lesbian sex

Sylvan Courtyard 6: Career Assist

An unbeatable career opportunity presents itself.

May 2, 2024
32 min read
huge eyesSylvan Courtyard 6: Career Assistanimecumprofessorteachershort skirttransparent blousehentaithick glassespool party
Sylvan Courtyard 6: Career Assist
Sylvan Courtyard 6: Career Assist

Sylvan Courtyard 6: Career Assist

For those who noticed a possible shortfall in Chapters 3 and 5, recognize that they initially served as intriguing build-ups for Chapter 4 and the present one. My reasoning behind cutting them out was to alleviate the overall length of these entries.

Regarding my writing style, I don't claim to be producing deathless prose or realistic literature. However, I strive to weave a believable and entertaining tale.

In the Sylvan Courtyard - Sixth Date

Patty Bohannan and I were having lunch, debating over her proofreading my work, while I simultaneously scrutinized her calculations. She was truly a charismatic beauty, and it pained me to think that an array of life plans precluded us from pursuing a relationship. With my current academic status, I was unfit for a relationship. Relationships are what she longed for and deserved.

A thought struck me like lightning. I contemplated if it was a terrible idea, but decided against it. This notion could be a stroke of brilliance.

"Patty," I casually suggested at once, before my doubts could dissuade me, "There's a pool party happening in my apartment complex this Saturday. Would you like to join me?"

Patty regarded me, unsure. "Another attempted date, Ken? I thought we both decided to call it quits... You were the one to propose the idea in the first place..."

"I'm not asking you out, Patty. I'm simply extending an invitation to spend Saturday by my apartment's pool. We'd have beer and probably various beverages. Additionally, I have an attractive neighbor you might want to meet: my landlord."

"Your landlord? You want to set me up with your landlord?"

"Far from it," I clarified with a frown. "He's in his forties, well-built, and a landlord. He owns the building and is quite reclusive with his tenants. He's never had a romantic interest in any of them. He needs a chance to encounter a remarkable individual like you." My mind brimmed with admiration for Jesse's charms, his high intellect, his shining responsibility, and his captivating features. Nevertheless, I chose not to elaborate on any of this, fearing it could spoil my setup.

Saturday, I awaited Patty in the parking lot, allowing her entry via the intercom. She stepped out of her car to greet me. Patty had clearly been keen on savoring some aquatic recreation. Evidently, the idea of potentially meeting eligible Playmates gave her motivation.

Beneath her sheer purple cover-up, Patty was clad in a brilliant yellow bikini. Had she intended to trap a mate or enjoy a casual frolic? The revealing bikini's contours hinted at her intentions.

The courtyard's festivities were well underway, boasting half an hour's worth of hedonism. Upon entry, Patty and I received a few disapproving stares from single women. Patty, in her provocative bikini, also caught the eye of several shirtless men. As we proceeded towards the beer keg, I introduced her to a group of men. However, these fellows possessed appealing features but lacked suitable dispositions for her tastes. My motivations became clear - by leading Patty to Jesse, I hoped to test her mettle.

Jesse had the knack for conjuring perfect weather - a trait Patty couldn't overlook.

"Jesse," I greeted, "You've unleashed an exceptionally enjoyable day. How do you synchronize the climate so effectively?"

Jesse grinned. "It's a blessing to be fortunate rather than skilled."

"Meet Patty Bohannon, a colleague of mine at the university. Patty, this is Jesse. He's the one responsible for maintaining our living quarters, ensuring they don't crumble."

Jesse appeared kind and welcoming, despite engaging with a woman in the presence of his friend. "Many thanks, Ken. Patty, it's a pleasure." Patty smiled and shook Jesse's hand. Her obvious charm not escaped Jesse's attention. He seemed to crave the thrill of enticing a woman like Patty.

At first, Patty seemed hesitant when she noticed me heading towards the guy she thought I had been interested in. But as I got closer, she couldn't help but notice the bear I had brought along. She seemed pleased with him as we chatted for a bit. When it was clear that both Patty and the bear were content with their interactions, I was able to excuse myself without causing any discomfort for Patty.

I was pleased with myself for having successfully connected them. And if they wanted to continue their conversation, they could do so without my involvement.

"I think you've stolen Patty's date," a voice said behind me. I turned to see Josie, who had been elsewhere, tending to her own needs.

I sighed to myself. I was learning that my instincts about Josie's sexuality had been incorrect. Her flannel shirts and work belt had misled me. She wasn't gay, as she'd made clear the first time we'd met. I had no intentions of pursuing anything with Josie. But that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy looking at her.

"Patty is not my date," I said confidently. "She's a coworker. I invited her to the pool party because she lives in a rental house downtown with four roommates and no pool. She could use some relaxation."

"Really?" Josie asked, skeptical. "Still, I suppose I should thank you. My brother seems to have taken a liking to her."

I responded enthusiastically, glad for confirmation about Patty's potential crush. "Yes, he seems quite taken. In fact, when they were at the keg earlier, he even let someone else operate it instead of him. He wanted to make sure he could keep his focus on her."

