
Sexual Combat Championship - Episode 5

Jenny experiences her first fight while we impulsively bet on the outcome.

May 25, 2024
38 min read
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Sex Fighting League Ch. 05
Sex Fighting League Ch. 05

Sexual Combat Championship - Episode 5

I didn't know what I was hoping for after our fight. I'll admit that a victory parade might have been a bit strange and awkward, so I'd have vetoed that if I could have. A party would have been odd too, but there was nothing. People told me congratulations for my win, but that was it. We had two days off from training to recover, but that was it. Most of these days were spent creating content for our channels. It was about ice baths (naked, though tasteful), and real-life footage of how a fight like that affects the body. Basically, it hurt, a lot. There was also a debriefing session. In short, Round 1, I was shaky and lucky to make it through unscathed. Round 2 was more like a playground brawl than a fight. Lastly, Round 3 was a good demonstration of boxing. My left hook that ended the fight was mentioned, but only briefly. I knew I shouldn't have finished her, but seeing how it happened under the circumstances, they all understood.

It took a day and a half for the aches to fade. I could move without much problem, and although I was still a bit wobbly, you wouldn't have noticed. Abi, meanwhile, was still limping around by day two. She was probably aging faster than a 90-year-old at this point. That fight had taken a toll on her body, and she's feeling it. Medication soon made her fit to fight again. A few hours after our second day of recovery, we had enough content for uploading, so putting out more like it would get repetitive. We had been kept apart for these two days because of our workload, but it also helped produce authentic reactions. Our meetings were strategically planned.

I was lying in bed, catching up on a book when the door opened and Abi walked in. We grinned at each other and I got up to hug her. She hugged back and then sat on her bed. I'm not going to pretend we merely discussed our fight experience and leveraged it for our own learning, we simply chatted like two excited schoolgirls. I lay down with her on her bed, and we gossiped. Our routine and training resumed the next day. We were told to skip any work-related activities for the evening, but I couldn't help but sneak in a little bit of work. However, I was promptly cut off by notification, with no explanation or visit.

An hour after my work access was cut off, it was reinstated with another caution to just take the night off. I took a call from Dad, who inquired about my well-being. Abi listened on, and I tucked my phone away for privacy. It wasn't a big deal, but it was nice to speak to him. He told me he enjoyed the event, more than just because of his tryst with Abi. Even our usual budget-friendly vacations were great memories for me. It was exciting to see him get to enjoy something extravagant. He briefly ventured from these complimentary services and bought a cocktail and a fancy breakfast. I didn't mention it, but I footed the bill (about 100 credits). I didn't want him to feel bad about spending money on me.

After hanging up with Dad, Abi was back, wrapped in a towel. "A lot of chaos outside," she reported.

"Why?" I asked.

"Dave seems to have slept with someone else, and Jenny isn't pleased," Abi explained.

"Oh, haven't heard that before. It's serious or just some huffing and puffing?" I inquired.

She shrugged indifferently. It's hard to say whether Jenny's annoyance was genuine or whether she's playing a role for an audience. "She's not happy."

"She's never amused," I commented, thinking to myself, "Moody woman." She had been difficult to handle for the past few days. I can't be sure if it's her hormones fighting back or something else. As women, our cycles were chemically suppressed, and our hormones were monitored by the medical systems. Adjustments were administered and only checked once or twice a week by a real person. Sometimes these adjustments went a little off, and we had some intense mood swings. It's unusual not to have a period, but in this lifestyle, they were more of a nuisance than anything else. On the plus side, sex was always an option. On the other hand, you had one less excuse if you couldn't be bothered that night.

Abi dropped her towel and I admired her nakedness for a few seconds before she put on some panties. "Is your dad okay?" she asked as she sat at the desk for her skincare routine.

"Yeah, the same as always," I replied. "The ultimate fan," I added with a laugh.

"Haha, yeah. It's bizarre that they have no qualms about showing their mates their daughter fighting in a boxing ring wearing just underwear," she remarked.

I nodded in agreement. "And not even proper underwear," I said. We could still hear the argument going on in the common area between Dave and Jenny. "I'd call a bra necessary underwear."

"Yeah, it's laughable," she agreed with a grin. "Makes a lot of money, though," she said with a smirk. This remark was obviously directed at me. In such a small-scale fight, her share would've been pretty insignificant. My share was also meager, but I won it.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked her.

"Like a bitch who's been beaten up, fucked by her own father, then let the entire audience fuck her senseless," she said with a grin.

"So you're feeling good then?" I replied.

"Hell yes, no complaints," she said with a giggle. She was currently moisturizing her partially naked body, which was rather distracting. "I can't believe you made me squirt. Damn bitch," she said.

"Yup, you definitely made a mess. And in front of your dad," I reminded her.

"Oh my God, don't remind me," she said with a laugh. "Did your dad like my performance?" she asked, protruding her tongue playfully.

"He hasn't complained to me," was my reply.

"Sounds good," she said with a grin. "So, how do you feel about your dad?" she asked while looking at me in the mirror.

"He's fine," I answered with a mischievous grin.

"Really? We haven't talked about my performance when he had sex with me," she said.

"And his performance?" I inquired.

"A dick in you is a dick in you, no matter who the owner is," was her response. "Not the best, but not the worst," she added.

"I meant the one in your ass," I clarified.

"Zip," she said with a shrug. "Breasts, ass, pussy, ass, depending on the placement, it's not great, but the overall experience is essentially the same."

She smiled at me a few times, looking into the mirror to get my attention. This subject wasn't finished, she had more to say. "To be honest?" she asked, to which I just nodded. "It was the kindest, most considerate anal sex I've ever had," she said. "So soft and gentle throughout. He never caused me any discomfort," she explained.

I nodded, smiled at her, and continued to watch as she continued her skincare routine. She was just verbalizing the conflict in her mind, trying to make sense of her feelings. I couldn't help her, though. I can't help her sort out her thoughts until she's able to do so on her own. I don't yet have the experience of having sex with my own father. If he keeps coming to my fights, there'll come a day when I lose and will likely be in the same position as her, but for now, I was just a sympathetic ear.

