Gay Sex

Tendencies - Part 12: A Flawless Day

Collision results in improvement.

May 10, 2024
25 min read
Proclivities - Pt. 12: A Perfect Dayrole playingtit fuck
Proclivities - Pt. 12: A Perfect Day
Proclivities - Pt. 12: A Perfect Day

Tendencies - Part 12: A Flawless Day

Waking up unnecessarily early, at 6:17 AM, I was greeted by a fretting coffeemaker which had reached its end. Staring at the glowing clock, I wondered why I wasn't still asleep, enjoying the Monday holiday's break from work. Tomorrow, I'd be back, this foolishness wouldn't last.

Fighting through a headache, contemplating my dilemma, I decided to make my morning coffee. Usually, George would handle this task, but today I made it alone. I didn't want to disturb him, so I carefully stepped out of bed without waking him. It would've been nice to chat, but I wouldn't put him in an unfair position.

When the coffee was ready, a quick steam release informed me it was safe for consumption. Carefully, I retrieved my cup, stirred in some sugar, and carefully sipped, cherishing the scalding liquid.

I hesitated between two seats at the breakfast bar, finally choosing one with my back towards the rest of the kitchen. Noises from the day ahead clamored in my mind, demanding my attention.

The silence was abruptly filled by George's voice.

"What brings you out of bed at this ungodly hour?"

I reflexively jerked away from the hot mug, painfully burning my hand.

"Guess you startled me!" I snapped, before realising how terrible it sounded. "I'm alright, just need some paper towels."

Catching my mug, George rinsed it under cold water. Filling a paper towel with the hot liquid, he handed it to me.

"Hold it under your hand for a moment."

Obediently, I dipped the towel into the mug, intending to cool down my hand. Once sufficiently wet, George pulled it away and carefully dried my fingers, before settling the mug back into the sink.

"Now you can drink your coffee."

Brandishing a fresh mug, George came around to sit behind me and carefully arranged the stools, to ensure we faced each other. He focused on my hands, squeezing them gently before resting on my lap, grinning comfortingly.

"Let's talk about this," George encouraged, taking my hands in his. "You couldn't sleep?"

"No, I woke up around five to pee, but then my brain decided it didn't want to stop."

"Did you want someone to listen?"

"Yes, but not to advise or criticise. Just to, I don't"

"Alright. A seat and coffee will make you feel better. Sit down."

Following his directions, I settled at the breakfast bar and George fixed our coffee.

Once ready, he offered me a stool that faced him, harboring one of his sympathetic smiles and gently holding my hands.

"Tell me," he said despite my hesitance and preposterous sense of embarrassment, "the details are important to me."

"Um, do you remember that chat I had with my mom on the deck while you were talking to your dad?"

"I do, but I thought you were forbidden from disclosing it to me."

"I am, but some things are bothering me. I can't say the details, but I was compelled to offer her advice."

"Did she ask for it?"

"She did, but reluctantly. It was strangely...awkward and uncomfortable. We haven't particularly had the best relationship these past few years."

"Avoiding the obvious, was she?"

"Pretty much."

"Then what bothers you?"

"I can't talk about it, but I did feel guilty about possibly giving bad advice."


"If things go wrong, you'll blame me."

"You know I wouldn't," he refuted, his comforting demeanour safely enclosing our conversation. "I've got your back."

"How can you be so sure?"

With a mocking grin, "Because I'm not the bearer of good news, I'm the man who fixes problems."

"I can't help but feel inadequate."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"There are the Rizzo brothers, and their memories make me feel extremely insignificant."

"Them bothering you is not a strength, but if Chuck finished it, there's no need for you to constantly worry about them."

"I understand, but..."

My words were interrupted by George's gentle hand raising and over my head, completing my thought: "I've got your back."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Never let you forget it."

"Why wouldn't I?"

Laughing, "Most women let their spouses forget about it."

"Not me, I guess," I joked back. "I needed that bright spot after a night of uneasiness."

"You need more than jokes?"

"I want to be sure we're good."

"I'm always good, but we're perfect together, especially after last night."

