Adult Humor

Seeking Amor At Any Expense

Attractive tormentor controls the timid male she adores.

May 10, 2024
27 min read
sporty girlpopular girlnerdy boyfemdomfemale bullyhealingtrickerycheating girlAnything For Loveshyfemale athlete
Anything For Love
Anything For Love

Seeking Amor At Any Expense

I awoke in the midst of March, feeling rejuvenated from a deep slumber. I stretched out my long limbs and made my way to the bathroom, where I brushed my pearly whites. This was then followed by a refreshing shower. I donned a shower cap to protect my honey-hued strands from getting wet while I spent 10 more minutes under the water before drying off with a soft towel. I applied a light fragrance before dressing.

My parents greeted me in the living room as I entered, my dad holding the morning newspaper and sipping on freshly squeezed orange juice. Mom had a cup of steaming hot coffee in her hand to keep her awake.

"Good morning, dear!" my mom said. "Would you like me to prepare your lunch today?" Despite being 17, she still tended to my every need when it came to food. I quickly declined, telling her I'd buy something from the school's cafeteria instead, just like I always did.

"Got it."

I enjoyed a wholesome omelette with a glass of sweet apple juice for my breakfast, knowing I'd need it to maintain the athletic figure I'd worked hard to achieve, considering my future basketball career during college.

I then tied my long blonde hair in a ponytail and bid adieu to my home, biking my way through the morning streets to arrive at school. I made a conscious effort to ride my bike daily to burn some extra calories.

On my arrival, the first person I spotted was my best friend and teammate Emily. This tall, statuesque brunette was without a doubt the best player on the team, not to mention the school's most sought-after catch. Her height, muscle, and gorgeous face had men drooling over her.

"Good morning, Sarah!" Emily called out, waving and smiling her delightful smile. The other girls - Amanda and Kate - gave me a friendly wave too, before I joined their group.

Emily stood at 6 feet 2, boasting a strong, muscular physique despite her feminine beauty. Her curvaceous derriere had all the boys licking their lips in awe. She enjoyed the attention, her lips forming a cheeky wink.

"How was your weekend?" Emily asked.

"Just the usual: working out and resting," I responded.

Kate, known for her promiscuity, chimed in, "So, did you get laid?"


Amanda, who loved dressing up, was not much different. "Only because your tits are too small for any boy to want to sleep with you," she teased. Both Emily and I laughed at that.

"Ugh, you're just jealous you can't get anyone to fuck you," Amanda retaliated.

For a moment, Amanda was silenced. "I'm not slutty; I don't sleep with just anyone," she said, tucking her shirt into her skirt while applying more lipstick.

We made our way to the same chemistry class, grabbing our books. I knew I had to study hard to become a doctor one day.

Amanda and Kate also had other challenges; they too had to excel in their studies. Emily, on the other hand, didn't appear to struggle at all. She was talented - gifted at everything she set her mind to. Sports, academics, and popularity- she dominated them all effortlessly.

As we went on to other topics, Amanda was busy on her phone, swiping right on Tinder. "I'm thinking about drilling an older dude this afternoon," she said. "Mid-thirties, specifically."

Kate giggled. "I bet Amanda will bang anything with a cock," she mocked.

"Oh yeah?" replied Amanda, throwing a punch at Kate playfully. "Then why are you so promiscuous yourself?"

Clearly unphased, Kate continued, "Because dick is awesome!"

Just then, our teacher walked in to the room. He signaled to silence, and we all paid attention to his every word, diligently scribbling down all the important ones.

The lectures seemed to drag on longer than they actually were. And as soon as they were over, Amanda and Kate were once again debating who would be able to get a guy into bed faster.

Emily, ever confident, mentioned how she just might be chosen as the new basketball team captain after our current one graduated from school. With her unique blend of speed and strength, not to mention ambition, I had no doubts she'd achieve that position.

"I'm warning you. As soon as Tracey is gone, I'm taking control."

"You'll have your opportunity soon since Tracey is leaving in just two months."

Amanda said, "Just be gentle with us in practice, right?" Kate spotted an excellent chance to tease.

"I thought you liked rough stuff."

Emily, who had just taken a sip of water, spat it out and burst into laughter. I couldn't hold back my chuckles either. It really was quite ruthless.

Amanda kept it all in stride. She may have been promiscuous, but she owned it without hesitation. She never hid how much she slept around. In fact, she was quite proud of it.

"Well, a soft cock is useless, so yes. I do prefer the hard ones."

We continued speaking about sex all the way to our second class of the day.


During the morning break, we decided to go to the library to chill. When we arrived, we encountered someone.

