Gay Sex

Soft Boy in Prison: Chapter 2

Casper acclimates to his initial incarceration.

May 2, 2024
23 min read
The Soft Boy Prison Ch. 02femdomprisonhandcuffschastityboots
The Soft Boy Prison Ch. 02
The Soft Boy Prison Ch. 02

Soft Boy in Prison: Chapter 2

(For those who haven't read The Soft Boy Prison Chapter 1 yet, it's necessary to understand the context.)

Shettleston, 2034

As a child, Casper's father called this part of town a waste land. If that was true even before the war started, it's definitely true now. The aerial bombardment of Glasgow destroyed more than 80% of its buildings. Shettleston, a residential area in the east of the city, shared the same fate. They settled in a tenement standing at the intersection where Old Shettleston Road crossed the Road. From the second story of this building, located over what remained of an old hairdresser's, they thought they could see down the road for half a mile.

It was early May and the weather was achingly dreary, with a touch of rain, colder than usual, and a generally melancholic tone. Although vegetation was emerging from the ruins and buds were blooming albeit slightly, the earth underfoot was thick with mud.

Casper fidgeted nervously. While checking his Glock, he made sure all its components were in working order. The last thing he wanted was the gun to fail when it was needed. His colleague, Molly, was beside him, her Dragunov at the ready. She lay prone on the window sill, her rifle supporting her. She was a fine shooter, and it was best to keep out of her crosshairs, no matter the distance.

"Is there any new activity?" she inquired, abruptly ending the silence and startling Casper.

"No, none yet," Casper answered uncomfortably. He put his Glock back into his pants.

"Don't you persuade anyone to give you food if you keep distracted like that," replied Molly angrily.

Her harsh words made Casper feel remorseful. "Have you seen anything new?" Molly questioned once more. Casper peered through the binoculars, focusing on the road below.

"All quite calm on the western front," Casper reported, the mist from his breath swirling by his lenses. "Great. Don't lose focus again."

Molly was a force to be reckoned with, a cruelly efficient killing machine. At only 13, she witnessed the invasion of Poland by Russia from Belarus. Her father, a soldier at the time, was among the NATO forces who initially held the line on the Vistula River, saving millions of Polish people from being overrun. When the Russians outflanked and outmaneuvered the NATO forces, she never saw her father again. Seeing her father as a sniper, she learned to shoot when she was very young, a skill that would later prove valuable.

During the war, her home in Rutherglen was hit by a Russian airstrike, killing her mother and older brother. Molly's injuries landed her in a coma for two weeks. When she woke up in a field hospital, she discovered that everything she knew was gone. With nothing left to lose, she determined to live her life on her own terms, with no queuing for rations, no military curfew, and no hesitation to take what she wants by force.

Although not the group's leader, Molly commanded respect as a lethal and utterly ruthless member. When Casper first joined, Calvin thought that having him learn from Molly on expeditions would toughen him up and make him more like the others. But her influence backfired; it only encouraged a rift between Casper and the group. When Molly couldn't indoctrinate him, she turned him into a helpless scapegoat, blaming him for her mistakes, teasing, and even physically abusing him at times. Casper tried to steer clear of her as much as possible, but she was always close by.

Sean and Calvin were hidden behind a wall along the street below. Across the road, Amy took up position behind a bush and a heap of rubble, carefully observing the area. Through a walkie talkie stolen from Toys R Us, Casper and Molly communicated with Calvin. Sean and James were also in communication with Calvin.

In the intersection above, Casper and Molly waited, alert but calm. Emerging from the same background was the image of a cruel, ruthless woman who had lost everything in the chaos of the war and who was determined to survive against all odds. The world was a shattered mess, but for Molly, it was just an opportunity to endure and dominate.

Casper was feeling hungry. It had been two days since their last meal. Their last expedition had taken place two weeks ago. They managed to stop a middle-aged woman in her car with her mother and stole their food and water. Most expeditions, Casper observed, didn't involve violence since pointing a gun usually made people obey. The rain subsided, and he could hear the faint hum of a car engine in the distance. He focused on his binoculars and saw a vehicle approaching. It was a light gray VW Golf.

"Contact at 11 o'clock, approaching, estimate 500 meters," Casper stated. Molly confirmed this information after a brief hesitation.

"Got 'em!" she exclaimed. "Radio the guys."

