Erotic Couplings

Scavenger Hunt: Chapter 7 Revealed

Travis and Taylor enjoy a lengthy getaway over the weekend.

May 21, 2024
52 min read
fraternityscavenger huntThe Scavenger Hunt Ch. 07amazontravisbrunettetaylor
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 07
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 07

Scavenger Hunt: Chapter 7 Revealed

The Hunter's Treasure, Chapter 7

Cautionary Notice: This chapter contains some explicit adult content, but there is no penetration involved. Some readers might find the mention of buttocks unsettling, which is why I'm bringing it up beforehand. Please be aware that the rest of the text is filled with important plot development and enticing erotic moments, but if you're solely focused on sexual scenes, it may be better to read it after rereading an earlier chapter.

This is a lengthy chapter, filled with numerous essential plot developments. Although Travis continues to engage in various sexual encounters, chapters 5 and 7 mark a significant shift in the storyline from a game to a more serious exploration of people's lives. As always, there's plenty of steamy action, but if you're concentrating solely on physical pleasures, you might consider revisiting a previous chapter first to refresh your memory before diving into this one.

A round of applause for my editors and beta readers, samuraisan and thatsbogus. Their valuable feedback always help me polish my stories.


A sense of unease lingered within me.

Though Trina had been intoxicated the night before, she had made her intentions clear. Then again, I'd let Jamie watch, too. And Travis had been manipulated by someone unknown, likely Tyson. None of these factors justified my negative emotions. I'd never felt guilty about sex in all my 25 years, but I was now questioning my actions. But I hadn't committed infidelity with regard to Beth.

Beth was involved, but there wasn't a formal commitment from either party. Thus, I hadn't cheated on her.

Trina was a strikingly sensual woman, relishing carnal pleasures wholeheartedly. She had passionately invited me. And I wished I'd never encountered her.

As we had one last game scheduled against Winthrop, I arrived at the field and prepared for the matchup. My pitching coach hit me with some practice swings, and after completing my routine, I retired to the dugout to check my phone.

"Hey, Travis!" Beth's sweet voice immediately began to soothe my spirits. "Is there a game taking place soon?"

"Yes, in approximately an hour. I'll be ready by then."

While waiting for practice to end, I contemplated asking Beth if she and Taylor could postpone the movie to an alternate night. However, I feared becoming an intrusion.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" I suggested casually. "As the game should conclude around 3 or 4 pm, we can meet up afterward."

"No somethings," she replied, followed by a slight pause. "Wait, I think I just screwed up. Yes, something. Taylor and I planned to watch a movie tonight. But her parents are headed back to their hometown, so they might depart early. I'm sorry, Travis."

"It's okay," I managed to say, feeling a little disappointed because of my attempts to connect with Beth. "I understand that you have other engagements. It's not like I'm upset that you're spending time with Taylor."

"I appreciate it," she said. "I sought your permission to inquire if Taylor would allow you to tag along. Would you like to join us for the film?"

"No, even though it's kind of you," I replied, "I feel it's more crucial for you to bond with Taylor, without me getting in the way. I'd prefer if we can link up some other time."

"You're right," she agreed. "How about tomorrow evening? My training ends at 6 pm."

"Perfect." I agreed. "How about picking me up around 6:30 pm?"

"We have a date! Yay!" she exclaimed. "I'll make sure you feel truly special. I've never experienced such remarkable sex with a male, not even Brad. I was speaking about the date as a whole. You complimented me, shining a light on my unique qualities."

"Your attributes are unique, Beth," I said sincerely. "I have a knack for recognizing the obvious."

"Stop joking around," she scolded with a laugh. "Thank you for handling this matter with understanding. We'll figure out how to divide our time between you and Taylor."

"Trust us to sort out the details," I promised. "Enjoy your day. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

In the morning, my father had left, which was a good thing because I spent most of the game playing like a disgusting lump. I struck out twice and the only time I made contact, it was a grounder that didn't even reach the pitcher. I managed to leg that out for an infield single, but I got caught stealing second base. We were hanging on to a one-run lead in the final inning, and Winthrop had the bases loaded with one out. The batter hit a line drive just to the left of the second base bag, so I took off running. I didn't think I stood a chance of catching it, but I dived for it anyway.

I misjudged the height of the ball, but I managed to get my glove under it and lifted it into the air before it could touch the ground. Lying on my back, I snatched the ball from the sky with my bare hand for the second out, then quickly fired it to second base to double off the middle runner, who had assumed it was a hit and hadn't stayed close enough to get back in time.

Suddenly, we had won the game.

Coach Bazewell didn't say anything until after I had showered and put on my running gear.

"Whatever you had rattling around there, try to clear it by Friday," he stated as he passed me in the clubhouse.

I didn't attempt to disagree.

"Yes, sir."

The large man returned a few feet later, pausing until he was close enough so only I could hear.

"That was a remarkable catch you made at the end there, kid," he said. "The great ones have their minds elsewhere, but they still manage to make the bigger play."

He left before I had a chance to comment.

A compliment from Bazewell is as moving as making a deceased person cry. I accepted the win and my self-assurance climbed marginally.

After the game, I went on a run, and after arriving home, the adrenaline from the runner's high was still present, so I proceeded to send the email.

Frat People,

Trina Silvachenko, Adapted Physical Activity, Objective 3. You know where and when.


Reflecting on the previous night's antics left me in a down mood, and I was still in that same state when I arrived for soccer coaching class on Monday morning. I hoped seeing Beth would lift my spirits, but when I got to class, Taylor was sitting alone at the table.

"Where's Beth?"

"I'm not sure exactly," Taylor responded. "She said something had popped up and she wasn't going to be able to make it."

"Hmm." I said. "I talked to her yesterday, and she said she would see me in class today."

"And how did you perceive that?" she asked.

"Just fine." I said. "Mom taught me how to share."

"I agree." She responded. "I asked her if she wanted to spend the night catching up on our DVR'd reality shows, but she said you two had plans."

"I see." I said. "Now tell me, how many details did she share with you after?"

"Not about how many," she said, softening her voice and becoming more sensual. "It's when she shared them, and what I was doing to her while she was doing it."

And there it was... my first erection since Saturday's debacle.

We flirted during the class, and when it ended, we both received texts from Beth.

"She apparently wants to speak with both of us when you show up to pick her up tonight," Taylor said.

"Yeah, I got that, too."


Taylor pulled me into their apartment, throwing open the door hurriedly and dragging me in by my arm. "Perhaps now that you're here, she'll open up."

I had driven Beth to her place twice, but that was my first time entering their home. It was more tastefully decorated and spotless in comparison to Jamar's and my shared party pad. The apartment was modest with a small living room, a miniscule kitchen, a hall with a bedroom on each side, and a bathroom at the far end. I could see all of it at the front entrance, but I couldn't help but focus on the frantic blonde woman pacing back and forth, looking incredibly stressed.

"What's happening?" I asked as Taylor guided me into the living room.

"She won't tell me," Taylor responded, leaning against a bookcase with her arms crossed. "She didn't respond to my texts or calls all afternoon, and when she arrived an hour ago, she was already like this... this agitated creature."

"Beth?" I questioned, approaching her and taking her hand. She finally looked at me, appearing anxious.

"I... just..."

"Beth, look," I said, trying to grab both her wrists in front of me. Taylor walked over to us and took one of them. "You know how much Taylor and I care for you, don't you?"

She nodded.

"Then share with us what's bothering you. No matter what it is, we can get through this together."

Taylor's strong feelings for Beth were evident in her change from being angry to smiling and agreeing. Beth's eyes moved frantically between Taylor and me, and when they met mine, I tried to reassure her with my gaze. Reluctantly, she sat down, dragging Taylor onto the couch. I pulled a chair and took a seat in front of them.

"You both are the source of my distress," Beth admitted. Taylor and I exchanged puzzled glances.

"Yeah, you need to clarify that one," Taylor urged.

"Taylor, you know I adore you, don't you?" Beth inquired, and Taylor simply nodded. "And Travis, I've connected with you on a deeper level than any other man. I want to spend every minute of my free time with both of you... but I can't. I can only spend it with one or the other."

