Celebrity Sex Stories

Stargate Atlantis: Primal Attractions

Sam Carter and Ronon Dex can't help themselves.

Jul 8, 2024
48 min read
celebStargate Atlantis: Primal Attractionsmfsolofetish
Stargate Atlantis: Primal Attractions
Stargate Atlantis: Primal Attractions

Stargate Atlantis: Primal Attractions

Stargate Atlantis: Primal Attractions

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story for adult entertainment purposes.

Now, to the story...

It was late afternoon in the Lantean city of Atlantis. The sun was drawing closer to the horizon, a stunning sunset filling the peaceful skies. In something of a routine, outpost personnel were out on the balconies and viewing platforms, enjoying the sight. Those who had cameras were capturing images, although they knew they would be classified and couldn't be shared with anyone lacking the appropriate security clearance. Since taking command of the expedition, Colonel Samantha Carter had marvelled at the setting skies a few times, breath taken away by the natural beauty. However, today she was forced to forgo the opportunity.

Exiting the transporter, she turned and headed down a hallway, her destination a newly opened Ancient laboratory. As the military commander of Atlantis, it was her responsibility to oversee all aspects of operations as well as the safety of those serving under her. Alongside these tremendous responsibilities came a tiring amount of bureaucracy. With each promotion she'd accepted, the paperwork only ever seemed to increase. It was bureaucracy that had caused the necessity of her current journey.

Dressed in the Atlantis expeditionary uniform, a charcoal grey outfit complete with red patches denoting her department, she walked casually down the corridor, her flaxen ponytail swinging side-to-side. At the sound of approaching feet, it whipped around as the Colonel turned to see who was coming up behind. Ronon Dex.

Readily identified by his untamed dreadlocks, rangy gate and impressive build, he was a valued member of AR-1, the expedition's Alpha Team led by John Shepard. While not a member of any Earth-based military, Ronon had long ago earned his position and the trust of those stationed on Atlantis. But having only recently taken up her role supervising the city and its crew, Colonel Carter remained unsure of the alien soldier.

It wasn't that Sam doubted the man's skills or his bravery. Far from it. They'd been demonstrated time and again under fire and Ronon had proven himself a valuable member of the team. No, it was his attitude towards her. Dr Elizabeth Weir had been the one to accept the Satedan soldier, the one to make the arguments to the SGC and IOA that Ronon be accepted to join the expedition. And she'd succeeded. However, Weir had been lost in the struggle to defeat the Asuran menace. While the military and even civilian contingents inhabiting the city had taken the change at the top in stride, Dex looked at Carter as if she were an interloper, that she didn't belong.

I guess it's going to take some time, Carter thought as the man quickly caught up to her with long strides. For her part, she was unsure of Ronon's commitment to Atlantis long term. There was also the matter of his status as a non-Earth military individual serving with a front-line unit. Still, Teal'c was an amazing team mate when he joined SG-1. Yes, it's just going to take some time for us to get used to one another.

'Ronon,' she greeted him as they began to walk the hallway together.

'Colonel Carter,' he grunted, mouth barely moving.

Glancing sideways, she took in his form. Tall and broad, his was an imposing presence, both physically and on a more base level. An aura of danger and intimidation surrounded the man, a by-product of his Satedan military training and an attitude he'd been forced to adopt as a Runner, constantly on the look-out for Wraith hunting him for sport. Beyond that, he was good looking, confident and charismatic. More than a few women amongst base personnel were rather smitten by him, but by all accounts he allowed none close.

'Are you headed to the new lab?' Carter asked. It was an obvious guess; there was nothing else of interest down here.


Typical monosyllabic reply, she thought. 'Any particular reason?'

'To annoy McKay.'

And that was another reason why the Colonel had trouble regarding the former Runner; his disregard for protocol. Not for the first time, she wondered what the armed forces of Sateda had been like. Did all their soldiers, their commanders, have a similar attitude? Was that why they failed in defending their people from the Wraith? As an individual, Ronon was beyond impressive, but he was more a warrior than a soldier. Another reason for Carter's unease.

'You going to see McKay as well?' Dex asked with a glance. As the new commander of Atlantis, he wasn't sure about her. He was used to Dr Weir who'd fought his corner, accepted and trusted him and in turn had earned his respect and loyalty. This new one? He didn't know her. She'd only been on-station for a few weeks and Ronon hadn't seen much of her.

'I am,' Carter answered. 'I'm 'gating back to Earth tomorrow. I've got a meeting with the IOA. They're reluctant to send someone here due to the various threats Pegasus has to offer. The science teams are required to submit regular reports, but Rodney can be a little...distracted at times. Can't say that I blame him; there's so much to learn here and in the Pegasus galaxy as a whole. Paperwork can just get in the way sometimes. There are more important things.'

At least she isn't a complete paper-pusher. And she's quite attractive, he conceded. Although he'd not developed any romantic or sexual relationships on Atlantis it didn't mean he couldn't appreciate a good looking woman. Very attractive, he re-evaluated, subtly looking the Colonel over.

Entering the laboratory they spotted Rodney McKay. Hexagonal in shape, there was a computer station in front of each wall with the exception of the entrance. Displays were mounted above the stations, a variety of technological data displayed or scrolling on their surfaces. In the middle of the open space was a research table where McKay perched on a stool, tapping away at a laptop. In front of him was a device clearly of Ancient origin.

Although she'd not had direct experience of it, the object sitting on the examination table bared a passing resemblance to an Ancient Long Range Communications Device. It had been that device which had unwittingly led to conflict with the Ori. Smaller than the device SG-1 had discovered, this one's hemisphere-shaped base was less than a foot in diameter. Atop the dome were a caged orb of metal filaments and a crystal spire sprouting from the centre. Unlike the ALRCD, this device featured slots for only two communications stones, both of which sat beside it.

'Sam!' McKay cried looking up to see he had visitors. He ignored Ronon. Infrequent as they were, the Satedan's occasional visits only served as an annoying distraction from the proper work of Atlantis.

'Rodney,' the Colonel replied. 'Is that what I think it is?' she asked nodding towards the domed device.

'Well, if you think it's an ALRCD you'd be half right,' he said pronouncing it "Alcard". A smug look sat on his face. 'As you know the Alcards we've had experience with create a psychological and physiological link between the users. In essence it allows users to swap minds when two Alcards are in operation.' McKay walked behind the device so it sat between him and his audience. 'But, as you can see, there are only two slots, two stones,' he said, pointing to the obvious spaces, both currently empty. 'The original devices had spaces for eighteen communications stones.'

'So it's not as useful,' Ronon said looking unimpressed.

'No, actually,' McKay retorted. 'This is a communications device with a very specific function.'

'How specific,' Sam asked stepping in to avoid the pair bickering, but also curious as to what the expedition's chief scientist had discovered.

'It's a two-way comms unit. However, it only works for the two individuals who activate the stones. It creates a psychological link between them, allowing them to share thoughts and feelings, but without the physiological swap.'

'So it's a walkie-talkie,' Ronon said nonplussed.

'Well, yes. Sort of,' McKay said, the wind taken from his sails. He hated the way the brute could boil the most complicated of matters down to their lowest form and make him look a blowhard. 'But it's a little more than that.'

'Go ahead, Rodney. What else can it do?' Sam asked struggling to withhold a laugh at the exchange.

'Yes, as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted,' he said pointedly turning his attention to the other scientist and ignoring the soldier. 'The device links two specific minds together allowing them to communicate to one another. Given the nature of the link, it can only be shared between those two people. It can't be intercepted by any other such device or decoded by any other means.'

'So it's a totally secure way to communicate. Presumably across similar distances to the ALRCD?' Sam asked immediately seeing the applications for an essentially encrypted comms unit.

'Precisely,' McKay beamed. 'It could have been used by the Ancients to connect a spy with their controller; to pass intelligence data securely, or to retain contact with hidden outposts.'

'There's no record of them doing anything like that,' Sam said distractedly looking at the device sitting on the table. You've been watching too many James Bond movies, Rodney.

'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,' Rodney said as if disappointed in a promising student. 'Anyway, this thing works. We just need to test it.'

