Celebrity Sex Stories

Silvia Experiences Her First CNC Machine Operation.

Silvia involves herself in a covert CNC experience at Gwen's residence.

May 24, 2024
10 min read
violencedegradationafter careSilvia's First CNCcncgood girllesbianfemdom
Silvia's First CNC
Silvia's First CNC

Silvia Experiences Her First CNC Machine Operation.

Silvia softly maneuvered the key in Gwen's front door lock. Weeks of practice had prepared her for this perfect moment, this night: a new moon, completely dark, with a thick cloudy sky that hid even the stars. After midnight on a Wednesday, the ideal time when no one was awake or peeking through their windows. She could've broken in through the back door, but the adrenaline rush of potentially getting caught thrilled her. Her legs already shuddered from arousal.

She grabbed hold of the last key pin. With ease, the last tumbler fell in place. She turned the key to open the lock and pulled the door open. Pausing to take a deep breath, Silvia composed herself. She made her way through the dark house, her familiarity helping her navigate the place without bumping into anything or making a sound.

Her goal wasn't to steal anything - no money or personal belongings. Silvia wanted something far more sinister. She thought of the safe word and gestures Gwen had taught her as she ventured down the hallway. Tonight would be perfect.

Softly pushing the bedroom door ajar, she couldn't see Gwen lying in the bed, but the deep breaths coming from that side of the room betrayed her. Silvia stepped inside.

Lighting the small table lamp beside Gwen's bed was an irresistible temptation. She longed to see Gwen's eyes when she committed the act. The shock and fear would send a chill up her spine. She intently remembered Gwen's safe word and movements.

Silvia pulled down the sheet, inch by inch, listening intently for any movements from Gwen. As Gwen's breathing remained steady, she knew her chances to catch her asleep were growing slimmer by the second.

Silvia set her rucksack by the bed, careful to make no noise. She opened it slowly, her heart pounding. Her unbridled excitement made it difficult to maintain silence.

From the rucksack, Silvia pulled out a coil of fresh rope. The ragged texture excited her. Imagining Gwen's skin burning and turning red as the itchy rope rubbed against her filled her with wicked joy. She placed it in reach of the table. Then she drew out a water-based lubricant, also on the table beside the lamp. Finally, she grabbed a balled up piece of cloth and placed it beside the lube.

Gently, Silvia guided Gwen's arms above her head, her muscles trembling with anticipation. She began to wrap the rope around Gwen's wrists, tying them below the wrists, making it easier to control her. Yet she didn't want it too simple.

The temptation to leave Gwen's panties on to further surprise her was strong. In the end, Silvia decided it would be better to take them off first, planning to have her fingers already inside Gwen as she woke up.

Covered in lube, Silvia's hand drowned in a small pool of liquid. She wanted to avoid all resistance as she entered Gwen.

Gwen's eyes fluttered and her body tensed when a sliver of light pierced the darkness. Desperate not to lose the advantage, Silvia shoved her hand over her mouth. She jammed two lubricated fingers inside Gwen's virgin pussy.

Gwen's eyes snapped open and her mouth moved desperately as Silvia's hand smothered the scream. Her breathless, frightened gaze begged for help. Desperately, Silvia would remember Gwen's safe words and gestures, praying she wouldn't need them soon.

Silvia's stomach churned from anticipation. In the end, she was too excited to wait another second. Quickly, she pushed a third finger inside Gwen, then fourth, stretching her pussy wide for what the night had in store. These lingering moments - when Gwen wasn't fully conscious, yet hadn't succumbed to panic. In her mind, they were a sinister symphony she couldn't wait to witness.

Silvia vigorously shoved her fingers into Gwen's intimate area, beaming as vulgar sounds emanated from between her legs. Recognition flickered across Gwen's face, a mix of anger and anxiety in her eyes.

Silvia swiftly removed her hand from Gwen's mouth and rushed towards the bedside table. Gwen's mouth sprang open, ready to scream, but Silvia shoved a balled-up piece of cloth into her mouth before the sound could escape. What ensued was just struggling and clearing her throat.

"Shut your filthy mouth if you want to live," Silvia angrily demanded.

Gwen struggled to free her hands to remove the gag, but Silvia struck her ribs with a ferocious punch. Gwen cried out, clamping her hands together to block the imminent blow. Silvia then tied their hands together again, holding them up above her head.

Still thrusting her fingers into Gwen, Silvia's fingers moved at an unrelenting pace.

Tears streamed down Gwen's face as she shook her head back and forth, attempting to mumble pleas for mercy. Frustrated, she mumbled into her gag, and what emerged was muffled groaning and crying.

