Celebrity Sex Stories

Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 02

Ahsoka and Luke meet the King and Queen of Tannalor.

Jul 28, 2024
13 min read
missonaryromanticstar warsjediStar Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 02cal kestismarried couple
Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 02
Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 02

Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 02

This is a Star Wars fan fiction with both erotica and non erotic elements. I'm mainly making it as an expression of my thoughts on this universe and the relationships between characters. Please enjoy and tell me your thoughts.

On the mystical world of Tannalor, on a comfortable bed made up with silk bed sheets, a Jedi Knight rose from his slumber. Cal Kestis had been enjoying his early retirement from fighting the Empire and was living in luxury on one of the only worlds that existed outside their grasp. Merrin, his beloved, was sleeping soundly next to him.

"You'd better get up, night sister." He told her in a soft soothing voice. "The Queen of Tannalor needs to be ready to address her subjects."

"I am not the queen." Merrin replied groggily, "I'm the high priestess."

"Oh I'm sorry," Cal continued, pouty and playful. "Does the high priestess want her husband to hold her?"

"Yes." She whimpered, and with that Cal picked her up, and laid her body on top of his. Her head laid on his chest and she felt the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. His left hand situated on her lower back and his right, brushed through her hair, gently comforting her as she gradually awoke. "You know what day it is, right?"

"No." Cal wasn't aware of any special occasion.

"It's our anniversary Cal." Merrin said, annoyed but still playful. "Don't tell me you forgot about that."

"Ummm." Cal had indeed forgotten about that. But he assumed it would be fine. He had given Merrin many presents over the years, she had certainly never complained before."Yeah I don't know what to get you."

"Shame," She replied, "I know exactly what to get for you."

"And what would that be?"

"Concubines." Merrin said, she now positioned her head to look at him directly in his eyes. "A harem of beautiful women. All for the King to enjoy. I'd still be your wife of course." She said, placing a small delicate hand on his cheek. "And you'd still be my husband. We would just have a few more girls to play with. Only girls though. There is only one man in this galaxy worthy of my affections."

Cal felt pretty shocked by this, but ultimately, he wasn't surprised. When he picked up Merrin from Dathomir and made her part of his crew, she always expressed her desire to explore the galaxy. At the same time she explored her own sexual desires. To put it bluntly, Merrin was an absolute freak. She enjoyed all kinds of kinky activities, with all kinds of exotic partners. Part of him was proud of the fact that she chose to be with him out of an entire galaxy of options. But another part was insecure. Did she actually love him? Or was he just convenient for her? His thoughts began to race at the thought of an open relationship. His dark side felt emboldened and passionate. If he could have one woman, why shouldn't he have two, or ten, or a hundred. His force enhanced stamina meant he could probably find a way to keep up. His light side, on the other hand, was far more worried. Where were these girls coming from? What circumstances would make them desperate enough to join a harem? Was this going to affect his relationship with Merrin? Whatever his mind was thinking, his body had already betrayed him. His dick began to get hard, and with its position near Merrins belly button, she began to notice

"I see you've pulled out your lightsaber." She told him with a cute, playful voice. "After all these years, the force is still quite strong with you master Jedi."

"Want to find out how strong?" Before she was even able to answer Cal had flipped her over and had begun to pound her dripping wet snatch. Merrin was moaning with excitement as his strong hands massaged her breasts, thumbs playing with her nipples, as they made love together.

Merrin was exactly where she wanted to be. Ever since she first met Cal all those years ago he made an impression on her. At first she hated him, that bastard Malicos had told her all about the tyranny of the Jedi and their lightsabers. But even then he was alluring. His skill in combat against the numerous night brothers made him a breeder worthy of the high matriarchs. But that wasn't all. Cal was unlike any man she'd ever known. He was compassionate, very wise, and responsible. Even as she wanted to kill him, he only wanted to help her. He even let her hold his weapon as a sign of trust. It takes real courage to show that kind of vulnerability. By the time he agreed to take her with him to other parts of the galaxy, she had become absolutely smitten. She was nonetheless frustrated by him though. He had spent five years ignoring her affections, and even after they were married he kept a part of himself closed off. Even now, as they made love, he had erected barriers within his mind. Despite everything, she held out hope that he would come around and open himself up fully.

As the couple were enjoying themselves, their protocol droid, E2-7B loudly announced his presence.

