Erotic Couplings

Speed contests

Mark proposes a race to Jenna with a secret intention.

May 22, 2024
6 min read

Speed contests

"Fancy a race?" That spontaneous question snapped Jenna out of her trance, looking up from the forest path to find Mark beside her.

The duo were walking through the forest on a warm spring day. A day when the sun burned on your skin, while heavy clothes felt unbearable. The numerous shady spots, on the other hand, were too chilly for anything less.

Jenna hesitated before responding, mistrust threatening her voice. "You're not into sports."

With a light chuckle, Mark lifted his hands in a show of innocence. "A bit of exercise can't do anyone any harm." His smirk gave away his mockery, though. "Scared of losing?"

Jenna snorted, but her taunting smile was real. "I run twice a week, while you consider getting up for a glass of water an effort. I'd leave you light-years behind."

Mark should have stopped - but he didn't. No, he pushed it further, anticipating Jenna's frustration. "I do have longer legs, though. That would reduce my distance. But if you're so adamant about a challenge…"

The emptiness of his boasting was obvious, leaving Jenna unimpressed. Knowing that there was taunting in his eyes and his expression, she chose to prove him otherwise.

"Let's race then. To the big oak at the end of the clearing. On three?"

Mark flashed a grin, returning to his taunting demeanor. "Ready?" His voice was slow and deep, teasing Jenna. Steeling herself, she nodded.

The countdown began, dragging out much longer than needed, his wink hinting at sarcasm. Jenna clenched her fists, tightening her arms in readiness. His hands flashed away as he took a stance, and she did the same.

Three, two, one - they bolted, launching themselves ahead like missiles. Jenna was briefly neck-on-neck with Mark, their feet pounding into the ground. Yet it didn't last long. Driven by determination, her body burst into action, pushing harder and faster.

The pain burned, but Jenna would not give in. Her strong legs propelled her ahead, leaving Mark's harsh breathing behind. Future regret vanished. Steadily, she ticked off the remaining distance, ever closer to her goal.

The final stretch turned her into a lightning-fast machine, and Jennifer's hand collided with the oak tree, her laugh announcing her triumph.

In a moment of false relief, Jenna turned, only to find her rival right behind her. The playful grin had disappeared from Mark's face, replaced by a darker, more threatening version. His breath was harsh, his face flushed red.

Mark's hands reached for her, grabbing a spot on her waist, and lifted her right into his arms. Instinctively, her legs retracted around his waist in a defensive measure. Jenna's discomfort worsened as she stared at him.

Her attacker was tall and thin, notorious for lifting her effortlessly. The feeling of being lifted always left a lingering air of enjoyment between them. Yet in their current location, the safe booth and dim lights were absent. She now found herself in the open, bathed in beaming sunlight.

Jenna searched for a reason to push him back. Tracing his fingers along her jaw, Mark's touch echoed the pounding in her chest. His hands inched down her arm and began their descent.

Jenna struggled against Mark's hold, her body resisting his grasp. His hands scratched the delicate skin on her neck.

Their friend used to touch her tenderly in the dark, his caress soothing her mind amidst teasing banter. Now, however, he was brazenly crude, letting his nails traverse down her spine, leaving sparks in Jenna's blood.

Jenna pushed him back and scrambled around to regain control. But she faltered, realizing Mark's determination. He wouldn't stop until she uttered the safeword. Her breath steadied as she listened to his shallow ones that replaced the fading laughter and joking.

His fingers traced down her neck, creating friction where they slid. Jenna shivered, barely audible in the tranquility of her surroundings.

Mark's fingers dug deeply into Jenna's skin, causing her to feel a rapid heartbeat against them. Frightened, Jenna noticed her pulse pounding in sync with his touch.

Her breathing became heavy and uneven as every bit of oxygen was sucked from her body, and her chest tightened. Jenna's heart raced like a wild stallion, beating frantically as it played a deadly game of cat and mouse with death.

Despite her muddled thoughts, she knew the reason for her racing pulse. It had played its part in a deadly game, a mere ploy to accelerate her heart rate. And it had succeeded. Jenna's heart pounded in her ears, each beat falling into the other seamlessly.