Clark's parents and Emily's had been friends since we were kids, but the two were nothing like friends. Emily tormented him throughout his entire life. She would taunt him with his appearance, calling him fat when he was overweight.

Once he lost the extra weight, she switched to calling him an 'insect' and labelling him as ugly.

He could do nothing but endure it because his parents forced him and her to spend time together. A real pushover, he was. Or, as I sometimes thought, a boy with no backbone.

"Hey, midget," said Emily.

Clark looked up from his book. He gulped nervously. He glanced from her to the rest of us, getting disapproving smirks in response.

"Hi, Emily."

"Hi, Emily," she taunted, creating fits of laughter from Kate. Amanda struggled to not laugh. It was clear how fearful Clark was of Emily. She had spent 14 years bullying him into tears. By that point, he was a wreck. All she had to do was give him a look and he'd fidget and act like he was about to explode.

Good entertainment, indeed.

Emily slammed her palms on the table. Leaning forward, she said "You should really go to the gym and hoist some weights. You look pathetically weak for an 18 year old boy."

"It's none of your business how I look."


She leaned in closer. His eyes dilated. His lips trembled. He couldn't move. He was paralyzed by her stare.

She smirked at him. "You thought so." Then she flicked his nose with her forefinger and sauntered away, giggling softly.

I followed her, with Amanda and Kate not far behind.

"Why don't you pick on someone else, too?" Kate questioned Emily. Emily shrugged.

Then the brunette responded, "Why should I? Just Clark provides me with more than enough entertainment on his own."

Amanda raised her eyebrows.

The morning break was soon over, and we went our separate ways, attending different classes for that period.

I had English Literature, as did Clark.

He arrived at the classroom a few minutes after I did. The boy sat down just in time, as our teacher came in a moment later.

I watched him, unnoticed by him. He was unaware that I was looking at him.

Perhaps he was intentionally ignoring my existence.

The class was enjoyable despite my friends not being there with me. I enjoyed having some time away from them - away from their constant babble about getting laid.

I checked my pencil case and asked Clark, "Can I borrow a pen, please?"

He responded, "I only have one."

He appeared less terrified of me than he was of Emily. I never bullied him as brutally, and always left him alone when I was alone and not with Emily.

"Okay. Never mind."

I looked away from Clark and focused on the text in front of me.

At the end of the class, I had a free period, and Emily had one as well. I texted her, proposing extra basketball practice. She agreed readily.

We met at the basketball court, finding a few other girls from the team already there. Before long, the four of us were training. All of us were in excellent condition, and we trained for 40 minutes before taking a shower.

As we left the locker room, Emily questioned me about how my class went.

"It was unremarkable. I sat next to Clark, like always."

"I see." After this, Emily questioned, "Did you talk to him?"

"I just asked if he had a spare pen I could borrow. He said no."

Emily then revealed, "I have some stuff I want you to help me with. Just between you and me. No one else is to know about it, alright?"

"Okay. Just tell me what you need."

After our conversation had ended, I made my way to my next class, one I shared with Amanda.

This time around, Amanda was busy making out with a guy at her table.

I made my presence known with a throat-clearing sound. The guy who was being made out with seemed a bit embarrassed, but my friend Amanda remained unfazed. Instead, she seemed annoyed at the interruption.

"Did you have to interrupt?" I demanded of her. "You could wait until you're done with school before taking him home and getting it on, rather than making out with him right here." The guy turned a red hue, apologized, and returned to his seat.

I sat next to Amanda right as our teacher walked in. He informed us of the topics we'd be reviewing and I borrowed Amanda's pen.

Conversely, this class didn't present much to note down. It was actually a not-bad one; not the best but also not at all dull, perhaps thanks to having Amanda to chat with.

During the evening, I made my way home and aided my mother in preparing dinner. She often invited me to help her. It was something I liked doing, although it wasn't as enjoyable as sports.

That night, Emily rang me.

We chatted for roughly half an hour before hanging up. I turned in for the night at my typical hour.

The following day, I got out of bed and prepared for school.

I hurriedly finished my preparations, yet still made sure to properly apply my makeup. I clothed myself in my best outfit, dressing in a blouse and short skirt. This accentuated my figure and displayed my curves proudly.

My parents were getting ready for breakfast when I entered the room. My mother queried, "Would you like to go shopping after school today?"

"That's a great idea! Yes!"

"Fantastic. I'll see you at the mall after your last period." We had breakfast together and I hopped on my bike, off to school.

Once there, I immediately located some familiar faces. They appeared to be engaged in discourse on boys and how to extract more sexual favors from them. Then I spied Clark, situated by his locker.

