Celebrity Sex Stories

Soothing melody for sleep.

A story about an underappreciated comic book antagonist.

May 30, 2024
8 min read
marvel comicsmind controlred headgrant wardhypnosisfanfictionLullaby

Soothing melody for sleep.

Grant Ward grumbled as he stepped into the elevator, punching the button for the penthouse. He didn't understand why he landed this particular assignment, but he was determined to do it efficiently.

"On my way to the penthouse, sir," Grant said into his earpiece. "Can you tell me again why S.H.I.E.L.D. picked me to chase down one escaped prisoner?" It had always been Grant's pride that he could handle any job and do it well, but being sent to nab a single jailbreaker felt kinda below his pay grade.

"Agent Ward, Stark didn't respond to her attempts to call him first," Coulson chuckled sarcastically. "But let's not kid ourselves, Felicity Hopkins isn't just another naive girl who found herself in the wrong crowd. She's dangerous, and she has some fantastic abilities."

Grant snorted, smirking. "C'mon, sir. I know she tried to off her billionaire husband, but she's hardly the first money-hungry woman to try killing her rich hubby. And don't feed me that hypnosis crap. If that's a superpower, we'll be inviting Penn and Teller to join the Avengers."

"Grant," Coulson said, more serious, "she convinced millionaire Harold Cross to leave his wife of forty years for her. A week after their wedding, he attempted suicide by jumping from the top of his penthouse. A Good Samaritan stopped him, and afterwards, that same person was found mysteriously drawn to a boat Felicity had acquired by questionable methods. All these people said they did it after hearing Felicity sing to them. Agent Ward, don't undervalue this assignment."

Grant hesitated, eyeing the many floors he had left to climb. "Please, in her file it says she used to be a babysitter. I'm not saying she's not a threat to weaker men, but after experiencing Loki and the Mind Stone, I don't think a babysitter who went rogue is gonna put up a fight worthy of note."

His elevator ride seemed to last forever until he stepped out into the luxurious hallway. It had taken no time at all for S.H.I.E.L.D. to trace a collection of unusual robberies in designer clothing stores and jeweler departments, leading them straight to this opulent penthouse.

The loud techno music blasted out of the only door at the end, shuddering the walls and reverberating through Grant's gut. "Kills her guard, makes him kill himself afterwards, then goes on a massive shopping spree, and returns here without bothering to hide," Grant said to himself, half listening to the bass-heavy music. "May be dangerous, but she's only a rank amateur crook."

He rapped loudly on the ornate wooden door, and after the music abruptly cut off, he rapped a bit softer but more firmly. "Open up, please," he called out. But, to his surprise, the music gradually came back on. "What the hell?" he muttered to himself.

Just as he was about to rap once more, the music stopped again, and after a moment, he heard a hesitant voice replying from inside. "One moment, please." He could hear a feminine voice rummaging around inside before the music resumed at full volume.

Then, to his surprise, the door opened without a struggle. Before him was a lovely young woman, who didn't look the part of a fugitive. She had bright red hair in a pixie cut. Her face was sweet and innocent, with rose-red cheeks and ivory skin. Her button nose sat perfectly above her full red lips. Her large gray eyes were hidden behind large, round glasses. He couldn't help but think she was stunning. Her high-quality makeup enhanced the natural beauty of her soft, unlined skin, and she wore a lush green silk dress. Even her earrings were green, teardrop-shaped.

"Hi, I'm Felicity Hopkins," she greeted him, her voice as casual and carefree as if he'd just knocked on her neighbor's door. "Come in if you like." Startled, Grant walked in the door, getting a better look at her penthouse, where his eyes bulged at the lavish decor.

Hollywood starlets on the red carpet didn't look this good, he marveled. Her mugshot certainly didn't do her justice.

As he took in the richness of the room, he queued a badge to show her. "Miss Hopkins, I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm here to take you back into custody," he declared. Despite his worst expectations, Felicity smiled even wider—a genuine, warm smile—and beckoned him into the room.

Taken aback by her blasé demeanor, Grant stepped into the apartment, but was again thrown when he saw her living quarters. He wanted to play it cool, but couldn't hide his surprise. "Innocent until proven guilty," he reasoned to himself. When he glanced at Coulson, an unspoken question seemed to form between them. Did she surrender this easily because she was guilty or innocent? It had to be a trap.

The luxury penthouse had intricate gold-painted woodwork, high-end furniture, and a breathtaking skyline view, but it resembled a house party that took place in a frat house over the last week. Junk was littered all over the place, plates of untouched food, and clothes strewn about.

"I've just tried on some new clothes my boyfriend bought, what do you think?" she asked with a playful tone, spinning around in her dress. Grant could not deny the dress fit her body well, but he was smart enough not to ignore the information in her file.

Disregarding his natural male desires, Grant exhibited no outward expression of his secret yearnings. "Ms. Hopkins, we both are conscious that the owner of this penthouse jumped to his death a few days ago," he said, taking out his handcuffs. "I doubt he'd approve you using his cards after his death."

Felicity's demeanor stayed unchanged. She grinned at the sight of the handcuffs, but ceased trying to show off her figure.

"Little kinky," she remarked alluringly. She examined Grant carefully, then just smiled and shrugged. "OK, I'll go change. I don't want to return to jail while wearing a ten thousand dollar gown."

She went into the rear bedroom and humming a tune. Grant sighed and checked his time, looking forward to moving on with this.

The voice of Coulson rang again in his ear. "Agent Ward, if she starts singing, you need to stop listening. Before everything else, you'll have to silence her somehow. Her voice is her weapon!"

Grant groaned. "I'm good, sir," he asserted fraudulently, irritated at being treated like a child. "This is not my first mission. I can resist a silly song." He considered switching off his earpiece, but he heard Felicity's singing the same melody, but with words now.

