
Sister's Necklace: A jewelry dilemma.

Brother with affection for sister's neck.

May 31, 2024
24 min read
sisterneck kissSister's Neckfirst timeneck fetishincestneckolder sister
Sister's Neck
Sister's Neck

Sister's Necklace: A jewelry dilemma.

I've got an older sister, just a couple of years separate us. We both went to the same college, she studied business, while I opted for computer science. I'm close to my sister, we've grown up together and have always been there for each other through tough times, but our relationship never got to a point where we could share everything.

When we were both in college, I started feeling a strong attraction towards her. Yeah, she's hot, and I've always had a small crush on her. I'm 19 years old, and I've never had a girlfriend. I'm not sure why it happened, but I began to want more from her than just being my sister.

Around that time, I discovered an appreciation for a girl's neck. Every time a girl's neck was exposed, I couldn't look away. It's the shape, the way it moved, and how soft it appeared, I was hooked. I'd find myself staring at girls' necks as I walked past them. I had no idea why this sudden fascination had developed, but it was strong. Each time I caught a glimpse of a girl's neck, my mind would fill with all kinds of sexual fantasies.

After some research, I learned that this newfound interest was a fetish. It's called a neck fetish. I'd never heard of such a thing before. I discovered that it's pretty common for guys to be attracted to women's necks. I felt less concerned about my situation once I realized what it was.

Not long after, I began to look at my sister differently. I never paid much attention to her before, but now I tried to examine her whenever I could. She'd always tie her hair in a messy bun, leaving her neck exposed. The temptation to look at her neck was intense, and I often found myself having sexual thoughts about her.

My sister has a stunning neck. It's so feminine and soft. It has the perfect shape that complements her face. The curve on the side of her neck is incredibly sexy, and the front of her neck is equally appealing with its softness and delicate structure where her Adam's apple sits. It wasn't big or small, just right. And her collarbones? Beautiful. I could gaze at her neck all day long.

I don't remember when these desires first emerged, but each time I saw my sister, I couldn't help but feel driven by lustful desires. I'd become aroused just thinking about her neck. Sometimes, when I masturbated, I would imagine her neck stretched out for me, while I admired its beauty.

My parents would often leave us together in the house alone, usually on weekends. They'd go out for grocery shopping or errands. I'd be left behind with my sister. We'd chat about anything under the sun, school, careers, relationships, etc. While we were close, we weren't that close. It had never come up before, but I'd been thinking about confessing my sexual desires towards her.

I really wanted to experience her neck in my hands, but I didn't know if she'd be okay with that. One night, I decided to make a move. My sister was in her room, engrossed in her phone. The door was wide open, and I could see her clearly from my spot in the living room. Her neck was exposed, as usual, with her hair tied up in a bun. I saw this as a chance, so I walked over to her room and peered in.

When I got closer, I tried to come up with a reason to talk to her. She didn't notice me, so I cleared my throat loudly to catch her attention. When she looked at me, I formed a casual question. "Hey sis, can I ask you something?".

She turned to face me, still sitting on the bed. Her expression was warm and comforting, and it made me like her even more. "Sure, what is it?" she asked.

I step inside her room and make my way towards her, standing right next to her. Her scent starts to fill the air, and it's surprisingly pleasant. It feels familiar, but I can't quite recall where I've encountered it before.

"Um, may I ask you a question?" I inquire politely.

She nods in agreement.

Determined to bring up the subject, I say, "To be honest, I've been wanting to discuss something with you for a while now, but I was usually too afraid to mention it."

My sister gives me a curious look, "What is it?" she asks, her face displaying pure innocence.

I glance at her neck as she sits there. My heart pounds faster, and I can feel myself beginning to get nervous. "May I inquire about something private of yours?"

She furrows her eyebrows, "What exactly do you mean by that?" she asks, tilting her head slightly as she tries to understand.

"Let's just say... I've had this secret fascination for a while," I explain, trying to sound calm and composed.

My sister appears puzzled by my words. "Can you please be more specific?" she asks, ensuring she understands correctly.