"Excuse me, your highness." This shocked the couple who rushed to cover themselves up. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"You definitely are." Cal replied, clearly irritated. "But go ahead anyway."

"You have a visitor." The droid continued, "someone important."

"Is it one of those pirates again?" Cal asked. "I already said I'm not interested in their life insurance scheme."

"No sir."

"Is it Fett? He still owes me money. Or a Gundark head, I'll accept either one."

"No, it's a Togruta woman, claiming to represent the Rebel Alliance, she goes by the name Fulcrum. She said you'd know what it means."

"No fucking way." Cal began to smile broadly. "Let her in, immediately. And get some food and drinks prepared." As the droid walked off Cal turned to his wife. "Put some nice clothes on Merrin, we have a guest."

Cal and Merrin sat together at their dining room table with Luke, Ahsoka and Kata. Cal was wearing an ornamental suit, custom tailored by specialists from the Hapes cluster. Merrin on the other hand was wearing a very tight, very low cut dress in order to show herself off. As they were eating, Cal noticed that she was giving Ahsoka that look she gives to people she wants to sleep with. He tried to ignore it and focus on the food in front of him.

They were eating steaks made from bantha meat, blue noodles, and some maeloorons. Corellian Brandy was the drink of choice for the group. After swallowing a piece of steak, Cal began to address Kata about her behavior on Koboh.

"So let's make sure we're all on the same page. We get visitors to our sanctuary for the first time in months, so naturally, you go down to Koboh to greet them as usual."

"Yeah." Kata replied meekly.

"And through your own deductive reasoning, and your force powered intuition, you discover that our guests are traveling Jedi Knights."


"And instead of greeting them like the friends they obviously would be, you decided to challenge them to a duel. Am I correct so far?"

"Yeah, that's pretty accurate."

"So how did that go?"

"I lost...badly." Merrin snorted, trying her best to stop from bursting out laughing.

"OK, I'll leave the absurdity of the situation to the side for a moment." Cal continued, "How did you lose?"

"Well first this lady told me I couldn't take on two opponents at once, which I totally can, and she insulted me by saying her padawan could take me by himself. Then the padawan started taunting me, talking about how I wasn't very good and how womp rats were better than me. Then I tried the trick Merrin showed me where I vanish and take him by surprise, but that didn't work-"

"So what you're telling me is that your opponent was breaking your concentration and pulling you towards the dark side?"

"Yeah." Kata admitted. "But that's not fair."

"Real battles aren't fair, Kata." Cal began lecturing. "A real opponent will use every advantage they can to beat you. You need to be mindful of your own weaknesses."

"I hope she didn't cause any problems for you." Merrin said to Ahsoka

"Not at all. Kyle here was happy to get some more practice, and this food more than makes up for it. It's delicious."

"Yeah, we import a lot of luxury items from across the galaxy." Cal added in. "The Koboh abyss you passed through to get here is impassable for anyone without control of the relays or a compass. This is one of the few places in this galaxy outside the Empire's reach. Naturally I used it to help with the hidden path, but Tanalorr also functions as a planet sized bank. We have assets here from Dantooine to Nar Shaddaa, all from people trying to avoid seizures. The droid army I built for myself here is a pretty good deterrent too, not that I expected it to stop someone like Ahsoka Tano though."

"I do know a thing or two about battle droids."

"Yeah, this woman's exploits during the Clone Wars are legendary. She was at Mon Calamari, Ryloth, and Onderon, she rescued a Togruta colony from Zygerian slavers, and of course she led the siege of Mandalore. But I guess when you're Skywalker's kid, you end up on those kinds of adventures huh."

"This Skywalker." Merrin began to ask. "He was her father?"

"No he was my master." Ahsoka explained. "Jedi traditionally didn't have families, our relationships were built around teachers and students. Anakin was like my older brother." She gulped down the last of her brandy and continued "Speaking of Skywalker, that's actually what brings me here."

"Well what about Skywalker." Cal took a bite of maelooron then continued after swallowing. "He's dead, at least in every way that matters."

"He may be dead, but his son certainly isn't."

"You mean the secret love child he had with the senator from Naboo? That's a myth."

"It's not a myth." Luke stated, standing up as he did. He knew what was coming and he wanted to get it over with as fast as possible. "That child is alive, and he's here, right now. Sir, my real name is Luke Skywalker."

