Celebrity Sex Stories

Starting Off: Four Friends

A retired man meets a few extraordinary young females.

May 23, 2024
11 min read
Four Friends - The Beginningbondagegrouppublicconsensualfriendsage difference
Four Friends - The Beginning
Four Friends - The Beginning

Starting Off: Four Friends

"Do you plan to ignore me all night?"

I'll tell you why. I'm usually at the bar like most nights, having a drink, chatting with the bartender, reading. My wife wanted us to move to a coastal, college town after she passed away, and now I don't know what else to do with myself. So, this is where I am.

"I was only going to pay for your drinks, so you'd know I saw you. It seemed safer."

Chloe is intelligent, fascinating, and someone I occasionally pay to keep me company. I'm not proud of it, but I'm too comfortable in my ways to date, but not old enough to be completely done with human interaction.

"People already know how I make a living, and they also know you're one of my favorite companions. They always discuss my interests and history."

"You're kind to worry about my reputation, but they're all aware of how I earn my income. They also know that you're one of my favorites." I took a sip. "I didn't think you'd want an older man interrupting your well-deserved night out."

She leaned in and whispered, "But you're my favorite older man."

Again, I should explain. I'm nearing my late 50s and, while I'm not in as good shape as I'd like, I'm not the worst for my age. Most people think I'm at least 10 years younger. Chloe might be small and look younger than her age, but she's in her late 20s. At least I tried telling myself that.

"I'm guilty as charged." I turned toward her. "How was your week? Are the undergrads still being disrespectful?"

"I can't wait until this semester is over and I can get rid of this group. A few of them are interested, but most ..."

"They'll eventually learn that chatting with me won't teach them anything." I silently touched her leg. "You should go back and let off some steam. Let me know when grading is done – we'll catch up, and I'll treat you to a nice meal. Sushi?"

"I might have some free time in about two weeks – I'll text you." She smiled. "But why do you think I came over? You always flirt with me, old man. Are you worried about your reputation?"

"I don't have a reputation, and even if I did, I wouldn't care what these people think of me."

"Stop flirting with me, old man. This is not why I came over." She looked at her friends and then leaned in. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"I'm very suggestible."

"Do you remember Katie? She has short blonde hair? We've been friends since undergraduate school and grad. She's made terrible choices in men. Oh my gosh, I could tell you stories."

"I'd prefer not to hear them ..."

"Fine. Anyway, she just confessed something to us that I need your help with."

"Me? How can I possibly help her?" Katie seemed like the kind of young woman who might not attract the party crowd, but she's beautiful and, in my experience, is likely to become more stunning with age. As I mentioned, young men don't know what they're missing. I should know – if my wife hadn't approached me, I would've missed out on the most remarkable and beautiful woman.

"Quiet down and listen. She ended her relationship with the most recent loser because she wanted to try something new, and there was no surprise – he was a jerk and a dilettante. She's really upset and losing faith that she'll ever find someone to play with. She says she'll settle for fantasy if she has to, but you know how I feel about that!"

I took a swig. "Really, what does this have to do with me?"

"I'll never forget when you described how letting you tie me up helped relieve stress. She just told her boyfriend about it, and he was a disaster."

Jack, the bartender, had crept down the counter and was now spending excessive time cleaning glasses near us than necessary.

"Jack, could you please give us a little privacy?"

"Too bad; it was getting interesting ..." he left us.

"So, a boy turned out to be a jerk and misrepresented himself?"

"It isn't surprising, but I don't want her to give up."

"Suppose I'm always preaching the importance of curiosity."


"Alright, pin me down with my own words." I take another sip and take a deep breath. "So, what's your deal?"

"We want you to come over and let Chloe ask you some questions."

"Are you trying to convince me to leave my comfy spot, on a Friday night, and sit next to these four beauties, in front of everyone, and discuss bondage?"

"I thought you were smart."

"Tough sell. What about my reputation?"

"You just told me you didn't have one."

"Fair enough. I'll do it, but if any of your friends want me to leave, just give a nod, and I'll scarper." I caught Jack's gaze. "I'm heading over. Add their bill to mine; I'll pay before I go." Jack nodded - was that a questionable smile on his face? - I make my way to them.

Chloe had already returned to the table, giggling with her friends, beckoning me over.

"Everyone, meet David. David, this is Katie, Alexis, and Olivia."

I take a seat in the round booth, across from Chloe and next to Katie so my ailing ears can catch her words over the noise.

"Good evening. Sorry for avoiding you guys earlier; I wasn't sure how much of her story she'd divulged."

"We've heard it all - and complained that she's kept you all to herself," Olivia chimed in, with her pale skin, strict but flattering dark hair, sporting all black.