"Well, it's like this... I find girls' necks incredibly captivating," I admit, feeling both relieved and ashamed to admit it.

Her expression softens as she looks at me, "Do you find my neck attractive?" Without waiting for my answer, she reaches her hand up and softly touches her own neck.

I shift until I'm close enough to glance down at her neck. "Very much so," I reply, feeling myself blush.

"It seems like you've been staring at my neck for a while," she notes, making me realize that she's noticed my fixation.

"I guess so," I reply, feeling embarrassed but also relieved to have expressed my feelings. "I just like the way your neck feels."

My sister keeps her hand on her neck, looking at me with a perplexed expression. "Why does your touch interest you so much about my neck?"

I take a deep breath before answering, "I just find girls' necks attractive, especially yours. I've wanted to know what it feels like to touch your neck."

She moves her hand away from her neck, now showing curiosity about my fascination. "What's so special about my neck?"

Her gaze lingers on my face as I stammer, "I can't really explain it, but I've always been attracted to them."

"Okay," my sister says, tilting her head as she contemplates my words. "So, if I let you touch my neck, would you like that?"

I nod eagerly, "Yes, I would."

My sister rises from her sitting position and approaches me. "In order for that to happen, there's one thing you'll need to do for me first."

I listen carefully as she outlines her conditions: "For an entire week, you cannot masturbate."

I nod, "I'll do it." My eyes remain locked on her beautiful neck as she looks at me curiously. "Are there any other stipulations?"

"We'll see once the week is up," she replies teasingly. "If you maintain this, you'll be free to touch my neck any way you want."

My hands tremble as I think about all the various ways I could satisfy my needs. "So if I abstain for a week, will you let me explore how your neck responds?"

She grins before saying, "Maybe... But we'll see."

"Hey, what's the limit on touching your neck?" I ask her to clarify what she meant by earning the privilege to caress her neck.

My sister chuckles at me and retorts, "Wow, you're quite thirsty, aren't you?" She returned to her previous position on the bed. "Just lie back and enjoy my neck's touch for an entire night, and then you'll have to wait for another week."

"Awesome! Deal!" I declare, thrilled at the prospects. "See you next week then!" I say with a cheerful tone while leaving my sister's room feeling content. I'm unsure of what she has lined up for me, but as long as her neck is involved, I'm on board.

The week that follows feels like a lifetime, and I put in all my efforts to delay my lubrication. If I were to masturbate before the week ends, I knew I'd have to restart the waiting period. My mind was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of her neck, and I envisioned touching her, kissing her, sucking on her, and even biting her. I could hardly wait for the week to expire so I could execute my fantasies involving her neck.

During these seven days, my sister teased me about my willpower. There were moments when she purposely flaunted her cleavage, showcased her necklines, and lifted her chin in our conversations. Her Adam's apple was so appealing it made me crazy. She seemed to understand the impact she was creating and enjoyed tormenting me. However, I could see that she intended me to last these full seven days. Adding to my agony, my sister's actions seemed more like a challenge, only making it tougher for me to restrain myself.

The first three days were easy, but the difficulties increased with each successive day. On the sixth day, I awoke with raging desire due to a dream about my sister's neck. I attempted to disregard it, but to no avail. In the end, I caved in and masturbated in the bathroom before any of the rest of the family woke up.

"I failed... I must restart," I admit, upset when I re-entered my room and found my sister already awake and sitting on the bed.

She puts down her phone, ending a message from a friend. "How was your morning?" She enquires casually, as if nothing in particular had taken place.

"Uh... It was fine," I respond, unable to maintain eye contact with her.

Cracking a playful smile, my sister quips, "You seem distracted today. What happened?"

I avert my gaze and quip, "Oh, nothing special."

"You failed, didn't you?" My sister asks with a mischievous grin. While startled, I couldn't help but wonder how she knew about my indiscretion in the bathroom.

"Perhaps," I concede. She begins to walk towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She leans into me, with our faces almost touching. "Let's ensure you do better next time," she whispers seductively before leaning in to kiss me on the lips. Caught off guard, I don't move away, savoring the sweetness of the kiss. As she separates, her eyes glint with mischief, "How about we re-visit this challenge soon, hmm?"

