Scavenger Hunt: Chapter 5

A break from chasing down prey; flying in a helicopter with Beth.

May 7, 2024
29 min read
publictaylorhelicopterbaseballThe Scavenger Hunt Ch. 05bethtravis
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 05
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 05

Scavenger Hunt: Chapter 5

This is Chapter 5 of The Scavenger Hunt story. In contrast to the previous chapters, this one does not achieve one of the objectives. It's where the humorous frat stunt transforms into a serious erotic account with genuine, emotional characters. The first few chapters focused on stroke stories with a little bit of plot, whereas this one has a considerable amount of plot with a touch of stroke material at the end.

As always, gratitude goes to samuraisan, who improves the readability of these tales beyond what I can accomplish on my own and also offers significant content recommendations. Additionally, thanks to thatsbogus who identified a significant weakness in the narrative, enabling me to expand on it and make the ending more coherent.


The Scavenger Hunt: Chapter 5

Hello, Frat Life

Laci Daniels, Anatomy & Physiology, Objective 6. Takes place on a Tuesday evening at the location you choose.


I sent out the email around noon that day, just before the soccer coaching class Taylor, Beth, and I emotionally charged our way through once more. Now we were all gathered together on the campus quad, enjoying our lunches from the student center. I had a grilled chicken sandwich, Beth had two slices of pepperoni pizza, and Taylor nibbled on a Caesar salad.

"Taylor," I mentioned, "I've often witnessed women keeping their diets by eating rabbit food due to weight worries, but I never thought you'd be the type."

"I'm not," she replied, smirking. "But I do have to maintain my figure, and Beth is making country-fried pork chops tonight, so I'm conserving calories."

A groan escaped me at the thought. "Please, just keep talking," I encouraged. "I could get off from simply imagining it."

"Sure," Taylor responded, turning to Beth. "You remember packing a picnic for him the other day, don't you?"

Beth blushed and nodded. "Yep, it was fried chicken."

"Oh, that's right," Taylor added, surprising Beth a little. "You packed a picnic for him that time, didn't you?"

Blushing even more, she nodded. "Yes."

"Hmm..." Taylor murmured thoughtfully. "You do have a sexy voice, Travis," she casually observed. "But I'm not quite that easy."

Instead of blasting back with an obvious retort, I decided to play along. "Let's get back on track. This is why we're here, correct?" Beth and Taylor both acknowledged. "So if you're prepared to talk, I'm ready to listen."

Looking straight into my eyes, Taylor uttered, "I'm more than willing to share whatever you desire to know. However, before we proceed, I do need to ask: Why are you so inquisitive?"

"Because I care for her," I confessed, turning to Beth. "Because I like you. I want to spend time with you and get to know you better. Sure, I'm attracted to you, and I assume you're attracted to me as well, and eventually, things will get physical."

"I'm okay with that," Taylor replied. "She allowed me to have sex with you, and I'm okay with her having sex with you too, and of course, it's natural for a man to want to have sex with both of you. You're a guy, so it's only natural that you'd want us to have sex together."

I snickered at this. "Yeah, my intentions were clear the first time we went out. But I think there's more." I turned my focus to Beth. "I have feelings for you that are unrelated to the physical attraction. Strange, but true. You attempted to remove my penis from across a crowded bar last summer," I added with a grin. "It's not every day I hear myself expressing affection for a woman who tried to steal my penis."

We all shared a good laugh, which eased the tension.

"To be clear," I continued, "I want to understand whether pursuing a relationship with Beth might jeopardize the connection between you two or the one between me and either of you."

The girls fell silent for a long moment, leaving me with my thoughts. Then they finished their lunches and had no further reason to avoid the issue. "So, do you mind telling us what you're feeling?" Taylor inquired. I was confident she knew the answer, but I shared it nonetheless.

"I have some feelings that aren't related to sex. There's something special between Beth and you, but I suspect she shares my sentiments as well. We're just waiting for the right moment to open up about it."

And that's how we ended the conversation, awaiting the right moment when we'd all feel comfortable discussing our emotions.

"Or, I could simply sit here and talk to myself," I mused. Although I appreciate my own company, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of uneasiness.

"Travis, I love Taylor," Beth abruptly declared. This statement took me by surprise, along with a slight pang of envy in my guts. Taylor seemed just as startled.

"Has she been made aware of this?" I inquired, directing my gaze toward Taylor.

"Yes. I... uh... yes. She's confessed her affection for me numerous times. I share the same feelings for her."

"So why look so startled?" I enquired.

"Because neither of us have ever shared our romantic sentiments with anyone outside of our family members," Beth explained. That alleviated some of my concerns.