"Quite a kiss, eh?"

"No other woman turns me on as much as you. Not just the sex, but everything else as well."

"Think she's jealous?"

"I doubt it. But if she is, it's her problem, not mine."

"Got it. I just wish nothing goes wrong."

"It won't. I'll be there."

"I want that," I said, hoping he meant what he said and praying for clarity.

"You know, that's not the issue though." He inquired.

"Then what is?"

"It's me. I feel guilty about starting all of this. If I had just stepped back from the window, none of it would have transpired."

"We can't change the past and more importantly, in my opinion, you didn't do anything wrong."

"I know. Perhaps guilt isn't the right word. What I'm experiencing is more like anger towards Tony for thinking I owed him something. Or even worse, him still believing it."

"Trust me, he doesn't. Considering the threat of financial ruin, it's incredible how focused he became.", he assured. "But let's talk about security. I've already put in surveillance cameras at the dock. Would you like me to install a few around your home as well? Nothing crazy, just cover the entry points."

"That would be helpful."

"I'll also include alarms for the doors and first floor windows."

"That's even better, thank you."

"I want you to feel safe in your own home."

"I love you, George Richter!", I exclaimed, my deepest feelings touched by those words.

Hugging him back, he replied, "I love you too."

"Okay, one more thing. Have you given any thought to Chuck's offer?"

"Yes, you mean the self-defense classes?"


"I'm not certain yet, but I'm leaning towards yes."

"Tell you what. Go give a few sessions a try and see how you feel about it. It's not like you're committing to anything difficult. I'll contact Chuck later."

"I trust your judgment."

"Thanks for the support. Now, are there any other worries bothering you?"

"No, except feeling foolish for fretting so much."

"That's perfectly natural. This entire situation has understandably affected you. However, I've got the perfect solution."

"Really? What is it?"

"You're about to release some frustration."

I frowned slightly, aiming my question to what was becoming more cryptic by the minute. "And what does that entail?"

"You'll see. Spoiling the surprise would be unfair.", he teased with a sly grin. "By the way, do you have a sports bra?"

I hesitated, uncertain about his intentions but remained hopeful I'd enjoy the surprise. "Yes, I do. It's just that I hadn't anticipated needing so much underwear, especially something so restrictive."

"No worries. Come on, let's go check."

We left our cups on the counter and walked upstairs to the bedroom. Searching through my clothes in the closet, I remarked, "I found one!"

"Fantastic. Put it on. And something to wear your shorts with."

Despite my selection during my chaotic packing, I managed to find a sports bra and stretchy shorts. He joined me in the closet, grabbing a t-shirt and shorts as well.

"These are doing nothing for my breasts." I complained after we'd both changed and put on sneakers.

"Just trust me on this. Let's go."

Taking my hand, he led me to the garage where he opened a wide door to the basement. Turning on the lights, I followed him down the stairs. The basement was brightly illuminated with no windows, holding a workbench and shelves full of power tools and painting supplies. Heading to the back wall, I noticed a white fridge/freezer standing on its own.

"This looks like a typical basement.", I remarked, confused. "So why are we here?"

"Look at the space below the top step." He pointed towards a suspended punching bag on the floor, surrounded by black rubber mats about ten feet in every direction. There was a small tan plastic cabinet to the side.

"Ah, this is where you train your punches?"

"Yup. So, what do you say we clear the negative energy?"

Retrieving some padded fingerless gloves from the cabinet, we put them on and he taught me a few basic techniques. Fist tight, wrist straight and locked, and step into the punch. Demonstrating, he said, "Now, it's your turn."

I was still unsure about the whole setup, but that quickly changed as I released all of the tension I'd been carrying around. It felt liberating, and released some of the anxiety I'd been holding on to. Recognizing what a great idea this had been, I got more and more into it. After a while I stopped and simply smiled and stared at my hands and began laughing. "You're a genius, George Richter!"

At first, I hesitated, shyly hitting the bag as if it might hit back. But with his constant encouragement, I gained confidence and started striking firmly. It felt good - sweat forming, grunting with each blow, followed by a satisfying thud.

