Celebrity Sex Stories

Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 01

Luke continues his training. This time with a new master.

Jul 23, 2024
22 min read
jedimilffirst timeStar Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 01star warsfemale dominant
Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 01
Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 01

Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 01

This is a Star Wars fan fiction with both erotica and non erotic elements. I'm mainly making it as an expression of my thoughts on this universe and the relationships between characters. Please enjoy and tell me your thoughts.

Luke Skywalker had been waiting in the hanger of the Home One capital ship for hours now as he had been instructed by his superiors. The last few days had been a complete cluster fuck for him. After being isolated in a swamp receiving Jedi training from a tiny hermit he was struck with a vision of doom through the force. One where his dear friends were captured and killed by Darth Vader and the Empire. His mentors warned him not to go, saying it was a trap and that he wasn't ready to face Vader, but he didn't listen. The result was a duel that he barely survived, an amputated hand, and the horrifying revelation that the father he always looked up to and wanted to be like was the villainous Sith Lord who he'd just lost to. In the end, it was him that needed to be rescued by the very people he was trying to protect. It had become clear to him that he needed a change, a new perspective, and some help. Rebel high command had left him some instructions for what to do next.

  1. Cut off contact with Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and anyone else he'd grown close to. His presence at the moment put them at risk
  2. Ditch the name Skywalker in favor of an alias. If Vader's spies hear even a whisper of that name, an entire fleet of star destroyers will come and wreak havoc on whatever planet or system it came from. Just like they did to Bespin.
  3. Wait in the hangar for the arrival of your new master.

That last one intrigued him the most. Luke didn't know how many Jedi were still around. Only that the Empire was hunting them to extinction. If the rebels had contact with a Jedi, then he must be a closely guarded secret. Someone he'd never heard about because it's on a need to know basis. He wondered who it would be, he also wondered if they knew anything about his father. It was at that moment when one of the pilots, one he didn't recognize, approached him and sat next to him.

"Hey kid." He said with a smirk. "Never seen you around before, what's your name?"

"Kyle." Luke replied. "Kyle Kataran. I'm from the cell that was on Hoth."

"No kidding? You're lucky to be alive. Where are you headed?"

"I have no idea."

"Those are the best journeys." The stranger said laughing slightly "I've been fighting the Empire for about 6 years now. There's a new adventure every day in this galaxy. And every adventure has its own series of twists and turns. You can lose yourself out there. I'll give one piece of advice. Whatever path you decide to go down, just make sure it's your path.

"I think I can do at least that much."

"Well good. You've got a lot to look forward to Luke. Just keep your head up."

"I will-" He began before realizing the stranger just said his real name. He turned to face the stranger only to find no one there. "I guess that's some kind of weird force thing." He said to himself.

Ahsoka Tano landed her Y-Wing in the hangar of Home One. She'd hardly believed that Rex had kept it after all these years. He even changed the color scheme to match the other fighters. She had other ships she could use of course, but this fighter was subtle and discreet. Perfect for the delicate operation she'd been tasked with.

After landing she swiftly exited and examined herself in a piece of reflective glass nearby. The years had been very kind to her. She obviously wasn't the teenage girl she'd been in the Clone Wars, but for a woman nearing her forties, she was gorgeous. Her breasts were large and firm, her body had a sexy hourglass shape. She slapped her rear end and heard a large audible smack signifying the toned muscle she had built up. Her face had a few wrinkles but nothing major. Her eyes were beautiful and her lips were full. This is exactly how she wanted the young Skywalker to meet her for the first time.

"rrrang bur church ot." Chopper screamed out from the Droid socket.

"I am not being vain!" Ahsoka replied, grabbing a jacket from the cockpit. "First impressions matter a lot. This is a big deal for me."

"Buurt church clok dunq"

"You know, if I didn't need a droid for hyperspace coordinates I would have left you with Hera. Behave yourself for once in your life."