I nod, assenting to a speedier challenge next time, eager to touch her neck. "Yes! I'll improve next time!" I chime eagerly.Another week rolls by, and I keep resisting the urge to masturbate. However, my sister's jibes have aroused my curiosity. It's hard not to focus on her neck, especially after seeing it in various positions. It's curvaceous from the front and delicately tapered towards the back, similar to the shape of her collarbone when she tilted her head upwards.

Things were simpler in the initial few days; however, it became increasingly challenging to hold back my urges. I may even find myself molesting other women's necks; it happened when a girl in class walked past or when the cashier at Starbucks bent down to talk to me. To remind myself, I made a mental note that these girls were not my sister.

The first few days were effortless, yet the later ones were increasingly difficult. My mind became fixated on her neck and, by the fifth day, I struggled to control my desire. Whenever I saw a beautiful neck, my mind would immediately gravitate towards my sister's neck.

"Are you alright, brother? You seem distracted today," my sister queries.

"I... Um," I stutter, having difficulty focusing on her face.

She grins playfully, undeterred by my discomfort. "It sounds like you miss touching my neck," she teases wickedly, taunting me. "It's okay. Let's begin the challenge again."

Her words send a rush of affliction to my loins, pressuring me to abstain from myself. "Ah, alright, but this better be good if I'm starting over again," I try to mask my arousal.

"Oh, it will be," she smirks and begins to inhale deeply, slightly revealing her neck. "Now, take these seven days to prepare yourself."

I try to steer clear of my little sister during these seven days. The last thing I need is for her to see me wrestling with my urges. Despite her enjoyment in watching me squirm, I don't want her to capitalize on it too much. It's hard enough for me to resist masturbating without my own sister displaying her captivating neck right in front of me.

As the sixth day unfolds, and it's a weekend now, with no plans for the day, my sister's outfits appear even more revealing. I'm flabbergasted at how much she's needling me right now. However, I manage to maintain my resolve up to the end of the day, without giving in to temptation.

The last day finally arrives. I awaken feeling profoundly anxious and excited at the same time.

"Well, just a few hours left!" My sister jests cheerfully as she barges into my room while I'm still asleep. I grumble and turn my back towards her, "Go away." I mutter, still half asleep.

She chuckles softly before taking a seat next to me on my bed, "Come on, don't be such a curmudgeon. With just a few hours left before you can touch my neck, are you truly nervous about it?" She mocks me again with a smirk.

I try not to glance at her face because if I do, I'll cave into temptation like I did yesterday. Instead, I focus on the college work strewn across my desk in front of me. The hours crawl by as we both wait for the time to lapse. I'm aware that as soon as the time's up, there's no going back. From this point on, the implications of this act can't be undone.

At last, midnight strikes, marking the completion of the week since my sister first gave me permission to touch her neck. However, before I could even attempt to go in her room and fulfill my cravings, she appears at my door, opening it herself and walking in without asking for an invitation.

My sister's offering her hand to me, urging me to accompany her. "What's going on?" I inquire curiously as I gaze at her.

"It's time for you to collect your prize now," she informs me playfully. My excitement is palpable.

I clutch her hand and follow her into her room, locking the door behind me. The moment I enter, my gaze immediately settles on her neck. It seems even more dazzling up close than it did from a distance.

She'd let her hair down today, which means some of her neck is concealed beneath it. Could it be that she deliberately wore it down to assist me in making it through this entire week? She's still wearing a tank top, so portions of her collarbone and shoulders, and her stomach, are visible as well.

"You've arrived," she says jubilantly, sporting a grin.

"I can't fathom that it's already over," I express disbelief. Something about her fragrance calms me down and makes me feel at ease in her presence. Maybe it's merely my imagination though.

"Now, what do you want to do first?" She inquires casually, her head tilted upwards, partly exposing her exquisite neck for me to relish. My heart skips a beat when I observe it.

"Your hair is down today," I mention, idly reaching out to caress her silky, black hair delicately. "Were you doing it on purpose to help me make it through this week?" I wonder aloud.

