Adult Humor

Tendencies XIII: The Divine Messages

A Cookie Incites Role-Playing Adventures.

May 10, 2024
18 min read
oral sexanalanal sexfantasyProclivities XIII: The Oraclerole playing
Proclivities XIII: The Oracle
Proclivities XIII: The Oracle

Tendencies XIII: The Divine Messages

"Hey babe, how are you doing?" My friend Judy, who used to live with me, greeted me excitedly when I called her. I felt bad for not contacting her in the past ten days. I was home from work and George had gone to a marine store, so I decided to give her a call.

"Things are good," I said. "I've been meaning to catch up with you. How have you been?"

"I'm good, but I do miss talking to you. You mentioned before that it seemed like there was a storm brewing between you and your mom. Have you guys made up?"

"There was, and quite an argument, but oddly enough, we're closer than ever now."

"How did that happen?"

"It's complex, but she's come to accept me as a grown woman, not the timid librarian who moved out after getting a new job."

"Oh, so you mean a mature person?"

"That's right. I called her after we hung up, and things didn't go too well. I got angrier and angrier. So much so I ended up telling her everything I'd been doing with George."


"I might not have told her everything, but I did tell her almost everything! I even divulged that I enjoy anal sex."

"You told her that!"

"I sure did."

"Jesus, if I'd ever revealed my kinky side to my mom, she'd be praying non-stop at church!" Judy laughed. I could sense her smile over the phone.

"That might have crossed her mind too," I said.

"So, how did you guys transition from that to a better relationship?"

"I can't reveal the details, but I will say I may have given her some new ideas."

"You mean opened her eyes?"

"Yes, I think so. This is where it gets weird. George and I visited my parents the next day..."

"That must have been awkward."

"Definitely! But my mom and I had a chat in the kitchen while dad engaged with George outside. We apologized and forgave each other, but then it got even weirder."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know what was going through her mind, but she started asking me advice...not about making salads!"

"No way!"

"Yeah, it's strange. I promised not to share any specifics, but the outcome was great."

"So, you and your mom are together now?"

"Not exactly. But she acknowledged that she needs to deal with Dad on her own and told me it was part of the fun."

"Okay, but what about you and George? How's that going?"

"Amazing. Our sexual relationship is fantastic, and we've found ways to keep things interesting."

"Oh, that's good. Wait, did you say something else about work?"

"I didn't mean that. It's just that lately, we've been discovering secrets about the company George works for. They have a top-secret division, and it seems word of mouth is how people find out about it."

"Really? What kind of secret division?"

"I can't reveal much more. All I can say is that it's not illegal, but it's not something they publicly advertise. I became George's research assistant and I got a bonus too. It's been a real eye-opener."

"Cool. So you're helping him with this secret project?"

"You love to make it about sex, don't you?" I teased.

"Just a little curiosity, that's all."

"To be honest, most of what I'm doing is strictly work-related. I've been learning so much from him."

"Sounds interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying your life and work. Don't tell me any more, though."

"Understood. But I just want you to know that you can trust me with my deepest secrets if you need to."

However, there were more details about my personal life that I couldn't share with Judy. A few days after our visit to my parents, I received a text from my mom. "I burnt his toast. It worked. Thanks." She had invoked her husband to punish George for burning her toast. I wasn't the only one who had redefined her sexuality in this situation. The next day, she asked me how to book a holiday in Brazil. I ended up making the waxing appointment for her. She was nervous about the whole thing, but my dad loved it and it helped them reconnect. So, yes, I was closer to my mom than ever before.

"No worries," Judy assured me. "Tell me about George then."

"He's full of surprises."

"Some kinky stuff going on?"

"Not that type of surprise. Although the sex is amazing, we're also finding ways to make it more exciting. It's mostly related to his job."

"That's very different than what I expected to hear."

"Believe me, reality can be stranger than fiction," I revealed.

"So you're not going to tell me about that?"

"I'm unfortunately limited in what I can say. Just know that we have shared some secrets as best friends."

