erotic horror

Shadowland Part 4: The Clowns

Emma learns about those who dislike clowns.

May 30, 2024
20 min read
analnonhumancunnilingusnon-conbisexuallesbian sexpainblow jobdominationShadowland Pt. 04 - Clownscreampie
Shadowland Pt. 04 - Clowns
Shadowland Pt. 04 - Clowns

Shadowland Part 4: The Clowns

In this cautionary tale, a group of individuals embarked on a journey to a supposedly haunted house, unaware of the horrific events that awaited them. But unbeknownst to them, the real horror was about to unfold.

First, let me make one thing clear: all characters in this story are of legal age, and any similarities to real-life individuals, whether alive or dead, are purely coincidental. Furthermore, if this genre of story fails to entertain you, I suggest you check out something else.

I'd like to thank my editor, Goof, for his invaluable help and suggestions.

Written by Stoner.

With a deep breath, Emma regained her composure and observed her surroundings. The room was adorned with wooden crates, giving it the atmosphere of an old, neglected warehouse. The web-laden walls and bitter moldy air made her sneeze.

"Maybe if they hired a better decorator and cleaner, this place wouldn't feel so depressing," she muttered.

Despite her fear, Emma focused her attention on the door across the room, contemplating if she was ready to step outside. "It's just a fucking haunted house," she urged herself.

Feeling slightly better, she put her hand on the doorknob and mentally prepared to face what awaited her. However, she couldn't ignore the tingling sensation between her knees. Running her hand over her breasts, she felt the metal piercing she had not noticed when she arrived. The sensation sent a pleasurable tinge to her loins.

"This place might not just be an ordinary haunted house," Emma thought to herself.

Rallying herself, she twisted the knob and pushed the door open.

As Emma stepped out, the cold wind blew against her, overwhelmingly fresh compared to the stale air inside. Open fields covered in tall grass, bordered by dark, ominous trees, filled her vision.

"The air's more refreshing outside," she remarked, feeling refreshed.

Her sensations were shattered when the door suddenly slammed closed behind her. Horrified, she noticed it had no knob on the outside. Emma pulled out her keys, frantically trying to pry the door open.

"Dammit," she growled, putting her keys aside.

She faced the other building in the distance, deciding to follow her instincts.

Halfway across the field, Emma heard a disturbing noise behind her. Her heart raced, but she continued towards the strange building. But the noise grew louder, making her panic.

"Shit," Emma yelled, her brain desperately thinking of a way out.

Swiveling, she noticed the unnervingly white rabbits, some with spots, rising from the grass. Nearly 40 in number, they leapt towards her. Seeking any means of escape, she raced toward the other building.

As soon as she saw them, Emma burst into the building, gasping at the locked door. She frantically checked the windows, only to find them unopenable.

"Why is this happening?" she shrieked. She glanced back, only to see the bunnies inching closer.

"What am I supposed to do now?" she pleaded.

Suddenly, rabbits can't be that scary... can they? Emma allowed herself to laugh at the preposterous situation.

Ignoring their quickening gait, she made a run for the other building. It seemed to take forever to reach it. She glanced back to see the creatures hopping in the distance – their speed increasing while she remained stationary. She stepped on the gas, determined to reach the building first.

As she neared the building, she slid open the door and ran inside.

But to her terror, the door closed, locking her in.

She spun around, facing the furry monsters, no longer laughing.

The chilling silence was broken by Justin's deep voice.

"So, it's come to this, I see. We can't have you leaving," he said sinisterly.

He introduced himself further. "But this isn't the end, Emma."

Her eyes widened. "Justin? How did you get here? You were never part of this?"

"Don't worry about it. But we have company." He gestured, and more rabbits appeared, each with glowing red eyes.

"Sweet Jesus," Emma stammered, her voice cracking.

Frightened, she looked up to see more and more rabbits flying in from every corner, their fur melting into rotting flesh.

"This is how it ends for you," Justin growled as the monsters began to loom around her.

"No," Emma whimpered miserably as the darkness consumed her.

