Adult How To

Surrogacy Disputes' Chapter 13 Explored

Normalcy Proves to be Strange After Bed Rest Ends.

May 2, 2024
5 min read
maturesurrogacybbwpreggopregnancyThe Surrogate Ch. 13postpartum
The Surrogate Ch. 13
The Surrogate Ch. 13

Surrogacy Disputes' Chapter 13 Explored

I awoke as my partner shifted in bed. Her postpartum figure still captivated me, even more so now as I appreciated the fullness of her body after bringing her home from giving birth. The thickness, lack of a waist, and dimples of cellulite on her thighs were more appealing to me than a trim, young girl. She was a woman, and I loved her for it.

When she got out of bed to use the restroom, I followed her, admiring her rounded muscles forming soft curves on her ass. I cherished the dimples on her thighs and the soft pads on her upper arms.

I leaned in for a kiss as she sat down, but she playfully called me a pervert. "Just taking care of what's mine," I replied, helping her stand back up.

We brushed our teeth together, exchanging smiles.

"Take me to bed," she instructed.

"And feed you?" I asked, referring to her request for breakfast.

"No," she said, indicating what she actually wanted, "I need you."

"But it's the doctor's orders and I only have six hours left," I reminded her.

"Baby, I know my body, and it'll be okay," she replied, embracing me.

"It's your body, and I love taking care of it," I repeated my previous statement, looking at my watch. "Get into bed while I prepare breakfast."

She playfully pouted but climbed into bed. I was tempted to indulge in her body as I prepared the meal, but instead, I made French toast, dripping in butter and syrup, sausage patties, and orange juice.

When I brought the food up, she was still pouting but also smiling at the hearty breakfast. As I fed her, I savored the moment and the connection between us.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the meal, making it even more enjoyable for me.

After finishing her breakfast, I cleaned up the kitchen. Upon returning, I found her posing seductively, her left leg straight with toes pointed, right knee curled up towards her chest, and her body twisted on her left side. Her hair fell over her shoulder, and she blew me a kiss.

Her dimples, heavy inner lips peeking out, and inviting position made me incredibly aroused.

"Four hours and eighteen minutes until you're ready again," I said, taking a deep breath.

"Give me the phone," she said, picking up the phone on the nightstand.

"Richardson Medical Clinic, this is Martha speaking. How may I help you?" the voice on the phone answered.

"Martha, it's Nancy. Can you put Dr. Jim on the line?"

She smirked.

"Hold on a moment," Martha responded, followed by annoying music on the line.

I remained silent.

"Dr. Jim, Nancy speaking. I'm horny," Nancy said into the phone.

I watched as she hit a button on her cellphone and passed the receiver to her ear.

"Nancy, is something wrong? Do you need an ambulance?" Dr. Jim asked, sounding concerned.

"No, Dr. Jim. I need you to tell my husband it's okay to have sex," she said.

His deep voice laughed.

"Let me check your chart," he said, before checking for records. "Since it's you," he added, "and you're healthy with no risk of damaging your implant, you'll be good to go in four hours and fifteen minutes."

"In four hours?" she asked, sounding disappointed.

"Yes, but since you're totally healthy, I'll round it down to four hours," he decided.

"Asshole," she scoffed, but she was still laughing.

"Goodbye, Sweety," the doctor said, ending the call.

"Well, shit," she muttered, turning onto her back, her legs spread open.

"Do you think I can tempt you in any way?" she questioned.

I hesitated and responded, "No."

She puffed out a heavy sigh and directed, "Read to me then."

So, I returned to following the adventures of Frodo, Samwise, Merry, and Pippin along with the rest of the Fellowship as they encountered numerous dangers.

I made her a meal consisting of a fried egg sandwich, a handful of potato chips, and a soda.

Following finishing the meal, she instructed, "Go on, Baby, continue with that writing project. I'll take a little nap, but I expect you to awaken me in..." and she glanced at the clock affixed to the upper part of our bed, "two hours and thirteen minutes."

I giggled, kissed her, reassured, "I can't wait," and quickly picked up my Chromebook once more.

Instead of focusing on the research paper, I navigated to "what to expect when you're expecting." The phrase stuck in my mind and I assumed it suitable for this context. I acquired quite a bit of knowledge but mainly realized that each pregnancy varies significantly. For one woman, the first may be a breeze, while the subsequent one may be a challenging experience. Mood swings and cravings are undeniable occurrences.

The common discomforts during pregnancy, such as frequent urination, constipation, and heartburn, are a given.

While I attempted maintaining the promised wakeup call, close to two days later, I slipped into her bed.

Incredibly amused, she snored softly as I crawled in with her.

I placed my chin in my hand and observed her serenely sleeping. She lay on her back, exposing her left breast as the bedsheets dropped from her body. As I observed this alluring sight, I pondered how much more female and alluring her breasts appeared than some other girls' perky breasts.

Satisfying her command, I brushed lightly along her pubic hair, causing a tickle.

Her eyes remained shut.

"Better hurry up and put something down there or I'll be venturing elsewhere," she joked.

I moved my knees between her thighs.

"No, don't you try any of your fancy college moves with me, Br'er Rabbit," she threatened, grinning.

I captured her parted lips with mine and commenced suckling gently.

She continued to laugh, "That's right, get down there!"

I manipulated her inner lips with my tongue, feeling them swell under my oral attention.

She grew closer to orgasm as I continued my nuzzling, so I massaged her belly above her pubic mound, where the skin was especially soft. There, I could find a small, oddly wrinkled area with stretch marks, and, upon squeezing this pouch lightly, she yelped in delight.

I comprehended that I could not feel the baby but the awareness of a little life developing stirred deep emotions within me.

I maintained my attention on her clitoris, my lips suckling and my tongue probing.

Her orgasms struck forcefully, yet I did not cease swirling and tonguing her clitoris.

In the end, she exhaled loudly, deeply exhausted.

My lips and jaw exhausted from her nectar, I grasped her thighs and remarkably, kept my gentle suckling. As I lapped uncontrollably, I anticipated the next surge of pleasure from her.

As she lapsed into sleep, feeling completely relaxed and satisfied, I realized that her primal side arose. Her strong desire for protection, amplified by the combination of releasing stress during intercourse and the completion of her pregnancy's progression, merges with my own.

I leaned back and admired the view. Her inner lips were swollen, hanging from her ass, wet with her natural fluids, forming a white puddle that spread beneath her.

She was gorgeous.

I crept up on her, placing my chin on my elbow and simply observed.

"Oh, beautiful Mother Earth," I mused, "Divine Goddess of fertility.*"

"Every pregnancy is unique," Dr. Jim had mentioned.

"Every pregnancy is different," Nancy had echoed.

"Every pregnancy is distinct," pretty much every article I had consumed of late had stated.

As I gazed at her peacefully sleeping, I thought, "I can't wait to see what this pregnancy entails."

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