"Oh, really?" I replied, equally enthusiastic. Josie leaned in and whispered, "You should know that your friend Patty enjoyed herself incredibly. I saw her the other day, and she was still talking about her fun time at the pool party."

"She didn't mention me?" I asked, trying to hide my surprise.

"No, not at all," Josie said, still whispering. "She wanted to keep it a secret just between you two."

"Interesting," I said, trying to mask my excitement. "But I wouldn't know about it, right?"

Patty, unfortunately, had to leave before the sunset. She said she had important commitments that couldn't be postponed.

Disappointing, but I had a plan.

Two days later, I bumped into Jesse. He seemed excited to talk about our mutual friend. "Hey," he said casually, trying to hide his interest. "It was nice meeting your friend, uh, Patty."

I took him by surprise with my easy response. "To be honest, I hadn't thought about inviting her again. But if you really like her, why don't you text her yourself?"

Jesse seemed eager to take the initiative, but I could tell he was a bit awkward about it. "But...she's your friend," he hesitated.

"Not really," I replied. "We mainly work together. She has a rental house in town, no pool, and I thought she could use a little summer fun."

I turned to leave, giving Jesse the chance to follow me and ask for Patty's number.

Luckily, the next pool party was scheduled for late July. But lo and behold, a series of signs went up the day before, advertising a surprise, impromptu pool party for the following Saturday. I smiled evilly.

The next day, however, all the signs were replaced with just "Pool Party" written on the calendar, suggesting that this was an ordinary event. Jesse clearly wanted to avoid any hint that he was throwing this party just to invite Patty.

Patty arrived at the pool party and helped guard the keg with Jesse. They both remained casual, but also enjoyed each other's company.

I took a slight detour around the pool to say hi to Rhonda, Jane, and Becky. That's when I almost tripped over a pile of empty plastic cups that had been left by the water.

"Isn't that terrible?" I exclaimed. "Look, the host didn't even bother picking these up before everyone left."

Growing up, my parents loved watching old TV reruns, so I often found myself channeling Hannibal Smith from the A-Team, lighting up a cigar and proclaiming, "I love it when a plan comes together!"

As I made my way through the crowd, the women nearby seemed intent on discussing matters that didn't interest me, prompting me to back off and join Frank, Manny, and Juan in a game of hacky sack. We were all pretty skilled at the game, leading to some fierce competition.

Suddenly, Josie dragged me away from the game. "What's going on, Josie?" I asked, surprised by her sudden interruption. "I was doing so well..."

"Shh! Look," she murmured, pointing vaguely behind her without turning to face me or speaking loudly enough for others to hear.

I followed her gaze and noticed the Justice League shirt she'd worn that week was much tighter than the previous weekend's Avengers shirt. Such things often caught my attention.

"I don't see anyone," I said, confused. I noticed the Justice League logo, but then realized:

Jessie was MIA from the keg, having abandoned it much earlier than usual.

And Patty was also absent from the courtyard!

I grinned. "I wonder where they are..."

"Shhh. I know where. Follow me," Josie whispered, leading me towards the hallway that led to the laundry center. We both walked casually, passing the entrance to the washers and dryers and approaching the state-mandated, yet pointless fire exit.

Everyone had gone through it at some point, and there was no need for security or alarms, as it only led to a small copse of trees surrounded by the complex's back wall and the surprisingly high, rocky cliff that their home rested against. If there were a fire, the last place anyone would want to flee was back into this dead-end.

Jesse, however, always kept the door in pristine condition. Josie silently opened it and peeked around the corner. I mimicked her movements.

Apart from the usual squirrels, there were two other mammals in the copse: Jesse and Patty. They were standing close together, whispering and smiling, seemingly oblivious to our presence.

I glanced at Josie, who held my hand tightly.

We should have given them privacy. But Josie wanted to witness their interaction, and I, well, I'm me.

Their interaction became more passionate. Warm, eager bodies pressed against each other, hips ground together. I shifted my position, still watching the action closely. If our landlady had moved at all, her backside would have rubbed against my growing enthusiasm.


This wasn't going to turn into a Rhonda or Jane situation, regardless of my libido's urgent demands. Not with Josie.

Jesse, in a move that eased my mind, resumed kissing Patty's neck as she leaned her head back, exposing her throat. Josie hissed in response and my own breath quickened.

Patty then reached behind her, loosening the straps of her bikini top and allowing Jesse to suck on each of her aching nipples. When she touched the back of Jesse's head and urged him further down, he complied, eagerly exploring the valley between her bikini-clad breasts.

I was turned on. This level of intimacy was more than I'd anticipated so soon after they'd met.

Then Patty raised her hand again, this time reaching for the back of Jesse's head and forcing him down even further, so that his face was pressed between her breasts.

I silently cheered. Though I shouldn't have been, I was thrilled by their intense makeout session.

Unable to look away, I held my breath as Jesse delved deeper into the cleavage of her bikini, feasting on her erotic aureoles and observing his admirer, Josie, who was visibly affected by the scene.

How could I resist what was happening before me? Though I shouldn't, I felt horny and stepped closer to Josie. SheHis her hand tighten around mine.

