Tears and Soothing

Curiosity leads to spanking; tears and climaxes ensue.

Jul 27, 2024
11 min read
ffTears and Soothingmasturbationcollegeconfessiontearsspankinglandlordfriendship
Tears and Soothing
Tears and Soothing

Tears and Soothing

Jacqueline, a 20-year-old college sophomore, rented a room from Marie, a 58-year-old professor at her university. Both quiet and reflective souls, they quickly became close. Marie almost became a second mother to Jacqueline, and they routinely shared almost every aspect of their lives, no matter how personal.

One evening, as they shared stories about their childhoods, Marie mentioned her strict upbringing. She shared a story about hiding from her parents with a friend when it was time for the friend to go home. They were both caught and received "spankings to remember." Jacqueline confided that she had never been spanked, only given time-outs and restrictions, but she admitted, "I probably could've used a few 'butt warmings,' to be honest."

Marie, with a twinkle in her eye, replied, "Oh, I had no shortage of them," and revealed that it was common for her to receive more than one spanking per week.

Jacqueline said she had always been curious about what it's like to be spanked.

Marie explained that while it's definitely not enjoyable and the physical pain can be overwhelming, there is undeniably an adrenaline rush.

Jacqueline, intensely curious, asked, "What were your spankings like, if you don't mind me asking?"

Marie hesitated, then took a sip of her wine. "It depended on what I did. Sometimes it was just a quick over-the-knee spanking, six swats with the hand, and then on with the day. But if it was something serious, I was expected to go to my room and 'prepare.' That meant undressing from the waist down and retrieving the hairbrush from the dresser. Then I would wait in silence for my mother to come."

Jacqueline listened intently, absorbing every detail.

Marie continued, "When my mother arrived, I had to confess my sin again, hand her the hairbrush, and ask her to bring me to tears to correct my mistake. Then she would grab my wrist, pull me over her knee, and immobilize my legs with hers. The spanks fell for what was probably only 4 or 5 minutes but seemed like an eternity, and I would sob uncontrollably. When it finally ended, I was totally forgiven. If you haven't experienced it, there's almost no way to describe it. The pain was very intense. Sometimes the pain lasted for days, but there was a strange sense of liberation afterward."

Jacqueline was silent, processing the intensity of Marie's recollection. "That sounds... almost unimaginable. But the part about feeling liberated and totally forgiven is kind of beautiful. In my household, the forever grudge was kind of its own punishment that never went away."

That night, unable to sleep, Jacqueline found herself intensely aroused by the thought of being spanked as Marie described. She envisioned herself in that predicament, exposed, holding a hairbrush, confessing, and being disciplined. With that image in her mind, she spent the entire night repeatedly pleasuring herself, unable to sleep at all.

Two weeks later, unable to shake her curiosity, Jacqueline approached Marie with a request: would Marie show her what it's like to be spanked? Jacqueline explained that ever since their conversation, she could not concentrate on anything other than her bottom being smacked until she cried.

Marie thought about it for a few moments but eventually replied, "If you want this experience, I will give it to you, but it must be a spanking for something--you have to deserve it. And once I decide you deserve it, there will be no turning back. If I'm going to punish you for something, that means I decide when it's over."

Jacqueline nodded her head almost a bit too fervently.

Marie continued, "Okay. So tell me what you need to be spanked for. Certainly, you must have some sin weighing on your soul for which you need correction, yes?"

After a moment of introspection, Jacqueline admitted that she recently helped a friend cheat by writing part of a term paper for her.

Marie was genuinely shocked. She had never guessed that Jacqueline was capable of such dishonesty. "What brought you to do something like that?"

Jacqueline, feeling a mix of shame and relief for confessing, explained, "She was my friend, and she was struggling. She asked for my help, and I told her I would look at her work and give her suggestions, but it was just so bad that I could tell 'suggestions' weren't going to cut it. I ended up rewriting most of her paper for her. I tried to make it sound like her, so I basically didn't proofread it and let her turn it in with typos and errors, knowing it would still be better than what she had written before. She got a B. She would almost have definitely failed otherwise. She didn't even thank me."

Marie asked her, "And how do you feel about what you've done? Do you truly understand the gravity of it?"

"I felt dirty and used," Jacqueline replied. "I know it was dishonest and wrong. I feel bad for doing it. I don't want to be that person, but I guess I am. So, yes, I have a sin that's been weighing on me, something I should be punished for."

Marie replied, "Well, what I should do is report you. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes," Jacqueline replied.

"Knowing what I know and not reporting you, I risk my job at the university," Marie continued. "You should be punished strictly to be sure, and I'll give you what you deserve, but I hope you're grateful for the risk I'm taking by punishing you myself this way. We will deal with this tomorrow evening at 7:00. You can be sure that your bare bottom will feel the full consequences of this choice. Until then, you can reflect over the choices you've made."

