lesbian sex

Task 1: Rewrite the following text with different words: Instructive undertaking segment 1.

Drew and Jules embark on their new task.

May 2, 2024
12 min read
straightAssignment Pt. 01intercoursevoyeurmasturbation
Assignment Pt. 01
Assignment Pt. 01

Task 1: Rewrite the following text with different words: Instructive undertaking segment 1.

I'm Drew and I reside with Jules on a 4-5 bed estate near the fringes of town. If you take a left out of the estate, you'll find open fields; if you turn right, you'll encounter convenience stores and fast food outlets.

Now, regarding Jules and me—we both work for a security agency, though I don't specify which one. I work openly in a small office with approximately 200 people in Leeds. My role there—should anyone enquire—is IT support. Jules, on the other hand, seems to be employed there as well, but not so much for her actual job at the power company as a Projects Manager. She receives payment from them, and her role is challenging, albeit her main focus is on security. However, only I am aware of this fact.

The agency is intrigued by the couple living in the neighboring house. Certain actions of theirs have piqued our interest, ultimately leading Jules and me to attend a meeting a few months ago.

"This house, the one next door, has become available. We'll acquire it and relocate you there," the head honcho remarked.

"Great, and what exactly is our task?" I asked.

"Infiltrate their lives, but present yourselves as the ones being drawn in. Don't reveal our true purpose: participate in the Agency, but appear unconnected. We know they're working for a foreign organization, just not their objectives. You're bait, Drew. You'll occupy a role at the Agency, yet supposedly not operational. We've secured Jules a job within British Power in their Leeds office, and the upgraded dwelling will be a result of her employment promotion."

"Understood. And your thoughts on our roles?" Jules asked.

"A married couple, around five years in, no kids, mostly content. There might be the occasional dispute. Any issues?"

"Depends on your capabilities." Jules's laughter followed. "And as far as the topic of our arguments goes, it's up to you whether they're connected to that or not."

Implied in the statement is the knowledge that the house is outfitted with top-notch surveillance equipment, which means we must maintain a carefully crafted facade of a married couple in all aspects of our lives—including our conversations and whereabouts. We can't discuss any work-related matters in the house or our vehicles. We're also to assume our phones have been bugged.

Our "cover story" is being centralized by London-based officials but to ensure plausibility. The agency we operate under operates a coffee shop in town where we can meet for lengthy chats away from prying eyes. A few tables have been equipped with WiFi disrupters and Bluetooth absorbers, ensuring that the rows of seats bearing these devices are completely undetectable to lip-readers. We have a regular meeting place for such talks, our assigned manager turns on the disruptors when we sit at our designated table. It's the best we can manage under the circumstances.

After relocating about two weeks ago, we delved into unpacking, organizing, and arranging furniture. A few days later, the neighbors—the targets of the Agency's interest—initiated contact:

"Hello. I'm Annette, I live next door."

Putting down my chrome wire brush and turning around, I greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Drew. Not a nickname, that's what I've always gone by."

"Hi Drew. Drew, like the river?" she asked.

"No, just Drew. Good to meet you. I'm guessing you and Pete have invited us for a drink sometime?"

"Oh, yes! We should meet and get better acquainted. We've only introduced ourselves. My partner goes by Pete."

"Got it! We can do that this evening around 7. Should we bring something?"

"Not necessary, we'll have plenty."

I went to inform Jules of the invitation.

"Hey baby, we got invited next door for drinks by Annette and Peter."

No dramatic gestures, no winks or high-fives. I had to maintain the impression of playing precisely the part the Agency expected, maintaining the ruse of being the married couple we claimed to be. Our conversations would have to involve only mundane matters as eyes and ears would be watching us.

"Excellent. I assumed you and I could share an intimate evening with each other, in bed and all."

"I'll postpone the neighborly visit for tomorrow."

"No, we can't be rude. We'll have a shower and be ready in 10 minutes. Tonight, the session will be in the afternoon."

"Alright, I'll just put everything away and get the drive clean first, and then I'll be all set."

Today, we had plans to spend some quality time together. I headed out to the garage, picked up my stool and polishes and everything else, checked that the car was locked, and made my way back inside.

In the bedroom, I open the windows a bit to let some fresh air in, not just for the sake of it but because it's also helpful since it allows the sounds to travel. If anyone wanted to listen in, they could. Jules can be pretty noisy sometimes when she gets immersed in her activities.

When I finished disrobing, Jules had just emerged from the bathroom.

"I'm going to hop in the shower, baby. I'll join you in a bit, don't start without me."

"Don't take too long or I might finish before you," she teased with a laugh.

I made sure to give my butt, balls, cock, armpits, and any other crease a thorough cleaning in the shower, rinsing away any remaining suds. No one wants to taste soap.

Jules was lying on the bed, a little off-center, when I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Wow, gorgeous, you're a sight for sore eyes," I complimented her.

"You better get a move on before I change my mind about helping you with your job today," she teased.

