Celebrity Sex Stories

Superman's Conquest Pt. 09

Superman is tested by an enemy from Krypton's past.

Aug 14, 2024
20 min read
Superman's Conquest Pt. 09wonder womanbreedingmind breakdcsupermansupergirlnastycythonnamultiple creampiessuperhero
Superman's Conquest Pt. 09
Superman's Conquest Pt. 09

Superman's Conquest Pt. 09

Cythonna lay dormant for Eons due to Rao. If there was a word for the immense anger and hatred she felt, she somehow never found it over the last two billion years. Being an evil deity certainly had its perks. Cythonna was a Goddess, so being trapped in an odd pocket dimension where she couldn't leave wasn't all that bad. It was certainly better than dealing with the goody-two-shoes Rao. Who even gave him the authority to lock her away?

In the last few, well she couldn't really call them days. More like in the last few random rotations in the near-infinite void, Cythonna felt a shift. Like a small pocket had opened, just barely giving her enough space to leave. Obviously, it couldn't be seen, but it was definitely felt. Changes. A change in her body. A change in her breathing. A change in her mind. That only meant one thing. Rao was dead.

Cythonna was finally free.

She felt a powerful force millions of miles away. A Kryptonian. More than one. Not just that. Cythonna felt something coming. Offspring. Powerful Kryptonian offspring of demigods, Goddesses, and lesser life forms. Whatever was going on, Cythonna had to stop it. The Wars of Ice and Fire were not done. Not if she had a say.


"I don't think this is the right place for me." Raven scoffed. Despite her tight black bikini and her plump ass right in the sand, she wasn't a big fan of the sun.

"Friend Raven," Starfire started. She was completely naked and floating just above the sand. "Are you not having fun? This place is amazing!"

"Were you even listening? I said-" Raven was interrupted by the gust of wind, water, and sand that blew over her and Starfire. Kara and Jessica were having their little flight sex in front of everyone again. Superman was up in his tower, but something didn't feel right. Of course, his brain had been satisfied due to both Lois and Hippolyta slumped out on the bed behind him, filled up with his seed.

He heard a series of muffled cries from thousands of miles away, almost like an entire planet of people being snuffed out in a second. Superman figured his mind was playing tricks on him, but the cries got closer. Superman quickly made his way outside of the tower and whistled for Kara and Diana.

"I gotta go babe." Kara immediately broke the kiss Jessica had on her in the middle of their lewd high-flying-finger-fuck.

"I didn't even cum." Jessica gave Kara a little pout.

"I was going easy on you. When I get back I'll make you scream." Kara kissed Jess one more time before zooming away to get suited up. Diana already stood in front of Superman by the time Kara made it to the entrance of the tower.

"You called?" Diana asked.

"Yes. I've-" Superman's head moved to the left, once again hearing screams.

"Kara. Do you hear that?" Superman asked. Kara focused on her hearing since it wasn't as defined as Superman. Eventually, she did. The wails of the hopeless cowering in fear. Senseless destruction and violence. Fear itself. It was getting closer. Both Kryptonians knew whoever or whatever this was, it wasn't yet in their solar system, but it was getting close.

"What is that?"

"Exactly. I need you two to check it out."

"Kara's pregnant." Diana said, pointing at Kara's swollen stomach.

"I'll be fine. My skin is impenetrable." Kara waved Diana's concerns off.

"Are you sure? Considering neither of you have actually seen what's coming."

"You two are my strongest. If I... It's here." Superman had a shocked look on his face, sending panic through both warrior women.

"It's?" Diana asked.

"Go to Metropolis. Stop whatever it is. Now." Superman ordered. Kara and Diana sped across the sea and countries, zooming through the clouds until they made it to Metropolis in under three minutes. When they landed, everything seemed normal. Nobody was panicking. Some people stopped to stare at the heroines, but nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be happening.