Casper picked up his walkie-talkie and pressed the PTT. "Casper here, we have a visual. Light gray hatchback approaching from the east, distance 450 meters. Stand by."

"Roger," James responded.

To reduce the chance of being seen, Calvin, James, and Amy relied entirely on Casper and Molly to signal the moment to engage the target. They had to wait until the car was almost upon them, but not too close, or if Molly needed to shoot, it would be less effective. Casper kept an eye on the vehicle as it got closer. He considered when the car would need to slow down - maybe when it passed a certain lamp post. When the time came, he was ready to give the go-ahead. Holding the walkie-talkie to his mouth, he anticipated the moment.

"Got 'cha, little bug, fly into the spider's web," Molly taunted, grinning wickedly through her scope. Casper counted down as the car approached the lamp post - 3...2...1...

"Go! Go! Go!" Casper shouted into the speaker.

James suddenly appeared in the road, groaning in pain. "HELP! STOP! PLEASE." He called out. The faint sound of the car's brakes could be heard until it came to a stop 30 feet away. A man in his late 30s and his partner got out.

"What's wrong!? Are you okay!?" the man asked as he approached the injured James.

"OUUUUGHH, I'VE BEEN SHOT. THEY GOT ME IN THE STOMACH" Jamie pleaded, standing up and aiming his gun at the couple.

"Let me see" the man requested.

"Sure" Jamie replied, calmly taking his hands off his stomach and pointing his revolver at the couple. The man and his partner put their hands up immediately. Calvin and Amy emerged from their cover.

"Move to the back of the car, slowly," James commanded. The couple complied, still with their arms in the air. "What have you got?" he asked.

The man spoke hesitantly, "We were just going to visit my brother... Over in Dennistoun. All we've brought is a bar of chocolate, a few ready meals, some change, and some bottles of beer".

"Bottles of beer? Looks like you saved up some good chips for those," James taunted. "Can't wait for a wee drink. Open the trunk." The man did as he was asked, and James turned his attention from the man to the contents of the trunk.

"That idiot!" Molly muttered angrily. "He turned his back on them!"

Molly aimed her gun at the man and fired, but her shot was just a bit too late. Both guns went off simultaneously. James was hit in the stomach, and Molly's shot hit the man in the hip.

"Fuck!" Casper exclaimed, overwhelmed by the horror of what he saw.

Molly yelled at him to shut up and rushed him along by the wrist. "Shut the fuck up! We need to leave!" she said urgently, leading Casper down the stairs and out to their car. Amy and Calvin were already pulling James into the back seat. [CASPER'S NARRATION] Casper and James went on the run after committing a crime. They'd struggled to find food, so Casper made a plan to steal from a woman driving with her mother. Using the excuse of needing help after faking an injury, Casper and James lured the man out of his car, revealing their weapons and trapping the couple. Molly grabbed Casper by the wrist and led him away, forcing him to join her and the others as they left the scene at high speed. [END]

"Argh!!" James yelled out in anguish. "Ouch, he's been hurt in the stomach," Calvin informed Molly. There was blood splattered all over James's front and Calvin's jacket.

"The army might've heard the gunshots, we need to leave swiftly," said Amy.

Casper stood staring at the man Molly had shot. He was still alive, writhing, gasping, and choking on his blood. There was so much blood. Casper felt faint and threw up, Molly pulled him into the back seat of the car and slammed the door closed. Calvin was driving in the front seat and started the ignition. Amy was trying to make James as safe as possible in the cramped space. James let out another excruciating cry that made Casper feel pain in his ears. Molly jumped into the front passenger seat and closed the door. "Leave!". The car screeched off at high speed. James was oozing blood everywhere there were seats and the floor.

"Casper!" Amy said urgently. "Apply pressure to the injury!"

Casper, still shaken and faint, placed his hands on where he believed the injury was. It was difficult to tell with all the blood. Jamie let out another excruciating shriek.

"Now settle down, big guy," said Calvin, trying to remain calm. "We'll get you fixed. You know, one of those guys who brags about getting shot in the stomach and then it really happens to you, right?"

Casper pressed on the injury. Jamie let out another blood-curdling shriek. Blood soaked between Casper's fingers as he pressed. There was so much blood.