"Yeah I'll be sure to tell her you said that. Just watch the damn ship and stay out of trouble."

Ahsoka was right, first impressions did indeed matter. And there wasn't a first impression more important to her than this. The Clone Wars were without a doubt the best years of her life. Looking back she didn't even care that she was a child soldier involved in an alarming amount of war crimes surrounded by death and destruction. She went to many new places, had many new experiences, and made a lot of new friends. Not the least of which was her general and master Anakin Skywalker. She missed him dearly. After Order 66 and the rise of the Empire, she had assumed he was killed. It wasn't until years later she faced the Sith Lord on Malachor and learned the truth, that Anakin was now serving the Empire as Vader. She was determined to turn him back to the light or die trying. A part of her was angry and filled with guilt at the fact she was inexplicably pulled out and saved by an unknown force. When she learned that her old master had a son, and that this son had already been working with the rebellion, it felt like the force had given her a second chance. She couldn't help Anakin anymore. But maybe she could help this boy with his inner demons. It seemed irresponsible to not at least give it a try.

She hadn't been given a name, or a description. High command didn't want to take that kind of risk with such a delicate operation. It didn't matter though, Anakin was known for being incredibly strong with the force. His mere presence overwhelmed some people. If this child had that kind of force potential she'd be able to recognize it pretty easily. Sure enough, she felt intense energy radiating from a young man sitting alone muttering to himself. She approached him slowly and began to introduce herself.

"Hello there." she started "I think you've been expecting me." she discreetly opened her jacket and revealed a pair of lightsabers in one of the inner pockets. Luke was pleasantly surprised. His previous two mentors had been old men but this was a relatively young woman. And she was a Togruta, a species he had onlybread about. But he knew that his eyes could deceive him and that he should expect the unexpected. He got up and began to walk with her.

"I guess you're the new master I was told about." Luke replied "So what kind of training are we going to be doing."

"It's a variety, just stick with me and you'll be fine. If you're anything like your father you'll do great."

"You knew my father?"

"He trained me. We fought during the Clone Wars together."

"Why didn't Obi Wan tell me about you?"

"Obi Wan and Yoda are part of the old guard. They're purists, intent on preserving the Jedi as they were. That's not going to work. Not in the Empire's galaxy. You need a more non traditional approach. They've never been keen on that, but they weren't keen on you rescuing your friends either, look how that turned out for them." A nearby pallet full of shipping containers was being loaded into one of the freighters when suddenly one of the straps broke and a box began to fall on a worker below. Luke reached out with the force and pushed the box so that it would miss. Leaving the worker unharmed. Ahsoka pulled him away.

"What are you thinking?" She exclaimed. "You can't be seen doing stuff like that."

"He was going to get crushed by that box." Luke replied.

"That's his responsibility, yours is to keep yourself in hiding. The emperor's spies could be anywhere."

"So I'm supposed to just let people get hurt?"

"You're supposed to avoid attention. That is your number one priority. Whatever else you do has to align with that. You need to protect yourself first."

"I understand," Luke said solemnly. As the two reached the ship Chopper began to screech at them. "Did that droid just curse at me?"

"Yeah, Chopper is a real piece of work." She turned to the droid. "Watch the language Chop, we have a guest."

The two of them entered the Cockpit of the Y-wing and strapped themselves in. As they entered hyperspace, Ahsoka resumed her conversation with Luke.

"So what's your name? Your real name I mean. We can speak freely here."

"Luke." Luke replied.

"Ah, the noble one."


"At the Jedi temple, before it was raided, there was a holocron which contained names from various societies and their meanings. Luke means 'noble one' in a few of them. I guess you're supposed to be noble."

"You think those names have meaning?"

"Perhaps, but it might not mean anything. Your fathers name was Anakin which is a derivative of 'Any Kin' as in he's related to the Skywalker family. Your grandmother was a slave who wasn't expecting a child so she probably didn't put much thought into it.

