Sex Education Institute

Blake begins his first day at an exclusively male institution for LGBTQ individuals.

May 12, 2024
9 min read
Sex Academyfriendsyoung adults
Sex Academy
Sex Academy

Sex Education Institute


I was full of anticipation. I was beginning my initial day at Sexton Academy. To begin with, I'll tell you a bit about myself before I go too far. My name is Blake Alexzander Ivey. I'm 18 years old, a certified hottie with a physique made for sex, and I'm gay as hell.

I hail from Hattiesburg, MS. And my parents are pastors. You know that saying about pastors' children being the worst? Well, it's accurate. Picture being gay, and both your parents are pastors. Let me tell you, it's worse than you can imagine.

Anyhow, my parents discovered my secret. I had been doing an excellent job of hiding my sexuality. That was until my mom strolled in on the church's youth pastor getting handsy with me. He was trying to dig out my sins while spraying me with his. Do you know how humiliating it is to have your mom catch you with your pants down?

She lost her mind. She spewed curse words that weren't exactly holy. Two months later, I was accepted into the Sexton Academy program for boys. Sexton Academy is a boys-only queer academy. My parents think it's a school to fix my homosexuality, and I fully intend to let them believe it forever. My best friend, Drake, also got accepted. Goodbye, Mississippi, and hello, California! Yes, the school is in a small Northern California town called Ocean Pine.

The entire car journey was simply my parents complaining. They bragged about the hope they had that I'd be the son they'd always wanted and prayed for by the end of my first academic year. I stuck my Airpods in, and Beyonce's "Bodyguard" drowned them out. I marveled at the sights of the Pacific Ocean as we traveled up the mountain. I imagined what life would be like at Sexton, and most of those thoughts were about sex.

The school sat on top of a mountain overlooking the Pacific. A line of cars waited to pass through security to get into the gates. Sexton Academy was a private school, shielded by black gates. The campus was vast, and the school looked like a castle on the English countryside—like the Canfield-Moreno Estate.

Everyone was sporting their school uniforms: burgundy blazers with crisp white shirts. Some were wearing grey pants, and others had khaki pants. My first thought was that maybe this was a terrible decision.

It took two hours, but my parents got me all settled into my dorm room. It was like a posh college. My dorm room featured a living area and a kitchen for cooking, along with two separate bedrooms. I was excited beyond belief to meet my roommate.

Just as my parents were getting ready to leave, we encountered my roommate. Simon ambled in, and I scrunched up my face. I'm not trying to come across as arrogant, but I'd fit in better back home among the popular crowd. He wore nerdy glasses and had his blonde hair slicked back. His face was a bit round with a few red freckles. He was carrying a stack of six books and looked rather frumpy.

"Hello," he said enthusiastically. "I'm your roommate, Simon."

I rolled my eyes, "I get it."

"Simon, are you here for your first year?" my mother inquired.

"Heavens no. It's my second year," he chuckled.

I whispered under my breath, "Please, kill me now."

Just then, a bell began ringing. My parents wondered what the bell was for. I caught a glimpse of Simon, and he grinned mischievously.

"That's the bell to let parents know their time with their children is up. The school year has started," he explained.

My parents bid their goodbyes and left the room. I was stuck with Simon. He held out his books and bent forward, ruffling his hair. He tossed his blazer, snatched off his dress shirt, and, surprisingly, he was sporting a tank top beneath. His arms were rock hard, and I was stunned. He then kicked off his shoes and took off his pants, revealing skimpy shorts. Simultaneously, his nerdy appearance disappeared, and he became a complete transformation.

"Ugh, I hate the first day with these ensembles," he said as he stretched his arms.

"I'm perplexed," I muttered.

He grinned, "We're allowed to wear whatever we want when parents aren't present. This campus is about to be wild, man."

It took me a while to change clothes, so by the time I was comfortable in my shorts, polo shirt, and loafers, everyone was gone. The campus was deserted. That's when I started suspecting this guy might've lied to me. Then, another bell suddenly rang.