She laughs lightly, "Perhaps." She acknowledges with a small smile tugging at her lips. "But I knew you desired to touch my neck, so I didn't want to prevent you."

I nod in agreement, "Indeed... I couldn't stop thinking about your neck." I confess openly. "There were times when I longed to relieve myself, but I fought against it."

A smile plays on her lips as she makes her way to the table full of hair ties. She picks one up and wraps it around her wrist, the same time her eyes meet mine with a flirtatious smirk. Her hair comes down slightly in the process, letting me feast on the sight of her soft skin and long locks. The thought alone is enough to set me off, trembling with anticipation. Her hair is up now, revealing that slender neckline of hers. So graceful, so enticing, I can't control myself.

Holding my gaze, she casually queries, "Like this?" Her tone is mischievous, lifting her shoulders and inviting me. "You can start any time now." She inches closer, her arm extending to claim my hand. Bringing me in closer till we're nearly touching, her body is barely inches away from mine.

I nod, out of breath, "Yeah... just like that." My dick hardens even more from being so close to her. My eyes travel down to where her neck and collarbone merge, a sight that's been haunting my dreams for days. "Your neck... it's so beautiful." My voice catches in my throat.

She seems amused, "Really? It's never been pointed out before. I mean, who would know?" Her eyes twinkle with curiosity as a small blush blooms on her cheeks.

I shrug, trying to sound unfazed, "Yeah, I guess not." Looking back at her neck I add, "I'll touch your neck then... if you don't mind."

She lifts her chin up ever so slightly, presenting her diamond of a neck for me to see. Both hands find their way to her neck, resting on either side to support it. "That's it," she encourages, as her breathing quickens. "Enjoy it. Take your time."

My hands glide along the soft skin, the sensation electrifying me on every level. The smooth surface is so inviting, I just have to keep going. Running my fingers along her skin, her body shudders with delight. "Mmm..." she hums softly, her eyes heavy-lidded and eager.

"You like that, huh?" A tease glints in my eye as I rub along her skin, eliciting hitched breaths from her. "No one has ever seen or touched this before." Puzzlement appears on her face at my presumption, yet her neck does react in excitement.

"Have they?" I tease further, pressing my thoughts on her silent response, "I know how it feels of course." She looks up at me perplexed, "You have?"

Awareness dawns on her, a smile plays on her lips as she mimics my actions on her own neck. "It's fascinating, isn't it?" I nod, unable to find the right words to describe her beauty. Her neck bares no signs of selfish body hair and glides gracefully under my skin.

I'm silent a moment, then I reach up to trace her throat, enjoying the softness of her skin as I do. Her Adam's apple jiggles subtly at my touch, fascinated by the movement, I continue tracing her neck, working my fingertips over the bumps and curves. Lightly squeezing her throat, hoping it won't be too rough for her. She doesn't complain so I continue, disappointed when she pulls back.

"I think you're being a bit stiff. Don't want to hurt me, do you?" The playful curiosity in her voice hides the discomfort of my touch. I shake my head, "No, sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you." I'm instantly sorry for startling her, regret abundant in my voice.

A small but genuine smile plays on her lips, "Don't worry about it." She pulls me back towards her. "I understand. It seems like you've been patient for a long time." I relax almost instantly at her words, relieved and thankful. I continue with my touch, no longer feeling guilty. If I'm going to do this, then I'll do it slowly and satisfactory for both of us.

My fingertips slide up and down her neck, feeling every bump, hearing the sounds it makes on my fingertips. The sensations are intense, my heart beating fast at the mere idea of what might come next. My mind races as I imagine what's lying beneath her smooth skin, so much more than a piece of art. There's so much potential for stimulation.

Throughout her neck, my hands glide, pressing lightly on the soft flesh. Her gorgeous neck sweeps my thoughts away as I continue my touch. The thought of making her moan is like a drug, leaves me wanting more. I hold back from shouting out loud, embracing the pleasure devouring me.