Casper shot upright in his bed, covered in a cold sweat. He was about to be sick, he rushed over to the toilet and nearly missed the bowl with his first wave of vomit. He managed to get his second wave into the bowl. He stared into the toilet, catching his breath, finally coughing up the leftovers. Casper started to shake, tears rolled down his cheeks, and he began to whimper. He allowed his feelings to flow out in a prolonged, gut-wrenching cry. After a while, another inmate appeared at his cell, worried by the commotion.

"Are you okay?" the inmate asked. "Should I call a staff member?"

Casper, still crying, slowly shifted to face the inmate, showing his tear-stained face, nose, and vomit. The inmate withdrew, and a guard quickly appeared in the cell. She approached Casper cautiously, kneeling down to wrap a towel around him.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," she said soothingly. "Are you just feeling a bit ill?"

Casper was too emotional to respond. A small group of inmates gathered at the cell entrance to see what the commotion was about. The guard gestured for them to step back. "Quiet, everyone!" she commanded. They dispersed. She cleaned the vomit from Casper's chest, then pulled him into her arms, rocking him back and forth to help calm him. He continued crying.

"It's alright. You're safe. I've got you."

Casper sat in the office at the table with a blanket wrapped around him and a cup of tea in front of him. He was sniffling. The guard who comforted him earlier stood on the other side of the table, holding her cup of tea and leaning against the refrigerator behind her. She took a sip and then spoke.

"It's not permitted for inmates to be in here, but I'll make an exception for you. If you don't want to talk right now, that's fine, but could you respond with a nod or a slight shake of the head if I ask you some questions?" Casper nodded.

"Excellent. So, I see you're a new arrival today, is that correct?" Casper nodded.

"So, many inmates find their first day or even their first week or month in prison overwhelming. I don't want to seem like I'm just babbling, because I've never been in prison myself. However, I've seen it happen so many times. The finality of it all, being handcuffed from head to toe, being escorted on the bus, getting shown your cell for the next few years... it can't be fun."

In our facility, we try to reduce the harshness and make our inmates feel at ease and comfortable as much as possible. Have you experienced this so far? Casper nodded while still sniffling.

"I'm glad to hear it. Have you talked to any other inmates yet? Has anyone spoken to you or done something that upset you?" Casper shook his head.

"Great. Are you feeling unwell earlier today? Like earlier in the day?" Casper shook his head again.

"I had a nightmare". The guard standing nearby exclaimed, "He talks!" She extended her hand towards him. "I'm Jane," she introduced herself.

Casper finally looked up and shook her hand. She was stunning. Not the common type of beauty, but a level of beauty that was heads and shoulders above everyone else. Her face emitted a genuine smile filled with positivity and kindness. Her hair rested so gracefully on her shoulders. Her body, which was both curves and elegant, also had a glorious beauty and sexiness, and his cage grew tight as he admired her figure. He blushed while looking away and clasping his hands between his legs.

"Has he perked up a bit?" the guard teased. He chuckled softly, still blushing. Jane pulled the chair across from her and took a seat.

"So, your nightmare. Want to talk about it?"

Casper's expression changed immediately.

"Yes. It was just things from the past that happened. Nothing nice. I don't really want to elaborate," he explained regretfully.

"It's understandable. We've all had problems to deal with, and it's awful being alone with them. I recall my childhood, comparing how I imagined my life would be with where I am now, and it's heartbreaking. My mom, dad, and grandma are deceased, and I've lost touch with any friends from before the war started. I've been surviving for the last four years, witnessing horrifying things that affected my mental state. I'm here now, and I don't know anyone. This prison feels like a cold wind against my skin as I think about my actions, feeling both undeserving and sorry for what I've done."

Jane listened silently with concern and sympathy, holding his hand.

"There's no reason to apologize for expressing your emotions. You're not burdening me in any way. Life has been incredibly challenging for you, and your feelings are valid. However, I can't provide professional assistance. Perhaps I could arrange a meeting with the prison's counselor?"

"I'm not sure," Casper sighed. "I'm not that good at opening up. Previously, I was part of a gang of thieves before my arrest. They were among the closest friends I'd had since the war ended. They had similar stories to mine, so I thought maybe we could relate. But when I tried to open up to them, they called me a pathetic bitch and ridiculed me for talking about my problems. They didn't want to hear sob stories, so I just didn't want to open up.