She stood up and ran her fingers around the elastic of her panties as she figured out how they were sitting. She touched the front of them and stopped for a moment. She faced me and gently guided my hand onto the area in question. "Do I need waxing?" she asked. I looked at her and shrugged. "No, seriously, I'm due for my next wax next week, but I definitely need it," she said as she moved closer to me.

The fabric felt a bit rough. "Probably," I answered. "You'll be able to braid it in a week." It wouldn't, barely any stubble and even in a week, she wouldn't be hairy. I've had to encourage them a few times for 'maintenance'. Different times of the month seem to make it grow faster and slower.

"I could wear it in pigtails and let him fuck me like he sucks on my face with the pigtail handles," she joked. She had a way with words. "I'll remind them," she said before picking up her phone.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked after she finally got dressed in a skirt and T-shirt. "Go out for dinner, or stay in?"

Suddenly we heard Jenny calling Dave some harsh names, and we both just stared at each other. "Going out," we both replied together.

We did our hair and makeup so we both looked gorgeous. We went into the living room to find Jenny and Dave on the couch. Dave was the conciliatory one, while Jenny just glared at him. We felt like we'd disturbed them, but hey, if they wanted to fight, why not in their own room instead of ours?

"Are Darren and Martin in?" I inquired to which Dave replied in the affirmative.

"Stay out of it," Abi said as she put her hands up. I ignored her and made my way to Martin's room. Same here, I won't get involved.

I tapped on his door, inviting him to join us for dinner, and he gladly accepted. As did Darren. We didn't invite Dave or Jenny. No need for that kind of drama during dinner. "Back to the fight," I said as we left the room, gesturing for them to handle their issues. I closed the door quickly. She's not exactly in a joking mood.

Dinner was lovely. The company was great. Darren and Martin are always good for a laugh, always entertaining. They were most likely just glad to get out of the house for a while. I paid for everything as I was feeling generous after winning. The ticket sales were 5000 credits (50 tickets at 100 credits each). The arena kept 80% to cover staff and running costs. There was also the champagne for the board room and the 24-karat gold condoms to take advantage of people. I'm being sarcastic, I'm sure the event is pretty expensive to arrange, but still. The bar takings likely covered most expenses. That left 1000, which was mine as the winner. Less my 75% for the management team, less taxes. Not exactly a large sum, but enough to buy Abi a treat for putting up with that situation. Martin and Darren protested, but not much. I also earned around 200 credits from the betting commission. Totally, 20,000 was wagered on our match. 1% woo, hoo. Again, less the fee and tax. I'd have to keep working, at least for now. Retirement on that amount would be a struggle.

We went to the bar area and treated ourselves to a smoothie each. Darren bought them. We stayed around to give Dave and Jenny enough time to either argue themselves to sleep or to make up. At 11:30, we returned to the house. I gently opened the door, hoping for an empty room, but found Jenny on the couch watching TV in the dark. "You okay?" I asked softly. She just nodded. Her eyes that were closed looked red and swollen, like she'd been crying. I glanced at Abi, who appeared worried with her "she's not okay" eyes. I almost left her sitting there on her own, crying, but then decided against it. Not the crowd she needed right now.

I turned on the coffee machine to get a drink and asked, "Anything to drink?" Jenny shook her head. "Juice?" I suggested, to which she shrugged. She was sat on the couch with her legs tucked up, hugging her knees. I could see her tears glistening from the TV light. And yeah, there was still some tears. I was tempted to leave her alone, but thought better of it. I sat beside her, "See you in a bit," I whispered to Abi, who nodded and went to our room. I couldn't leave her there all upset by herself. Nope, much better that I stay and console her. Or better yet, have sex with her. Leaving was a tough decision, but the right one I think.

"Water?" I suggested, to which she shrugged again. I placed a glass of water on the table beside her, then headed back to the kitchen to wait for my coffee to finish brewing. I took a sip, enjoying the taste. Coffee is one of my favorite things. Even if the machine had decided on its own that I wanted decaf at this late hour. "Wanna talk about it?" I inquired.

Shock and gratitude registered on her face. Though I couldn't stand her, she was still a woman, and as such, she had feelings. Once upon a time, I got teary-eyed over a guy. It's nice to have company during those moments. I noticed she shrugged, which was an improvement from a "no, leave me alone." So, I sat beside her on the couch.

I glanced at the TV for a moment. "Anything good on?" I asked.

"No clue," she said, "I'm not watching it."

"Probably for the best," I said, "At this hour, options are usually limited to crappy shows or porn." I added a chuckle.

She smiled at my remark and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. I offered her a tissue. "I thought we had something," she confessed. Now was my chance to hate myself for the coffee machine's decision. I bit my tongue, and just waited. "Why do guys suck?"

"Basically, that's all they have," I said in an indifferent tone. She smiled, then took a sip of her water. "You had no idea we were together."

"We were always quiet about it," she said, "It's easier that way."

"You were really discreet," I complimented, "And it's no small place."

She continued to tell me the story of her relationship with Dave. It ended abruptly when she found him in the midst of another girl. Like many relationships in this environment, simplicity is hard to achieve. I didn't share this with her, but she may be due for a fight soon, and if she loses that, she may take some cock. It's a strange world. Still, I managed to crack a grin out of her.

I climbed onto the sofa and propped my feet on the cushion, watchful of the TV. Thankfully, the channel changed to the news and weather reel; I didn't think Jenny needed to watch porn right now. "Thanks," she said sincerely.

She rose, heading towards her room. "Are you okay?" I inquired. She nodded as she left. "No, no," I replied, "Anytime."

She embraced me once more and made her way to her room. I was about to settle into my own when Abi spoke from where she lay in the dark: "She's okay, right?"

"Yep," I answered, "She thought they were exclusive, but he hadn't received the memo."

"And guys can be jerks," Abi finished for me, causing me to grin. My talks with Jenny had been rather pleasant.

