
Secretary's Dairy Products

A wealthy individual may indulge in unconventional preferences.

Jun 1, 2024
16 min read
hucowSecretary's Milkgrowthsecretarymilkbreast expansionlactation
Secretary's Milk
Secretary's Milk

Secretary's Dairy Products

An advertisement stated, "Searching for a female personal assistant. Role is highly top-secret. Requires substantial dedication. Competitive salary. Must be between 18 and 24 years of age and good-looking."

For the past year, Amber had worked as a prominent aide to a business chief. Although the job was demanding, it brought her satisfaction. It left her disappointed at the conclusion, but she parted ways with the boss on amicable terms. She hoped to land a new position shortly after her departure, but that plan was soon shattered. The majority of the openings were filled through internal hirings or headhunters. Her old boss provided her an invitation to a peculiar job listing website that catered to a niche bunch of employers.

On this site, she unwinding from the tension by responding to a posting. The page included a clock simulating the number of individuals who had completed the interview. There were twenty-three people ahead of her. If the job was unusual, she wouldn't be alone in pursuing it. She clicked on the link and landed on a brief survey hosted by a private host. The form asked for personal details like height, weight, age, which were against the law in legitimate job applications. Amber understood how little corporate agencies cared about these restrictions since a significant portion of the position involved physical appearance. They also needed a photo, which was more common.

She completed the inquiry for about half an hour before sending it in. Following this, she began tidying her modest residence to occupy her thoughts. After approximately fifteen minutes, her phone beeped with an unread email.

"We have welcomed your application and invite you to interview tomorrow at 209 East Park Central, 45th floor. Upon arrival, announce your name to the receptionist. Please wear a form-fitting black dress. Enjoy your day."

Amber worried, considering the lack of time she had to upgrade her wardrobe. She possessed a few dresses that might be suitable, but she hadn't worn any of them in a while. She couldn't afford a new outfit either, as her tiny, modest abode had an exorbitant rent that had drained her savings. Without a new job soon, she would have to leave the city or slip into an even smaller, more dangerous apartment. The excitement of the prospect of the interview surpassed her worries, and she opened her wardrobe to try on the dresses.

She picked a dress that she favored, but it was too loose on her chest. Due to the stress of her previous job and the high prices she had to pay for her meager meals, Amber shed a sizable amount of weight. The following dress fit closely to her body. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, finding nothing more pronounced than her youthful beauty. From adolescence, she lacked the feminine charm that other girls possessed. In her college days, she grew comfortable with her assets, emphasizing her slender curves and trim waist. Her smile held value, and her hairdo currently pleased her. The tight black dress accentuated her well-groomed figure from her chest to her knees. She decided on the appropriate dress and proceeded to choose shoes and consider jewelry to complement it.


She reached the building ten minutes early the following day. The receptionist guided her into a limited waiting area where four other women awaited. Amber politely greeted the females as she took a seat on the bench. She crossed her legs and attempted not to gawk at anyone. Each of the women looked remarkably similar to Amber. They differed slightly based on their hair color. Three of them had brown hair, Amber had black, and the remaining woman was blonde. Two of the women distracted themselves by scrolling through their phones, while the other two gazed vacantly into space, maintaining neutral faces. They occasionally cast quick glances at the entrance.

After several minutes, the door opened, and a woman resembling the others stepped into the area. She kept her gaze down as she rushed to the exit. More minutes elapsed, and the door opened once more. A silver-haired woman with a lean shape stepped into the room and inquired, "Marie?" One of the brunettes stood up and trailed behind the woman with the grey locks.

After a few minutes, the door opened once more. The silver-haired woman with the svelte figure re-entered the room and inquired in a sugary tone, "Amber?" Amber reacted and joined the grey-haired woman.

Amber tapped her fingertips across the back of her other hand. Must be delayed. She estimated how much time it would take for them to reach her. Approximately seven minutes had passed from her arrival to the first woman's emergence from the back. If this pattern held true, then she could expect to wait another 30 minutes. So Amber thought she might as well check the latest news on her phone.