The rhythm of her heart struggling against Mark's fingers forced Jenna to be acutely aware of every beat. Her pulse resonated with each exquisite stroke, as Mark's eyes feasted on each gesture and sound. No matter how much Jenna pushed him away, his presence only grew stronger. The sneaky rat. Jenna's legs clung desperately to his hips, triggering instant pleasure with each powerful thrust against her.

To make matters worse, Jenna's chest pressed against Mark's with every inhale, an act of suffocation that left her lungs screaming for oxygen. Her mind was in a hazy confusion when he spoke, tongue teasing the pool of passion within.

"Your heart's racing," he whispered, a child-like curiosity in his eyes. "It's such a wild beast." His gaze was hypnotic, drawing Jenna in deeper. Every nerve ending sizzled with desire as he spoke.

Jenna's head seemed to spin with bewilderment as her body fought for control. In spite of her agitated state, she couldn't help but taste every ounce of his saliva which dripped onto her neck. Her thoughts were a hasty mess, a terrifying symphony of chaos. But it was Mark's persistent intrusion that had shattered her sense of self. The scoundrel.

Jenna was impossibly and powerfully aroused by his closeness, each moving muscle sending waves of heat crashing through the deep pits of her stomach. She couldn't escape it.

Blood rushed to her mind with each hissed word from Mark, leading to growing dizziness and heat in her head that was only aggravated by his words. Small, more urgent beats of her heart began to sound like thunder. But as Mark's hot breath brushed against her ear, they paused. A first in her entire existence.

"What's happening?" the voice of the intruder asked, eyes still locked onto Jenna's neck and licking with wicked delight as his tongue followed her arteries to her starved heart.

Jenna gritted her teeth and held her breath, searching the darkness for an answer.

Her focus was solely on her heart's soundless beats. The once relentless stallion had slowed into a calm trot.

Each beat was distinct now, their individuality once hidden now clear for the world to see.

Tightening her grip on him, Jenna allowed her body to become consumed by Mark's climbing, exploring tongue. Her brief panic was forgotten in the instantaneous waves of pleasure cascading down her spine. Her gasping, unrecognizable voice was stifled by her desire to escape it all. "Did you know that the tip of our tongue is the most sensitive part?" he hinted, wounding her with the unexpected revelation.

Raying through her pseudo-coma, Mark ran his hand up her neck, sending tingles down her spine.

As she continued to surrender to his intrusion, Jenna's mind was locked into a single moment, the pause between each beat her saving grace. Jenna's legs quivered and tightened around him, lost in a world of pleasure and need.

In a sudden twist, Mark slowed his descent, burying his hands in her hair and capturing her lips in a kiss. She gasped upon first contact, and his lips lapped at hers for a brief second, devouring the taste of sex and need.

Awkwardly, Jenna said, "You knew."

Caressing her cheekbone, Mark said, "Give me another chance."

Jenna's breaths caught in her throat. It came in short spurts, unsteady and shallow. But his words were heavy, begging her to accept him. "I didn't know that so many things could go wrong," she whispered, her voice broken with remorse.

"I just want to experience them with you," Mark murmured, slightly pulling away. "You know, I love you, Jenna."

His confession brought tears to her eyes, followed by a flurry of uncontrollable, awkward laughter. Disoriented, she asked, "Pity or something deeper?"

To her disbelief, his eyes glinted. "Something deeper," he said, and slowly pressed his lips to hers, his touch a sizzling declaration of their truest feelings.

When finally he stepped back, Jenna's legs felt weak, her lips slightly numb, and her heart stilled as it hit capillary pulsations. "I think illusions would be more beneficial to you," he said with a voice that could withstand the worst feedback.

Jenna's emotions dissipated as she witnessed his widening smile. "Heavy, aren't you? You're much more dedicated to these situations than I've ever realized."

While part of Jenna was tempted to smack him hard, perhaps even kick him in his most sensitive area, she noticed a look of remorse in his eyes. It seemed he'd stepped over the line. So, opting for a gentler reaction, she pulled him close, quietly pondering when would be a more appropriate time to settle the score.

Jenna had emerged victorious from the race, triumphing despite not winning the prize she'd anticipated.

A flashing mental picture of glossy black rubber and a metallic circle with a drum appeared in her thoughts, but Mark's presence drove it away. Thankfully, he hadn't carried a stethoscope with him. The thought of confronting that peculiar implement in broad daylight was too frightening, too soon.

Yet, she mused, it could be possible in the future.

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