Soft noises multiply as my hands explore, her sensitive skin reacting with enthusiasm. The anticipation is killing me. My hands stroke the soft area of her throat with my senses on high alert, the light pressure as I create shallow waves turns her throat slippery, and I stare at the possibility of her saliva lubricating. Slowly I glide, unimaginable possibilities run through my head. Overstimulation is on the horizon, I'm at her bidding. I could go either way, I realize as I inch closer to sucking in my breath; is she about to let me?

"Your neck looks so nice..." I tell her softly as my fingers stroke her skin. Her skin is unbelievably smooth, feeling like silk against my fingertips. It seems to be enhancing my pleasure right now. I'm discovering even more of her neck and can sense her getting more and more turned on.

Her eyes are closed and her head is slightly tilted back. The way she is breathing heavily is a sign that she not only wants me but needs me as much as I need her. I can't help but lightly brush my lips against the side of her neck, almost wondering if she would mind if I kissed her there.

"Your skin feels amazing when you touch it like this." She murmurs, her voice barely audible. "You can do whatever you like there."

I smile gently, then lean closer and whisper in her ear, "Be prepared, I might not be able to stop myself from kissing you when I touch your neck. You know how long I've been wanting to do this, right?" My words almost immediately sent shivers down her entire body, my fingers still tracing shapes on her contours, her breathing getting heavier and faster.

"I-I'm sorry... I think I'm losing control around you." Her voice is slightly scared but also excited. "Please, if there's more you want to do besides kissing my neck, just tell me. I'm here for you."

Smiling warmly, I nod my head. "Alright, let me tell you what I want to do then." My heart is pounding harder as new ideas cross my mind. "I think we should move on to exploring the rest of your body."

My sister looks at me with a devilish smile, "Tell me more." Her eyes are glittering with desire, knowing she wants me more than anything. Her heart is racing, and I can feel her core getting wetter and wetter.

"I plan on kissing your body from head to toe, making sure all my touch covers you completely." I say, my hands still carressing her neck and play with her hair. "I want to spend this moment making you reach every possible limit you have, pleasing you endlessly." Taking a deep breath, I lean in for another kiss on her neck before whispering in her other ear, "I can't wait to do this to you."

I can tell she's overwhelmed, both aroused and excited by my advances. We both want this so badly. "I've been waiting for this forever too..." She says, encouraging me to get started.

I move away from her neck for a moment and ask, "Where should we begin this journey?" My gaze roams across her body, involuntarily imagining kissing each part from her hips to her breasts and finally reaching her belly button, excited by these ideas that pop in my head.

She smiles, "Your call. Whatever you like." She motions with her hands towards her hips and pushes her body gently against me, her warm chest against mine. "I'll be totally at your command."

I nod in agreement and decide, "We'll start with your shoulders, then move to your cleavage and chest and then finish with your below..." I can't help but imagine how I'll kiss her now, the anticipation is making me almost lose it...

My sister's eyes light up, "Perfect... I'm yours. I can't wait." Her reply is almost a plead, begging me to start on her.

"Let's make our way to your bed then, it seems like the best place to make things happen." She smiles as she grabs me by the hands and directs me to her bedroom. There's a mattress at the center of the room that seems to have lots of space for exploration.

We both end up on the bed, her head leaning against a pillow, and me on top of her. Her soft, raven hair strokes my face as we press our bodies together, making us more intimate.

The sensation of being close to her has pushed me over the edge. My neck that I've been caressing and kissing is now where I want to take her. "I can't wait to kiss your neck..." I say, feeling invigorated by just the thought of it.

My lips touch her skin, officially starting on the journey, reaching parts of her shoulders and chest before sliding further on her jaw and then her neck where I first started. Every movement of my lips to her skin makes us both melting into each other, her body vibrating with pleasure as if stuck in a constant orgasm.

The perfume she wears makes its way to my nose. "I'd get lost in your smell forever... It's like honey to me." She murmurs softly. She grabs my hair in her hands and strokes it gently while her breath quickens each time I kiss her neck. It's like she's inviting me to conquer her senses.