"So, what was my father like?"

"He was reckless and impatient, he had an unreasonable degree of confidence in his own abilities which caused him to make many mistakes. He was a lot like me as a matter of fact." Ahsoka giggled. "But he was also very brave and kind, he cared deeply about his friends, and about the people he was responsible for. I looked up to him a lot. He was an inspiration for me."

"If he was such a good person, then how did he become Darth Vader?"

"That padawan, is the question at the center of your training. And it's the question at the center of what's left of the Jedi order."

"Did you love him?" Luke asked. He didn't know anything about who his mother was, or what she was like. Was this woman his mother? Was he half Togruta without even knowing it?

"Your father was already married before we met." Ahsoka replied coldly.

"That's not what I asked."

"Well it's the only answer you're getting." Ahsoka wanted to remove thoughts like that from her mind as much as possible.

The Y-wing jumped out of hyperspace in orbit of a dusty arid world, with a Luchrahulk class ship at the head of a fleet of others blocking their path. The starfighter received a message from the fleet.

"Attention starlight. You have entered Koboh space. State your name and business."

"This is Fulcrum of the Rebel Alliance with a guest." Ahsoka replied "We are seeking an audience with the King of Tannalor."

"The Rebel Alliance is always welcome here. But only those who are worthy may meet with the King of Tannalor. Land your ship at the beamed coordinates. Your trials begin now."

"Copy that." Ahsoka landed the ship in a clearing at the mouth of a canyon. The two Jedi stepped out, and Chopper began to complain once again.

"Bbuuuurgh thy bri bop"

"No you can't come." Ahsoka shouted back "You're gonna be a distraction for my budding padawan here."

"Briiing klu zee bip."

"I'm pretty sure they have a hangar for ships. You'll be fine." Luke reassured the droid. The two of them continued to walk through the canyon. Luke began to ask more questions.

"Who's the King of Tannalor?"

"He's another Jedi, a powerful one. A decade ago he fought to free this system from the Empire and established a sanctuary. People come from all over the galaxy to find shelter here. He's going to help with your training."

"Did he know my father?"

"Everyone knew your father, kid." Ahsoka replied, exasperated by this line of questioning. "He was a legend, most Jedi weren't close to him though. It was mostly me and Obi Wan. Still, he'll be excited to meet you. Or he might be pissed off. It can be hard to tell with him sometimes."

"Do you trust him?"

"Trust has little to do with it. When he discovers exactly what's happening, he won't have much of a choice. The fate of the entire galaxy is on the line. Best not to screw this up. Expect anything and everything padawan. This man is an experienced guerilla fighter with an entire star system worth of resources at his disposal. If he wants to throw an entire army at us to prove we're serious about meeting him, then he will do exactly that.

Suddenly, an army of B1 battle droids appeared and blocked the path.

"Halt." The commander stated. "This area is restricted to civilians. You will hand over your weapons and surrender. This is your only warning."

"I will do no such thing," Ahsoka replied. "We were told to land in this area by your commanders on the Luchrahulk. You have no right to detain us." She turned to whisper to Luke. "Things are about to get ugly. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." The padawan replied. The B1 commander ordered His troops to open fire. Ahsoka ignited both of her lightsabers and began to reflect the bolts back at them. Luke took cover behind the blades and began firing back with his own blaster pistol. His force attunement made him a remarkable shot and helped him further evade the droid's blaster fire. He noticed a large boulder nearby and jumped behind for a better angle. After drawing some of the droid's fire, Ahsoka took the offensive and jumped towards the nearest droid, slashing it in two in an instant. Luke took the opportunity to take some pot shots at the droids facing Ahsoka and used the force to grab one of the droids blaster rifles. Now with two blasters in hand, he started firing at all the droids one after another before a stray blaster bolt hit him in the chest. He thanked the force that these droids were using a low power setting, it still hurt like hell though. He mustered up enough strength to toss one of the droids into a group of others causing them to fall over. Ahsoka took this opportunity to slice the droids as they lay on the ground and threw one of her sabers into the chest of the commander who let out a high pitched mechanical squeal before falling over on its back.