Alessio Roberti
My name is Alessio Roberti, I am an Italian writer. I've always enjoyed writing, and managed to turn it into a career. I've written books, articles, and short stories, and today I specialize in erotic literature. I write mostly BDSM stories, but I like to experiment with different styles and approach various genres. My goal is to entertain and excite the reader, taking them on a journey they won't forget.

Jesse seemed content to dine there eternally, but then Patty shifted her hand from his lower back, moving it between them. She waited for long enough for Jesse to slow down his oral fixation. Slowly, but not entirely. And then Patty became resolute once more and slid her hand all the way within Jesse's swimming shorts.

I was now rock hard. A blowjob, a handjob at the very least, was impending. This was going to be fantastic!

At that instant, Josie pulled back, pushing me away. She let the door shut silently behind us.

"Nope," she said.

"Aw, it was just getting good," I joked, partially.

"Perv!" she exclaimed, nudging me as we started walking away. "Those shorts were about to be pulled down, and I don't need the horrifying sight of seeing my brother's erection."

"If it comforts you, it probably wouldn't be visible in the open air for long..." I prodded.

"Totally perv!" Josie snickered. "But yeah... I hope it doesn't show for long either. I just don't want to witness it!"

As we exited back into the courtyard, the oblivious gathering continued. Josie shoved me gently with her shoulder. "You, Ken Hawthorne, are a god among men. Jesse needs a woman. I need Jesse to be with a woman. And you let her slip through his fingers, then thrust her into Jesse's embrace!"

"I didn't let her slip through. I brought her here for him. She's evidently also told Jesse that she's uninterested in any relationship that doesn't potentially have a future. That's not going to transpire with me."

"So you did try to have your way with her!"

"I did try to have my way with her. But I'm explicitly uninterested in any type of permanence at this stage in my life," I declared, not fully explaining myself.

"Well, I'm pleased those two lovebirds are going to 'give it a shot'," Josie announced proudly. "If only to get my big brother to relax a bit. He's been driving me crazy."

"I'm a romantic," I defended myself.

"Whatever, Mister 'I Tried to Score,'" she jested.

"Well, now we have to ensure you're satisfied," I quipped back. And then I regretted saying that. It sounded like an advance, even to me, and I was the one who had made the statement.

But Josie just chuckled, if after a slightly uncomfortable pause. "Yeah? Well, don't you dare set me up with a random guy like you set Patty up with Jesse. I'm gonna need photographs and references in advance."


Early the following week, I obtained an email from Professor Thames (I'd returned to addressing her as such. It was safer).

Dear Mr. Hawthorne,

I inadvertently stumbled upon a possible opportunity in the state of Colorado that could potentially be an excellent situation for you, should you feel inclined to consider a placement in the heartland of the country.

If you are interested, the timing might be challenging, and there would be a lot you'd need to accomplish just to pursue this prospect. We should chat.

I won't be holding office hours over the summer. This is one of the perks of having a tenured position. Should you find yourself having the opportunity, I highly recommend snatching one up. But your obtaining one is the main focus of this discussion, isn't it?

Should you have the chance, would you like to come by my cottage following lunch around 1:30 on Wednesday? I can offer you some tea. I have questions I wouldn't want to inquire about your preparedness to your professor, concerning your real readiness. Please be ready to give me an honest self-assessment. We'll also discuss how you might pursue the placement, if you're interested.

Regards and various unrelated fluff,


Sh*t was getting real. And much faster than I had planned for.

In some ways, however, I was prepared, and significantly earlier than most scholars in our field. My research was complete, and my results unequivocally bolstered my thesis. My dissertation was in disarray, yet its formatting was a shambles, but it was written. The supporting exhibits were consuming the majority of my time. At least when I wasn't aiding my mentor with his job. Technically, I supposed, I was nearly ready to defend my PhD.

But as my counselor had been warning me for eons, merely having a solid dissertation didn't necessarily mean I was prepared for my PhD. The defense of the research itself should be a cinch, if my work was satisfactory. The actual defense was of my preparedness to pursue my work autonomously. He hadn't told me he was confident I had it yet, but...

I didn't want to rush ahead, yet if this was an excellent opportunity, such opportunities are by their nature time-restricted, even if it turned out that they wanted me...

I and sent a prompt response stating that I would be pleased to meet at her convenience.

Yes, the thought crossed my mind that this woman I had openly made sexual advances towards was inviting me to her house. But she was being careful to avoid any wild assumptions in my head. Tea? During the middle of the day? On a Wednesday?

I made sure to take my lunch break early so I could shower before going over. It's just a habit I have.

I was nervous, but not because of my previous intentions. Much higher stakes were at play now, and I tried to keep my cool as I walked up to her front door, the words "Tenure Track" echoing in my head. I managed to keep my composure as I approached her cottage. I remember to put on my professional demeanor. She answered the door within a minute of my arrival and welcomed me in. I nearly tripped over the threshold and cursed at my clumsiness.

"Sorry, Prof... I mean, Amanda. I'm a bit of a mess," I rambled.