My tongue slips out and moves over her skin, creating tiny circles on her boyfriend's neck. It excites her and causes her to grip my hair more firmly. My kisses leave a trail between her neck and ears, making her squirm. It was clear she'd been waiting for this moment for just as long as I had. I take pleasure in the feeling of her skin soft to the touch, my tongue licking small circles because I knew she would enjoy it. This made my legs feel like rubber, ready to lose control and do anything I could to satisfy her.

I continue to move my lips along the tender skin of my sister's neck until I reach her collarbone. I gently kiss this area before carefully pulling away from her body. When I do so, I notice that my lips are now damp due to an excess of saliva in my mouth.

"Are you satisfied?" she queries as she tries to catch her breath from the events that took place moments ago. As she speaks, I can see desire glistening in her eyes and her face turning a rosy shade. Despite her desire to take our actions further, she doesn't feel ready to do so just yet.

Although I've reached a level of contentment, I'm still hungry for more. "No... I'm not satisfied yet," I whisper back as I draw closer to her once more.

"You haven't cum," she remarks casually before gazing intently into my eyes. In this moment, it feels as though her words are a melody to my ears. I want nothing more than for my sister to give me what I desire.

I nod emphatically. "Yes... I want you to make me cum." I whisper back as I play with her hair softly. For ages, this dream of having sexual contact with my sister has driven me wild. Finally being able to caress her neck in such an intimate way is enough for me to quell my thirst temporarily.

"Okay," she says brightly as she rises up off our makeshift bed. My heart beats faster as I ponder what is about to happen next.

She motions me towards the mattress. "Come up on the bed," she orders with anticipation. I do exactly as I'm instructed, stepping onto the bed with my stomach facing her. I regard her curiously knowing that what transpires next will be an unforgettable experience for both of us.

My sister gently removes my trousers, revealing my erection. Her eyes grow wide at the size of my fully-grown penis which is straining to be freed from its confinement. "Wow, it really is as big as you said it would be," she comments in a soft voice as she reaches out and holds it.

I can't contain my excitement as I watch her touch my member gently with her fingertips. It feels like I've reached the pinnacle of my desires.

"So what do you want me to do now?" She enquires hesitantly while her eyes glance over my fully-exposed penis.

"Use your throat," I gasp, barely able to control myself. My heart races as I imagine what's about to happen. It feels like a fantasy of mine has just become a reality.

"Your throat?" she repeats incredulously before moving closer to me. Her lips brush gently against my penis, driving me wild with pleasure. "Yeah, that's right. I want you to make me cum using your throat." I whisper back as I reach out and sift through her hair lightly.

She touches her neck as she contemplates her next move. "So you want me to swallow you?" she queries in a surprised manner while her lips hover near my erection.

"Yes... I want to cum inside your neck," I whisper back.

She moves her lips towards me. "Your neck?" she asks once more before leaning forward on the edge of the bed. Her breath is hot and misty against my penis, tantalizing me with the possibility of what is to come. It actually feels like a dream come true. She's going to take me in her throat? I almost can't believe it.

Once more, she asks, "Are you sure?"

"Yes... Please put it in your mouth, I just want to cum inside your mouth and neck." I confess in a shaky tone.

Satisfied with my answer, she places her lips on my penis and moves her head back and forth while allowing me to enter deeper with each thrust. My other hand touches the back of her neck, gently pulling her closer to me. Her tongue flirts with my penis, sending my nerves into a frenzy.

She reaches down to hold me even tighter. "Do you want to cum now?" I can barely control myself as she moves her head at a faster, more intense pace. My upper body strains as I attempt to stop myself from thrusting too forcefully. I'm desperate to cum but don't want to hurt my sister.

"Almost... just a bit more." My heart is racing as I battle to control my climax. And just like that, I let loose, thrusting into her warm, moist mouth. For moments, it feels like I've been let loose from a chain. My body trembles in the throes of pleasure.

My sister pulls away from me and sits back panting. "You realize we'd better be careful, or we might do permanent damage," she chides gigglingly as she contemplates what has just taken place. Despite her words, her eyes glow with pleasure. This has been a fantasy she couldn't resist sharing.

"Wait, what?!" I interrupt her with a startled tone, still trying to accept what's happened.