'Whoa, hang on there, McKay. The last time anyone tried to use one of these things it had to be destroyed to sever the connection,' Sam warned.

'Yes, but that was before Carson's ATA gene therapy,' McKay countered, referring to the treatment developed by Atlantis's former chief medical officer. For those whom the therapy worked it granted the ability to interact with Ancient technology. 'Those with the gene, such as yours truly, can switch the device on or off.'

'And so now you want to test it,' Sam stated. 'You're positive you can deactivate it?'


'Would you mind, Ronon?' the Colonel asked, turning to the other man. 'We need a third person for this to work.'

'Sure,' Ronon answered with a shrug. 'What do I do?'

'Each of you pick up a stone and insert it into one of the slots on the device,' McKay said. 'But wait until I tell you,' he added moving back to his laptop. After a few taps of the keys he said, 'Ok, go ahead.'

Samantha picked up the first of the communications stones. Palm-sized, it was a triangular device with rounded edges and intricate designs on the top surface. Unlike the stones reported by Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson, these were grey rather than black. With the slightest of hesitations she pressed it into an open slot. There was no change in the larger instrument. Carter turned to Dex who was watching with a sceptical look on his rugged face.

'Go ahead, Ronon. It needs both stones and two people to work. It won't hurt, I promise,' she said. Ronon gave a shrug, picked up the remaining stone and slotted it into the domed base. For a second nothing happened but then atop the unique ALRCD, the crystal released a flash of light and began to glow a bright pink.

'Huh, that's unusual,' McKay said peering at the gem. 'On the other devices the crystal was blue. And Dr Jackson and that woman friend of his fell unconscious.' Ronon threw him a withering glare at that. 'Never mind,' Rodney continued, turning back to his laptop. After a moment's concentration he looked back up. 'Either of you feel any different?'

'Like what?' asked Ronon.

'Like can you hear Colonel Carter's voice or thoughts in your head?'


'Neither can I,' Sam added when McKay looked at her.

'Nothing? Nothing at all?' McKay asked, a look of disappointment clouding his features.

'Sorry, no,' Sam replied with a shake of her head. 'Maybe it will only work with those who have the ATA gene?' she postulated, although it seemed unlikely. As the expedition had explored Atlantis they'd quickly learned that once someone with the gene activated a device, those without it would be able to operate it.

'No,' McKay said with a distracted air, staring at the readouts on his laptop. 'We know that the stones will work for anyone when connected to an Alcard regardless of ATA status. No, I'm not seeing any activity from the device either. It's barely registering any power usage at all.'

'Well I'm sure you'll be able to work it out...eventually,' Sam said, teasing the other scientist and taking a little delight in the hurt look he threw her. Sometimes it was fun to prick his ego a little bit. I can see why Ronon enjoys needling him. 'Anyway, Rodney, I need your latest batch of reports. I'll be taking them with me to Earth tomorrow.'

'Hmm? Oh, right. Yes, ok,' he said. 'Done. I've emailed them to you,' he added after a few taps on his keyboard.

'Thanks, Rodney. I'll see you two later,' Carter said.

'I'll walk back with you,' Ronon said. With McKay lost in his work with his latest experiment turning out to be a bust, there was little fun to be had here today.

As the pair retraced their steps along the corridor they shared an unusually comfortable silence. Maybe it's sharing a little fun at Rodney's expense, Sam thought. Sparing a glance to her companion, she couldn't help but notice why he appeared so popular amongst the outpost's female population. Stop it, Sam. Although it had been a while since she'd last been intimate with someone, she'd had to accept the necessity of forgoing such practices here. You're in charge of Atlantis. Keep your mind on your work and responsibilities, she chided herself.


Sunlight filtered through coloured glass panes, bathing Colonel Carter's private quarters in warming shades. Lying in her bed, the leader of the Atlantis expedition woke before her alarm call sounded. Reclining under the covers, she felt wonderfully relaxed, body free of tension. It was unusual: since she'd taken command of the outpost it had felt like every morning had greeted her with yet another crisis. It was then that Sam realised just why she was in such a good mood.

Flashes of images passed behind closed eyes, erotic images of bodies writhing and rolling together. Bumping and grinding as moans and pants filled the air. A smile spread across the woman's full lips, savouring the memories of the fading dream. Beneath the sheets her hand slid into her shorts. Fingers brushing through trimmed blonde fur, she released a low moan as they grazed her clitoris, circling around it teasingly. Passing further down, they encountered warm flesh, the groove of her pussy wet and sticky. Easing between her labia, Sam's finger explored further, tracing the entrance to her vagina.

Mm, its been a while since I had a wet dream, she thought and let out a little giggle.

Licking her lips, eyes remaining closed, the woman wore a blissful expression on her beautiful face as beneath the sheets she began to masturbate. Legs shifting apart, Sam's fingers stroked along her slit, collecting a varnish of sexual arousal. Tracing a path upwards, she lightly rubbed her clit, drawing pleasure from the contact. Another moan escaped as the finger gently stroked the sensitive bud, gliding over it tenderly.

One hand occupied, the other moved upwards, cupping a breast through the cute little tank top number she'd worn to bed. Cradling the pert shapely form, long fingers sought out the stiff nipple poking through the cloth. Another hot moan came as Sam gently rolled the teat. Lower down, she continued to happily manipulate her pussy. Cognisant of the health benefits of masturbation, it wasn't something she could indulge in as often as she'd like to. But once in a while she found a little time to herself...

Beep. Beep. Beep.

'Damn it,' she cried out, slapping the alarm clock into silence. Having woken up horny, she'd already begun to feel a pleasurable climax stirring when the alarm's interruption came. Glancing across to note the time, she had to fight the temptation to continue. However, today was going to be busy what with her scheduled journey to Earth and her meeting with the International Oversight Advisory.

'Duty calls,' the Colonel said to herself.

Peeling back the covers she climbed out of bed. Hands crossing, they tugged on the bottom of the tank top, pulling the tight garment up and off, uncovering her beautiful boobs. They were perfectly sized to her feminine figure, big without being large. Prior lovers had called her 36C charms a perfect handful. Rounded nipples capped them, a shade darker than her fair skin tone and surrounded by small areola. Ideal for sucking, more than one former partner had remarked.

Dropping the top onto the bed, her fingers slid under the waistband of her shorts and pushed them down. Stepping from them, Sam stood naked in her quarters. Tall with a trim leggy figure, she was a sexy looking woman, healthy and vital. A natural blonde, her hair hung loose about her shoulders, while between her legs was a groomed bush, lightly furring her snatch. Padding naked across the room, she entered her bathroom.

Stepping under the shower caused an automatic waterfall of warm water. Thankfully Atlantis had a plentiful supply of fresh water. It wasn't fully understood how the Ancients had maintained their personal hygiene, but it had been easy enough to retrofit human-style showers into the living areas of the city. Not only were station personnel able to indulge in long showers, the gadgets were also rather powerful. It was an open secret among the outpost women that the showerheads had a non-military application.

Body scrubbed and washed, hair shining wetly, she stood under the strong flow. Savouring the warm cascade on her skin, it rained down on her hourglass figure, running from her upturned face, down her neck to run between her breasts, drips falling from erect nipples. It sluiced over a toned stomach, damping down the straw-coloured bush before running down shapely thighs. Behind, the water followed the course of her spine to wash over a round firm bum.

I've got time enough, she convinced herself. Still feeling aroused from her dream and interrupted play session, Carter eased the showerhead from its bracket. Non-standard amongst the fixtures brought to the city, Dr Elizabeth Weir must have installed the appliance herself when she was assigned these same quarters. Turning the knob on the reverse of the showerhead, the full measure of water was re-directed to a circular set of nozzles in the centre, the spray intensifying immensely.

Feet spreading wide on the tiled flooring, Samantha brought the showerhead down. Directing the powerful spray of water against her pussy she gasped as the wash hit her privates. Holding the chromed tool several inches from her body, she let the sensations build. Wishing to tease herself, she moved it about, letting the water massage her vulva and inner thighs before returning it to the main target.