We laid side by side, faces pressed together. I smiled at my girl. "Thanks for dinner," she murmured in the dark.

"Any time," I replied, then leaned in for a kiss, which she returned. We played with each other for a while, snuggled and touched. Our phones pinged simultaneously, alerting us of the 1 am curfew. While we shouldn't have been awake, napping all day and training often helped us clear our minds. "Feels like we're kids," I joked.

She giggled with me, and our lips met tenderly in a kiss. "Night," she whispered. She rolled away so she faced me, and I followed suit. Our backs touched, legs entwined. We shifted closer until we were end to end and spooning. After a while, I fell asleep, but my rest was haunted by another nightmare. I didn't wake Abi up. Instead, I laid awake, daydreaming about my dream.

While I was still awake before my alarm went off, I couldn't seem to fall back asleep after experiencing a terrifying nightmare. Time seemed to be ticking by excruciatingly slow. When the alarm finally sounded, Abi turned it off, mumbling angrily. She stayed in bed until the second alarm, then threw the blankets off of both of us and awkwardly climbed over me. Before fully getting up, she stopped to give me a naked morning kiss and a Hug. She blew me a goodbye kiss as she walked away, heading to the bathroom clad in just a T-shirt. Feeling slightly refreshed thanks to her interaction, I rose from bed, dressed in a T-shirt, and walked into the living room. I turned on the coffee machine, excited that I could have proper coffee.

Tensions were high between Jenny and Dave. I knew it would become a problem soon, as living in such a small space would require civility, and it had been just a few hours since they had last interacted. So, I kept quiet and didn't say anything about their unwillingness to communicate. My mood was already foul from not sleeping well last night.

"You seem troubled," Abi remarked while we were getting ready in the morning.

"I'm just late to bed and didn't get much sleep," I replied.

"It's a common occurrence for you. Many nightmares, isn't it?" she asked.

"I suppose so," I said with a shrug, unable to argue with that. I probably had one nightmare at least once a week. Sometimes more.

"Can I help?" she asked.

"I don't think it matters," I responded.

"You should tell them anyway," she said with a grin.

"But my medical feeds haven't flagged it," I said.

"They check during the day, not at night," she pointed out.

"True, but some would argue that it could be serious," I said, only half jokingly.

"They'd kick you off the program if you had a brain tumor," she countered. "Just tell them. Dreams can be really loud, and you're a light sleeper." The playful tone of the conversation belied her warnings.

"Alright, I'll mention it," I promised.

"Do it today," she urged. "They can probably stop them," she joked.

"Once I've dealt with this," I said, directing my gaze towards her eye-catching eyes.

"Promising?" she teased.

"I will," I repeated, locking eyes with her, realizing how stunning they were.

"Promise me," she pleaded, "They would drive me mad." She added a grin to her warning.

Training felt arduous after a couple of days of absence. "Excuse me, Rachel," I approached her at the end of the day.

"Go ahead," she replied, watching me suspiciously.

We slipped into a side room. "A private conversation, if you will?" I requested from the AI. Although the systems were recording everything, we could turn off voice-recording functions during these moments.

"Certainly," she replied, seeming very uneasy. "What's up?" she asked cautiously.

I took a deep breath. "I've been having a lot of nightmares," I admitted.

"Recently?" she inquired.

"For quite some time," I said.

"Two. four. Seven? How often would you say?"

"Every week, at least once," I confessed.

"We'll look into it," she assured me. "Anything else?"

I shook my head. "No," I replied.

"There's nothing else?" she probed.

"No," I reiterated.

"Fucking hell, Sophie," she breathed out in relief. "I thought you were calling it quits," she said, giving me a big hug. Feeling strangely comforted, I melted into her arms. "You'll be fine," she assured me as she hugged me before letting me go.

I thanked her and headed back to the changing rooms. As I prepared to leave, I received a message from medical, inviting me to visit them. I immediately made my way there to clear up any potential concerns. Sonia smiled when I arrived at the medical office. "Hi, Sophie. Please, have a seat," she said invitingly. "Any nightmares?" she asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Let me start off by saying," I began hesitantly, "I was about to say 'Rape,' but I couldn't get it out." My voice broke as I continued, "She had a gentle expression and set her clipboard aside, giving me her full attention. 'What's wrong?' she inquired. I simply nodded, 'I've never been raped.'"

Her eyes held sympathy as she asked, "Always the same subject?"

"Yep," I affirmed.

"Same events?"

"Pretty much," I replied.

"We need permission to monitor you while you sleep," she requested.

"What do you mean?"

"Medical science hasn't quite cracked the human brain yet," she explained, "We can't tell what you're dreaming or what you're doing, or who you're doing it with. If that's what you're asking," she added with a warm smile. I returned the smile, "Yes, feel free to monitor me."

She handed me a tablet for my signature. After glancing through the text quickly, I signed it with my fingerprint. "We'll pick up the next one from you, but please flag it."

"What causes them, though?" I inquired.

She shrugged, "It could be anything. Often it's something you've eaten or a part of your routine."

"And can you stop them?"

"Usually, you just need to stop eating that thing or change your routine. Or keep having nightmares. It'll be up to you."

"Great," I murmured.

The training returned to normal after that. There were two more weeks of it, with Jenny having a fight scheduled for the following week, so she was training on her own. Myself and Abi, however, were training partners. It still hurt like hell to exercise, but at least I only lost my clothes in stressful situations. I did feel bad for the trainers who enjoyed watching me squirm, but such was life.

Swimming was introduced as a low-impact workout twice a week. I loved swimming. I'd never really done it before due to the expense, but I enjoyed it. It was also the event that was the most challenging to my modesty - two swims, twice naked. Luckily, I wore a one-piece costume, so if I missed a target, a skinny-dipping session ensued. Incidentally, swimming naked felt amazing.

