
Southern Charm Evie Part 3

Initial sexual encounter. Bobby initiates contact. They permit Evie's participation.

May 21, 2024
36 min read
gropingthreesomeoralSouthern Belle Evie Pt. 03interracialpublicvoyeur
Southern Belle Evie Pt. 03
Southern Belle Evie Pt. 03

Southern Charm Evie Part 3

Throughout the day, as I tended to my work duties, I couldn't help but keep an eye out for a tall, alluring gentleman who happened to be a professional golfer. It wasn't until nearly closing time that I spotted him. Apparently, he'd finished up a lesson for a cheerful couple, who then presented him with an impressive stack of twenties as a tip.

Smiling at each other, he headed into the pro-shop to attend to something, while I checked the time, gathered my things, and began the process of wrapping up my shift. Jenny, always the teasing type, approached me from behind and whispered in my ear, "Horus is checking you out again."

Caught off guard, I almost gave in to my curiosity. "Are you kidding?" I replied cheekily.

"I'd suggest you do something about that if you know what I mean," she whispered playfully, tickling me.

With my replacement on hand, I concluded my tasks and headed for the exit. Lo and behold, the fine gentleman, Tarek, appeared. He looked stunning in his tailored golf shorts and casual button-up shirt. His warm hazel eyes flashed a friendly grin as he exited the pro-shop in my direction.

"Hello again, Evie." He greeted me with a charming smile. "Finished for the day?"

I nodded. "Yep, just about." I suddenly felt like I was back in high school, giddy with excitement.

"Well then, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner." He held the door open for me, demonstrating perfect gentlemanly behavior as we exited the club.

"That sounds lovely." My cheeks flushed. "But I actually have work tonight." I feigned disappointment.

"Really?" he probed. "What do you do?"

"I teach yoga at a local fitness center."

His eyes lit up. "Is that right? It's been a while since I've done yoga."

I raised an eyebrow. "Have you done yoga before?"

"I'm from Dubai." He disclosed. "We're fond of maintaining a balanced lifestyle there."

"I see." I snickered. "So you're a yogi from Dubai? Fascinating."

He laughed. "Yes, my parents are from Wales. Most of my younger years, I lived there and Dubai, back and forth for school."

"That must've been quite the experience!"

"Indeed, though I attended Oxford University, too."

"Whoa. So Uni is real and not just a TV thing?" I chuckled.

"Indeed." He chuckled back. "Want to join the club? I'm pretty keen on trying some yoga."

"Well then, I guess you could." My smile grew if that was even possible.

"Then I will," he agreed cheerfully. "Let me retrieve my car keys."

My brain exploded in surprise. "Tonight?!"

"Why not?" he shrugged, maintaining his grin.

"I guess... okay." My mind raced with options, only to realize that I didn't have a strong enough argument against going on a date with him. "I'll need to go to my gym and teach my yoga class."

"Got it." He nodded. "Do you also need a ride home?"

"Well, my stepdaughter's picking me up."

Tarek frowned. "You don't have a child old enough to drive a car larger than a tricycle, do you?"

"No!" I laughed. "But my stepdaughter is here now. I shouldn't make her drive home alone."

Tarek's eyes met with Sunny's, who gave him her own mischievous look. "Bye! Have fun!" she yelled out the window before driving off again. "You kids enjoy yourselves!"

"Uh-oh." I glanced at Tarek nervously.

"Seems you're stuck here." He looked at me amusedly. "Ready for some good company?"

Though my heart raced at the mere thought, I could do little else but nod and offer him my best smile. "Let's go."

Bewildered by the situation, I expected a luxurious ride, but he surprised me with a sporty little Mazda convertible instead. He opened the door for me, and I was overwhelmed by its charm. "I love convertibles!" I exclaimed. "So adorable!" His chivalry warmed my heart.

"Shall we?" he asked, opening the roof with a click of a button.

The top went down, and I felt the cool breeze on my face. The wind in my hair made me feel more youthful and carefree than I had in years. I looked at Tarek, still dumbfounded by his sudden interest. "This is so fun!" I blurted out.

"Glad you're enjoying it, Evie." He smiled ever so slightly. "So, tell me more about your yoga classes?"

"It's fun, the students always get a kick out of it."

"As long as it's fun, that's what matters!" He beamed.

He drove me to my gym, where he helped me carry my bags inside and waited patiently for me to prep for my class. We chatted about his life experiences, and I listened, feeling increasingly grateful for this chance encounter.

After the yoga class came to an end, he drove me back to his car, and I climbed in. "You'll be the first man I've met who drives a Mazda," I said, attempting to hide my excitement.

"I think Mazdas are excellent choices for cars." He grinned. "Anywhere you'd like to go now?"

"I could eat."

He nodded thoughtfully. "Then we'll have a late supper."

We shared an intense, almost worrying look, and I knew we were on a date. My mind scrambled for an escape route, but to no avail. I was content with my fate, and I'd willingly journey down whatever path the night took us.

"I'm glad you like that." He drove with an air of urgency, but his confidence relaxed me slightly. Following his instructions, we reached our destination with time to spare.

"You've got a store right next to yours." I pointed in the direction. "Go buy something fabulous to wear, and meet me inside. Class starts in about an hour."

We parted ways, and I entered through the entrance. Gerrie, as usual, glared at me. I chose to ignore her and moved on. I opened the door, only to almost collide with TJ!

"Miss Ev... I mean, Hi Evie!" he grinned.

"Oh! TJ!" I expressed surprise. "You scared me."

"Sorry. Hey, listen, I was thinking. Maybe we could go on a... excursion tonight?"

"An excursion?" I raised an eyebrow. "TJ, I told you. I'm not young anymore. Why would I go on a journey in the dark to nowhere?"

"No! Not that!" he laughed. "I mean an excursion... like a horse ride."