After a few minutes, my arms grew weary and dangled at my sides. Enough for now. Breathing heavily, I couldn't hold back a grin as I leaned forward, head hanging, hands resting on my knees.

"You did great. Now it's my turn," he said.

Raising my head, I watched in amazement as George pounded the bag, his face locked in deep concentration while I felt relieved not to be on the receiving end of the blows but also reassured by the protection they offered. I couldn't grasp the contradiction.

We each went another round, leaving us both panting and our clothes clinging with perspiration.

"That was thirsty work," he declared. "How about we cool off in the gazebo with some water?"

I simply nodded, exhaustion leaving me speechless.

"You were right. I really needed that," I gasped as I sat at the table, my arm quivering from the exertion. Water spilled over my chest as I sipped between heavy breaths. "Oops." The cold water was absorbed by my sports bra, tightening my nipples.

"Nice," he commented, staring at my breasts and the outline of my nipples on the tight fabric.

"Eyes on your own cupcake," I joked.

"Enjoying the view, but, yeah, I could use a breather too."

After a few minutes, I started, "There's something, but it's kind of awkward..."

"We're past awkward, don't you think?"

"This is different."


"Yeah, when we were in the basement, I saw a ferocity in you I've never seen before, and it was...unsettling."

"I wasn't trying to scare you...but as I've been taught, Assess your enemy. Spot a weakness and when the opportunity appears, strike. Quickly and without remorse."

"I see. That explains a lot...but isn't that the same technique you used the night we met?" I teased.

"Maybe, but for one big difference."

"What's that?"

"You're not the enemy, my're actually my greatest weakness. One that I'd never surrender without a fight."

Deeply touched, I felt a lump in my throat and tears rising, "That's so sweet..."

Our heads both swiveled towards the driveway as a red Mercedes convertible, top down, raced along the driveway, screeching to a halt behind George's car, between the gazebo's obstruction and the car's speed, we couldn't tell who was driving.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked, alarmed by the aggressive entrance.

"No idea, but I'm sure going to find out."

George rushed down the steps with me following closely as we observed a petite, well-tanned woman with shoulder-length dark hair exit the car, slamming the door in the process. She wouldn't have been able to top five feet in heels. Large designer sunglasses masked her eyes. A clinging pink tennis dress revealed she was essentially shapeless - a forty-something face on an eleven-year-old's body. White sandals. Dripping gold from her earrings and necklace to her gaudy engagement ring and multiple bangles on her wrists - her outfit a fashion statement, not indicating any hobby. She strode angrily towards George.

"Hold it right there!" George commanded, towering over her and halting her progress. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm Annette Rizzo and..."

"You shouldn't be here," George mocked, turning to me and adding, "Let me handle this."

I was perfectly content to watch the unfolding drama, although I realized my hands had suddenly balled into fists. I did my best to relax them.

"Maybe not, but I'm telling you to leave my Tony the fuck alone."

"We don't want a goddamned thing to do with him."

"Then why'd you have to beat him up so bad?"

"I only hit him once," he replied, "Well maybe twice if you count the knee."

I savored the shock that hit her as she eyed George up and down, realizing that although he isn't heavily muscled, the sweaty t-shirt clinging to his torso revealed George is in very good shape. The aggression melted from her face, as she realized what I already knew - there's more to this man than meets the eye.

"That's not what he told me," she muttered weakly.

"I'm not surprised. But regardless of what he told you, I just advised him to leave and that'd be the end of it. However, if you'd like to see the tape, I can show you. But then I'd have to get the cops involved."

"I'm not," she objected, but the harm had been caused.

"Calm down, Linda. Don't feel jealous of perfection," George smirked at me while Annette couldn't see it.

I mumbled, "Perfection... Haven't heard that one before."

"Accurately true," he retorted with a grin, not paying attention to Annette.

"Dear," I replied.

"I kept my vow to tell the truth."

"Absolutely. Thoroughly. Annette looked enraged."

"Perhaps it's not so sweet," George commented.

