Erotic Couplings

T and A and J - the renamed company.

Communicating sexually via text messages with Theo, Amber, and Jill.

May 30, 2024
9 min read
T & A & Jbbwcheatingtextingsextingaffair
T & A & J
T & A & J

T and A and J - the renamed company.

Hey Amber, you awake?

A: Yeah, what's up?

T: I'm exhausted tonight. I'm properly knackered.

A: Oh no, why are you messaging me about it?

T: Sorry. I can't get to sleep. Smoked too much weed and now I'm restless.

A: I know the feeling. That's why I stopped smoking.

T: I'll have to cut back but I'm so weak-willed.

A: Poor Theo. What have you been up to?

T: Just playing video games, nothing exciting.

A: Did you watch any porn?

T: Erm, what?

A: Remember when you said you end up watching porn whenever you're alone and high?

T: Oh, I didn't go that far yet!

A: Okay, just making sure.

T: I'll head off now, just wanted to say hi. Haven't seen you around the pub in a while.

A: I've been drinking less to keep my grades up. College is a pain, isn't it?

T: Yeah. I don't have any direction in my life other than my dead-end job and I really want to quit.

A: Well at least you can pay your bills. And you've been doing better about that lately.

T: Are you and Derrick still...

A: Still...what, Theo?

T: I heard you guys broke up.

A: That's true.

T: Aww, sorry Amber. That must've been hard for you.

A: It wasn't good for either of us. I think he was too nice to admit he wasn't attracted to me.

T: How come?

A: We had issues in the bedroom, he was awkward and often made excuses. We never even had sex.

T: Wow that's harsh. Well, he's a bit of a nerd then. A girl like you would be lucky to date him.

A: Yes, I'm aware, cheers.

T: I didn't mean it in a bad way by the way. I just think you're a great catch. I was never brave enough to ask you out since you were always single for such short periods. I'm not good with timing.

A: And now you're with Jill.

T: Yep.

A: I wish you'd asked me out even if I was seeing someone at the time.

T: I'm sorry. I'm a wimp. I didn't want to seem sleazy.

A: Sometimes people are so nice they don't realise they're being a dick. And not just you.

T: Really?

A: I'm not talking about you. For example, Derrick was so nice he couldn't admit that he didn't fancy a larger gal. But he asked me out, probably thinking he was being open-minded or something.

T: Hmmm. Well, I like larger women.

A: Really? Not kidding?

T: Yes.

A: That's...expected.

T: Haha, thanks. So like, the size of me? You're the kind of body type I like. But sometimes I like really big women.

A: Really? Big as in obese, like immobile?

T: Yep.

A: Do you want to sleep with someone that big?

T: In my dreams, but not in real life. I doubt I'd plan to meet up with one.

A: Are you afraid people will judge you or something?

T: No, but I'd feel embarrassed.

I'd probably feel guilty if we got into a relationship simply for the sake of having one. My fantasies seem to satisfy me for now.

Why do you like fat women? I'm just curious. It's cool that you don't think I'm weird.

I don't know, I just find something enticing about all that skin, how soft it is, and the imperfections. I can't even explain it.

Are you too skinny to turn me on? I shouldn't ask that.

No, you've always turned me on. I like you just the way you are. I'm probably not supposed to say that.

Jill isn't fat.


I mean, she's actually really hot. It's crazy. Even I think she's stunning!

I know. Lol.

Did I ever tell you that you're my first crush? I've always had feelings for you in a silly, kid-like way. I also look up to you, and I wish I had been a better friend to you in high school.

Yes, I liked you too. You're a good friend. We just didn't speak up about our feelings back then.

He's really shy, isn't he?

Yes, it's petrifying.

How awful of me.

Sorry, I wanted to tell you this before I lost my nerve. You were my first crush, and I've always had these feelings for you. I also respect you a lot.

I always had feelings for you too. But we were just polite and nervous around each other.

Am I bad for trying to steal you away from your girlfriend?

I suppose I am.

What do you like most about my body?

My butt!? Yeah, I like it. Even when you think it's too wide and a bit flat.

Is there anything specific that you like about me?

Yes - your eyes and your arms.

You're tempting me not to stop.

I'm a mischievous girl!

I admire your curves, especially your butt. Guys are so weird about body parts.

You're lucky I'm not being handsy. ;)

I might do that when we're together.

What else?

Maybe a full body massage?

Even your chubby thighs? And your big ass?

Yes, even those. I could bite your ass too.

Smack my butt?

Yeah. And I wish you'd ride me.

I'm worried I might smother you.

No problem, I'll just keep eating you up.

Want to have sex with me hard?

Sure, if that's what you want.

You're wet. How long have you been masturbating?

I've been doing it for a while.

I wish I could feel those wet folds around me.

Me too. I wish I could feel you on top of me.

I'd love to grab your belly and your breasts.

I'd love that.

What's next?

A full body massage.

How about your chubby thighs and your big butt?

Yes, definitely. And I'd love to leave love bites on you.

Smack my butt?


And you'd lick me until you died, hahaha.

Aww. Don't die on me.

Can I fuck you?

Of course.

Preferably hard?

If that's what you want.

I'm about to come.

Me too. I'm really close.

I wish I was riding you.

Me too. We can grab your belly and your breasts.

I could smack your butt and bite it.

Yes. I think about you often. You've given me so many pleasurable moments.

I've thought of you while masturbating as well.

So have I, it's insane.

I wish I could be there with you.

Me too. I imagine everything I'd do to you.

Like what exactly?

