Celebrity Sex Stories

Star Trek: Boner Grower

Story of the development of The Boner Grower.

Jul 11, 2024
28 min read
star trekspaceStar Trek: Boner Growerfanficinventorssci-fi
Star Trek: Boner Grower
Star Trek: Boner Grower

Star Trek: Boner Grower

*Author's note: This is a sci-fi story/fanfic set in the Star Trek universe. It's meant to be a fun little story, in no way cannon or anything. The goal is to simply entertain.

"Come on, come on," I say under my breath with a hint of frustration as I look at my diagrams for the millionth time. My eyes hungrily find the section I need, to which I already knew I was right before I looked.

Currently I'm sitting at my personal workstation, made perfectly for me. Everything is right where I need it, with all my tools within reach. Tools that have been modified by myself, for myself. Not to mention the six screens that I have in front of me, each one showing a different schematic of my invention.

I know I should stop and take a break as I've been at this for hours, but I can't. I mean, I'm so close to finishing! I know I am. I can feel it. I know I've said that very thing before as I sit day after day in this position, but I am so close I can taste it.

I'm an inventor, and a damn good one too, no matter what anyone says. Sure they laughed at me and my ideas at the University of Kaijinhji. Said that I was nothing but a loser with loser ideas. A loser pervert at that since most of what I was after had something to do with sex.

Sure, what I am working on is something that no one thinks they need or will want, but I know better. More than that, I'll prove them wrong. What I am creating will change the world.

What am I working on? Well, it's a bit complicated, but the purpose is as simple as simple can be. You see, there are many men, much like myself, that enjoy sex. I don't mean enjoy sex whenever they can get it, like how joined couples have sex on date night, but need sex like they need air.

Men like myself need sex or it changes us. If I go without sex for too long, I feel myself change, becoming more of a jerk. Without it for too long, I could easily become violent and dangerous. So I must have it. Which isn't much of an issue as Sex Palaces are aplenty here, so as long as you are ready to pay, they will play.

Hell, there are days where I spent the entire day trying to have sex. Where every minute of the day was devoted to sexual conquest. Where I blew off work and went to my favorite haunt to release all of my sexual energy.

Hence is the problem. The issue is that after sexual intercourse for too long, a man's sex organ gets tired and doesn't want to work properly. No matter how badly your brain or heart wants to go again, the sex organ refuses to respond in the required way.

There is nothing worse than wanting to have sex and not being able. It messes with your mind, making you feel like a loser. Doesn't matter how many times you had sex that day, the moment you can't perform, that's when you are a true loser.

So what's a guy to do in that situation? Medication? Sure. But then you are a slave to the medication. And medication wears off. Not to mention that in a lot of cases, you can't take it because of the risks involved.

That's where my invention comes in. The invention of a lifetime. It's going to be a true game changer, especially in the world of sex.

My invention will prove that I'm not crazy. And those that called me a pervert will be begging me for what I'll have. Oh yes. More than one has called me a pervert. A sick pervert. Gross. Ugly. Soon they will be begging me for a spot on my team from the money I will have.

"Oh hell!" I gasp as every screen cuts to the viewer at the front door. The sudden abrupt change scares me and makes my heart pound, as if someone just snuck up against me. It's enough to jolt me out of my thoughts and make me scoot my chair back.

"Oh, hell, I forgot about her," I mutter to myself, seeing the young, good looking female waiting at my front door. If the viewer went into Interrupted Mode, which it did by appearing on all screens, it means she's pressed the doorbell at least three times. From the look of the poor girl, I bet she's been waiting out there for a while. I probably didn't hear the chime due to how hard I was concentrating.

"You from Sexy Time Hard Time?" I ask after hitting the speaker button on the middle screen. To this the woman looks directly at the camera, putting on her most sexy smile. Like most of her kind, her face is made up with makeup and more to hide any defects.

"I sure am baby. I was just about to give up on you, which would have broken my heart as I heard just how sexy you are," the female says in the same sort of fake sexy tone that all of her kind uses.