"Oh no," Annette argued. "It's her damn fault!"

"Perhaps you mean he couldn't accept your no."

"Not the reason," she stuttered. "He's insistent."

"Well, let's think. Forgive him maybe?" George tended to calm the situation.

"Let's wait. I'll call the cops. You two should leave her," George said to diffuse the tension. "She'd want him to register as a sex offender. Though, honestly, we'd rather nail it down but..."

"Appreciate your point. Why didn't I mention those two strange agents?"

"I don't know them, I just know of them." This was technically true as he knew about their presence. "You mustn't reveal it. Her knowing less, adds to the fun."

"And we invited two huge feds?" Annette worried while turning paranoid.

"FBI, highly unlikely. A small team on an undercover operation, probably," he elaborated. He wanted to play with Annette's mind and make her uncomfortable. "Again, I'd forgotten about the boat. My friend Tony is a target."

Panicked Annette realized that Tony could face trouble, "I can't... I'll be back to broke!"

George managed to pacify her. "You could also buy yourself some perfect tits so that he starts listening to you."

I watched Annette leave the room impressively calm but then returned to glare at me. "Forget your snide comments."

Her husband, George, steered the conversation back on track, "I understand the cause of your concern, Annette. What do you want us to do?"


"You insist?" George raised the stakes. "The consequences could be costly. Bankruptcy, jail, and possibly, the loss of valuable assets such as your cars, homes, and jewelry."

The quandary between remaining with Tony or leaving struck Annette, "Oh crap."

"You can either go home and mind your own business or get over the anger," our ex-friend recommended.

Annette, yielding to the suggestions, walked away, only to turn and freeze. I rang out, "Next time, say no."

George and I locked eyes and laughed. I summed up. "She's actually not so bad when she's angry."

"True," he chuckled. We both felt liberated.

"To PMS," I announced, holding my glass of water. Again, we chuckled, continuing to find humor in Annette's situation.

The good times returned after a few minutes, "Let's eat. We've worked up an appetite."

"Agreed," I responded.

George called his old detective friend, pulled off the call, and we left the room. We hadn't expected Annette to let it go without a fight. And, to that end, we had made her day. It was fun. One could argue a bit of closure had been reached. "Catharsis from the punching bag to a bunch of taunting."

"Agreed, it was cathartic," he smiled thoughtfully. "We'd learned much about her."

We chatted about the evening. I mused about Annette's "big tits," always on the topic of her insecurities.

"To boob jobs." I saluted my water bottle.

We chuckled heartily, both exhausted from helping each other out.

Later, I teased, "Feeling a bit hungry?"

Following my suggestion, he agreed, "Absolutely."

We left the house and took a cab to a diner — "To satiate burgeoning hunger."

George looked at how I had changed, "Partly, it's this environment. It's different than your place."

Time passed as we returned. We checked messages while I thought about the plans we'd made. I suggested, "Next time, no objection."

He set emotions into motion, "A neat idea... See you tomorrow — mind your own business."

Like a caged lion let loose, I asserted, "God, that feels like years away."

"Properly and they're growing on me," he said with that hint of a smile in his voice.

"Leavening, hospitable, and willing to accept guidance."

I slowly shook my head. "As if this will remain probable."

His statement sounded enticing. "A twenty-minute walk will suffice."

I closed my eyes, reliving the first day I met him by chance. His presence had a strange aura, "It's all about flexibility."

We both laughed as we approached our destination. "Our adviser, who recommended you — he's waiting."

Hey Chuck, no worries. We've got something else to discuss as well. Linda's here and I've got you on speaker phone. I hope it's okay that she's aware of what we do for a living.

Yeah, it could be helpful to have an intelligent woman on our side, Chuck replied.

"So, what's the new case?" George asked.

One of our old friends, Jack Thompson, called. He's done a few start-ups, sold them and made a lot of money. Now, in his latest venture, one of his partners stole around four million dollars. He doesn't know who it is and asked if we could help.

We can definitely help, but I wouldn't want to make any promises, George said.