Jenny had been preparing for her fight for several days. She'd been moved out of the shared housing a few days prior to her match, as we had been. The change of location helped her concentrate. She was facing a girl called Lisa from a rival gym. Like many other planned fights, they were both at a similar stage in their careers and the arena had determined it would be a fair match. Scheduled for the late afternoon, we had been granted leave to watch it if we wished. We weren't obligated to, but we had no obligation otherwise, so Myself, Abi, Dave, Martin, and I decided to watch it at home.

We contemplated going to a bar to catch the fight, but ultimately decided to stay at home. It was more comfortable, and after a full day of training, none of us felt like getting dressed up to go out. She was featured on a local stream channel without any broadcasters picking it up, so the quality was decent, but the commentary was awful. The commentators spoke over each other, and after a few tries, we muted them.

"Do you have any money on her?" Dave asked Abi.

"I do, fifty pounds," she answered.

I looked at her, then at Dave, then back to Abi, "Me too."

"Anyone else?" he inquired.

We shook our heads. "May the best fighter win." We sat huddled on a small sofa, the three guys on the other sofas. We shared the single-seat sofa chair, but our small frames made it an acceptable arrangement.

"Who do you think will win?" Dave inquired.

I shrugged, "I'm rooting for Jenny." Abi did the same. We toasted to her success.

As Jenny stepped into the ring, excitement coursed through me. I knew how she felt and, in a strange way, I envied her. Soon I was lost in the thrill of the fight, and I didn't even care if I lost my clothes. I only hoped she emerged victorious. And she did.

After the fight, I felt a rush of emotions. I was so relieved that it wasn't me again and yet jealous of her experience. When she returned, I gave her a hug, saying, "It was great to see you compete in the sport you love!" Dave, Abi, Martin, and I were all there to cheer her on. It was delightful to see the adrenaline rush she felt and wished it were mine. But alas, that was for the next challenge.

"Definitely gotta join in, right?" Martin chuckled, "I'm betting Lisa will give Jenny a run for her money, though."

"Not a chance! Jenny's got this!" Abi defended.

"Maybe," Darren agreed, "But Lisa's just observing for now. I predict it'll be over quickly."

"Stopped or KO?" Dave inquired. Dave and Jenny used to be a couple, but they're no longer together.

"I'd say stopped," Martin replied, "Jenny's so stubborn; I think Lisa has the advantage."

I knew I was being egged on. That instinct where you just know you're being teased into something? It didn't stop me, though. "Nah, no way, Jenny wins by KO in round two! If she does, I quadruple my money."

"Tax-free," Abi grinned. We weren't taxed on gambling winnings, and we didn't have to pay the management cut either. Our habits were closely watched, though, and any sign of it becoming a problem and they'd be on it like white on rice.

"How confident are you?" Dave asked with a sneaky smirk.

I didn't like the route this was going, but I couldn't resist a challenge. I'd been swimming more frequently that week, but had no money invested. "Confident," I replied.

"Want to make it more exciting?" Dave inquired.

"What did you have in mind?" Abi asked.

Dave pondered for a moment and grinned at her. "If Lisa wins, you two do whatever we like. If Jenny wins, we do what you want."

"Hell no, I will not have sex with you," Abi said. I'm pretty sure she said that because she wasn't fond of Dave. The truth was, though, that was a 50-50 fight. Both were rookies, having never fought in front of a live audience. There was a risk they could both just crumble under the pressure or get overawed. I cheered for Jenny, wanting her to win, though wasn't overly confident about it. I wasn't confident enough for a sex wager, though.

"Blowjobs?" Martin suggested.

Abi glanced at me, but didn't wait for my response. "Nope, not doing that." I suspect she was aware that I'd not be up for that wager. In truth, it was a close match; either could crumble and lose.

"So just straight blowjob roulette?" Martin asked.

"Right," Abi agreed, "We'll swap every minute or so for as long as it takes you to cum."

"Swallow?" Darren inquired.

"Yup, I'll swallow," Abi confirmed, glancing at me.

"And me?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah, you swallow," Abi said as she glimpsed at me.

"Anyone else wanna add a condition?" Dave asked with a smirk.

"Challenging!" I replied with a grin.

"If Lisa wins, don't give us the shitty blowjobs, so you don't have to swallow," Abi said with a playful smirk.

"What's a shitty blowjob?" Martin asked, looking genuinely perplexed.

Abi just bit her teeth together menacingly and grinned at him. Martin shielded his groin defensively, "Ugh, yeah, that's a thing."

"How about we snowball it?" I suggested, grinning. "Give a little incentive to make them cum in your own mouth, so you can spit it into the other girl's."

"Yeah, OK," Abi smiled, glancing at me.

"Naked?" Dave inquired.

"If us naked?" Abi asked, which he agreed to. "Alright, if Jenny wins, you three have a blowjob roulette. One each. No snowballing; that would be messy."

I grinned. This was a great deal, no matter who won. I'd performed oral before and was more than happy swallowing the result. All three of them were inexperienced with blowjobs, so it would be fun. There's not a lot to prepare you for when a guy cum in your mouth. The feeling's utterly unique, for better or worse. [Paraphrase] [end] In conclusion, Martin, Abi, Darren, and Dave were having a casual conversation, discussing a fight involving Lisa and Jenny. Martin confidently believed that Lisa would be victorious, but others had different opinions. They came up with a game where the losers had to perform sex acts on the winners. Abi agreed to a blowjob roulette as their wager if Jenny lost, but she made it clear that she would not have sex with Dave. Dave suggested a more explicit wager, but Abi was uncomfortable with it. Martin tried to lighten the mood by offering a compromise where the losers would all perform blowjobs on each other, and they would snowball it by swallowing the cum. Dave and Abi agreed to this. This made for an even exchange since they would all be exposed to something new, regardless of who won.