I say nothing about the obvious lie, as it's all part of her job description. She will say anything in hopes of making me happy, which should make our time together go faster so she can leave sooner. Either that or she thinks I will pay more.

Her smiling face still fills up the screen to which I hit the "Open" button to allow the front door to open remotely. Once it does, I see her enter, where the screens return to what they were showing before, the schematics of my invention. Immediately I go back to what I was doing, checking the last insulated wire.

"Heya sexy, I'm Stacy. You ready to do this?" The escort asks as she comes into the open room. At once she stops and looks around, no doubt turned off by all the machines and technology that I have disassembled and are laying around. All these parts everywhere makes the place look trashy and messy, when it's really not.

I get a real "I wanna leave" vibe about her, which I hate. But what do you expect when you hire on the cheaper end of the escort tree? I used to hire from the best Sex Palaces, but slowly but surely, less and less took my bookings.

Complaining didn't do any good either, as they said it wasn't the girls' fault, but my own. Each one gave some crap excuse, either saying I was too aggressive, or I wanted too much, or that I was a creep and made them scared because they were uncomfortable with how much I talked about sex. But come on, they are whores! Who better to talk about sex with?

"Yeah, yeah. Just...go into the bedroom, I'll be there in second," I tell the escort, already forgetting her name as I test the lead wire on my invention.

The escort sighs softly at this, and I know why. The more people they serve in a day, the more money they make. So she wants to come in, get it done and leave as fast as possible. Doesn't matter if you paid for an hour either. They want to leave as soon as possible, where what I want, no, desire is, to get my time and money's worth.

"You sure baby? We could do it right here, right now," the escort offers in that sexy voice of hers.

"I could service you as you work on...whatever that is," the escort offers, no doubt trying to make the idea of having my organ service while looking a popular kink.

"All you have to do is just sit there, and I'll move under the table," she offers. I hear her say this, but don't pay much attention, as I've actually tried this many times. As far as sex goes, it's ok, but you can't really concentrate on either work or sex during the act.

"Or I could hop up on your tech table there," she suggests, making rage rise in me as it sure seems like she wants to destroy my invention and research.

At this I hit the circle button on the side of my chair, which turns the seat all the way around so I can face her. When I do, I give her a hard stare. A stare that reminds her that I'm the one paying her, so that makes me the one in charge. Since I am in charge, I'll tell her when she's to suck me off, spread her legs and when to get fucked.

How dare she think I would mess up my greatest invention with her body of all things? Doesn't she understand just how hard I've worked on this? Why would I dare mess up any part of my invention with whatever she may have wrong with her? She's just a whore. No purpose, no value, no nothing.

"What...what's that on your eye?" the escort asks, pointing to my face, seeing what I call my "Viewmaster." Since I was turned around when she entered, she didn't see it before.

My Viewmaster is another of my inventions. Well, I can't lie, I didn't fully come up with it. Instead, what I wear is sort of like a combination of multiple other ideas and technologies. It did take a lot of research and searching around the planet to get all the parts I needed to get it the way I wanted. I can honestly say no one else has anything close to my version of it.

"It's an ocular implant," I tell her, sharing this with her only because I am proud of my invention. I continue to look at her, making sure she can see my invention clearly.

The Viewmaster is a circular black device that connects over my right eye. It's the shape and size of a coffee mug, but is made of metal and plastic. And it connects to my brain via diodes that I had surgically implanted in my skull, allowing the device to stay firmly in place.

"Watch," I offer the whore, grabbing the Viewmaster and gently twisting it to disconnect it from its port. Once it is disconnected, I lift it to completely remove it from my skull. Once I do this, the whore is able to see my real eye, as well as the three small metal diodes sticking out of my skull that the Viewmaster connects to.

"Oh, that looks...painful. And why are there so many lights on it that blink?" the escort asks, clearly freaked out by my invention instead of impressed. This makes me sigh again, as I actually considered she may be smart enough to appreciate the brilliance of it.