He understands that, I said. We're getting one million dollars just for trying, and the whole four million if we're successful. It's not a lot to him since he's made plenty of money. Jack has a strong emotional reaction to betrayal, which is why he's offering this reward. We're going to meet him in DC on Friday morning to give him a progress report. We should take a train down on Thursday night. It's an easier and more relaxed option than flying.

George agreed. He'd arrange for us to leave on Thursday evening if Linda doesn't have any issues with it.

Linda's fine with it, George said. She'll make arrangements later today.

"Anything on your mind?" Chuck asked.

We spoke about our morning. George briefly mentioned my restlessness regarding the Rizzo brothers but left out my parental worries. When he told Chuck about our confrontation with Annette, I excitedly took off my sports bra, cupped my breasts in my hands, and said, "Perfect!"

George laughed, almost falling over his chair. I tried to hide my giggles but couldn't.

"You're still on the phone?" Chuck asked in surprise.

"Yup, everything's fine," George said as I continued massaging my breasts and swaying my hips. "We just lost our balance and knocked the phone down."

"Alright," Chuck said, sounding relieved. "Do you need help with anything regarding Annette?"

"Nah, I think she got the message loud and clear," George said. "But...Linda would like some additional security cameras and alarms installed in the house before we leave for DC. Do you know anyone who can set them up quickly?"

"Sure, I know a guy who's really good and discreet. I'll send you his information. He's expecting your call."


Chuck mentioned that he's had cameras and alarms installed in his house by the same guy.

"I really appreciate it," George said.

I agreed.

Chuck finalized by saying that if we find the culprit, George will receive an additional million dollars as a reward.

"Holy shit, that's amazing! That's why 'thank you' literally applies in this case," George said.

"Not from me," Chuck replied. "Thank Jack. He insisted on you after I shared your story."

"I'm definitely motivated," George said.

"Don't become overconfident," Chuck cautioned.

"I know, but still...that's quite a sum," George said excitedly.

That's when we ended the call.

"You're a genius," I told George as I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"I know," he replied, gently pinching my nipples.

"Your perfect cock has yet to fully appreciate my perfect tits," I whispered.

George's eyes brightened. "I have a suggestion," he said as he raised his hip to help me remove his shorts. "Your perfect tits need to become better acquainted with my perfect cock."

I smiled broadly. "I like the sound of that."

As I kneeled in front of him, George's cock was already gaining noticeable size. "You're practically perfect in every way," I said, looking up at him as I slowly took him into my mouth.

"Ah, you're making my day," George said as he moaned softly.

"So..." George said as he carefully caressed my chin, "Your perfect tits still need to see my perfect cock."

"I like how you think," I told him, leaning forward to caress his cock with one hand while he gently massaged my breasts with the other. "Lie back and enjoy it."

George relaxed back in his chair as I moved to straddle him. I quickly disrobed and leaned forward, taking his cock in my mouth.

"One more thing," George said as he caressed my face, "Your perfect tits can't wait to meet my perfect cock."

I looked up at him, excited and eager for more. "I can't wait either," I promised.

We both laughed, our conversation ending on a positive note.

Hey, how about we take off all our clothes and I'll show you something? His dick was now erect and looking very appealing, so I stood up and followed his directions as he completed what I had already started.

Without saying a single word, he gently guided me to the side of the bed, pushing me on my back with my legs hanging slightly off the edge at my knees.

"'re a little salty," he commented as he sucked on each of my nipples.

Clambering onto the bed, kneeling with his knees outside my body, he held my arms and placed his ass right on my belly, positioning his cock between my breasts. Slowly rocking his hips, he rubbed the tip across each breast, prodding my hard pink nipples.

"You've got some amazing tits. You've got a great cock."

"It's nice to meet you too," I replied, lifting my chest to greet his cock touching my nipples and the slapping on my nipples. "The pleasure is all mine."

Leaning forward, he allowed the tip of his cock to brush my lips, and I drew it inside my mouth.