Becoming overly sensitive, but not wanting to stop or bring herself off just yet, she raised the showerhead, directing the spray against her tits. Moaning loud in the enclosed space, she pressed the head closer to her nipples, felt the pulsing pressure against the teats, tingles spreading from them deeper into the firm flesh.

'Oh, yes,' she sighed.

Returning the wonderful tool to her crotch, it circled her clitoris, teasing her. A pulsing had begun between her legs, Sam's sexual arousal heightening under the constant bombardment. Disguised by the running water, there was more than just HO slicking her inner thighs.

Propping a foot on a low tiled shelf, Carter opened her legs wider, crotch fully exposed. Redirecting the powerful jet, she played it over her cunny. It was so strong she could feel her snatch lips being buffeted. For several moments Sam stood in the shower, legs spread wide as she moved the showerhead about, letting the jetting water take her closer and closer to orgasm.

Knowing time was running short, she peeled her pussy lips back, ensuring her clit was bared, unprotected by its hood. With a loud gasp she brought the showerhead directly over her sweet spot. Thundering pulses pounded against it. Intense flashes of pleasure jolted from the wonderfully aching bean, rushing to fill her body and consuming her mind in an explosion of fireworks. Shivers ran down her spine as her legs shook, making her unsteady on her feet.

'Oh, yes,' she hissed again. 'Ooh, fuck yes!'

Dropping her foot from the shelf, Sam stood on tip-toes, holding the showerhead in place. Screaming out in an uninhibited release of control, she rode the waves of climax, driven from peak to pleasurable peak. Unable to take any more direct stimulation, the jet of water was taken away. Panting and gasping, eyes closed with a deep blush staining her cheeks, Samantha stood in the shower, biting her lip as the ripples of bliss subsided, body juddering with an occasional aftershock.

Finished in the bathroom and with a happy little smile on her face, Colonel Carter returned to the main area of her living space. Opening a dresser she selected the day's underwear, picking out a matching pair of plain flesh-toned bra and briefs. Slipping into the briefs they were pulled tight, snuggling up to her crotch, outlining their contents. Pulling on the bra it cupped her bounty, offering up a pleasant cleavage. Without conscious thought, Sam reached into the first bra cup, hoisted her tit up and re-set the underwear. Repeating the process for its twin, her cleavage was now much more pronounced, enhancing an already feminine silhouette. Grabbing a small bag of cosmetics she stepped over to the room's full-length mirror.

Naturally beautiful, Samantha Carter didn't really need makeup. However, it would be expected by the IOA. They'd likely take it as some kind of slight if I showed up for the meeting without the "appropriate appearance", she thought. Opening her cosmetics bag, she used just a little, keeping it inconspicuous and natural looking. Just enough to complement herself and her dress uniform, she added a little mascara and a light lipstick matching her complexion. With just a few well-practiced movements her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, a fringe shading her face. Sam looked sexy in an understated way.

Standing before the mirror it suddenly dawned on her that the underwear she'd chosen was a rather close match to her skin tone. Turning slowly, she admired her reflection. Often choosing to wear basic underwear, for some inexplicable reason it was really exciting her this morning. Christ, I look naked, she thought. Raised high in the bra, her cleavage was liberal. Facing front, the panties gave the impression that she was shaved down there. Twisting to look at her ass it looked tight and just as nude.

Admiring her legs she realised she still had underwear to put on. Fleetingly she considered wearing stockings but she'd not brought any to Atlantis. Opening the dresser again she retrieved a pair of sheer pantyhose, stretching them gently in preparation. Sitting on the end of her divan she gathered one leg of the hose to the toe, bunching the fabric. Pointing her toe, she slipped her foot into the delicate nylon, adjusting the toe and heel so they sat perfectly aligned. Then Sam eased them higher, smoothing them upwards as she did, until they sat just above her knee before she repeated the process on her other leg.

Standing from the bed, she continued to gently unroll the material, pulling the pantyhose up to her waist, one side at a time, up and over her pert round bum, and snuggling them tight to her crotch. A gentle tug and a little wiggling had the clinging material adjusted and settled properly. Turning to the mirror to check for any wrinkles, her hands ran over the garment, smoothing them.

It was a moment before the officer realised she was caressing herself, continuing to admire her reflection. While one hand had cupped a generous bosom, fingers squeezing against the brassiere, the other pressed to her crotch, fondling a moistening pussy through hose and briefs. Wearing the sheer pantyhose they served to enhance her naked appearance, legs and backside glossy and lustrous under the sunlight streaming through the windows. With a huff of breath she threw her hands aside.

'Come on, Sam, get a grip of yourself,' she said aloud.

Opening a wardrobe she removed her dress uniform, laying it out on the vacated bed. Picking up the light blue blouse, she slipped it on. Buttoning the garment, it pulled tighter to her chest with each fastener closed. It was a well-formed bust and looked good in the formal uniform. Affixing a dark blue inverted-V tie tab under the collar, she glanced back at the mirror to ensure it was positioned correctly. On the reflective surface it looked as if she were properly attired from the waist up, and naked from the waist down. A throbbing increased between her legs that she tried to ignore...just like she tried to ignore the damp patch developing on her panties, the growing warmth felt within.

Pointedly ignoring her reflection, she bent over and picked up her skirt. Stepping into the garment she drew it up her long legs, tugged it up and over her backside. Reaching behind she fastened the zipper, closed the button. For reasons she couldn't identify, running her hands over her bum to smooth the skirt down sent a frisson of excitement rippling outwards from her warm pussy.

'What has gotten into me this morning?' she said. Nothing, unfortunately, she thought, surprising herself. Shaking her head, she stepped into a pair of black leather dress shoes, the short heels compliant with USAF regulations. Shrugging on the uniform jacket, service badge and ribbons on the left breast, name badge on the right, she returned to the mirror to check her appearance once more. Never one to have an overabundance of ego, Sam had to admit that her hourglass figure filled the dress uniform well, the cut of the outfit and cinched waist accentuating her appeal. 'Looking good, Sam,' she smiled.

Exiting her quarters, the commander of the Atlantis expedition headed for her office above the 'gate room. Heels clicking against the floor, she made her way through a series of hallways, nodding greetings to those she passed, sharing the occasional "hello" with some. Rounding a corner she almost collided with Ronon Dex.

'Oh, good morning, Ronon,' Colonel Carter said, quickly recovering from the surprise.

No answer came from the Satedan. Instead he just looked down at her, a smouldering scrutiny in his eyes. It was an intense, penetrating glare, almost predatory. Instead of feeling intimidated or threatened, it sent a spark of arousal caroming through the woman. Heart rate picking up its pace, her breathing came quicker, and a flush warmed her skin. Nostrils twitching, she picked up a scent, a musk coming off the large male, mixed with the leather of his clothing. The earlier throbbing between her legs returned, pulses coming from her crotch as her nipples stiffened. It was a reaction on a base, primal level. They stood there, looking at each other, not saying anything, until Rodney McKay walked up behind Samantha.

'Ah, Sam,' he greeted his fellow scientist, ignoring the alien warrior. 'I presume you're all set for your journey back to Earth. Have you had a chance to review the latest updates I sent last night?'

'Er, no. No, I was just heading to my office to get a situation report before 'gating out,' Carter said snapping out of the almost trance-like state. A quick glance revealed Ronon glowering at McKay, clearly unhappy at the interruption. 'Yes, I'd better get to it,' she said. 'Ronon,' she nodded at the larger man before stepping past and heading towards the control room and her office.

Checking her computer for messages and reviewing the overnight activity reports, Carter found herself distracted. Unable to focus on the monitor sitting on the desk, she was confused by what had occurred in the hallway. Pulse still a little elevated, she couldn't explain her reaction or even why Ronon had been looking at her like that. Finally putting it down to a holdover from the aroused state she'd woken up to and an overactive imagination, she closed her laptop.

Gathering up a collection of files needed for the upcoming meeting, the expedition leader left the office, crossed a small walkway and entered the Atlantis control room. A quick glance reassured her that everything was under control and that no major crisis had erupted in the last few minutes. Colonel John Shepard entered Stargate Operations from the opposite direction.