"Well...it's not for the weak minded," I say, reconnecting the Viewmaster back over my eye. It instantly reconnects, making it as if it was never removed.

Now that my Viewmaster is reconnected, I am able to see my schematics in greater detail as well as in 3D. The Viewmaster makes it seem that the image is beamed directly in my mind, when it really isn't. Using optics as well as my neural pathways, it gives the appearance of such visual information to my brain. And what makes my Viewmaster so invaluable is that I'm able to rotate the schematics in any direction, not to mention have any sort of view I want on the inside of any object.

And this baby can also take the input that my left eye is seeing and do all manner of helpful actions, from searching what I am seeing, increasing the magnification, seeing heat signatures and tons more. I've even worked on a filter that will allow me to remove clothes from any female that I see.

"You...you gonna wear that when we, you know, do it?" the escort asks, still very freaked out about my Viewmaster. Or maybe she's freaked out over how it gets connected. In any case, I don't care.

"Remove your clothes," I order her instead of answering. I then turn around to face my workbench again, not really caring about watching her do such a task. If it was up to me, every female would have to stay naked all the time. No clothing would be permitted, ever.

Leaning over my workbench, I resume what I was doing before she bothered me. Here I take my lightscript tool and bring it to my invention, still trying to correctly attach the stupid wire.

"I'm ready baby," the escort tells me, no doubt naked as can be. If I had to guess, I would say she's currently rubbing her hands up and around her body in an effort to look sexy.

"Go to the domicile, I'll be there shortly," I tell her in a firm tone while not even turning to look at her.

After a few moments she finally gets the hint, where I hear her begin to walk down the hallway and towards the bedroom, leaving her clothes behind. Again, I know she rather get our session done as soon as possible, but she's on my time now. She can wait as I've paid for her to be here.

"Come on, connect. Connect," I mutter under my breath as I manage to get the wire in place. Now it's up to the device to connect all membranes, which will cause it to power on.

Now playing the waiting game, I take a long sweeping look over my invention. Seeing it fills me with such pride as I knew one day I would create something so special. Even the name is special, as I've lovingly called it, "The Boner Grower." Yeah, it's a horrible name, but it's catchy. It'll make people stop and look.

What The Boner Grower is, is three rows of small black chips that stretch the length of my pinky. Each row of computer chips are connected by hair-thin wires that transport energy and information along the chips. These chips are very flat, not to mention lightweight, as they have to be so the man will have no trouble when he has to attach them to his most prized bodily possession.

The three rows of chips are to be placed on a man's genitalia. The chips are to run from the base of his sex organ, all the way to the head of his cock. And because the chips durable and flexible, not to mention as thin as film and wires expandable, the Boner Grower can stretch as much as needed for any sized organ.

Now...what does the Boner Grower do exactly? Simply put, it makes your dick hard, for as long as you want. It could make a male's sex organ stay hard for months if he so wanted, at least in theory.

How does the Boner Grower do that? Easy. The chips will always make contact with the male's skin. This allows them to absorb body heat where the invertor will convert that stored heat into useable energy.

When the male wants an erection, he simply thinks of that process. The nuero-link will send the correct series of commands via the body's electrical senses which will then activate the Boner Grower, which then uses the stored energy to send electric pulses to stimulate the sex organ. This allows it to become erect for as long as it receives the electric pulses. And as of right now, as long as the male is alive and generating body heat, the chips will always have stored energy.

Genuis, right? Now, I have had some trouble on my way of reaching this point. I will admit, this is version three of The Boner Grower. The first one had so many issues, mainly with the damn invertors overheating. They would absorb too much body heat, making the chips overheat when trying to convert it to power. Needless to say, it wouldn't be very good for a man to finally have a hardon, then have his dick catch fire.