Silvia yanked her fingers out of Gwen and slapped her face. A bright red handprint, shiny with lubricant, glowered as her palm landed on her cheek. "Pipe down!" Silvia hissed vengefully.

"You crave this. You've been lusting after me for weeks now. Any time I'm around, your eyes never leave my body. You know what kind of girl you are. I know what you need," Silvia sneered, thrusting her fingers back into Gwen.

"Yes, you little slt! Take the fcking you deserve and whimper your approval!" Silvia inserted a third finger, violently thrusting back and forth.

Gwen's hands convulsed in Silvia's grasp. She clawed at Silvia's hand, her hips lifting off the bed in a desperate effort to dislodge her.

"Exactly, you pathetic btch. Fck yourself on my fingers. You know you enjoy this." Silvia feigned pleasure, punching farther inside Gwen.

Gwen's hands yanked free from Silvia's grip. Using both hands, Silvia viciously scratched Gwen's face, drawing blood and feeling the sting on her skin.

Silvia removed her fingers from Gwen and sought revenge, swiftly whacking her face again as she secured the rope between her hands.

Hungry for revenge, Silvia traced her fingers along Gwen's curves before wrenchingly pinching her nipple. Gwen's body jumped in response, indicating her realization of Silvia's intentions. Her motions became more frenzied.

Gwen's hands broke free once more, rapidly slashing her nails across Silvia's visage. Blood oozed from the wounds.

Silvia used both hands to restrain Gwen's flailing limbs. Her hips pressed into Gwen's thigh as she relished her subdued victim.

With her free hand, Silvia began unfastening the drawstring of her sweatpants, anticipating when she could insert her barely concealed phallic device. She glistening the dildo's surface with lubrication and Gwen's juices.

Their movements intensified, Gwen's limbs kicked violently behind Silvia, and her body writhed upwards, attempting to throw Silvia off. Desperate, Gwen tried to free her hands once more, scratching the flesh around Silvia's neck. It only caused an annoyed smirk; the marks would be gone by morning.

Silvia captured Gwen's hands once again. Holding them high above her head, she persistently ground her hips and the hidden strap-on into Gwen's thigh. "You want this, you sltty whore. This dick has been controlling your desires since we first met. Well, now it's going to give you what you've wanted." [END]

Reflecting on Gwen's rage-filled expression, Silvia slid her trousers down. The familiar weight of the strap-on at her waist was a welcome reassurance. With a glint in her eye, she rubbed lubrication over and onto the dildo.

Gwen's frantic attempts to escape worsened. Her feet attempted to find purchase behind Silvia, but she curled underneath her, halting her progress. Her hands scratched, captured and released, colliding with Silvia's fingers, which remained unfazed.

"Forever and always, the pathetic sl*t wanted Silvia!" Silvia snarled, balancing the whimpering Gwen beneath her. "Since we first met – and every single day since – you never kept your eyes off me." Emphasizing her point, Silvia resumed roughly thrusting her hips against Gwen's, dominating her every move.

Ramping up the torment, Silvia pinched down on the other nipple Gwen could feverishly attempt to escape.

The nipple was released only to be replaced by a biting kiss along Gwen's throat. Silvia's entire body ground against hers as Gwen shook, terrified.

Gwen threw her head to the side, hitting Silvia in the temple. Eyes glinting with malice, Silvia gleefully clamped her teeth on Gwen's shoulder, leaving two deep marks that already darkened with bruising.

Silvia's gaze flickered downward to Gwen's taut, throbbing body, her eyes taking in every curve. "You're so beautiful," she murmured, awestruck, "Where else would I want my body to be?"

Still breathing heavily, Gwen's eyes remained filled with a waging fury and burning desire, even as she watched Silvia rise, position herself, and begin tugging her sweatpants down.

As her trousers fell past her hips, Silvia revealed the treacherous, thrusting object dangling by a velcroed harness.

Silvia released one hand, allowing her to guide the dildo's tip into Gwen's eager vagina. She rubbed the head back and forth along the outside of Gwen's pussy, spreading her lips apart. She felt the tip penetrate slightly as she discovered Gwen's opening.

Silvia pushed her pelvis forward. The first few inches embedded themselves within Gwen. Gwen's back curved up. Her feet tried to push herself away from Silvia's advancing dildo.

Silvia rearranged her weight on top of Gwen. She pulled her hips back slightly and thrust them forward again, maintaining one hand on the dildo to ensure she stayed in Gwen. She made a few more adjustments, each time burying a few more inches inside Gwen.