"We can't do that all the time," she reminds me amidst her laughter, seemingly unbothered by the seriousness of the situation at hand.

I let out a breath of relief and manage a few chuckles as the tension in the room fades away. For now, what has taken place here will be something we both remember with a satisfied smile.

"So when would we do this again?" I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

"Probably one day when you've calmed down and can think about it more rationally," she asserts with a laugh.

My sister, ever the clever one, has me at a loss for words. However, I can't deny that deep down, I'm yearning to explore further. Can't wait to continue discovering what else lies within us. But for me, the experience - simply making love to my sister in this way - is all the reward I need.

"What's the reason for pausing?" I inquire curiously as I stare into her eyes. I need to find out why she halted her actions just then.

She grins at me, "I wish for you to ejaculate into my throat as you desired." She states in a sultry manner. "Don't take your hands off my neck yet." She orders whilst shifting nearer to me again.

My mind accelerates as I attempt to understand what she's doing with her tongue now. Is she planning to perform something unique with it, or perhaps she wants my hands in another location? Regardless, I'm eager to comply with her requests at this very moment.

She uncovers her mouth fully, allowing her tongue to dart out from between her lips and graze the tip of my penis gently. She brings my penis back into her mouth then, but this time it's inserted deeper and more slowly. As soon as I start moving my hips inside her mouth again, it's evident that something wet and sticky covers the surface of my penis. It seems that my penis is coated in some strange adhesive substance, increasing the pleasure I'm experiencing at the moment.

My hands are on her neck and I'm aware that her neck muscles are tightening up as well. Her tongue is still lavishly working its magic on my sensitive member. The feeling of having my penis being sucked by someone's mouth is too enticing for me to tolerate. I'm just about to blow my load in a matter of seconds if she continues on like this.

She pushes it even deeper into her throat. My hands can tell that my penis nearly reaches the back of her mouth. She takes it in deeper until the tip of my penis directly touches the back of her throat. This time, I'm definitely certain that I'll cum inside her throat within a moment.

She gazes up at me, as if pleading with me to let go within her throat. And so I do... I grab her neck, I exert pressure gently while discharging myself into her throat. The combination of saliva and semen within her throat brings about a powerful surge of sensations throughout my entire body. I cry out loudly as I discharge all inside her throat.

My sister is coughing on my cum but she doesn't stop sucking on it. My hands can perceive her Adam's apple swallowing the saliva and semen mixture one drop at a time. Her eyes are partially closed as she basks in what I've done to her now. She coughs a bit after I finish discharging into her throat, but she doesn't stop sucking on me until she's confident there won't be more secretions. A full week's worth of cum has been released inside her throat in that single instance.

I withdraw from her gradually. I witness my sister appears ready to spew due to the quantity of semen within her throat. So I quickly place my hand over her mouth to forestall it, but she manages to spill only some of it onto the bed sheets. "Sorry sis," I apologize timidly as I wipe off the mess from where it fell.

Her face is now flushed crimson, and she looks at me with a combination of disbelief and satisfaction in her eyes. "You truly did it... You really came inside my throat like I requested," She says with a tiny smile on her face. "Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that this would transpire between us..." She adds, gazing down at the bed sheets where some of my cum had previously rested.

I glance at her, "I couldn't keep it in any longer sis... The delight was too much for me to contain." I confess candidly whilst sifting my fingers through her hair tenderly. "Yet I have no regrets about doing it either... Because you made me climax so fiercely inside your throat." I augment with a slight smirk on my face.

"You'll need to make me feel the same way again." She says playfully, pushing me away from her slightly. "I can't wait to witness what other things we may explore together." She adds, her eyes alight with excitement.

I smile at her, "Indeed, I'm definitely anticipating attempting various new things with you sis." I say, kissing her lips softly. It feels so intimate and comforting against my skin right now.

"See you next week!" She says joyously upon departing and walking towards the bathroom to purify herself. Once she leaves, it occurs to me - this was just the commencement of our wild experimentation. And I couldn't wait to see what further wicked plans my sister had prearranged for us next week.

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