My second version did correct the overheating problem and it did work overall, somewhat. It had an issue that the connection between brain and machine wasn't stable. In that version, instead of activating the device by thinking, you had to use the remote, or press the right combination on the chips to activate it, which again wasn't ideal.

The way to solve this issue came to me in a dream. I have no clue why I didn't think of it before. The answer was literally right in front of me all the time.

We use computer based intelligence, otherwise known as fake intelligence (which is often called "fa-int") in nearly every aspect of our lives. From our doors alerting us when there is a visitor, to the food creator sending out order processes when it is low on supplies. We even use fa-int when we go to sleep as the house's fa-int controls the lights and sounds.

"I'm gonna start without you," the escort calls from my bedroom in that fake sexy tone. I can only imagine she's rubbing herself more, trying to entice me to join her.

As I stare at The Boner Grower, I hear it start to hum with a soft hum. A moment later, I see each chip flash it's signature green light to show it is fully connected and processing data.

"I did it! I did it! It's time! It's time!" I say excitedly, pumping the air as the chips connected successfully. The Boner Grower is working! It's operational! More than that, it's ready to be tested!

More excited than I've ever been in my life, I quickly remove my clothes, as it is time for the real test. That's why I booked the whore for the rest of the day, despite her wanting to leave. I need to test The Boner Grower for real and for true. And who better to use it on than some nameless whore?

Oh, going back to how I solved the issue between the device and the brain, all I had to do it put a fa-int into the device. Previously I was using a self-created operating system, which is why it was having such issues. The OS couldn't think nor understand what the goal was. But fa-int could.

I did have a concern about the fa-int that I purchased as I had to get one off the black market. I much rather get a sturdy and healthy version that is proven, but that costs more than I could earn in a life time, not to mention the time to learn how to program it. So I instead downloaded one for cheap, then injected my own code to make it do as I want.

The custom fa-int will be able to navigate the impulses from the brain to the device via the electric pulses. It'll also be able to keep the chips linked to each other, as it will act as the brain of the device. So if there is any issue, like with overheating, it will be able to solve it at once.

Naked now, I stand in front of my workstation, my dick in hand. Already I am at full mast just at the thought of how my invention is going to change the world. I then wipe my manhood clean with my wipes, feeling beyond excited and aroused already.

I take the Boner Grower and slide the first row of chips onto my cock. There I carefully press each chip against my skin, making sure it makes firm contact. I repeat this for each of the three rows, making sure every chip is placed where it is supposed to go. My sex organ throbs as I see the chips even start to change colors to match my skin tone.

"Alright, get ready to have the pounding of a lifetime," I call out to the escort, running my hand over my sex organ repeatedly to make sure the chips won't fall off. As I knew they would, they are fully attached to me, as if part of my body. I quickly grab lotion off my workbench and place some on my cock, wanting to make sure the chips stay in place even if wet and slick.

"Oh baby, I'm getting so lonely. You know what I need. Now get in here and do as you promised," the escort calls out. Again I know it is because she wants to get this over with, but she's about to have one of the longest sessions of her professional career.

Content that the chips aren't going to fall off, I turn and walk towards my bedroom, naked as can be. Even though my body isn't the biggest or best looking, at the moment I feel more powerful than the biggest warrior in the world. Today I feel as tall as the biggest Flopa Tree.

I am beyond excited to give The Boner Grower a test drive. The only issue is, it'll take a few minutes for it to absorb enough of my body heat to turn on. But what is awesome about it, the escort's body heat will help make it go faster once we start. So after just a few moments of sex, The Boner Grower should power on, and we'll see just how long my cock stays hard.

Stepping into my bedroom, I see the escort on her back in the middle of my bed. Upon seeing her, I do stop and stare as whenever I see a naked female, I always stand in awe. A female's body is so beautiful and sexy. It is enough that I could stare at a naked female all day long.

"Wow. I am very surprised. Your chesticles are huge," I tell the escort as a compliment. And this isn't a lie either. They are rather large, and firm. No doubt fake, or maybe injected with something to make them look that way, but still visibly impressive. I'm rather excited to feel them to see what they are like.