"I'm happy to hear that," I replied.

"We can elaborate on all the details later," Taylor stated. "Beth and I are together. While we're best friends, she's also my girlfriend, and I'm her girlfriend. Our relationship isn't limited to physicality. I care about her more than anyone else on this planet."

"The same holds true for me," Beth concurred. "As I mentioned, I love her."

"What exactly is the purpose of this conversation, then?" I inquired. "It seems like I'm caught in a train's passage between A and B."

"We're not yet done," Beth retorted.

"We're both sexually attracted to women, and not only each other," Taylor divulged. "Prior to meeting Beth, I had been intimate with a few other women. Even though she'd never been with another woman, we often fantasize about that. However, Beth reassured me she wouldn't have acted on it had she not met me. In fact, I gave her permission to do so, which she took advantage of shortly after we met," Beth chimed in, grinning at Taylor, who just stuck her tongue out. "So it's safe to say that you were her chosen one for that experience."

"Here's a quick summary", Taylor continued. "Beth and I are a couple. We're best friends and lovers, but there's more to our relationship than mere sexual encounters. I care deeply about her, more than anyone else in the world."

"Same goes for me," Beth reiterated. "As I said... I love her."

"So what are we even doing here?" I queried. "Why involve me in this?"

"We're uncertain", Beth replied.

"We're still attracted to men," Taylor divulged. "I had experimented with other women before I met Beth, and although she's never been with anyone else, it's a common fantasy for us. But she told me that if she hadn't met me, she might be in a relationship with someone else right now. And Taylor held my hand as she said, 'Beth is my lifetime partner'. But when I picture myself in the future, there's a man in my life too."

"So in essence, this is similar to an A-B-C train," Taylor elaborated. "Beth is figuring out whether or not I can be stop C."

My brain felt like an overheated processor, needing a few seconds to compute all the information.

"So are you still interested in men?" I asked Beth.

"Absolutely," Beth confirmed. "Both of us have continued to experiment, although we haven't acted on it since we became a couple. However, we knew that someday we'd resume our explorations. The moment I saw you in class, I realized why she chose to involve you."

"So how does this work?" I questioned. "Do Taylor and I have to share my time? Is Beth my main priority, and you just get the leftovers? That wouldn't be a suitable arrangement for me, and I doubt she'd enjoy that either."

"I don't have the answers," Beth confessed. "This was unexpected for all of us. We met last summer, you knew Taylor from your sports activities, but we only recently connected with you. I think there's no rulebook for situations like this."

"I'm all for unconventional thinking and doing things differently," I stated. "However, how can I succeed in a game with no established rules? This feels like a recipe for pain, and I'm not just referring to myself."

She flashed me a smile. "I'm glad you're concerned about me. And yes, it will require some problem-solving. We'll be figuring out many aspects as we proceed. But Taylor and I knew that whenever we needed a boyfriend, he had to be physically attractive, smart, athletic, charming, and eager to lead."

It was then that my lips curved up instinctively.

"What's your take?" Beth asked, connecting my hand with hers on her other side.

"I enjoy a challenge," I replied. "Perhaps I'll show you the way tomorrow night."

Finishing my meal, I discarded my napkin on the table and relaxed into my seat, breathing in the salty air near the sea.

"Hungry?" Beth inquired, grinning at me from across our alfresco table by the beach.

"No, it's just the ocean air I love. Being raised not too far from the coast, my grandparents own a place by the Outer Banks. We'd frequently visit during childhood. Even in high school, I'd lie under the stars on the beach at night, immersing myself in the seaside air, sometimes staying for hours. There have been a few instances where I even awoke to witness the sunrise," I told her.

"Nostalgic times?" she queried.

"Not essentially, I'm delighted with the present. Yet, simpler times perhaps. Reminds me of when I wasn't dating a girl who's taken - with her girlfriend's consent."

"Many men wouldn't dare to," she commented.

"I suspect you'd be taken aback," I chuckled. "However, most of them have different objectives."

"And what are your objectives?"

"To be with both of you simultaneously? To see you two fornicate? I may face losing my man card for this, but no, that's not my goal."

Her eyes expanded in amazement.

"I'm not denying I'm a macho male, yet I'm not saying I'd flee in fear. You're both incredibly captivating. Watching you both together would undoubtedly be an unforgettable sexual experience for me, and even though I sound boastful, that's not a meagre threshold to surpass."

She snickered, yet waited for me to elaborate.

"Yet, that's not what interests me, Beth. I'm keen on you, and as I mentioned earlier, what's concealed underneath your scanty clothes tonight is only part of it."