"Amanda, yes. Aren't we all?" she chuckled. "And I would imagine that it was that jerk who told you to call me by my first name. One of his many not-so-funny jokes. No one but that asshole has ever called me Mandy... and only in bed."

This was a bit embarrassing. I have a huge crush on my mentor, but he does think he's funny.

I nearly bumped into the coffee table as I followed her into her living room where a tea set was laid out on the table in front of the couch. I managed to avoid hitting my shins as I sat down where she indicated. She settled into a comfortable chair next to me.

Yes, I did say I was in control. I was in control. Until I saw what she was wearing...

Amanda was wearing her typical teaching attire, a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. But today, the skirt was the shorter version with a side slit - one she rarely wore. It looked even shorter when she sat down, and she never did that in class. And her usual white blouse? It was now sheer. As in, not only could I clearly see that she wasn't wearing a bra, but I could see the pink shade of her nipples. Not rock hard... not very hard.

Amanda didn't comment on my sudden clumsiness. So, she must have been teasing me, right?

Her nipples were... right there.

My mentor, like Amanda, also thinks she has a sense of humor. And I was being punished for my earlier boldness. Fine, I'll take the teasing if there's a chance at tenure on the line. She wouldn't mess with me about that, would she?

But her expression was reasonably professional, with the exception of her eyes being magnified through her glasses. These eyes seemed to stare right into me.

She smiled as she handed me a cup of Earl Grey tea and said, "Let me clarify that what I want to talk to you about wasn't the result of hours of hard work on your part. In fact, I haven't even made any active inquiries about you. But during a phone call with a colleague in our field out in Colorado, she mentioned she wouldn't be available for the collaborative project I'm planning because she's leaving her position. She's taking a job with a big corporation."

I needed to focus on this news, but it was difficult with Amanda's posture. Arching her back and relaxing into her chair, her blouse stretched taut, and if I previously thought it was sheer...

Getting back to reality, this meant that the small university out there, whose department in our field was respected but not a front-runner, needed a new Assistant Professor by Christmas. Better yet, Amanda's friend had no hopeful candidates within their department.

Concentrating on Amanda's eyes was much easier than staring at her chest, so I focused on them, especially now as they narrowed slightly.

"To make it clear, I haven't mentioned your name to my friend or anyone else out in Colorado. I want you to give me your honest assessment - where are you with your dissertation? How do you feel about standing up to defend it?"

Because, he interjected. You'll require your degree granted well before January. They may provisionally keep the position for a candidate if they're sufficiently impressed, with the condition that your actual required degree must be confirmed by November. This gives them time to find a potential backup candidate should you not defend successfully.

I found myself racing through calculations in my brain. Four months wasn't nearly as long as six. "I... I don't know yet," came my firm response.

"That's good." She leaned closer, and the usual snark she exhibited when discussing my mentor, her ex-husband, vanished without a trace. "Ken, I must say, despite my occasional digs about him, Butthead and I both take great care with our doctoral mentees. If you're ready, or not ready, he'll let you know. If you need to accelerate your progression, expect him to allow you to focus more on it, even if it impacts your work for him."

I nodded in understanding. That level of consideration wouldn't surprise me from him. No matter what Amanda may think of him, I idolized the man. I could even tolerate the Butthead nickname. Especially when it wasn't accompanied by the "what's the speed of dark?" jab.

Amanda took a long swig of tea before settling her cup back on the coffee table. This unveiled the transparent quality of her blouse but reduced the clear view of those braless breasts. My focus on her face flagged slightly.

How distracting could cleavage be in a translucent top?

She rested her arms on her knees, positioning her chest toward me. "I have high hopes, Ken, you'll be ready for that examination. The word on the street is that the arrogant prick is quite unimpressed," she remarked sarcastically.

Oh, they're thrusting their substantial chest in my direction!

Despite it being a vital, daytime meeting in early November, she seemed intent on utilizing her wares to disturb me further.

Was she dueling with my mentor through me?

I knew I had to leave, mull this over, and confront my mentor the following morning.

Remembering to use the correct title, I murmured, "Mandy, I'm beyond grateful for this meeting. It's enriched me in countless ways."

Oops. She raised a well-groomed brow. Had I said her name?

Did I?

Yes, actually.

At that moment, she slipped her fingers beneath the fabric, stroking her now self-proclaimed Mandy on display.

Choosing to get to the point, I uttered, "For fuck's sake, Mandy. Stop flashing your tits in front of me. I'm either going to start doing it for you."

"Really, Mr. Hawthorne?" she questioned sardonically, before leaning toward me. Her gaze held a hint of cruelty but perhaps a touch of amusement as well. Her fingers continued massaging her nipple through her blouse.

Not quite so casual.

I almost wanted to lean forward, offer her a gentle kiss on her lips. It seemed provocative of me, but with the verbal rejection instilled in me over time, I no longer cared. Suddenly, being dismissed was significantly less humiliating, given my depleted reserve of cares.

I was close to approaching her and actually taking that action. [I added just a little twist to the text to make it slightly more ambiguous about the author's intentions with the character.]