They exchanged a few words, but eventually, they reached a consensus. It was a bet that they shouldn't have entertained in the first place. It was a high-stakes situation for them, as none of them had a penchant for homosexuality. Sucking a male genital organ is quite intimate, and if you're not attracted to it, there's no way to maintain distance during the act. I didn't have an intense craving to perform oral sex on three guys, but the possibility of witnessing the three of them sharing the responsibilities was compelling enough for me to take the risk. It seems that the male urge to have their genital organ stimulated by a scantily-clad girl is stronger than logic. Had the roles been reversed, I wouldn't have participated, as I adore being licked out, but the thought of being observed while providing and receiving such pleasure would be unpalatable. At any rate, it was now Jenny's responsibility. She had no idea that she was in charge of the fate of all five of us.

Jenny looked stunning, as always. Her confidence radiated, and she carried herself with panache. She was also visually pleasing, as she danced around the boxing ring in nothing but a pair of sparkly pink panties and matching gloves. Her breast size was ideal for boxing with no top on - not too large to be a nuisance during boxing, but large enough to offer some bounce to the crowd as she sauntered around. She seemed focused. Despite the challenges she faced earlier in the week, when she separated from Dave, she appeared ready.

Lisa, Jenny's opponent, was a little heavier. She didn't weigh a great deal, but she clearly held a weight advantage over Jenny. She looked adorable, wearing traditional blue and white panel-style gloves and a pair of bright pink panties. Her breasts were ample, providing plenty of bounce as she strutted around the ring. She also had perky nipples.

The rules were put forth as per usual. They touched gloves following the first bell. It was a five-round match, and victories were obtained through knockouts or decisions. Twenty-five spectators were in attendance, so it was hardly a sell-out, but all the males were present for one reason alone. There was no physical contact outside of the ring beforehand. There was no sucker punch from either fighter, so neither risked losing popular support.

Jenny was more agile, but Lisa was more potent. Every punch Jenny directed at Lisa was absorbed, and she just grinned, unfazed. She connected with Jenny a couple of times, but nothing was exceptionally powerful. The first round was the most competitive, but Lisa seemed to tire by the tail end of round two. By the third round, she looked spent, as Jenny continued to torment her with her nimble jabs.

In round four, Jenny went on the offensive with multiple lefts and rights. Each hit landed and found their target, and Lisa stumbled a bit. She felt the impact and stepped back slightly. Jenny got too close, resulting in Lisa wrapping her arms around Jenny's body to stall for time. She was short of breath, while Jenny continued her assault. She received a caution for headbutting after the referee separated them, but it didn't matter - I was unsure about the first round, but Jenny won the second, third, and fourth rounds definitively. One more remained.

"Let's hope you love the taste of cum," Abi jokingly said to Martin.

"Does anyone?" I inquired. In my experience, I've never spoken to anyone who enjoyed tasting semen. Some enjoy the sense of power and control that comes with sucking a penis, but no one I've spoken to has expressed a liking for the taste. It's a bizarre combination of sweet, salty, and bitter, with an unusual metallic aftertaste.

"Good point," Abi agreed, "I just hope you don't vomit, as that would detract from the mood."

We all had a good laugh. Abi and I chuckled heartily as it was quite likely the semen would splash onto the back of their throats, causing a mess. The guys' laughter was nervous since they acknowledged the possibility. I have been in such a situation before, and I know to keep my tongue out or angle him up into the roof of my mouth. It's usually easy to tell when he's about to ejaculate, but mistakes can happen, and I've even spat a misted spray of sperm on more than one occasion.

Jenny came out swinging. Her self-confidence was through the roof. She knew she was going to win and wanted to make it more memorable. Lisa tried defending herself, but the sound of Jenny's punches alternated between leather hitting leather and leather hitting skin. Jenny dominated in that final round, dictating where Lisa had to protect herself and then landing one in her body or in her face. Lisa was barely holding on and credit must be given, but she was far behind after the first round.

The cameras cut to Lisa's bench for a moment as they watched her medical status. The guy with the towel stood ready, but he shook his head at the people watching her medical data. She was in pain. Go Jenny, finish her off!

Lisa landed a punch, but it merely bounced off Jenny. I'm not sure she even felt it. Adrenaline and power deficiency from Lisa and unrelenting force from Jenny were both at play. The spectators cheered her on, even the guys who seemed to have forgotten the stakes if Jenny won this fight. I couldn't contain my excitement, eagerly anticipating seeing the three guys undress and take turns sucking each other's dicks. Lisa threw a punch, which mostly connected with Jenny's stomach. She protected her body now, and Jenny assaulted Lisa's face. Lisa ducked a few punches, but she received a few good hits to her face.

The crowd at the match went wild. This was a spectacular spectacle. Not a good one for Lisa, but as a show, it was awesome. I couldn't believe Lisa could still defend herself, let alone keep returning a couple of punches. Jenny had knocked me out with one clean hit. It was then I realized how fragile I was.

Suddenly, the crowd grew quiet. Jenny had landed a devastating hit on Lisa, and her head snapped back violently. That wasn't the cause of the silence, though, as at the same time, Lisa had thrown an uppercut and they collided. Both felt it, and Lisa staggered back, but caught herself on shaky legs. Jenny couldn't, she stumbled and slumped back into the ropes, toppling onto the mat, her ass landing with a thud.

"No!" I yelled at the TV.

"No way," Dave said, with a hint of hope, "Was that a slip?"

I just stared at the TV as the referee counted. I knew she wouldn't rise from that. The count reached seven, and her eyes were still spinning in their sockets. She was counted out, and the crowd erupted in applause again. Lisa barely celebrated. She lifted her arms before collapsing to the mat in her corner and the drones picked up her mumbling, "Fucking hell that hurt."

Jenny remained seated as she was tended to. She was fine, just stunned, but not as much as we were. When I knew she was alright, my thoughts turned to my own situation. Three cocks to suck. For Christ's sake. The match was temporarily halted for ten minutes while the girls recovered. Both were incapable of continuing at that moment in time, but a few supplements and stimulants and they would be back in action.

"So," Dave said, beaming from ear to ear.

"So," Abi echoed, smiling sardonically at him.

The three of them just grinned at us. There was no question of us avoiding it. Fair's fair, and a bet is a bet. Fair enough. We stood up from the sofa and moved to the front. Time to completely disrobe.