As she reached for her phone, the door opened once more, and the brunette exited. Her face was flushed and she was almost running out, as if in a hurry. The silver-haired woman followed closely behind, sporting a patient grin. Focusing on the redhead, the silver-haired woman asked, "Belle?" The redhead nodded and followed suit.

Amber glanced down the hallway behind the door. It was longer than she suspected, appearing to change from a dull paint color to solid white at its distant end. The older woman's gaze lingered on her, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. The door shut after their departure. Amber returned to waiting. She could hear the other two chatting softly among themselves. It made Amber feel glad to be the only one on her side of the room. She never felt at ease speaking to the other women during interviews. It didn't help that she always felt they were a href="https://idioms.online/sow-discord/">sowing discord or ahref="https://idioms.online/cast-doubt-on/">casting doubt. A dreadful memory of someone commenting on her choice of dress before an interview echoed in her mind: "You picked that dress? Good luck."

The door opened again after only a few minutes, yet Belle failed to reappear. Instead, the silver-haired woman emerged from the room: "Amber?" The ladies standing close to Amber seemed unhappy, probably fatigued by the wait. Amber didn't sympathize. She swiftly stepped past the silver-haired woman and into the hallway. "Just a sec," the older woman replied, slipping into the lobby before quickly re-emerging with a cheerful grin. "Hi, I'm Jane. We're delighted you're here. This way, please."

Jane strutted forward, leading through a long hallway while Amber swallowed her nerves. At the hall's conclusion stood two doors, one at its farthest end and the other a little to the left. Jane paused her march when they reached the final stretch, swung open the front door and beckoned Amber inside. Steeling herself, Amber contemplated the long, white rectangular room ahead. Affixed to one of the walls was a massive mirror, reminding her of scenes from tv police dramas. Closing the door behind them, Jane rested a hand on Amber's shoulder and waved at the table in the room's center. "Please, Amber, take a seat. The room might be a little jarring, but you'll adjust once you're settled."

Jane seated herself with her back to the mirror, looking across at Amber, who gazed at her reflection and pondered who might be studying them from behind it. On the table lay a folder. Jane gently touched the folder before it sprang open, revealing a set of one-line sentences. After making a few notes, she said, "Amber, I'll be asking you some questions. If any are uncomfortable, you're not required to answer them. You should, however, be aware that this is an interview for a personal assistant position for a highly influential man. Mr. Black is very particular about his hires. Being asked to answer questions you'd rather not will result in immediate dismissal with no hard feelings. This temporary job lasts five years. The compensation is $15,207,623.00. The sum is scarcely an afterthought, given the position's responsibilities, its duration, and the current state of the economy. I've written the amount down to ensure you can see it."

Jane pulled a card over to Amber. Her hands quivered as she looked down. The card bore the amount she'd just been told - fifteen million, two hundred seventy thousand dollars. Amber was astounded. She burst out, "Is this a joke?" the words barely held back a chuckle.

Jane grinned warmly. "No, it is indeed, a substantial salary. Allow me to confirm, this is a salaried job, albeit a temporary one. The contract length is five years. To break down the figure, the sum is calculated through an equation that includes factors relating to the term of employment, the cost of living, inflation, and whatnot. Here's the amount in writing, so you can verify what I've said."

Embedded in the folder, Jane transferred a card over to Amber. As her fingers brushed the card, it glimmered with the figure she'd been told: $15,207,623.00. Amber's mind begged for an explanation. "Is this a gag?" she repeated weakly.

This time, Jane's grin broadened. "Not at all. Salaries for Mr. Black's staff are generally generous. And rest assured, the average income is commensurate with your responsibilities and the expectations of the role. The total payment will be made at the end of your employment. You'll receive a daily stipend and an expense account honored regardless of your location during your employment, along with compensation taken care of for your food and lodging. The trust account handles each and every penny of your reimbursement. You're free to involve your own attorney if you see fit, but first, you must acquire the job," Jane said. "Ready?"

"Sure," replied Amber, as her stomach churned uneasily.

Jane eyed the sheet in front of her. "Has anyone ever done any cosmetic enhancements on you?"


"When was the last time you had sexual relations?"

Amber was unsure. "I guess about nine months back."

"Mind providing a specific date?"

Jane's expression didn't change. "As close as possible."

