Celebrity Sex Stories

Sweet Treat Is Back in Her Residence

Daydreams of DDlg interactions.

May 19, 2024
10 min read
Candy Returns Homeanalfucktoyobediencepainalddlgreluctanceunicorncuckold
Candy Returns Home
Candy Returns Home

Sweet Treat Is Back in Her Residence

All of the characters are of legal age.

If you've not read my "Daddy's Debt" series (parts 1-4), you need to know that my husband (whom I call "Daddy" due to our dominance dynamic) gave his brother (whom I call "Uncle Brian") mandate to utilize my body for his sexual gratification twice daily while his wife, Candy, is away caring for her mother in Romania. I've agreed to this, and I genuinely relish every moment it happens. By agreement, I can't ejaculate on Brian's penis, but my husband will bestow me with forehead kisses and orgasms as rewards for my cooperation following Brian's orgasm and departure. Wanda is a recurring figure in my accounts. She's a caretaker my husband contracted to supervise me when he's working. We reference her as my "babysitter," as she fulfills that function, and because my husband appreciates humiliating me (and I do, too) by making it seem as if I'm unable to look after myself.

This narrative is somewhat affiliated with "Daddy's Debt Part 5" while being the commencement of a different task I'm assigned regarding the "uncle."

I'm pondering about the cutest baby goats I viewed during goat yoga the day preceding when I'm abruptly aroused by Daddy's substantial penis entering my vagina. Last instance this transpired, I intended to attempt pretending I was still asleep so that I may achieve an orgasm, given I don't reckon he could discipline me for cumming while asleep. Hence, that's what I'd do!

His cock is hard and thrusting in and out of me, filling me and caressing the right spots. I'm endeavoring to remain bodily limp and silent, but it intervals so incredibly pleasurable! I sense that He's touching my hips; He's undoubtedly spurring me tighter against Him with each thrust.

I'm fast approaching my climax and query if I can genuinely tidbit this, when I detect, "You're not tricking anyone, honey. If you cum without permission at this moment, you'll have a large spectrum of issues."

My eyes spring open, and I behold Him observing me adroitly. "Daddy..." I whimper.

"Nope. This is solely for me. You realize how this operates. You have to procure your orgasms and will obtain these tonight. Eventually, shut your mawtrap and permit me to enjoy myself. I only need your body for another minute or two; subsequently, we can delve into our day."

I yearn to climax but am endeavoring to be a deferential miss instead of a brat today. Well, maybe. I'll be deferential. Or maybe I'll be deferential. Something like that.

Suddenly, Daddy's hands are around my neck, and He is straddling me while pushing His penis arduously in and out of my vagina. OMG, I am about to climax! I can't withstand it!

"Don’t. You. Dare!," Daddy declares between thrusts and then proceeds to pound vigorously, still not permitting me to breathe.

I at long last regain titbound and manage not to climax just as He starts to climax inside me. His thrusts diminish, and He disengages His grip on my neck as He recovers his breath and begins to kiss my forehead, affirming I'm well-behaved when I'm an obedient fucktoy. I'm beaming with pride.

"I convey remuneration," Daddy says.

"Oooooh! Inform me, Daddy!"

"Candy will be home today."

My sister-in-law Candy has been absent for a protracted period in Romania caring for her mother. While she has been absent, I've had to be my husband's annulus twice daily! I'm ecstatic to see her but also rapt with comfort that my assortment might possibly experience a pause.

"Hooray!" I clap. "May I observe her presently???"

"Indeed, my darlin’," Daddy retorts. "We're going to invest the day with Brian and Candy helping her return home. Once we dine, we'll go home, and I'll appraise your ass. We'll benefit from a respite in between."

"Devouring" her homecoming is a positive indicator my anus might receive a slight reprieve. Brian has been intending me for breakfast and dinner sex for practically two months now!