'Thought I'd come to see you off and wish you good luck in the lion's den,' he said with a commiserating expression. Serving as the expedition's second-in-command, Shepard had long ago learned of the headache the International Committee could be.

'Thank you, Colonel,' she replied with a bright smile. 'Hopefully I won't be gone that long, but look after the city in my absence won't you.'

'No wild parties? No redecorating or gluing the furniture to the ceiling you mean?' he said with a roguish grin of his own.

'Precisely. And no drag racing with the jumpers,' she replied. 'Chuck, dial the 'gate for Earth, please,' she said, directing her words to the Canadian Sergeant seated behind the control panel wired to the 'gate. 'Have fun in charge,' she directed the last back to Shepard.

Walking down the broad flight of stairs leading to the floor of the Gate Room, a familiar crashing whooshing sound welcomed her. Even after all these years, it still amazed the astrophysicist what the alien transport device was capable of. Throwing a glance over her shoulder, she was surprised to find herself looking for Ronon, but he wasn't around.

'Safe travels,' Shepard called from a balcony overlooking the 'gate.

'Thanks,' Carter said and stepped through the event horizon.


The meeting had been going on for two hours. Just as expected, it had been a tedious affair with the IOA questioning every decision made since she'd taken command of the Atlantis Expedition. It was no secret they had favoured having one of their own people in charge in the Pegasus galaxy but they'd been overruled by the President. In essence the meeting had devolved into a session of second-guessing her choices, as well as those of her predecessor, Dr Weir.

Carter had been well prepared for it, had her arguments lined up and the data to support her command decisions. Every crisis had been averted and new technology had flooded in from the Lantean city. Calling this meeting was really just for the IOA to feel important, involved in the success of the mission and to appoint and avoid blame where they deemed it necessary.

As the morning session ground on, Samantha found it increasingly hard to concentrate on the banal questioning and cross-examinations the Committee members subjected her to. Trying not to let her frustrations show at the petty pointlessness of it all, she could feel herself becoming increasingly tetchy, her answers shorter and more direct. However, it wasn't the interrogation that had her feeling out of sorts.

Returning to Cheyenne Mountain on Earth hadn't altered the state of arousal she'd woken up with. At first it had been easy enough to ignore as the assembly had started in the briefing room of the SGC. But as the morning progressed, Sam had found herself getting more distracted and it had taken a little time to realise it wasn't just frustration with the IOC.

Sitting at the large table fending off the verbal attacks, Carter was feeling increasingly stirred up. All morning her pussy had been throbbing with an irritating itch, the pulsing sensation not having let up since awakening on Atlantis. Fielding the questions put to her, Sam wanted to fidget, to relieve the sensation of being warm and full that had settled in her crotch. The desire to touch her body all over, not just satisfying that very specific itch, was strong. Muscles feeling like they wanted to contract, she also wanted to be touched by someone else, to feel caressing hands on her skin. Thankful for her dress uniform, it hid the evidence of her sexual condition. Nipples stiff and erect they would have been obvious if not for the jacket. Sam couldn't work out just why she was feeling so horny today.

With the members of the International Committee talking amongst themselves, discussing the latest topic to have been brought up, Carter glanced about them. Richard Woolsey was present, sitting at the head of the table opposite the Colonel. Down one side of the desk sat two men and a Japanese woman, along the other were a further three men and another woman.

Although not unfamiliar with the pleasures that could be shared between women, they were not of interest. And to be honest, Sam didn't find the men attractive either. They were all older gentlemen and none in the best of physical condition or appearance. Yet a thought came unbidden to Samantha: I wonder what their cocks look like.

My God, what is up with me today? she silently wondered, shaking her head.

'Ladies, gentlemen, I think it's appropriate for us to recess at this junction,' Richard Woolsey said. He'd noticed Carter's distraction. Although a firm believer in the necessity of the IOA, he was not blind to its shortcomings and knew the committee could be more than a little overbearing and frustrating, even for its supposed allies. As the attendees broke up he made his way to the Air Force officer.

'Colonel Carter is everything ok?' he asked with genuine concern. Amongst those who believed a civilian would be better placed in charge of Atlantis, he had respect for the woman's skills, courage and achievements.

'Yes, thank you Mr Woolsey,' she answered standing from her seat. For some unfathomable reason she inhaled, subtly sniffing the man. Detecting the light citrus aroma of cedar wood, it lacked the musky scent she suddenly desired. 'If you'll excuse me...' she added, pointing towards the exit.

'Of course,' Woolsey said to her retreating back.

Wanting to put some distance between herself and the members of the IOA, the physicist made her way up several flights of stairs. Finding herself on Level 21 she decided she needed to visit the nearest bathroom. Walking down the hallway, legs scissoring with a rasping swish of nylon, heels clicking on the concrete floor, Sam was aware of a moist feeling in her panties. In truth it had been present since she'd left her quarters in the alien city, growing as her confused state of arousal continued throughout the morning.

Passing the men's locker room something suddenly occurred. During her first year as a member of SG-1, the team had succumbed to an infection from P3X-797. The disease devolved the infected into animal-like creatures. Under the influence of it, Carter had been driven by a primal instinct to mate and had attempted to seduce Jack O'Neill. Fortunately a cure had been devised and SG-1 returned to normal. Pausing in the corridor, the scientist compared the previous situation with her current state. If there were an infection it would have been detected on Atlantis. And this isn't the same. There's been no emotional or physical change. I guess I'm just horny. Dissatisfied with the conclusion but with no better hypothesis she continued to the women's locker room.

Crossing the locker room the Colonel made directly for a toilet stall. Securing the door she pinched her skirt and hiked it up. As the dark blue skirt moved higher against her pantyhose it sent a tingle coursing along her thighs. Sliding her underwear to her knees, Sam sat on the latrine. Knees spreading, she deliberately caused her nude-coloured panties to stretch, exposing the gusset.

Examining the gusset revealed just how damp they'd become. Running the length of the cotton inset was a long, wide streak of vaginal fluid. Visibly moist, it stained the cotton and evidenced Sam's extended state of arousal. Inhaling, a very familiar scent rushed her olfactory senses, a personal fragrance, earthy and a little sour. Reaching between her legs, she slid two fingers along her pussy, felt the swollen vulva slicked with an abundance of feminine wetness. There was so much of it it felt like she'd applied lubricant.

Hand pulling back she held it up before her bright blue eyes. Light reflected off the gathered juices. Digits moving apart, a viscous string hung between them. Raising them higher, Sam sniffed her fingers. Returning to her crotch, she opened her vagina. A single digit questing forward, it sunk between the labia. Inside it was warm and moist, the tight channel engulfing the digit, sucking gently around it. Unable to help herself, the Air Force Colonel added a second finger.

It took a few moments for Carter to realise she was masturbating, lost to the wonderful sensations as twinned fingers moved in and out, their passage eased by her creamy essence. Feels so good, she thought. White teeth worrying her lower lip, she sat on the toilet, fingering her gooey hole and frigging her clit, all the while clothed in her dress uniform, underwear tugged down to spread knees. Deep within there was the sense of something building, a mounting pressure as she came closer to orgasm. Ooh, I'm so close...

'Colonel Carter? Are you in here?' a woman's voice called out. Taken by surprise, Carter's legs slammed closed, hand guiltily pulling away from her crotch.

'Uh, yes. Yes I am,' she called back recognising the voice of the female airman who'd greeted her upon arrival back in the SGC and had escorted her to the gathering.

'Sorry, Colonel, but they're reconvening,' the airman said apologetically.

'Give me a moment. I'll be right along,' the Colonel said.

Passions doused by the interruption, she sat on the toilet and relaxed her bladder. Hoping the airman had gone and wasn't standing out there, she peed, the stream hissing loudly in the enclosed bowl of the latrine. Wadding up some tissue paper she dabbed between her legs, trying to dry her still sticky quim. Wiggling into her underwear and smoothing her skirt down, Sam flushed the john and exited the cubicle.

It was another arduous hour before the IOA conference was concluded. Like always the committee left with an air of disapproval but didn't come all the way out and condemn her decisions or the actions she'd authorised. Typical paper pushers, they preferred for someone else to make the decisions and to accept the responsibility. And throughout, sexual arousal remained a torture to the blonde officer.