"Make it wet," he commanded, slowly sliding it further into my mouth, feeling my mouth water from the pleasure and his stiff head beginning to push at my throat. Withdrawing slowly, a string of saliva followed his cock down to my right nipple, creating a slippery combination of my wetness and his cock on my tits, causing my quiet moans. His amazing cock returned to my mouth again and again, soaking my tits.

I moaned as his cock tortured my breasts, dragging the head across them, loud slapping sounds echoing as he slapped my nipples, craving my release. Despite struggling to hold him off with my ankles, which was giving him a show of how much my body wanted release, he held on tight.

Sliding my hands under his butt, I searched out my slick slit, slipping between the smooth folds and searching for my swollen clit.

"Didn't think you'd find what you were looking for, did you, you naughty girl?" he teased as he squeezed my boobs together, his cock trapped beneath.

"Oh, yes. Now fuck my tits, you horny ass!"

Without hesitation, he began to screw his cock between them, pinching my nipples when he shoved it deep into my throat, returning to retrieve further lubrication. His cock was not only pleasurable, but an amazing sight - covered in my saliva, sliding between my tits, lashing at my nipples, invading my welcoming mouth. The squishy noises of his cock being slapped against my tits and my fingers working on my cunt made a great soundtrack.

"Oh fuck, yes!" I screamed as I reached my peak, his pinching of my nipples feeling wonderful as he twice pushed the spatula-like tip of his cock against it. "Cum for me...cum on my tits."

To my delight, he did.

"Take my cum," he grunted as thick ropes of it appeared across my breasts, reaching my chin and lips. Once he was done shooting, he raised up and squeezed out any remaining cum into my mouth.

"Hmm...salty," I smirked as I licked my lips.

George chuckled. "I think that was a fantastic introduction, wouldn't you agree?"

"Perfection is what I do, mate," I teased, taking his now limp cock in my hand.

"And I'm the one scaling the peaks of perfection," he argued, squeezing a breast with each hand.

Chuckling like fools, we separated and he carried me to my feet, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me, first sweetly, then aggressively.

"Still a bit sticky," he mentioned as we separated, the mixture of sweat, saliva, and cum causing us to cling together.

"Alright, admit it - you're a moron." I joked as I sleepily got up from the bed, heading towards George. "But how did you manage to find a trace of deleted files?"

"You believe anything I tell you, right?" He laughed, brushing off the compliment. "Anyway, you're partially right. When you delete something, it's not actually gone until it's overwritten or destroyed. From there, I managed to uncover an otherwise unknown admin account. It's like some sort of super-admin with all-powerful privileges."

"Hmm, so the guy wasn't as sly as he thought." I inched closer, my curiosity piqued. "Was he just overconfident? Too lazy? Afraid of getting caught? Or did he just leave before he could clean up the mess?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." George's fingers continued traveling the length of my body, sending a shiver down my spine with every touch. "But I did get a lead."

"A million-dollar lead?" I asked as I stood in front of him, straddling his lap. "Show me."

He brought up a new window, his eyes scanning the details intently before he looked up. "The username of this super-admin, by the way, is ZVBXRPL."

"ZV...what?" I raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Yeah, it looks like gibberish at first, but I'm an old movie geek," he admitted with a grin. "It actually stands for burns, depending on whether the horse is a filly or not. The password, however, was 'breeder's guide'."


"I was able to uncover all the transactions in Jack's office. It turns out the money was sent to an offshore account. We don't know who exactly stole it, but I think the culprit will surrender soon."

"With this little trick?" I raised an eyebrow, impressed. "You cracking the case is more about your movie passion than some 'genius technical voodoo'?"

"Well, there's more to it than that, but that's how it started." He smiled, shutting the laptop.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his as he clicked off the light. "So, are you ready to show me what you've been working on?"

As he leaned back, his hands traveled down my body, his fingers finding my covered nipples. "I'm willing to show you anything, babe."

"Not itching to get started already, are we?" I chuckled, reaching back and spreading my cheeks for him. "But right now, all I want is to feel your cock inside me."

His eyes glinted as he winked at me. "Then let's get a move on, shall we?"