His face was buried in a book as he carefully read through one of his novels.

I approached him with a smile. Tapping his shoulder, I waited for Clark to glance up. He blushed, and my grin widened.

"Hey, Clark. May I have a word with you?"


"I just wanted to apologize," I said.

"For what?"

"I've always recognized the injustice Emily inflicts upon you, but I've never had the courage to stand up for you."

"There's no need to apologize," he sighed. "I don't blame you."

"You really aren't angry at me?"

"No. Being angry at you won't solve anything."

I inspected him. "You know, you're both attractive and sweet."

He gaped at me. "I mean that, too. I think you're attractive. I'm sorry I never said it before. I used to be a bit of a coward."

"Are you hitting on me?" he stuttered nervously. I shrugged.

I scoffed, "What if I am?"

"I'd be thrilled to go on a date with you!"

He displayed a massive grin, seeming less nervous than before. "Where? When?" I informed him I'd ponder the date and time a while longer, then asked him to accompany me to my next class. He cheerfully agreed.

We passed my friends, who gawped at us. Amanda jaws dropped while Kate arched an eyebrow. Emily maintained a mysterious gaze, seemingly unsure of what I was thinking.

Emily turned away, and Clark visibly relaxed, no longer as tense as before. I offered Clark a small, reassuring smile and gave his hand a squeeze.

Then I headed into my classroom. Kate and Emily followed me.

"Hey," Emily stated. "So are you and him going out now?"

"Yup. No problem with that, right?"

"No. Why would I have a problem?"

Kate continued staring.

"It just seems like you view Clark as a significantly less important individual. Wouldn't want to upset you by going out with him."

Kate's gaze remained fixed on us.

"Well, if going out with him will make you happy..."

"I'll be thrilled."

"Then I'm okay with it."

Kate visibly relaxed. She had assuredly expected a fight between Emily and I regarding this matter.

"You'd never suspect she liked him," muttered Kate.

I shrugged indifferently.

"There wasn't a good opportunity to share this with you." Kate narrowed her gaze, then responded. "I see. I do hope the two of you can make it work. Please let me know how amazing his... equipment is."

Emily didn't hide her amusement. She started watching a basketball game on her phone, killing time until we were later joined by the teacher. When this happened, she stowed her phone and focused on the slides. Meanwhile, I paid attention to them as well. However, Kate browsed Tinder, seeking a man to sleep with. Feeling frisky, she shamelessly rubbed her groin through her skirt, then stole a glimpse of the boy seated beside us.

Kate smirked lasciviously, and then slid her hand under her skirt. As her eyes widened, she pulled it out a few moments later, fingers glistening with moisture. Before he could express his ignorance, she force-fed him her wetness.

"I had intended to sleep with someone from Tinder," she confessed. "But you'll have to do for now. After school today, I'll take you home with me."

He winced. "I'm in a relationship," the boy protested hesitantly.

"I don't care. If you don't provide me with sex, I'll arrange for someone to rough you up. Would you like that?"

He trembled his head vehemently.

"Thought so. Just provide me with dick and ejaculate within me, and then I'll leave you alone, alright?"

The hapless boy nodded in fear.

Disdainfully, Emily chuckled, remarking, "The two of you probably need some sort of therapy for your insatiable sexual appetites. Perverts." I chortled.

The rest of the class focused on scribbling notes and accomplishing our assignment, seeing that it was an easy feat. I was a reasonably good student, so the task was a breeze.

At the end of the lesson, I departed hastily from the classroom, scouting for Clark. He smiled bashfully, his cheeks glowing with colour. I walked up to him, and since it turned out that we were both available, we agreed to spend the time studying together. I mean, he studied while I stared at him.

I inspected his facial expression and observed the furrowing of his brows while he concentrated on his studying. After a while, though, he looked up from his readings. Aware that I had been eyeing him, he reddened.

"Would you like to have lunch with me today?"

"Of course," he replied.

Next, he inquired about my first lesson, and we discussed it for the remainder of the unoccupied period.

In a few days, Emily and I found ourselves drilling basketball with other team members. Due to the departure of the previous captain, Emily took over as the team leader. She displayed impressive strength, ordering colleagues to train twice as hard. Few could keep up with her, pushing our bodies to the limit.

She typically disregarded our weary bodies, though, incorrectly assuming that she could endure more. "I'm convinced that Tasha hadn't pushed hard enough when she was here, resulting in most of our team not being as fit as they should be."

"How fit should we be, exactly?"

"Fitter. We should always strive for improvement."