"Horses!" I laughed. "I love horses. I haven't ridden a horse since I was a child, but..." I sighed. "TJ, I'm tentatively occupied tonight."

"Fair enough. How about Saturday then?"

I chuckled. "A dog with a bone, aren't you?" I giggled. "I'm too old for you!" I repeated slowly and firmly, hoping it would penetrate his thick layer of stubbornness.

"Come on," he huffed. "No harm could come from it, right? A couple of horses, a moonlit ride. Could be enjoyable, right?"

I laughed and nodded. "TJ, you're stubborn."

"I know. That's just me." He huffed, unfrightened by the possibility of anyone judging him. It took every ounce of willpower for me not to stick out my tongue at him.

"I'll consider it." I laughed and pursed my lips. "Your persistence is admirable, but tell me, what if I say no?"

"Doesn't matter to me. I'll still make plans for the horses. Just in case."

I nodded. "Alright. I'll see you Saturday night."

As I entered the ladies' locker room, I pondered how to tell Mike about going on a horse ride with TJ, my boyfriend's friend. Should I be truthful? That I'm going on a date? Probably not. Oh dear, this was becoming complicated! Who knew having two suitors at the same time could make life so hard?

The class went better than last time. This time, I only had five students, including Tarek, but I realized just how fit and flexible he was! I was speechless. When I caught glimpses of TJ admiring me, I felt my insides tingle too.

Despite the attraction I felt for both of them, the thought of betraying Mike weighed heavily on my mind.

Honesty is key in this situation! I told myself. Be honest and see which one pulls back first. That's how you proceed.

I taught the class and Tarek approached me after. "You're impressive!" he raved. "I've been practising yoga for years, and I think you're up there with the best instructors I've had."

"Thank you," I beamed, wanting to kiss him despite myself.

"You're welcome," he grinned, his eyes shining with appreciation. "I've forgotten how much I enjoy it. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Tarek." I giggled at the intended double entendre. "One ride home, please?"

"Dinner first, maybe?" he suggested.

"I'm not sure," I exhaled. "Sunny might be cooking for me dinner."

"Well, why not ask her if you can have dinner with me instead?"

"I'll check, then see you by the exit, either way."

He headed for the men's locker, and before I could take a step, TJ appeared. "Is that your friend?" he asked warily.

"Yes, my instructor. Tarek." I replied.

"You're quite popular." TJ said, a touch of jealousy in his tone. "What is he, the class hottie?"

"I guess so." I shrugged. "Can I still get a ride home?"

"Sure. I'll shower and dress up and meet you outside the studio."

I nodded and called Sunny, who agreed to cook for Tarek and I instead. TJ received a stoic nod as he left for the shower, his eyes fixated on Tarek and me. As I entered the locker room, I questioned how to broach the topic with Mike. Perhaps I'd be better off telling the truth. If not, things could get distressing.

Hmm, alright then. So, I muttered, "Yes, I guess, sort of." I shrugged. "We both work at the same country club." I hesitated, then quickly carried on before I lost my nerve. "By the way, TJ, I might be having dinner with Tarek tonight. Maybe, I don't know. But I want you to know that I'm not misleading you or anything. On the other hand, it was you who told me I could have another boyfriend, wasn't it?"

He gave me a grin. "Sure!" he seemed quite happy about it. "As long as I'm one of them, I'm good with that."

I blinked. "No, I meant..."

"I know, I know." He grinned again. "But it's nice to know you're considering me as a romantic interest." He nodded. "You still haven't made up your mind about that, I know. And that's okay. But... it's good to know you're thinking about it."

I smiled back. "I did agree I could, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." He grinned. "Well, I guess I should go home now. See you this Saturday?"

I nodded. "Saturday."

I entered the locker room with a happy smile on my face! If I wanted to, I could go on a date with one guy tonight and another one on Saturday with another guy! Is this even possible?

I fetched my phone, called Sunny, and of course, she was thrilled that I was going out with 'that tall, handsome guy she saw me with.' I thought about calling Mike, but for some reason, it felt like I had to confess to something. I pushed the thought aside and got myself ready for the night.

I showered and changed into my golf club uniform. Not exactly date-appropriate clothing, but it was cute - a short skirt, a collared shirt, and ties for the guys, while we ladies got silk scarves that matched. I took extra time on my makeup, but nothing over-the-top. This was kind of exciting. I was going on a date, and with someone closer to my age!

I gathered my belongings and exited the lockers. I saw Billy chatting with Nick, the instructor I was supposed to see the next morning for tennis. I approached them and overheard their quiet exchange.

"... would have been here earlier. Rubbish! I was super excited to see her wearing that outfit."

"A beautiful sight, I assure you!" Billy chuckled. "Oh, hi there Evie. Class went well?"

I was pretty confident they were talking about me, and I recognized that voice from the other day. Was Nick the one who said he wanted to see my eyes while they looked up from their knees? Good grief!

"Hi Billy. Nick!" I grinned. "We're still on for tennis Sunday, right?"

"You bet, we are!" he nodded. "I heard you're taking over from Marcie with the yoga classes. Sounds promising."

I blushed and smiled. "Not many students yet, but I hope it'll become more popular." I said goodbye and walked away, glancing over my shoulder. Both of them were gazing at me! This was all too much! Did this never happen before, or was I just not paying attention?

I went outside, and Tarek was waiting by the door. "Ah, just in time." He smirked. "And before you decide on whether to accept my dinner invitation or not, let me point out that I'm not a vegetarian. I love greasy food just as much as any southerner, but I'm not particularly fond of grits."

I burst into laughter. "Alright, gotcha." I chuckled.

"Did I ruin it?" He said.

"No, no. You're fine. What were you going to say right before that?"

"I wanted to say you should know I have a significant other." I said. "His name is Mike, and... well, I sometimes spend the night with him. Most times, even!"

He blinked at me. "You're telling me you're bringing your boyfriend to dinner with me?"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous!" I laughed. "I live on my own separate place, and I'm staying there tonight."