Blushing profusely, she kept her gaze diverted to her plate, which had a solitary morsel left. After taking a deep breath, she picked up the last piece with her free hand and devoured it. I couldn't help but chuckle as she chewed.

"I must admit," Beth commented post-meal.

"Agreed," I acknowledged.

"Why?" she sought clarification.

"Well, as aforesaid, you've stated you've only consumed sushi once," she divulged. "In college, at some oriental buffet during a cheerleading excursion to Columbia. And it was detestable."

"That was your first error – assuming high-quality fare from a buffet," I asserted. "You must go to somewhere that specialises in this cuisine."

"Apparently so," she conceded. "But I'm taken aback that I find extraordinary sushi in Myrtle Beach."

"Don't be," I insisted. "You'll find anything great here. It's renowned as a renowned tourist hub. While tourists may be rather ingenuous and easy to exploit, their taste buds function perfectly. If you're serving substandard fare, they'll abandon you quickly and make you bankrupt."

"Well, you've altered my perception about sushi, Mr. Temple," she announced. "So, what surprises you?"

For a while, I just gazed at her well-tanned legs. "Am I joking?"

She laughed. "No, you can't employ your legs when you stated that. So, why are you floored?"

I'd assumed I'd consume my three rolls and a sizeable portion of her order. Instead, after devouring all her food with the partial exception of a few slices I'd purloined, she'd partaken in some of my rolls as well.

"No, you did," I affirmed. "I'm astounded because despite your unpleasant sushi experience previously, after I disclosed we were coming here, you didn't cower or attempt to persuade me to take you elsewhere. You trusted me and consented to give it another opportunity, and now you're keen on re-experiencing it. Flexibility like this is infrequent."

"Thank you," she said. I rose and aided her in standing up.

"Shall we leave?"

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she strolled back into the restaurant, and it wasn't until she had turned the corner that I finally looked away. A few weeks prior, after the baseball game, Jamie had thrown some extra hips to get my attention. Beth didn't need to do anything; she simply strolled by with poised confidence, and I knew I wasn't the only one noticing.

My gaze couldn't stay on her as her walk ended, so I turned around to behold the other eye-catching sight - the breathtaking sunset on the opposite coast. The sky had shades of purple, blue, and yellow mixing together to create a mesmerizing landscape.

I tried to steady my breathing and collect my thoughts. Beth was really messing with me. She had a vivacious presence, a quick wit, and she radiated happiness every time she looked at me, making my mind spin. I was perplexed about how I became so captivated by a woman I'd only just met, but when I thought about it, I had known her before. There was a time when I'd found her unappealing and brash, but the wild and passionate woman she'd become now was so tantalizing. Although I'd hoped for her current form, the memory of her previous self still stirred me.

"Where are we heading now that you wanted me to dress for physical activity?" she inquired. While conversing with her, she had gotten behind me without me noticing. I was stunned but melted when she placed her arms around me, drawing me closer.

"It's a surprise," I answered. I pointed at the beach and added, "But we're going that way."

She had worn dark blue shorts and a low-cut pink top- she looked stunning but I knew it wouldn't matter if her clothes got messy. We were heading to the beach, but my intentions were different. However, the thought of getting my hands on her legs in a crowded area was not appealing.

She removed her sandals and I carried them in my hand while we walked together down the beach.

"So you've fulfilled the criteria for a centerfold?" she joked. We'd discussed it during the picnic.

"And you?" I asked. "What are the highlights for your Playgirl article?"

"The same as you," she chuckled. "Tall, dark, and handsome. Beachwalker. I'm shorter than you, sunburn easily, and I'm not exactly pretty, according to the world. Plus, I'm an October baby."

I laughed, "Yes, born on the 12th of October and I'm a Libra. I like all types of women but lately, petite blondes have been my preference."

"Lucky for me, then," she smiled. "If I'd care to read your article, what would I learn?"

"I'll be honest, there's not much to tell about me," I confessed. "North Carolina was where I was raised. In high school, I played baseball. After doing military service, I returned to pursue schooling."

"Why here? Wouldn't it make sense to stay in your home state?"

"My dad is a grad," I mentioned. "Quite a few of the in-state, out-of-town students receive scholarships. I thought my professional baseball days were over, but my dad convinced Coach Bazewell to give me a tryout. Even without a full scholarship, I still opted for college," I informed her.

She nodded. "After playing baseball your whole life, did you ever imagine a career in it?"

"Baseball felt natural to me. I'd been a part of it from high school on, so it wouldn't have been hard to continue. But after considering my position post-9/11, I chose to serve in the Marines instead. Those were turbulent times."