"Their actions were awful, but maybe you should consider talking to the counselor when you're ready," she suggested calmly.

"I'll think about it," answered Casper.

A young guard with glasses entered the room, carrying a food tray.

"Just put it on the table, Eleanor, thank you." Eleanor placed the tray on the table, along with a knife, fork, and a water bottle, and left the room. They were serving shepherd's pie.

"The other inmates are eating now. You don't want to miss out on dinner," Jane mentioned while sipping tea.

"I'm not feeling particularly hungry," Casper said.

"Rubbish, you haven't had anything to eat since this morning. It's like a constant hunger that led you to end up here. Come on, even if you're not all that hungry, you'll feel better if you eat a little bit."

"You'll find that information about you in your file, it's nothing classified," Jane responded, sipping her tea. "Come on, have some, I know you want to!" She winked at him.

Casper stared at the shepherd's pie. It smelled heavenly. He picked up a fork and scooped some into his mouth. His eyes lit up. He couldn't recall the last time he'd had a fresh hot meal that tasted so delicious, maybe when his mom was still alive.

"Not what you were anticipating, huh?" Jane laughed.

"No. Not at all. This is wonderful!"

"All the food we serve to our prisoners and staff is grown and cooked here on our prison grounds. We have a farm where all the crops grow and animals are housed. Of course, it's well-guarded," she explained.

"That way, we wouldn't have to depend on government rations which would be disastrous, considering our responsibility is to maintain your health and safety." Casper was astounded.

"You could get used to this," he thought. Fresh, locally grown and cooked meals were not what he expected coming to prison. He shoveled more pie into his mouth, not slowing down. Jane found his eating habits amusing.

"Hey! Stop eating so fast, you're making a bit of a mess on the table!"

Casper stopped and looked up at her. "Sorry, it's just so good. I haven't had food this nice in years."

"That's fine. Keep eating. Just don't make a mess," she chuckled.

"I'll be able to help out in the farm when you get your duties," she added.

"Wow, I never thought prison would grow food," he said, surprised.

When he finished his meal, he burped loudly.

"You're like a child!" Jane laughed. "I've never seen anyone eat like that before." Casper wasn't sure how to feel. He smiled slightly and blushed.

"I've always been a bit of a food lover. My mom used to say I was a pleasure to feed."

"You're a pleasure to watch," she said, laughing. "And before you ask, I can't give you more. Our supplies are limited, so we can't offer seconds for any meal. You'll need to clean up now. There's still a wet patch on your shirt from the sick earlier."

"Thank you," said Casper. "You're a good person."

Jane guided him to the showers. They passed the dining hall where all the prisoners were cleaning up. Casper wondered whether he'd also need to help when he was sorted. While walking, he also noticed how clean and fresh the hallway smelled. The entire facility appeared well-maintained and organized. They entered the male shower block through a set of double doors.

"You can undress here," she said, handing him a towel. "I'll wait outside to get you."

"Place your dirty uniform in that basket. I've requested another staff member to drop off a new one for you when you're ready. It will be here when you're done."

"Thank you, Jane, er, I mean, thanks Miss." Casper corrected himself.

"It's okay, Casper. You can call me Jane. There's no strict rule about addressing staff by their first or last names here," she smiled. But she quickly remembered about Casper's cage.

"I'm not supposed to do this, but I can give you the key to your cage. You can remove it yourself. Afterward, you can put it back together, then hand me the key. I need to quickly inspect it to ensure it's safely secured before you leave."

"I don't know how to reassemble it," Casper said.

"Then, you'll have to let me do it, or I'll need to find another staff member," Jane replied.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind you putting it back on," he responded. Then, he noticed her discomfort as she remembered his cage again.

"How's your experience with the cage so far? Some inmates find it uncomfortable while others don't mind," Jane asked.

I've sort of forgotten about it being on. There's something unpleasant about it. The way it squeezes me at the base of my balls makes me want to get turned on, but I can't get completely hard or even touch it. It's like a boy's worst fear. Casper chuckled playfully, "actually, I like the torture of it a bit." Jane giggled lightly. "Show me it" Casper lowered his pants and underwear, exposing his imprisoned penis. Jane walked over to him. The sound of her heels clicking on the floor got him excited. His cage became even tighter. Jane confronted him, then gently stroked the cage. Casper closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure.