Up until now, Silvia had disregarded the strap's impact on her clit as she pushed her way into Gwen. But now she ground their pelvises together and allowed herself to enjoy the sensation of her clit being stimulated as she stimulated Gwen's pussy.

Tears and mucus covered Gwen's face when Silvia gazed back up at her. "Wow, you're so beautiful like this, you slut. You seem just like one now with that dildo embedded deep within you."

Silvia chuckled before pulling her hips back and slamming them forward again. A faint grunt escaped from Gwen's lips. More tears trickled down her eyes as Silvia maintained a steady pace. She slammed her hips into Gwen.

It was advantageous that Silvia had a second hand free because Gwen came alive under her as she started to truly fuck her. Gwen's hips rocked, her legs kicked, and she struggled to bring her hands up to claw at Silvia more.

Silvia just smiled through the entire experience. She continued to thrust into Gwen. She felt herself approaching her climax sooner than anticipated. She tried to slow down, but Gwen's movements were too strong. Moments later, Silvia lost control. Her orgasm overtook her, causing her hips to freeze and her body to quiver as she fought to maintain her grip on Gwen.

"What a great little whore you are. What a good girl you've been. Making me come like that." Silvia chuckled as Gwen fought her for command.

"For how well you've been, I'm going to let you come too. I know you've been close this whole time. I could feel you trembling beneath me." Silvia removed the dildo from Gwen.

Still pinning Gwen to the bed with her weight, Silvia ran her fingers over Gwen's clit in slow circles. She accelerated her speed and increased the pressure as Gwen's breaths grew faster. Silvia shifted her thumb onto Gwen's clit and thrust her fingers into Gwen. She wanted to feel Gwen lose control and orgasm from this onslaught on her.

Before long, Silvia felt Gwen's inner walls start to tremble and clench around her fingers. Silvia increased the pace on her thumb while arching her fingers towards Gwen's G-spot. The next thing Silvia knew, Gwen was coming on her fingers and squirting onto Silvia's thighs.

An insane grin spread across Silvia's face.

They were both left breathless, exhausted. The fight had subsided from Gwen. Silvia pulled her weight away from Gwen and sat up.

She removed the rag from between Gwen's lips. "Shh. You did so well, sweetheart. You did so well for me. Yes. I love you so much." Silvia wiped Gwen's hair from her face. She leaned over the bed and retrieved a package of wet wipes, then began cleaning Gwen's face with them, whispering affirmations the entire time. Gwen just stared at the ceiling, her breathing gradually leveling out.

When Gwen's face was clean, Silvia pulled her hands into her lap. She swiftly began removing the restraints and extricating them from Gwen's swollen flesh. Silvia retrieved an antibiotic cream with some pain-relieving components and massaged it into Gwen's wrists.

Silvia focused on helping Gwen recover. Mending whatever damage she had inflicted. Even though Gwen remained immobile, Silvia continued to rub Gwen's back and whispered words of affirmation. She'd return soon, but she needed to wait until Gwen returned.

Later, Silvia sensed Gwen awakening against her. She took in a deep, shuddering gulp of air.

"Hello. There's my good girl. Welcome back, my sweet."

Gwen stepped back, sporting a silly grin on her face. Her eyes scanned over Silvia, taking in the emotion as it drained from her smile.

"It's ok, Ma'am... It's ok for me. Please don't cry." Gwen traced her fingers gently on Silvia's face.

Silvia realized her tears. She inhaled sharply, "I love you so much."

Gwen murmured, "I know...I know how much you love me. You would never cause me harm. I love you too."

Silvia hugged Gwen close, whilst Gwen buried her head on Silvia's shoulder. They remained snuggled up to one another, each comforting the other until their breaths evened out. Silvia could no longer discern the duration of her tears. This time, it was Gwen assuring Silvia with her soft, loving words in her ear.

Later, Silvia took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

Gwen abruptly cut her off, "No. It's okay for you to feel whatever you're feeling about what happened. You're allowed to seek solace, just as I've needed you sometimes. I love you, and that's okay."

Silvia paused, reflecting on how virulent Gwen had been with her attitude before. She admired that it was an act of self-defense. "Thank you, baby girl. I know... I can get lost in my own head sometimes. Thank you." She planted a kiss on Gwen's forehead.

"Did it all live up to your expectations, dear?" Silvia inquired. The two continued to discuss their scene and their emotions before Gwen abruptly yawned widely.

Silvia nestled Gwen against her side and urged her to go to sleep. Before long, they were both breathing peacefully, fast asleep.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de