Spanking a Random Slut

Another sordid spanking encounter...

Jul 1, 2024
4 min read
casual sexspankingsordidSpanking a Random Slutslutfucking
Spanking a Random Slut
Spanking a Random Slut

Spanking a Random Slut

"You're a good kisser... but there's a strange taste in your mouth...what have you been eating?" she said, just prior to flicking her tongue round her lips.

"That'll be the pickled onions I had earlier." I slurred and had congratulated myself for quick thinking despite the ten or so pints I had consumed during the course of the evening.

In fact, I had just puked up a beef burger and a quantity of aforesaid lager behind the back of the garage in Brading Road -- I'd told her to wait round the front whilst I went for a piss - right next door to La Babalu nightclub where I had been boozing half the evening and hoping to meet the woman of my dreams...

As the evening had rolled on, I had concluded that perhaps tonight wasn't going to be my lucky night -- besides, Jeremy, my mate had already abandoned me after pulling a scrubber from Binstead - and I had plumped for a fat, ugly-ish slut called Sue from a nearby council estate. I hasten to add I was no oil painting myself. Which possibly explained my disgraceful behaviour at times. Especially when drunk.

" 'Ere didn't you used to go out with that Claudia?"

"Ur... yes... but we split up when she moved over to Lymington with her parents... all water under the bridge now."

It wasn't quite strictly true: Claudia had indeed moved over to Lymington, but I was still seeing her now and again. I wasn't going to tell her that though as the only thing a woman hates more than a man that lies, is one that tells the truth, whatever that might be.

"So, you're single then?"

"Oh, yes."

"Shall we go for a stroll along the seafront, it's a lovely evening," I added and suggested.

She slipped her arm through mine and said promisingly: "Yes... let's."


Fifteen minutes later I found myself snogging her, whilst squeezing one of her nipples under her jumper, in the shelter on the northern side of the Canoe Lake when out of the blue I surprised myself by asking her if she liked being spanked on the bare bum.

Fucking hell, why did I do that, she'll clock me as a pervert, tell everybody and then I'll have to leave the Island, I'd thought.

"Yeah, I do actually."

Relief had flooded through me -- I'd fucking lived dangerously at times.

"What... hard?"


"I'll just check there's nobody around and then you can lift up your skirt, drop your knickers and bend over."

I left her momentarily on the wooden slatted bench, wandered over to the opening of the shelter before scanning first left then right -- nobody, but it was late, and quite chilly.

"Coast is clear."

She pulled her knickers down before lifting her skirt.

She was quite porky around the waist and her arse was fat and flabby too - I'd concluded she'd be no good as a regular girlfriend, after all, I had 'standards' to adhere to.

As I brought my right hand back as far as I could I'd notice that she also possessed quite a hairy fanny too - yuk!

I'd smacked her hard several times observing her skin ripple satisfyingly with each blow in the dim yellow light of the sodium lamp a good few feet away.

After about six or seven hard smacks she straightened up, turned and faced me then said: "Do you want to do something else now?"

"Okay, then."

I moved closer, unbuckled my belt, lower my underpants then penetrated her. I'd suddenly felt quite cold - the alcohol was wearing off.

I really didn't fancy her -- her face was chubby and her features, pig like with her hair, mousey, short and unflattering -- but nevertheless I climaxed, though not strongly.

I then heard a noise -- movement.

Fuck, an elderly couple, walking their dog - at this time of the night?! - suddenly poked their grey heads round and into the shelter.

I couldn't believe it, and we were both in a state of semi dress with my dripping cock rapidly shrinking.

As quickly, they pulled their heads out and swiftly moved on.

"Come on, I think we should go," I said to Sue.

We pull everything up, vacated the shelter and walked back along North Walk to the Eastern end of the Canoe Lake.

"You going to accompany me back home then?" she asked me.

"Where did you say you lived, Sue?"

"Little Preston Close."

"No, that's way too far, it's getting cold now. You'll be okay, all the dodgy perverts will be in bed now."

"Thanks," she responded sarcastically. "I see chivalry isn't dead yet!"

I didn't reply -- I'd got what I wanted and there was no point in getting into an unnecessary argument.

"See ya." I said and headed off along the Esplanade.

About three hundred yards in front of me I saw an old couple -- the old couple in fact -- walking their dog back home. My 'dog', on the other hand, was walking itself home.

She suggested a casual encounter, implying she enjoyed no-strings-attached encounters, mentioning, "Why don't we try something sordid tonight?"

During their encounter, she enjoyed being spanked, adding a new dimension to their encounter, saying, "I love it when you spank me hard."

Despite the uncomfortable situation, he found solace in their shared interests, thinking to himself, "At least we share a kink for spanking, and I can still get some fucking in."

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