But finally she was able to step back through the Stargate and return to Atlantis.


Shaking off the momentary disorientation caused by 'gate travel, Colonel Carter glanced around and saw everything was running smoothly, no crisis had taken root in her absence. Climbing the stairs, she walked into Stargate Operations, received smiles of welcome from the busy staff.

'Ma'am, Colonel Shepard wants to speak with you. He's on his way up,' Chuck said from his console.

'Thank you, Chuck. Anything happen while I was on Earth?' she enquired. Shepard wanting to speak with her wasn't an encouraging sign after all.

'No ma'am. Major Lorne departed on schedule. And Lieutenant Donovan's team returned early due to weather conditions. Nothing on the long range sensors. It's been quiet.'

'Welcome back, Colonel,' John Shepard called as he entered Operations. There was tension in his face and he was holding himself tight, as if ready for combat.

'Colonel,' she greeted in turn. Seeing his body language she threw a nod towards her office and led the way over the small connecting bridge. Without meaning too she put a little extra into her walk, feet crossing as she moved, bum swaying seductively with each step, blue skirt hugging it tightly.

Stepping around her desk she took a seat. Having been seated for much of the day already, Carter's body leaned toward one side as she crossed her legs. Despite being regulation length, her skirt rode up some to show her knee and a couple of inches of thigh. Stood on the other side of the desk, Shepard glanced down almost imperceptibly, an almost autonomic response.

Ordinarily Samantha would have ignored it, or if the glance had been a fraction of a second longer made an issue of it. However, today, it was welcomed. Although recognising John Shepard as an attractive man, ruggedly handsome and very charismatic, she'd never looked at him as anything other than a fellow soldier. And though she appreciated the glance he'd given, something was missing. It's not Shepard that I want, she thought.

'So, you wanted to speak with me?' asked Carter.

'There's been an incident in the training room. I had the team in there sparring - except Rodney of course - when some of the newly assigned marines came in. Everything was fine until they decided to issue a challenge. Ronon's been acting pretty aggressive this morning for some reason. It's why I suggested sparring in the first place. Anyway, he accepted the challenge and beat the crap out of two of them.'

'Any serious injuries?' Cater asked, not entirely shocked at the news.

'One broken arm, a dislocated elbow and a pair of concussions. Plus some scratches and bruises.'

'Where's Ronon now?' As she asked, Samantha felt a skip in her pulse, the sensation matched by a throb inside her dampened panties.

'Unknown. He disappeared while we were getting the marines to the infirmary. It's not unusual for someone to get injured during sparring - I should know,' John said, absentmindedly rubbing the spot where the Satedan had given him his own concussion sometime ago. 'But for Ronon to take off and avoid responsibility for his actions? That doesn't happen. It just isn't like him. Being aggressive has always been part of his charm, but it was something else this morning.'

'Does he represent an on-going danger, do you think?' Concern etched her pretty face.

'I've got people searching for him,' John replied. 'I don't think it likely he'd attack anyone else. He didn't instigate the fight in the training room.'

'But he certainly ended it,' remarked Carter. 'Ok, keep me informed. Anything else?'

'No, that's it. I'd better get back to it. Teyla or myself are most likely to be able to bring him back in without too much hassle.' Report complete, Shepard left the office.

For several minutes the Atlantis commander sat alone in her office. Reports displayed on the computer monitor, she couldn't concentrate on the text. Still wearing the dress uniform, Sam decided it would be best to take a break, head for her quarters and change. However, instead of heading to the personnel section of the city, she turned in the opposite direction.

Stepping into one of the city's transporters, she was instantly conveyed to a completely different section of Atlantis. One of the outer piers, she tentatively identified. Some unknown instinct was drawing her on as she walked down a wide empty corridor, far from any expedition activity. With no idea where she was headed, it felt like there was some destination calling out to her, someplace she needed to be.

Rounding a corner Carter found herself in yet another wide hallway. Something urged her on, told her what she sought, what she needed, was close by. With every step taken, a creeping sensation of sexual agitation took hold of the woman. Heart thudding in her chest, Sam's pulse was quickening, skin tingling while her muscles felt taut. Under her uniform her boobs felt as if they were swelling, the nipples already stiff. A throbbing thrummed throughout her crotch, pulsing from her clit. Vulva feeling heavy, she could feel herself moistening, knew the stain that marked her underwear was larger still.

A sound behind her. Carter spun around, blonde ponytail whipping by. Ronon, she identified. The Satedan warrior stood motionless, his imposing bulk seeming to fill the corridor as he stared down at her. In his eyes was a blazing light, his mouth set in a predatory smirk, like a hunter who'd cornered his prey. Musk, an authentic manly scent, wafted from him, sweat and skin mixing with the leather of his clothing. Pressing against the animal-hide pants was a large bulge, the obvious outline of an impressive erection.

Looking at the striking figure standing before her, Carter felt her chest tighten as her breathing came faster. Inhaling through her nose she could smell him. A prickling took hold of her fingertips and toes. Seemingly increasing in size, her pussy felt swollen and hot, the outer lips parting as her clitoris engorged further.

'Ronan,' Samantha whispered loudly, but it was no mere greeting. The single word issued in a voice laden with want and desire. Blue eyes locked with his piercing green, Carter slowly unbuttoned the jacket of her Air Force dress uniform. Last button unclasped, she pulled the jacket open before letting it fall from her shoulders, dropping to the floor of the corridor. Grunting his approval, Ronon stepped closer.

Hands moving to her hips, he pulled the Colonel to him, their bodies pressed tight. Leaning down he brought his mouth to hers, their lips clashing before his tongue passed through and entered her mouth. Melting against the man's broad chest, Sam's hands ran up along his muscular arms, one on his shoulder, the other making its way behind his head, drawing him deeper into the kiss. Between them she could feel the hard bulge of his cock pressing against her, signalling what he wanted. What we both want.

Moving from the woman's hips, Ronon's hands slid over the skirted bum, fingers squeezing, testing the firm muscles. Suddenly gripping her, he hauled Carter harder against him, increasing the pressure of her body against his stiffened endowment. He growled. She mewled. Heads moving against the other, their tongues intertwined, slipping and sliding against the other, darting into each other's mouth with wet sloppy noises.

Breaking the kiss, the pair stared into each others eyes, panting with the passion of their embrace. Hands moving from the woman's ass, they stroked her thighs, drawing a fresh rush of heat to Carter's nethers. Compressed against his chest, her boobs felt tight, straining the encasing bra as the nipples poked against the man's solid pecs. So close, his musk was a strong natural cologne.

'I want you, Ronon,' she said in a voice made husky with lust. A wolfish grin greeted her statement.

Sinking to the floor, the Satedan knelt before the Earth woman. Reaching out his hands, they slid over her legs, going higher. Looking down, Sam watched as her skirt was raised, shapely thighs revealed, long and tapered. Heart racing she let the man do what he wanted, pushing her clothing higher, exposing her hose, damp panties beneath.

Dex looked at Colonel Carter's crotch just inches from his bearded face. Heat and scent wafted from the female, drawn out by his flaring nostrils. At first he'd taken her to be naked under her uniform before realising she wore pantyhose, that the briefs under them were coloured to match her flawless fair skin. The hose confused him. What kind of protection could such a weak and flimsy garment provide? But they do make her legs look exceptional, he conceded, eyes tracing their sexy shapes, fingers running along the lean muscles. Ronon decided he liked them.

Grabbing the nylon sheath and panties he yanked them down, heard the woman gasp. Now uncovered, he could see the Colonel's cunt, framed by a trimmed blonde bush, not like the thatch preferred by Satedan women. But it wasn't going to stop him. Pressing his face to the golden fur, he sniffed, inhaled the heady aroma of a female in heat. A hand landed on the back of his head, pressure pushing him forward.

'Oh, yes,' Samantha hissed as Ronon began to lick her. 'Oh!'