An idea was teasing the back of my mind, but I wasn't entirely sure where she was going with this.

"When you asked me to join you yesterday, Travis, it hurt to reject your offer. When you asked if I wanted to accompany you last night, Taylor, I've never refused. But you both backed off and allowed me to do what I wanted."

"We comprehend your intentions, Beth," I said, preparing to sever ties if necessary. After all, Taylor had been there first, and --

"The way things are set up is not working for me," she stated. "I love you, Taylor, and I can see myself getting there with you. I adore you, Travis. I want to spend every moment of my free time with both of you, but I can't. It breaks my heart to tell either one of you no."

I started to contemplate ending this situation abruptly. However, her next revelation shocked me.

"Remember when we were on the quad and we questioned how this was going to work?" Beth asked, and Taylor and I nodded. "I now know how I need it to work."

Both Taylor and I stared at Beth's interlocked arms, wondering what she had in mind. Beth held our two free hands together, letting the significance of our united hands linger.

She finally confessed, "I wish for both of you to experience a strong connection the way you both do with me."

I was taken aback by her words.

"Say what?" I inquired.

Taylor's attention turned to me.

"Did you know about this?" I questioned Taylor.

She shook her head. "I was clueless."

"Apologies," replied Beth. "I realize I'm shoving this upon both of you. However, it's something I believe we all need. If you two can forge a bond like we have, it'll benefit us all, and possibly strengthen our relationship as a trio."

I glanced alternately between the two women. While my relationship with Beth was fast developing, I wasn't confident in my connection with Taylor.

"Thoughts?" Beth inquired.

"I... wow, Beth. Honestly..." Taylor responded. "I'm unsure."

"Obviously, you're attracted to one another," Beth remarked.

I nodded. "Sure. But just attractiveness doesn't mean anything."

"Were you really attracted to each other?" Beth continued. "I inquired about Taylor the first time we went out. You thought I was worried about getting hurt, but that wasn't my aim. I didn't know how our interaction would evolve. I desired to understand if both of you were interested, as it may ease things for the three of us."

That explanation clicked with me.

"I see that now," I assured Beth. "I recall your initial interrogation on the topic and didn't deceive you."

I addressed Taylor. "Taylor, you're undoubtedly an interesting woman. You're a sports fanatic and competitive as ever, so we absolutely have that in common. You're enjoyable to engage in a chat with, you're smart, and you can banter with me as well. And yes, you're undoubtedly open-minded and adventurous in bed. There's no need for me to mention your sexiness. However, at the moment, I don't feel anything for you beyond friendship."

"I concur," Taylor replied with a smile.

"Okay," Beth continued. "Admirable qualities you list. How can these attributes not grow into something more?"

I looked at Taylor, seeking her agreement.

"Beth, I..." I began, then hesitated. "To be honest, I'm not certain. It could result in something more, or it might not."

Taylor nodded.

"Alright," Beth said. "Then let's determine it. Thursday after class, I'm traveling to Spartanburg to hang out with my dad for the weekend. Travis and I are going out later, and we'll plan the rest of the week. However, both of you have a home series this weekend. You'll devote as much time as possible together over these four days."

Beth's proposition left Taylor and me bewildered.

"Beth," I said, "I'm not convinced this is a clever idea. I mean, no boundaries, right?"

Beth giggled. "Absolutely not, pervert!"

"Fine," I conceded. "So, there are benefits to spending four days with a woman who pushed my boundaries the very first time we met. But Beth, considering we've only been on a few dates, are you sure this is the ideal moment for me to invest in another individual?"

"I'm not asking you to focus solely on her," Beth clarified. "Indeed, spend the weekend with her to ignite this journey. My intention is, if you want to be with both of us and vice versa, we can develop as a thriving group. Not simply me and her, or me and you, but all three of us."

I contemplated her words, sympathizing with the time I had missed out on with Beth due to her plans with Taylor. Should things transpire as Beth desired, no longer would I experience that sensation.

"Alright," I decided. "I'll attempt this if you are, Taylor."

Taylor smiled, then looked at Beth.

"I understand your rationale," Taylor said. "But this is somewhat sudden, Beth, and--"

"Please?" begged Beth, releasing my hand and grasping Taylor's hands. "For me?"

In the beginning, things were fresh between Beth and me, so she worked hard to persuade me into going along with it. But Beth and Taylor were already deep in love. They'd do anything for each other, so there was no need for Beth to explain or try to make her point. She thought simply asking would be enough.

I could tell Taylor was pondering it. I suspected she'd eventually give in, but it wasn't a sure thing.

Beth knew what she could do to make it happen, though.

"I'll make lots of fried chicken before I leave," she said. "Enough to last you both the whole weekend."

Taylor sighed, and I laughed.

"You just used a bazooka to kill a sparrow, Beth," I jested, and Taylor started laughing too.

"Okay, okay," she said. "It's a date."

"Jesus, Travis," Taylor gasped. "I haven't been fucked like that since... hell, maybe never."

She waited for me to join her on the bed next to her, then lifted her head onto my chest. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her close.

"You and Beth don't use anything?" I inquired. "You know, vibrators, dildos, a strap-on?"

"We do, from time to time," Taylor replied. "But if you want a cock, no toy can compete with the real thing."

"Got it," I said, smiling to myself and stroking her shoulders. Her massive chest pressed into my side, signaling she was still aroused. "You didn't think I could measure up, did you?"

"I knew from the bus you were pretty great," she said. "But after your helicopter stunt, Beth made you sound like some kind of sex god. I thought she was overestimating."

"And now?"

"Right now, you're not a sex god," she said and joined me in chuckling.

Beth and I had actually taken a long stroll across campus on Monday night. While the evening didn't lead to any mind-blowing sex, we both had a great time. They'd done something together on Tuesday, and all three of us met at a seafood restaurant just off-campus on Wednesday.

The following day, as Beth had requested, Taylor and I began spending some time together. We spoke a lot while eating Beth's chicken on Thursday night in the apartment, but we left the more serious topics—her side of how she and Beth met, and what the hell was going on here—for Saturday. We hung out after dinner, studying deeply until I returned home and slept in my own bed, with a promise to have Taylor over the following night. I spent most of my free time during the week cleaning Jamar's messy apartment. I kept my room tidy, but Taylor would need to walk through the rest of the house to reach me, so I wanted it to be clean for her.

We planned to meet at Twitty's, the same bar we'd met at the first time we talked. We'd enjoy a couple drinks there and then perhaps dance for a while and see what happened next. We intended to make our experience as regular as possible, exploring how we'd connect in an intimate way.

These plans didn't even survive the parking lot.

The baseball and softball games ended around the same time, and as I headed back to the clubhouse after another win, I saw Taylor walking back with one of her coaches. I greeted Lex and Jamar, then headed over to Taylor. I planned to chat with her as we entered together. However, when I approached, she shifted her gaze to me and blew my mind.

I was well aware of Taylor's beauty in her volleyball outfit. Since Lex had shown interest in her before, I'd tried not to be subtle about it myself. Confined in her navy top, her massive breasts were on full display, while the skin-tight lycra shorts emphasized her ass.

Baseball was my favorite sport, but seeing her in her softball uniform was even more appealing. The white jersey and pants made me use my imagination. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and some of her eye black was still visible. She even had some dirt stains on her pants from the game.

"Yep, I'm not going to lie, Taylor," I remarked. "Seeing you in this uniform right now makes me want to skip the bar and club altogether."

She remained fixed on me as we approached. When we got close enough for contact, she buried her face in my neck and took a deep breath.

"This might seem strange, but you smell amazing," she said. "I adore that sweaty, just-worked-out aroma."

"Should we head back to my place and carry on with what we've started?" I suggested.

"Yours or mine?" she enquired.

I had to admit mine was more convenient, so we took our gear to the rear and rode with speed towards my house. As I wasn't sure if Jamar would return before his usual Friday-night pub-hopping, we waited till we got to my chamber. Once the door was secured and closed, our uniforms hit the floor.

