Celebrity Sex Stories

Shaak Ti: Above & Beyond Ch. 03

Enter general grievous.

Jul 26, 2024
8 min read
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Shaak Ti: Above & Beyond Ch. 03
Shaak Ti: Above & Beyond Ch. 03

Shaak Ti: Above & Beyond Ch. 03


"Finally," he roared, his digital voice filling the vast observation spire, "a worthy challenger."

Behind him, the Supreme Chancellor struggled against the glowing bindings holding him prisoner in his throne-like chair. "Run, Master Ti! Flee! Save yourself!" But she could no more do that than he could sprout thrusters and fly back to Coruscant.

Grievous threw back his long command cape, revealing his lean skeletal body. Formerly a powerful alien warlord, what remained of his internal organs were now hidden inside a thick duranium armor shell, which, while not indestructible, would take more than a glancing blow from a lightsaber to seriously damage. He stood there seething, towering over her and his MagnaGuards who stepped aside to admit her into the darkened chamber, the flash of battle outside massive observation windows illuminating her naked red body.

Shaak Ti slowly circled the hulking general, strutting, hips swaying, ample breasts jiggling as she sized him up. He sized her up in turn, the reptilian eyes sunk deep within his elongated skull helmet ogling her sweaty, cum-soaked perfection while the droid portion of his brain analyzed her movements to estimate how much of a threat she remained after being used and abused by four hung MagnaGuards. She gripped her lightsaber loosely, purple eyes gleaming from inside large white ovals covering part of her cheeks and much of her high forehead. Grievous was physically impressive (enough to make her nipples hard and her loins ache), but so was she: tall and slender like a holomodel, with lean muscles and all the poise and grace of a Hapan dancer. A pair of white cone-like montrals with blue stripes rose high off her head, making her seem even taller, while long matching head-tails (a thick one dangling down her back, two thinner ones draping the sides of her face and cascading down the front of her body) further enhanced her exotic nature, contrasting beautifully with her deep red skin while conveniently guiding the eye to her heaving breasts, sculpted midsection, and finally her laser-smooth pubic mound.

"You've done enough damage, General," she said, flashing razor-sharp teeth. "Let me leave with the Chancellor. I won't try to stop your escape."

Grievous chuckled, his laugh ending in a sharp wheeze. "Ah, but where's the fun in that?"

He lunged, swinging his mighty fists so fast only her Jedi intuition saved her. Snapping her lightsaber to life, Shaak ducked and parried, jiggling beautifully while relying on her alien reflexes and lifetime of Jedi training to evade his attacks. Spinning and evading, she twirled her glowing blue blade all around her, slicing and jabbing but cutting only air until, somehow, she managed to make contact with his thigh, leaving a scorch mark and making him cry out. That slowed him only a moment, the general producing two lightsabers from within his cloak before resuming his attack, green blades flashing to life as he increased his speed and power, determined to put her to the test. Her heart pounding, Shaak drew on the Force and managed to stay one step ahead of him, surprised at how strong her connection suddenly was. After Geonosis, a dark shroud had fallen over the Jedi, weakening even the strongest Masters; but now that shroud was gone, the Force keeping her fresh and sharp as she backpedaled across the chamber, their blades clashing like small explosions.

Breasts bouncing, firm arse jiggling, Shaak danced across the room, her dainty feet barely touching the floor while the Supreme Chancellor watched in awe. She saw him and his bulging erection out of the corner of her eye and couldn't help feeling a little thrill at being so on display for him and the MagnaGuards, the vaguely Humanoid droids ogling her while she fought for her life against their snarling, stomping master. If the situation were a little less dire she might have actually enjoyed the attention, but her muscles were starting to ache and she was practically dripping with sweat, which for a Togruta took considerable effort. Meanwhile, Grievous was still moving at optimal speed, his droid brain analyzing her style and immediately adapting to everything she threw at him. It wouldn't be long now. She would slip up eventually, and then it would be over. Unless...

"Chancellor, run!" she screamed as she locked her lightsaber on. Somersaulting under a beheading swipe, she came up on one knee and hurled her thrumming weapon across the room like a spear, guiding it with the Force until it sheered into Palpatine's armrest, disabling the chair's security system.

Surprised someone would throw their weapon away in the middle of combat, Grievous took his attention off her for just a moment. Shaak leapt to her feet and made him pay with a Force-enhanced kick that snapped his head sharply back and made him drop both lightsabers. His droid bodyguards, distracted by her nudity, didn't notice Palpatine hop out of the chair and hurry for the exit.

"Stop him!" the General snarled.

The Force drew Shaak's eyes to a long conference table. Knowing there was no way she could take on Grievous and his MagnaGuards at the same time, at least not in combat, she did the only thing a Jedi Master could in her situation. She hurried over and put her hands down on the tabletop before jutting her arse out like a 500 Republica model.

"Over here, General," she taunted over her shoulder, pouring as much Force Persuasion into her voice as possible. "Take your prize. If you can handle it."

Grievous roared his fury. Shaak bent lower, pressing her forehead to the table and lifting up on her toes, raising her firm ass high in the air. She heard his taloned feet stomping toward her, could feel his rage in the Force. She closed her eyes, ready to accept death if necessary. Then she heard a loud clang and felt something warm and gooey fling across her ass and back, gasping when he suddenly pinned her down with a heavy duranium hand before thrusting forward and burying something the size of her entire arm inside her.