"I'm not sure, to be honest."

Jane made a note. "How many lovers have you had?"

"Four. There were two long-term relationships and two more short ones."

"Thanks. Have you ever been pregnant before?"


"Do you wish to bear children?"

"Maybe, eventually."

"Any objections, moral, religious, or otherwise, to being Mr. Black's personal consort and serving as his sexual confidante? That includes engaging in specific sexual practices he enjoys?"

Amber's brain went blank, trying to process the question. Jane made it sound so straightforward, like asking about the weather, but Amber couldn't miss the underlying meaning - she was being asked if she wanted to be a sex slave. "Um...I don't know..."

Jane clarified. "I'm asking only if you have any objection to the idea, not if that's what you desire."

Amber weighed the question, considering the word games. "No. I don't have any objection to the idea."

Jane grinned. She continued making notes. "One final question, are you averse to needles?"

Amber shook her head. "Nope."

Jane dropped the sheet back into the file and took her card as well. Amber's gaze followed the figure as it glided over the tabletop. "Now kindly stand up and remove your clothes and undergarments."

Amber hesitated. "Can I ask the reason?"

"Of course. Mr. Black wants a look at your bare body before progressing with the interview."

"Are we being spied on?"

"Oh yes. He likes to see the girls himself. If we advance farther, you'll meet him in person. This is entirely your decision."

Amber debated: should she leave? Other girls had done so. But then she thought about those women, the dazed expressions and defeated posture as they dressed and left. Some women must have agreed, and continued. The white room, filled with mystery and suspense, tantalized with the secret that lay behind the mirror. The proposition wasn't as appalling as she expected. However, the more she contemplated, her thinking shifted. Staying five years as the personal toy of a wealthy businessman seemed better than continuing as a whipped assistant in a soulless office job. The more she pondered, the more she wanted to learn more about this process. Standing naked for Mr. Black and his possible scrutiny was a small price to pay for a seemingly better life.

"I'll do it." Amber rose and shed her dress. Her body slipped free of the black fabric easily, leaving her in a matching set of lingerie. She overcame her initial hesitation, removing her bra, and exposed her small chest. She hooked her fingers into her thong's band and removed it, feeling the cold air touch her smooth skin as her final garment came off. She refolded the lingerie and placed it on top of the other items Jane had collected.

"Great job. If you would, please take your dress back on. I'm off to consult with Mr. Black now." Jane grabbed the folder and took her card, walking to the door.

The fabric brushed against her nipples as she settled into her chair. Amber wasn't a fan of going without underwear even under the best of conditions, let alone during a job interview. She fidgeted with her fingers on the table, trying to keep track of time in her head. After a few minutes, the door opened again. Jane stepped in, but behind her was a young, tall guy with a big smile. Amber noticed him as he walked across the room. He wore a tight-fitting grey suit that emphasized his slim build and broad shoulders. He looked like he'd been plucked from a fashion magazine ad. Jane gestured to him, "Amber, this is Phillip Black. He wanted to meet you."

Amber jumped up and extended her hand. He took it gently and shook. "Nice to meet you. Jane won't let me meet the girls until she's vetted them. Please, take a seat. And you, Jane." The women resumed their spots at the table while Phillip remained standing behind Jane. "I guess you're probably feeling pretty anxious about everything you've been told and asked to do so far. That's why I wanted to introduce myself right now. Jane is going to tell you everything else soon, but I wanted to say that I hope you'll consider accepting our offer. Normally, we don't make same-day offers, but your resume intrigued me. I hope to see you later, but for now, I'll leave you with the matron."

Immediately, he departed the room. Amber hadn't had the chance to say anything other than hello. Jane drew Amber's attention by placing a small silver case on the table next to a much thicker folder. "All right, let's get started," Jane began as she opened the file. "This is the preliminary contract. There's a copy here for both of us. You can read through it if you like, and there's a lot of signing involved, but a big part of your duties will be left out in the paperwork, so I'll explain upfront. Mr. Black is hiring you as a hucow. Have you heard of the term?"

Amber shook her head.