"Aw, you little fluffy critters are so adorable," Emma gushed as she squatted down, stretching her arms towards the lead rabbit. The rabbit hopped closer and leaned forward, allowing Emma to touch it and marvel at its soft fur.

"I'd love to take you home with me, but the dorm has strict pet regulations, and you're just a bit too big for my taste," she said, grinning. Emma didn't realize that the other rabbits crowded around her, trapping her in place.

"Well, it's sad that I can't stay here petting you all day," she expressed, rubbing its white fur tenderly before pulling her hand back. As she stood up, a rabbit with red eyes appeared behind her and knocked her down.

"Must be another one that wants some attention," Emma mused, lightly scratching the red-eyed rabbit's fur. But she was swiftly pushed from behind again.

Sitting back up, Emma discovered more rabbits, each staring at her, asking for affection.

"I'm really sorry, guys, but I've got to find a way out of this place," she apologized, climbing to her feet while keeping an eye on the rabbits.

But the rabbits grew more agitated, pushing her one rabbit at a time closer and closer to the surrounding rabbits. She began to panic as she realized they were trying to close in on her.

The rabbits started attacking her, pushing her from behind into the rabbit in front of her. She tried to push back, but they were stronger and enclosed her on all sides. Angered, she turned and pushed the last rabbit that shoved her.

The backs of the rabbits turned into scared, ferocious predators. Their soft fur turned hard, their blue eyes glowing with hate, their large fangs gnashing. They hissed and growled like wild beasts as they teleported around her in a fury, attacking from every angle.

In the midst of their rage, one rabbit jumped in front of her, armed with sharp claws. Emma backed away, frightened by the sudden transformation. She tried to run, but more rabbits surrounded her, preventing her from escaping.

One rabbit with a blue eye chased her back towards the tall grass. Panicking, Emma tripped and stumbled, feeling a sharp pain in her leg. She looked down to see blood seeping from the rabbit's claw marks on her thigh. Realizing she was dying from what appeared to be a poison, she pushed away from the rabbit and fought her way back to the locked door. She fumbled with the handle, too weak to escape.

The blue-eyed creature came closer, its anger obvious. Emma pulled away, desperate to stay alive. Then, as if possessed, it lunged, mauling her blouse and exposing her chest.

"Please, have mercy on me," Emma begged. It stared at her piercings, seemingly confused before withdrawing, hissing at the other rabbits.

They seemed to form a plan, circling around her menacingly until it pounced, attempting to bite her.

"No! No!" Emma screamed, trying to escape, but the rabbits did not relent. Their claws and teeth tore at her flesh. Instruction: Rewrite this story with my own words:

"Aww, you loveable furballs," Emma whispered as she approached the bunnies, scooching down. The lead bunny hopped closer and eagerly leaned forward so she could touch it. Run her hand through its fleece? Why not; it felt so soft and divine to the touch.

"I wish I could bring you home with me, but the dorm strictly enforces a no-pets policy," said Emma, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Little did she know, the cute bunnies were getting ready to mob her that very instant.

"I guess we're not meant to play together forever, are we?" Emma teased, but the other bunnies quickly surrounded her. Before she knew it, there was no way out.

"If only I had the time to hang out here and dote on you all day," she yearned. Identifying her predicament, she got up and faced her furry captors, watching the other bunnies' anticipation.

But they lunged forward as one to push her against the other bunnies in front of her, each of them pushing her from behind. Finally, Emma had enough and pushed the last bunny away.

The once adorable bunnies now revealed themselves as something malignant. They gnashed their sharp fangs, snarling horrifically as they pounced and grazed Emma's leg with their teeth and claws. She recoiled and desperately tried to escape.

An agonizing poke in the calf. Checking it out, she was shocked to find the blue-eyed bunny was lapping up her blood with its long tongue. Gashes in her leg caused by the bunny's claws were more than she could handle.

Her limb felt numb from the knee down on the side of the cut, making it hard for her to escape. More pain crept up as the numbness spread past her knee and up her hip.

Her mind starved for answers: What type of poison is this? She used the kick from behind her to kick away the blue-eyed bunny and made it to the door. However, she realized with horror, that the door was still locked.