"Not bad, young one." Ahsoka said with a smirk "You seem more prepared than I thought. Why didn't you use your lighsaber though?"

"I don't have it. I lost it when I was fighting Vader." Luke was still hunched over in pain from the blaster bolt. Ahsoka ran over to try to help him.

"Here, let me look at that. Take your shirt off." Luke did as she asked and Ahsoka ran her delicate hands over his chest gently caressing the site where the blaster had hit. "Looks like a bit of bacta is all you need for something like this. Losing your lightsaber is a major mistake for a Jedi. Most masters would be furious over a blunder like that.

"Yeah, major mistakes seem to be a running theme with me these days." Ahsoka looked at Luke and saw the sadness on his face and felt his depression through the force. He seemed to feel more disappointed in himself than anyone else would be.

"Here, you can borrow one of mine for now." She said, handing one of them over. "Lucky for you, making a lightsaber is part of your training. We can go over that after we meet with the King." Ahsoka helped Luke to his feet, her hand gently placing her hands on his waist as she did so, biting her lip slightly at the sight of this young man. "You do know how to use that thing right?"

"Yeah, I know how to use it." Luke replied indignantly

"Are you sure?" Ahsoka continued she removed her own jacket and shirt revealing a sports bra which just barely contained her large chest. "A Jedi's weapon is difficult to master properly. Do you think you can handle it in a proper fight?" She gave him a sly grin and ignited the blade in her hand.

"Uhhh, yeah." Luke felt flustered and embarrassed, yet a part of him was excited. He ignited his own blade. "I'm ready, master."

"Hit me." Luke lunged at her attempting to strike. He obviously didn't want to hurt her, but did want to prove his capabilities. Ahsoka parried his blow and made her own which he dodged, his next blow aimed for her hand, which she evaded, then grabbed him from behind. "Your technique is unrefined but you're clearly focused. I guess you're the type to learn by doing."

"Yeah, I'm a bit unorthodox sometimes." Luke broke the grapple and attempted another strike which she carried again. After another three strikes they ended up with their sabers locked.

"I sense your emotions, padawan." Ahsoka spoke again. "You have a lot of fear, and doubt, but something else too. Something more, potent and primal." She did a backflip out of the lock and tossed a small boulder at him through the force. After slashing through it, Luke made a few more blows before finally, and unexpectedly, he managed to grab her wrist just hard enough to make her drop her blade. She stared at him with a stunned silence. "Not bad, Sky Guy." She let out with a slight laugh.

"What did you call me?"

"That was your fathers nickname. It annoyed him to no end whenever I called him that. I guess it can be your nickname too." She put her hand on his shoulder. The two stared into each other's eyes for a brief moment. "We should keep moving."

"Yes, of course. Better not waste anymore time."

The two of them continued their trek across the surface of the planet fighting a variety of droids, and maneuvering their way through a variety of obstacles. Luke persevered the whole way through, facing things he'd never seen before, such as the intimidating magnaguards and the agile assassin droids. Ahsoka was impressed by the young man's abilities. He seemed to learn pretty fast. Finally the two of them stumbled into a small city. New buildings under construction were surrounded by a variety of tents and campfires. A man in a stormtrooper uniform stopped the two of them.

"Stop! I need some identification from the two of you."

"You don't need to see our identification." Ahsoka replied, waving her hand as she did so.

"What are you talking about? Of course I do."

"No you don't." Ahsoka said, making the same gesture.

"Lady, did you hit your head or something? Imperial regulations require...

"Imperial regulations my ass." said a voice belonging to a large blue skinned creature. "Carl, you've been warned about doing that to new arrivals."

"I need to make credits somehow, Doma."