We both had an aroma of sweat about us, but this seemed to be a part of the allure. We initiated a 69 on the floor, with her on top of me, orally stimulating my hectically standing cock while I forcefully inserted my tongue into her pussy. She made me reach climax first, and upon fouling away, I flipped her face-down on the bed and continued my assault on her pussy until her orgasm took place. The action made me rigid again, so I thrust into her spasming backside from behind, at times pressing her face onto the mattress to intensify her experience. At best, I endured a duration of 20 or 30 minutes before I drew out and ejaculated over her fantastic behind.

Now, she was nestled against me, and between the intensity of the sexual activity waning momentarily, the warmth of her against my chest was comforting.

"Do you want to speak about you and Beth now?"

"That wasn't covered?" she inquired lazily trailing her digits through my chest hairs.

"You've mentioned how you reunited that summer, but you've never told me about your first encounter back when you were in high school," I related.

The conversation was causing Taylor to blush against my chest.

"This is so mortifying," she said. I lifted my chin elevating my mouth to kiss her headrest.

"Calm down, Taylor," I said. "Forget about putting pressure on you. If you'd like to, it definitely won't be met with any judgement."

She contemplated for a short period, and I considered this would be a chat for a later date.

"We actually had a class together my freshman year of high school, her sophomore year," Taylor disclosed. "But I guess we didn't really meet until the following year when I almost killed her."

The lightheartedness in her voice provoked me.

"Care to elaborate?" I questioned.

"Sure," she communicated. "I was the athlete and she was the cheerleader. Volleyball was my sport supreme, and I was capable of making the varsity basketball team as a sophomore."

"Remarkable," I voiced. "And I also was informed that the basketball coach offered you a walk-on role when the volleyball was not in season."

"Just a kind gesture," she shared.

"More likely," I stated. "And was South Carolina just being amenable when it awarded you the all-state status in basketball in two years? I'm also advised you medaled in the shot put and discus during your senior year."

"Mm, that's true," she confirmed. "But don't allow that to go to your head, or anything of the like."

"You were an exceptional athlete," I said.

"Many would agree," she stated. "Now, where was I…We were having a home basketball game, and I chased a ball out of bounds. It managed to sneak over the team's bench, but my teammates made way for me to charge through them after it."

"Oh no," I voiced.

"Yes," she continued. "She was in the middle of a cheer when I hit her. She never detected me and landed in the second row of the stands. She was bleeding quite heavily from a significant injury on her forehead. She became very dazed when she was taken to the幕后. I felt horrible. I missed a couple of unchallenged baskets straight away, and the coach removed me from the game."

"And what happened next?" I questioned.

"I went back to the trainer's room," she narrated. "She had a large bandage wrapped around her head, and she informed me I'd given her a concussion. I broke down into tears right there."

"Why?" I enquired while hugging her tighter to me. "I mean, accidents happen. Of course it's terrible, but it's not like you chased her down on purpose."

"My exact words to her were, 'Sorry for crashing into you with my ginormous, supine, lumbering, awkward body,'" she said.

The words she used me left astonished.

"Why did you say that, Taylor?" I asked.

"Beth thought I was joking," she stated. "After corporal punishment, she realized I was no prankster as she became aware of my intensity. She understood i wasn't just a star cultist-athlete."

I glanced at Taylor's perspiration-soaked, Amazonian physique. I attempted to envision her five years prior, yet the picture didn't have any excess weight.

"Have you ever been overweight, Taylor?" I inquired.

"No," she replied. "I've always been larger than everyone else, but I've never had any issues with my weight. Physically, that is. However, in high school, I experienced significant psychological body struggles."

"Holy crap," I spluttered. "You possess an exquisite body, Taylor. Who cares if you're quite tall or not overly slender? You possess such elegance on the court, yet you're so very potent as well... I'm aware we are here due to Beth, but you're absolutely stunning, Taylor. Everyone knows this."

"That's roughly what Beth said," Taylor remarked. "You probably don't remember this, Grandpa, but children can be quite cruel."

"Exercise caution, young lady. I may need to place you across my lap and give you a spanking." I lightly smacked her left butt cheek for emphasis.

"Is that a threat, or a promise?" she asked. In response, she licked my right nipple with her tongue to emphasize her statement.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'll hold you to that," she said. "But to return to my point, since third grade, I was always taller than many girls and some boys as well. Children knew my surname was Greene, so they referred to me as the Jolly Green Giant. Additionally, this happened..." she pointed to one of her breasts, "these two monsters. They made things even worse."

I moved my hand from her side to her right breast, roughly pinching the nipple, causing her to gasp audibly.

"Honestly, I assumed the larger breasts would make it better for me."

"Not from the girls," she corrected. "This is more like two added features that set me apart. Girls can be jealous and spiteful. And, to be honest, the boys, too, were too cowardly to even interact with me."

"A bunch of cowards," I muttered. "I would have been all over you."

"Yes, college guys lavished me with attention," she said. "But guys my age either steered clear or ridiculed me. It didn't help that I enjoyed eating excessively and loved it. I had no true grasp of nutrition at the time and simply figured I could consume anything I desired and as long as I was working out and engaging in sports, I would be fine. I was still a decent athlete, but that was when I slightly resembled a plump figure. I wasn't clinically overweight, but adolescents didn't allow the truth to thwart their ridicule."

"How did Beth handle it?"

"She allowed me to cry on her shoulder for nearly a half hour in the locker room," Taylor recounted. "Imagine that? I inflicted a concussion and a laceration on her, yet she was there to offer consolation."

"She possesses a kind heart," I said.

"An extraordinary heart," Taylor amended. "When we were nearly inseparable, Beth instructed me on proper nutrition and essentially taught me how to cherish and affirm myself. "

"Alright," I said, "Beth led me to believe the sexual encounters commenced much later. "

"They didn't," she said. "I couldn't indulge in sexual experiences with anyone due to my insecurity regarding myself, especially with a gorgeous woman like her. However, the early seeds were possibly sewn during her senior year. She was preparing for the prom and wanted my assistance in choosing a gown. Of course, I attempted various dresses on, too. We spent quite a bit of time appreciating each other's nakedness."

"This has evolved into a habit of mine," I added. "I didn't receive a thorough glimpse of Beth in her final week, as it was dim. Frankly, I haven't yet examined your physique intimately, but I eagerly anticipate doing so."

"And I'm looking forward to letting you," she promised. She clutched my penis and began idly caressing it. She wasn't specifically trying to arouse me, but the feeling was unavoidable.

"I'm well-informed regarding the ensuing events," I shared. "Beth graduated and attended the community college in Spartanburg before relocating to Charleston, and you enrolled here right away. Did you ever ponder Beth?"

"Occasionally," I confessed. "I hadn't encountered her after she graduated, and we gradually severed connections. I matured into my own person in college, discarding any unneeded hang-ups. I lost my virginity during my freshman year - an insipid encounter - and once vacationing, ceased dating and concentrated solely on volleyball and academics."

"Luckily not," she replied. "I swear, I saw her one evening at Olive Garden at home, and it took my breath away. It was like roles had changed. I was this confident, determined girl, ready to return to school and take over my life. Seeing Beth, I remember feeling two emotions. The first was gratitude-she had significantly helped me during high school and I had never thanked her for that. The second was sympathy, as I could see how difficult things were just by looking at her. In high school, she had an inner glow that shone so brightly and attracted everyone to her. When I saw her that night, that light had gone out."

"It must have been only a few weeks after I met her," I said.

"She didn't even recognize me," Taylor said. "I had changed and walked differently, but I couldn't just stroll by and ignore her. We spent that night drinking wine until dawn and I realized how much I missed her. The following weekend, she came to visit, and the only time she returned was to pick up her belongings. She moved in with me prior to school even starting."

"And everything's been sunshine and rainbows since then, right?"

"For the most part," she remarked. "However, there was the incident in December where I nearly got expelled."

This would've made my jaw drop even further had it been possible.

"Uh, can you tell me that story again?"

"I don't even like to talk about it much," she said. "By the way, do you remember that I'm majoring in chemistry?"

"Yes, you're one of the wonderfully intelligent individuals with a perfect GPA, doing some form of coaching on the side."

"C'mon," she giggled, striking my chest. "Anyway, I was indicted with cheating on my Inorganic Chemistry final last semester. Also, the professor waited until the day of the final to inform me about eight unfinished tasks, which would've ruined my grade had my final test results been invalid."