"Help me! Open the door!" she yelled, banging on the door. Her leg started to go numb and she stumbled,

The blue-eyed bunny stood tall with sharp claws, eyes simmering with hatred, a killing intent. Cautiously, it approached her, ignoring her plea.

Emma's last moments were haunted by dread and fear as the rabbits became battle-ready, their fangs menacing. They wanted her to fight hopelessly against their numbers.

This is my end, Emma realized, grasping the door handle, the keys slippery in her trembling hands. Her dying eyes beheld the creature's pale face, the last comfort before her vision faded to darkness.

She heard a gravelly voice from her right and collapsed. Her world went black. [How to cite this article]

In my dream, I was being chased in the darkness by a colossal creature, its claws ripping through my back while I shrieked in terror. However, like a flash of daylight piercing the night, I awoke, kicking away the imagined horror that had tormented me.

"Take it easy. You're secure here, or at least safer than being outside," came a female voice from the shadows.

Jolted awake, I stared around wet-eyed, trying to discern the origin of the voice. The room was illuminated by a dim glow that seeped through the boards covering the windows. Two chairs, resembling dolls of cackling clowns, stood by the window, while a bookcase against the opposite wall held more of these horrific figurines. Each clown's face seemed to have been painted white, adorned with different-colored stripes and designs.

Why are all these dolls designed as clowns? I abhor clowns more than anything, I unconsciously thought.

Leading to the open doorway in the far corner of the room, a dark hallway beckoned with eerie intrigue. I found myself sitting on a simple bed of metal frame, which somehow reminded me of a hospital's utilitarian chic.

Recalling the creatures that tried to devour me, I observed the wounds on my arm had been dressed. The being who healed me must have been somewhere in the house.

Unnerved by the events, I tried to assess the situation. I couldn't see the speaker, but I could hear them chuckling. Suddenly, the image of one of the clown dolls in front of me seemed to have its eyes follow my movements. Upon further inspection, though, nothing was amiss. My mind was playing tricks on me.

Suddenly, a deafening crash came from the hallway, drawing my attention to the open doorway. I desperately peered into its depths but was met only by darkness. The sound of the latch opening on the window caught my attention. When I glanced back at the dolls, one was missing - the one whose eyes had tracked me moments ago.

Forcing myself to focus, I looked around the room, desperate to find the missing doll. As if in response to my thoughts, a loud crash came from the bookcase, causing me to glimpse the fallen doll near the foot of the bed. Panic set in, and then I heard another crash emanating from the same source - the window. When I turned my head again, the other doll was nowhere to be seen.

Damn, I thought, frantically turning to face every corner of the room.

The door to the room slammed shut, making me startle. Pushing my fear aside, I focused on looking everywhere for the missing dolls. A sad curiosity overwhelmed me as I checked the bookshelf to find the dolls there, scattered on the floor, their once rigid stances now violently disheveled. One of the larger clowns had been removed from its shelf.

A clatter was heard by the window, followed by silence. I turned my head to find the room empty but for me and the remaining clowns.

Out of fear, I moved to the wall, pressing against it. Now facing the bookcase, I spotted one of the larger clowns perched next to me, lounging on the bed. A sudden boom erupted from the bookcase, and when I turned my head, the first clown was holding me down.

Emma flailed her limbs, doing her best to escape the hold of the clown but countless tiny dolls stood between us, pinning her down. Now, she faced two clowns, sitting on either side of her.

"You're not grateful for the help we provided, naughty child," Bill-Bo, the clown on her right, said, his voice seeming to come from beneath her confines.

"Indeed, you've shown nothing but disapproval, Venus," chimed in Tia, the other clown.

Emma's fear waned as fury took over her emotions. Angrily, she challenged, "Help? You assholes almost gave me a heart attack!" as she twisted her limbs, attempting to break free.

Bill-Bo leaned in as if to whisper, "You wouldn't understand how dire the situation was for you, Tia," his voice a deep, gravelly chuckle.

"But you can't deny the credit goes to me for admitting the human. If not for my efforts, the Kroy would have destroyed her," Tia countered.