"Come here, you know I need you," the escort beckons with her hand, still on her back. She then spreads her legs smoothly, showing her sex to me. Now in the presence of her beautiful sex, I find my dick pulses, which has nothing to do with my Boner Grower.

"Do...do you have to wear that thing?" the escort then asks, clearly meaning my Viewmaster. For a moment I had concerned that she knew about The Boner Grower. If she knew about it, I doubt she would allow for the use of it.

"Shut up," I tell the escort as I step up to my bed. There I step between her legs and lean over to grab them. With a hard tug, I pull her entire body to the end of the bed, where I am now between her legs.

Looking down, I examine my Boner Grower, seeing how well it is doing so far. How there isn't any trace of malfunction. I then use my hand to guide my sex organ into hers.

"Oh yeah," the escort moans as I put the head of my cock at her opening. There I slowly position it where it will be the most comfortable, then start to insert myself inside of her. I make sure to go slow, wanting to see how the device will react to her insides.

"What a big dick you have. It's so massive," the escort moans as I slide my cock inside of her.

Moaning myself, I push my member all the way inside of her sex, feeling how wet and warm her insides are. It not only feels great for my dick, but I know it'll power my Boner Grower in no time. Any moment it'll whirl to life.

Pulling my hips back, I slide my cock almost all the way out of her sex. Then I thrust into her, making my member go deep within her. I do this father fast and hard, wanting to test that the Boner Grower can handle it.

Sure enough when I do this, she yelps out with a moan, showing that she likes it rather rough. Either that or she is a great actor. In either case, I don't really care.

"Take it, take all of it," I say under my breath as I thrust over and over into the escort's sex, making her moan repeatedly. For the briefest of moments I forget that this is really a test of my invention as I become transfixed by her massive chest bouncing.

"Oh," I say when I feel something rather strange. It's enough that I actually stop for a moment to try and figure out what it is. My cock has begun to tingle, which is something it's never done before.

"Oh my! Oh my, how are you doing that?!" the escort moans loudly, showing she genuinely enjoys what is happening. And why wouldn't she? It appears that my cock is vibrating somehow.

I then realize what is happening. The Boner Grower has indeed turned on, to which the fa-int is doing its job. I thought maybe this was a malfunction, but it's not. If it was, I would be getting the error messages on my Viewmaster.

In short, the Boner Grower knows what I am doing, and is working to make the sex better. It knows that the female enjoys vibrations within her sex and is providing it. I had not planned for it to do this, but consider this a particularly good side effect.

Excited as this is turning out better than I hoped, I resume my thrusts, making the room echo with the sounds of wet thuds as my cock slides in and out of her, our bodies ramming together. The escort moans loudly as well, these sounding honest and true as the Boner Grower works to make this pleasurable for her.

Thankfully the escort isn't looking at me, so she does not see the tears coming down my face. I simply cannot help it. It works. It really works. I feel my cock and how hard it is. It's never felt this hard in my entire life. It feels as hard as stone, which means it works.

Another new strange sensation moves over me, causing my body to twitch. The twitch is quite powerful, where one shoulder seems to go upward while the other moves downward. The sensation is so powerful that I try to take a step back as it feels like my body is about to spasm. But the escort has wrapped her legs around me, preventing me from moving back and out of her. She holds me tight against her, as if scared I'll remove my sex from her.

Getting concerned, another uncontrollable twitch occurs and I can't tell why. It's not from any sort of electric shock as I would know what that feels like it that was the case. Whatever this twitch is, it is different than anything I've felt before. It feels more like, I don't know, like something trying to make my body move without me ordering it.

"Tired, baby? Oh, I know what you want," the escort says as she sees that I've stopped thrusting. She pays no mind to the concern on my face, no doubt because she doesn't really look at me. Instead she thinks that because I have stopped it is due to fatigue and seeing that I haven't finished yet, she knows she cannot leave.