She took a sip of her coffee before noticing a familiar figure approaching. It was Clark.

"Hey, small fry. I noticed that you and my friend were exercising earlier. Perhaps you might consider going to the gym to become more attractive next to your girlfriend."

"Emily!" I cried in protest. She yawned nonchalantly.

"You know, even though you're now connected to my friend, I'll be just as rude to you. You're still a worthless sidekick."

"You can't dismiss others just because they don't measure up to your standards. That says more about you than them," said Clark, who displayed more bravery than anyone had ever seen her provoke. Her dismay was noticeable, coupled with her unanticipated defiance.

"That's the best thing you've got; just words," she spat. "Absolutely worthless."

And with that, she turned on her heel and walked away.

Startled, I looked at him wonderingly. "It's amazing that you were able to summon up this much courage after all the times she humiliated you. Where did this courage come from?"

"You helped me find it."

I blushed from the sentiment. "Well, let's go have lunch together, just the two of us," I said, and we headed off to a nearby cafe.

The food was decent considering the cost. While we dined, I inquired about his day.

He replied, "It was okay. As soon as I got to school, I ran into Emily, accompanied by Kate and Amanda. She had a few things to say to me, but as you know, I won't repeat them."

I raised an eyebrow in concern.

Quickly, he reassured me, "Don't worry, I can handle it. I just don't want to talk about it right now."

Feeling a bit uneasy, I suggested, "Well, Emily has been cruel to you for years, but she's my friend too. So, if you could..."

He responded, "I'll deal with her for your sake. And to consider my parents as well, since they are friends."

He spoke in a weary tone.

I smiled at him lightly then insisted on paying the entire bill, covering my dish and his.

We made our way back to campus shortly after. Emily, Kate, and Amanda were waiting for me there. They all waved at me enthusiastically. I approached them with a smile.

Amanda and Kate chuckled when they saw Clark standing behind me. Although he had moments of courage, he could still be quite clumsy at times.

It was evident that Emily still disturbed him, despite his attempts at hiding it. But everyone has flaws, right?

Amanda offered, "Hey, Clark, how was your day so far?"

"It was quite good, actually. And what about yours?"

"I'm in a fantastic mood. I feel like I'm in heaven. If you weren't dating my friend, I'd bring you home and fuck you."

Clark blushed at her remark. I shot Amanda a glare. Kate giggled at her sister's boldness.

Emily interjected, "Don't let being with Sarah make you arrogant. Remember, you're still just a tiny bug. And she's going to abandon you sooner or later."

Irked, I told her, "Shut up."

Ignoring my command, Emily continued, "You know I'm right. Eventually, you'll desert him."

"I won't," I insisted.

Afterward, I led Clark to his class while I headed to mine - the one I shared with Kate.

Kate asked me, "So, how serious are you about that nerd?"

"Very serious," I replied.

Curious, she asked, "Really?"

"Yes. Have you heard what Emily said?"

Holding a remote, Kate smiled at me devilishly.

She whispered, "Right now, I've got a vibrator in my pussy."

Using the remote, she proceeded to masturbate throughout the class, clearly enjoying herself immensely.

Having been with girls before, I found her behavior inappropriate. However, she never displayed such boldness before - the times when she spoke to guys about letting them bang her brain out.

She continued to give herself orgasms, amused by her own brazen demeanor.

Over the next few weeks, Clark and I grew more intimate. It was our first relationship for both of us. He had never been with anyone else before, and I was his first. One day, he paid me a visit after basketball practice. I informed him, "I need some help relaxing my tense muscles. It was a really tiring day. I'm so drained."

Clark shared, "Let me give you a massage, baby." He began kneading my shoulders. As much as he tried, he was still weak and couldn't loosen my muscles too much. My plan, however, did not consist of a massage.

"I meant something else...," I hinted.

Scratching his head in confusion, Clark asked, "What exactly do you mean?"

I revealed, "I want you to eat my pussy, baby."

He looked surprised but eager to please, responding, "Of course. Yes, I'll do that." I bathed him in affection, praising his eagerness to learn how to please a woman.

I took off my shorts, exposing my naked pussy. Watching him make his way towards it, I instructed, "First, kiss my inner thighs. Start slow." He obliged, softly kissing my legs and slowly making his way towards my crotch. "Now kiss right here," I pointed to my vulva. He did as I asked. Licking and kissing, his efforts were commendable, but I envisioned something else.

I tapped my clitoris and suggested, "Now, use your tongue and circle it around my clit." He obeyed. I couldn't help but feel ecstatic, my arousal increasing as his tongue worked its magic.