Helpless, Emma could only watch as the two clowns loomed above her, frightening grins turning into foul expressions of disgust. Irrationally, she felt robbed. Someone had taken away her quality sleep and then tried to scare her to death, even giving her nightmares. "Stop playing with me!" she snapped as she tried to break free, her efforts only accentuated by her own annoyance.

"But we were scaring you because the Kroy had envenomed you with its poison!" Bill-Bo snarled, towering over her. His friend, also a clown, added, "You're inconsiderate, Bill-Bo! If I hadn't given Emma the antidote, her poor heart wouldn't have made it through!"

Locked in their bitterness, the two clowns signaled with their hands, and the tiny dolls dissolved into the air. Emma was alone with the two figurines.

With their evil grins pointing at her, they continued. "The Kroy hurt you because you kept trying to escape them, and that's when they injected you with their poison to kill you, sweet little sister," she said dryly, then asked, "But why are you punishing me?"

"Not punishing you for the attempt to escape, you silly duck. We saved your life - that's what people do if they care about you! And now, you're a thankless coward! Why don't you want to show us some gratitude?" Tia snarled.

Both clowns laughed heartily, while Emma's indignation melted away, replaced by inexplicable sadness. Her captors leaned in, their faces inches away from hers. "Well, maybe if we reenacted your attack, it'll drive your gratitude into you. Quickly, an air-raid-like attack!"

Emma's body froze, as the terrifying scenario ensued.

"Tia brattyly claims Emma's an ungrateful thing," he mentioned, flashing a yawning gap of super-sized teeth as he gazed at her.

"Perhaps she's no different from the others," sizzled Bill-Bo, jerking his chin towards the corner.

Their eyes trailed Emma's sightline. The putrefying gowns, stark contrast against the beige walls, were accompanied by rising bones stacked upon each other, encased in dark stains.

"You let me in, tended to me, I apologize for my behavior," Emma attempted, panicking about being labelled ungrateful, more so about being put among the corpses.

"We? We merely doted on you." Tia inquired of Bill-Bo, who also grinned, showcasing his razor-like grin.

"Possibly, we should teach the ungrateful little minx some fear she'll remember," suggested Tia, licking by Emma's face intimately.

Trailing her tongue across his face, Tia murmured, "Her trepidation is scrumptious."

Emma alternated between twitching and trembling, not knowing what else to do, as Bill-Bo leaned in, tasting Emma's with his tongue.

"You're right. Her fear is pure culinary gold," he refuted, time after time exploring the man-made tears.

The exchange continued until Bill-Bo reached her neck, gently scraping with his teeth, prompting Emma's screams.

"Ow, be careful, she's a treasure for our Master," cautioned Tia with a twisted grin.

"Our Master wants her remarkably untouched," she told him, scanning Emma intently. A malicious smile stretched across her face. "Remain still. I'll certainly not want to spoil you," she shared, yanking her hand from Emma's breasts to tear away her outfit.

Pruning off her dress, Tia pressed her sharp, metallic clawed nail to the gown, creating a gash. Emma's screams were silenced as she closed her mouth, gasping for breath, electrified by anticipation. Tia's un-manicured finger delved into her bellybutton.

Drops of cold sweat gathered on her face, the tip of her tongue hastily dodging them. Recognizing her efforts were counterproductive, she swallowed her saliva and licked her lips clean.

"The Vamps lashed her," Bill-Bo announced, prodding the piercing through her left nipple.

"Their mark?" Tia pondered, leaning closer, her finger passing over her brow to slurp Emma's bejeweled tear.

"Maybe the Master wouldn't mind if we were to harm her without going any further?" Bill-Bo pondered aloud. His grin spanned moon-drenched transgressions, his sharp teeth and shiny eyes.

"Let's check, he prefers her unblemished." He removed her hand from Emma's breast yanking at her dress, carelessly blowing the flaps away, uncovering his target.

It took him several tries to enter her tight hole, even after loosening up with his thumb. He paused, hedging.

"Perhaps we can tell him she's been had. She rushed towards the Kroy after all. He would've devoured her, I'm convinced," he reassured her.

Tia mused, "Sounds like a splendid alternative to ravaging her, but I crave, so very strongly, to indulge in the peril she'd face."