"Poor boy. He wants relief but can't get it." He experienced a jolt of pleasure running through his whole body. It had been a long time since someone touched him like that. The sight of her perfectly painted nails softly brushing his cage drove him mad. The fact that she was barely even moving him around was incredibly exciting for her as well. He took a deep breath.

"Jane, isn't there a chance you'll get in trouble for this?"

"I'm in command here" she whispered seductively. "I believe the poor confined boy does not need to think about my well-being." She chuckled gently. She moved her other hand to his buttocks and squeezed it hard. He was very horny. His cage was bursting.

"You're a bastard, Jane." He moaned.

"I know," she said with a grin "You're cute. Now let's see what happens when I touch these."

She grabbed his balls and he yelped then moaned loudly. His cage dripped with pre-cum. The main entrance doors to the hall swung open. A guard carrying a plastic sealed change of clothes walked in. Jane immediately grabbed her keys and began unlocking Casper's cage.

"I have the prisoner's new uniform here- "

"Brilliant! Just leave them on the bench there!" said Jane in a rush.

Casper was in shock. He was too ashamed to speak.

The guard was worried and puzzled. "Everything alright- "

"Yes! Yes! I'm just removing his cage so he can shower!" said Jane, tense.

"Okay." replied the guard.

She lifted the clothes up, then left the room leaving it behind on the bench. Casper was in a daze. His face was red with shame. He couldn't think straight.

Jane quickly took off his cage without saying anything. Her eyes were empty of any emotions. She then sat down on the bench, not looking at him.

"Hurry up so I can take you back" she said, annoyed.

Casper stood in the shower, still in a dazed state. When he was done Jane locked his cage back on him without saying a word. He changed into his fresh uniform, then she took him back to his cell, still silent. It was communal time again. The cell block was noisy like before. They walked through the wing, and he felt everyone's eyes on him again. When he got back to his cell, he crawled under his blanket and put the sheet over his head. Was Jane going to get into trouble? Would he get into trouble? He felt embarrassed, sad, and guilty. He wanted to hide under the blanket forever.

Casper pulled the covers off his face. He'd been sleeping for a while, but he wasn't sure for how long. Based on the sounds of the cell block outside, it seemed like communal time was still ongoing. He stared at the ceiling blankly. He had to pee. He attempted to get out of his bed towards the bathroom. He pulled the partition over, took down his pants and underwear, and pointed his caged penis over the toilet. Even while still in a daze, he didn't consider that the stream of pee leaving his penis could be affected by the small opening in the cage. He peed and accidentally shot the stream in two directions, one barely hitting his knee and the other missing the pan, wetting the floor.

"Ugh, no!" he grunted uncomfortably, unintentionally stopping the flow. He put his hand on the cage, turned around and sat on the seat, resuming his stream. He sighed. Wish someone would've warned me about that, he thought to himself helplessly.

He sat there, spacing out with a blank expression. He thought about Jane again. How nice she was to him, how fun her playful teasing was, how pretty her face and hair were, how sexy she looked in those boots, how nice she smelled. He was in love. There was no other way to describe it. He wanted to be with her again. He felt sad, thinking it might not happen again since she might get into trouble for playing with him.

The dynamic was intriguing. Casper had always considered himself a submissive. As innocent as he appeared, his interest in bondage had started since he was a child. When he watched cartoons as a kid and saw characters tied up or locked up in some way, he wished it were him. He'd tie himself up with skipping ropes at the playground at school and played with plastic handcuffs a lot.

This person was captivated by females. There was something mystical about them that he adored. It was their beauty, their behavior, the way they conversed, their body language, the way they strolled. He considered women a divine gift worthy of utmost regard and affection. All through his childhood, he had fantasized about being a female's pet or servant, although he'd never expressed this to anyone as he was apprehensive about being perceived as strange or repulsive. With limited sexual experience, he was unsure if he'd ever be able to find someone willing to discuss it with him, let alone try it. Surely most women preferred dominant men. What he thought was all right.

When he was with Jane, she simply had a sense. They shared the same energy harmony. During that brief period they were together, he was in paradise. He could completely be himself. His heart felt blissful, content to be under her authority. It was as though his issues and problems vanished, fading into the distance. "I love Jane," he remarked, grinning and chuckling to himself.