In no time, I was bucking against him, my body tensing as I approached my climax.

Emitting a powerful moan, I exploded, covering his face in my juices. His cheeks and lips glistened with my fluids. Afterward, he continued pleasuring me till I reached multiple climaxes.

By the end of it all, Clark's face was soaked with my offerings. I felt satisfied yet pleasure-drained - a desirable outcome.

I locked lips with him, feeling fine about tasting myself in the process. Then I complimented Clark, "You did great, sweetheart. Let me reward you now." I unzipped him and pulled down his pants and underwear. His cock was fully erect from tasting me. "Your pussy seems to have turned you on quite a bit, huh?"

He blushed, "Your pussy is so tasty."

I grinned, circling my fingers around his manhood. I started stroking his dick and kissed him on his lips.

His dick was on the smaller side. I jerked his member, kissing him on the lips. He shivered. Moaning into his ear, "I love how you throb in my hand, baby. I covered his semen with my spit, using it as lube.

His dick twitched in my grasp, and I bent down. I took his penis in my mouth and started sucking him.

I effortlessly sucked his small penis. He moaned my name loudly, sounding adorable as he fought not to ejaculate. It was challenging for him to control himself, though. He tried so hard to refrain from reaching climax but eventually couldn't handle the pressure.

"I'm about to cum!" he warned me. I just sucked him harder.

I touched his sack and rubbed his testicles while I gave him a blowjob. Clark had his eyes tightly shut. He screamed as he released his seed in my mouth.

He came in a frenzy. I swallowed his cum, letting it slide down my throat.

The boy collapsed, exhausted.

I gently caressed his hair and his face, and then I stood up to use the bathroom.

With a wicked smile on my nice-looking face, I said, "Clark! Wake up and come here, please."

His eyes opened. He got up and walked towards the bathroom. He frowned when he saw me using the toilet. I quickly stood up.

"Let me clean my pussy with your tongue," I requested.

He couldn't believe his ears. The reserved boy slowly nodded. He got down on his knees and gave me his tongue.

I watched him stretch his tongue to me. He seemed nervous before tasting my urine, relaxing afterwards.

"Your piss actually tastes nice," he huffed. I raised my eyebrows.


We then ate a proper dinner before I took him back home. I kissed him again and told him I'd see him again soon.

Later, I met up with my friends at our usual hangout spot.

Emily, Amanda, and Kate were having coffee when I saw them. I joined them at the table.

Kate asked, "How's it going with him right now?"

"Fine. In fact, he ate my pussy for the first time today."

"Did you teach him well?" Emily questioned.

"Yep. Definitely."

Kate added, "I can help you teach him some other things too."

Emily said, "Don't talk about fucking another girl's boyfriend, Kate."

Kate shrugged, "I'm just talking, not actually doing anything at all. Honestly, I don't see any harm in it. Are you two okay with it, Amanda?"

"Yes, I am."

My stomach growled. I quickly ordered a turkey sandwich and continued chatting with my friends while waiting for the sandwich to arrive.

When the waitress brought over the sandwich, I quickly dug in. It tasted great to me, maybe because I was very hungry and desired food.

Having a demanding athletic lifestyle requires constant hunger and nutrients.

My friends also ordered food to eat with their coffee.

Once we'd paid for everything, we left.

I went back to Emily's place to help her. She needed some assistance, which is why I was at her house instead of mine.

Two months later, everything changed.

I left the locker room to find Kevin. Kevin was a tall, strong linebacker with a charming face. He greeted me with a smile. I smiled back and said, "Hi, Kevin."

"Hey, Sarah."

Oh, Kevin's voice, so mesmerizing. It made my vagina wet.

"I'm actually searching for someone to help me with my Physics assignment," I said.

He agreed, "Certainly. I enjoy Physics."

I provided Kevin with my contact information. He tucked the paper in his pocket and smirked.

Later that afternoon when I said goodbye to Clark, "I need to leave, sweetheart. I'll call you later tonight."

"Okay, see you later, baby."


I waved at him as I rode my bike home.

Shortly after arriving at my house, I prepared for the shower I intended to take. Instead...

I left my bag in my room and fetched a snack from the refrigerator. I ate the madeleine and waited.

Kevin arrived twenty minutes later.

"Ready to start working?" he asked.


I instructed him on the task, and he nodded in agreement. We started working on the Physics assignment.

few minutes later, Kevin and I had completed the Physics assignment. He left with a wave.

I proceeded to shower, cleansing myself from the day's events.

We ventured to my retreat where he aided me in comprehending our latest lesson. I must admit, he's quite astute, even though he spends the majority of his hours competing in sports. He comprehended all of our instructor's teaching and scribbled thorough notes.