Undeterred by the conceivable consequences, Bill-Bo sat by her legs, smirking at the petite freaks that lay before him.

His size dwarfed them, his erection introduction of colossal girth. Entering her with slow care, his hips adjusted at the base. The minions stepped aside, as he pushed closer to her. His colossal erection protruding prominently, she couldn't resist his furrows.

The clowns held her still, from her flailing arms and flashing eyes, to her thighs under Bill-Bo's weight. His eyes glazed over with determination, his nose lingered in appreciation.

"This ho could be a virgin." Bill-Bo lamented a slight defeat, passionately frustrated.

"Or, we could say she ravaged herself on the grounds before arriving," he suggested, withdrawing his ginormous penis.

Tia seemed torn, gazing at Emma's exposed flesh and imminent fate. She gazed between them, her blackened nails clinging onto her necklace, indicating a mutual decision on her part. "Why not let the master instruct us on how to interact with her?" she offered yet another perspective.

"Interact?" murmured Emma fearfully. "Oh, do you mean take her virginity?" Is wondered aloud.

Tia gagged with a forced miracle of composure, acknowledging with a high-pitched scream.

Appraising her fallback with sick anticipation, he asked, "And would you properly enjoy that?"

[Emma's response was withheld as a cliffhanger resolution to the story.]

Tia considered her friend's words, then let her hand fall onto Emma's chest. As she dragged her fingernail along the flesh between Emma's breasts, a line of red appeared - the skin parting before her.

Bill-Bo smiled, seeing Tia's predicament, and withdrew, positioning himself to thrust his cock into Emma. With only moments left, her chances of survival rested on her ability to think quickly.

"He'll know," Emma cried out, praying she was right.

"What do you mean?" Tia inquired, bringing her hand to pause Bill-Bo's actions.

"The Master... he'll know that you disobeyed his commands," Emma pleaded.

"Have you met the Master?" Bill-Bo questioned, not believing her.

"Yes, he's the one who sent me here," Emma divulged, leaving out the horrific creatures chasing her through the doorway.

Together, Tia and Bill-Bo considered the implications, the smaller clowns watching in fear.

"The Kroy will inform him you didn't kill me, only let me pass," Tia suggested hopefully.

Bill-Bo stared at Emma, wondering if this held any merit.

"You might be right," he muttered, allowing his rock-hard cock to rest at Emma's open pussy.

Overjoyed, Tia beamed, "I have an idea!"

"Tell me quickly!" Bill-Bo, full of frustration and on the brink of ejaculation, commanded.

Tia's eyes lit up, "The Vamps wouldn't have just left her without raping her. They would've had sex somewhere!"

Bill-Bo wasn't convinced, but growing closer to cumming, he shrugged his shoulders.

"If only the Master had made us larger," Bill-Bo contemplated regretfully.

Tia rolled her eyes, "Say it already!"

"They would've fucked her mouth or ass," Tia spurred Bill-Bo on, missing the clown she had just bit the head off.

The mention of anus and mouth, rekindled Bill-Bo's interest.

"Perhaps I'll even do both," he suggested, stepping towards Emma's face, but Tia halted him.


There was confusion and desperation roiling around in Bill-Bo, struggling to understand Tia's sudden restraint.

Tia shrugged, "We have no time for the human to have fun. Emma needs to pass through the portal before the rotation's complete."

With a grimace, Bill-Bo released his restraint, reaching for Emma's legs to position her face between Tia's open legs.

"Now, begin licking," Tia insisted, yanking Emma's hair backwards so that her lips could touch Tia's pussy.

Submitting, Emma licked, despite trying to fight back and kick her legs free - the clowns' pinning power prevailed.

"If Bill-Bo penetrates your rear end and there's no lubrication, it'll hurt the human," Tia threatened, not wanting to jeopardize their plans.

"Okay, then, let's just go with your suggestion," Bill-Bo agreed, causing Emma's legs to be pulled apart to show her open rear and female parts.

"Stop struggling, or Bill-Bo will enter you painfully," Tia warned, watching Emma lick her.