"Do you hear anything?" Diana asked Kara. The blonde shook her head, hearing nothing but still on guard. Diana and Kara made their way to the sidewalk to avoid standing in traffic, but the moment Diana's red boot hit the crackled concrete, the temperature dropped significantly.

"You feel that right?" Kara asked as the few civilians who were dressed for the summer looked up at the sky. The sun was beaming and there were no clouds in the sky. A cool breeze blew through the city, dropping the temperature so low that Diana felt it.

"That's odd." Diana said, her hand resting over the hilt of her sword.

"Killer Frost?" Kara asked.

"No. Unless she's become that powerful." Diana noted, remembering that members of the Suicide Squad tended to be showy. Dramatic. Almost like their villainy was a stage play and they were the main character, director, and writer. This was different. Whoever or whatever was sending a blistering chill throughout Metropolis wasn't trying to be seen.

"Look underground," Diana asked while checking inside shops and nearby alleyways. Diana used her X-ray vision to peer underground into the sewage system and found nothing.

"Maybe it's one of your folks." Kara said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Zeus. He controls the weather right?" Kara felt the temperature drop to 20 degrees on a midsummer day. Fear rarely ever struck the Kryptonian, but now it reared its ugly head. Especially with her being unable to find out where it was coming from.

"He's gone. Asleep. Most of the old Gods are." Diana explained. Just then, a blinding flash of purple light beamed in the middle of the street, sending any remaining civilians to run away and knocking a few cars that were in the street into the air. Kara quickly zoomed out to catch the vehicles, safely returning the people to the ground and directing them to a safer, warmer area.

"Kara, I think we found our culprit." Diana said, brandishing her sword and shield, ready for a fight. Kara braced herself as well. The purple flash had died down, leaving a faint black outline in the concrete. In the light's place stood a remarkably tall woman with startling icy white hair, matching pale skin, and a perfect hourglass figure that would give pre-pregnancy Diana a run for her money.

"Who are you?!" Diana shouted. She felt her grip on her sword beginning to slip despite the fact that no fighting had begun. Kara felt herself getting weak in her knees as the temperature dropped to below freezing. Any puddles on the street had turned to solid ice. Kara and Diana could see the fog from their strained breathing. That couldn't have been possible.

"You shall bow to your Queen if you decide to speak!" The white-haired woman's voice boomed, rattling the ground even though she wasn't shouting.

"What is your name!?" Diana asked. Kara felt herself getting lightheaded. Faint whispers of the long-lost people of Krypton filled her head as the temperature dipped lower and lower.

"You," Cythonna sniffed the air, taking notice of the powerful offspring forming in both women's wombs. "You carry the children of a Kryptonian. Where is he?"

"I... I will only answer your question if you answer mine. Who are you?" Diana shouted in a feeble attempt to match Cythonna's thunderous voice.

"I am Cythonna. Goddess of Ice and Fire, destroyer of the Old Gods, and your Queen!" Cythonna waved her arm, causing her impossibly large breasts to jiggle in the confined space of her dark blue swimsuit-esque top, and sending a chill across both Diana and Kara's bodies. This woman was 6'6 inches tall, her entire body an empire of death and agony.

"Screw this." Kara muttered before rushing at Cythonna. Whatever she was being hit with, or at least felt like she was being hit with, was clouding her judgment. Whoever or whatever this Cythonna woman was, she was a strange combination of soft and alluring femininity mixed with fear and bloodlust. Kara figured the only way she'd get the ghosts out of her head was if she punched the old Ice Lady in her perfectly angular face.

"Kara!" Diana quickly removed her sword from its hilt and readied her shield.

Kara's punch was thrown with enough force to break the glass of nearby windows and split the ground beneath their feet. Cythonna didn't even move. Not a single muscle in her face twisted. Nothing. Kara hit her again, once on the nose and another solid hook to the jaw. No reaction, aside from a slight smirk forming around the corners of Cythonna's lips. Her stupid perfect thick lips.