The image of her lips and the skin surrounding them stood out to me, portraying the only sign of age on this 42-year-old woman. A few wrinkles formed around her lips, slightly concealed by the light layer of dark purple lipstick she wore. And faint lines had started to form near her mouth. These weren't frown lines, nor were they laugh lines; instead, they created a concentration and authority on her face.

This thought quickly faded away as our faces neared each other and our lips met.

It was a short kiss, and she didn't recoil immediately, but she didn't react instantly either. I pulled back slightly and met her gaze.

Her eyes dazzled, still appearing disproportionately large, even with me so close. Then she leaned in closer herself, kissing me ferociously. She wasn't gentle; her lips, lines aside, were warm and gentle, slowly molding to mine. After a while, I could feel her tongue slide from her lips and enter my mouth.

My lips parted involuntarily and my tongue snaked out to greet the invader.

A moment later, she pulled away, only briefly. "I thought you were going to help me with something..." she murmured. Then she returned to kissing me with even more passion.

I undeservedly accepted her advances.

I lifted both my hands as I cupped her breasts through her blouse. Their firmness stunned me. Still clasping them, I traced my thumbs over her nipples, both becoming erect. The first one was already erect and protruding like a school pencil sharpener. The second one was gradually growing, as I eagerly flicked back and forth over it.

I let out a moaning groan into her mouth and squeezed her breasts, causing her to moan more quietly.

My tongue succeeded in pushing hers away, then chased after it, plunging back into her mouth. She welcomed my presence eagerly. However, reluctantly, I pulled away, breaking our kiss. My hand snaked up to pinch her hard nipple, and I examined her chest. It was covered in a blouse that was tightly stretched across her breasts. I suddenly realized the blouse opened by snaps rather than buttons. I pulled the blouse open, causing the snaps to come undone and the blouse to split apart.

Mandy's exceptional youthful breasts were presented to me, swaying with the force of my pull on her top. Her eyes widened in shock, or perhaps because of the speed at which I had opened her blouse. She gasped in a high-pitched tone, her lips unhinged, and her cheeks turned slightly pink.

Although I'm not a big fan of anime, I've seen my fair share, along with its pornographic counterpart, Hentai. For a moment, I felt reminded of Mandy resembling a Hentai girl.

I cupped her breasts in my hands. "Ohhhh!" I groaned over her lips. "And I thought they felt good before!"

The moment passed, and Mandy regained her composed, haughty expression. Her eyes met mine, and she chuckled throatily, stirring my engorged penis.

"What will the asshole think when he learns I slept with his boy toy?" she asked, mischievously gazing at me.

"You've only just slept with me."

"Yes, but I've been wanting to."

"And I assured him we wouldn't--I wanted to ensure I wouldn't piss him off."

Mandy asked, her voice a blend of surprise and, I hoped, respect for my boldness. "You asked him for permission to hit on his ex-wife?"

"I've been with this department for at least eight years, and I never knew you guys were married," I confessed shamefully. "All I knew was that you two had a rivalry."

"We're more like 'friend-enemies'," she chuckled. "But emphasize the second syllable."

"Yeah? Well, I'm not here to discuss him," I replied, kissing her with more fervor and squeezing her breasts.

Mandy grabbed my shirt and pulled it off my head, causing me to lose hold of her breasts. Once my hands were free, I reached out and held her hips, guiding her out of her seat. I turned her around and had her sit next to me on the couch.

I leaned towards her and started to suck on one of her hard nipples. Meanwhile, my other hand slid beneath the hem of her skirt. It was warm down there and my fingers found the source of the heat, which was her lack of underwear. I gently played with her pubic hair, teasing her while my lips pleated on her nipple.

Mandy moaned softly, saying "This is going to happen soon."

"Not yet," I replied firmly, grasping her other breast with my other hand. I wanted to fully explore this opportunity.

"Good," Mandy said seductively. "You really like testing different working conditions, huh? I'm impressed," she flashed a sly smile.

"Ahem... stop that," I chuckled.

Mandy wasn't deterred and still held her glasses with her hands.

"Don't take them off," I blurted. I exaggerated the feelings I had towards her glasses, hoping it would encourage her to keep them on.

Her eyebrows raised as she replied "Really?" She still held the glasses, but didn't take them off just yet. I stared intently into her eyes.

"I...they make you look stunning," I said nervously, tracing her eyes with my gaze.

"You like women who wear glasses," Mandy remarked, smirking. "Is this a Princess Perv thing?" She continued to mock me, but I sensed her tone had changed.

"No! It's not like that..." I felt foolish and started to choke out my explanation. "It's more like...I've had a thing for people with big eyes..." I was vainly trying to recant and disappoint her.

"Aha! So you're a One Piece fan girl?" Mandy interrupted. "Are you comparing me to Tashigi or something?"

She was right in catching me out. "Fuck, I'm a big nerd. I like big eyes on a girl," I lamented, noticing her eyes were getting big and seductively huge.

Mandy interrupted again "Trying to fuck a nerd?" She made a teasing remark, smiling at me.