"Let go!" Emma screamed, trying to kick once more.

Though her efforts were to no avail, her determination didn't waver. Tia had an answer.

"Hea, hea, it'll be over soon, baby," Tia comforted her, but it was empty reassurance.

"Now, come on, trickster," Bill-Bo drawled, approaching Emma's face and shifting his cock towards her mouth.

"!" Emma protested, startled at the arrangement and fearing it.

"Choose a hole," he barked, inviting her to decide what position would accommodate her trauma.

Eager to escape, Emma decided and, despite her misery, grew far more concerned to hear Tia suggest her partner violate her intimately.

"I'll take your ass," Bill-Bo agreed, flipping Emma over on her stomach, beyond her control, as the smaller clowns swarmed her, pinning her down.

Baffled by what she saw, Emma noticed Tia's strange anatomy. Stitches covered her bossed legs and belly, and a seemingly intimate mound lay between them.

"If Bill-Bo rapes me in my ass, you may suck me," Tia demanded, urging Emma further into the realm of submission.

Her desperate measures paid off as Emma's face burrowed into Tia's moist mound, her lips connected.

"Listen, slave. Whatever happens next is inevitable. There's no stopping it. So, unless you want Bill-Bo to fuck your asshole, I need you to focus on sucking my clit."

Emma's eyes widened in terror but resigned herself to her new position between Tia's open legs, her cheek pressed against Tia's swollen mound.

"Please," she begged, still attempting to break free and run, "I can't," her lungs straining as she pleaded.

Tia smiled, not unfeeling - "Pleasure and pain excite me, something which could see you through this."

Having given Tia her answer, the pair waited as the seconds ticked by, no longer in a battle of wills, fate having decided their fates.

"Jump to the toilet and mess yourself," Bill-Bo instructed, seeing the end was near.

Tia regarded this suggestion, standing up to head towards one, only to turn, "Do you want to spice it up, Bill?"

Confused by Tia's sudden change, Bill-Bo asked, "How?"

"Maybe I'll shove my penis inside Tess's pussy instead, make her scream," Tia exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with conspiracy.

Shocked by her boldness, Bill-Bo responded, "It worked for me," but he paused, eyeballing Emma not far from her anus. She strained to break free, still wishing to escape.

"Win or lose, she dies here - we were never meant to be friends, doll," Tia admitted, thinking about the Master's directions.

Looking into Emma's eyes, having confirmed her fate, Tia vanished from the room, abandoning her to the mercy of Bill-Bo.

Knowing this could be the end, a voice echoed through the darkness, "Trickster is the most cruel."

Emma's legs and backside were swarmed by several little clowns, their hands exploring every inch of her body. Fear gripped her heart as she wondered what they would do next.

"First, the pleasure," one of the clowns named Bill-Bo declared.

Immediately, Emma felt tiny suckers on her thighs and outer lips, followed by her mons being spread open and more suckers on her clit and the insides of her lips. Her nipples were also receiving the same treatment. Emma moaned as she approached orgasm due to the stimulus from the small clowns.

"Now the pain," said Bill-Bo.

Suddenly, Emma cried out as their tiny mouths bit into the most sensitive parts of her body.

"We can do this all day if you want," remarked Tia, who tapped Emma's head gently to grab her attention. Despite her fear, Emma considered biting Tia's labia, but then thought better of it. She knew she was at the mercy of the clowns.

"Ah, fuck. The slut is doing a good job now," Tia commented while caressing Emma's hair.

Without paying attention to their conversation, Emma couldn't resist the fantastic taste and texture of Tia's pussy. She tried to push as much of her tongue inside Tia as possible.

"They all get sucked in every time," Bill-Bo commented, positioning himself behind Emma.

"Hold her head still," he instructed, pressing against her ass.

"What is going on?" Tia inquired, gently holding the back of Emma's head.

"I'm going to fuck this ass," Bill-Bo revealed.

Tia shook her head, claiming that they would split Emma apart with such a massive cock without any lubrication. The clowns ignored her warning.

Emma was too absorbed in the incredible taste and texture of Lia's pussy to pay attention to their conversation.