I shared my reminiscence with her. "You know, growing up, I had a fairly comfortable life. Different from many prosperous friends, my parents never tried to control how my life should play out. Yes, my dad would've been happy if I joined law school and became a part of the family firm, but that was only if it was my preference. During my teenage years, I discovered my talent for baseball, and they transformed into the best sports supporters, attending all the games and exhibiting tact without turning into those obnoxious yellers and complainers who criticize the referees or their kid's insufficient playtime."

She burst into laughter.

"Strangely, I never suggested the idea of military enlistment, but I believe they would've shown the same support had I done so. However, after 9/11, it became practically inevitable that if you served, you'd end up in a war zone. After all, that's what I believed and wanted. But clearly, no parent engages delight in seeing their child in a war. When I disclosed my intention, my mom mined sincerely, and my dad even forbade me. A few days after his rage subsided, he sat me down and appealed to me to ensure I'd pondered the matter thoroughly. He expressed his resolution to stand by me if it remained my choice. After I signed up, he spent considerable time ensuring I was athletically prepared for the boot camp."

"That genuinely sounds remarkable, Travis," she remarked impressively. "It must've given you a sense of calm having your parents support that major decision of your life."

"I did," I responded sincerely. "But they were still terrified, regardless."

"You've spoken about it," she said quizzically. "Should I know more?"

"Not particularly," I said reluctantly. "I did serve in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, I was exposed to action in both places. People oftentimes inquire about my experience upon knowing this. And to clarify, it wasn't about bragging or avoiding the topic. I'm comfortable with the past, but it's certainly not my favorite subject. Before they could forbid me, I'd already turned 18, and their impediments wouldn't count for much. After witnessing their concern, my father expressed regret and apologized, reassuring that he merely desired me to weigh the options carefully, and if I still chose to enlist, he'd unwaveringly stand by me. After I enlisted, my father channeled all his anxiety into ensuring I was in superb shape for boot camp. While playing baseball, I was regularly pushed through some strange workouts by my father, who'd obtained these exercises from his former military clients. By the time I headed off to boot camp, I was quicker and more powerful than I'd ever been."

"This is extraordinary, Travis," she said appreciatively. "It must've been gratifying to have your parents fully behind your decision despite the emotional turmoil."

"It truly was," I concurred. "All were in one piece, thankfully. I connected with so many remarkable individuals and experienced some truly moving events. I flourished from those instances. I learned a lot about friendships, family, and my capability of supporting a comrade. And they, in turn, valued my support."

As we quietly walked along the beach, she wrapped her arm around me and gave me a tight hug. "Thank goodness you returned safe and sound," she murmured before planting a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded, eventually breaking the embrace as she readied to continue strolling. "Now, it's your turn," I suggested.

"All right," she said acceptingly. "I grew up in Spartanburg. My parents separated during my freshman year. I resided with my mom initially but later moved with my dad in the countryside to complete high school. In reality, I preferred staying with my mom."

"Really?" I inquired skeptically.

"At first, I was determined to move with her," Beth confessed somewhat awkwardly. "Before the beginning of my junior year, I spent the summer with her in Columbia. But things didn't work out as planned."

"And why was that?" I inquired, sensing some discomfort.

"Her new spouse," she said, her eyes brimming with emotional discomfort. "Jerry was every bit as intimidating as you've probably imagined based on his reputation. As a tough businessman, he's loved by many. Yet, he's a dedicated partner and gets along well with my mother. However, the stepbrother who lived with my father stayed in Columbia, and his behavior was disconcerting."

"Oh no," I expressed concern. "The awkward, stuffing his nose, fond of dressing up in Darth Vader attire type?"

"Unfortunately, yes," she confirmed sadly.

"Uh-oh," she replied. "He's actually quite handsome and was highly regarded in school. Suffice it to say, he made it quite clear during our first encounter that him being my stepbrother didn't imply that we were biologically related, resulting in us being able to do whatever we liked together."

"Interesting," I remarked.

"He'd always attempt to catch glimpses of me as I emerged from the restroom, and I discovered him rummaging through my underclothes and bras on multiple occasions. I brought up my concerns with my mother, and she vowed to talk to Rick, but nothing seemed to change. Eventually, my mother tried to convince me that he was simply being excessively friendly and I should just warm up to him. She was only trying to help her relationship with Rick and did not want me to cause tension. However, he made me feel extremely uneasy, Travis."

"I can imagine," I added.

"The entire situation, along with my mother's reaction, really strained our bond. I've only interacted with her a handful of times since then. I've conversed with Rick more over the phone than I have with my mother. I haven't encountered this repulsive stepbrother since."