"Phew." He smiled. "Dinner?"

"You're still okay with taking me out... knowing I have a boyfriend?"

He shrugged. "If that's alright with you."

Was it real? My heart was racing just thinking about it! A date! A real date! The kind I haven't had in years! "Sure," I replied.

We cruised down the road, with the top down, which was so much fun during sunset. I simply adore the fragrant air in springtime. We drove for so long, I started to wonder if there was actually a dinner at our dinner date. Then he turned off on a side road and up to this small restaurant in the middle of nowhere. The sign read, 'The Crazy Bull'.

"The Crazy Bull?" I exclaimed with a smile.

"The best Mexican cuisine this side of the border," he asserted. "Well, the best in three towns, at least!"

I laughed and we went in for a delightful dinner. I mean really delightful. Dinner by candlelight, superb service, exquisite food, even a mariachi band! I couldn't believe I'd never even heard of the place before. If I should have been surprised, I shouldn't have. Mike doesn't care much for ethnic food, and I don't have many pals I could go out with. It was fantastic!

After dinner, we shared a sweet after-dinner drink, he settled the bill, and we left arm-in-arm. My happiness was through the roof! He drove me home, chatting and laughing with me the whole time, just like he had during dinner. It felt like he was desperate to hear my entire life story in one sitting. I wasn't any worse, I guess. I inquired about everything except his shoe size... and it was all I could think about.

We arrived at my humble abode in our shared household, and my heart was racing like a teenager on prom night. He turned to me, I turned to him, and we shared a fantastic goodnight kiss. It was so slow and sensual, I could feel it all the way to my fingertips. Our second kiss made me jump a little as he placed his hand on the side of my chest. But then I simply melted and got a little closer, as we could only manage in those car seats.

"Goodnight, Evie," he said in his lovely English tone, and I felt sad that it was over.

Is it necessary? No, probably shouldn't extend it. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was too easy or anything.

"Want a cup of coffee before you leave?" I questioned, slightly disappointed.

We went inside, thankfully, my daughter Sunny was in her room doing homework. I asked him to wait in the kitchen, and I tiptoed back to the rooms to check on her.

She flashed me a wide grin, "How'd it go?"

"It's a little... still going," I whispered.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed as if she'd been hit by a stick. "He's here?"

I nodded. "Now, don't make a big fuss, you know?"

"Are you 'planning on changing into something more comfortable?'" she teased with air quotes.

"Mind your own business and stay quiet." But I couldn't help but giggle too and stuck my tongue out at her before I closed her door. Then I thought, why not, and stepped into my room, removed my club uniform, and donned a short nightshirt and my short robe. I admired the reflection in the mirror, realizing they were too sheer. My panties would be visible if they were any shorter. So, naturally, I swiftly dashed back out before I could change my mind.

Tarek was on the couch and smiled immensely when he saw me. His gaze was enough to make my knees feel soft as putty, and I experienced a cocktail of excitement, foolishness, and fear. He got up and approached me. Oh wow, those captivating dark eyes.

"Black or unleaded?" I asked.

He furrowed one brow.

I chuckled and said, "Coffee. Black or decaffeinated."

He chuckled too. "I never drink coffee at night." He said, tilted my chin up, and we continued to kiss while playing around, learning what each other preferred. It was like a beautiful game that only escalated.

The reality is, the last time I had sex on a first date was never! The concept of sex on a first date sent alarm bells ringing in my head. But I'd never imagined feeling this good as an old shoe!

In the space of twenty minutes, my husband and I locked lips, savouring each other's bodies. I felt his fingers around my breasts, and I melted into his touch, moaning louder than usual. He gently kneaded and rubbed, and I couldn't bring myself to resist or protest. It felt phenomenal!

Next, my robe came off, followed by his shirt and undershirt. The sight of his toned, hairless chest was more than enough to take my breath away. I'd never seen so much perfection. His skin felt like smooth, firm stone beneath my hands. My eyes popped as I took off his shorts and paused for a moment, admiring the incredible bulge before slowly undressing him.

I helped him remove his belt, then tugged at his pants when I saw what lay beneath - a bulge larger than I'd anticipated. His reaction made me chuckle, and I gulped as I remembered Nick's advice about my eyes when I pleased him in that position. I decided it was necessary for me to sample what this man's equipment felt like.

I pushed him back onto the couch and eagerly slid his pants down, revealing a lengthy cock that I would've rejoiced over. I wanted to tell Sunny, "I found another one!" With excitement, I pulled out a ruler and contemplated measuring it. "Worship his penis," I decided, kneeling in front of him.

Thirsty for him, I dove head-first into it, struggling to swallow as much as I could in each bite. I watched his facial expressions, a part of me wishing he'd let it fly - uncontrollably. However, he was a gentleman who gently managed to say, "Can you let me cum on your face?" I replied, surprised but elated, "Yes!" Now, I bobbed my head excitedly, urging him on.

"Can I cum on your face?" That phrase sent my head spinning. Like in that porn video, I imagined the sticky, gooey fluid splashing over my face - ears to eyebrows to lips, over my nose, and across my cheeks. "Oh, my god, yes!" I whimpered, smiling in anticipation.

Cum spurted out and painted half my face, landing on my eyebrows, cheeks, and nose. Another splash left a wet patch high above my upper lip. I felt a jolt of dangerous delight from my satisfying worship session. He seemed satisfied too, contentedly stroking his own member as he couldn't resist tormenting me further.

"Open your mouth," he ordered. I didn't think twice and embraced the unusual action, and his head rested on my lips, hitting my upturned face just as the others had done in that infamous video. I gasped and nearly swallowed my jaw as his explosive load flooded my mouth. After finishing, he shoved his still-hard member back into my mouth and let me take some more.