"Then get yourself a real job and stop trying to extort people. I know you didn't defect from the Empire just so you could rob innocent people for a living."

"I defected because the Empire has lost their minds. But I suppose you have a point. My apologies citizens." The trooper walked away and Ahsoka looked at her own hand in confusion.

"That's weird, normally that works."

"I assume you're new arrivals?" Doma said to the two Jedi. A small green creature ran up next to her. "My names Doma, I'm in charge around here."

"I'm Ashla Ohnana."Ahsoka replied

"Kyle Kataran." Luke quickly followed up.

"Pleasure to meet you both." said Doma, shaking their hands."Turgle here can take your bags to the saloon while we work on getting you some lodgings."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary." Ahsoka responded "We're traveling light, and we aren't staying. We're here to meet with the King."

"The King of Tannalorr!" Turgle spit out. "You're in for a treat. The King is an honorable man, he saved my life once."

"You tell that story to everyone who comes here." Doma laughed slightly "He's right though. The King is a pretty swell guy. He doesn't normally get visitors though. How do you know him?"

"That's classified." Ahsoka replied coldly.

"Yeah I bet it is." Doma eyed the two of them suspiciously. "Still, you'd best get a room for the night. The next shuttle to Tannalor doesn't leave until tomorrow morning. And you're gonna want plenty of rest before you meet the princess."

"A princess?" Luke's interest peaked.

"Yeah, she personally vets everybody who visits Tannalor. Security is a really big deal around here, they're not taking any chances."

"I suppose that's reasonable for a sanctuary." Ahsoka said "Alright we'll meet this princess first thing tomorrow. Let's get settled in Kyle."

The two of them made their way to the infamous 'Pyloon Saloon' which was the best lodging available. Once again taking the lead, Ahsoka approached the droid tending the bar.

"Welcome to Pyloon Saloon, my name's Monk, how can I help you?"

"We need a place to stay for the night." Ahsoka said.

"Alright. Would you like two rooms or one room with two beds."

"One room, one bed." Ahsoka responded bluntly and clearly "I'm trying to save credits." The machine briefly glanced between the two of them with Luke looking slightly surprised.

"I suppose I'm not programmed to ask questions." Monk responded. "It'll be 200 for the night." Ahsoka traded a handful of credit chips for the key and took Luke up to the room. She locked the door behind her and took off her jacket as Luke looked out the window.

"I didn't take you for a cheapskate master. So, am I sleeping on the floor or-"

"I noticed the way you were looking at me." Ahsoka said. She continued to take her clothes off. Luke looked in her direction, blushing and beginning to stammer. "It's alright, really don't mind. I actually kinda like it." She began walking towards him, now stark naked with a wide grin on her face. "I like looking at you too." She embraced him and put his hands on her waist. "How does my body feel?"

"Good." Luke spat out. By this point he was trembling, barely able to breath or speak. Ahsoka felt his growing erection through his pants which made her pussy moisten. Feeling this moisture, and Ahsoka's rock hard nipples against his chest, made his dick harder. This made Ahsoka wetter, which made him harder again in a feedback loop. Finally Luke gained enough composure to speak.

"Master, is this part of my training?" This made Ahsoka laugh.

"I suppose it is." she said, then her face became more serious. "The truth is this moment is far more important than you realize. The old Jedi order forbade attachments. Families, children, and lovers were forbidden. Your father was the exception. He had a secret wife, your mother, and together they had you. Thinking about it in retrospect, I think the fact he couldn't have that relationship really bothered him. It may have been the thing that drove him over the edge. It could doom us the same way it doomed the old Jedi order." She bit her lip and embraced him more tightly. "So here's what's going to happen." She continued "Tonight you and I are going to get very VERY attached. And together we are going to figure out how to handle it. Are you ready, padawan?"

"As I'll ever be."