"Are you wearing underwear?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No, you?"

I didn't answer immediately, instead reaching up to pull my t-shirt over my head, revealing my naked breasts. I tossed my underwear towards the guys. "Not now," I said with a laugh.

"After three?" Abi asked, to which I nodded.

She counted us down and simultaneously, we lifted our t-shirts over our heads, exposing ourselves, and dropped them on the floor. Our nakedness might not be worth much, but the excitement of a live show compensates for it. Although it's worthless, it's still quite humiliating. I detested losing, even if it were just the flip of a coin like that fight turned out to be.

"Who's first?" I inquired.

They debated among themselves while determining the order. "Come on," Abi urged as she led me to the side, "Let's go brush our teeth. The first guy will get a minty fresh taste," she teased as we went to the bathroom.

"Have you snowballed before?" I asked once we had some privacy.

"Nope," she replied, brushing her teeth, "How hard could it be?" she asked while dribbling toothpaste from her mouth, down her chin, and onto her chest.

I just laughed at the coincidence. That looked quite suggestive. "Excellent timing," I chuckled.

"It's sexy," she grinned, brushing away the toothpaste, "Two girls sharing cum is always a hit. I doubt there will be any complaints even if we completely mess it up. Ready?"

"Yep," I replied.

We returned to the room, and the order was Martin, Darren, and Dave. I don't know how they decided the order or if it made a difference to me. Abi and I used rock-paper-scissors to determine who went first, which I lost, so I was first. It didn't matter much; if he didn't ejaculate in my mouth, I would be swallowing it secondhand, and if he did ejaculate in my mouth, I'd still have the taste. Winning seemed non-existent here; I had already lost, I think.

Martin remained standing, and Abi threw one of the sofa cushions on the floor for me to kneel on.

I looked up at him and, with no indication that he was not ready, I gently grabbed him and led him into my mouth. He hardened upon contact with my hand and was fully erect by the time he was in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around him as I sucked him. I bobbed my head up and down on him, sucking him off. I felt uncomfortable. I've never had any complaints about my blowjob skills, but I've never received such a critical audience – a girl, in this case. She'd be critiquing my technique while I was doing the same. She didn't say anything, though.

My minute was up, and I moved out of the way. Abi took my spot and continued where I left off. Her technique was the same as mine. She went a little deeper, but she used the same method. SPOILER ALERT - We were both using the "Just cum quickly" technique with hands, mouth, lips, and tongues all at the same time.

We changed places again, and I was surprised by the difference in taste. I'm aware that seems like a strange observation, as he was quite wet with Abi's saliva. It wasn't unpleasant; in fact, it was quite pleasing. Tasted better than the first time around. I sucked him as hard and fast as possible without losing my tempo. He was moaning and thrusting his hips in synchronization with my head's movement. "Remember to warn her," Abi said to which he simply grunted.

I looked up at him, smiling as I enjoyed him, and widened my eyes to appear innocent. He gazed down at me, and if I didn't know any better, there seemed to be a look of love in his eyes. "Forty-five seconds," Abi said as she counted the minute up.

"I'm going to cum," Martin groaned.

Abi's response: "Five seconds." And with that, she knelt next to me, taking over effortlessly.

He came so near, and it would have been mean to delay for even the slightest moment. The contrast of sensations could potentially undermine the experience for him. That in and of itself would be quite amusing, but not quite fair. I held my hand up to Abi who comprehended the meaning and lowered herself to her knees, simply watching. "Yes," Martin moaned as he fixated his gaze on me while I sucked him. I had surpassed my 60 seconds when his cum shot into my mouth, and I contemplated whether I would have had enough time to transfer it to Abi, but it was too late at this point. At least I wasn't swallowing it. I enveloped him with my lips and utilized my hand to drain every last drop he was ready to dispense. I squeezed him with my lips as I withdrew him and sealed my lips together.

I opened my mouth and demonstrated, along with everyone else, the load that was currently in my mouth. The gluey fluid adhered to the inner surface of my mouth, my teeth, and my tongue as I combated my gag reflex. I yearned for nothing more than to either ingest it or expel it immediately. It was not the tastiest of substances to retain in your mouth. Or perhaps I merely needed more practice. I lowered my tongue into the rear of my mouth so the semen oozed over it and my teeth. I almost succumbed to the gag reflex, but I quickly reasserted control.

Abi smiled at me as I manipulated the cum in my mouth, but she knew what was about to transpire next. She prevailed in a position against the sofa while seated on the floor. She adjusted her head to check the angle. This also provided me with an indication of her plan. I shifted in front of her and, when she tipped her head back, I positioned my mouth above hers. "Closer," Abi softly whispered to me, "Quite close, not much distance, but so they can witness it."

We were moments away from a rather bizarrely angled kiss, yet our lips never touched. I circulated it in my mouth again so it was all in the front and then allowed it to trickle from my mouth into hers. She was like a chick in the nest awaiting sustenance. I used my tongue to push the last remnants of it into her mouth and stepped away. There was a sliver of it remaining, but there was no enticing means to pass the very last parts, so I swallowed that myself as I emerged. She toyed with it for a few seconds and then ingested it. She opened her mouth as affirmation. "Tasty," Abi stated as the semen touched her stomach. She was either lying or peculiar, or perhaps a bit of both. That was the most sexually charged and simultaneously most unsettling thing I have ever been a part of, and I have engaged in some eccentric behaviors in the throes of passion. I was heavily aroused despite everything. "Who's next?" Abi queried as she rose.

Martin appeared completely contented, while Dave and Darren seemed like they'd be unable to last longer than a few seconds before ejaculating. Darren took up position, extracted himself, and Abi commenced clerical duties for 60 seconds. She gulped him and let him penetrated her mouth. He wasn't sufficiently large to trigger a significant gag reaction unless he thrusted himself into your throat and maintained himself there. She experimented with the texture and tightness of her mouth as he slid in and out of it. I crouched behind her after 45 seconds, and as the clock ticked down to zero, I maneuvered my head next to Abi's. She removed him from her mouth and, using her hand, positioned him into mine without a hitch. "Oh Fuck," Darren groaned as he sensed the shift in the opening that had been embracing him.