He emerged from his reverie and stood up from the toilet. He wiped the pee he'd accidently sprayed earlier, then flushed. He washed his face and hands, then gazed into the mirror. There were bags under his eyes. His beard was becoming thicker and his complexion was rather pale. He hadn't gotten much sleep the night before anxiety regarding his visit to the prison. Even after the two naps the same day, he was still so weary. He knew it was still before 9 but decided to rest for the evening. He rolled into his bunk and pulled the covers over his eyes. Darkness.

"What the hell are you doing?" exclaimed a voice inside the cell. Casper removed the duvet from his face then sat up. A woman stood staring at him, hands on her hips.

Casper glanced down to escape her intimidating glare. "H..Hi, I'm Casper. I'm new here as of today. I was assigned to this cell."

The woman raised an eyebrow, then a realization struck her. Her demeanor changed immediately. She rubbed her face with her palm. "Sorry, sorry, I forgot. They told me I was receiving a new cell mate this week, but I just totally blanked on it." She sat down on her bunk facing him. "Anyway, I'm Holly, nice to meet you Casper. Now that we've covered introductions, there are some rules in the cell. Please don't come over to my side unless I ask. Imagine there's a line on the floor leading to halfway between your bunk and mine. If you cross it, you're done, okay?" Casper, still looking down, nodded in agreement. "If you need to use the bathroom, close the curtain over it. No burping or farting in my presence, gotten it?" Casper, still nodding in agreement, looked back up at Holly. "However, during meal and communal times, try to find a group to hang out with. They're quick to find the solitary ones and take advantage of them. Understood?"

"Sure." said Casper.

Holly snuggled under her duvet and lay down on her bed, placing her hands under her head. She gazed up at the ceiling. "Just a few words to you, Casper. Keep an eye out for the female inmates here. You may have noticed all male inmates are screened, and their criminal records are spotless. But for women, the same caution isn't applied. Women in the prison are guilty of all kinds of crime, not all of them are polite or submissive like the boys. Some women use boys as currency. Been there, seen that."

Casper felt fear fill him. "Why don't you have the same rules for both genders?" Casper inquired.

"The warden's name is Samantha. She's a former Dominatrix. Since the war ended, we needed more prisons to manage the crime surge. Samantha wanted a prison filled with her ideal type: gentle, obedient boys. She hired all-female staff. But, the financial support didn't match her expectations. So, she started incarcerating women too. But she didn't want to lose her control over the boys, so she maintained the admission criteria for boys but started incarcerating women without any screening."

"To ease the worries of critics, some measures had to be taken. For instance, wearing a penis restrictor device and having male inmates chained to the walls when they shared cells with females. You should also know that they'll come in at night to chain you up before going to bed."

Casper responded, "Yeah, they told me."

"It doesn't make sense. These inmates are all weaklings. I could easily beat any one of them with my eyes closed. In fact, the females in here have more power. The guards might seem professional and well-groomed, but they're oblivious to the illegal activities happening. The girls are the ones in charge. Some female-led gangs also include males, but they're all answerable to a female leader."

Casper asked, "What should I do to remain safe?"

"Maintain friendships. Don't inform on anyone. Keep your promises. If anyone offers you something, refuse it. These guidelines will help you avoid trouble."

Casper thanked her, "Okay. I'll keep that in mind."

They remained quiet for a while.

Holly looked towards him and asked, "What crimes have you committed, Casper?"

"I was a thief. My group and I stole food, supplies, and anything else we could lay our hands on."

"That's interesting." Holly responded. "I worked in Greenock, facilitating the import and transportation of illegal items such as weapons, drugs, and tax-free goods into Glasgow from international sellers. It was a bidding war."

"Did you ever deal with a guy named Doug?" asked Casper.

"Doug the slug? He's our main supplier! I'd always see him at the dock when he came to collect his shipments. He had a wild smoking habit. I can always detect that smell a mile away. You know him?"

"We bought weapons from him. He was very reliable. His place would always have what we needed and would never give us bad ammo or defective parts."

"Strange coincidence." Holly remarked.

"He was always professional," Casper agreed.

The two fell silent for a moment.

"Do you prefer women?" asked Casper.

"Yes, I guess I do. But I've been with men before. Erin is the first person I've truly cared about. I can't imagine being with anyone else. She's adorable and fantastic in every way."