Diana watched Kara slow down after three punches. The blonde heroine backed up and fired a mighty blinding beam of heat vision that completely covered Cythonna. Once again, it did absolutely nothing. Diana wanted to jump in, she so desperately wanted to swing her sword and cut flesh. Diana knew this white-haired she-devil wanted to harm Superman. The only issue was that Diana couldn't find an opening.

No matter how hard Kara hit, no matter how many beams she'd fired, Cythonna did not react. She was as still as a statue. Diana wiped a bead of sweat from her brow with her forearm before charging in, placing as much weight on her backfoot as possible to maximize her hit. Diana swung her sword to the left and hit Cythonna directly on her stomach. Her sword snapped to pieces, leaving just the hilt. Diana had to stifle her shock by throwing her destroyed sword to the ground and just throwing punches.

Kara fired beams from up top and Diana aimed her hooks down low, banging Cythonna's body with power only an Amazon would possess. Punches that could hold back Darkseid and destroy Ares, were doing nothing to Cythonna. Diana and Kara felt the cold piercing their skin to the bone and the whispers of the slain slowing them down. There was no way. Diana and Kara couldn't believe it. Very few could take on a Kryptonian or an Amazonian. No one could take on the combined might of these two powerhouses.

Except Cythonna.

Both heroines were completely fatigued, their arms and legs heavy and their breathing frantic. They'd stopped attacking her. Cythonna stood tall and proud, despite her face being in its continuous, infuriating neutral position. Cythonna grabbed Kara's face and stared her in her eyes.

"You are his kin and you carry his kin. How very interesting." Cythonna smirked.

"He's... I don't..." Kara couldn't speak. She was frozen.

"You don't what? If you decide not to give me an answer, I will ask the other one."

Kara still couldn't speak.

"I sensed Kryptonians all over this little planet. Bulldozed thousands of planets on my way here. What makes you think I wouldn't annihilate a cute little thing like you to get what I want?" Cythonna threatened, her voice smothering Kara's brain.

Cute? Was this Ice God Bitch flirting? Diana and Kara knew this woman had some sort of mental power. One that greatly altered their combat prowess and their mental fortitude. Cythonna was smiling and running her fingers through both women's hair.

"His name is Superman..." Diana cooed, completely hypnotized by the Goddess. "He's on my island... Themyscira..." Diana's eyes widened at the sight of Cythonna lowering her top without her hands and revealing her breasts. Two perfect pale globes, with silver dollar-sized deep purple areolas.

"Good... Now suck..." Diana moved her head forward, planting her lips on Cythonna's warm nipple. Diana expected it to be freezing, but it was surprisingly warm, comforting almost. Diana melded her face into the softness of Cythonna's breast, her mind completely overwhelmed by the darkness.

"Now girl, tell me everything you know about this Superman. Tell me everything about this world's protectors since you both tried to stop me." Cythonna said while cupping Diana's face.


Brainiac had been monitoring Earth since he mind-controlled Superman. It was an odd yet highly advanced way to keep tabs on whoever would try to stop him. Anyone that Superman bred was a part of Brainiac's vast collection of eyes. Of course, a good chunk of the footage was just the women going about their day, but now something was off. He noticed the unfamiliar energy spike that shot all throughout the galaxy before it abruptly stopped at Earth.

Brainiac tried to view the two bodies closest to the energy source, but something was blocking him. Something very unknown and very powerful. So powerful that it was stopping him. If this unknown variable was strong enough to stop his mental link to his conqueror's stock, it clearly meant his conqueror was in potential danger. Brainiac tried to think, making a failed attempt to peer into the minds of the thousands of other women roaming the streets of Metropolis, but they were all inside due to an unforeseen drop in temperature.

This was not going to end well.