Jules has a nice shape - a C cup, medium-sized nipples, a small waist, hips you can grab onto, and is fully shaved. She uses a laser to permanently kill the follicles, so she barely has to shave, but I, on the other hand, remove all the hair from my body. I don't have the biggest package, but it doesn't matter in the shower, and I've learned a lot about women's preferences over the years. My knowledge was further enhanced by some experienced instructors at the Agency.

I knelt on the bed, right above Jules' pelvis, her legs parted. Her fanny is quite a sight. It's small and hidden under her fleshy mons but spreads out like a flower when she widens her legs. It's a miracle of nature. I love it. This part of the task didn't bother me at all; in fact, I relished it.

I sprayed a gentle breeze from her bottom to top, sending her sex into a flare, and Jules opened her legs wider for me. There was a wetness from her arousal, so tasty and sweet, and it had a magnificent musky aroma. I eagerly inhaled the fragrance. So, without wasting time, I sucked her clitoris through her suddenly opening fanny, her legs quivering.

"Oh my god, yes. Yes." she exclaimed loudly. This could grab the attention of neighbors if anyone were eavesdropping.

My tongue circled her clitoris while I pressed it against the opening of her vagina with my finger. Jules shifted under me, urging me to speed up.

"Fuck yes, Drew, yes."

I proceeded to make in and out motions with my fingers, like thrusting into her, licking her clitoris, and probing her urethra with my tongue. Jules started rolling her hips, arching her back, completely losing control as I used the same method with my fingers, stretching her fanny for my eventual invasion. I left her glistening lady parts and got on top of her naked body.

Her hand reached down between us, palm wrapped around my hard member, pushing it inside. Her muscles pulled my hips close, and I plunged inside her. The expansion felt satisfying, fuller, harder, and thicker than my fingers. I rammed it home over and over, the noise from our sex drowning out any other conversations.

The sensation of being about to cum became evident, and I let out a primal yell as I climaxed and filled her insides with my sperm.

"Oh fuck, yes, you monster," Jules gasped.

I slid out, and my cock left her too, making a slurpy noise. Breathing deeply, I crawled up and snuggled next to her, pulling her close.

She whispered to me, her lips by my ears.

"I didn't fake it."

"I love you, baby," I confessed before holding her close. I may not really love her, but she's great in bed. Sometimes those small things can make a job a lot more enjoyable. I hope if anyone was listening or watching, they're properly convinced.

We dozed off together on the bed for a while. Jules started fingering between her legs.

"Yuck, Drew. I can't just walk over to the neighbors with sperm dripping from me."

"I don't see why not," I replied, causing her to tease me with a playful punch.

Jules headed to the bathroom, likely to freshen up. I waited a few minutes and then followed suit, washing my groin area. When she emerged, she was sitting on the toilet, drying herself with a towel.

"I'm drying out," she said with a smirk.

Before we left, Jules inserted a menstrual liner into her underwear, "Just in case," she remarked. She wore a bra and a summer dress while I opted for a simple T-shirt and chinos. We both wore slip-ons for convenience.

We were greeted by Annette when we arrived, who excitedly invited us inside. We followed her into the conservatory, where Pete was seated in a chair. We sat across from them on a cane sofa.

"Hi, I'm Pete," he said, pleased to meet us.

"Thanks for having us, Pete," I responded.

Pete stood up, "drinks?"

"White wine for me," requested Jules.

"Red wine here," I added.

"Gin and tonic," was their joint reply.

Pete went to fetch the drinks. Annette was seated near me, and it was difficult not to notice that she was wearing red underwear. I tried to maintain eye contact with her face, but I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of her undergarments. She responded with a smile. She knew.

"What do you two do?" Annette inquired.

"Jules just started at British Power," I responded.

"Cool! What about you, Drew?"

"I work at a place on the ring road, doing IT."

"Oh, Annette and I don't have jobs, we volunteer here and there. Pete owns his own business, he's always doing different things to make money," she explained.

"I see." An imaginary light bulb turned on in my brain. "So, Pete is involved in some shady deals…"

Pete returned with our drinks.

"IT?" he questioned, "I could use some IT support, mine is awful at the office."

"Well, IT can vary a lot. You need a strong data connection, something you can grow into," I replied.

"Just fibre?"

"No, it's more complicated. You need to ensure no one outside can access your network. It's all about having the right infrastructure in place."

"Yeah, I went for the cheapest option when setting it all up."

"Talk to your telecommunications provider. It's likely they'll have deals available for upgrades."

"I'll look into it. Do you do this for your work?"

"Not really, I set up WiFi in my workplace, allowing staff to work from anywhere in the building, but not in the parking lot," I explained.

"Interesting. You work for the Government?"

"No, just a regular IT guy."

"You sound like a spy," Annette interjected, amused.

I laughed, "I'm not, I'm just an IT professional."

Annette periodically crossed and uncrossed her legs, revealing more of her panties. I tried to stay composed. Jules visited the restroom, then Pete went to the kitchen to refill our drinks. As the evening progressed, we entertained the couple with idle conversations, both Annette and Pete inquiring about my employment. I dodged their questions, responding with vague answers. Before we left, we exchanged phone numbers.