"Wow," I exclaimed.

"Intriguingly, he's a student at CAU, where we are currently located. My mother informed me of this when I considered attending this institution, but it was not sufficient incentive to deter me. After all, I came to visit Taylor, and not his obnoxious presence. I've yet to encounter him and he's a senior, so if I can manage to maintain this fortunate trajectory for the next several months, I'm in the clear."

"Wow," I expressed. "For you to steer clear of him for so long after this distressing experience is genuinely remarkable."

"He truly was a lecherous character for me to still be steering clear of him after all these years."

"Unquestionably," she agreed. "Though, everything occurs for a reason, you know? Thanks to him, I decided to relocate Upstate and reside with my father, which was the year I met Taylor."

"Therefore, it worked out then," I suggested. "And you and Taylor are both juniors now, yes?" She nodded. "So, this has been going on for several years."

"Not exactly," she said. "Firstly, I am a year older than Taylor, and I was a year ahead of her in high school. I took a year off after the initial two years of college, and she continued uninterrupted. If I remember correctly, during my hiatus, I was considering whether to pursue a Bachelor's degree at a four-year university or simply seek employment. That summer, I encountered a fella in Charleston and fell in love, solidifying my decision to relocate and find employment."

"I recall Christine mentioned that you had a telephonic conversation with your ex last summer."

"Indeed," she stated. "A few months after the breakup, he made the decision that he no longer loved me and requested my departure from his home by the end of the week. I overcame the depression after a week, but I was enraged for many more months."

"I assume that's when we met," I guessed.

"You're right," Beth said, blushing again. "I wasn't in my finest state. I'm deeply sorry, Travis. I was dreadful during that time."

"Do not apologize, darling," I said. "Everyone endures challenging times."

I leaned down and embraced her in a tight embrace. My forearms were just a few inches north of her laudable cleavage. She looked up at me with a high-wattage smile.

That evening, I crossed paths with you and your companions. It aided my healing process from my past relationship, but once the rage subsided, I slipped back into sadness about life in general. I was still melancholy and despondent.

"I assumed Brad broke you of that," I said.

"No," she answered. "Being with Brad cured me of being a horrid individual. It taught me that not every person on Earth was responsible for my misery, and it helped me cease directing my unhappiness towards everyone in my vicinity. Yes, Brad reminded me of sexual pleasure's existence, because the miserable person I was living with was substandard at best. But he didn't revive my happiness."

"Most likely Taylor," I suggested.

She nodded, showcasing her blonde hair bouncing and her eyes brimming with life.

"I was feasting at Olive Garden with my father and my stepmother in Spartanburg," she recalled. "We were seated near the restroom, and I glanced up and observed this tall, dark-haired Amazon woman striding toward me. Initially, I didn't identify her and looked away, but then I noticed her intently staring at me."

"Destiny," I added.

"I'll let her share her perspective, but let me say that in high school, Taylor wasn't bursting with self-confidence. Because of her physical appearance, she was affected for a long time. That night at the restaurant, though, she strutted with confidence I'd never seen before. She appeared the same, yet she just carried herself differently."

"Agreed," I affirmed. "You possess a similar quality."

"Thank you," she stated. "At that moment, I didn't. I believe Taylor perceived this. She persuaded me to call her the following day, and we spent the evening together."

"By 'spent the evening together,' you mean..." I inquired, rolling my eyes provocatively.

"I mean we talked for several hours and drank enough wine to own a vineyard, you mischievous man," Beth said with a snicker, slapping me faintly in the leg. "She was required to return here the following morning for preseason volleyball practice, yet neither of us desired her to depart. A few days later, she dialed me and invited me to visit her."

"And you never left," I surmised.

"To retrieve all my belongings and move them here," she acknowledged. "She already had a roommate in her apartment, hence I was forced to live in the dorms, but a week before classes commenced, the roommate opted not to return to school. So, I relocated with her instead."

"So when did the bedroom shenanigans begin?" I inquired.

"That, Mr. Temple, is a yarn for another day," she replied, pulling me to my feet.

"You're such a tease," I lamented, grinning so she understood my jest.

"It's only teasing if you don't implement it," she stated, licking her lips provocatively before guiding me away from the steps. "For now, I'd like to comprehend what this surprise is all about."

We walked to the edge of the beach, and just moments before we reached the asphalt, I fell to my knees in front of her and meticulously strapped her sandals back on. Her toenails were freshly painted a light pink, and if they hadn't been coated in sand, I would have enclosed each one into my mouth.

A minute or so later, we arrived at our destination.

"Holy shit," she expressed.