"Thank you, Marie," was all Jacqueline could muster, feeling both a deep sense of gratitude toward Marie for taking such a personal risk--a true act of love. But Jacqueline also felt a knot in her stomach knowing she would have to spend the next full day in anticipation. Over the next day, she could not eat or sleep, fixated on the mental image of herself undressing and presenting a paddle to Marie to inflict pain upon her. The next evening, she tried to study in the living room, but her attempts at concentration were futile as the surge of fear and arousal consumed her consciousness. She watched the time on her watch with increasing trepidation. 5:18, 5:35, 5:48, 6:00--just one hour left--6:30, 6:44, 6:52, 6:54, 6:58, 6:59.

At exactly 7:00, she went into the kitchen. Marie was waiting for her. Marie directed her to go upstairs, retrieve the wooden hairbrush from the top left drawer in Marie's bathroom, and go wait for her in her bedroom and "prepare." Jacqueline did as she was told, retrieving the hairbrush, going into her room, and removing her jeans. She hesitated to remove her panties but remembered that Marie had said she undressed from the waist down and that it would be her bare bottom that faced the consequences of her choices, so she slipped her thumbs under the elastic and slowly slid them down, stepped out of them, and stood in the center of her room, holding the hairbrush in that exposed state for minutes that seemed like hours as she waited for Marie to enter as she felt the cold air against her sensitive skin.

When Marie finally entered, the gravity of the situation hit Jacqueline full force. Her hands shook as she held the hairbrush out to Marie, stammering her confession once more. "I helped a friend cheat, Marie. It was dishonest, and I knew it was wrong. Please punish me for it. Bring me to tears for my mistake."

Marie took the hairbrush, her expression firm yet compassionate. She sat on the edge of the bed and patted her thigh. Jacqueline eagerly but apprehensively bent over her lap. Marie guided her across her knee and tilted her forward so that her legs dangled awkwardly, with her toes just off the floor. Marie then clamped her legs down on Jacqueline's. With her left hand, she grabbed Jacqueline's wrists and pinned her arms behind her back, totally immobilizing her limbs. The sudden sensation of being so tightly controlled sent a shiver through Jacqueline's spine, a mix of fear and arousal at her total helplessness.

Jacqueline's breath caught in her throat as Marie adjusted her position, ensuring maximum immobilization and access. Marie's leg pressed firmly against the sensitive flesh of Jacqueline's thighs, amplifying the sensation of exposure as Marie placed the cold wooden back of the hairbrush against Jacqueline's bare bottom and tested her range of motion with one test swing without impact.

A few seconds later, the first spank with the hairbrush landed with a sharp, echoing crack. Jacqueline gasped at the sudden, searing sting, her whole body tensing with the shock. She could not believe how intensely it hurt. The sensation quickly spread, leaving a burning feeling in its wake. Marie did not pause long before the hairbrush descended again, then again, in a relentless, measured rhythm. Each strike delivered a powerful jolt, driving the pain deeper.

The intensity of the experience quickly became overwhelming, and by the fourth stroke, Jaqueline's eyes filled with tears. Half a minute into her ordeal, she found herself unable to suppress the sobs that rose in her throat. With Jacqueline's arms pinned behind her back and her legs immobilized, she was totally aware of her absolute vulnerability; she was totally at Marie's mercy, and the reality of her predicament sent her into an emotionally raw state that heightened the intensity of every physical sensation and increasingly elicited an erotic response.

Jacqueline's cries escalated with a mix of pain and mounting pleasure. Her body trembled uncontrollably as the warmth from the afterburn of each strike spread from her throbbing bottom directly into her nether regions. The wetness and tingling between her legs became undeniable, the sensation of her arousal pressing against Marie's leg a constant, maddening reminder of her helpless state. Each smack echoed in the room and seemed to double the intensity of both her pain and her arousal.

Marie, sensing Jacqueline's escalating state, maintained her steady, unrelenting rhythm, each spank landing with precise, measured force.

After four minutes, Jacqueline felt herself teetering on the edge of climax. That sensation lasted for what felt like an eternity. The mix of pain and pleasure swirled within her, each spank pushing her closer to the brink. She was unbearably close, the sensation building and building but never tipping over into release. Frustration mingled with her vulnerability, her cries of pain interspersed with desperate, gasping moans. Marie noticed Jacqueline's arching back, could hear the arousal in her yelps, and could feel her wetness dripping into her leg. Yet she was unmoved, continuing her steady rhythm of forceful swats.

Finally, just as Jacqueline felt she couldn't take it any longer, the spanking abruptly ceased.

Jacqueline gasped, her body trembling uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face from the overwhelming sensations, not sure if there were still more spanks to come. The sting and burn on her bottom were intense, but so was the profound arousal and the desperate, unfulfilled need for release. Tears poured like rivers down her face. The mixture of pain, emotional catharsis, and sexual frustration left her breathless.

Marie gently lifted Jacqueline from her lap and helped her stand on shaky legs. Her voice was soothing as she expressed her forgiveness. "It's over now, Jacqueline. You are forgiven."