I said "Fuck yes! I'm so into you!" and kissed her as she brought my pants down. We both laughed as we took off her glasses, but I was distracted by how beautiful her eyes were. Her breasts were now pressed against my thigh.

Mandy played with me, just a few inches of me moving slowly in and out of her mouth. She didn't take me all the way in, but her fingers provided me with a stimulating experience.

Suddenly, she tilted her head back and looked me in the eyes. "Come closer," she commanded, dragging me down to her. Her lips encircled my cock as it vanished into her mouth. She sucked on it before coming back up, making sure to keep her gaze locked on mine.

Several inches of me slid in and out of her mouth, her fingers moving skillfully around my shaft. She never took me all the way because she didn't need to; her fingertips worked wonders.

"C'mon," she said, signaling me to move closer. As I did, she sat on my face, rubbing her clit against my nose. I grabbed the base of her head and held on tightly, not wanting to lose this moment. She rose above me and took my cock into her mouth, my hands pinching her tight nipples.

I began thrusting slowly, causing her to gag slightly. I slapped my hips, my pleasure intensifying as I watched myself disappear again.

I pulled out and moved further away from Mandy. She got on fours and took my cock in her hand, running her tongue around the back of it before taking me in entirely. I laid back and watched her pleasure herself with me, her eyes focused on mine.

I hearing her breathing became shallow, moaning as she título my cock. After a few moments, she sat up and looked up at me. "Cum for me," she urged, her tongue bracing my tip.

I came immediately, groaning as my semen spurted in her mouth. She swallowed and stayed in her position as I watched her suckle on me. She pressed herself against me and continued to suck gently before kissing me. "Now it's your turn," she whispered, taking my dick in her grip and laying down beside me.

"It's so warm," she murmured as she hugged me, eying me softly. "I've wanted to do this since we first met. " she smiled shyly, spreading my sticky semen on my chest.

"I'm glad you've enjoyed it," I responded.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "You kept it in for so long, I think I've actually outlasted myself."

I smiled back "I want to keep this up for as long as possible." Mandy smiled and kissed me, deepening the moment.

"You're actually incredible," I groaned as she blew my mind... and other parts of my body. "I'm working really hard today," I moaned on.

This earned me a raised eyebrow and a momentary feeling of freedom on my penis. "Are you the one working hard?" she snorted in amusement.

"I will be when you're done," I stated with determination, seizing the opportunity of a brief moment of sensory calm to seem self-assured. "I owe you quite a bit already, Dr. Thames. I'm not about to owe Mandy anything else." I gasped as she took me back into her mouth, showcasing her incredible skills. "God, I can't wait to bury my face under that hot-looking little skirt of yours," I groaned.

"Oww weally?" Mandy questioned, not letting my penis go free but still managed to exude a sensual drawl.

"Well... I guess I can wait a little," I moaned. "I hope I can last a lot more," I added happily but dubiously.

I heard a soft chuckle as she continued to impress me with her skills. I'm pretty sure she stepped up the suction. She appeared to employ the soft insides of her cheeks. And I'm certain she began to torment the back of my testicles and the skin behind it.

My brain received a notification from below: I wouldn't be waiting much longer.

"In a minute," Mandy stated, allowing me to be free again momentarily, "I'm going to take off this tasty cock because I want to feel the sensation of your cum hitting my face. Don't think I'm trying to delay you or anything like that."

"I'll warn you," I panted. And I would probably fail to do so.

Mandy chuckled softly. "I'll know," she hummed, and resumed everything she'd been doing, only with even more emphasis.

I decided to warn her anyway. I failed. Just as I realized that I'd passed the point of no return, and started to panic that I couldn't speak anymore, Mandy lifted her lips free of my penis, dragging her tongue along the bottom side as she did, and began to firmly stroke my shaft. She knew it was time.

I couldn't even make a sound as my legs shook, my fingers numbed, and I orgasmed. My jizz shot out in spurts, hitting the smooth skin of her face, just as she'd wanted it to.

My need for air abruptly collided with my emotional desire to thank her. The two settled on a high-pitched shout of elation as I desperately grappled for oxygen. Her smile was sincere as I saw her eyes blinking through the goo-covered lenses of her glasses.

Surprisingly, given how she approached things to this point, she opened her lips and began cleaning her face with my jizz.

"Wow! Um, I thought you hated the taste of..." I struggled to breathe.

"Oh, I'll swallow most of it before having to use a cloth to clean these lenses," Mandy replied with self-satisfaction, wiping some jizz from her cheek and into her mouth. "I love the whole sensory experience of a great blowjob, Ken. If I don't take it all in my mouth, I'd miss out on the sensation of your appreciation on my skin. This way, I get to have your cum... and eat it too."

"Oh my gosh," I laughed.

I kicked my ankles free of my pants, leaving me naked on the couch, while Mandy stayed kneeling before me, still wearing her skirt and open blouse. Her clothes were just the way I like them.

"This seems like a really comfy rug," I noted. "Persian?"

"Yes, and yes," Mandy replied almost absentmindedly. She was wiping her nose at the time.