"But you didn't actually cheat on the exam, right?"

"Someone informed the professor they'd seen me peering at her exam," she said. "And she aced it as well, so our answers were rather similar. I'd only seen her once or twice in class, but I didn't even know her real name."

"What happened?"

"I proposed to the teacher that I take another version of the exam in any environment he liked, including in the Dean's office with a supervisor watching me closely, if necessary. And I did, except it was just in his office with him seated at his desk. And I ace that one, too."

I noticed Taylor swearing more often, so I could tell how angry she was.

"And the unfinished assignments?"

"A 'glitch,'" she remarked. "Soon after I ace the rematch, all the tasks showed up in his computer with the same scores as before."

"Say what?" I asked.

"I got apologies from the Dean of Students, the Dean of the College of Science, the Chemistry department head, and the professor," she stated.

"At least it was rectified," I noted.

"It was the most difficult thing I've ever gone through, Travis," she said. "I mean, there's my athletic scholarship, and that Beth and I had recently reconnected and started a relationship... but that personal attack on my character was just..." she was quiet for a moment. "I'm glad I didn't have any classes with that girl this semester, because I know I'd have said something that would have gotten me in trouble."

I simply caressed her shoulder and inhaled the strong scent of her hair.

"Beth was crucial, Travis," she explained. "She never doubted me, not for a single moment. It was her concept for challenging the professor for a rematch based on his guidelines. She even asked me questions about course work, despite being a business major who cared nothing about inorganic chemistry."


"But, as I said before, she meant a lot to me. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I mean, literally."

We stayed silent for a few moments. It was a heavy subject, but I knew how to lighten it up.

"So, when did things transition from sharing an apartment with an unrequited admiration to, 'You can sleep with someone but don't let him ejaculate inside you because you're my girlfriend?'"

Taylor burst into laughter, snorting loudly. "You always go straight to the sex with me," she remarked.

"I'm curious about the origins of your relationship," I responded. "Think about the historical implications: two of the hottest women in the world having frequent sexual encounters with each other. Analyzing this could lead to a deeper understanding of life's meaning."

She giggled once more.

"It all began a couple of months before the exam fiasco," she said. "We'll tell you, but we should do it together. Let's keep this weekend just between us."

I sighed. "You two love prolonging the wait for me."

"Oh, we've given you plenty of good stuff," Taylor quipped, looking up at me with a flirtatious gaze. "If you've got time, I'll give you more pleasures..."

I conceded her point with no counter-argument. Taylor swung one of her long, muscular legs over my hips and mounted me. Her heavy breasts bounced before me, and I eagerly sucked the nipple closest to me. She rode me for a few moments, after which she came.

She collapsed on me, and I wrapped my arms around her back, holding her close.

"I think we need a shower, Taylor," I mentioned. She pretended to inhale deeply and fake-gag.

"Indeed, we do," she laughed. "Don't worry, though, I won't leave you stuck."

I opened the car window to let in some fresh air, then led her to the bathroom, and we got into the shower together. Fitting two 6-footers into the cramped space proved challenging, but we managed. We made out for a while, and I discovered that being romantic with her felt natural.

She knelt in front of me before I could say anything more, but paused to focus on the scar near my right upper thigh. I'd known this moment would arrive at some point, and as she gently stroked it, I inhaled sharply.

She recoiled and removed her hands. "Does that hurt?" she asked.

"No," I explained. "It simply triggers old memories—mostly unpleasant."

"Do you want to talk about it?" she inquired.

"Not really," I replied. She simply nodded and kissed the scar lightly. This simple act struck me as thoughtful and tender, just like Beth's patience during our helicopter ride last week.

Admittedly, it moved me so much that I changed my mind.

"One summer, my unit was on patrol in Afghanistan," I began, adjusting the shower head so it didn't spray water directly onto Taylor's head. "We usually had a couple of guys ahead scouting for danger. However, it was the middle of the night, and they must have missed the ambush set up for us."

Her fingers massaged my glutes as she brushed across to kiss my other thigh, cautiously avoiding my erect penis.

"The shooting started, a couple of guys in front of me were killed, and everyone else hit the ground. The only cover available was the Hummer in the back, so I low-crawled toward it. While on my way, another buddy was shot in the leg, so I carried him, crab walking down to the rear truck. I hadn't yet landed when I saw two enemies pop up from behind a dune, 30 yards away. They'd have hit me squarely in the chest or stomach had I not dived back toward the truck."

"So," she uttered, shifting back to the other thigh again and turning me to face the wall. "Let me find another one here..."

"Yep, there's one there on the other side."

"I probably shouldn't have done it, to tell you the truth," I responded. "There was an issue with the motor pool. The Hummer we were planning to use for patrol that night had maintenance done on it earlier, and the careless workers forgot to reattach the lug nuts on the tires. The only available Hummer was already loaded with M16s and ammunition meant to be taken to a nearby FOB the next morning, but we were running behind schedule, so the squad leader decided to take this one instead. So we had an abundance of ammo, but they didn't. Several of us huddled beneath the truck and began shooting back. It's unclear how many we took down and how many simply fled, but they ceased firing after around 10 minutes or so."

"Thank heavens," Taylor simply said.

"Yeah, something to be thankful for, I guess," I responded. "We would have all likely been killed, the 25 of us, if we didn't have all those extra bullets. Despite losing five friends that night, I still managed to get nine of us airlifted to Kuwait. I had hoped to remain with my unit, but my leg had become badly infected from the grit on the road following the shooting. The scars on my leg are different because the bullet exit was in the back, but they had to cut into the front to treat the infection. Thus, the uneven markings.

"I spent the final six months of my service at the base, rehabilitating my leg and working out. By the time I was discharged, I was as sound as ever."

Taylor became aware of my need for a moment's thought, so she simply leaned her head against my thigh, softly massaging my cheeks with her hands. There was no sexual intent in the action -- she was simply offering pressure wherever her hands rested.

"So," I went on after a while. "Nine of us were brought to Kuwait. I had anticipated staying with my unit, but I was in need of treatment for my infected leg. My leg was cleaned out, and I was able to recover."

"Oh, how did you get those scars?" she inquired.

"The Bronze Star is a Medal for outstanding service during combat. Several individuals from my unit were also honored with this award. The Purple Heart signifies that I was injured or killed in battle."

"It's fortunate you weren't the former rather than the latter," she remarked, crawling up beside me and wrapping her arms around my waist. My nose was drawn to her wet hair, and I took a deep breath. I gripped her plump bottom while attempting to focus on her nipples pressing against my chest. When I felt I was back on task, I pulled away from her.

"And I'm grateful you told me," she said. "You didn't have to reveal that information."

"I appreciate your non-interference. I would have told you at some point anyhow," I remarked. "I only chose to reveal it today because you didn't hound me for it. Beth won't do so either."

"And I won't," Taylor insisted. "If we manage to develop a close bond, I would have learned about your past, but I didn't push you."

"I'm planning to tell her about it before long. The pilot who flew me around in a helicopter the other night was introduced to me by her, and she inquired about my stay in the hospital. The term 'hospital' aroused her curiosity."

"She informed me of this, but, as I stated previously, she won't bug you about it. However, I am happy that you shared the tale with me. It's comforting to know my lover was a brave soldier."

She grinned and placed two fingers on my lips to prevent a potential protest.

"And I know you'll claim that you're no hero," she whispered seductively. "But you seem like a hero to me, and heroes should be rewarded."

My wish to protest was silenced as she kissed me fervently, forcing her tongue down my throat. My cock, which had shrunk during the story-sharing, rose again quickly and pressed her hip. After a time, she descended my body. Her talented tongue touched my right nipple before delving into my belly button. She licked down my abdomen until she reached my pubic hair, then veered left. She kissed the scars on my leg once more -- first the front, then the back, before returning to the front.

"But you're no hero," I tried to say, but her lips sought mine again, successfully silencing me. As she moved down my body and kneeled before me, she guided me back into our erotic dance. The way she caressed my flesh and kissed my scars made the discomfort from earlier fade away. While still maintaining physical contact, I inhaled deeply, savoring the unmistakable scent of her female arousal.