Superman paced himself back and forth, trying to use his super-hearing to figure out what happened to Kara and Diana. He got nothing. He thought about flying to Metropolis himself, but to leave Themyscira alone didn't seem right. While there were incredibly powerful and intelligent martial artists, demigods, wizards, demons, and Lois all on the island, it still didn't feel right. Paranoia began to set in.

For a brief moment, Superman wondered if one of the many pregnant warrior women had slipped something into his drink. Superman was immune to poison, but Kryptonite could be melted down into his water. No, that wasn't possible. Whatever was happening was clearly messing with his head to the point where he didn't even notice Lois' perfectly naked body pressed against his back.

"You ok?" Lois asked, her voice muffled due to her chin pressing against his back.

"Something's wrong. I can feel it." Superman responded.

"What is it?" Lois' eyebrows raised.

"I sent Kara and Diana out to Metropolis. I heard something... Dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. I'm not sure if it's one thing or an army but," Superman turned around and gently wrapped his powerful hands around her slim shoulders. "If something happens, run away. Hide in the dungeon below the temple."

Lois noticed an old look in Superman's eyes. A sort of sad and lost puppy hoping nothing else bad would happen to it. A look that reminded Lois of when he first admitted he was Superman. He was terrified then and he was even more terrified now. It shook Lois deeply. She gulped hard and squeezed his waist.

"I will." Lois answered.

"Good. You're really the only one here that... well..." Superman trailed off.

"What?" Lois smiled.

"You know..." Superman chuckled awkwardly.

"Just because I can't crush stone with my hands or shoot cute little green beams doesn't mean I can't handle myself, Smallville." Lois explained.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." Superman said softly, knowing Lois was only teasing. Of course Lois or any of the other women Superman had made his wouldn't want to leave this heavenly paradise. The chances of the place being attacked were ridiculously low, especially with the amount of powerful beings that inhabited it, but Superman still worried most days.

As he stared into Lois' face, a blinding flash of deep purple filled his vision, dropping the Man of Steel to his knees.

"What's wrong?! Clark! Clark!" Superman heard Lois' cries, but they were drowned out by what felt like his brain being split in two. His head swam and his ears rang, but when he heard Barda's powerful footsteps on the tiles, he found the strength to stand.

"Someone has invaded! Wake Hippolyta now!" Barda shouting to no one in particular. A wave of heavily armored Amazons was sprinting across the beach as Jessica, Starfire, and Raven flew to Superman's aid.

"What's happening?" Starfire asked.

"Someone is invading the island." Barda said, her sword drawn faster than any of them could blink. Zatanna showed up when Hippolyta finally woke up.

"Superman, are you okay?" Zatanna asked, taking notice of the sickly look on his face.

"I'll be fine."

"You guys feel that?" Jessica asked as Raven watched the sky. The sun was high and bright, but the temperature dropped rapidly.

"That's-" Superman was interrupted by a blur of red, blue, and blonde that crashed into him, tackling him through the recently repaired walls and slamming him into the beach below.

"Kara! What are you doing!" Jessica shouted, quickly floating in the air until she was tackled by Diana and punched hard in the face, knocking her out immediately. Kara's hands were wrapped around Superman's neck. Superman stared into Kara's zombified face. Her eyes were glazed over and her lips were low and droopy.

"Kara! Don't-" Kara interrupted Superman with a hard punch to the jaw that only heightened the pain in his head. Barda and Hippolyta leaped high and tackled Diana out of the air. Starfire and Raven fired green and black orbs in Kara's direction, knocking her off of Superman and into the sand. The other Amazons led Lois into the temple before readying their arrows and weapons for the white-haired figure they saw in the distance.

Diana, Barda, and Hippolyta were tangled up in the sky and Raven and Starfire were below battling the mind-controlled blonde. As Cythonna got closer, Superman felt snowflakes hitting his skin. That wasn't possible. The sun was still out and the sky was still clear. When Cythonna was finally close enough for the Amazons and Zatanna to attack her, her eyes immediately locked on to the fallen Superman.