Shaak screamed, exploding all over him as he plundered into her deepest depths with a droid erection that was more speeder than cock, her purple eyes wide, almost bulging, as she lifted her head and stared forward, his monster phallus forcing the air from her lungs when he finally bottomed out.

He immediately began pumping, his lower half a whirring blur that jounced her glistening backside high in the air while he stretched her velvet walls well beyond repair. Shaak gritted her teeth and scratched at the table as he took her, drawing on the Force and all her resolve to endure it, the General's taunting laugh filling the chamber as he did his very best to split her in half like the poor Padawans he had mindbroken on Coruscant during the recent invasion.

"You were saying?" he sneered, gripping her rounded hips with oversized droid hands.

Shaak gasped and pushed up on her elbows. She came continuously, pouring hot gush all over the floor. The Hand swayed beneath her bouncing feet. Her vision blurred. She could hardly catch her breath. She had never been kriffed so hard before in her long life: not by Wookiees or Trandoshans, not even by Gungans or Longdongians; and she was an alien, her deep Togrutan pussy supposedly evolved to handle such incredible size! She could only imagine what his cock would have done to a Human, her admiration for whores like Altair Mynock and the Separatist traitor Lora Branigan rising as she struggled to accommodate him, her pussy stretched dangerously thin around his oozing missile of a dick.

Grievous ground against her, making her whimper and yelp while her sweaty flesh squeaked against his duranium armor. "Ah, so tight, so wet. Wouldn't you agree, Chancellor?"

Shaak turned her head to see Palpatine standing nearby, watching wide-eyed while his erection tented his robe. "Chancellor!" she gasped. "Run, go! Get to my ship while you still can!"

She grimaced, coming again. Making her brain focus, she reached out a hand and used the Force to yank the legs out from under the lead MagnaGuard before he could grab the shocked politician, tripping them all up. But instead of fleeing, the elder statesman stumbled closer as if in a trance, freeing his erection, puny by comparison but incredibly hard, and stroking it to the action. Shaak groaned and pressed her forehead to the table, making pathetic oophing noises while Grievous ravaged her without mercy. The mission was over. She had failed to save the Chancellor. If she was lucky death would come quickly, which was preferable to living as a Separatist sex slave, or worse.

Time ceased to have any meaning as Grievous took her without slowing, her pussy squelching and slurping as he stretched her alien hole beyond its limits and then some. Shaak couldn't stop gushing or squirting, spending more time coming than she did not coming. Grievous laughed triumphantly, enjoying breaking her. He had perfected his technique on so many before her; now he would add another Master to his tally; but not just any Master--a member of the High Council. And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Palpatine reached out and stroked a headtail. "I always knew you would turn out to be the worst of them," he said sadly. Shaak held back a moaning sob while Grievous chortled and pulled her off the table, swinging her toward the unassuming politician.

"Finish him, Jedi."

Shaak was in no position to disobey, looking up at Palpatine in utter humiliation as he fed his pulsing shaft into her mouth, a muffled moan escaping her throat while he wheezed in utter delight. She sucked him as best she could with Grievous destroying her cunt, slurping and hollowing her cheeks, holding nothing back. It only took a moment, the man not used to powerful alien mouths. He roared and grabbed her headtails for support before falling forward and jabbing against the back of her throat, his twitching cock firing thick spurts that left her choking.

Grievous found it all so funny.

Then he went silent, his lower body continuing to plow away while his upper froze. Suddenly he motioned to his bodyguards and snarled, "Go!" He didn't even wait for them to get out the door before looking down at her gleaming red backside and increasing his strength, making her scream with every eye-popping jab. Something had him worried, Shaak reaching out with the Force just long enough to sense a familiar Jedi presence approaching the ship; then the Shroud of the Dark Side descended once more, so intense it nearly severed her connection to the Force.

Grievous roared as he came, bruising her uterus with his powerful spurts and flooding her with so much artificial cum it began trickling back out, splashing her feet. Shaak wailed like the pathetic broken whore she was, coming again and again and even pushing back to grind against him while he fed her his sticky seed, a deep soulful sadness eating at the edge of her senses as a part of her realized this was the end and she might never experience his oversized droid cock again.

Finished with her, he pulled out, liters of cum pouring from her gaping hole like an oily waterfall. He released her hips, the flesh bruised from where he had gripped her. Her long legs immediately gave out, dropping her to her knees in the creamy mess they had made. Shaak closed her eyes, the Jedi inside her screaming at her to get up and keep fighting even as Grievous stomped out of the room; then she fell forward on all fours before collapsing entirely in the droid general's gooey load.

"Unhand me!" she heard Palpatine shout. "You'll never get away with this, Count!"

Shaak groaned, stirring gently in the sperm before an unseen grip seized her by the neck and hoisted her high into the air. She hung there limply, spunk trickling down her smooth inner thighs to drip from her toes.

A cock-broken puppet on invisible strings.

Palpatine practically hissed. "Release her, you monster! She's done nothing to you!"

"Precisely," Dooku boomed, walking around so she could see him while he freed his unique fencer's cock. "But we shall rectify that soon enough."

  1. Grievous's droid brain analyzed Shaak's movements, surprised by her strength and adaptability, even after being used by multiple MagnaGuards.
  2. Despite being a powerful alien warlord, Grievous found himself intrigued by the voyeuristic potential of watching a 'celebrity' like Shaak Ti, a Jedi Master, in such a vulnerable situation.
  3. In the chaos of the battle, a group of hardcore fans of 'Shaak Ti: Above & Beyond' managed to sneak into the observation spire, excitedly discussing how they'd always imagined her in 'alien' situations like this.

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