Finally, his limp cock slipped from my lips, my excitement immediately replaced by a sudden need to be held close. We lay down, my head resting on his chest while he prodded my back lovingly. Finally, he relaxed on the couch and asked, "Shall I leave?"

I reacted with a decisive shake of my head. "You're not done yet." I sighed contentedly.

He burst out laughing. "You want us to use the bed this time?" I nodded. "A few minutes, babe." He laughed again, enjoying the playful verbal exchange as we rested, intimately welcomed each other's warmth and held on long into the silence.

During our intimate encounter earlier, he drifted his strong hands around my bottom, eliciting a happy squeak and soft giggle from me. He then offered a teasing question: "Bed this time?" When I nodded, he laughed, and we quietly arranged ourselves.

"I'm just enjoying this," I said into his neck, entranced by the heat radiating from his chest and seeing him smiling back. "Just a minute," he replied.

He eventually stood up. With a smirk, he handed me two tissues. Amused, I used them to wipe my face clean, then we returned to our embrace. The heat radiating from his body reminded me of a blaze he could kindle at will. We shared a gentle kiss, and I sat up while he gazed into my eyes and sensitively traced my jawline.

In a quiet moment, he asked, "Are we done?"

"No," I replied, draping myself over him. "You have much to do, sir."

I truly was. It was an intimacy that seemed like it was from another era, like the scent of cut grass or a roaring fire. You know it when you smell it, but it's simply a hazy memory until it makes an appearance again. This was that type of feeling for me. Something long lost and forgotten, but gladly welcomed back like the alluring aroma of freshly mown grass.

I wanted to talk, but I was scared I might say something to spoil it. So I didn't want to miss out on him reciprocating what I'd just given him. Thus, before I had the chance to mess everything up, I kissed his neck and held on. "The bedroom is through the hallway to the right. Left is Sunny's room, so don't mix them up."

"Where are you going?" he enquired.

"I was thinking of bringing us some water for after. Sex is a thirsty business." I chuckled.

Never before had I been fucked so intensely and so adequately. He was so deep within me, I believed he'd emerged through the other side. Whenever he'd push in, I'd utter a cry, a whimper, or a tiny scream, and each time he withdrew, I'd utter a sad mewing sound.

However, the most enjoyable part was that it lasted, and continued, and persisted! There was no five-minute romp and that's it. Nonsense! He was within me, in various positions, for nearly two hours with just a few pauses to catch our breath. I couldn't believe it. And I couldn't believe that I still desired him to keep going after that. I would have permitted him to make love to me all night!

He was on top, with my legs over his shoulders, a first for me, and he moved within me slowly but deeply. I was quite flexible. I gasped and puffed with each slow, deep thrust, and I feared I would lose my composure as it was that good. Our eyes were an integral part of this lovemaking as well. And his expression took on a sense of urgency. "Evie! I can't hold it any longer. Is it safe?"

I attempted to answer a few times, but all I was capable of producing were incomprehensible sounds. Finally, I just nodded, and tried to grip onto him and pull him deeper. It took all my self-control to prevent myself from screaming with pleasure. I held it back... until that final moment.

It's an extraordinary situation when you can climax alongside your companion. We were thrusting into each other in unison, and I could sense him reaching his climax at the same time as I did. Then I believe something broke in my mind, and I just screamed, "Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

This was an orgasm for the history books! If heterosexual sex was a competition at the state fair, that man would've won the grand prize! I climaxed so hard, I think I injured a muscle. He filled me up with his sperm, and I almost climaxed again solely from experiencing that.

Later on, I was turning various shades of red and wished to bury myself under a rock. I knew there was no chance Sunny missed all that noise. But we both found it amusing and dismissed my discomfort.

We stayed in bed for a while, and I was simply basking in the lingering euphoria left from the incredible intercourse he had offered me earlier. I held on to the feeling that I hadn't done anything wrong. I wasn't married. I wasn't betrothed. I was merely a slut engaging in sex after just one date. This thought made me laugh.

"What?" He inquired.

"Nothing." I sighed. "But... I'm curious..."

"What now?" he inquired.

I nodded. "Yeah, that."

He shrugged. "I'll depart, I guess."

I snickered and held him closer. "I'd invite you to stay, but I believe... perhaps that's too much for a first date." I signed sadly. "This was too much for a first date. But maybe I should leave while I'm ahead." Then I brought his lips to mine again and smiled. "What I meant was, what happens next week at the club? Jenny will ask me what we did, and if I inform her, she'll inform everyone else."

"Are you embarrassed?" he inquired.

I considered that for a brief second. Just that reminder that it didn't matter one bit what others thought. "No, not the slightest."

He shrugged above me. "Then I'm curious about what will transpire next week in regards to me seeing you again."

I beamed a beautiful smile up at him and shrugged. "I don't know. When would you like to see me?"

"As soon as feasible." Was all he said. "Now, I should get dressed and depart before I start this once more."

"I don't mind it, but I guess it's fine." We chuckled and shared a brief kiss.

I escorted him to the living room, where we shared a heartfelt moment as I assisted him with his clothing. He slipped into a pair of boxers, and I helped him with his trousers and belt. He put on his collared shirt, and I carefully buttoned him up. I tied his shoes, and he lifted me up, then stood me on my feet, before we shared another passionate moment.

Finally, I stepped behind our front door to avoid displaying myself to the neighbors.

Almost immediately, Sunny emerged from her room and witnessed me in my natural state.

"Wow, looks like you had a blast!" She chuckled.

"Hey!" I hastily fled, but not before she caught a glimpse.

I sprinted to my room, threw on my bathrobe, and dashed back to find Sunny beaming with joy.

"TELL ME EVERYTHING!" She giggled, patting the couch seat next to her.

We spoke for hours about the events that unfolded since her departure from the club. When I reached the climactic moment, I explained that a ruler would be necessary for future encounters due to the multitude of sexual positions he endured. That's when I realized I desired a future meeting. I recounted how frequently he changed positions, and how we consummated our love for hours. I felt completely drained.