All around them the room began to shake violently. Cal Kestis had a visible scowl on his face as he sat there. Refusing to move or speak. Merrin got up and walked over to him, she put a hand on his chest and began to whisper in his ear.

"It's alright Cal, it's fine." She told him gently and Cal began to calm down. Then, at last, he began to speak.

"You know." He started standing up and drinking his brandy. "I've been hearing chatter through the hidden path about someone called Skywalker for a while now." a nearby glass bottle of rum exploded. "Apparently he's some new hot shot pilot who blew up the death star. And that Vader is after him." A small glass nearby also shattered. "I didn't believe a word of it. I thought for sure it was a red herring, by the Empire, to draw out the remaining Jedi." Another explosion destroyed a clay pot in the corner. "But now, today of all days, I discover it's all real." Smash. "You found Darth Vader's son." Smash. "And you brought him into my home." Smash. "My sanctuary." Smash. "Can you even begin to fathom the sort of trouble he'll end up attracting." Three window panes shattered all at once.

"No one knows we're here." Ahsoka stood up to address him. "We've been traveling discreetly, I've monitored ISB communications and you're not even on their radar at the moment. Cal, please." She begged him. "We need your help. I know I'm asking a lot from you, but this might be our only chance to destroy the Empire once and for all."

"I want to speak to Ahsoka privately." Cal requested, and without another word, Merrin, Luke, and Kata left the table.

Luke sat outside of the palace of Tannalor, he was throwing rocks and trying to forget about how much of an inconvenience he was. Kata, who had spent the past hour pacing in the nearby field and grumbling, approached him and began arguing.

"I hope you're pleased with yourself." She told him.

"Not really." Luke replied solemnly.

"You've made my father very upset."

"I don't blame him."

"He's probably going to banish you. And that shameful master of yours. You're nothing but trouble."

"All the Jedi are trouble." Luke said, now feeling annoyed. "But I still think you're the most trouble out of all the Jedi here."

Luke felt Kata's fury once again spike and she began trying to beat him. Luke was able to defend himself thanks to his enhanced strength and reflexes but the power of the dark side is hard to overcome. Luke began to turn to his own aggressive feelings to fight her off and the two of them caught in a flurry of force enhanced blows blocking dodging and occasionally getting a few hits off on each other. Finally Kata knocked Luke to the ground and pounced on him, but he was able to turn her over and pin her down.

He immediately felt her anger turn to fear but something else was there too. The color was bright neon pink with patches of black mixed in. The taste was intensely sweet but also sour, like lemons or raspberries. There was a sensation of soft cotton, mixed with electricity. This was the same feeling he felt when he was in bed with Ahsoka. Was this arousal? Kata was staring at him with a shocked expression on her face. Finally she spoke.

"Did you feel that too?" She asked.

"Yeah." Luke replied knowing what she was talking about. "I definitely felt that."

"That was really weird." She continued. "Let's pretend this never happened."

"Agreed. We'll just keep this to ourselves."

Cal and Ahsoka had been sitting in Cal's study. Ahsoka pulled out a datapad with Luke's medical records and handed it to him.

"The day the death star was destroyed, the Alliance on Yavin 4 ran blood tests to determine his viability as a pilot. The M count took longer to get back than everything else but the results are clear. He inherited his father's force attunement and it shows. A year ago he barely knew what a Jedi was, now he's been giving me trouble in lightsaber duels."

"It just feels too good to be true." Cal responded as he set the tablet down. "This could still be a trap. How do we know he won't turn like his father?"

"How do we know you and I won't turn?" Ahsoka replied smiling. "We have to have faith in each other. It's the only way we can survive."

"Alright give me a few minutes. I'll get some things prepared." Ahsoka left the room and Cal got up to look out the nearby window. He saw Kata and Luke fighting in the field outside the palace. Merrin had done a good job training her, he had to admit. "Merrin, come take a look at this." He called out. His wife showed up next to him and looked out the window. "The two of them are really going at it."

"Yeah, they remind me of us." She replied.

"We were nothing like that."

"You're right. I was much better." Cal rolled his eyes at her and walked into the nearby hallway.