"I'm easily swayed by flattery - proceed with caution. So, what have you spilled?"

Chloe interrupted, "Let's save that for a better time. We brought you here to assist Katie." Everyone turned to Katie.

"Hey, that's not fair - it's a little embarrassing too."

"Nope," said Alexis, boasting caramel skin, bright green eyes, and wild, dark curls. "We've discussed our weeks already and don't want to keep you past your bedtime, right?"

"Are we doing that whole 'tough-love' thing now? Chloe, you should've given me a warning."

"Apologies, but I believed you're up for it."

"Katie, your friends seem disregard your comfort, but I value it. If I ended up here under false pretenses, I'm cool with talking about anything else you're curious about or even leaving."

"Slick. You weren't joking - he's dangerous." Katie regained her composure, took a sip, and then said "Fine, let's get down to business. How do I know if the things I like in porn should be tried in real life, and how do I find someone I can trust to experience these things with?"

I extended my hands. "Give me a second. That's a lot of questions, and I might not have the best answers. Focus on what you truly want to know, simply put?"

Alexis jumped in, "Ask him the same question you asked us earlier."

Katie leaned in. "How do I know if it's safe to try something new with someone?"

It's a challenging query, and I was unaccustomed to thinking about these matters in such depth. With Chloe, our understanding of each other and her clarity made the journey easier. Katie, though, appeared more centered on logic and theory.

"You're right to be cautious when transitioning fantasies into reality, as some thoughts are better left private. However, you've got to take a chance and push your limits, so I'd suggest you seek out those willing to provide a secure space to experiment and educate. They're like college professors."

"The reason sex workers thrive on your generosity."

"I appreciate your positivity! But seriously, higher education and learning from individuals you don't have to interact with after training works well."

Katie looked thoughtful and whispered, "I never considered that approach before."

Simplifying things, when you go to a class, do you expect your teacher to be your pal or someone whose feelings you couldn't care less about if you go against them?

Katie had a puzzled look on her face. "You're not convinced, so let's try a different approach. What did you long for that you didn't get from that guy?"

"No!" replied someone from across the table.

Chloe stepped in. "Olivia, hold on. Also, Katie didn't ask you that, Chloe."

After a while, Katie spoke. "I suppose I was hoping for a sort of break from constantly worrying about what others think, what they want from me." She paused again, looking for approval from her friends. "To let go, be present, not be the one in command for a change." She looked embarrassed. "Does that make sense?"

"It does. And with graduation in mind, who wouldn't want to worry less? What else?"

Alexis put in her opinion, "Maybe just being able to focus on ourselves, without being responsible for someone else's satisfaction?"

"Well, Katie brought this up, but releasing responsibility can be liberating, even though some of us relish that control."

"Release from responsibility - that's exactly what I need." Katie stared at me. "How did you know?"

"I've been around for a while." I gulped down my drink before thinking about what I should say next. "I prefer immersing myself in my partner and their reactions. A good controller - you guys understand what a top is, right? - isn't just satisfying one's own wants but comprehends their bottom's yearnings. That's where most guys mess up - it's not about them, it's about you."

"I see, I told you girls - he's worth keeping."

"Thank you, Chloe. You're incredible yourself." I kissed her hand, reaching across the table. "Now, Olivia, we should wait for our turn to get a slice of this."

"Slow down there, buddy. I'm talking to Katie now - you've got to wait in line." Everyone laughed, except Olivia, who appeared annoyed as she returned to her side of the table. "I complimented your choice - and" looking at Olivia "I'd still be interested in you later. But this is about Katie." I refocused on Katie. "Do you learn better by doing or observing? I could start with Olivia if you want to witness, but I think that's not beneficial."

"I've seen enough porn to know what works for me." Katie glanced at Olivia. "Thanks for offering, but I eventually learn better by trying."

Olivia huffed for a moment before laughing. "I just wanted to be a good friend."

"Olivia, I know you are. I won't be leaving, and Chloe knows how to locate me. I might need some rest, but I'll awaken if you need me. Good?"

"Fine - but don't count on prompt delivery. You're welcome to come back later, but this is about Katie." The ladies cackled.

"I understand patience is not one of your strengths - delayed gratification for you then." I smiled. "I can accommodate that." The other ladies chuckled even louder while Olivia blushed a little. I guess I nailed it.

I turned back to Katie. "If you'd like, we could experiment here safely surrounded by your friends."

"I'm not certain - what did you have in mind?"

"I think a demonstration is better than verbal instruction. Yes or no - it's entirely up to you. I won't feel insulted either way."

Katie looked from friend to friend, each of them nodding their agreement. "Yes."

"Courageous." I turned around the table, looking at each friend individually "Who here has a belt they can lend me?"