"Hucow combines human and cow. Several years ago, Mr. Black's company was researching a medicine that could serve as an alternative treatment for infertility issues in both men and women. The research was successful, but the medicine was not allowed to progress through human testing due to some problematic side effects that would have made distribution an issue. Subjects experienced enhanced libido and increased growth in sexual features on top of increased fertility. The drug led to new discoveries that have shown promise in medical applications. It made Mr. Black very wealthy, but it also led to the discovery of a unique desire. He's offering women the chance to consume the drug and become his personal consorts."

She pointed to the silver case. "This bottle contains a syringe with the drug. One injection will initiate your transformation into a hucow. A full course of therapy lasts three months. The effects can be quite extreme, but they're temporary. The immediate effect, though, is a significant increase in mammary gland volume, a widening of the hips and buttocks, and a strong surge in sexual desire. In layman's terms, if you take this, you'll become a big-breasted, lactating slut who lives solely for the pleasure of taking a cock. Your ass will expand. Your hips will widen. Your breasts will fill with so much milk that they'll leak out when you're aroused. I care for the women, oversee their well-being, and ensure they're content. These women are beyond happy, and it's not even close to the 15 million they'll get." She folded her hands in her lap and waited for a moment before asking, "Well, your thoughts?"

Fifteen million echoed in Amber's mind as she gazed at the silver case. "Now where do I sign?"

Jane chuckled. "Quite a few places, actually." She opened the contract and they started going through the legalese, although Amber paid no attention to anything except the section regarding payment. Her mouth began to water at the idea of leaving with more money than her parents had made their entire lives. She signed where Jane directed, but they went through the paperwork at a leisurely pace. Jane insisted on reading each individual passage and ensuring that Amber understood it. Time seemed to blend as they spoke. Before Amber realized it, the paperwork had been moved to the side. Jane pushed the case toward her. "Ready?"

Amber cleared her throat. "Yes."

"Then follow me." Jane gathered the case and led the way out of the bright room. They entered a new hallway with doors on both sides. Jane halted at a door labeled with the number three, stepped inside. It was a tiny space containing a single bed, a chair, a sink, and a mirror on one wall. Jane went to the sink, "Go ahead and remove that dress. It's quite pretty, and you wouldn't want to damage it. We'll find you another outfit when it's time to depart." She readied a cotton swab with alcohol while extracting the syringe from its container. Amber, dazed from narcotics, lowered the garment. She picked it up and covered the chair's arm with it. She kept her palms before her vagina while waiting. Eventually, Jane turned around, carrying the syringe. "I need your left cheek, honey." Amber bashfully rotated and leaned forward, exposing her ass. She felt the cool sensations of the alcohol and a fiery sting as the drug entered her body. "Finished. You'll start to feel the effects shortly. Phillip will drop by to make sure you're okay. In the event you're not prepared for him, that's perfectly acceptable. But I've yet to meet a girl who didn't desire his presence by the time he arrived."

The phrase went unheard. Instruction's needle withdrawal sparked a slow, lingering flame in Amber's body. It was scarcely noticeable in the start yet noticeably escalating as she drew her concentration to it. The room was empty as Jane exited. Amber sat on the bed, leaning against the wall, regarding herself in the mirror. She pondered what she'd had for breakfast that morning. It all seemed so remote. The two girls in the lobby must have been dismissed from this. Did they know what awaited behind the passageway? Were they in the slightest aware of the medicine or the fifteen million? She pondered Belle, with her red hair, and questioned if she occupied the adjoining room, undergoing the same increasing warmth in her body. Perhaps she held a special place in Phillip's heart, and that meant additional phallus.

Heat surged through her entire body. Her skin tingled, and she noted the swelling of her chest. Amber looked down, finding her breasts growing more significant. She thought it would be a gradual process like becoming pregnant, but it transpired immediately. The breasts bloated as she sought to cup them in her hands, only for the new flesh to overflow her fingers swiftly. She bent forward, watching her breasts move in front of her in the mirror as her hips broadened and her ass amplified in tandem with her expanding tits. Her thoughts were consumed by the overpowering horniness; it drowned out her previous concerns. Her fingers slinked between her expanding thighs, finding her wet lock. With ease, her digits delved within, her lips parting in satisfaction. The experience didn't persist long, making her crave more.