"What?" I inquired. "You've never encountered a helicopter up close?"

We arrived at a local helicopter tour company's helipad, and parked on it was a red Bell 206 Jet Ranger.

"On Television," she stated. "In the sky flying over me. Not up close and personal."

As a lieutenant colonel, I had no idea how to answer the question posed to me, so I decided to act like many men do when they're uncertain. I shouldered my indifference and shrugged.

"They'll never change," my friend remarked. "I can't comprehend them, and neither can our distant descendants." With that, he went into the building to retrieve some paperwork.

"Are you truly planning to ride on that," Beth asked, her voice filled with incredulity.

"Yes," I replied, as I held her hand. "And I'm not going to be alone."

"But how do you know you can trust him? You just met him, didn't you?"

"Marvin Junior often flew our helicopters during aerial patrols in Afghanistan," I explained. "I had a few issues with ground vehicles, yet we always successfully completed our air missions. His father is a flight instructor, and he mentioned if I ever wanted to learn to fly helicopters while in Myrtle Beach, I could consider his dad as a teacher. Naturally, I'm not interested in learning to fly them, but I thought evoking the memory of this stunning woman I knew might be a worthy completion to the day."

Beth ignored the last part of my explanation.

"What were you hospitalized for?" Beth inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"I'll save that story for another time," I said, perhaps a tad too haughtily. "Now, let's get on with this exciting adventure."

I started to walk towards the helicopter as her hesitation altered to curiosity.

"I've never misled you before, Ms. Beth," I assured her. "Have I?"

"No," she sighed. "But we've only experienced one thing together, and it was eating!" She paused, then added, "And the potential outcome here is far from appetizing. We could all die."

"Mr. Marvin," I said to the pilot approaching us, "have you ever caused any mishaps while flying?"

"There was one occasion," he said, "when my helicopter crashed during hostile fire in Vietnam. But that's a world apart from flying in Myrtle Beach."

I found myself chuckling at his answer. Marvin then opened the helicopter door. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, Beth looked at me before following me into the helicopter.

"I've invested time into researching you," I mentioned. "There's no complaint registered with the Better Business Bureau, and all your FAA records are accurate. The maintenance and inspection logs of your helicopters are current, and I've found roughly a hundred online customer reviews, all of which were positive."

Beth glanced at me, her eyes narrowed.

"You're promising me an unforgettable experience," she said, her expression relaxing to replace her apprehension with eager curiosity. "I'll be open-minded, yet again."

I took a deep breath and exhaled, before explaining, "When you're in the air, you truly get a different perspective. It's a life-changing experience I'm confident you'll appreciate."

She took a breath, then exhaled, shuffling closer to me with a tiny smile. "If you stay honest," she said, "I'll be ready to embrace this with you."

I smiled and reassured her, "You'll have nothing to worry about. I promise."

We ascended into the helicopter as Marvin struck up a conversation with a controller through his headset, yet I was distracted, admiring Beth's beauty. Her nervousness waned as her wonderment grew, until she eventually relaxed.

Understanding her apprehension, I added, "It's strong, you are," before lovingly teasing, "And I'm more than a little smitten."

She didn't respond, but she lightened her grip on my hand. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd find my fear amusing," she admitted.

"Believe me, I find it endearing," I smiled. "Fear is a sign of the unknown."

She giggled, managing to look both nervous and elated at once. "I'm starting to feel a little braver, I suppose."

Beth later closed the conversation with, "Just relax, Ms. Beth. I won't disappoint you."

On her headset, she implored, "Maintain altitude," as Marvin fired up the helicopter's rotors. He addressed the controller again, "I won't disappoint you, Ms. Beth."

I turned back to Beth, and she gazed around the helicopter, visibly relieved, perhaps even excited. "You might even derive a bit of satisfaction from my ensuing goodness," I joked.

"Don't even try," she playfully responded. "I'm going to enjoy this immensely."

Marvin's voice echoed through the headphones, "I'll ensure your merriment lasts long into your memory."

When Marvin lifted the helicopter off the ground, Beth drew in a sharp breath. I was caught off guard too, as the sensation of weightlessness had become familiar during my time in the desert but it had been more than a year since I'd flown in one.

Marvin took us straight up until we were above the trees, then slightly drifted to the right, putting us about 400 feet above the beach. As we leaned left, Beth's grip tightened, but she relaxed once she realized she wouldn't fall out.

"It's pretty cool, isn't it?" I asked, able to tell from her facial expressions that she was enjoying herself despite her initial hesitation. There was a small part of her mind that harbored a readiness to hurl me into the ocean if things went wrong. Marvin stayed at a low altitude as he flew up the beach, keeping the ocean view to our right welcoming but the west obscured by taller city buildings. I understood his plan though, so I patiently waited.