Jacqueline continued to cry, the emotions still coursing through her. She watched as Marie took a moment to clean off the wet spots from her leg, her expression compassionate and understanding. "Your physiological response is entirely natural," she assured Jacqueline, her voice gentle.

Marie stood and smoothed the wrinkles from her clothes, looking at Jacqueline with a knowing smile. "I'll leave the room now so you can 'soothe yourself,'" she said, a playful yet caring wink following her words. Jaqueline wasn't sure whether she meant to soothe the pain in her bottom, release her sexual tension, or both.

Jacqueline nodded, still tearful as she tried to process all that had just happened. As Marie left and closed the door behind her, the room felt suddenly quiet, except for the sound of Jacqueline's breathing.

Once alone, her sole focus became her need for release. Lying face down on her bed to avoid putting pressure on her bottom and lifting her hips, her hands moved almost on their own to the spot between her legs that cried out for attention. The lingering sting in her bottom only amplified the intensity of her desire. She replayed her punishment in her mind as her fingers moved rapidly to bring the release she was denied during the spanking. The tight knot of need unraveled quickly, and soon, the waves of pleasure crashed over her powerfully and repeatedly. With each climax, she could hear echoes of the hairbrush cracking against her skin and the waves of stinging warmth traversing her body; the combination of her sore bottom and her desperate touch led to a series of eight overwhelming, almost explosive climaxes. With each one, Jacqueline's cries filled the room as she soothed herself like never before, ringing out with both pain and relief. Her body convulsed with the intensity of her release, each wave of pleasure leaving her more spent than the last. By the time she was done, she was utterly exhausted, her body and mind completely drained.

As she lay there, catching her breath, a profound sense of calm settled over her. The spanking, with all its pain and vulnerability, had led her to a release that was both physical and emotional. The guilt she carried felt lighter, her sense of self clearer. She realized that Marie's method of discipline had not only corrected her but also led to a deeper understanding of herself.

In the aftermath, Jacqueline's gratitude toward Marie became even deeper. Her tears dried up, leaving behind a sense of peace. She knew that this experience would stay with her, not just the pain and the pleasure, but the profound vulnerability and release.

The next morning over breakfast, Jacqueline sipped her tea thoughtfully, savoring the calm but feeling a flicker of curiosity. She looked up at Marie, her voice filled with tentative curiosity. "Marie, can I ask you something?"

Marie nodded, her expression encouraging. "Of course, dear. What's on your mind?"

Jacqueline hesitated but then decided to go ahead. "Did you... did you do the same thing after your own spankings? I mean, in terms of 'soothing?'"

Marie's eyes softened with understanding, and she smiled gently. "Of course," she admitted without hesitation. "Orgasms are nature's aspirin. They have a remarkable way of soothing not just physical discomfort but emotional turmoil as well."

Jacqueline felt a sense of camaraderie and relief wash over her at Marie's candid response. "I see," she said quietly. "That makes me feel a bit better about everything."

Marie chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with shared understanding. "It's a very natural response, Jacqueline. And a very effective one. It's your body's mechanism to cope and heal. Embracing that is simply part of taking care of ourselves."

Jacqueline nodded, feeling more at ease with the entire experience. The understanding that Marie had gone through similar processes deepened her trust and comfort.

"So, it's not just about punishment," Jacqueline reflected aloud. "It's about healing and restoring equilibrium too."

"Exactly," Marie said, her voice gentle but firm. "It's all interconnected. The discipline is meant to realign our actions with our values, but the aftermath, the emotional and physical release, helps us integrate the experience fully. It's all part of the healing and growth."

Marie's words settled over Jacqueline like a soothing balm, bringing a new layer of clarity and acceptance. The conversation felt like a completion of the journey, tying together the initiation, the intense experience, and the subsequent release and understanding.

With a soft smile, Jacqueline felt a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Marie, for being so kind and open. Merciless to my bottom but kind in your heart."

Marie returned the smile with warmth. "Anytime, Jacqueline. It's important to have someone to guide us through these deep emotions and experiences."

They continued their conversation, the bond between them stronger for the shared vulnerabilities and the mutual respect that had grown from this experience.

In that moment, all was right in Jaqueline's world.

  1. Jacqueline, still feeling the aftermath of their discussion, confessed to Marie that she had trouble sleeping due to her intense curiosity about spanking.
  2. Marie, recognizing Jacqueline's genuine interest and her desire for some form of catharsis, suggested they create a scenario for a role-play spanking, emphasizing that it would serve as a form of punishment for an actual misdeed.
  3. The following evening, Jacqueline admitted to Marie that she had lied to her friend about doing homework together, arguing that she accidentally shared her friend's work without fully realizing the implications.
  4. Feeling guilty but also relieved, Jacqueline accepted Marie's punishment, which included a role-play spanking using a wooden paddle and "soothing" herself afterward to cope with the emotional and physical stimulation.

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