doubt. The fact that she displayed herself for his approval without apology or hesitation was captivating. Finding myself in the presence of a real man.

I set down the bourbon glasses, contemplating what I could do with my icy hands that had been chilling them. It was enjoyable to ponder, but I had a better thought.

"Let's have a vote," I suggested, turning her around to walk towards the window and the stunning city landscape. She was now so close to the window that any onlookers in the skyscrapers or wandering drones could catch a glimpse of her. I guided her hands behind me, placing her right hand around her left wrist, effectively binding her to my chest.

"How do you think the city feels about this?" I inquired, moving my hands away from hers to touch her naked hips. I stroked her skin with my fingers until they were under her breasts, firmly squeezing them as if they needed support, though they were more than capable.

"I think you're the best, unquestionably," I spoke.

My knee shifted and nestled itself between her thighs, spreading her legs.

"Do you want to put on a show?" I coaxed, brushing her hair away from her ear, "But I believe I should strip down first. Since you wouldn't let me do the honors, maybe you could assist me?"


In all my experiences prior to this moment, my body revealed was met with astonishment, prompting a man to touch me and caress me, generally... him going straight for my breasts.

I derived much enjoyment from being appreciated and worshipped by a man, touched by him lustily, as he explored every inch of my nudity.

Joseph, on the other hand, did not betray an ounce of awe.

His demeanor was more inclined towards severity, and his manner of speaking lacked an aura of worship. When he turned her around to display her to the city, his touch appeared brusque and his intonation expressed disdain for my forwardness and self-confidence.

It was a different experience for me and I felt uncomfortable.

Despite the humiliation and fear, I was enthralled by him.

He had an undeniable power and presence that made me want to rise to the occasion. I craved his approval. He was a powerful and successful man who knew what he desired and achieved it. He was not about to be swayed by a woman who stripped for him. It was reckless of me to assume he'd submit to my charms.

I met his gaze with timid eyes.

Reluctantly, I unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. His wide shoulders, chest, and arms were massive.

My palms grazed across his skin, appreciating his vast frame, while occasionally glancing up to check if I was doing things right.

I got on my knees to take off his pants. I slid them down over his muscular legs and pulled his socks and shoes off, placing them to the side.

While staying on my knees, I grasped the waistband of his athletic briefs and traced the outline of his semi-erect penis nestled within, then looked at him, awaiting his command.

Receiving a nod of approval, I removed his briefs from his loosened feet and positioned them together neatly.


"You're beautiful when kneeling," I commented. I recognized what she was anticipating, but that was not my intention. I cupped her jaw in my palm, pulling her to her feet. Her ample bosoms brushed against me as she stood, momentarily blushing at the subtle contact. I relished the smile the blush incited in me. The tigress is beginning to shed her pride. It was time to direct the passionate feline into lovemaking, a lovemaking involving a tigress that had met her male counterpart.

I held my tie and tied it to one of her wrists, then to the rod on the curtain, linking her other wrist as well, tying her in place, facing the city. I positioned her arms over her head and adorned her hair down the nape of her neck, kissing the area in between my hands.

My hands removed themselves from her, and for a short time, I was no longer present. "Pardon me," I stated on my return. "I've neglected your drink."

I now held the glass of bourbon to her lips. I maneuvered my legs in between hers, pushing her to rise up on her tiptoes as I did so, with our naked legs now resting against each other.

I allowed her to take in the bourbon according to her own pace. Prior to putting the glass down, I intentionally paused to place the extremely cold glass against one of her nipples. I relished the shiver and the reflexive arch of her back against my chest, which the cold temperature elicited from her. I wanted her to feel exposed and vulnerable, and I could sense my cock stiffening into a raging hardness, reaching up to tease her as it slid between her thighs and grazed her feminine parts, briefly.


He seemed so patient. He didn't touch me but lingered there with his large erection protruding in front of him and a half-dressed Amazon on all fours in front of him. He would stand me up, imposing chains, and force me to endure his teasing touch.

His dominance was rooted in selflessness, he possessed a plan.

He was gradually making me ready, and I was dripping with anticipation.

My nipples were erect and I was becoming wet but I had no intention of asking him to penetrate me.

He ran his erection along my slippery pussy. I craved to feel his manhood inside me, but I didn't speak.

I released a moan and subtly spread my legs apart in the hope that he'd succumb to temptation.

But he was unwilling.

He had other intentions.


I saw that she was aroused, but only to the point where she was ready to engage. I wanted her beyond that point, far beyond that point, all the way to complete loss of control. She was still thinking, somewhere in the far reaches of her mind, that this was her choice, her decision.