"I so wish I could've witnessed all of this," She sighed.

"Sunny!" I protested.

"What?" she chuckled back. "You had to watch me. It's only fair that I get to witness your escapades, right?"

"You're terrible!" I scolded as I jumped onto her. We then engaged in a tickling battle.

Slowly, we regained our composure, and we cuddled together on the couch. "I'm glad you had a good time," she stated. "You must be joyful again."

"I am," I maintained, understanding the underlying message. "I am."

She giggled. "And this guy is younger than Diane."

I smiled. "Yup. Around a year younger."

"Wow! He must look incredibly mature for his age, or you appear far younger than your age," she pondered.

By three in the morning, my energy waned, and I surrendered to the demands of sleep.

The next morning, I walked to the kitchen to find Sunny in a strikingly adorable bikini. She smiled and said, "Finally! Coffee's been cold, but I left you a mug."

I picked up a travel mug, put on a skimpy bikini, and we went to get Bobby. He appeared distracted and quietly contemplative, possibly preoccupied by his thoughts.

We spread out our items; blanket, bags, towels, cooler. Then, Sunny and I set off on our quest to uncover trinkets, captivated by the sight of the nearly empty beach. The absence of other beachgoers was disconcerting to me. I longed to see Dean and TJ, but no such luck.

When a girl with short, dark tresses crossed the sand towards us, I anticipated her coming to flirt with Bobby. However, to my surprise, she greeted Sunny instead. Her tall, slender legs and cute, slightly Asian features enchanted me.

"Evie, this is Monika." She beamed.

Monika wave and waved at us. "Hi!" she greeted Bobby.

He graced her with a nod and smile, but his reaction was subdued.

"The sea turtles are being released down the beach!" She announced, pointing. I craned my neck to see the congregation of people, perhaps a mile away. "Wanna come watch?"

Sunny readily consented. "Yeah! That sounds exciting! Evie, Bobby?"

Bobby hesitated and declined. "No thanks. I just want to tan and swim."

I also opted against experiencing this activity alone, so I also gave my refusal. "You go. Take pictures. I'll see them later."

They darted to the gathering, and I marveled at the persistence and vitality of youth. Especially Sunny. She exuded cuteness!

I attempted to chat with Bobby about school, his occupation at the hardware store, girlfriends, hoping he'd open up. Yet, his responses were concise and brief. I decided to try and recreate the bond we had in the past. I handed Bobby the sunscreen he had applied on me the other time and settled on my stomach. "Would you mind applying some on my back for me?"

He stood up immediately and squeezed some onto my shoulders. I couldn't help but laugh as the cold cream felt delightful on my heated skin until he massaged the entire region. "By the way, do you know Monika from school?"

"I guess so." He said.

Wow, quite a chat. "What about her? She a part of your classes?"

"Nope. We haven't been in the same class since high school." He revealed.

"Oh. I thought college, but okay. She your type, I take it?"

He chuckled slightly behind me and sighed. "She's okay."

I was getting quite fed up with this monotonous conversation. "Mister, did I offend you? What's upsetting you?"

He appeared befuddled and shook his head.

"I want to know if I did something wrong. You must tell me now."

"You're not my mother. Not even my stepmother." He scowled.

I heaved a sigh. "I understand, but we could've established a friendly bond, couldn't we?"

"Nah, I don't think so." He sighed. "Alright, here's the truth. I don't want you as my stepmother." He straddled my back, and I tensed a bit. His own hands continued to rub my skin, feeling almost sensual. "You're too young for that role."

"I'm not even married yet," I declared.

"Would you say yes if he proposed?" He questioned.

I doubted if I'd still accept his proposal after the encounter with Tarek the night before.

"If I did, I could no longer have this closeness with you." He added sunscreen on my back and shifted his position, firmly pressing the sunscreen over my lower back and sides. The way his fingers maneuvered around my curves beguiled me. The sensation was so... almost seductive.

"Don't you think we could remain friends?" I queried helplessly.

"Friends?" He snickered a bit. "You ever watch your friends have sex?"

My heart skipped a beat, wondering if he knew something. How did he discover it? Did Sunny tell him?

"What? No! I wasn't!"

"Yeah, you were. In fact, you could've missed it when he was spying on you the other night."

Oh my God! Was it true? I couldn't believe it. Was I indeed spying and enjoying it?

"You're hallucinating." I attempted to deny it.

"Nope. I saw you in my bedroom's mirror." He giggled. "Not you spying, but them." He reached his hand around me and traced the outline of my breasts. That sent a jolt through me. My arms were above my head, leaving me unable to cover myself as he touched my chest again and then a little further each time. The more he grazed, the more difficult it was for me to push away. His other hand grabbed my nipple without allowing me any time to protest.

"Stop!" I uttered breathlessly.

"Why?" he questioned indifferently. "Afraid people may witness?"

I gulped. "It's not that. I just don't like it."

"Too bad. Sunny doesn't mind." He revealed. "In fact, she likes to have an audience."

I gasped, feeling my pulse race. "Meaning? Her and you?"

"Yup." He replied nonchalantly. "One night, we went to the beach with Dean and TJ. She laid on the beach before I started performing my intimate procedures on her. They both watched us."

My mind reeled. Could Sunny ever do that? Let random people witness their sexual activities? And this intruded me aroused me... and his hands reached my breasts again. "What did they say?"

"They just sat there and watched." He said nonchalantly. "It gave us a thrill." He cautiously moved his fingers closer to my nipples, about to explore them further. "Sunny has a history of that."

I breathed heavily, attempting not to give in to his advanced touches. But his rubbing made my nipples ablaze with excitement, and his bulge continued pressing against my buttocks.

"You enjoy it."

I protested with a trembling voice. "No, I don't."

"Liar." He snickered. "And let's not forget that Sunny consummated me as their entertainment."