The Force is what gives Jedi their power. It's an energy field that surrounds all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds us all together. When two force sensitive individuals, like two Jedi, have sexual intercourse, the experience is surreal. It's as if one mind inhabits two bodies. Or as if two minds are inhabiting one body. It's very hard to tell in that moment.

Ahsoka felt Luke's penis penetrating her, his arms wrapping around her, his lips and tongue exploring her body. He felt his thoughts and emotions. In the span of only a year this young man's entire universe had turned upside down. He lost his home, his family, his mentor. He'd been thoroughly beaten, bloodied and humiliated. But despite this he kept his spirits up. He had friends he cared deeply for, a cause to fight for as a pilot in the rebellion, and a deep fascination with the force. With training and patience he'd be a great student, and a greater master.

Luke felt Ahsoka's soft breasts in his hands, her tight overflowing snatch around his cock, her small delicate hands grabbing him tightly. This woman was a survivor. She faced many challenges and struggles from such an early age and continued to face them as she grew into adulthood. He couldn't be more thankful to have someone like this helping him along his own journey.

The two of them spent the entire night pleasuring each other and themselves in force enhanced ecstasy. He took her from behind. She rode on top of him. The two of them went down on each other. Their sweaty bodies rubbed against each other and every touch and subtle movement was electrifying. This was easily one of the best decisions they ever made.

The next morning Luke woke up on his back. He was stunned by the gravity of the new sensations he felt. Obviously he felt sexual and romantic attraction to women before. There had been a couple girls on Tatooine, some women in the Alliance, and of course, there was Leia. But he had never actually done anything with anyone before now. The exotic woman, who was now snuggling up next to him, was almost two decades his senior. Somehow that fact alone excited him even more. The force now flowed through him stronger than it ever had. But could he control it?

Ahsoka opened her eyes with a wide smile on her face.

"Good morning padawan." She said, "Did you have a nice time?"

"Yes mommy, I mean ma'am, I mean master, I mean-" Luke was still processing what had just happened but Ahsoka cut him off with a kiss on the lips.

"Your power and skill are very impressive. You'll do quite well in the coming trials. Now get dressed, we have a princess to meet."

As the two of them left the small room they ran into a nearby Rodian who was also staying in the Saloon.

"Hey, uh." He began awkwardly "Did the two of you sleep well?"

"I'm very well rested." Luke assured him.

"Yeah...well...rested I can believe I guess. But I was in the room next door, and the walls here are pretty. There clearly wasn't a lot of sleeping going on between you two." Luke and Ahsoka suddenly looked very uncomfortable as they now knew their nocturnal activities were no longer a secret. The rodian put a hand on Luke's shoulder. "You're a very lucky young man." He said semi jokingly. Then he walked off.

Without another word the two of them followed the instructions Monk had given them to meet the princess. They were to enter the small building across from the saloon which would take them to the lower level where the princess was waiting. The two descended into a spacious underground cavity. Filled with the ancient architecture of a long gone civilization. In the middle of the cavern was a young woman, around Luke's age, wearing simple, pragmatic robes, patiently waiting.

"Greetings visitors," She said in a soft voice. "I am Kata, princess and guardian of Tannalor."

"Hello Kata, I am Ashla." Ahsoka replied. "Guardian of the Rebel Alliance and the Jedi."

"I'm Kyle Kataran, guardian and prince of nothing and nobody." Luke proudly clarified.

"Indeed," Kata continued, "You have done well on your journey so far. But your final trial will be your most difficult." she pulled out a double bladed lightsaber, and ignited both yellow blades before giving it a spin and entering a combat stance. "You must face me in combat, to prove your status as Jedi knights."

"You can't be serious." Ahsoka said, trying to hold back a laugh. "You're obviously not experienced enough to take on two opponents at once."

"My powers are greater than you know. My father was amongst the greatest of the Jedi."