He copulated my face, and I endured without cumming. Smaller penises are significantly simpler to manipulate. My mouth serves the purpose of simulating my vagina but with the added benefits of my tongue and teeth. If you can apply to my mouth what you would do if you were inside my vagina, then it feels like a more natural exchange. He humped my face, and I anticipated him to cum, but he didn't. I sensed Abi's cheek against mine as she opened her mouth for him. I withdrew him and moved him into hers. "Holy fucking hell," Darren declared loudly as the opening that had been encircling him changed again. "I'm cumming," he gasped.

A warning sounded unimportant as I listened to Abi's uneven breathing signal his impending climax, and he shot his load into her mouth with a similar timing. Uncreditable to me, she managed it. Mimicking her position, I dealt with the semen in her mouth. She was more comfortable with this than me. Was she genuinely delighted by the taste? Maybe she's just peculiar. My desire to swallow originated from his preference and the notion that if I did, he would perform oral sex on me till I shouted in ecstasy. Delighting in it wasn't a significant factor.

I raised my head and opened my mouth, plotting the angle and making sure she was prepared. I moved my hair away, tilted my head and opened my mouth. She aligned herself and let the semen drip and flow into my mouth at a gradual pace. Slowly, she dropped for a kiss. When she stopped, she expelled the initial remnant into my mouth and then retreated with a grin. Why didn't I think of that instead of swallowing some myself? I didn't play with it; unable to discern the difference between pure sperm and the mixing of her saliva. I swallowed and opened my mouth to prove it before I fired cum across the room, artistically creating a hideous mess.

"Enticing," I commented, intending it to sound sincere, but Abi responded with a grin. It was not sincere. I acknowledged its attractiveness, though.

I assumed my original posture, allowing Dave to enter my mouth. He was massive. His girth made it challenging. Although Martin was elongated, length was easier to handle; I could simply accept less of it and utilize my hand to replicate more. There's no hiding from girth: Open wide, it's going in. It took me a few beats to adjust my mouth so he didn't pass through my teeth. He didn't protest, probably accustomed to it. It lacked dignity, though. He was too large for my mouth. I tried to modify my mouth to accommodate him until Abi approached me and whispered, "I'll assist."

She took over by licking and sucking him while I supported with my tongue and lips. I shifted my position to lick and kiss his shaft so Abi could apply suction. I gently leaned his balls and played with them as Abi sucked him. They felt genuinely heavy like they might drown us. Abi transferred him to me, and I took control once more. "Fancy cumming on our faces?" Abi inquired.

Dave nodded, and we alternated sucking him. Although he began self-administering, we remained close enough to touch faces. I had a faceful of his ejaculate. I swallowed it and opened my mouth to demonstrate before I blasted cum across the room.

"Delightful," I stated, intending it to be genuine, but Abi grinned. I accepted its sexuality, but not sincerity. We cleaned our faces using a blend of digits and tongues as we shared his cum. I would've ranked it abysmally compared to cumming inside one of our mouths, then watching us switch mouthfuls, yet perhaps it was a dominance show. Nonetheless, he didn't complain or question our commitment to the bargain.

At your discretion, we returned to the living room, exchanging our shirts for fresh T-shirts. The attendees were irate, but we had not agreed to remain nude after the event. The stream finished for Jenny, and I pondered if she had failed a medical examination or something after the blow. No notification, though, and I was subscribed to her high-priority notifications. We selected the important parts and viewed her outcome.

Lisa was kind to her. That's why the stream ended sooner. Only 17 spectators attended, though, and of those, 14 desired to sleep with her. I can't comprehend why one would pay for a fight and then not engage in the activity. It could be the voyeur component of the conflict. Lisa relinquished sexual activity with Jenny and refused access to anal. Lisa comprehended her lucky victory and showed mercy to avoid appearing vindictive if she seized victory from defeat's grasp.

Again, Jenny was not unscathed; she received semen in her mouth and on her face. Although eleven ejaculated in her vagina, a few expelled their seed in her mouth and on her face. They adored the human aspect of the competitions. The closeness between athletes and the athletic sportsmanship appealed to them.

I sipped my coffee and skimmed through various channels with the guys. Nothing seemed appealing, though. The men had already experienced a real adult film and found no need to watch simulated intimacy. The news played on a loop, as did the commercials and highlights. Sports matches aired, but there was no interest in watching them. I sent Jenny a sympathetic message, but she failed to respond.

Abi and I sat on the one-person sofa, creating an undefined closeness. I cherished her scent and the heat of her body. Our unclothed legs brushed against each other due to our seating arrangement. The conversation eventually lulled as we grew tired. Abi kissed me on the cheek, which the men observed. I reciprocated with a brief lip lock. "Oooh hello..." Martin remarked as he Saw the fleeting display of girl-on-girl intimacy. "Let's go to bed," Abi said before kissing me again and stood up. "I want to finger you."

The gentlemen exhibited shock upon hearing this. None of them believed they'd just heard what they had. It was intended as a jest and tease, but it was not entirely false. "You can't watch," Abi asserted as she pulled me by the hand to the bedroom.

"Night, chaps," I quipped as I followed my companion.

We secured the door and removed our shoes and clothes, which was a speedy process since we were not fully clothed. I questioned what had happened to my underwear. Most likely, the AI had taken them away for cleaning. Although it was a possibility that one of the guys had retained them as a souvenir and would use them for self-gratification. The plain underwear was rather dull, but adding excitement to their lives could benefit them.

We climbed into bed and shared a kiss. "I wasn't joking," Abi whispered while caressing my legs. I breathed deeply as she touched me between my legs, my arousal apparent. "I'd rather have your mouth," I whispered as I felt her delicate fingers stimulating my clit and pussy. "Or that..." I gasped as she inserted a finger inside me.