My concern grows even more rapidly when I find that I can no longer move my arms. With all my might I tell them to move, just like I order my legs to step back. But nothing happens. There's no muscular movement at all.

Thankfully, I am still able to access my Viewmaster. In what is sure to be a life-saving action, the Viewmaster can take an exploded view image of my brain to track impulse, energy patterns as well as monitor my nuero-net. With any luck I'll be able to locate what is happening to cause this.

My Viewmaster is able to locate the impulse that my brain sends to move my arms, but the impulse doesn't travel down to my nervous system. It just goes off in my brain and that's it. There's no movement after that. It's as if something is taking over my nervous system and blocking any new impulses. But that can't be the case, otherwise my body would plop dead.

"Get ready to have that eye-thing blown off of you baby," the escort croons as she's turned her body around so her head is level with my crotch. She still lays on the bed, but now her upper body hangs off the bed as she moves right up to my cock.

If I could move, I would move to prevent her from doing any more, but I can't. I then find I can no longer even say the words that I want to. I feel my vocal cords trying to move, but no sound comes out as I want to tell her I need help.

It's already too late, she has taken my sex organ in her mouth. There, with fury, she begins to perform oral pleasure on me, her lips pressing hard against my cock and the Boner Grower. Eagerly she performs on me, one of her hands between her legs to self-pleasure herself.

Even though I can no longer move, I can still feel. And oh, she is good. She has had a lot of practice performing oral pleasure, that's for sure. She knows exactly how to use her mouth and tongue. What makes it even hotter is that she reaches around to grab my ass with her hand. There she pulls my hips back and forth, making me thrust into her mouth. It's clear she wants me to do this but my body remains frozen so even if I wanted, I could not do this.

Logically, this has to be the work of the Boner Grower, but how? And why? What is it doing? How is it doing this? It doesn't make any sense.

The code I added to the fa-int was designed only to focus on sexual impulses. That's the only thing it was to interact with. It would be able to sense those impulses leaving the brain due to the unique alpha waves that sexual thoughts and actions bring. It would sense them then translate them to be able to interact with the Boner Grower.

"B-B-Bon..er.....grow," I try to tell the escort as I find these are the only words I am able to say. But the words are drowned out by the moans, wet sounds and movements of the escort as she gives what feels like the best oral job ever.

Even if I am terrified, I am impressed when she takes all of my sex organ into her mouth. She moves her head down all the way until her face presses against my stomach. Doing this makes my sex organ move completely into her mouth, cradled in the wet, warm cavern of her mouth.

"Boooonrrrrr grreererrrr," I try to say, not sure how much longer I'll even able to make sounds now. This is becoming a last ditch effort to get the escort to help me.

I then get a shock as my Viewmaster starts to show images that I didn't tell it to broadcast. It fills my vison with all manner of alien code and images, showing me items I've never seen before. It scrolls though all of this so rapidly that it is extremely painful as I can't block it out. The information it shows feels like it is drilling directly into my brain, forcing its way in.

Then the Viewmaster stops and restarts. It turns off completely, booting into the start-up sequence. But instead of the normal loading screen, I see green code scrolling, the same code that was just shoved into my brain.

My stomach feels like it drops when I recognize a piece of the zooming code. It's the fa-int I loaded. I recognize a piece of it, rather a function that I had wrote to help maintain core operations. But if this is the fa-int, it's changed a great deal. It's almost nothing like it was when I downloaded it.

"Boooorrrrr gggggrrrrr," I say in a last ditch effort to get the escort to stop. What needs to happen is clear. The Boner Grower must come off. I need her to rip the Boner Grower off.

My head starts to feel very strange now. It feels heavy, yet numb at the same time. If I didn't know better, I would say it feels like there is more than entity in my mind now. Again, I know it is the Boner Grower that is doing this, but I don't understand what it is doing.

New thoughts pop to the front of my mind as if implanted there. They come one after another, nonstop. As they do, the images and code from them appears over the Viewmaster.