Casper smiled, "That's sweet."

"What about you Casper? Are you attracted to women?"

"Yes, deeply."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Have you had one in the past?"

Casper looked down, "Sort of. When I was with the thieves, there was a girl called Ellie. After a successful expedition, we shared some affection. Not full-on sex, but we held each other and kissed. She later admitted it had been casual and she wasn't attracted to me. It broke my heart. I cried for a week. Then again, two months later, when she was killed by a rival group, I buried her with a friend."

Holly sympathized, "That's terrible. Losing a friend is not something you get used to. It feels like a part of you dies with them."

Casper added, "I did become callous to death... Ever since my mother passed away years before the war due to cancer. I'd grown so numb to it."

Holly said sadly, "I couldn't imagine losing my mother. A lot of people lost their lives in the bombings. Those damn Russians."

Casper casually mentioned, "It was actually cancer that took my mother. Ten years before the war ended."

"Oh... so you're not religious then?" Holly inquired.


"Why would you think that? I saw your family bible on your shelf."

"My gran gave it to me before I came here. She told me to read it. I did a little, but I got bored and just keep it as a reminder of her."

Casper revealed, "I used to be quite religious. My mother was from Sweden, and she was brought up by a strict middle-aged Lutheran couple who raised her with the faith. Church was important to her, so I went to church and Sunday school growing up, too."

Holly asked, "So, are you still religious?"

"Not really. I once found comfort and hope in the worship services, but after losing my mum, I doubted the efficacy of prayer."

Over time, after my mother's passing, my father struggled with alcohol dependency and conflicts would often arise between us. I couldn't help but feel terrible about myself continuously. When my mother was on her deathbed, she urged me to keep praying and maintain my beliefs, but I found it challenging to believe in God's existence, let alone his supposed omnipotence and benevolence. As the years passed, particularly during the war, I could no longer find comfort in the thought of a guardian watching over us. It seemed senseless to me.

Holly chimed in, "I know what you mean. I went to church with my Nana when I was little, but I found it dull and unexciting. I haven't stepped foot in a church since I was 8, and I'm 29 now. I don't exactly see myself as religious. Though I did talk to some men at the prison chapel who seemed to enjoy the services. It's all about finding what works for you."

"Holly," Casper asked, "Could I associate with your little group?"

"Let me think about it," she replied, adjusting her position in her bed. "There are only three of us: me, Erin, and Louise. We usually hang out during lunch and free time. You'll need to connect with us to be accepted as a member."


The recurring sound of an alarm filled the cell block, signaling time for all inmates to return to their cells. With its resounding echo, inmates resumed their footsteps toward the confines of their individual cells.

"Countdown is coming," Holly mentioned. "When the count is over, they'll secure you and lock the door."

"I don't want to be restrained again today," Casper expressed anxiety.

"Put it up with the warden," she responded, returning to her previous position. "I'm tired and done with talking. No more chatter, okay?"


Following a short, unscheduled pause, the count resumed, growing closer and closer to Casper's cell. His chest tightened with anticipation, leaning against the wall. Today was unbearable, he longed for the ordeal to finish.

The guard appeared at his cell, armed with a clipboard. "Holly Forbes?"


"Reveal your skin to me, Holly," the guard demanded.

Without a thought, Holly exposed her thumb, then swiftly hid it again.

"Casper Higgins?"


"Good." The guard clutched her clipboard, equipped with handcuffs and a chain. "I'm going to secure you now, Casper. Please cooperate."

As she entered the cell, she handcuffed him and attached a medium-length chain to the handcuffs. The other end of the chain was fastened to a rivet protruding from the wall next to his bunk. She then added ankle cuffs and asked him to lie down so she could cover him with his blanket. Having secured him, she sat back to observe. The door shut with a thud, leaving him chained in his bunk.

"All right. Lights out!" a guard proclaimed.

The cell block shut down. Doors opening and closing could be heard as some guards may be leaving for the night. Eventually, silence returned. Casper lay there feeling helpless, confined to his prison cell with his genitalia restrained, unable to move his hands and feet, and enduring loneliness. He longed for his cat plushie, Mr. Mittens, for comfort and assurance, but none were forthcoming. He was incredibly tired and felt as though his energy was seeping from his body. At long last, his eyes closed, and the world dissolved.

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