I was shocked. "You serious?"

He laughed. "Oh, very much so."

"Lies, my dear." He chuckled. "Admit it. You like it."

His fingers encircled the erect buds of my breasts, and I shivered reflexively. However, I shook my head once more. He did it thrice more and I nodded.

"See," he said in his deep, rumbling voice. "You're not suitable for my dad. Or else, I wouldn't be able to do this."

I started to imagine him standing behind me on his bed, penetrating deeply into my open pussy. No! This shouldn't be happening! I had to put a stop to it now! "Please," I begged, panting. "We can't do this."

"What do you mean?" he snickered.

"You know," I moaned as he rubbed his erection against me. "Stop."

Much to my surprise, he wrapped his arms around my breasts and I moaned even more. "No. I can't!"

"Why?" he breathed heavily.

"I don't want others to see me like this." I groaned, struggling against him.

"Then I'll stop." He growled. "But you'll need to do me a favor first."

I swallowed harder. "What?"

"You'll come watch me fuck Sunny in my room tonight." He said.

"Language!" I groaned irritably as his fingers pinched my nipples with just the right amount of pressure.

"Please." He demanded.

"Watch you and Sunny," I replied breathlessly, beginning to feel the edge of excitement.

He stopped massaging my breasts. "I'll give you a break if you swear you'll do it."

"Stop." I pleaded softly.

"Watch me fuck Sunny, and you'll never touch these again."

"Don't!" I groaned, all but beg looking for more, even as his fingers pinched me harder and my body reacted with a jolt of wanting.

"Say you'll watch me fuck her, and I'll stop tormenting you."

"OK! I'll watch!" I gasped, feeling the slippery drip of wetness in my panties.

My resolve was broken immediately. His hands on my breasts were too much for me. I was desperate, needy. "Please, no. I can't."

He slid his hands all the way around my breasts, making me sob with delight. "No. You can't."

"Why?! I cried out, on the verge of another climax.

"I want you to know just how good this can be." He warned.

I fought him valiantly, struggled to keep myself from climaxing. What would happen if he made me climax again? He squeezed my breasts, harder, rougher, far too close to being too much for me. "Stop...Stop!" I screamed, on the edge of her orgasm just as my body knew she should never have allowed him to push me this far.

"Okay," I said, my brain happy at the thought that he'd stop.

But as soon as I said it, he rolled over and placed his legs around my hips, staring down at me with his wicked little grin. "See?" he asked, his breath making wet noises. "Doesn't that feel wonderful?"

"Bobby!" I wailed in disbelief. "It's wrong!"

He pushed his face closer till it was a mere inch from mine. "What's wrong about a young handsome man like me being with a woman in her prime?"

"!" I gasped.

"He's older than you." He said in a more assertive tone. "You deserve happiness, you're too great to be trapped."

"So, why? Us?"

"We're not that far apart," he smiled darkly. "Eight years...just like your aunt or second cousin married their older husbands."

"Generations!" I argued.

"Right!" he said confidently. "The same. It's not like they were the same generation."

"But...they're related." I whined.

"And we're not." He growled. "Different. But we shouldn't be. I'm young enough for you. And you're spectacular."

"" I sobbed, knowing I'd give in to him.

"Your dad's a good man," he whispered, pressing himself hard against me. "He's appreciated a wife half his age. Why can't it be you and me? You said it yourself, he's like your papa. Give me the chance in his place."

"No..." I whimpered, unable to resist the way I was feeling. "I...I'll be your girlfriend. Just let go."

And that's how I let him have his way in a way that shook my life. That's how I found him worth small moments of cheer in my life. He compromised (and so did I). And it all began with a couple of innocent touches of my breasts.

Before answering, he pressed his lips onto mine, and as long as I could manage, I wouldn't let his tongue pass my lips. He held my wrists down on the beach blanket and continued his attempts, sliding his tongue over my reluctant lips... until I moaned and opened them for him. I screamed inside, telling myself I had to stop kissing my boyfriend's son. I had to get him off me. However, my body refused to listen to my mind. It obeyed my desires instead.

After the kiss, he smirked and said, "No. I don't want to date you." I breathed a sigh of relief. "I might want to screw you someday." He grinned. "But dating isn't likely."

I gasped. "Bobby!" I tried to sound angry, though it seemed more surprisingly pleased. "You need to move away from me."

His lips met mine again, and this time, I just opened wide and accepted his tongue's actions. I could hear myself moaning into his mouth, and he spread my legs to get between them. Then... Oh my goodness! Then... he began dry humping me, slowly and firmly, and his bulge was rubbing on my most sensitive spot. His lips left mine as I lifted them to kiss once more, moaning even louder as he rubbed his covered cock against my vagina.

Suddenly, he climbed off me, and I groaned in distress. He only sat there on the sand, grinning up at my bikini bottom. There was a rather visible wet patch on it where my climax had occurred!

"Oh, goodness!" I gasped. "I need to go for a swim."

Sunny later returned, very excited, and showed us photos of the turtles and the hundreds of baby hatchlings they had sent into the ocean. A large crowd had gathered, and thankfully so. That was probably the reason we had enough privacy to avoid being discovered by others while we engaged in our activities.

All the way back to Mike's place, I contemplated how to discuss what Bobby had done and what I promised to do. I intended to break that promise. I wasn't going to watch him and Sunny, even if they were in working on his bedroom tonight. No way!

Typical Friday-evening activities included me cooking something, Mike entering the house and both of us eating. We'd then move to the patio for wine, then the television, foot rubs, and bed. The final act of the evening was sex and the request, "Want some water?" Unfortunately, the memories of Bobby were prominent, making it unlike any other evening.

Soon after Mike fell asleep, and I lay there in bed... listening as intently as I could. Was Sunny in Bobby's room? Was she delighting in his large manhood again? I told myself to remain still. Simply shut your eyes and sleep. Do not venture out for any reason. Water, tequila, or sneaking into their rooms to see if they were having sex.