Full body massage, love bites, and I'd like to hear you moaning while I'm between your legs.

And you'd ride me.

Would you grab my belly and tits while you ride me?


Can you hear my Diaphragm moving? I'm close to coming.

I knew that would do it, I'm coming too.

Hey everyone, pile on me if you want, especially on my big tummy. Or you could just come inside me, my dear.

T: I'll be stimulating your clit until you reach climax alongside me.

J: You need to come, so rush please...come, come, come...



A: Theo, are you there?

T: I have come, ha ha.

A: Me too! Wow, we're turning naughty.

T: Yep. Oh my, that was great. This was my first time doing sexting. I've messed myself up.

A: My underwear is ruined. It's soaked through.

T: Nice!

A: Guess I'll be getting rid of this phone now.

T: Yes. Maybe we'll see each other tonight. Or you could just give me a call sometime.

A: Could be, or we'll simply cross paths somewhere.

T: I'd like that.

A: Good night, Theo. You're really growing on me.

T: I like you a lot too. Goodnight. xo

A: xo


J: Hey sweetie, are you awake?

T: Hey Jill, coming in for a landing now?

J: Yeah, a red eye flight. Should be home tomorrow morning.

T: Cool. How were things with your family?

J: Good to see them, but I wish you were there with me. Did Amber text you?

T: Absolutely! She seems to have made some progress.

J: Wonderful. Did you two...?

T: Yes, she's into it. I think we can explore the "affair" thing back at home for a bit first though.

J: Did you express your feelings to her?

T: Definitely, but I played down my relationship with you a bit to speed things along.

J: It's difficult as I don't want to push. I'm looking forward to us being all together. I'm dying to see you inside her. Then it'll be my turn. I believe she'll come around.

T: Don't stress; she's just taking some time.

J: Have you told her you love her?

T: Yep.

J: Aww, I love you too. We'll all be together soon. And the face sitting? Hehe...

T: She didn't seem to mind the idea.

J: Can you imagine? Fucking me while she sits on my little face? I love her plump butt.

T: I can't wait. What a naughty bunch we are.

J: Not really, just sneaky. Did you say something about showing her power?

T: Yep.

J: Can't wait, Jill. You've inspired me. See you soon! Xo

T: Xo.


J: Hi Amber, it's been a while. How are you doing?

A: Hello Jill, doing fine. Have you heard from Theo lately?

J: Yes, but he's not returning my calls which has me worried.

A: Probably he's just at home with his phone on mute. Guys are silly.

J: Guess that's a possibility.

A: Hey, I was going to reach out to you anyway. I'm thinking about having drinks together at some point.

A: Cool! I rarely drink, but I wouldn't mind being part of it.

J: Fantastic! And...I've been wanting to say this but never found the right moment, sorry. I've felt a girl crush on you since last year. If I try experimenting with a girl during this semester, I'd pick you.

A: Wow! Whoo, I'm caught off-guard.

J: I know, awkward...

A: Hang on, catch me up on this. It seems like you wish we could get together.

J: I'm just saying—if ever I do decide to try a girl out, and you're down—you're the number one on my list.

A: Um, wow, I wasn't expecting this from you.

J: If you're not interested, we can change the subject.

A: No, go on. I'm curious.

J: What if this could happen at some point? I'd love to get closer to you, if you get me...

A: Let's make sure not to mention this to Theo.

J: Of course. When would we try out these plans if they ever happen?

A: Maybe after I get back home. I'm definitely holding on to your secret.

A: Call me when you're ready to meet up! :)

J: Sure thing, Jill. Ttyl.


M: Jill, honey, glad you made it back home safely.

J: Thanks, Mom. Just landed.

M: Great. I'm so happy your trip to visit family was good. xo.

J: Thanks again for having me. Loving the new place you and Dad have moved into.

M: Thank you. The move made us very happy.

You're so handsome these days, Mom. I'm so happy you're losing that extra weight. No one would guess we're related. I feel like such a whale right now.

Me: Don't say that! I love my big body, Lily. I think curvy women are beautiful, wink.

M: Stop it! You're cruel, sweetheart, giggle.

L: I'm serious though.

M: I appreciate that. Oh, and thank you for dying my hair. I love being a redhead.

L: Who doesn't love a curvy redhead?

M: Your father doesn't know yet, laugh.

L: Tell him hi. Driving now, talk soon! xxoo.

M: I will. Love you! Drive safe! xo.


L: Almost home, just filling up the tank up the road.

T: Cool! I've got a surprise for you...

L: It's Amber, isn't it?

T: Maybe... :).

L: Couldn't wait, could you?

T: She called me. I didn't want to pass up a good opportunity. I told you I'd see you tomorrow.

L: Is she next to you?

T: In the bathroom. About to take a shower...with me.

L: Hmm, maybe I'll pretend to be surprised.

T: Do you think she'll be bothered I'm there?

L: Actually, I have a feeling she'll be happy to see me. I'm dying for a shower. My mouth still tastes like your mom's butt. She's a deep sleeper. It took me five minutes to come and she didn't even wake up.

T: I'm so envious. We should have a party when you introduce me to your mom.

L: After five minutes?

T: Awesome, see you in five. This is going to be a great night.


D: Amber, it's Derrick. I just wanted to apologize. I hope we can still be friends.

A: Hey Derrick, this is Jill. Amber, Theo, and I are about to have sex in the shower. So, you know...have a great night. Next time you get the chance to fuck a big, sexy, redhead, don't hesitate. Enjoy being single! Love, T, A, and J


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