Several hours had passed, and he cast me a glance and mentioned, "You know, I've always desired to be with you."

"Truly?" "Yes. It's unfortunate you have that boyfriend now."

I stated, "If we sleep together, he doesn't need to be aware."

"He doesn't?"


He swayed nearer and kissed me on the lips. His indiscreet action left me surprised. He encircled me with his brawny arms and I caressed into his embrace.

The savor of his lips was electrifying.

His hands chanced upon my buttocks and compressed my plush buttocks. I moaned.

It felt captivating having him squeeze my vast buttocks with his brute hands. His toned fingers biting into my fleshy globes made me even more eager.

I had never been more enticed than I was that day.

My pussy craved, longing to be plundered.

I hungrily stumbled upon his zipper and discarded it swiftly, extracting his pants, then his boxers.

His dick appeared, towering at eight inches. It was also bulky, with a girth equivalent in length to the shaft.

Licking my lips, I descended on my knees and encircled my hand around him.

I commenced stroking his phallus. He moaned, fingering my curly hair.

"Yessss, sweetheart. Stroke my penis," he hissed. I strove his tongue down the bottom of Kevin's penis, licking up the delectable pre-semination. The transparent liquid was mouthwatering. I continued creaming him with my tongue while he groaned my appellation.

Welding him within my mouth, I serviced him a fellatio. He was far more substantial than Clark. Kevin's penis was much more extensive and also significantly thicker.

I could immerse him in my pharynx and that's what I did. He raped my throat, Using me as a fleshlight. My quim longed for it. Before long, he attained the proceedings of no return.

He erupted vocally prior to ejaculating, coating my throat with semen.

He removed his still hard penis from my lips and I passenger him, "That was stellar, yet currently I crave you to rape me."

I collapsed upon my back, permitting him to resume the pinnacle position.

He diplomatically championed his penis into me. It was gargantuan. I gasped in astonishment at how much he filled me.

At first, it successfully tormented me, yet the distress rapidly turned into something else. It metamorphosed into pleasure. His hands reached my enormous breasts. He manipulated my mammary glands whilst forcing me.

He expanded his thrusts.

I moaned his name as he thrashed me, carrying his penis in and out of my widening hole. I was soggy, drenched beyond any prior event. His considerable penis was splendid.

He comprehended how to employ it too, meeting my G-spot with every chop. He laid out his tongue and amorously kissed me whilst screwing me, first proceeding cautiously, permitting me duration to adapt.

Subsequently, he hammered me roughly.

My moans shrieked out as he smeared me, pushing his penis within my gaping hole. I was deluged, more slick than ever. His colossal penis was truly exceptional.

Kevin maintained thrusting me stubbornly for almost twenty minutes until he approached climax. He groaned violently and spewed, evaporating inside my crotch. He released his seed with tremendous force. I sensed it in my belly.

"Yes!" I screamed in appreciation. His inundating me with jism fueled a momentous orgasm for myself. I stammered as I drenched the region with my liquid.

He withdrew, turned me around, and cold mycheeks. Next, he engulfed my ass with his saliva and my juices, utilizing them as lubricator. He slowly infiltrated me, thrusting his enormous phallus into my rear end.

I spasmed in amazement.

As soon as he lodged himself completely inside, he granted me occasion to become acclimated. Afterward, he resumed tumbling.

His rape of my anus proved skillful, deepening me, sloping me roughly.

"Your anus is so exquisitely snug," he growled. Anal sex was invigorating. I howled louder and louder. "Ahhhh, your dick is marvellous!"

"Larger than your boyfriend's?"

"Yes! Your cock is superior!" Then, I pilfered my telephone and commenced recording a clip of him assaulting me in the anus.

I communicated into the camera, "Watch, Clark! Kevin is sodomizing me so well! His phallus is making me feel so good! He is entering my anus and I'm close to cumming! I no longer desire you and your dwarf dick! I'm leaving to be with him!"

I concluded registering myself receiving fucked by Kevin and restored my telephone to him, apprising him to champion his cock going into and out of my anus.

He accumulated his semen, gushing deep inside my anus. He submerged my intestines with his genes before taking various photographs of his semen draining from my sphincter.

Kevin reimburse me my telephone. I afterward transmitted everything to Clark. Then, I pressed him and kissed him, cherishing the employment of his lips on mine.

A third person perspective is used to tell the story, not from Sarah's point of view.


Clark scowled as he glanced at his phone. He sat on the couch reading his book when he noticed the notifications. He swiftly checked what his girlfriend sent him. The lad gaped in shock.