Alexis tossed off an ultra-thin leather belt incredibly fast - have to watch that one! Chloe provided me with her wide leather belt with a gigantic gold buckle. Olivia remained silent.

"You can tell me to stop at any time, and your girlfriends will, I'm sure, safeguard you. We can use the word 'stop' or, if you'd like to get into character more, you may select a'safe word'."

"Yes. No'stop' word for now."

"Straightforward and clear. I prefer it as well." I calmed myself, stared at her straight in the eyes, and went into a low, tranquil voice. "Put your hands behind your back."

Her reaction was instant, with no hesitation at all - I noted her response to authority for later. I slapped Chloe's wide belt around her arms, just above the elbow, secured it, and tucked the loose end. This pulled her arms together enough to prevent her from using them without causing any pain. A sigh and widened eyes were her responses.

I brushed a couple of strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her neck. My fingers gently caressed the nape. I trailed my hand down the span of her arms, reaching her wrists. With Alexis's thin belt, I tied her arms together.

I paused to gauge her reaction. She examined each of her friends, seemingly seeking assurance. The noise levels of the Friday night at a college bar resonated around us. For a moment, I questioned if the gesture was too much. I imagined needing to answer to Jack about what transpired.

She stared at me, surprised. "This is unlike my ex-boyfriend..."

"Ex?" the other three chimed in unison.

I looked across the table, directing my gaze at them. "Better? Worse?"

A bit disconcerted, she murmured, "Different." With a faint grin, she said, "and considerably more of what I desired."

"I'm glad. Would you like a sip of your drink? Do you need assistance?"

She approached her straw, sipped, which appeared to calm her down.


"Is there more?" Katie inquired, a mixture of trepidation and interest gracing her eyes.

"A bit, but not too much. I think it'll provoke some thought. Would you like that?"

After a brief pause, she replied affirmatively. Rapt attention blanketed the table as if we were the only ones in the room.

"As you wish," I uttered. With caution, I unfastened my belt, noting to myself that it was necessary to prevent my pants from falling down. I manipulated it, roping it around her thighs, just above the knees but underneath her skirt. I suddenly tightened it, provoking a muffled gasp.

Her wide eyes seemed unable to connect her sensations with her location. I relished this look - surprise, pleasure, confusion, and a hint of rebellion. I'd witnessed this expression on Chloe's face during her time being restrained.

I remained with my hand on her thigh, gliding it upward. Gradually, her confusion dissipated, leaving only a touch of blushing and shallow breaths. She leaned towards me.

"Ladies, should we chat about something else while Katie unwinds?"

"I am curious about everything you just did but perhaps it's time to discuss another topic," offered Olivia.

I agreed, "yes, it is." - "Chloe, how's your dissertation going?"

We discussed their individual studies, my bizarre ideas, interchanging words like old friends - while Katie sat silently, appearing to be in another realm.

Following another round of drinks, I left to use the restroom, mindful of holding my pants in place. Upon returning, I spotted the booth in the distance. The five ladies displayed an aura of camaraderie, seeming as if they were just a group of friends out for a Friday night. Granted, on closer examination, you could note one quite composed friend sitting straighter, projecting a determined visage and showing signs of flush and possibly perspiration. But only if one was aware.

I reclaimed my seat, and Katie leaned against me, her head resting on my shoulder. I could feel her warmth and scent her hair. I must confess, I hadn't enjoyed myself this much in quite some time.

"Katie, would you prefer to chat, or might you want more time?"

"What did you say?" The others laughed, and I tolerantly frowned. They quieted down.

"I inquired about your feelings. Can you share your thoughts?"

"I wasn't quite sure. Let me ponder that." Managing to sit up straighter, she shook her hair back. "This feels compelling, quite invigorating." With a sly look, she inquired, "What's next?"

"What? I said something?" The other three giggled. I shot them a glare.

"I inquired how you were, whether you gained any new insights."

"Oh, well. I'll try to ponder." She straightened up, placed her shoulder back, and her chest out. She appeared a little breathless and flushed. "Can I have more?"

"I could, but I don't want to overdo it. I also need to rest, as you can see, I'm not as young as I used to be." I disentangled her arms, loosening the belt.

"Just an instant... why do I have to remove it now?"

"It's a part of my method, ensuring you've considered your actions with a sound mind."

"I'm not certain I'll be able to sleep tonight..."

We all laughed. "Don't worry, you'll have a good night's sleep, unless these people keep you up too late. Chloe, tell her my phone number tomorrow if she's interested." I turned to Katie, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Feel free to call or text if you wanna chat." I got up. "Ladies, have a great night and thanks, Chloe, for introducing me to new experiences. Cheers!"

After that, I made my way to the bar, paid the bill to a grinning bartender, and called it a night.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de