I started kissing the back of her neck again and gripped her hips in my hands. I then moved my hands up teasingly, my palms positioning themselves on her sides, my fingers spread far along her waist, my thumbs resting on her back as she swayed with her arms buckled above her head in my silk tie. Up, along her trim waist, my fingers felt the tightened abdominal muscles beneath her skin, while my thumbs triggered her nerves until her back began to gently arch unintentionally, causing her chest to swell slightly.

"Do you like being displayed for everyone to see?" I whispered in her ear.

My hands had now reached her breasts and I tugged them forward to hold them entirely, my thumbs arranged in a circular formation around her areolas. I gently slid them upwards and she felt my thumbs kissing the tips of her very taut nipples.

"Do you wish to be fucked in front of everyone?"

I pressed harder on her with my cock that was sliding along her slit. Her wet pussy appeared to widen in invitation.


"Oh yes," I crooned. "I crave you Joe."

I pushed my hips back towards him, exhibiting my drenched pussy for penetration.

"I yearn for the world to witness you make love to me."

A shock swept through me as these words spilled from my lips. But the truth was that I craved seeing him fuck me in front of a crowd, and I yearned for a sensual connection with him.


I bent my body at the waist to align myself with her. I gently lifted mine and allowed myself to be enveloped by her. Her body was small than mine so she lifted off the ground when I pulled myself into her. Her wet pussy greeted the most intimate parts of my body, and I forcefully returned her well-received entrance.

My hands wrapped tightly around her breasts and I started to first toy with, then pinch, her nipples. Despite my large hands, they were filled to the brink with her ample breasts. I savored the responses she gave each time I squeezed her nipples. First, I played with them during my withdrawals, calling forth a moan through the gasps my thrusts into her called out. Then, I pulled on them simultaneously during the deepest aspect of my push into her.


I was raised from the floor when he penetrated me from behind. He drove his sizeable penis deep into me and on every thrust, the height of his hips elevated me off the ground.

I tugged on the curtain pole with my bound wrists and used my legs to push back into his onslaught.

I was overcome. He was handling me with his hands and forced his member into me with deliberate force.

My sounds turned to animalized grunts as I began to surrender my self-control. He was stimulating my entire body and I started to buck and yell in response.

"Oh yes! Fffffuck oh yes!!" I screamed out as I began to relinquish my sense of self.

I could no longer resist the temptation to let go of her mammary glands, allowing them to move freely, showcasing them to the whole city. I shifted my hand down to caress her clitoris. Using my other hand, I tightly grasped her silk hair, yanking her head back to expose the curvature of her neck to my unquenchable thirst. I glanced up at her reflection in the window; she was bound with her hands raised, her robust breasts dancing, her head pulled back, exposing her nude form to any beholder.

I took complete possession of her then, and my phallus erupted within her like a ruptured dam.


Upon releasing all tension, I instinctively jolted and lost control of my limbs. He grabbed me by pushing the base of his palm into my hip and thrust his finger skillfully onto my protruding clitoris.

I climaxed with deafening echoes as he yanked my head back in victory, unveiling his convulsing marionette to the audience of strangers.

He spasmed within me at the pinnacle of my orgasm, emptying his seed into me, like a furnished hose.

I hung there, lifeless and at his disposal, held up by my hero like a prize.

His prize.


When we had exhausted ourselves, upon removal, I placed an arm under her hips and raised her, granting myself the space to free her wrists from the curtain rod. I lowered her drowsily into my other arm, effortlessly carrying her listless body to the bed, laying her on her back. I positioned her with her legs crossed and her arms to the side. There was no resistance. It was as if all the muscles within her body had simply given up, as she had succumbed to me. I admired, awestruck, the luscious silhouette of womanhood that I had claimed for myself.

I maneuvered my knees outside of hers and crouched down onto my elbows, effectively enveloping her with my presence. I reached my hands up, effortlessly parting her hair away from her eyes, staring into hers triumphantly.

Once certain that she had witnessed my gaze, I traced my hands down to encircle each shoulder with one each, then lowered my head and oriented one nipple at a time towards my mouth, approaching each with my tongue, eliciting soft, barely audible moans from her. Content, I laid on my back next to her, turning her over me so her legs spanned my torso, allowing my limbs to encase her. I placed one arm comfortably behind her back, luxuriating in the sensation of her soft breasts pressing against my torso. I used the other hand to seamlessly slide her hair behind her ear, inhaling deeply, and collecting her for a kiss.

I understood that I had no need to communicate. Our bodies had summed it all up.


The most influential agreement that unfolded over the weekend was the one I failed to acquire. I learned of the power in surrendering and the unadulterated gratification of being objectified. I learned to set aside resistance and embrace pleasure without limitations. To trust in a partner to claim whatever he desired and enjoy the bliss of being submissive to him and subjected to domination. I learned from a master that business could indeed be combined with delight.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de