"Oh my..." Cythonna smirked to herself when the hail of arrows bounced off her skin. Diana, Barda, and Hippolyta fought until they crashed themselves into the woods farther away. Kara was throwing punches at rapid speed, but Raven's tricks and magic sent her fists flying in every other direction.

"Ugh..." Cythonna rolled her eyes when Zatanna cast another pointless spell and Jessica created a cannon.

"Bow." Cythonna said, her voice cracking the sky. Every Amazon that fought her dropped to their knees. Zatanna dropped her wand and completely gave in to the Goddess' mind control with Jessica quickly following behind. Cythonna finally made her way towards Superman, laying her head on his stomach and running her fingers around his chiseled chin.

"Such a handsome face... a shame I have to kill you, Kal-El." Cythonna whispered, her cool breath sending a chill down Superman's spine.

"How... who...?"

"Awww... Your two little minions that you cowardly sent out to try to stop me told me everything..." Cythonna said, teasing her fingers around the top of Superman's eyebrows before gently poking his forehead. The little poke sent another surge of pain throughout his brain.

"Why...? Why are you...?" Superman couldn't speak. The blistering cold had stopped Kara, Starfire, and Raven, leaving them passed out in the sand unable to continue their fight.

"You have created a bunch of little half breeds. That will not do. I told myself that if I could leave Rao's eternal imprisonment that I would kill any remaining descendants of Krypton. You've ruined everything. Now I have to kill all of these precious little ladies you've infected with your infernal seed." Cythonna explained as she turned her fingernail into an ice pick, slowly cutting the skin on Superman's face.

"You don't have to do this..." Superman was completely frozen, feeling his own blood leaking down into his hairline.

"Did I not just explain myself? Were you even listening?" Cythonna's breasts pressed against Superman's chest, causing his cock to grow despite the extreme cold and the death threats. Brainiac's mind control was currently battling Cythonna's and the war was raging on in Superman's head. What followed was confusion a small rush of adrenaline and a large dose of brain trauma. Brainiac sat in his chair with every single part of his technology working hard to combat Cythonna's control.

Brainiac tried to reach the long-forgotten memories of his vast, ever-expanding mind, but nothing came up for this all-powerful Goddess. She was around before Brainiac and now she was beating him. Nobody beats Brainiac. Of course, he'd calculated some form of retaliation from a human or some other meta-human, but Brainiac didn't expect such an unknown and powerful variable to arrive and take down his champion with ease.

He had a fail-safe. If he used it, Superman would lose his mind and any self-control or free will he had left, but Cythonna's deadly sharp nail was creeping and cutting its way down to the Man of Steel's neck. Brainiac increased the strength of his control. Superman screamed in pain as his elbows and knees shot up, causing him to curl up into a ball.

Cythonna backed away and clenched her fists. Superman remained in his fetal position for some time until his eyes went completely purple with faint smoke billowing from them. Cythonna stepped back slightly. Superman had no pupils or anything that resembled a human anymore. He flexed his muscles, causing his entire suit to pop off in a dramatic, cartoonish fashion.

Superman stood with a blank face, smoking purple eyes, and a long thick cock. Bigger and harder than ever. Cythonna smirked to herself, but deep down she was afraid. Slightly afraid. Until she remembered she was a Goddess. Superman was just a man with a big cock. These things were beyond her.

"Cute." Cythonna said before flexing her clothes off and revealing her gorgeous hourglass figure. Two titans stood nude on the beach of Themyscira, staring each other down, specifically at each other's bouncing body parts.

"Who's swings first-" Cythonna was interrupted by Superman rushing at her with blinding speed, gripping her chin, and slamming her through the temple into the cellars below.

"Let me go!" Cythonna shouted as Superman dragged her deeper until they were underground in the dark soil below. Cythonna had no idea where she was being dragged, but eventually, Superman tunneled his way back to the surface until they were on the other side of Themyscira. Both of them crashed through the fountains where Jessica was introduced. The temperature wasn't below freezing due to Cythonna's head being rattled which gave Superman the combined powers of Brainiac's enhancements and the sun.