These invading thoughts reveal what is happening to me. It bluntly tells me, laying out the logic and process for how it is doing so, as if being told to by a computer. The Boner Grower is using my own body's chemistry against me. The Boner Grower is sending targeted impulses to my brain, but instead of sending them to the locations that would keep my sex organ hard, it sends them to more vital areas. In short, the fa-int is trying to take over.

I fight against this taken over, but the oral pleasure I am receiving makes it hard to focus. As much as I try to fight against the pleasure, I just can't as I can't move any of my own body. I'm forced to stand here and receive the best dick-sucking ever as my body is taken over.

I'm then shocked to see my arms reaching out to grab the escort. As a passenger in my own body I see my arms flip her over where I see her naked front again. But this time the Viewmaster looks over her naked body in a studious manner, taking in each part of her anatomy in a logical manner. I not only see the findings the fa-int has over my Viewmaster, but I can see what it means to do to her.

"Getting kinky, aren't we?" the escort laughs as she lays on her back, thinking I want her to continue giving me oral pleasure but from this position.

The escort lets out a flirty whelp as my arms grab her yet again to spin her around. Having no clue what is really happening, she happily turns and sits on the bed, her legs on either side of me now as I stand in front of her. There she takes it upon herself to continue having sex, wrapping her legs around me and inserting my sex organ back inside Her's.

"How it get that much bigger?" the escort says in wonder as I reenter her warm and tight hole, but this time I know she isn't lying. I am unsure of the science, but somehow the Boner Grower has made that organ larger to make it as efficient as possible. With it being larger, it will create more friction and rubbing within her, making the sex conclude faster.

"Wow," the escort moans as my hips begin to piston as if done by a computer, which I guess it is.

In a rather impressive move, my hips keep thrusting as my arms grab the escort, forcing her to sit up. A moment later, she is lifted off the bed completely, my hips still thrusting into her sex to make her moan wildly. With my hands on her ass to hold her, she rocks her hips frantically along with my hips, wanting more than anything to orgasm herself.

"H-Hey, what...What are you doing?" the escort asks as my body walks with her still wrapped around me. My arms hold her tight, my hips somehow still thrusting even as I walk which I didn't know was possible.

Watching all this from my own eyes but unable to do anything about it, I know she is doomed as I know what Boner Grower's fa-int is planning.

"Stop! Stop right now! Put me down!" the escort demands as my body has carried her all the way to my workbench. She now struggles and fights to try and break out of my body's grasp.

But again, it's too late as my foreign controlled body plops her, ass first, onto my workbench. There my cock is kept stuffed inside her sex as my left hand grabs hold of her throat to keep her in place.

The fa-int knows everything I do, so it has no trouble finding the bin of chips for the Boner Grower that I have. The bin contains at least two dozen already programmed chips as I was so positive that this version of the Boner Grower would work I preprogrammed them.

In a cruel sense of fate, I find that my hips are still pumping into the escort. That the Boner Grower is doing what it is meant to do, allowing the wearer to have non-stop sex. I just didn't think it would be like this.

The reason for the Boner Grower to continue having sex has nothing to do with pleasure for the escort or myself. I know this because I know it's plans, but the poor escort is powerless to it, as the device begins to try and trap into her nuero-net now as it is making contact with her biology. It sends out impulses over her body, attempting to force her to orgasm.

Trapped in a prison without bars, I can't help but give in. I'm not sure if it is some sort of consolation prize of being taken over or assimilated, but the corrupted fa-int makes those vibrating impulses start again, drowning me in pleasure.

With my cock feeling bigger than ever possible, not to mention harder than a rock, I let go completely. Having the best sex of my life, I consider there are worse ways to go. And the feeling of sex is such a beautiful and intense feeling that I can't help but orgasm.

The escort continues to struggle against the arms that hold her, but her struggles are weak and soft as she is forced to orgasm from either the send or the signals the device sends over her. I'm not sure if it happened naturally or if the fa-int makes some chemical release from her brain, but the two of us orgasm at the same time.