"I'll probably be caressing these marks quite a lot," she said. "But there could be something even more amazing than that," she added. She reached for the soap and, captivated, I watched as she lathered her enormous breasts. She turned me toward the side and wedged my upper thigh between them. Although the skin above the scars wasn't as sensitive as the rest of my limb, her nipples still brushed against the area.

"This might just be the finest occurrence to have arisen from that night," I uttered, flicking away a few wet strands of hair from her face. She smiled up at me before winking.

"Perhaps a different section of your body might enjoy my soapy tits more," she purred. She rotated me back towards her, quickly wrapping her breasts around my penis. I let out a guttural groan and attempted to prolong these unearthly sensations, but it was a forlorn endeavor. Within a few minutes, I released a fourth load onto her neck and upper torso.

I stared down at her with astonishment, but only for a fleeting instant. I snatched her, adjusted the water flow, and pulled her in for a profound kiss. I doubted she comprehended the profound significance of what she had just accomplished... I couldn't possibly articulate it, but I attempted to express it.

Then I inserted my hand between her legs, but she delicately held my wrist before I could reach my destination.

"This was dedicated to you," she expressed. I wriggled my fingers in her grip, and she giggled. "Oh, I crave a lot more of that, very soon." She switched off the water, and I grabbed a towel. I dried her first, then she returned the favor for me. She hauled me back into the bedroom. The room still exuded the scent of sex, but it no longer felt overpowering.

"Currently, I only require you to hold me for a while," she said. I was taken aback at first - after all, we'd only just commenced our 'getting-to-know-each-other' odyssey. However, I quickly realized that Taylor's voice had a hint of instability, prompting me to mentally scold myself for not considering the impact my narrative would have on her. She'd appeared perfectly comfortable hearing it in the shower, but such content would disturb the vast majority of individuals. Why would she be an exception?

We lay down together, and I embraced her tightly, kissing the crown of her head. We were both lost in thought and eventually fell asleep.


"You realize, I have nothing to wear," Taylor remarked as we awoke an hour or two later, our deep discussion seemingly forgotten. "All my clothes are at the clubhouse."

"Oh, no," I exclaimed. "Means you'll have to remain naked throughout the remainder of the weekend."

"I actually find that idea rather enticing, provided you'll be with me," Taylor replied, gripping my penis before drawling into my ear.

"There is a complication, though," I mused. "A renowned southern chef left a significant amount of food at your abode for us, yet it's not within reach."

"That is an issue," Taylor said, touching her chin as if pondering a profound puzzle.

"Wash the garments necessary immediately," I suggested. "Bra and panties, for instance."

"What do you suggest for the lower portion of my anatomy," she inquired.

"I have some shirts and shorts that might fit you adequately despite being a tad loose," I responded. "They'll suffice for the brief journey to your apartment. We can take care of the remainder of your clothing there, after our extended period of nudity."

"I endorse your options," she noted, fondling me before bending to peck my earlobe softly. "Considering your proposal, what if I decide against wearing a band or knickers?"

"In that case, I would not compel you," I responded.

"I'll wear the panties," she declared, "but the bra is for the washing machine. As you may have noticed, I'm a devoted member of the FLBP club."

"FLBP?" I inquired.

"Future Lower Back Problems," she clarified. I howled with laughter.

"I had a different motive," I said. "It's a short distance, but I won't be able to keep my hands off you. When I glide my fingers between your thighs and start stimulating your vagina, your nipples will grow erect, which could cause some unfortunate incidents."

She moaned softly. "The garments are?"

"Second or third row of drawers," I informed her. "The shorts are in the row below that. I'll pop your bra in the rapid wash cycle and rejoin you shortly."

I grabbed the sodden garment and returned to the kitchen, where the washing machine and dryer were stacked beside the fridge.

As I stepped back into the bedroom, I was confronted with a surreal moment. Taylor remained nude, but instead of holding my clothes, she was holding a notebook and engrossed in a piece of unfolded paper from the computer.

For a split second, my mind went blank. Despite her oblivion to my presence, I knew I had to act swiftly.

"Figured you'd found my secret, huh?" I casually remarked.

Her gaze shifted towards me.

"Yeah, I did. Were you going to try and spin a web of lies about what I was seeing?"

"No way," I said, trying to hide my unease. "It's all true. I started this before I met you, and definitely before I met Beth."

"Oh, I see," she responded calmly, still seeming within her own world. "So, was I just someone you needed to mark off a list, huh?"

"There's more to it than that," I said, sitting down next to her. "Honestly, when I found out we had that soccer class together, I genuinely hoped things would turn out like they did. But yes, once I knew we shared that class, I figured I could tick off another requirement. I'm sorry."

She weighed my words.

"To be honest, it's not that bad," she smiled. "In fact, we're both winners here. You fulfilled your mission, and I got to satiate a personal desire of mine. Guess it's a bit of a win-win situation."

"Glad you see it that way," I exhaled, relieved. "However, do you think Beth would be okay with it?"

"She might," she speculated. "Beth and I could easily be sexually compatible. We're both open-minded, and she watches porn, too. You know, those well-crafted erotic stories can be far more thrilling than a movie could ever be."

"Ah, that's a fresh perspective," I admitted.

"Plus, we're probably more alike in taste than you and I," she added. "It can work."

"I'd like to think so," I said, feeling slightly comforted. "But I've only told you about this, not her."

"Right," she nodded. "Well, while you were busy filling up that notebook, you drew red lines through several names. Hmm... mine included. You've gotten through quite a lot with your non-involvement, haven't you?"

"My dad factors into it," I revealed.

"Your dad?" she repeated, curiosity piqued. "What's that got to do with it?"

"Moving on..." I sighed, trying to avoid the question. "Is it really okay with you if I don't mention this to Beth?"

"It's a bit of a complicated situation," she said carefully. "I don't know if you should just continue – or, alternatively, stop now."

"I'm dying to tell her about it," I confessed. "I just can't."

"I understand," she replied. "It really is a dilemma. While porn is content I enjoy, I'm not sure about a fraternity brother who's hunting women."

"Can't argue with you there."

She pointed to the computer paper in her lap. "May I see it?"

"I thought you knew what this was all about," I answered as I handed it to her.

She scanned the words, then asked, "When did you plan on telling Beth?"

"I hadn't," I admitted. "I just intended to wrap up this project and avoid the issue."

"You know, Taylor, there's just one problem," she said. "They already seem to know more than they should about this little plot of yours."

"The problem being?" I inquired.

"Well, either tell her now or shut it down. This is a pretty serious thing you've taken on," she stated. "But Travis, I think you might be more of the romantic type than I had initially pegged you for."

"I wish," I said with a grin. "That would've been so much easier."

"Looks like it'll have to be handled with care," she concluded.

"My dad was the president of this fraternity when he studied here, and his father and grandfather were members before him," I explained. "Now, he's on the national alumni board. He has two ambitions in life: becoming a Supreme Court judge someday and me joining this fraternity. If they'd given me this job at that moment, I would've told them to think of something else, or I'd leave. But by the time Beth and I had sex for the first time, I wasn't expecting it to happen until later."

I looked down at my notebook. "The list consists of eight assignments, and you can see I've scratched out five names. I was halfway done before the helicopter ride. Why are you inquiring about the fifth?"

"I was under the impression that you had made up your mind to stop," Taylor said. "You didn't like the fraternity, the scavenger hunt was enjoyable, but then you met Beth, and it became bothersome. After the game, you expressed your desire to cease involvement. But your father was extremely agitated when you informed him of your decision. He relayed this to your mother, your sisters, and the rest of your family, and they begged you to maintain your participation."

"He wasn't asking in person; he had others persuade me," I clarified. "You don't attain the position of the youngest judge on the United States Court of Appeals without knowing how to delegate."

Taylor considered this for a while. She slipped on a pair of shorts, cinching the drawstring around her hips, and moved her bra from the washer to the dryer, flaunting her remarkable breasts for a little longer.

"Travis, I understand your predicament," Taylor said. "However, I adore Beth, and I don't want to see her get hurt. I'm aware that you haven't committed to her yet, but... I can assure you there is no other male in her life at this moment, and it appears she believes I'm the sole female in yours."