"That one's for us," he said.

"You ready to see the school?" I asked as we stepped out.

"Ready and my name's Blake. Let's shake hands," I offered.

We were among the first few people outside, but still, it felt empty. I wondered if I had trusted this guy too quickly. Then, suddenly, speakers appeared out of nowhere, and "Back That Azz Up" by Juvenile started booming.

Instantly, the campus came alive with men of various races and ethnicities. It felt like I had just entered paradise, with all the attractive people around. I could not believe my eyes.

"Shut your mouth, Blake. Flies might come in," he joked.

As we walked, he showed me the different cliques at school. First, we passed by the "trades," a group of mainly Black and Latino guys, playing basketball shirtless. Their moves were so tempting, and my excitement grew even more.

Next came the jocks - a group of attractive White men who were flexing their muscles at the gym. I spotted a few whom I would have gladly married. There was one in particular with short hair, golden locks, and green eyes that caught my attention. When he glanced at me, he licked his lips.

"I'm gonna cum in his pussy!” I blurted out.

"You're wild, Blake," he laughed back.

"You don't even know it," I replied.

We moved on to the Twinks – a mixture of races who waved at us in unison as they walked by. I noticed how Simon looked at them with desire, and wondered if that was his type.

Soon, we approached the long-haired boys, also known as "dread heads." People back home said they had the best dick, so it was a dream come true seeing them in person.

Next, the hippie gays, the conservative gays, the Outcasts gays, and the boy-next-door gays passed by. It was astonishing to see how everyone had their own group.

"BLAKE!" Drake called my name, startling me.

I turned around, and there he was – my best friend from back home, standing next to a hot Brazilian guy. Drake always made me laugh and feel safe. Though not the most popular guy back home, Drake was my ride or die.

"Drake, have you seen these men?" I asked excitedly.

We shared an eyeroll - a common thing in our community that meant knowing exactly what the other was thinking without words.

"I have pregnant ten times on the walk here," he quipped.

"You are so gross," I mock-scolded.

"Hey, Simon. Are you seeing someone?" Drake asked.

"No, I'm single," Simon replied.

"And you might like some dark meat," Drake hinted.

"Blake, I want to fuck you!" I yelled.

Drake and Simon burst out laughing, while Angel - the Brazilian guy - chuckled too.

"This is Angel. Drake forgot to introduce him," Simon said as we reached the last group.

We joked around and bonded quickly. Suddenly, we spotted the "its," a group of men who looked like models, sitting under a tree.

"They run the school. People might say the student council makes the rules, but don't believe it. Before anything can happen, their co-sign is needed," Simon explained.

There were four of them - one White, one Black, one Asian, and one Middle Eastern. These guys commanded attention as they sat there like kings.

"It's like the Plastics from Mean Girls, but with gays," I remarked.

"No, it's more like the Mean Gays," Simon corrected.

The Dark-haired, blue-eyed one was Jett, a toned and athletic guy who looked like a model. His abs alone were inspiring.

"They're lucky," Drake sighed.

"They are," I agreed.

"Most attractive guy on campus?" Simon asked.

"Definitely Jett," I answered.

The White male, with slick hair and a smile to die for, was Jack. The Black man with a seductive smile and ripped body was Zack. Bryan, with a cute smile and dark hair, was the Asian guy. Muhammed, dressed in black, was the Middle Eastern guy.

These four men were the underlining leaders of the school, and it was an honor to be in their presence.

There was this dude they called Phantom - a guy with a rich, chocolate skin tone. No one knew his real name, but he was a looker. Medium height, muscular build, and a smile that could brighten any day.

Next came Alex - baby-faced but all grown up. He had a certain grace about him. Dark brown eyes, and perfect bone structure.

Can you guess who crafted these characters? There was no way they were all natural. It was only then that my gaze fell on the last one - the alpha among their group, and he was perfection personified.

The alpha was Ibrahim, better known as Ibe. Abs of steel, like Jett. Lips as pink and full as anyone could wish for. A glorious smile and eyes that dazzled the beholder. And yes, he had a package that would make even a priest sweat.