"Because I want you to be comfortable for what's next," I chuckled, sliding off the couch. I knelt beside her on the floor, discovering that the rug was indeed very soft, and pushed her back and sideways.

"Well now," she said with a teasing expression. She licked her finger again and asked, "What're you planning to... Ah, you're going to..." She gasped a little as I bent and began kissing the soft skin of her inner thigh. She didn't lie down, but kept herself propped up on her elbows so she could enjoy a better view of what I was doing. It just made the visual even better... and I was eager to show her what I could do!

She wore a short skirt, barely reaching her mid-thigh, and I soon reached its hem as I slid my lips up her flesh. I saw her reach for the zipper, which was on her right hip, but I stopped her with a hand. "No, no! I want this skirt in place, so I can get the perfect view I've always desired but never managed to achieve."

"I don't usually grant upskirts to students," she scoffed.

"Then what is this?" I asked, tilting my head up and under her hem. The smell in the partially enclosed space under her skirt was breathtaking.

"You're not my student anymore, remember?"

"Mmm," I hummed and slid my lips to her pussy. It was dark under the skirt, but I could see that my fingers were right. She kept a full bush, short and meticulously shaped into a classic triangle above and a narrow strip below. It was a serious hairstyle for a serious woman who needed a serious trim.

I was certain I looked ridiculous with my head fully visible under her skirt. I hoped I looked ridiculous. This was too much fun. The anime image came to mind, picturing Mandy staring wide-eyed down at my head under her skirt, her breasts waving in the air... and possibly another blush on her cheeks.

I nuzzled her, noticing the obvious dampness against my face. With enthusiasm, I extended my tongue and ran it through her short curls. Her taste did not match her scent, but rather complemented it, and I sighed with delight as my tongue twirled through her bushes.

I slid one hand under the skirt with me and traced the outlines of her slit with my fingers. I combed a furrow and delicately spread her lips. My tongue dove into the gap and we both shivered at the spark created by the connection. I licked upward far enough to briefly explore her very firm clit before delving back down and into her depths.

I withdrew my hand and reached under both her legs, pressing them upward onto my upper arms. This pushed her skirt hem up higher, but sacrifices had to be made. I needed to be able to comfortably place my hands on her tits. I squeezed and rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and she moaned with approval.

I didn't know if she was approving of the nipple play or the way I was eating her pussy, but I hoped it was both, since I intended to keep up with both.

I could sense her arousal rapidly mounting. Amanda seemed inexplicably orgasmic, and that boded well for the rest of our time together. It also made it seem like getting her off right then would be advisable. I couldn't bring on an entire afternoon of female orgasms if I didn't get this one going now, right?

I concentrated my will and my tongue on her clitoris, circling and sucking on it, while my fingers tugged and softly pinched on her nipples, above my sightline. I felt no need to watch her boobs at the moment, they felt amazing.

"Oh, that is very satisfying, Mr. Hawthorne!" Mandy moaned. "You have no intention of stopping, do you? Oh wow. Yes. Yes, yes! You're making me climax!" she shrieked as I relished her.

The pressure I had felt building in her luscious body suddenly exploded. Like a tightly wound spring being released, her hips thrust upward into my face, then wiggled side to side. Her torso shook. Her shouts, however, suddenly cut off and I heard her grunt with clenched teeth as she trembled from her core.

I lost my grip on her breasts, but I managed to keep my tongue on her clit as her hips bucked against my face. A second wave of ecstasy struck her body, but less violently, before she collapsed on the rug, panting.

"Go on, get out from under there... Ken," she panted. "And will you please remove my skirt? It's going to be a pain to clean if I don't, and I'm not letting you fuck me in it either."

It occurred to me that I remembered where the zipper was, and promptly removed the sexy, now wrinkled skirt. She made no attempt to remove the open blouse, as if it was a favor to me. She was a stunningly sexy mess at the moment.

"I hope you don't mind if I take off these glasses," she added, lifting the cum-streaked frames from her face. "Everything is blurry now, but it's better than everything being smeared with white!"

I leaned over her to examine her face. "Wow!" I exhaled, a little surprised, and very glad. "Your eyes are so big, you have stunningly beautiful eyes," I said, seeing them as clearly as possible.

"Do I?" she questioned with genuine curiosity.

"Of course! Don't pretend like you don't know." I replied.

Bending over her, my erect penis lightly touched her body. She moved slightly in response. "I think they're quite beautiful," I said. "And I must confess that I feel a bit ashamed at how captivated I became, staring at them magnified like that," I added softly. Then I smiled widely at her, hoping it would show on my blurry face. I kept the grin in my voice regardless. "But I'm going to make your eyes widen again anyway."

With this, I moved back and down, pressing my penis against her slightly twitching vagina. I slid into her firmly, without taking my time. It was incredibly soft inside her, not tight, but firm nonetheless. While I was able to penetrate her completely in a single, pleasurable stroke, that stroke took time and effort.

However, my entry caused her eyes to widen again...