"I share those sentiments," I said. "Beth holds a significant place in my heart. When she confessed her love for you on the quad, prior to her intention to engage with me, I felt queasy and have never been a jealous person. I desire her. I want to be with her."

I paused to put a shirt on, but Taylor knew I wasn't done, so she didn't interrupt the silence.

"My father is highly influential in my life. He really wants me to complete this one specific thing, and as a son, I want to make him proud," I explained. "It's the sole request he's ever made of me."

"Do you think he would disown you if you didn't comply with this?" Taylor inquired.

"My mother might be the voice of reason," I conceded. "However, our relationship would be quite frosty for a considerable period if that occurred."

Taylor remained silent in thought.

"Nevertheless, I don't think it will come to that," I said. "I have only three tasks remaining, and I'm eager to finish them swiftly so I can refocus my attention on Beth and you."

"What's left?" Taylor asked, glancing at the notebook.

"To complete a threesome, two women from the same class are required. There are plenty of married women across my classes, and the two female teachers I know have varying marital statuses. One is single but older, while the other is married."

"My professor for accounting is Karen Walters," I mentioned.

"To add to that list, there's also Sandy Watson," Taylor added. "She's your intramurals instructor. And guess what? She's married and expecting a baby."

"I know her, right?" I asked.

"Absolutely, she used to play volleyball during her time in Georgia. Before she got pregnant, she helped coach here," she replied. "I even had her class last spring."

"Considering that, who would you rather pick?"

"Definitely Sandy," I said, "but it's a long shot, and I don't want to interfere with her and her husband's relationship."

"So what do you plan to do about it?"

"I've heard whispers," I said, "something about her not completely abiding by traditional values."

"Rumors?" Taylor inquired, a hint of knowledge in her eyes.

"More of a suspicion, really. I've been told she entertains more than an affair with her spouse," I responded.

A faint shadow passed over Taylor's face, then morphed into a peculiar grin.

"To clarify, if I'm wrong, then I'll just take Dr. Walters out for drinks. But, based on the rumors about Sandy's personal life, I'd rather not dig deeper into that," I stressed.

Taylor appeared to be deep in thought, but her eyes were filled with idle curiosity.

"Something tells me I know more than just rumors about Sandy's situation," she said after some time. "I might be able to help you in that regard."

Flabbergasted, I exclaimed, "Oh wow, Taylor! You're not going to run away like other people would; not only did you not find me repulsive but you're even considering helping me out."

"Well, you're not going to let it go, and this is the most efficient way to arrange my and Beth's three-way," she laughed offhandedly. "And to be honest, this whole thing is actually quite exciting."

I raised an eyebrow.

"With one condition, though," she said. "If things go too far, we'll have to tell Beth. I know how much you care about her and wouldn't want anything to hurt her."

"Understood," I answered. "What else?"

"After we get dressed and drive back to my apartment, we're going to eat Beth's fried chicken, and then you'll tell me all about your first five victories," she teased.

It took two more days for this to happen.

The initial part was straightforward: we got dressed, drove to her apartment, and ate the fork-tender fried chicken. My jokes during the ride over left Taylor eating my fingers, but it still wasn't enough to give her an orgasm. However, we consumed the delicious meal and were nowhere near done.

That evening was a blend of storytelling and role-play. Taylor wanted to know every intimate detail about each of those five conquerors. We retold the most memorable stories, not just the rapist encounter, and then reenacted them to live out the moment.

To replicate the pool scene, we didn't actually fuck in a swimming pool, but she relished my description as she slid along my length. Afterward, we took breaks for sleep, then revisited the living room for more storytelling. Taylor timed her rides so each of her orgasms was unique: one with her looking at me, another with her facing away.

Since we couldn't recreate the coffee table scene, we forgave the party invitations and stayed home all day for a concentration of passion. Taylor shared how much she appreciated my methods, and, like others before her, hungered for even more tales of my conquests.

We could've continued retelling more stories, but Taylor started suggesting different ways to make them more enjoyable. I complied, and we indulged ourselves in even further sexual exploration. Unfortunately, we had to pace ourselves to recover -- Taylor didn't want to rush through the forthcoming experiences.

"I've definitely liked the way you described Brianne, so I'll return the favor," Taylor whispered seductively.

"Have your way with me."

Sprawled out on the floor with her legs spread, Taylor squirmed as I re-enacted the bus scene inside her. She stretched and contorted in ways she never had before, even at my perceived discomfort.

"Keep going, I want more," she whimpered.

Face-to-face, bent over, and all the other angles, Taylor pined for continuous, insatiable satisfaction. I had my own questions about how her body could sustain such pleasure on top of past experiences.

"You make sure you come your hardest," she purred, anticipating my climax while I mimicked Lexi's technique from earlier. "And I'll do the same."

And she kept her promise, cumming three times before we retired to the bedroom to finally fall asleep.

When Taylor had her fill of whatever she was doing, we set up a makeshift wheelbarrow position on one of the lower shelves of the bookshelf using Lexi and me's previous afternoon activities at the locker room. It was way more difficult now, as Taylor was around 50 pounds heavier and we had been at it for nearly 16 hours straight, making me completely drained as well. Yet, I managed to finish her off, pounding her against the fridge while she had her legs around my back.

After an unexpected power nap right there on the kitchen floor, we tidied up the mess we'd created all around the house. We knew we'd need even more energy for the rest of the evening, but we'd already finished off all the sides Beth had made to go with the chicken. I peeled and mashed potatoes while Taylor together a small salad.

"So that's three," Taylor exclaimed. "Who's next?"

"Laci Daniels," I said.

"Oh, the sexy brunette from the dance team!" Taylor replied. "You think she goes both ways?"

"Well, she said she's not into girls," I responded. "But I'm sure you could change her mind, though."

"Hmmm," she mused, placing the salad bowl beside the potatoes. Wrapping an arm around my chest, she had her massive breasts pressing into my back. "I'm thinking about trying to change minds tonight. What positions did you and Laci do together? A sneak peek of what I'll be doing?"

"We can execute similar positions," I said. "But sadly, we can't precisely replicate what Laci and I did."

"Darn," Taylor pouted, but her frown quickly turned into a big grin when I shared the snapshots from that encounter.

"Hurry and eat," she instructed. "I have plans for you."

Eager to sample Beth's chicken, we wolfed it down, but now I felt extra excited as well. We made our way to campus quickly, abandoning her Jeep in the back lot furthest away from the main road. After two more turns, Taylor led me to a secluded area behind the chemistry building.

"We used to sneak out of class with my chemistry lab partner here," she explained. "There's only one back door, and it's completely hidden away behind the building."

The secluded back alley's dim lighting was provided by just two slight bulbs above the door. Taylor signaled for me to remove my shirt, and she placed it on the ground before kneeling on it and instantly resumed giving me an amazing blowjob. I craved to finish quickly due to our private location, and she did just that, wrapping up minutes later.

"Your turn," Taylor demanded while giving me a deep kiss. Knowing you would appreciate some oral affection, I willingly returned the gesture, savoring her taste of the cum she just swallowed.

I turned Taylor around and, pushing her against the bricks, ardently explored her large breasts with my left hand while my right slid down the back of her shorts, stopping only when my fingers reached her clit. Taylor laughed, envisioning a bouncer bursting in on us; however, this only made me squeeze her breasts harder, earning a glare.

Fitting my fingers between her legs, she combined forces with me. The sensations felt unbelievable—I've fingered many women before and witnessed a few do it to themselves, but never have I felt a woman work with me to finger her.

Time eventually took a toll on her, and she mistakenly extracted her finger, subsequently making room for me to insert a second finger of mine inside of her. Instead, she directed all of her focus toward her sensitive clitoris leading to an intense orgasm being conjured up. It was a euphoric sight to behold as it was astonishing to witness a skilled, muscular, powerful woman spasm wildly. There was a considerable part of me that yearned to wrap my arms around her and embrace her closely as she went through the throes of ecstasy.

While I stood there watching her amidst the dim light, I contemplated what was stopping me from doing so. Beth desired a deeper connection, both physically and emotionally, didn't she?