Superman held Cythonna down by her shoulders, his cock right at her entrance.

"Try it! You stupid animal! No one can break me! Bow!" Cythonna shouted, her voice shrill and panicked. Nothing was working. Superman, without warning, crammed his massive cock inside her cunt, creating a bulge in the white-haired woman's stomach.

"Fucker!" Cythonna screamed before Superman covered her mouth with his right hand and held his forearm over her collarbone. Superman slammed his throbbing mammoth cock inside Cythonna with his super speed, his balls creating a deep imprint on her heavy asscheeks.

"Mffhmf hfffmmm!" Cythonna mumbled, her powers useless under the onslaught of Superman. Superman went balls deep before unloading an impossibly huge amount of cum deep inside Cythonna's gushing slit. Cythonna's eyes rolled into the back of her head as Superman never stopped slamming, his balls and pubic hair matted with her juices and his own seed.

Cythonna's breasts jiggled wildly as Superman clapped away without a care. She couldn't speak. Superman couldn't either. He just continued to pound away at Cythonna's pussy until his cum leaked out and flew wildly in every direction. Brainiac watched this scene unfold with a smile on his face. Superman was pounding and flipping the woman wildly, every thrust was another filling of cum.

Brainiac had triumphed again. Sure losing brain activity in his champion wasn't good, but it was better than his champion being a corpse. Superman had Cythonna in the air as he plunged himself inside of her asshole with no remorse, pounding away violently. Brainiac turned Superman into a robot. A pure breeding machine only designed for its purpose.

A child of a Kryptonian and an ancient Goddess would make for fine vessels, but Brainiac knew this couldn't last forever. He got lucky with Cythonna, but Superman had enemies everywhere, and with the loss of any actual brain power in the hero's head, a fight wouldn't even be in the cards. Brainiac tried to think of a reversal as Superman piledrived Cythonna's face into the dirt, mindlessly fucking her messy ass.

Superman filled every inch of Cythonna's ass and pussy before pulling out, flipping her around, and slamming his cock into her gullet. Superman grabbed the back of her head with both hands as he fucked her face with remarkable speed and power. Cythonna squeezed her eyes shut as endless amounts of spit fell down her sweaty body and glazed her bouncing breasts.

Superman's hips nearly cracked Cythonna's jaw as he continued to pound. Cythonna gagged and gawked around the impossibly thick tool that battered her throat. Cythonna felt slow and sluggish with the ridiculous amount of seed that Superman filled her up with. Such a lewd and nasty position for a woman of her... of her class. She was a Goddess, a being of pure power and dark energy on her knees getting fucked in the throat with the same cock that fucked her ass and pussy.

Cythonna didn't really know if she was ashamed or excited. Her mind was completely broken after the fourth hypersonic thrust inside of her slit. Every time Superman rocked her body up top, small bubbles of cum would plop out of her ass and pussy. Superman banged her throat as his vision was a purple haze. He couldn't see the body he was destroying, but he definitely heard and felt it.

Superman pulled out of her mouth with a nasty pop before glazing her face with his cum once again. He didn't stop. Brainiac didn't know how to make him stop. His toy was broken, almost drowning Cythonna in seed. The cumshots felt like full-power punches from Rao himself right in her face, knocking her into the ground and creating a crater much like Superman did with Kara.

Cythonna was so used to being the controller. The one who turned Gods and Demigods into drooling sluts. But now Cythonna was a slut getting a cum bath by a Kryptonian she vowed to kill. The amount of planets she'd torn through to get here just to end up as another one of Superman's whores should've pissed her off.

It didn't.