Tongue running along her labia, it spread them, a shallow delve between the lips as it moved up and down. Gliding upwards, the tip flicked against the clit, sending forth a shock of sensation, making her gasp. Repeating the motion, he did it over and over. Tongue slipping further down the appetising groove, still shallow, it would flick the sensitive bean. Despite his primitive appearance, the former Runner knew how to eat pussy. Feet spreading in her low black heels, Sam opened her legs for Ronon, giving him more space to work.

Hands running up naked thighs, they closed on her lap. With a surprisingly gentle touch, his thumbs peeled her inner labia open. Exposed was the glistening inner flesh of Carter's cunny, the lips shining with her arousal, the buzzing clit peeking at the top of the cleft. And lower down, the entrance to her vagina, the walls already quivering with anticipation.

Now fully splayed, Ronon swapped to broad flat licks, firmly licking upwards. Passing from entrance to clit, he caused the moaning blonde to gasp and sigh. Whole head moving, still under her grip, he rhythmically slid his tongue over her hot wet flesh. It had a pleasing slightly sour flavour, delightful on the taste buds. Breathing through his nose, the rich scent of the woman filled his senses, adding to his own excitement.

'Oh, lick me, Ronon. Lick me,' she moaned out.

Sucking gently, he fed on the labia, drawing the woman's zest from the swollen lips. A shock assault on her clit, tongue tip curling around and around it. Carter mewled again, head thrown back at the pleasure being inflicted upon her needy snatch. Then a slow lick, all the way back down. Expecting to finally feel that wonderful tongue inside her, Samantha was taken by surprise when Ronon went even lower until, with a surge of his entire head, his tongue struck at her asshole.

'Oh! Oh, I like that!'

Flicking about, delving and surging around, the tongue attacked her anus, probing at the iris of the twitching sphincter. Hot against her flesh, his breath came in rushes, almost tickling and his nose was grinding against her womanhood. Easing back, the tongue suddenly stiffened and darted into the vaginal opening. Flavour intensifying, the muscular appendage explored as deep as it could. Ronon had an exceptionally long and broad tongue and it felt to Sam as if she were being fucked by a strange, alien cock. After everything, that thought brought her to the edge of orgasm.

'Suck me, Ronon. Suck me. Make me cum!' Sam cried out. 'Oh. Ooh!'

Knowing how to use his mouth to please a lover, the hulking male gently eased the protective hood from the stiff little bud. With a swirling motion he rapidly licked at the clitoris, delighted in the increased sounds the Colonel made from above. A few more flicks before an insistent pressure against his head told him what was required. Mouth latching onto the fleshy bean he suckled.

As she stood over him, both hands now wrapped up in his long dreadlocks, the mewling Air Force officer pulled her devotee to her crotch. Grinding against his rough face she basked in the sensations rippling from her clit as he suckled at it. Humping now, she rode his mouth, gasped as his tongue lashed the tip of the energised little bump, surprisingly soft lips clamped around it.

'Cumming,' Samantha Carter cried out, the shout echoing down the empty hallway. 'Cumming!

A flood of creamy fluid ran from the quivering vagina, spilling against the sucking man's chin. Spasms rocked the woman's feminine frame, girl cum dribbling from her twitching quim, this time intercepted by Ronon's tongue. Delving into the stream of sticky discharge, he slurped it up, savouring the flavour of Colonel Carter's gush.

Taking an unsteady step backwards, Sam looked down at the warrior's face, her cum smeared all over it. 'Oh, my... Ronon... That was...' she murmured, holding her skirt up, face flushed, letting the aftershocks of orgasm pass.

Standing tall, the hunter towered over the expedition leader. Tilting down he kissed her again, tongue eagerly pushing into her mouth. Sam kissed back. As their tongues mingled, she could taste herself and liked it. Through flittering eyes, she saw the man staring at her, a smile on his greased features.

'Now it's your turn to suck me off,' he said.

Kicking her shoes away and pulling her underwear all the way down, Samantha discarded them, throwing the bundled garments atop her jacket on the floor. Skirt falling back down, the Atlantis commander fell to her knees before the male. Pushing the hem of the rough-spun top out of her way, Sam unbuckled his empty gun belt, letting it clatter to the ground. In a flash she had his pants open and yanked them down.

Hungrily, her eyes feasted on the cock she'd discovered. Ronon Dex was well hung. Standing proud from a nest of curly brown hair, the stem was long and girthy, the flesh smoothly transitioning into a bulbous head. From the male slit a pearly white bead appeared. Following an existing moist trail it dripped to the floor. Another bead followed, this time hanging from a string of viscous fluid.

Without thinking, Carter bowed forward. Full lips parting her little pink tongue flickered out, capturing the errant drop before it fell. Moaning her approval at the flavour, she ran it over her palette, relishing the salty juice. Planting a kiss on the tip, her fingers wrapped around the hot and hard stem. Through it she could feel Ronon's pulse, strong and steady. Driven by the same primal instinct that had led her to the bull, Sam lifted the cock out of the way so she could sniff his balls.

Nostrils flaring, she inhaled the musk coming off the nut sack. It was heady, a warm foggy sensation clouding her mind, the feeling rolling down through her body. Her nipples tingled, skin flushed hotter and between her legs, Carter's snatch was aflame. It felt more swollen than ever, heavier with a thudding pulse diffusing from it. Tongue re-emerging from her pink lips, it gently licked the full sack. The taste was strong, masculine, as if the testicles had been held in a jockstrap all day long.

'I do love that taste,' Sam said hotly, muffled by the scrotum her face nuzzled.

Dropping her hands to her skirted knees, Colonel Carter closed her mouth over the head with a satisfied sigh. The blonde woman's head started moving slowly back and forth, cheeks hollowing as she sucked the flavoursome pole. Lips easing down the shaft, she took more into her mouth, tongue caressing from beneath and rolling around the glands.

'That feels good,' the Satedan said. Placing a large hand on her blonde head he began guiding her sucking mouth, gently urging her to take more. 'Keep sucking it.'

Obeying her subordinate, the executive obliged. Body leaning forward, she started sucking more energetically, accepting more dick into her mouth. Looking upwards, she made eye contact, her blue engaging once more with his green. Light shone bright in them, clearly sharing a lust and enjoyment at their activities.

Gack. Gack. Gack.

Gasping as she tried to catch a breath, Carter pulled her mouth from the cock, saliva stringing between it and her lower lip. She smiled up at Ronon before keenly engulfing him again. Cradling it with her fingers, she worked the first half of the handsome tool. Ponytail whipping about, she sucked harder, enjoying the thrumming sensation it made against her writhing tongue. Lips gliding over the flesh she could discern each vein, the texture adding to her own sense of joy.

Colonel Samantha Carter wearing her dress uniform, sans dress jacket, on her knees in a corridor in Atlantis. In her mouth the cock of Specialist Ronon Dex, naked from the waist down. Blonde head bobbing, ponytail flailing, she sucks on his member, moaning as she savours the masculine taste. Hand on her head, the former Runner guides her, eyes locked with the woman as she delivers something he'd not experienced in a very long time, and not from anyone as skilled as his commanding officer. Ass cheeks bunching, he pulls her further down his dick.

Gack. Gack.

He's so big. I've only ever had one like it before, she thought, recalling another alien warrior she knew. Able to deep throat a normal sized prick, Ronon's was just too broad to slide down her throat. Slowly drawing her lips back, sucking all the way, she let it slip from her mouth.

'Ronon, I want you to fuck me,' she said.

Hauling the woman to her feet he pushed her backwards until Sam was pressed against a wall. 'Pull your skirt up,' he demanded. Pinching and tugging, the blue garment was quickly at her waist again, leaving her half-naked. Grabbing both of her hands in one of his far larger ones, he raised the Colonel's arms above her head, holding them there. Chest thrust forward, her boobs strained the blue blouse, nipples discernable through the cloth.

Grabbing his cock in his free hand, the Satedan guided it to the furred pussy of the astrophysicist. Positioning his glands at the waiting vagina, he roughly pushed into the glorious blonde. Her eyes flared wide, lips parting in a hot gasping exhalation. Inside it was fiery and it was sodden and it was tight. Still holding the military woman's arms above her head, his free hand held her by the waist. With short stabbing thrusts he started fucking, jabbing into the encompassing snatch, felt it clutching at his intrusion.