"Easy, girl," I said. I withdrew my drenched fingers, allowing me to place both hands on her waist, restraining her arm against her body. "I'm here for you."

She instantly surrendered to me, surrendering all her weight to my support as the wall ceased to sustain her. My hands tightened, relishing the sights and sounds that I could experience as her womanly curves contracted while I applied tender kisses across the back of her neck.

"Jesus, Travis," she murmured. "No man has ever done what you just did to me."

"I had support," I teased. "Your fingers were in there, too."

"That was..." she planned, but never concluded. She tried to face me, but my palms were interlocked. She could have probably twisted free, but the moment I loosened my grasp, she spun and coincidentally devoured my lips hungrily. I was overcome with admiration as I reciprocated her onslaught.

"You never mentioned that before, but please disclose how you made love to her that evening," Taylor requested.

"Regrettably, no," I confessed. "The bouncer, remember?"

"Shit!" Taylor exclaimed. "No, no, no, no, no! I need you so badly right now!" She tightly grasped my bulging erection through my trousers as she voiced her desperation.

"The next time we reunited was in the gym," I continued. "We could engage in the act of love on the ground here."

She grumbled in disappointment.

"Nope," she curtly disputed. "You're really serious about keeping to the details in your story, right? Let's proceed."

She didn't wait for my confirmation; she swiftly strolled out of the alley and skirted around the bend as if in a trance. I hastily reattired myself before hastily stepping into my vehicle. As soon as I found mah firmly seated, she deftly guided the Jeep up the hill.

"Where are we heading?"

"Of course, you're not stupid," she insulted. "This enormous parking area is empty at this hour. Don't you remember your own parking tips?"

I chuckled softly as she unlocked the door, promptly inviting me to join her by stepping into the vehicle.

She ascended the first staircase instantaneously, followed by unlocking the auxiliary gym. We stealthily advanced into the building. The space was pitch black, yet she activated the light near the exit sign located at the door.

We arrived on the opposite side of the gym where Lexi and I had performed our racy liaison, but I bore no complaints. Within mere a second, our shorts shed from our bodies and accumulated in a tangle on the floor, and she sat down on my pubic bone.

"Oh, my Lord," I panted.

"What do you think of my fitness instructor?" she enquired.

"It seems like it may have been made for your vagina, as well," I concurred.

We said very little and entered into a frenzied state. Taylor achieved her orgasm whilst facing away from me, and inching backward, she subsequently surged forward, communicating with my mouth through passionate kisses. Unlike Laci, who carefully contained her guttural shrieks, Taylor shouted out loud, and her cries reverberated against the empty walls.

Instead of heading to the restroom to complete our witnessing, I assumed a doggy style position, holding her in place against the railing and thrusting diligently, leading to a fast, heated, ravishing episode. I couldn't inform Taylor when I was about to ejaculate, rather, she evidently perceived the signs. In the intention to spare her any bodily fluids, she changed her position, urging me to shoot onto her breast. I believe I soiled her tank top as well.

We exited the gym in silence and connected hands as we stepped into her car. There was no awkwardness or discomfort; rather, her cheeks were glowing from her amusement, and I was certain my own expression echoed hers. She gave me the keys and instructed me to drive her back to her pad. During the journey, I recounted the events that occurred between Laci and me post-gym. Tired from the day's exertions, we were content to simply listen instead of participating further.

After freshening up, we cuddled in an unused bed of hers (she switched to the comfier one belonging to her sister). Taylor soon dozed off, her head resting on my chest. As my eyelids grew heavy, I found myself mulling over two thoughts:

I genuinely missed Beth.

Yet, I was also feeling incredibly content with Taylor.


"We're at five," she reminded me the following morning. "One left."

Her palm idled over my hardening member beneath the sheets. However, it was Taylor's voice that roused me from my slumber. I took a moment to decipher her statement before realizing her intentions. Despite feeling quite queasy at the prospect, I protested, "I'm not eager to broach this topic, Taylor."

"But you agreed to share all five," she reminded me.

"Yes, I know," I responded. "I just don't feel particularly good about it."

"C'mon," she chided, feigning curiosity. "Did you actually break the law?"

"No," I answered wearily. "I have proof, though."

"Fine," she conceded. "You don't have to tell me every detail, but you have to tell me about Trina Silver. I presume you did the deed at the frat house."

"Yes," I admitted. "The rest-" but my notes tailed off, hoping my hesitation would discourage her.

It didn't.

"Wait," she interjected, becoming tense. "You engaged in a forbidden act with Trina Silver? The initiator of your prep semester, right?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

"So, underage co-ed love affair, was it?" she teased, her voice sexually suggestive. My mood remained gloomy.

"No, it wasn't anything like that," I rebutted.

She considering my statement for a moment. "So you were with a consenting adult, there was no coercion?"

"Taylor, let's forget about that, for now," I requested. "You already know I had a thing for Trina, right? It happened at the frat house. The specifics seem a little sensitive at the moment, though."

"If you really don't want to discuss it," she said, her expression calm. "I understand. But don't forget this was part of the deal."

"I comprehend that," I acknowledged. "However, I'd prefer to omit this from the conversation for now. Would that be okay?"

"Yes," she agreed," but only temporarily. I'll know if you're lying to me."

"I'm not trying to mislead, I'm just... not ready yet."

"Okay," she said, sounding slightly hurt. "Although, I do think it unfair to expect you to share the other four and withhold this one."

"I get it, but," I paused, "the events which took place overseas, no irrevocable damage happened there. Regrettable instances can occur during wartime. This particular occurrence...I feel I could and should have handled it better."

"So, it's an incident that still leaves a slight bitterness in your heart."

"Yeah, kind of like your high school episode, she said. Your trauma was comically phallic in nature. Beth's trauma happened at some bar, which I'm trying to recall. Nonetheless, you addressed your issue with her and successfully turned it into a positive. My episodes in Asia were all quite bad, admittedly, but I'd rather not delve into them."

"What do you mean? You're quite familiar with overcoming negative experiences, Travis," she pointed out. "Like how you exposed the truth to me yesterday. I did the same for Beth. We made love on the beach in front of her ex's apartment, revisited the bar where all the humiliation occurred, and got a hotel room same as your friend Brad."

"You've had a lawful exhibit, though, haven't you? I don't think you were ever pinned under the burden of law enforcement involvement."

"And?" she insinuated.

"And, each of our uncomfortable experiences can be spun into optimistic recollections. It's just that, according to my memory, your unpleasant moments happened a long time ago, while my latest one is rather recent."

"Still, we'll get through it," she reassured. "Your experiences served their purpose of igniting memories, and now it's our turn to make new ones. I know you care about me. I care about you, too. And I didn't coerce you into sharing your less positive ones, so why the fuss?"

I was unsure why, but I realized I cared for her as well. Despite my reluctance to discuss it, I could only utter "Why?" percent incomplete

She chuckled and said, "To be honest, I don't have a satisfactory answer for that." Like me, she acknowledged my feelings towards Beth. I have observed your compassion for her, even though you're entangled in this fraternity predicament. You'll do everything within your power to ensure her safety.

She paused her hand tracing me and made sure I was fully attentive.

"There's a lot more to you, Travis... things that I cannot yet fully articulate. But that alone makes you worth cherishing."

I tenderly ran my finger under her chin, tilted her head up, and gently kissed her lips. This was beyond the quick embrace in the shower a couple of days ago. Our tongues met, and I sensed my penis pulsating in her hand as we continued kissing for a few moments. Eventually, she withdrew and rested her head back on my chest. It was silent for a moment until it was Taylor's turn to leap from the top rope.

"Promise me you'll no longer see my breasts wrapped around your thigh when you see your scar."

I could not help but let out a hearty laugh.

"That's a certainty. Here's what I'm going to do. I'll tell you first, then you can decide if you'd like to portray it."

"I already know what your answer will be," she retorted. "Obviously, I want to act it out."

"Alright, then." I replied. "You'll need to get extremely intoxicated."

Her eyes widened, and I told her the entire narrative. She listened quietly, interrupted merely when I mentioned Jamie's arrival, so she could confirm it was the same Jamie who attended the gym with Laci and me.

"I haven't seen Trina since, and she couldn't even maintain eye contact with me." I told her when I finished.