He carried me to bed, his hands gently guiding me down before beginning to undress me. "Now, Babe, why don't you climb on top of me. I think we've got some much bigger fish to fry."

"Maybe, but I've got some little fish I want to reel in before we conquer any bigger ones," I teased, climbing back on top, facing him. "Are you up to the challenge?"

"Absolutely." His fingers deftly undid my pants, tugging them down before separating my legs, exposing my swollen, wet pussy. "You're already drenched for me, aren't you?"

I giggled. "And you're all hard and ready."

"Don't worry, I'll give you what you want. And I might even share what I've been working on." Throughout the teasing, his fingers deftly guided my cock into his mouth.

I moaned in delight, my head falling back as he jerked my dick, his hands exploring my body. "Not this, not yet. Right now, I only care about my pussy."

"Mmm, I'll give it to you, honey, but be ready for a few surprises."

He brought his hands up to my breasts, massaging me as he slid inside me. I slipped my hand between our bodies, his watching my hand descend and circle his shaft. He was right - it was different, but still delightful and very rewarding.

"Now, to work?" I asked as we grew closer to climax, but held off on it for a while.

"Nah, this is enough for me right now." He continued to tease me, my body quivering in anticipation. "But I'll be ready for this other plan you guys have."

With one more fast and deep thrust, myload shot into his mouth. My breath hitched as I emptied my balls into his waiting mouth.

"And you're loving it, eh?" I teased, tugging gently at his hair before giving him another kiss, appreciating his attentive and skillful lips.

"Oh, yes. You're absolutely divine." He grinned, stroking my cheek. "Now, I'm ready to handle the other plan."

I rolled over, on my stomach, my head turning to the side to watch him get up. "Alright, what's next?"

He quickly put his pants on, a proud smile on his face. "The train tomorrow. We have to catch this scum sucker."

His palms rest against the mattress on each side of my shoulders as he leans in close, his heated breath tickles my earlobe.

"You've got your spark back," he murmurs.

"I couldn't have done it without you, but now, what will you do about it?"

Without uttering a word, he shifts his body and presses me down on the bed, exposing my crotch more fully.

I suspect he has moved behind me because the next thing I know, his tongue explores me, starting at my clit and gliding across my lips to fondle my back door.

"Uhh," I moan, "Keep going."

Gently spacing me with his fingers, he methodically licks my wetness, then sucks my watering lips. To top it off, he circles my anus with his tongue, then plunges it in before gently teasing it.

A sharp smack on my ass draws a wanton "Oooooh" from me.

His tone is demanding, "So, this means you're my dirty little slut again?"

He smacks the other ass cheek and softly strokes my moist pussy, then quickly pulls away.

"Hnn," I sigh. "Yes, you can call me your dirty little slut."

Lightly touching me again, I resist the urge to push against him and submit to his torment, allowing my arousal to build.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to fuck me...please," I plead.

The sound of clothes being removed informs me he has taken off his clothes.

"Ready for round two, slut?" he queries.

"Right here. In my pussy," I beg.

He reacts with a slap to my ass. "Where do you want me to fuck you?"

"In my cunt."

"Your hot, wet cunt?" He slaps again.

"Yes, in my hot, wet cunt!" I growl, panicking as his fingers continue their torment.

Placing another two slaps on my rear, I prominently ask for them to stop teasing me then pray he will give me his hard cock.

"Your cunt belongs to me, slut!" he declares, following up with a slap to each cheek.

"Take it. It's yours, take my pussy," I exclaim, desperate to feel him again.

He tells me his hands still have hold on my waist and I pray he won't remove them - allowing him to control me how he wants.

"But you're asking for such a gentler touch," he traces my pussy lightly.

My resistance wanes, I submit wholly to his erotic torture, losing myself to the thrill.

"What do you want?"

"I want your cock in my pussy...please," I plead.

A smack from his hand. "And what pussy do you desire?"

"My pussy," I insist.

Another slap to my ass. "Ask nicely."

Exasperated, "Goddammit, [Name]! Please...please give me your big, hard cock!".

However, he doesn't oblige me. Instead, he continues to touch me, making me even more antsy.