'Oh, oh yes,' Samantha cried out, eyes closing as she was taken against the wall.

Having been libidinous all day, Carter was slick and ready, and took the large penetration gladly. Face-to-face, standing up, their position only allowed for shallow thrusts, but there was so much dick being crammed into her, surging through her snug feminine grip, it filled Sam. Held against the wall and used, her slighter figure crushed by the warrior's larger body, adrenaline spiked. A rush of endorphins flooded Samantha's bloodstream as Dex bucked, humping his girthy member into her.

God, this is what I've craved all day. Already she could feel herself creaming, convulsions rippling the length of her stretched hole as it sucked at the wonderful tool using her. Every time she felt her body try to rear to meet the Specialist's jabbing thrusts, he'd crash into her, slamming her back against the wall. Held prisoner, taken hard and fast, Carter could feel another orgasm rapidly approaching. Unladylike gasping moans mixed with deeper bass growls.

Abruptly the former Runner froze, body as rigid as the prong impaling the panting blonde administrator. From down the long corridor came the sound of voices, the clipped cadence of soldiers on a mission.

'Search party,' Carter identified the interruption. 'Looking for you.' Frustration welled up within the woman. So close to orgasm, she didn't want to stop. Couldn't stop. Whatever influence had brought her to this point was still urging her on. I need to cum so badly! Glancing at Ronon's face, she could see he felt the same way. Hell, she knew it by the way his cock was thumping in her cunt.

'Through there,' she said with a nod. Set at repeating intervals, there were several doors leading off the corridor. Crushed against the wall, she saw the nearest portal was just feet away.

Released from her companion's hold, the engineer ran to the control panel. Popping the cover she rearranged the crystals within and the door hushed open. Impelling the large man inside, she was about to join him when something asserted itself. Spinning around, Sam rushed to the middle of the corridor. Swooping down she retrieved her discarded clothing and Ronon's gun belt. Hearing voices getting closer she dashed through the open portal, sealing the door behind her.

Despite the interruption, the woman's passions, lecherous needs, had not diminished. Stood there barefoot in her Air Force dress uniform, she glared at the warrior in his rough-spun top, leather pants around his ankles, stiff prick pointing towards her, almost daring her to take it. Their eyes locked once more, an understanding passed between them.

'I want you to fuck me. I want you to do me hard,' stated the Colonel.

'Not a problem,' growled the Satedan.

In one long stride he stood before her. Grabbing the front of her blue blouse he sundered the uniform. With a hungry gaze he stared at the bared cleavage, the fair flesh bountiful as it swelled above the confining cups of the nude-coloured brassiere. From some hidden cache he drew a blade. One quick swipe later and the bra was sliced open, the cups separated and Carter's beautiful boobs released.

Rough hand grabbing a tit, fingers digging into the pliant flesh, Dex leaned down. Engulfing the rounded nipple he suckled hard, drawing the teat and the end of the breast into his gorging mouth. Hearing the Colonel gasp, he grabbed the other tit, fingers squeezing as if trying to milk the commander. Mouth switching nipple, his tongue flicked over the areola before sucking on it as well. Taking a step back, he licked his lips, eyes full of lust.

Shrugging the remains of the bra and shirt off, Carter reached behind and released the catch on her dark blue skirt. Drawing the short zip, she let the garment rustle to the floor, leaving her completely naked. Well toned and athletic, her body was lean but retained a stunning hour-glass figure, pert breasts standing proud on her chest, nipples glossy from being suckled. Golden fur framed her snatch, the pink slit glistening with a dewy abundance of arousal, the labia a darker shade as they hung open in expectation. And her face... Samantha was a beautiful woman, but now her features were enhanced by a flush on her cheeks, the light in her eyes, parted pink lips, tongue tip visible as she panted in heat, ponytailed hair shining under the room's lighting.

Like a sniper observing a target-rich environment, the Runner's eyes roamed over her hot body, drinking in every last detail of the Earther's gorgeous figure. Ronon was no stranger to a female's company but he'd never seen one so beautiful, so sexy. Stamping on his pants, he kicked them away from around his ankles. Arms crossed he pulled his top off, leaving him just as naked as the Colonel. Scars littered his flesh adding to his manly appeal.

'Fuck me,' Carter demanded voice deep and husky as arousal took her.

Grabbing Carter by the shoulders, Dex pushed her up against another wall, only this time she faced it. Bust pressed into the unyielding surface, her hands came up palms flat by her head. Stepping close, Ronon gripped his cock, bent his knees and directed it to the woman's sex. Knees straightening, the broad male tool was brutally shoved into the Colonel's cunt. Hands slamming loudly on the walls next the blonde's own, the Specialist's hips started humping, driving himself in and out, fucking Sam from behind, rough body grinding against her softer form up against the solid wall.

'Yes! Oh, Ronon, fuck me!'

Spreading her feet wider allowed the man to fuck harder, to slip some more of his endowment inside. Back arching she thrust her ass rearwards, encouraging the man to do her harder yet. For several minutes he did just that, humping, cramming himself into her pink depths. His grunting breathes were loud in her ear, exhalations hot on the back of her neck. Nipples rubbing against the wall, they ached, the sensation sparking down into crushed breasts.

'No!' Sam cried when the cock abruptly slipped from her quim, the weight of the male body pulling away.

'Get on the floor. On your hands and knees,' Dex made his own demand.

Scrabbling to obey, the racy scientist fell to the ground on all fours. Arching her back, she presented her pursed quim to the approaching figure looming over her. Knees spreading, Sam splayed her crotch, felt the lips peeling wider in open invitation. Looking over her shoulder she glared at the burly man.

'Fuck me, and don't stop until I cum!' she ordered.

Falling to his knees behind the surprisingly licentious beauty, he once more prepared to lay siege to her sex. One hand at the small of her back, the other held his member. With a brutal shove he was buried inside Colonel Carter. Almost his entire length was swallowed by the aromatic hole. All around him he could feel her struggling to accept the sudden and massive intrusion, but knew from her mewling that it was welcome, desired and needed. Hips easing back, drawing the filling cock out, he slammed forward again, impaling Carter. Watching her ass he delighted in the way it jiggled with every brutal impact, the way her body juddered as he fucked her hard, just as she'd demanded.

'Christ! Just like that. Just like that!' Samantha cried out. Ronon was fucking fast and forcefully. Opened up as much as possible she was still stretched to capacity. Every time the beautiful cock withdrew she felt empty, incomplete. Every time it surged forward and was buried deep, it rewarded her with a wonderful overfed feeling, a full sensation of utter fulfilment, of being occupied. Already the orgasm she'd been denied by the voices in the hallway was building again, pleasure welling up, swelling and growing.

Suddenly Ronon grabbed her arms, pulling them back and forcing her spine to arch even further. Top of her body held off the ground, he continued to assail her from behind, girthy length a battering ram thrusting in and out of her snatch. The bloated glands re-forged the same path each time as her straining pussy tried to close in its absence, only to be pushed apart on its return.

Finding her arms released, Sam collapsed to her elbows, Ronon rearing up behind. Changing the angle of their bodies, his prick now lay in direct contact with her g-spot. Sparkles flashed before her eyes, pleasure aggregating with every deep stroke. Hands slapping on the floor, Dex leaned over her, muscular body tight to her back, hips thrusting as he pounded her, driving into her overactive sex.

Along the length of his embedded member, Ronon could feel the action of the Colonel's milking pussy. Contractions squeezed around him in a steamy grip. He could smell her scent, spicy now as she lubricated, the creamy fluid white on his striking rod. Sounds reverberated through the room; the heavy slap of flesh as their bodies collided, sopping noises, obscene in their sodden glory as man and woman screwed hard and fast on the bare floor. Moans and groans, pants and gasps came from the pair as they rutted animal-like.