His lovely girlfriend sent him a video of her enjoying a rough ride from another guy, letting him know that she no longer wanted to be with him.

She also sent pictures of the other guy's cum oozing out of her thoroughly used anus. The image of her gaping backside broke his heart. He began to cry. It was embarrassing, and he didn't know what to do.

The boy eventually stopped weeping and looked at the clock beside his bed. It was a present from Sarah. He averted his eyes from it, not wanting to be reminded of her. Not after witnessing that. He made his way to the bathroom and washed his face, wiping away the tears, attempting to freshen up.

He then returned to his phone.

With a grim look on his face, he blocked Sarah. He contemplated throwing the clock at the wall but then decided against it.

Despite now despising the person who gifted it to him, it was still a decent clock, objectively speaking.

No reason to destroy something so good.

He grabbed his wallet and left, without informing his parents of what happened. There was no need to make them worry. No, there was no valid reason to distress them. They didn't need to see him bawling his eyes out or acting dejected.

Clark swiftly boarded the bus and headed to the nearest bookstore.

He went to his preferred shelf, attempting to locate a Stephen King novel he had not yet read.

Ten minutes later, he acquired a paperback copy of Misery. It was one he had wanted to purchase for a while but never did so.

He then went to a nearby cafe and ordered a hot chocolate. He settled into a seat, sipping the chocolate, passing the time by reading the initial chapter of his new book.

He found the hot chocolate comforting. It improved his mood. He still wasn't in a fantastic state but felt significantly better than an hour earlier. Much better.

The boy contemplated what he had seen and the relationship he had with her before that. Obviously, he was wrong about her. If she had been the remarkable woman he thought she was, she would never have done such a thing.

It must have been a plan.

That was the only explanation he could come up with. She must have intentionally set out to make him fall in love with her, only to crush his heart for entertainment.

A malicious man might have contemplated retribution, perhaps even committing an act of great violence upon her. But he wasn't like that.

No, Clark merely aspired to spend the rest of his life without ever encountering her again. As soon as high school concluded, he would never have to see her visage anywhere near him. He would never have to be subjected to her presence after graduation.

Then he saw someone who made his already horrible day worse.

Emily was alone, which was unusual since she was typically accompanied by her minions.

He hoped she wouldn't notice him, but of course she did. She saw him and smirked.

The tall girl approached him, saying, "If it isn't my favourite nerd."

"I'm not feeling all that cheerful right now," he muttered, looking at her with hostility.

"What did you say?"

Clark was shocked at his own response and Emily's reaction. He stood up and said, "How about you leave me alone, already?"

Emily studied his face. "Did Sarah finally come to her senses and leave you?" His hesitance in answering made it clear.

"Leave me alone."

When she refused to move, he sighed. He hastily paid for his hot chocolate, grabbed his book, and left the cafe.

Emily followed him.

She grabbed his shoulder, and he turned around, fist raised. Emily flinched.

Clark couldn't fathom how he almost struck her. He had never been tempted to punch Emily before. Okay, maybe once or twice. But he never lifted his hand or seriously considered it.

But that day, he genuinely considered the idea of breaking her jaw.

Eventually, he lowered his fist. Not just because he wasn't a violent person but also because he knew if she fought back, he wouldn't stand a chance. She was far stronger and faster than him. She was a physical anomaly, and he was just...him.

"Leave me alone," he demanded, disrupting his emotional control. His voice cracked. His eyes informed her of his vulnerability, his weakness, and she relished in the moment and stepped closer.

"You're a failure," she taunted.

"Go away, Emily."

Emily shook her head.

"You're pathetic. A coward. Just a pathetic worm."

"And you're a despicable human being!" he exclaimed, causing her to step back. "There's a reason I detest you. Not just one, but several!"

The truth was undeniable. He couldn't stop it. She was an incredibly good-looking girl, particularly physically. There was no chance for him. His erection wouldn't heed his commands.

"Just think about it,"

She released his genitals and walked away, and he couldn't take his eyes off her massive ass. Damn the skimpy skirt, highlighting her curvaceous rear. Why was that mean girl blessed with such an enormous butt?

He returned home that day, shaking his head, mumbling to himself. He was at a loss over Emily. The manner she sexually groped him rendered him dumbstruck and mute.

He spent that night navel-gazing about her smug grin and the fluttering in his stomach.


That night Clark had a restless sleep, struggling to drift off.

A lot transpired within the past 24 hours. So much, too much for him to digest. His mind replayed the events. The way he found out that Sarah cheated on him, how she threw him away so heartlessly...