He took a bit of time to admire the palace. It had been built from the ruins of an ancient temple that was constructed 200 years earlier, back when the old republic was thriving and functional. A relic of a bygone era, of a Jedi order that no longer existed, and would probably never exist again. Cal reached his bedroom and then entered his walk in closet. There was a variety of clothes available to him there. Mostly pragmatic gear he used for his adventures. The pride of his collection were, of course, his many ponchos. They came in a variety of colors and patterns and he didn't really have a favorite amongst them. He finally decided on a simple brown one and got the rest of his things together. As he was gathering supplies he heard a strange beeping noise from nearby.

"BEEP boop be bop bee."

"BD-1!" Cal exclaimed. The small bird-like droid eagerly ran into his arms, "I haven't seen you in a week. You just seem to go wherever you want these days. Don't yah?"

"Reee roo bee boop."

"Of course I wasn't going to leave without you. You're as important to me as my lightsaber."

""Blleee be bo bip bop beep."

"Well you're right about that. This isn't a normal mission. In fact it may be my last. I hope that's something you're ready for." Cal looked at his faithful droid and noticed a slight problem. "Your left optical is misaligned. Let me fix it." Cal tinkered with his faithful droid as he had done many times before. It gave him a sense of comfort, droids were very easy to fix compared to the issues of humans or other sapient species. After the repair he gave the droid a gentle pat on the head and finally got up and gathered his supplies. With BD-1 in tow he walked back out to meet Ahsoka. She was waiting in the entrance hall of the palace with her apprentice by her side, just as expected. She spoke to young Jedi standing next to her.

"See, I told you he would come around." She reassured him.

"Yeah, I guess we Jedi are just that predictable." Cal remarked. "I feel honored to be part of this."

"Well, let's get going then. I'll send for our ship."

"You mean the starfighter you came in on?" Cal shook his head. "No no no. The King of Tannalorr isn't going to let you fly around the galaxy in that hunk of junk. Come on, let's get to the hanger."

In the hangar beneath the palace there was a grand starship awaiting the group. It was long and narrow, with a large dorsal fin pointing towards the ceiling. It had the appearance of a sailboat, only with engines and landing gear. Luke and Ahsoka stood back and admired the vessel.

"This is the Mantis." Cal began, "it was gifted to me by a friend, one who wanted to put his galactic exploration days behind him and retire. It's a fine ship. One that will serve us well." Cal noticed that Merrin, now dressed in more practical attire, had accompanied them to the hangar, with Kata by her side. "What's this?" He asked, bewildered.

"What's it look like?" Merrin spoke, "We're coming with you."

"Absolutely not." Cal had become irate. "This is a Jedi mission, it's too dangerous."

"Don't give that batha poodu Cal." Merrin replied. "You know I can take care of myself, I've done this before."

"Yeah." Kata added, "and I'm at least as much a Jedi as that punk kid." She remarked, pointing directly at Luke.

"This could be a valuable experience for both of them." Ahsoka admitted. Clearly seeing that he was outnumbered, Cal finally gave in.

"Fine. But you have to follow my rules."

"Of course," Merrin replied, "anything his highness demands." she smiled at him while brushing her fingers through his thick red hair. "This can be my anniversary present." That made Cal smile and without another word the five of them boarded the ship. Cal took the pilot seat with Merrin sitting next to him and Ahsoka manning communications. Luke and Kata sat just outside the cockpit. Both of them were on opposite sides of the table that displayed a holo map of the galaxy. Kata was scowling at Luke, but flashed a devilish grin for a brief moment. Merrin playfully pushed Cal's shoulder. "Just like old times." She said.

"Yeah." Was the only word that came from Cal's mouth, as the ship took off.

  1. Merrin, with a mischievous grin, suggested to Cal, "Why don't we celebrate our anniversary by reenacting a scene from 'Star Wars Jedi Rebirth Pt. 02', where a Jedi Knight has multiple romantic interests?"
  2. The missionary position was not part of Cal's and Merrin's romantic repertoire during their romantic Star Wars-themed celebration, preferring instead to explore more exotic positions that would appease Merrin's romantic desires.
  3. Kata, feeling both embarrassed and aroused, shared with Luke that the strange feelings she experienced during their force-enhanced altercation were reminiscent of the excitement she felt when watching 'Star Wars' with her Jedi master, Cal Kestis, and his wife, Merrin.

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