"Yes! Pound my hot, juicy pussy!".

I beg him for my pussy's enjoyment.

"Your cunt is mine, slut," he growls while spanking it.

"Give it to me. Take my pussy with your big, hard cock!"

He doesn't - instead he keeps his hips close but does not penetrate, merely rubbing his cock against my entrance.

Lightly humiliated, I reminded him that my pussy was his and he should "fuck me."

To my pleasure, he pushes into me with more force and the sensation is sublime. orgasm is on its way...

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your big cock!"

He pauses, but resumes.

"Yes! Keep fucking my pussy."

"Drop your head and give me those beautiful tits."

Everything is heightened. I am close to my final climax.

"Will you fuck my ass?"


He opens the drawer, clicks the lube bottle, and applies some to his condom.

"What do you want right now?"

"I want to feel your cock in my ass," I reply through big breaths.

Manifesting his desire, he moves his cock to my hole but hesitates, inserting a finger and teasing me.

"Tell me what you want, slut."

"Please fuck my ass. It's yours."

"Ask nicely."

"Fuck my ass, have it...I want to feel your cock inside me," I reply, also between breaths.

"Hm," he says while picking up the lube bottle again.

"I love your ass, it's so tight and hungry. Seeing you spread such a beautiful hole drives me crazy."

As if drinking from that well of excitement, his hands turn to open my asshole just a bit more. I don't flinch when he pushes his lubed finger inside me.

"Seriously, does this feel any better?" I question, but my intentions are clear.

In response, he replies, "Slut, we're moving back to your ass."

A trickle of chilly lube hits between my cheeks. He presses his slick, rubbery cock's head into my hole. He extends just a bit and mercifully pushes me into countless pleasure. Like a king claiming his throne's velvety-soft cushion as his own. My emotions know they've found their home - beyond clouds.

I couldn't get enough of the mix between my clit and ass being stimulated.

"Yes! Fuck me in the ass hard," I pleaded. "Make it bigger with your fantastic dick."

George did just that, as his cock hammered into my backside more and more rapidly.

"Fuck, I enjoy raping your ass," he moaned. His strokes became even faster, and on his return strokes, my butthole didn't even offer any resistance. I imagined how inviting my massive hole looked in one of the videos he'd taken. It was professionally debauched, which got me even more excited towards an orgasm.

"Oh...oh...oh god..." I shouted. "Make me cum, fill my ass with your semen."

Waves of pleasure crashed over me, but suddenly, George pulled out? George growled, and suddenly, my anus was drenched in his warm jizz. I shivered slightly at the feeling of it running into my butt.

"Oh, George, you perverted bastard. That's so fucking sexy." I exclaimed after the last few spurts landed.

"Obviously," George responded, totally satisfied. "Your ass was wide open, covered in semen."

"Show me," I said as I got off the bed and stood with him. "Holy shit! You did this to me?" I affectionately swatted his ass. "This is my naughtiest experience. We'll have to save time for sharing these moments along with the discussion sessions. You haven't been faithful."

"It's my fault?"

I hugged him and gave him a kiss. "Actually, we've both been neglectful...Now I have to go clean myself up," I awkwardly strolled towards the bathroom, knowing I didn't want anything to drip on the floor. When I finished, I returned and laid down next to him in bed, resting my head on his shoulder.

"It's satisfying to have you back," he sighed joyfully. "You know, how terrible I found you this morning."

"It does happen. The important thing is that we got past it."

"Thank you, and even thanks to Annette."

George chuckled. "She probably wouldn't return the gesture."

"I don't care. Just as long as you keep replying, I'll be alright."

Our shared laughter healed my soul. People say laughter is the cure.

Once we stopped, George said, "I suppose I should probably start making dinner...but really, I just want to stay in bed with you."

"Alright by me," I told him, and gave him a smile while adding, "Also, I might need more replying."

"Sounds great," he affirmed. We both shared smiles, and he gave me a squeeze.

Author's note: For those who have read this ongoing series, thank you for your patience. As ever, comments are welcomed.

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