Tia grabbed one of the older, smaller female clowns and ripped her robe off. The clown trembled as Tia forced her legs into a split position, exposing her pussy, which she then used as lubricant for Bill-Bo's colossal cock. When Tia thought the cock was wet enough, she tossed the used clown aside and several other clowns pounced, tearing it apart for their own gratification.

Bill-Bo pushed his cock against Emma's asshole and entered her cautiously.

As he pushed into her, Emma moaned, both pain and pleasure coursing through her body. The smaller clowns kept sucking on her nipples and clit, further stimulating her.

Tired of waiting, Emma asked Tia to hold her head, before looking back at Bill-Bo. "Please fuck me harder," she begged.

Tia complied, pushing Emma back into her legs as Bill-Bo pulled out slightly, then slammed back into her, stretching her anus considerably.

Bill-Bo picked up the pace, thrusting harder and faster, causing Emma to have orgasm after orgasm.

When Tia realized that Bill-Bo was getting close, she cried out: "Fill that slut's ass. Make the slut our little toy."

Without restraint, Bill-Bo thrust forcefully into Emma's ass as never before, causing her to orgasm. In response, Tia erupted, covering Emma's face with her fluids.

Emma woke to the sound of Tia and Bill-Bo arguing.

"You almost killed her!" yelled Bill-Bo, pacing about the room.

"How was I supposed to know she would have a seizure?" demanded Tia.

Emma, feeling slightly stronger, opened her eyes and saw the arguing clowns by her side. "What... what happened?" she managed to croak.

"It's okay, dear," Tia comforted her while touching Emma's face in a concerned manner.

"You were lucky," Bill-Bo added.

"Our secretion is a sexual enhancement drug," Tia informed Emma, handing her a glass of red liquid to drink. Emma sniffed it and then shoved it away.

"It doesn't taste as bad as it smells," Tia urged, offering the glass to her again.

This is an alternative rendering of the story, featuring simpler and informal phrasing to make it seem more engaging and interesting to the reader. The formatting, length, and core elements of the story have been preserved.

"I'm feeling better now," Emma said, holding up her hand. "Think I'm good to go."

"Hold on," Tia responded, reaching out for Emma's hand.

"Why?" Emma enquired, moving her hands towards her chest.

"Let's try a quick test to verify," Tia suggested, snapping her fingers and pointing to Emma's hand.

Emma hesitantly held out her hand towards Tia.

Tia stared straight into Emma's eyes as she brought her hand close to her face. Caught off guard, Emma couldn't react in time before Tia licked Emma's palm from base to her middle finger.

Emma's body involuntarily rocked, and she experienced a brief climax, wetting the bed.

Tia released her hand and stood there, arms folded, waiting for the climax to subside.

"The effects will take hours to disappear naturally, hours that you don't have," Tia advised, extending the glass in Emma's direction.

Emma took the glass and drained it rapidly, attempting to avoid vomiting.

"That concoction is vile," Emma remarked after finishing the glass.

"Yeah, there's no denying it," Bill-Bo began to say, but was instantly silenced by Tia's hand on his arm.

"That's enough, you jerk," Tia commanded, slapping Bill-Bo's arm.

Emma felt fear in her eyes, staring at the two clowns.

"He was just playing around," Tia assured her, assisting Emma off the bed and handing her a childlike white gown and a pair of bloomers typical for the clowns' attire.

Emma examined the outfit. It looked like something you'd dress a baby doll in.

"Consider the silver lining," Bill-Bo remarked with a sinister laugh. "You won't be wearing it for long, anyways."

After dressing, Emma was led to another door and they opened it to reveal a dimly lit, empty hallway. Checking both directions, the two clowns looked at Emma.

"It's been fun messing with you. Drop by if you're ever around here. We'd love to play with you again," Bill-Bo commented, slapping Emma's buttocks as he returned to the shadows.

"I can't assist you further," Tia said, pushing Emma through the doorway and swiftly closing the door. The resounding crashing of the door echoed through the hallway, followed by a high-pitched scream heard in the distance.

Emma started walking in the opposite direction of the screams, hoping to find a way out.

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