"How does one join your group?" I questioned.

Simon shook his head, "You don't. The group has been a quartet since Sex Academy's inception. All the students pick their alpha, and he in turn chooses his three. It's a tough contest - alpha is elected not re-elected."

Angel added, "Doesn't Ibe have to reapply this year?"

Simon chuckled, "You don't challenge an alpha. When he leaves academy, the next year's class picks their own alpha."

Me, being me, blurted out, "This all sounds a bit off."

"Give it some time, Blake. You'll grow to like it here," Simon encouraged.

The day flew by, and we had a grand time. That night, I couldn't sleep. My bed back home still lay claim to my body. It was close to 2 am before I got out of bed.

I tiptoed out of my room, and found myself outside. The night was quiet, and I found myself wandering aimlessly.

"It's past curfew. Come here," the security guard called.

He shone his torch, but I quickly disappeared. I had no idea where I was off to, but I ended up deep in the forest, next to a serene lake. The water, almost the color of indigo. I heard some shuffling in the bushes, and then I saw Ibe standing next to the water's edge.

He took his shirt off, and it revealed broad shoulders and a solid back. Then, I saw him shed his shorts. His butt was a round, smooth sight, his cheeks outlined by black hairs.

"It's wrong to watch people," he said without looking at me.

He had a soothing voice, a feeling that he could leave you speechless. And it was working - I was nervous as hell. He didn't seem like a puzzle, but he had a mysterious aura that piqued my curiosity.

I stepped from behind the tree. He was already partially immersed in the water when he looked up.

"What's your name?" he asked.

I stammered, "I'm Blake."

He stared at me, trying to figure out my game. We were both sizing each other up. He seemed like an enigma waiting to be unraveled, while I - an even bigger mess.

"Join me. The water's comforting," he invited.

I glanced around, and I couldn't help but laugh. I sometimes did that when unsure. Ibe frowned, "Why aren't you in the water?"

With a hint of attitude, I quipped, "Swimming? Isn't there the stereotype that some black people can't?"

He grinned, "I'll teach you how to swim. It's not rocket science. Unless you're scared of showcasing your...still small package."

I had more fears about drowning than showing my naked body to him. I stripped down before stepping in.

Ibe soaked in the sight of my entire naked frame. He perused from top to bottom, but I held my head up high. Then, Ibe dived into the lake, surfacing after just a few seconds. His hair floated from the wetness, just like Ariel in The Little Mermaid.

"You'd think I'd be a better swimmer," he said with a smile.

I called out, "Anyone could've fooled me. You look like something out of a fairy tale."

He stared out at the water, pondering, "You find me beautiful?"

"Oh yes," I replied. "All of you are."

My steps were deliberate as I made my way to the water's edge. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and then plunged into the lake. I surged to the surface, lungs begging for oxygen. I have no idea what compelled me to jump in, but I did it anyway. He chuckled and took hold of my hips. I wriggled a little, trying to get myself together. The entire time, he was trying to calm my nerves.

"I've got you. Just relax!" He spoke in a soothing tone.

My movements ceased, and my breathing steadied. He brushed away the water from my face. Our gazes locked, and we remained that way, floating on the surface of the lake.

"So, what's next?" I inquired.

He flashed a grin, "First things first, I'm gonna teach you how to float. Turn around now and shut your eyes." His voice was gentler this time.

I did as instructed, having my back to him. He crept closer to me. His chest pressed up against my back, and I could feel the weight of his erection pressing into my crack. My own member started to show interest. The whole scenario was quite sensual.

He breathed softly in my ear, "Do you feel that?"

"I sense something," I replied.

My pelvis began to gyrate in a circular motion. His cock reacted, knocking against my ass. This whole experience was equally pleasurable for both of us. I wrapped my hand around his cock. It was thick, heavy, and hefty. I uttered a gasp, totally consumed by the moment. Simon was right. I knew in that instant that I'd love this school.


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