And then how Emily groped him and kissed him on the lips.

Just contemplating it caused a stir in his groin. He groaned, as he felt his cockSwelling. His erection returned, undeterred by his hourly bout of masturbation. With no other option, he commenced masturbating.


The next morning, he awoke feeling fatigued. He hadn't slept much during the night. Sighing, he gently caressed his eyes and proceeded to the bathroom. There, he brushed his teeth. Looking into his reflection, Clark contemplated everything that occurred the previous day.

He implored himself to stay calm and work things out. It shouldn't be very challenging.

Clark dressed himself and promptly headed to school.

He strolled down the hallways, disregarding the exchange of words around him. Humans are held to be social creatures, so he figured perceive himself as a remarkable exception.

The boy stored items in his locker when someone tapped his shoulder. He spun around, shocked by who it was.

Emily beamed at him mischievously. The brunette was so stunningly attractive that he could feel his heart racing. But the boy was severely hurt by her words in the past. He glared at her and asked, "What the hell do you want?" "What do you think, sweetheart?"

Many gasped in astonishment. Emily was the school's most attractive girl and she just addressed Clark - the nerdy outcast - as sweetheart.

He gaped in awe, before inquiring, "What did you call me?"


"Yeah, what did you call me?"

Emily gestured for the onlookers to disperse. Then she declared, "I know I spent years tormenting you, but I've been in love with you the entire time. I just didn't know how to communicate my feelings adequately. But from now on, I won't be playing games anymore. Just say yes to me, and I guarantee I'll be the ideal girlfriend."

The boy was overwhelmed by the surprising revelation. His world had been stood on its head over and over again within such a short span of time and he was befuddled.

He couldn't articulate a coherent reply.

Ultimately, Clark answered, "Your swagger is attractive."

Emily arched her impeccably formed eyebrows. "Oh really?"

He shyly confirmed it.

"Yeah. You're still so arrogant and convinced I'd accept you, even after everything you said to me. Ironically, that's the very reason I'm saying yes."

His bully embraced him. Startled, the boy said "What?"

Emily entwined her sturdy arms around his body and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"You won't regret it," the tall girl promised.

That day, she remained by his side for as long as they were in the same place, except when they had separate classes.

Clark relished the attention, against his will. Despite everything she had uttered to him, he still felt enchanted by her-charming, her presence enticing and utterly addicting at times.

Then they encountered Sarah.

His ex-girlfriend gawked at them. "Hi," he stammered to her.

Her stance was unreadable. She stared at him, then Emily, and then back at him again.

Then she remarked, "So moved on from me pretty swiftly, didn't you?"

"You made it incredibly easy, nauseating swine."

People gasped. Clark almost gasped himself when he realized what he uttered. A part of him wanted to apologize. But he had gone through enough aggravation already and opted against surrendering.

He walked away with Emily by his side.

One afternoon, Emily dropped off Clark and was about to leave when his mom asked, "Why don't you stay for dinner, sweetie?"

With a grin, Emily agreed.

Clark's parents welcomed the news of his new relationship and showed their delight by being great hosts. They were a bit surprised at how quickly the new couple came together, but were overall joyful nonetheless.

Before leaving, Clark and Emily shared a peck on the cheek. "Good night, my love," he whispered, his cheeks turning a rosy red.

Emily returned the gesture. "Good night, my baby."

Clark went to bed with an unmatched excitement. He had never felt this way, not even with Sarah. Even though it was only the first day of their new relationship, he knew he had found the right person. Everything felt just right.


Five years later

Clark had overcome the pain Sarah had caused, eager to turn the page on their past. Although it would have been great if he could avoid her completely, she was still Emily's friend. The pair remained a happy couple. On their fifth anniversary, Emily knelt down and proposed to her beau.

On the day of their wedding, Emily met Sarah in private.

"I just wanted to thank you," Emily expressed.

"Enough, Emily. It's been years now. You've thanked me enough."

"Had you not broken his heart and shattered his self-confidence, I'm not sure he would have been so easy to manipulate," Emily said.

Sarah smiled. "I still remember that reckless day when you asked me to date the guy you loved and cheat on him just so he could be vulnerable. Then you swooped in and healed his heart."

Both women indulged in nostalgia as they reminisced about their high school days. It was astounding how time had flown by. They both looked radiant, Emily in her beautiful wedding gown and Sarah in her elegant maid of honor dress.

"Alright," said Sarah, "let's get this show on the road."

The happiest day of Emily's life arrived on the day of her wedding. Her husband, Clark, was none the wiser to the scheming between Sarah and Emily in their younger years.

The End.

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