Yet none of these thoughts could replace the others. I attempted recalling my dream with TJ, but it ended with me and Bobby. That was not an option. I thought about my night with Tarek. It lasted until I remembered seeing his lovely sex organ when observing Bobby screwing my little step-daughter. Drat!

I slid the bedsheet off and slipped on my skimpy robe, tying it securely. Finally, I crept out to the living room. I stopped to listen. Nothing. Silence. Maybe I'd pour some tequila to calm my mind.

A moan captured my hearing, sweet and mouth-watering. Oh no!

Have you heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'? Well, it kills your reasoning brain and replaces it with stupidity, I believe. As I approached the pocket door, I silently nudged it open and saw them. Both were looking in my direction.

"I told you she'd show up." Bobby sighed.

Sunny was on the bed, located so she could play with him and watch the corridor simultaneously. Her smallest hand was wrapped around the base of his thick cock, and twice as much of his member lay uncovered by her grasp. She gaped in shock at me. Then she licked his hard shaft like a lollipop.

I retreated out of sight again.

"No! Don't go!" she implored. "Come closer."

I leaned back in through the door, but shook my head. No.

"Pleeease," she begged again with a pleading look, revealing her adorable mouth. Her lips were pouty, full, and naturally red. When she smiled, her entire face transformed. She held the pole close to her lips, her tongue swirling around as I could hear it move. She then popped it out with a wet, slurping sound and gave me a charming grin.

"Wow! That was so hot!"

"Do it again," Bobby requested, and she swiftly lowered her precious lips over his member again, bobbing her head a few times and sucking it off with a wet pop.

"Closer," Sunny whispered.

I felt like two robots without free will, and I inched my legs in her direction. Bobby was beaming, and I could feel my body tingling. My eyes were fixated on my gorgeous stepdaughter's lovely face as she engulfed Bobby's length in her mouth again, lovingly sucking and bobbing in rhythm while making soft little moans and delectable sounds. She moved her mouth up and kissed the head as it left her mouth.

I was petrified, my legs were moving on their own, and I was pushed down closer.

"Do it again," Bobby growled harshly, and Sunny immediately lowered her mouth over his member. I couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful face. When she felt me getting closer, she winked at me.

I leaned forward a bit, and Bobby grabbed my arm, moving me closer without my mind's consent. I was inches away from her face. The sensations of her bobbing and sucking on Bobby's member was making me quiver, and I let out a soft gasp as she took it all and came back up with an adoring smile.

"Share with your stepmommy," Bobby instructed confidently, and I saw Sunny's big eyes sparkle at me.

My head was shaking involuntarily, and I double-checked the situation in disbelief.

"Please?" she begged, holding Bobby's shaft in position mere inches from my lips.

My mind screamed, "No! Stop! What's happening?" but my mouth disobeyed and leaned forward just a little. Sunny pushed Bobby's thick head against my lips.

"Open," she asked in a low voice. "Widen your lips."

Oh God, what am I doing? Was this what Bobby and Dean saw her doing? Was she imagining sucking their members, too... just like me? I obeyed and let his head enter my mouth. I tasted some of Sunny's lip gloss, strawberry this time.

"That's really sexy," Sunny praised. "Take more."

I felt like I was losing control. A finger wrapped around my shirt, and my robe unbuckled. Bobby's hands started to graze my firm, small breasts as this "adventure" became increasingly unreal. I heard my mind shriek, "Stop, What's happening?!" but my mouth didn't obey. It took the thick head between my lips, trying to fit a doorknob in there.

After a minute or so, Sunny whispered, "My turn," and shifted. She sucked him off while I got used to the situation, her moans filling the room. Sunny then gently handed him back to me. I was in a haze, bouncing back and forth on his cock, all the while our hands were occupied touching another. Bobby shifted, making space for me, and I foolishly climbed onto the bed.

We continued trading, sucking her son's member, while Bobby's hand explored us both. Bobby began massaging my breasts like a mechanical machine. The thought of anyone telling this story to anyone else gave me chills.

After a while, Sunny got up on her knees, longingly looking up at Bobby. "Can I ride it? Please?" she begged.

Bobby took hold of her hips and guided her into position, turning her around. She wriggled and squirmed until she had him perfectly aligned, and she eased her tight pussy onto his member. He held her hips, and I watched in awe. She was now riding her stepbrother while I continued sitting beside them. Her form straddling him, her movements, her timid yet hopeful expression told me this wasn't going to end soon. Bobby's hands were now exploring and massaging her breasts. Sunny started saying, "More" and "Please," increasing my discomfort. Before I could move, he lifted my mouth up and I found myself trading places with her. Now it was my turn to lift her ass and place his tool into him.

I felt him explode inside her, their noise changing from moans and yummy noises to a more primal "ah," and "oh, yes, I'm so close!" I felt her pleasure waves increase and move on, watching her body react. Bobby then sighed contentedly, signalling the end of the experience.

"Wow, that was amazing!"

Seeing that thick cock penetrate her pink pussy was the sexiest thing I've ever witnessed. The way it slowly spread open her lips as he thrust in, her pussy held onto him, not wanting to let him go when he pulled back. I just laid there, unable to look away, entranced by the scene in front of me.

Whispered moans filled the air, like a soothing lullaby, and I watched her eyes gaze at me while she watched me in return. Something inside me told me this would change everything between us, and I wasn't bothered by it. I was okay with all of it, except for the fact that we were with Bobby. How could I do this with him? What was I supposed to be?

"Evie," Sunny moaned, addressing me.

I glanced over and breathed out. "What is it?"

"Do you love me?" She whispered.

I nodded. "Of course, Pet."

"Will you do something for me?" she asked, her voice still like that of a delicate child.

I nodded again.

"Lick me?" she begged. "Lick me while he's inside me."