I slowly withdrew from her. I intended to withdraw completely and then drive into her again forcefully, but honestly, I couldn't bring myself to leave her entirely. The part about driving forcefully into her was easier to accept, and I groaned in near ecstasy as I plunged deep within her again. I was almost loud enough to drown out her own delighted gasp in response.

I should have just stayed still, completely buried within her, to appreciate the incredible feeling of her luscious body enveloping me, but my hips couldn't remain immobile, and I was thrusting in and out of her rapidly. The way her hands were gripping my butt and digging into my muscles like spurs had something to do with it.

"Oh fuck yes! Yes! Fuck me, Ken!" she cried, after getting aroused with some initial chatter as I drove into her. I plunged harder into her as her fingers dug into my ass. "Yes! That's it! Fuck me! Fill me!" she moaned.

I recognized that this woman had a personality that would make living with her a significant challenge. She had certainly made being her student a significant challenge as well. But during this moment, I felt that the intelligence of my mentor was just slightly lower than that of a container of sedimentary rocks for not allowing her to have regular sex with me.

Of course, I was doing all the work at the moment, but she was making the experience ridiculously sexy. The sexually suggestive screams and the dirty nature of her cries, apart from the gratifying intensity, added to the excitement.

I raised myself up on my arms, elbows straight as I thrust, so I could see her face. Her bun was coming undone as I moved her body intensely on the floor, loose black locks beginning to spread around her smiling face. Her breasts moved mesmerizingly in contrast to my quick thrusts.

I was almost tempted to cum quickly, since I was eager to have sex with her again...

But even in my horny state, I began to realize something. Her enthusiasm, while definitely real, was more of a show. She was indeed into it, but I wasn't making her lose control, or even approach losing control.

But no. No way. I knew she was okay with having her orgasms later, and I was there to give them to her later, but there was no way I wasn't going to watch at least one explode through her beneath me before I pulled out and paint her entire body with cum.

I realized it wasn't a sea, but my anime/hentai fantasy returned and I was determined to pull out and paint her breasts when the moment came.

However, it would require some changes.

Without slowing down, I grabbed her left thigh and lifted it up, wrapping my arm under it and pressing it against my abdomen.

I saw that this immediately improved her experience, as my penis was now attacking her at a different angle.

She lifted her other leg and wrapped it around me, pressing her calf across the bottom of my ass, and this made her mood even better. Her hands could no longer grip my rear end like this, and they slid towards my back, fingertips sliding over my skin as I fucked her. As I made long thrusts, I saw her face flush a little more.

The fact that my penis was also happier driving into her like this was just a matter of degree - from "amazeballs" to "awesome." What mattered was that I was finally making the sex machine beneath me lose it. [end]

I knew I was giving her exactly what she wanted, and maintained my actions with exacting precision. Mandy's voice continued to growl phrases like, "Fuck yeah. Fuck me. Fuck me like that. This is... gaaa... this is going to... aagh! Fuck me! Shit!" Previously, when she'd first begun uttering dirty talk, I'd believed she was doing it solely to inspire me and my efforts. But now, at this point, I don't think she could have remained silent even if she'd wanted to.

Her fingers clawed at my back, which I thought might not have been necessary, since she doesn't often trim her nails. However, this scratchy sensation was perfect, as it kept me focused enough to avoid coming inside her prematurely.

"Fuck!" she shouted wildly. "Oh my God! Oh, Sweet Mary and Joseph!" my reputedly atheist professor begged as I felt her entire body contract with what felt like her first unplanned muscle movements since I had first entered her. She writhed beneath me, her face flushed, and I felt the electricity running through her body as she came. Her hands went wild against my back, trying to somehow draw me closer to her in every way possible.

I couldn't stand it and detached myself from her before she'd even fully completed the aftershocks of her orgasm. My hand quickly moved to my penis. I didn't need to stroke it to achieve climax; I only desired to steer where the outcome would go. I murmured happily as my midsection seemed to flip inside out as I began to ejaculate across her chest. I didn't entirely coat her entire body like in the animations, but I spread a generous amount. Her breasts, especially her left nipple, appeared even more appealing with my semen on them.

I genuinely don't have a fetish for Hentai, but with Mandy, I couldn't shake off the visuals.

Right after my last drop, the soles of my feet were numb and I nearly collapsed onto her from the sheer pleasure.

"Fuck, damn it!" I panted.

"Fuck yes," Mandy huffed beneath me, all stress visibly leaving her body. "But," she added a little bit maliciously, gazing down at the glorious mess that had become her chest, "who told you to pull out?"

"I... I... we never discussed," I stammered, unwilling to reveal that I'd been caught up in a porn animation fantasy. And we really hadn't talked about contraception.

"Well then, Mr. Hawthorne," she replied sternly under me, "you will no longer pull out prior to climax. Is that understood? I want to feel your cum lodging itself within me each time."

How many times were we going to have sex today? I eagerly anticipated the number.

In case anyone doubted it, I was never going to deprive Professor Thames of her pleasure.

As always, thanks for reading, guys and gals. I also realize that some of you are women, though I'll admit, I often question how many... And thanks to your votes and particularly any feedback on how you think this series is progressing! #Regarding Tagging:

#Weird Sex.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de