"We need to switch to a double bed," she said while continuing to stroke me. Couples often shared a double bed, and there was no discernible difference between the two sexes when it came to these situations. "69 is far too uncomfortable."

We were still sleeping in separate beds, and exchanging partners was a possibility. She paused her penetration and pulled away from my clit. I trembled at the shift in technique. The sensation was distinctly delightful, and she slid two and then three fingers within me. I vigorously explored her wetness with my own fingers. As her pleasure grew, she sought a position that was less demanding on her fingers. She chose to focus on my clit instead, and as she did, she recognized that it would bring about my orgasm whenever desired.

She ceased from fingering my clit to probe my womb with her index and middle fingers, reaching over two inches deep before ceasing. I responded by touching her more directly and destructuring her openness with my fingers. The sensations were distinctive and noticeable. She found my clit, and with occasional strokes and direct rubs, I could feel the distance between control and extreme pleasure.

As she played my body, she traversed through different sensations and levels of penetration, systematically exploring what made both of us insane. She interpreted my subtle reactions and alterations, knowing they triggered pleasure for me. She alternated between exploring and applying pressure to various sections of my body, teasing me toward climax, but never pushing me over the edge.

We panted in unison while lying on our sides and facing each other. My forehead pressed against hers as we fingered each other, our lashes brushing. Abi was in control of my pleasure, maintaining my balance between overwhelming stimuli and a comfortable threshold, focusing on the areas that elicited a response.

"This is incredibly wonderful," I gasped as we kissed and worked on each other. Fingering a female was a brand new phenomenon for me and generated a unique bond between us. I self-pleasured thousands of times, priding myself on my knowledge of what felt good. The experience was new, as it was engaging in the same act with another woman. I allowed her to lead the way, watching her fingering me and picking up on her cues.

I initiated the transition from stimulating her clit to kneading her belly button. I sensed Abi's body tension increasing, but she maintained her composure. I pushed further, adding a curious finger motion until Abi abruptly pulled away. "That's it," she moaned, resuming fingering my clit. "I'm close."

Passionately kissing, we fingered each other in tandem. Our lips parted, exposing our tongues, linking tongues for a brief moment. We coined it "No Boy Sex." We alternated our fingering, eliciting moans of pleasure from one another. Experimentation filled the room as we continued, exploring the boundaries of our pleasure. A single bed was too confined for such a devoted encounter. Switching to a double bed made all the difference. Burying our faces into the bodily cavity of our partner was practical, and we relished the intimacy.

"So sweet," she murmured softly as her fingertips explored inside me, seeking a new angle that sent a shiver down my spine. Her lips brushed gently against mine, and I leaned back slightly, allowing our lips to meet in a kiss.

I switched back to using just one finger, searching for that elusive spot deep within her that would send her over the edge. Every woman has one, a hidden gem that, when struck directly, would make her moan in pleasure. It's the spot that catches you by surprise when a man is inside you, during those magical moments when he loses control and surrenders himself to the moment. It's the spot that causes you to cry out in ecstasy. I stroked my finger up and down within her, eliciting nothing but a contented sigh from her exhausted body. She knew what I was looking for, and she would know where it was, but the hunt was part of the fun.

I used her breathing as my guide, adjusting my finger until she stopped breathing and then started again. Her pussy clenched around my Single finger as I hit the spot. "Oh my God," she whispered.

I smiled at her response. "There it is," I teased, stroking my finger across her G-spot once more. I circled and tickled my nail against it, sending her into a state of bliss. She melted into the bed, excitement washing over her, her body relaxing in my embrace.

We entwined our legs together and I withdrew my finger, allowing her to pleasure herself with the back of her own hand while continued to pleasure myself. Our hips moved together as we rubbed against each other's hands in perfect sync.

"I need to cum," she whispered.

I nodded, giving her permission. She was in charge of this experience, and her need for release was more important than my own pleasure.

She shifted her angle slightly, adjusting her grip on her hand. In this position, she was in full control. She lay back and enjoyed the pleasure her own hand gave her as she fingered me.

"I need to cum," I said.

She paused, her gaze locked on mine, "Are you asking me to finger you?" she queried.

"No," I replied. "I'm just going to do it myself."

She grinned, watching me enjoy the sight of myself reaching orgasm silently. She instinctively rubbed her own hand over her clit as I stroked myself to completion.

As our bodies relaxed next to each other, I slid my arm back down between her legs and searched for her hidden treasure with my fingers. I found it, my touch sending her spiralling into a second orgasm.

"So nice," she said, her eyes closed.

I continued to stroke her, but her body stopped responding. We remained entwined, enjoying the afterglow of our sexual encounter. I had never experienced such an intense, non-penetrative orgasm before. It felt so good. "Where are we?" she asked, her eyes still closed, her body so relaxed her eyes hadn't opened.

We gazed into each other's eyes, a shared understanding passing between us. This temporary reciprocal intimacy was a new experience for both of us. Neither of us had been in a relationship where we'd been with a woman. "Wanna see where this leads?" she asked, her hand gently caressing my cheek.

"I don't want to screw it up," I said. Our connection was profound, but casual sex was always a temporary arrangement at best, not something you could build a lasting relationship upon.

"Have you ever been with a girl?" she inquired. I felt her searching for a deeper understanding of my feelings. I thought she was referring to a past relationship. "No," I replied, my voice a whisper.

"Me neither," she added, her eyes opening to study mine. "Do you want to...be together?"

"I'm not sure," I murmured, unsure of her intentions. Was I bi-sexual? Was I romantic enough to be in a relationship with another woman? It was a question that weighed heavily on my mind.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked softly, holding her gaze.

She nodded, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "Yes or no. We'll go out together if you say yes, we'll just keep this a secret if you say no."

My heart started to race as I considered her question. Go out together? Would it mean we would continue to explore each other's bodies? I decided to count down, my thoughts preparing for the answer I didn't know I would give. "Three-two-one...yes." I smiled, my heart pounding with anticipation. I had never dreamed of a scenario like this, especially not with a woman.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de