Following brunch, we venture to the park to walk off the excessive amounts of waffles and whipped cream we devoured. As we stroll along, we continue conversing about the tales of Candy's travels. Candy remarks, "Thank you for taking care of my Sir during your absence. I don't believe our marriage would have endured this journey if you hadn't provided the support you did."

"I honestly didn't do much more than heed the instructions of the other men. Daddy informed me why I should cooperate," I respond.

"Regardless, I am still hugely thankful for your intervention," Candy replies. "Also..." she pauses.

"What?" I press her.

"Well..." she hesitates.

Curiosity builds as I wait patiently for her to reveal her thoughts.

"Sir disclosed his rather large affinity for your derrière," Candy shares. "And it's unfortunate, but I vehemently loathe anal and make it rather challenging for him to appreciate it, even on the days I'm feeling my best."

A sinking feeling consumes me.

"The men also held a discussion," Candy adds. "And please don't be upset, as this was not my suggestion, but your Daddy intends for my Sir to continue visiting your home every night for 'dinner.'"

I lock my gaze on Candy, stunned by this revelation. I was aware my life of servitude to my father's brother wouldn't likely come to an end so easily, if at all.

"I really wish I could appease him in that respect, as I know it's difficult for him," Candy continues. "But there's more..."

What on earth could there possibly be?

"Do you recall the night your Sir employed you as he indulged Wanda?" Candy inquires.

I nod in response, flashing back to that unforgettable encounter.

"My Sir and your Daddy took quite a liking to the scenario," Candy discloses. "What they plan is for me to be in Wanda's shoes from that night."

"They want what?" I inquire in disbelief.

Candy attempts to calm me down as I erupt in a loud exclamation rather than a soft murmur. "Careful – we don't want to set off any alarms!"

"My Sir desires both of us to use you as a toy, like you're our joint plaything, satisfying both of our wants," Candy clarifies.

My gaze darts to my father to assess his intentions.

"What's that?" I question, torn by the implications.

My father hugs me close. "I just intend to observe, sweetheart. I don't want to partake. It grants me a high level of pleasure to witness your body serving the pleasure of others and to observe you struggling to hold back your orgasms before rewarding you with the orgasms only I can provide you."

"Quite a bit to endure!," I marvel, noticing the hopeful and proud expression on my father's face. How could I possibly say no?

"Sure," I concede with a sigh. (Poor, mistreated anus!)

"Yay!" Candy exclaims in delight. "I've always desired to experience what it feels like to have you lick me."

I admit that the idea of stimulating Candy's breasts and tasting her flesh without restraint, learning how she tastes, does spark some intrigue in me. Furthermore, fulfilling my father's desires at such a visceral level amplifies my passion for my submission to him.

We spend the entire day taking pleasure in each other's company, engaging in hiking, a picnic on the mountain peak, exploring a bookstore, and ultimately picking up takeout for dinner. Our laughter, conversation, and shared memories create a joyous atmosphere. My words are intoxicated, satiated, and delighted to have Candy back.

As evening approaches, I have a dreadful sense of the inevitable.

Uncle Brian announces, "All right, squirt. We had a fun day with you, and I hope you had a good time, but it's time for you to submit your ass and become our collective slut for however long my dick requires. Now, proceed into the bedroom."

I obey every command given to me and others follow suit. I head towards Uncle Brian's bed, lying down on it with my face down and backside up as he requested. I notice my dad smirking with pride at my obedience.

Brian strips me naked and begins planting kisses on my breasts. He praises me for letting him use me as a medium, with him in my ass, me licking his wife, and both men watching each other closely, like they're in a romantic affair.

Candy shifts her position on the bed and widens her legs, allowing me to reach her without straining too much. I move towards her and start licking her. She adjusts her position until she's satisfied, and her partners observe this intently.

Brian removes his trousers and joins us on the bed. "How comfortable is your girl, Brian?" He inquires. "Shall I intensify her pleasure?" He then lifts my skirt, pulls off my underwear, and pushes his cock into my anus without any foreplay.

I shriek in response as he forces me forward, pressing my mouth against Candy's vagina.