"Your 'father'." Ahsoka taunted "Was nothing more than a scared little boy when the Jedi collapsed. I'll make this easy. My padawan will fight for both of us." Luke was taken aback and turned to his master.

"Master, are you sure?" Luke asked.

"Of course I'm sure,"Ahsoka replied. "If you can beat me in a duel she won't be a problem."

"You were toying with me, master."

"I was giving you a reasonably difficult challenge. It's more than you'll get from her I promise you."

"Alright I'll give-" He stopped and rephrased his sentence. "I'll do it!"

"Good boy." She gently patted his head. "Make sure to taunt her. It'll make the fight easier."

Luke Skywalker pulled out the white blade Ahsoka had lent to him and prepared his own stance.

"Bring it on, your worship." He said with a huge shit eating grin. And just like that, their duel commenced.

Kata began with a flurry of rapid strikes. Luke managed to block them, one after the other. But he was already feeling unsure of himself. He remembered the duel with Ahsoka the previous day and tried to use those same moves to his advantage. He flipped over Kata, trying to get her from behind, but she evaded him. She then doubled back for another strike which Luke was able to block.

"I bet you're underestimating me." Kata spoke to him. "Don't think a princess can put up a good fight?"

"Oh no not at all." Luke replied. "You're not the first princess I've met. You're not even the toughest." Kata was enraged by this. She attempted a huge, clumsy strike to get him off balance but he evaded. Ahsoka was right. The taunting made her a weaker opponent. He threw a piece of debris in her direction telekinetically, then continued his taunt. "I've fought womp rats that are more of a challenge than you." Kata, after slicing the debris to avoid it, made a huge jumping strike, trying to use her momentum to her advantage. Luke was able to evade but Kata left a huge scar on the ground where her lightsaber hit. A huge crack in the stone emanated in all directions from the impact. Luke tried once again to make her slip up. "Tannalor must be the least protected planet in the whole galaxy if you're the only thing standing in the way of getting there. I bet your father is really disappointed in you. If I were him I'd look for a replacement." This finally sent her over the edge. She began an intense lightning fast flurry of attacks. Ahsoka threw her second lightsaber to him, which he caught and began to use. Having both sabers provided greater security but he had a bit of trouble becoming accustomed to the style. After another succession of parries, he finally began to get used to it. He went in for a strike, but much to his surprise, Kata disappeared into a cloud of green mist.

"Luke!" Ahsoka shouted trying to get his attention. "Reach out with the force, she's trying to hide from you, trust your instincts and strike at the right moment." Luke closed his eyes, and felt the living force around him. His senses were heightened and it allowed him to be better aware of his surroundings. He felt a presence nearing him, almost about to hit. But before it could reach him, he parried at exactly the right moment. He then finally overpowered his opponent, knocking her lightsaber to the ground and forcing her knees. The two blades crossed with her head between them.

"Impressive." Kata explained. "You were a worthy opponent, but now your final test is at hand. Strike me down, right here and now, and prove yourself to be a true Jedi knight." Luke stared for a moment trying what exactly she was getting at. Finally, retracted the blades and released them from his grip allowing Ahsoka to grab both with the force and deliver them to her hands.

"No." He stated. "I beat you. Now you're going to take us to Tannalor."

"Fine then." Kata spoke, clearly frustrated. "You passed the final test. Now you may meet with the King."

"That was a pretty crummy test." Ahsoka remarked. "If he killed you, how were you supposed to escort us to Tannalor."

"My powers are greater than you understand." Kata replied "Now, let's get to the shuttle. You definitely don't want to keep my father waiting."

  1. Luke was surprised to see a young, female Jedi as his new master, a Togruta named Ahsoka.
  2. Ahsoka, recognizing Luke's force potential, knew he was the son of Anakin Skywalker and felt responsible to guide him on his path.
  3. As they journeyed together, Luke began to understand his father's fall to the dark side, and Ahsoka revealed her past with Anakin, sharing their complicated relationship.

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