I noticed Annette's leg movements.

"I heard you this afternoon," she whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, making love," she continued.

"We're not swingers, Jules would never allow that."

"Oh, don't apologize, I got so hot I had to... professionally satisfy myself. I just wish I could've watched you," she confessed.


Annette shifted her legs to cover more of her underwear. "I'm so wet just thinking about it. You made me aroused as hell," she admitted. A dark patch appeared through her panties.

"Blimey..." I managed.

Jules returned, Annette adjusted her seating to conceal what she was wearing, and Pete returned with fresh beverages. The evening progressed in a casual manner, with Jules and myself slightly intoxicated and Annette more so. Pete acted drunk, despite having consumed little alcohol. We said goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers.

Jules and I couldn't wait to discuss their peculiar behavior, but we were hesitant to do so at home. We decided to catch up over lunch the following day at the coffee shop.

We arrived punctually and snagged one of the 'special' tables in the back. When Mark, the manager, brought our coffees and baguettes, he expressed hope that everything was in order, indicating that it was safe to converse.

"Well," I said, "this was rather typical, wouldn't you say?"

"Definitely. They're sticking to the script."

"Yes, it seems she'll proposition me next time."

"That's my guess, too. I believe her underwear was deliberately visible, a commonly used approach."

"It'll be effective for me."

"You're aware he'll ask you to describe a system for his department, similar to the one at your workplace. His intention is to find a way to bypass it, correct?"

"Indeed. I'll present a different system, one equipped with a tracking mechanism that identifies unknown users and diverts them to a secure network with bogus traffic."

"Got it. So, what's next?"

"I think we should allow them to make the moves. Annette had already inquired about our interest in threesomes."

"I hope you said no."

"I replied that you wouldn't be into such activities."

"Sneaky, but wise."

"Now, I must return to the office."

"I do, too." We exchanged a kiss and a hug before heading back to our respective workplaces. Upon arrival at mine, I was able to fill out a report documenting the intel and what we had shared with the targets.

I pulled into the driveway, and Annette approached me.

"How'd you like what you saw?" she asked as I was still shutting the car door.

"Um, well, she's… appealing."

"They're not wearing any today," she said, her back turned to the road as she hiked up her skirt. "In fact, I'm not wearing anything down there."

No, indeed. Her vulva was exposed, unlike Jules'.

"Fuck, Annette."

"I want you to facetime me the next time you're with Jules," she purred. "I'd like to watch."

"I'm not sure Jules would appreciate that."

"She doesn't have to know you're filming. She wouldn't have to know you're watching me pleasure myself. Jesus, Annette."

She shrugged. "I suppose it doesn't matter."

"I'll see you later, Annette."

I dry-washed my hands in the kitchen sink. 'They don't dally,' I thought. It aligned with our suspicions. They would recognize that we wouldn't suspect them of anything and would perceive us to be the mundane individuals we'd intended to be. I stripped down to my underwear, and moments later, Annette initiated a WhatsApp video call.

"Ah, great, you're almost ready," she remarked, eyeing the barely visible outline of my crotch. I adjusted the screen view, further revealing my exposed torso.

"You have nice…" I stammered, struggling to find the right words. "...boobs," I finished lamely. She lounged back on her bed, spreading her legs. She placed her phone at roughly knee height, giving me a full-on view between her legs.

"Enjoy," she commented, beginning to rub her fingers on her inner thighs. Her vulva had plump, protruding outer labia, and her glistening inner lips indicated her arousal. She circled one finger around her clitoris before fully inserting it into her vagina. I pondered if she were attempting to wiggle her finger inside herself. It was challenging to discern her actions.

My arousal increased, and my crotch tugged at my underwear. Watching her self-pleasure was incredibly stimulating, her attractive figure and audible grunts made it all the more sensual. I refrained from joining her.

Annette sought to entice me, "I'd love it if you could see me masturbate. Do you?"

I resisted the urge to engage in this activity, cognizant that she couldn't witness my arousal. She simply shook her head and disappeared from the call.

I walked to my bedroom and slipped out of my underwear. Just as I was about to get dressed, Annette initiated another video call.

"I'm glad you're almost dressed," she said, presumably seeing my partially concealed penis. I adjusted the camera to show more of my face.

Annette pulled her finger from her vagina and began massaging her clitoris. The touch felt gentle at first but became more forceful and rapid. Her eyes were shut as she continued, her moans increasingly sensual, and then she opened her eyes, pressed down hard and exclaimed, "Fuck me, oh fuck me, I need you," before her orgasm unleashed and her body rose from the bed.

Let's just say the following day was unusual. It's not every day you meet someone and have video sex the next, especially in my group of friends.

"Enjoy that?" I inquired.

"Absolutely," she answered. "I want you inside me."

"I'm married, Annette," I replied.

"That makes no difference," she stated and terminated the call.

I took off my pants and considered taking the same action, but I wasn't particularly aroused. Was I going to have sex with her? It's likely, so I'd better give them something to use against me. However, I'm not intending to make it simple.

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