What a naughty idea... but I'd never done anything like this before. "I've never..."

"Do it for me?" she pleaded again. "Let me experience it."

"As you wish." Bobby grunted, still fucking Sunny.

I moved into position between their legs, mesmerized by the sight of them making love. The desire for a forbidden taste emerged, and I knew I had to experience it. I knelt down on my elbows, and, looking up, focused on her smooth thighs – inviting me to engage in this forbidden pleasure. My first sight of a woman's pussy was my stepdaughter's. She was bouncing above her lover, tearing away my innocence. I brought my lips to her and began to taste her.

I tugged back as she groaned in delight, stopping for a moment to admire the independent erotic dance they were weaving with every move. I then proceeded to recreate the dance between their legs. I licked and tasted, my own personal version of their skin textures combining - the rough feel of Bobby's back, the softness of Sunny's skin. My entire focus was on my stepdaughter's body, my lips now dripping with her juices.

She squirmed, declaring her orgasm. I gazed upon the satisfied smile on Sunny's face, and her body stopped moving as she enjoyed her aftershocks. But I wanted more.

"Keep going!" she begged.

Her sudden request for more pushed me back into action. I continued performing oral favors on her, indifferent to the unease growing inside me. As I tasted the last of her juices, she moaned for my lips once more, so I reengaged and savored her taste. I couldn't stop.

Our lips met; our tongues interwove. I'd never kissed a girl more than that one time on a dare, but the connection with Sunny seemed to turn me into a seductress. Our bodies were so close and intertwined; we kissed fiercely, like lovers. I idly wondered if he'd noticed our actions, as I had been so distracted by my desire for her.

It was as if a devil lurked inside me, goading me on. And, indeed, as I gazed at the shaft now before me, I couldn't help but try to quell my curiosity. Would his cum be thick like Tarek's? Would it be as delightful to taste as his was? I considered pulling away, but I was driven by my nesting impulse.

Bobby must have been close to cumming because he asked us if we forgot something. Sunny giggled in response and twisted her hips towards her mother's face. Shrugging, I chose to return to my examination of his penis and what awaited me within it.

I moved myself next to Bobby, my body mimicking her earlier position. Holding his cock in my hand, I kissed along the shaft, watching the pleasure register on his face. Not long after, he threw his head back, cumming. My mouth encountered his generous batch and I awkwardly swallowed as quickly as possible. The taste was similar to Tarek's with a couple small differences, mostly in richness; I'm not sure I'd call one any better than the other. I reckoned they were both deliciously satisfying, so like a greedy child, I continued to swallow, enjoying that smooth release.

I finally stopped and sat back on my knees, watching them finish each other by clinging to each other. Thoughts of what had just happened teased my brain – had I done something wrong? Was what we'd done so out of bounds? The gremlin in me And yet, a small part of me really liked this strange, twisted path we'd taken. For just a moment, I relished in it. I have done incestuous things with my stepdaughter Sunny. I enthusiastically engaged in sexual acts with her and gave her orgasms through licking her, all the while sucked on her lover's, also my step-son’s, penis to taste the forbidden treat of his cum. I pleased them both by performing oral favors on him till he shot into my mouth. The momentary thrill of defying the constraints of morality consumed me.

A flood of semen filled my mouth! So much, I believed it would emerge through my nose! I held all that salty fluid on my tongue, as another flood inundated my mouth to capacity. Between his penis, my tongue, and all that semen, I didn't have any more space in there... hence when I comprehended him contracting once more, I didn't truly have a choice. I swallowed the entire load and obtained the next spurt as well. I inhaled a breath via my nose, gulped and swallowed again.

Alright. I wouldn't compare it to cheesecake or whipped cream, yet it wasn't dreadful. No issue. In reality, I lay there sucking out every last drop I could extract from him and swallows it too. Then Sunny dropped down on her other side, and we both got to work licking off each salted bit from his spent cock, pausing to kiss a few times in the process.

Sunny lifted up and squinted. "We have to do something about this?" she inquired.

"What?" I asked.

"You're the only one who hasn't cum so far."

I tittered. "No, that's alright. I do not..."

Then something happened I hadn't anticipated, even more than all the things that just transpired that I hadn't anticipated. Bobby switched places, elevated my thigh above his head, and his face snuggled itself underneath my sex, and started licking me ravenously!

"Oh, my God! What are you..? Oh Yes!" I disintegrated, rotating my hips over him to encourage his tongue to perform wonders in my sex. I held myself raised there, grinding my genitalia on his bristling tongue while Sunny came over and started kissing me once again. I couldn't last as lengthy as Bobby had, and was jolted by a huge climax that Sunny had to smother in my mouth with her tongue. I was still panting and trembling... when we perceived a door close!

"Shit!" I gasped.

"What was that?" Sunny inquired.

I completed a swift estimate of what it was highly likely to have been. "Bathroom!" I gasped. "Mike. He went into the bathroom. Shit! I have to depart from here."

I rolled away from the bed as promptly as I am able, snatched up my abandoned dressing gown, and headed towards the door. Right before I left, I flung a farewell kiss towards them, slid open the pocket door, and returned it gently. Then I stepped back to the kitchen, got a glass, splashed a bit tequila in, and stepped back to the living area... just as Mike stuck his head out of the bedroom door.

"Can't sleep?" he mentioned groggily.

"Yes." I claimed, trying not to sound like I was out of breath.

"Desire some companionship?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I'm finest. Get some sleep. No need for both of us sitting up."

He shrugged. "Okay. Try to fall asleep again."

I nodded. "That's what this is for." I raised my glass.

He snickered and ventured back to bed.

Thank you Lord! I huffed in my head. I could acknowledge that I didn't adore Mike in that manner, but he deserved better than his partner providing her son behind his back. I just needed to determine how to inform him that without breaking his heart or getting him riled up. Gently set him down. That's what I required to carry out.

And how in the hell was I supposed to achieve that?

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