Cythonna would never admit it, but she loved every second of Superman's ruthless pounding and never-ending cumshots. Brainiac did find a way to make him stop by tweaking the sensors he had connected to Superman's brain. The glow in Superman's eyes was gone and Cythonna's control over Diana, Kara, and the Amazons had broken. Everything was sort of back to normal. Aside from the permanent brain damage.

The other women didn't want to befriend Cythonna out of fear she was going to warp their minds again, but Cythonna was reduced to just another one of Superman's cum hungry sluts, eager to be bred and filled again. Out of safety, Diana and Hippolyta locked Cythonna in the cellar below the temple with Batman and Cheetah. Cythonna was a quiet mumbling mess, but she'd never forget how good Superman felt inside of her.


Later that night, Superman was recovering by lying in bed with Lois and Hippolyta, but he wasn't asleep. He decided to stand up and take in the view of the moonlight. Along the outskirts of the island was a small private ship with stealth capabilities only possible with WayneTech. Nightwing nabbed one of the ships and Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Green Arrow crammed in.

Oliver had his killing arrow ready. J'onn was ready for a fight, even if he didn't want one. Barry's heart was pounding in his chest. Nightwing's eyes widened when he caught Superman on the radar. His back was to them.

"I see him." Nightwing said while opening the front window with a silent clicking sound. J'onn placed the glowing rock on the end of Oliver's bow.

"Right for the heart. No mistakes." J'onn said somberly.

"I got him." Oliver said, holding back a nervous gulp.

All four heroes felt like time was standing still. All they could hear was the drawstring of Oliver's bow.

He aimed.

He fired.

Direct hit. Superman was falling. J'onn zoomed out of the ship and into the room quietly to catch Superman before he even hit the ground. The arrow was lodged into Superman's chest, a faint green glow where the skin was pierced. There was no blood. Superman was actually still breathing.

"J'onn...?" Superman croaked.

"I'm... I'm sorry my friend..." J'onn said softly. The women were still fast asleep, completely oblivious to their king's dying breaths. J'onn waved his hand to signal to the team that their horrific task was complete. The Man of Steel was dying on the floor, his heart pierced with poison.

The entire island was then lit up by a flash of yellow light, waking everyone and blinding Nightwing.

"What the hell?" Flash said as Nightwing just barely landed the ship along the large stone strip. The speedster zoomed out of the jet as Green Arrow finally got control of his breathing. J'onn had flown out of the temple, but Lois and Hippolyta let out shrieks of terror at the sight of Superman dying.

"What's happening!" Hippoltya shouted.

"It's Brainiac..." J'onn said, his voice low.

"How's that possible?" Flash asked.

"What did you do?!" Lois shouted while trying her hardest to pull the arrow out of Superman's chest to no avail. She held his wrist to his faint pulse. It wasn't the arrow that was killing him, the arrow didn't even hurt. If the Kryptonite wasn't attached it would've bounced off his back like it was nothing.

"Lois!?" Barry gasped. Lois grabbed one of Hippolyta's swords from her dresser and threw it at Barry. Of course, Barry dodged it before her arms were finished moving. Hippolyta grabbed Lois' arm to hold her back. Lois was crying but Hippolyta feared Brainiac was there to wipe all of them out.

To Be Continued.

  1. Cythonna felt a change within herself, a shift that indicated Rao's demise, opening a path for her to break free from her imprisonment.
  2. In the midst of their after-mission celebration, Kara and Jessica were interrupted by Superman's urgent whistle, suspecting a threat approaching.
  3. Superman, hearing cries of distress coming from distant worlds, enlisted the help of Kara and Wonder Woman to investigate the potential danger.
  4. Wonder Woman, with a sense of foreboding, heard an unusual drop in temperature upon landing in Metropolis, a chilling premonition of Cythonna's arrival.
  5. As Cythonna revealed her identity as the Goddess of Ice and Fire, she expressed her desire to control Superman's children, forcing both Wonder Woman and Supergirl into a hypnotic trance.

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