It was obvious that Carter was close, very close. Ronon wanted to cum as well, needed just as badly as the blonde writhing beneath him. But his all-consuming and unwavering desire was to plant his seed as deep as possible, to fill Carter's womb. He didn't understand why the need to mate with the Colonel was so strong or where it came from. It just wasn't something he could fight anymore. Used to surviving on his instincts, he knew the same was true for her.

Pulling out, the powerful man flipped the woman onto her back. Diving between her legs the handsome warrior slammed home, sinking his aching dick back into the sweltering clasp of Carter's dripping hole. Trapped under the bulk of her lover in the missionary position, Sam wrapped one leg around his, urging him to go harder, deeper, faster. Grasping his back, her fingernails traced claw marks, adding long scratches to the scarred skin.

'Ooh, I... cumming. Cumming!' she yelled.

A rush of rhythmic contractions took control over the female's crotch. Spasms rolled from her lower vagina, coursed along the stuffed birth canal and shook her uterus, preparing her for fertilisation. Hidden away between shapely buttocks, her asshole twitched, hit by the same contractions. Samantha Carter climaxed, intense ripples spreading outwards, the next forming before the last dissipated. Coming down from one peak of ecstasy, the moaning woman felt a billowing rush of heat as Ronon ejaculated inside her.

'Yes! Cum in me, Ronon. Put it all up there!' Carter moaned, head thrashing on the floor, body writhing under the weight of the heavy male. Nails digging into his back, she left deep marks as her faculties fled. More ripples wracked her as a sensation of static electricity filled her body, ran along her limbs as she shook.

With one last savage thrust, the Satedan spent the last of his issue, sent it flooding into the beautiful officer's sex, overwhelming the floodgate of her cervix. A wash of exhaustion rolled over the warrior. Reluctantly withdrawing from the Colonel, his dick slipped out with an obscene moist and meaty sound. He loved that noise, the noise of a good fuck come to completion.

After several minutes of just laying on the floor next to each, catching their breath and recovering from a satisfying coupling, Sam sat up. Her muscles ached, strained by the dominant orgasm gratefully inflicted upon her. As the dreamy fog of bliss dissipated it occurred to her what she'd just done: had sex with a member of the Atlantis expedition, a man under her command.

What have I done? What the hell has gotten into me? Like an arctic blast, clarity closed in around her. Rodney! That Ancient device of his. Mind continuing to clear it dawned that her heightened state of arousal had begun after she and Ronon had agreed to try the strange ALRCD. Glancing at the Satedan, she saw he was putting the pieces together as well. Whatever its function it clearly wasn't the same as other such devices the SGC had come across. Was it in fact a communications device? What was its real purpose?

'Ronon...' she began.

'McKay's machine?' he growled.

'Yes, I think so,' she answered. 'I'm not sure what the device does, but I think it's pretty clear it's had some...effect on us both.' Expecting the Satedan to explode, he surprised her.

'You don't need to worry. No one needs to know about this,' he said sitting up and turning a solemn look on her. It was clear that the honourable warrior would take their secret to the grave.

'Colonel Carter, please respond,' came a voice over the city's internal communications system. It was coming from the room's comms panel.

Finding her feet, the Colonel padded naked to the panel and activated it. 'Carter here.'

'Colonel, city sensors have detected your presence and someone else in that room. Are you ok?'

'Unsealing the door must have triggered a security measure,' the engineer said, turning to Ronon, now pulling his clothes back on. 'Yes, I'm fine. The other presence is Ronon Dex. I have him in custody. Everything is under control,' she said, speaking into the comms panel once more.

'That's a relief ma'am. Colonel Shepard has directed a security detachment to your location. They'll be there momentarily.'

'Thank the Colonel for me. Carter out.' Turning to the now dressed Runner buckling his empty gun belt she looked pale. 'Shit.'

'Get dressed. When they get here I'll go with them. No fuss, no fighting.'

'I'd like you to go to the infirmary, Ronon. Let Dr Keller examine you to see if there's any lasting effects the device might have had. Do you feel like your usual self or...'

'I feel fine. Back to normal. If there are soldiers coming, you'd better get dressed.'

'Oh, right. Yes.'

Blushing with embarrassment at her nakedness, Samantha cast about for her uniform. With security on their way there wasn't time to untangle and replace her pantyhose. Having wiggled into her dark blue skirt, she ignored the destroyed bra and pulled on the light blue blouse. All the buttons had been torn away. Tucking it into her skirt she tried to pull it closed but it gaped open, exposing an indecent amount of cleavage. Donning her dress jacket allowed her to hide her indecency to some degree. Panties and hose in one pocket, bra in the other, she stepped into her low black heels.

'Let's get out of here,' she said.

The pair had just stepped out of the room, the door sealing behind them, when a squad of four Air Force soldiers appeared in the corridor. Weapons ready but not aimed, they walked up to the expedition leader and the alien in her custody.

'Ma'am,' the lead soldier greeted his wary eyes on the larger warrior.

'Please see Ronon to the infirmary, Sergeant. Have Dr Keller check him over.' Issuing the order, Colonel Carter kept herself turned away, hoping the men wouldn't notice the condition of her uniform or spot the trickle of semen she could feel running down her leg.

'Yes, ma'am,' the soldier said, allowing Ronon to pass between his men and lead the way to sickbay.


After a shower and change of clothes, Colonel Carter visited the infirmary. Lying on one of the examination beds, Ronon Dex was asleep, lips forming a dreamy smile. Spotting Dr Keller she made a beeline for the younger woman.

'Dr Keller, how's Ronon?'

'Good afternoon, Colonel. I've ran several scans and he appears to be ok. Just tired,' she added, glancing over at the slumbering figure. 'There are some unusually high hormone levels but they seem to be settling, and there's some evidence of elevated brain activity in the hypothalamus. That could account for the increase in aggression that was reported.'

'Can you determine a cause?'

'No. No, I don't see any reason for it. There's no infection and if it's the result of some outside influence it appears to be waning.' Picking up a tablet Dr Keller consulted the data scrolling by. 'At this current rate, Ronon will be back to his baseline levels in a few hours. He literally just needs to sleep it off, whatever it was.' Setting the tablet back down, she looked at her commanding officer. 'Speaking of which, you look tired as well. Long meeting on Earth? You should get some rest.'

'Dealing with the IOA can be rather tiring,' Carter said. 'I've got something else to take care of first, but I'll try to get some rest once I'm done.'

Several minutes later the mission leader returned to the hexagonal laboratory, finding Rodney McKay sitting before three computer monitors absorbed in the assortment of images, graphs and data displayed there. As it had been on her previous visit, the half-domed Ancient device stood on the examination table, the paired communication stones nearby.

'Ah, Sam. Back from Earth already?' Rodney greeted his visitor.

'Rodney. I've been back in the city for some time. Still researching this device?' she asked.

'Yes, but I'm still not sure why it didn't work on you and Ronon. Looking into the data there was definitely some activity. Something passed between the Alcard and the stones. Are you sure you didn't feel anything?'

'No, I didn't feel a thing,' Sam replied, failing to ignore the empty sensation of absence in her vagina or the tickling trickle as a little more semen dribbled into her fresh panties. 'Rodney, I want you to pack this device up. It's being sent back to Earth and Area 51. There's a team there working on the other recovered ALRCD devices. This may help their research.'

'Oh, please, like there's anyone on Earth better suited to learning and exploiting this machine's capabilities than me,' McKay whined.

'Do it, Rodney. That's an order,' the Colonel said.

McKay learning what the machine was capable of and using it was precisely why she wanted it off Atlantis. Knowing the man's infatuation with her, she wouldn't put it past him to attempt using the device to get into her pants. Leaving the grumbling scientist behind, she left the laboratory, deciding she'd take Dr Keller's advice and get some rest. After all, it had been a rather tiring day. Pleasurable though.

End of story.

In the realm of fantasy, Colonel Carter found herself drawn to the allure of 'Stargate Atlantis: Primal Attractions'. This adult entertainment piece sparked her interest, delving into realms of 'mf' and 'solo' fetishes.

Later, in a more practical setting, Ronon Dex, the Satedan soldier, found himself admiring the 'celeb' that was Colonel Carter. Her charm and beauty had somehow navigated the scales of his aloofness, captivating him with her allure.

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