"Fk, this whore will be the best sex toy we've ever owned!" He boasts to Candy. "I'm gonna fk your slut's ass up until next week. She'll have to f**k me every single day for the rest of her life because she's a filthy ass whore, one who delights in big cocks filling her most intimate spot."

His words make Candy blush but she secretly loves it. I can sense her arousal through her increased wetness.

Candy glances at Brian; the more he insults me, the wetter she becomes. Her husband's excitement intensifies as he keeps thrusting into my rear.

"Slut, are you loving how my brother f**ks your butt?," he probes. Candy nods affirmatively. After a few more thrusts, the tension in the room grows, and Uncle Brian exclaims, "I'm gonna fuck your ass until the end of time. Slut!"

As the men carry on with their degrading conversation, Candy moves closer to me, grabbing my head and pushing her vagina into my face. She's locked eyes with Brian, their pair of gazes seemingly acknowledging their connection without my existence between them. When Candy's orgasm strikes, I can tell by her screams and her back arching. She's never made such noises before, but she does so now.

Now that Candy has been satisfied, Uncle Brian grabs onto my head, pulls me to one of her breasts, and growls, "Suck on her nipples, whore!" I resume my rhythm, alternating between her two nipples throughout the next hour. Uncle Brian fiercely drives his cock into my ass, convincing me that 'assault' fully applies to the act. They both laugh, fornicate, and share steamy gazes. They're like lovers, except for the role I play: an object of torture.

After roughly assaulting my backside, Brian ejects his ejaculate into my butt. Shortly thereafter, they withdraw from the bed, heading for the shower. Candy and Brian act like a loving couple; meanwhile, their former "food" is still lying underneath them.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌.......메이저사이트https://m.auction.daum.net/search/auction_list.do?kw=%EC%8A%A4%EA%B5%AC입술술깔리는삶이누나들려워한다 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqKRGnBXGmk&list=OLAK5uaOdT4acFazj7bWlR88CogCW3N8ESmG0wzuFWXKP338SnQ3Aa5lbkgbzb2iVqzJt4-o8FM5nV8YfnY

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If you're not familiar with the works of Dutch Cartoonist Martin Meijer, you really should be. He's known for his.. interesting takes on the human condition. One of his best incorporates the interaction between R. Wellington Mick Wittingham and Monica Wells. Written as a sort of pseudo-autobiography, collectively titled "Fortunate Vlei Club", it explores their multiple encounters across various events. While one would be ignorant to say there's no romance, it's really more about their dynamic, both directly and through a shared fondness for bondage.

The book opens with Martijn telling us about his admiration for a woman in his karate class. We later learn that she's dating a man called Boliko who is uneasy about it. He takes Martijn down to Fortunate Vlei Club, a canonical name for a dungeon where both him and Monica meet frequently for S&M after they've both attended the classes. It's there, in the parking lot of a McDonald, where the sex actually starts to happen.

Monica grows more and more sadistic, eager to assure R. Wellington that it's what he actually wants, pushing him into deep psychological corners. Though the two are clearly infatuated with one another, their personalities couldn't be more different, their ascetic trying to hold back his submissive side. She's the lead mistress, platonic as he may be.

The breezy language and clean linework from the Dutch artist make it a comfortable read. If you'

I found myself relaxed and weary. My father promptly fills the warmth my uncle took with him, trying to avoid a drop in temperature. He showers me with affectionate smacks and praises me for my obedience to him, then rewards me with his erect penis inside me, pounding me to please his arousal. He ensures multiple orgasms for me, all while constantly thrusting, creating a unique situation. I experience one orgasm after the other, feeling his cock slam into my cervix at times until eventually he too climaxes with me in the last one. We curl up and he hands me my favorite lovey and binky while he hums soothing stories about the furry creatures that play in the tree by his place of work. Such is the beauty of his embrace. His hugs are simply the best!

I'm wondering how long my body will comply with my new deal with Uncle Brian and Candy, but oh my, my submissive soul is in paradise right now!

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de