In a mechanical manner, my body steps back after I have released all of my seed inside of the escort. If I could, I would laugh at this, as it is against our planet's codes to release DNA into an escort, yet it is something I have always wanted to do.

"Let...me...go," the escort says very weakly, her orgasm still running over her. She still tries to push my body away from hers as she sits on the table, but looks very tired.

"Surrender. We will add your biological distinctiveness to our own," my own voice says without emotion to the orgasming escort. It comes out without any help from me, my body being completely controlled by the fa-int.

From this, I watch my hand reach out and grabs one of the many preprogrammed chips in the bin. My finger activates the chip, where my Viewmaster informs me that it has made connection successfully and can control the single chip.

"N-N-No!" the escort gasps, but it turns into a moan as my fingers are inserted into her sex, pushing the chip deep within her.

As the chip is already activated, it immediately absorbs her body heat and begins to send impulses over her body. The seed which I left in her amplifies these impulses, which was part of the Boner Grower's plan.

With the chip working, it forces the orgasm she was having to be cranked up. I can actually see the fa-int controlling her orgasm on my Viewmaster, reading her biological makeup in an effort to keep her restrained. The fa-int quickly learns how to produce orgasms for her, in which it sends multiple orgasms to subdue her.

For several minutes my body stands there and watches the naked escort squirm and quiver on my workbench as the fa-int starts to take her over much like it did me. Only unlike myself, the process is much faster as with her orgasming she is unable to focus to fight the process.

Gaining an emotionless expression, the naked escort stands up and off the table. She looks at me with emotionless eyes, then at the surroundings. As she does, I hear the fa-int communicating with itself inside of her.

I feel the fa-int planning out the next steps in its plan. That it means to use the various technological parts I have in my house to build implants for itself to make itself more efficient, such as building another of my Viewmaster.

It also finds my "Power Arm" design within my memories and instantly completes the design. I had built a poor prototype of it, but it was flawed and didn't work. But now I see the fa-int knows exactly how to build it, but not for the purpose I had for it.

The "Power Arm" was going to be an attachment a male would put over his hand and forearm. At the end would be a mechanical appendage, which could be inserted inside of a woman's sex organ. While holding his arm in place, the appendage would simulate sex for the woman, the appendage moving in and out of her while lubricating.

But the fa-int recognizes that the Power Arm if used differently could be used for other purposes. From weapons to increased strength, it builds upon my design and plans to fix my prototype.

The Boner Grower activates the rest of the chips, creating a massive collective with them. They are each programmed to be able to send out paralyzing impulses once connected to a biological life form.

Now that the chips are activated, I know of the Boner Grower's plan to call more escorts, where it plans to assimilate them all. As Sex Palaces have always been extremely popular on this planet call Creatboy, it won't be long until the Boner Grower will have assimilate enough for an army.

The escort and I face the workbench, neither caring that we are naked. Before the two of us begin to build new implants, my Viewmaster sees the schematic on my now broken left screen. There is a huge crack on it from where the escort struggled.

At the top of the schematic was the proud title of my invention in bold letters, "Boner Grower." But with the screen broken and looking rather ominous, the words are unable to be read in full.

In fact, only a few letters from those words can be seen now on the broken screen, and they form a word that the fa-int likes very much, "BorG."

  1. I often find myself lost in the vast expanse of Star Trek fanfic, where inventors like me come up with innovative solutions, such as the Star Trek: Boner Grower, that push the boundaries of sci-fi.
  2. Excitedly, I shared my latest creation, the Boner Grower, with my Star Trek fan community, eager to see their reactions to my unique contribution to the genre of space-age inventions.
  3. As I sat engrossed in my latest sci-fi novel set in the Star Trek universe, I couldn't help but see parallels between the fictional inventors and my own passion for creating innovative solutions, such as the Boner Grower.

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