"I'm going to fly another mile up the coast," Marvin announced. "Then I'll turn around and fly south for a while. We'll climb up to approximately 2,000 feet, and if you look to your right, you'll be able to see the sun setting to the west."

Beth had been listening, but she was more focused on staring at me than the conversation. As we climbed and made a 180-degree turn, I pointed to the right.

"Check it out," I said. She turned her head to the right, and -

"Oh my God," Beth exclaimed. The view was incredible, making it hard to concentrate on anything else, especially breathing, as Marvin had predicted. The skies were clear, allowing us to see the sun disappearing into a mixture of orange, purple, and blue.

It was more than just the sunset. We could also see all of Myrtle Beach from our vantage point, including the modest skyline of downtown buildings. We spotted the Carolina Atlantic campus by the light stanchions of its football stadium. The coast was bustling with life, with numerous hotels and restaurants turning on their neon lights and illuminating the night. The huge ferris wheel on the boardwalk sparkled and revolved slowly as we flew past it.

After reaching the southern tip, Marvin made a return trip northbound, flying all the way up to North Myrtle Beach and briefly crossing into North Carolina before turning back. This time he flew a little farther out over the water, passing over dozens of small boats, a few large party yachts, and various sandbars and islets.

"This is incredible, Travis," Beth exclaimed. "I can't believe this has been here the whole time, and I've never experienced it."

"I hear that about four or five times a day," Marvin replied. The two-way communication system in the helicopter allowed him to hear us just as we could hear him. I was about to respond when Beth pulled me closer and kissed me. My tongue met hers, and we tangled for a few moments.

Marvin remained silent during this exchange, likely because he couldn't hear us. Eventually, he started the helicopter again, directing it toward the campus hospital at Carolina Regional.

"That was incredible, Marvin," Beth marvelled.

"Indeed," I concurred. "You can thank your son for that."

"I appreciate that, for both of you," he responded. "If you ever want to go up again, you know where to find me."

I took some money out of my wallet and handed it to him when we shook hands. Although I'd paid upfront, including a generous tip, the ride had surpassed my expectations, so I decided an extra amount was appropriate. He shook Beth's hand again, then boarded the helicopter.

Beth and I stepped off the pavement and into the grass, watching as he ignited the engine and left the area. When he was out of sight, she turned to face me. The way her skin glowed in the moonlight and her expression was obvious.

"Travis, we need to find a secluded spot," she said urgently. "Now."

Without speaking, I grasped her hand and led her across the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" she inquired.

"Your apartment is roughly a 10-minute walk from here," I replied.

"Too long," she said, now gasping for breath. Her eyes appeared slightly unfocused. She pulled me into a heated kiss, wrapping her left leg around my upper thigh to keep me from escaping.

We made out under a nearby streetlight for around five minutes before she became considerably more amorous. She let go of my leg and pressed her body against mine, slipping a hand up and down the length of my rock-hard erection. She inched closer to the ground, seemingly considering engulfing it with her mouth, but I held her by her arms.

"While I'm all for public intercourse, I steer clear of prison," I commented.

"I have to have you now, Travis," she panted. "I can't explain it."

"The chopper set you on fire, huh?"

"That was part of it, but..." she paused, nevertheless not uttering a word further.

As I looked about, I noticed a grassy area with a picnic table a few hundred feet away. While not wholly hidden, there were no passersby this time of night.

"Travis," she beckoned, and I made up my mind. I led her towards the picnic table, but we didn't get there. She found a dark tree and pushed me up against it. She pulled my shorts down as far as possible and unzipped mine, freeing my engorged penis. She promptly removed her shorts around one ankle and stepped out.

"Am I sure about this?" I questioned uncertainly.

"You denied it first," she retorted, kissing me roughly. Her hand delved into my shorts, and I moaned as her fingers came into contact with my stiff member.

"I meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you better," I said, catching my breath. "I didn't anticipate this tonight."

"Neither did I," she agreed. "It's happening, so we might as well roll with it."

She resumed kissing me, and I mentally acquiesced. While I genuinely desired knowing Beth better, I craved the intimacy she offered.

I reached between her legs and brushed her damp underwear to the side.

"You're wetter than the Marina creek on rainy day," I murmured. "I want to lick you."

"And I want you to taste," she replied. "But not now. I require more than your tongue."

I pulled her shorts down to her ankles, and she unzipped mine and guided my already swollen cock out. She stepped out of her shorts, leaving them zippered over one ankle.