Close your eyes, fall asleep

Eyes heavy, rest your head

I'm not bad, don't say a peep

Come and join me in my bed

As soon as he heard her split, he felt weariness sweep over him. He struggled to stay awake, but the urge to lie in bed with her drew him. As soon as he realized what was happening, panic set in, and he shook his head to force himself awake.

"Coulson, I'm...so tired," Grant mumbled drowsily, hoping Phil would comprehend him. "She's attempting to hypnotize me."

He walked to the kitchen, desiring to splash water over his face to revive himself. However, his movements were unstable, and he could hear Felicity closing in behind him.

"Wow, usually that works the first time," Felicity grumbled. "It appears you need a more extended song. And who is Coulson? What's in your ear?"

Felicity sang again, and Grant felt drowsiness overcome him.

"Coulson," he mumbled again.

"It's okay," Coulson responded. "We'll send a small electrical impulse via your earpiece. It might hurt a bit, but it should awaken you and break his spell."

Grant did not have time to answer when he felt a tiny sting in his ear. He flinched as his hand involuntarily flew to his ear. Although the pain receded fast, he noticed he felt awake and fully in control. He faced Felicity with a vicious look.

"Felicity," Grant growled, walking towards her. "No more games, no more tunes."

Felicity's eyes widened as the realization hit her. Grant had overcome her charm, and to his dismay, he had not covered his ears.

Before he could lift his hands to his ears, Felicity started singing again. It was a different melody, and a bit longer, but the effects were the same. He began to feel drowsy as the lyrics drifted from her voice. And when she completed it, he sunk into deep sleep.

Sleep, sleep, handsome fellow

Don't attempt to seize me

You had an adequate strategy

But now the fun can occur

Grab the gadget from your ear

And toss it across the room

To muffle that lousy voice

So I won't feel dejected and alone

I shall then shed your clothes

And mine come off too

You can take my holes

It'll be a dream come true

A song completed, Felicity observed the slumbering operative removing a concealed earbud. He threw it carelessly across the space as the muffled voice of another spoke words inaudible to her.

Stepping up to it, she grabbed the little gadget, checking it for a moment before pressing it to her lips. Humming a soothing melody, she sang into the instrument.

"Quiet now, and go to sleep,Hear what I've to say,Don't keep those files, then throw them away,When you awaken, far from here,Try your pal, he'll meet his fate,I'll already be long gone,So you won't be in a spot,This will be your end."

She paused to ensure the distant voice ceased, then smiled. She dropped the earbud and firmly pressed her foot on it. With confidence, she turned towards Grant.

Grant stood silently, stripping off his garments till he stood unclothed. Felicity smirked, appreciating his handsome cock. "This is better," she said, her gaze lingering on his arousal. Dropping to her knees before his erection, her mouth stretched over the velvety head, sucking him in, moving her head in tandem with her hand. Filled with desire, she hummed a different tune, coating his cock with a generous layer of saliva.

"Whisper, my dear, a request,Ravish me wildly,Grant, I'm yearning for your thrust,Longest pleasure I'll extract,Closer and closer, your cock for my mouth,Consume me with no doubt,Spit like you're another man,Strive to reach orgasm, yet enjoy our plan."

Felicity remained kneeling, reaching for the fastener at her back, slipping from her dress effortlessly. Still naked, Felicity locked eyes with a mesmerized Grant. Her youthful, athletic frame was her secret weapon: soft curves, toned body, a delectable sight. She tossed her dress away and knelt on the couch, her back arched, her bottom exposed. "Now, you must fuck me," she commanded, singing an upbeat tune.

Before Grant's eyes, Grant mounted her, violently shoving his erection inside. Startled, Felicity cried out, realizing just how large it felt, but grew accustomed to its intrusion when he hammered into her with fervor. "Oh, fuck, yes! Slam into that hole! Wham this pink pussy hard!" Felicity howled, aroused and delighting in the feeling.

Her hands rubbed his cock while guiding it through her clit, stroking gently. He fucked her relentlessly, with no attempt to speak, simply offering moans of contentment. As Felicity approached orgasm, she sighed, hoping for a man worth remembering.

In a burst of excitement, Felicity screamed as she climaxed. Her voice rose, eagerly demanding to be satisfied. "C'mon, you pickup artist, I need you deeper. You're a weak fuck. Do more, harder! Pound me into submission!"

Felicity noted Grant's gripping pace as he fucked her. She enjoyed the experience, even as she fingered herself furiously. She finished close to the same time as he did, a loud yelp heralding her delight.

Her orgasm subsided, the post-climax shivers barely discernible. Grant shivered and slowed, sinking onto the couch, depleted. Felicity wiped the warm drops from her face. "Boy, you could step it up. Fuck me properly, have some skill. Fuck your own hand for fuck's sake," she murmured, exasperated yet knowing full well he was asleep.

Again she dressed, collecting books and valuables. Kissing Grant's forehead, Felicity walked to the door and said, "Adieu, cheri. I enjoyed myself but it's time for us to part ways. My next target needs a romantic touch." Relishing his peaceful slumber, she left. Sighing, she hummed one last song.

"Au revoir, dear man,Done here now, for home I leave,You, in my memory, remain,Dedication to the act, and blessed be."

Last thing to do before friends show up,One more task before I take off,Swiftly finish this single command,Hide from life and let it defend:

Snoozing, Grant rose with a stand.Escaping through an open breeze-way,To Vegas she muses, the way towards fun,More pleasure is what she gleaned in Sin City's plaza.

Yet, amidst the crowd's overbearing screams,She planned an imminent night of dreams.

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