Pressure built in Amber's breasts as she reflected upon the possibility of lactation. With careful squeezing, she managed to release a small droplet from her nipple. On impulse, she adopted the droplet to her lips, her tongue swirling its taste away. She smirked. The pressure grew, and her breasts began to feel uncomfortable due to their increasing size. Amber felt better when she shifted forward, forsaking the bed for all fours. There, she allowed her breasts to swing below, laughing at the sight of a completely different person when she looked sideways at her image in the mirror, stretching from her impressive ass to her immense tits. From a slender, lithe woman to a heavy-set, fleshy form in a matter of minutes-or was it hours? The only clear thought was a deep, unrelenting yearning for a cock. She wanted to be mounded and fucked. She wanted to observe it transpire and let her fingers knead her breasts as she viewed it.

The door swung open as if choreographed. An irresistible fragrance entered the space, enhancing Amber's arousal and dampening her inner thighs. Phillip filled the entrance, and Amber recognized the drug's effect on men. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of the thickest cock she'd ever seen protruding from his chiseled frame. She knew it was his scent compelling her, and if that was the reason, she was certain he was the only man who could grant her craving. "Please...fuck me."

Phillip advanced, the aroma escalating as his penis came within centimeters of her mouth. He placed one hand below her breast and used the other to squeeze vigorously. A continuous burst of milk oozed from the nipple and landed on his hand. He hoisted it near his mouth and gulped it down. "It's still a tad bitter; perhaps a decent fucking will rectify it." His palm thrust into her buttocks, getting a grip on her as he positioned himself behind her. She was conscious of his thick tool stroking up along her legs. She had concerns it might split her in half, but the ache made it irrelevant. She felt him press the thick head of his cock against her slick pussy lips and, with a casual shove, he penetrated her. Amber's world turned into a sea of sensation. Her walls broadened as he advanced. "God damn, you own a hot fucking pussy. I knew you'd be an excellent candidate. Can't wait till you're in stage two. Unghhh." He reached the end within her, the groin pressed against her bulging ass cheeks. "I shouldn't ejaculate in you so early, but I may have to renege on a handful of rules."

Amber could hear his speech, but couldn't quite understand the words. The only thing on her mind was the sensation of her thick staff prodding in and out of her. His hands kneaded her ass and occasionally he hunched over her to squeeze her bosoms once more. The milk sprayed out on the bed. It struck her as a waste. As Phillip intensified his motion, the delight in her body was rekindled. His heavy balls smacked against her clit each time he shoved his complete length within her. The contact sent electrical vibrations throughout her entire being. She centered her attention on them, endeavoring to increase the delight to something more, but she knew what was necessary. She desired to experience the sensation of his thick rod flooding her full of cum. She wished to exhaust his balls until it oozed out of her vagina. She yearned for her tits to deliver milk all over the floor and, more than anything, she wanted to feel Phillip's lips engulf her nipple and suck straight from the source.

Phillip groaned, his hands tightened on her ass, and he thrust into her as deeply as possible before his cock released a deluge. Wave after wave of semen sprayed into his newest milk cow as her body shuddered with carnality. She collapsed onto her elbows. Her hands journeyed to her breasts to pinch and twist her nipples. She endeavored to keep him within her as long as possible. Her whole body convulsed in delight. The first explosion initiated additional ripples that were just as gratifying. She hummed to herself before she felt the void return as Phillip's penis removed from her. Without fuss, he rolled her over to her back and propped himself on top of her. His grin informed her that he looked up at her while he schshed to her breast and his tongue rolled around her nipple. She moaned softly as he embraced the enlarged knob and pulled. A gush of rich, sugary fluid saturated his mouth. He consumed more and more of it until it dripped from his lips. Finally, he removed himself with a malicious smirk. "Simply delectable. You are replete with surprises."

He ascended from her. "I must get cleaned up. Jane will be here to prepare you as well. We're off to your new home." He momentarily paused to stroke her cheek. Smiling, Amber incorporated his thumb between her lipsticks. "You're so beautiful. I can't wait until you reach your ultimate potential." He drew away and ventured to the exit. "Oh, and Amber, for your new occupation."

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