She encircled her arms behind my neck and leaped up, so I held onto her hips to prevent her from falling. I slid a hand towards her center, adjusting her lingerie as much as possible. It felt like my dick and her pussy were in perfect unison, for some reason.

She willed herself down onto me, and I kept her feet in place with one hand while grasping her hips with the other to raise and lower her at a steady rhythm.

"God, you fit so well," she moaned. "You feel so... extraordinary, Beth."

"You fit too," I concurred. "You feel fucking phenomenal, Beth."

This continued for an additional five minutes, me maintaining the steady pace while we stood near the hospital parking lot. We passionately kissed like teenagers the whole time, most probably leaving indentations on each other's necks and shoulders. Without warning, she stiffened and experienced an intense orgasm, leaving her lips pressed to my ear and her teeth sinking into my neck as she released a loud shriek.

Seconds later, I released her from my grasp, and she collapsed gently to the ground. I didn't even provide an interval before pulling her around, her back now against the tree, and burying my pelvis inside her. I used the tree to support most of her weight, pressing my forearm against the rough bark. I then rapidly thrust, caressing her breast with my opposite hand.

"Holy fuck," she exclaimed, her lips locked against mine.

"Just slide down onto me," I coaxed.

She managed to slide her legs between ours, wrapping them around my waist, and I let go of her hips. She eagerly guided herself down, her core snugly around my member.

"Holy fuck," she resurfaced.

"You sincerely do," I stated. "You're amazing, Beth."

Within minutes, I felt her body start to strain, her breath rapid and panting. She sank her teeth into my shoulder, and released a scream that would've alerted the medical personnel if not for the muffler.

"My goodness," Beth exclaimed, not for the second time. "Please, just keep fucking me the way you are."

"I won't be able to last much longer," I groaned, with one half of me in her hair and the other half pressed against the tree. She'd been holding onto my neck tightly, but she released her grip with one hand for a few seconds later, and then I felt her knuckles against my pelvis as she urgently rubbed her clit.

"I'm going to cum again," she murmured into my neck a few seconds later. The second orgasm was even stronger than the first, and her spasms were so powerful that it made her tunnel impossibly tight. I could still thrust in and out, but there was so much more friction now, and -

"Cumming, Beth," I groaned. She wasn't in a state of mind to answer me, but something in the back of my mind made me pull out. I kept thrusting against her smooth, sweat-covered skin, and I erupted all over her upper thighs and lower abdomen. She reached down after a couple of bursts and stroked me, milking the rest out onto her hand and wrist.

I withdrew my body and separated from her pussy, but I didn't want to let her go. I shifted her body towards me and settled down on the ground with her on my lap.

"That was absolutely extraordinary, Travis," she panted.

"Holy sh*t," was all I could mutter in response.

We sat there together, trying to catch our breath and basking in the afterglow of what may be the most intense sex I'd ever experienced.

"Why did you pull out?" she asked after a while.

"I couldn't cum inside Taylor," I replied. I had to take a few deep breaths before continuing. "I figured you couldn't either."

She raised her head from my shoulder and looked at me with a look of amazement.

"You just..." she began, then trailed off, sinking back into my shoulder.

"You just... what?" I inquired, gently stroking her upper back. We were both still wearing our shirts, and hers was sticking to her skin in the damp night air.

"You remembered something like that at the craziest time," she said. "It just demonstrates how much you value my predicament."

"I care about you," I asserted.

We stayed there together for a short while longer, unnoticed by anyone. But I suspected the hospital security staff would do a parking lot inspection soon.

"Beth, we should go back now," I suggested.

"I don't want to," she answered, shaking her head against my chest and burrowing back into me. I chuckled and encouraged her to stand up, but as we tidied up as best we could, I couldn't help but sympathizing with her. I didn't want to leave her. I didn't want to take her to her apartment and go back to the party house I shared with Jamar. I didn't want to wait more than a few minutes before seeing her again.

And I certainly didn't want to keep playing this fraternity game anymore. There were just a few more tasks left to complete, and I could probably finish them before things got serious between Beth and me. But I no longer had the desire to. I'd found the woman I want.

Well, I thought as we made our way home, walking silently with her head on my shoulder and my arm around her. I'd figure out how to deal with it at some point.

Is this the conclusion of the pledge and this storyline??? Nope! This was only one of the many times our protagonist would question his beliefs and intentions (and plus, I'd originally said there'd be 13 or 14 chapters... so I can't simply stop after 5, could I?)

Chapter 6 will be available in a few days, and possibly a short delay for Chapter 7, which is lengthier and will be the most important chapter yet. Please vote, comment, and send feedback to motivate me for my work!

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