"So it seemed insignificant to her, this incident was a run-of-the-mill occurrence," Taylor stated. "What did she tell you?"

"Actually, she said nothing. Instead, she smiled at me and continued walking."

"It appeared like just another Saturday night on campus to her," Taylor said. "So what did you do with the video?"

"It's on my laptop at home," I informed her. "I haven't seen Jamie since to return the camera."

"Taylor, I don't get it," I inquired. "Why is Jamie all of a sudden interested?"

"Both parts," she clarified. "You made it sound so shameful."

"Taylor, the girl was practically falling if she took two steps. Jamie walked in, and I should have walked away. Instead, I stayed," I admitted.

"Actually, you didn't," Taylor countered. "You did withdraw before climaxing."

"Taylor, I'm not a man who takes advantage of inebriated females," I stated. "I merely was with her in the room. Jamie's presence, however, is something I should've left behind."

"Okay, you walked her out of the room." Taylor suggested. "But then, you stopped. Had I been there, would you perform?" she teased.

"It would have felt wrong," I acknowledged. "And while I wouldn't use physical force, I would've tried to."

"You're saying you're not that kind of guy." she agreed. "But Jordan banged a somewhat inebriated girl."

"Taylor, Beth chose me amongst the plethora of guys here who'd love to be with her," I insisted. "I'd like to think I transcend being 'just any other guy.' But what I did the other night? That's not me."

"Travis," she whispered, "do you think this situation has something to do with Beth?" Taking her finger off my mouth, she asked, "Suppose you intended to drop out of your fraternity commitments because of her, but you were coerced back. Did you perhaps feel guilty?"

"Indebted?" I pondered. "No, not exactly. However, I do believe Beth has a significant influence on my reaction to the entire ordeal."

"Well," she expressed, "you're spending quality time with me instead. We'll enjoy games with your teammates today, grab a drink or two afterward, and come back here. There, you can have your way with me and forgetting that unfortunate evening."

That sounds amazing, Taylor, but it's not essential, I replied. Just spending the remaining hours with me is satisfactory.

"Nah, it's not," she claimed.

Thus, that's what transpired. This time, both teams emerged triumphant, so the after-game refreshments were celebratory. Taylor is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol - she just had two or three drinks at the pub, but she was inebriated when I drove her home. After we had two more at her flat, she was pretty smashed.

"Play some music," she slurred. "Back in a second."

I found something on the radio and waited in the living room. She returned a few minutes later and I couldn't help but laugh. She was scantily dressed in just a dark blue bra and matching knickers, but it was the bright red wig - where she'd found that, I had no idea - that had me chuckling.

"Hey, big boy," she said, attempting her best eastern European accent. Despite her native southern drawl and being slightly intoxicated, it didn't fit at all, but I appreciated the effort. Noticing a lot of her Amazonian body on display triggered something within me.

"Get over here," I growled, pulling her towards me and grinding against her to the rhythm. We were basically grinding in the middle of her living room to some cheesy pop song. By the time it was over, we were both naked, and I was groping her chest aggressively as she purred into my ear. I could taste the booze on her tongue as we wrestled.

In that moment, it hit me - this was not like Taylor. She hardly ever got drunk, and she hadn't been the sort to lose control and surrender. The fact that she was doing all these things for me... I didn't think my cock could become any harder, but it did.

My eyesight blurred with excitement and possibly something a bit more potent. I nearly pinned her to the floor and spread her legs as wide as she could.

"This isn't..." Taylor attempted. "Not what took place next."

I had been striving to keep faithful to each encounter, reliving each one as closely as I could, without omitting any steps. However, I was not ready to take her to the bedroom.

"I don't care if it's not," I said. "I require you right now, and I'm going to take you. Understood?"

She seemed to be staring at me with a radiance I'd only seen on one other woman's face once before, and I didn't believe her alcohol intake had anything to do with it. "Mmhmm," she replied.

I approached her pussy with my mouth, instantly inserting my tongue deep into her folds and spinning it around within her. I felt her fingers in my hair, holding my face close to her, as though there was no way I'd venture anywhere else.

"Fuck, Travis!" she cried. "I mean... Trav-EEES!"

She giggled at her own joke. I chuckled inwardly, yet my lips and tongue would have nothing to do with surrendering their current mission. Her pussy was absolutely saturated, dripping juice down my tongue, beyond her taut little brown rosebud and onto the carpet below. I lapped at her like a cat at a milk bowl, trying to ingest as much as I could.

Her fingers attempted to return to her clit, but I objected. I started spinning my head from side to side, assaulting her clit with my nose as I continued to delve into her inner passage. She released my head and instead lifted her knees towards her chest, providing me with better access.

"Bloody hell, Taylor," I groaned into her pussy. "You fucking taste fantastic."

"Oh my God," she half-shouted, half-stammered. "Can feel everything so intense..." She seemed to be attempting to continue, but couldn't.

I took advantage of her relinquishing my head to bend even further south, enjoying her wonderful little rosebud with my tongue as I inserted two fingers deep into her pussy. I was taking a gamble, I recognized, but between her inebriation and penchant for kinkiness, I assumed she'd be okay with it.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" she exclaimed, inserting more fervor and a vulgarity this time.

Apparently, she was okay with it.

Taylor couldn't hold her legs up, but they remained in the air as her hands fell to her sides. My fingers were still sawing into her pussy, and I moved my free hand to her clitoris, leaving her nowhere else to put them. One hand returned to my hair, while the other clutched the carpet, trying in vain to find something to squeeze.

"Oh, fuck, Taylor," she mumbled, drunkenly. "Cumming so hard..."

He did it. She didn't exactly douse him with a hose, but in the nooks and crannies of his mind, he wondered if she could be classified as a squinter since her fluids were flowing as freely as a tap. He moved back up to her nether regions and lapped up as much of her essence as he could. But each time his tongue glided over her clit, she exhibited visible discomfort.

Clearly, she was too sensitive for him to continue eating her out. Crawling up to his knees, he hoisted his cock all the way inside her, submerging it with one thrust. They both let out a primal roar, and his guess was as good as anyone's that it was just as loud as her previous tantrum.

"So...fucking...deep..." she panted when she got a chance to speak. It was a high-octane situation with her gasping for breath. Her pussy clung to him like a leather glove, and he knew this would not last a long while. Despite having no complaints about his endurance, he had basically been fucking the air matress while eating her out, and the entire experience was becoming tricky for his member to bear.

"Dear Lord, Taylor," he huffed.

"Just a little longer," she sighed. Her fingers were still whizzing over her clit, desperately striving to reach her utopia one final time before his balls surrendered.

"Cum for me, darling. You're not some intoxicated coed I'm banging at a house party. I'm here to satisfy you, and I want to cum right along with you. But first, you need to cum for me. I need to feel you cum for me."

Those words put her back in action. Her cries heightened, and her body was flailing in the air with every fluctuation of her climax. Kneeling over her, he merged their hips as close as possible, but it was a struggle to maintain his right-of-passage.

"Holy shit, Taylor!" he bellowed.

"Can you give me a little more, baby?" she gurgled. Only a few seconds later, she was howling. He gave her his all, plowing into her until her orgasm abated and he was ready for his own release.

"Fuck!" he cried, yanking out at the last possible moment and covering her in a torrent of semen. The first couple of squirts struck her under her chin, and the rest blanketed her proud breasts, flat tummy, and pubis.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," she moaned, even though she was still in the throes of that afterglow. She was quaking gently, so he framed her in his arms and carried her to her room that she shared with Beth. He cared for her nicely with a soapy, damp towel, then cleansed himself under a gentle stream of water. Her eyelids still drooped when he emerged, and he stepped under the sheets, smiling fondly at the woman who was now in his arms.

She didn't have time to reach for the light. He submerged himself in them. Despite her size not being fragile, he felt a lot weary and thus hauled her elegantly into his arms. He regarded her - his delight - and then he conked out.

If you enjoyed this episode, my boy Travis goes back to his checklist in the following chapter, so stay tuned. There are a few twists on the way that will come out in every coming chapter. [Please vote, comment and send feedback. *It's what drives me to scribble on and on.]](

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