"I'm relieved things are going well for you and your mom. Your secrets are safe with me, and you've really thrown me for a loop with your recent developments. How are things going with Bob?"

"He and I are still together, although he's still hesitant about getting a wax."

"Maybe George and I can help persuade him."

"How so?" Judy questioned, clearly curious.

"We could try to convince him at the party this Saturday."

"That would be so amazing! I can't wait to see you in action. By the way, I totally agree with your description of your current situation as a fairy tale. Your secret identity is quite intriguing."

"Please don't mention that..."

"I can still gush about your house and your boat. Is that okay?"

"Deal. Regarding the ulterior motive, since the party, we can try to talk to Bob about getting waxed. I think George would be a pretty convincing advocate."

"Wow, you're quite the strategist!" Judy exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"I'm just trying to help my special girlfriend."

"Don't forget that people with glass houses shouldn't throw stones."


"One more thing I wanted to mention. My cousin is having a bachelorette party Friday night, so I might be a bit tired on Saturday. But I'll make sure not to be hungover. What time does the party start?"

"It's around 2pm."

"That should be doable. Who's going to be there?"

"A few colleagues and George's friends from college with their partners."

"That's nice. Don't worry, you won't cause any issues. I've known you a long time, and you've always been kind, polite, and friendly. At least that's what I've been told."

"Thank you. I'm just trying to keep everything perfect."

"You'll be fine. Since they're George's friends, I'm pretty sure their partners get along as well."

"Thank you, Judy. You're the best!"

"Just trying to help my sexy friend."

"You're absolutely worth it."

"Man, I feel like the center of attention," Judy said cheekily.

"Maybe we should go shopping for your sailing outfit then?" I suggested.

"Nah, he might want me wearing clothes in public."

"Touché again," I laughed.

"So, did you get everything you needed at the store?"

"Yes, indeed. I even picked up a couple of extra things."

"What happened to be in the bag?"

"Volleyball, another set of golf clubs, and a few other things. I know how you love to play those sports. When you're not cooking or fixing up the house, you're probably out there."

"That's true. But I still can't wait for Saturday. Smoked meats are going to be amazing."

"With our luck, they'll be extra stoked," Judy joked.

"That sounds even better. Is there anything we're supposed to bring to the party?"

"I don't think so. George has been obsessed with the party details since forever. He's planning the whole thing, which I appreciate."

"This might be a good opportunity to try out that new recipe for smoked meats I've been meaning to make."

"He'd love that. I'll be there early Friday to help."

"Perfect. Can't wait to get some pointers from you. Oh, by the way, I'll be in excellent company. Anyone else invited?"

"My work friends and George's college buddies with their significant others. I'm a bit nervous about how they'll receive me."

"Don't be. If they're George's friends, their partners will be compatible as well."

"I appreciate the vote of confidence. You're truly the best."

"Anytime, my sexy friend."

"Hey," George interrupted, "so, judging by your laughter, it seems like you're having a fun conversation. What was all the laughter about?"

"It's actually a joke about the entire situation, especially with the nuances of smoked meats," explained Judy.

"Ah, got it," George nodded. "I am looking forward to meeting you, Judy."

"You're very kind," Judy replied. "In the meantime, I'll be waiting to see your house and the boat."

"Is that a sailing costume?" George teased.

"Not quite. I need the right footwear for that ensemble."

"I'm sure I can help with that," George winked with a mischievous smile, making Judy and I burst into laughter.

"Get a room! You two should call each other."

"Time to hang up, Judy. It was great talking with you," I said, ending the call.

"Nice meeting you, Judy," George added before closing the phone. "What was all the talk about? Could you fill me in?"

"The party, smoked meats, and persuading Bob. I'll tell you all about it while we fix us some delicious smoked meats."

"Excellent plan," George agreed, wrapping his arms around me. "Let's head into the kitchen and get started."

"I'll join you as soon as I get some clothes on. I'm still in my bathrobe."

"I can wait."

"Okay, see you in a minute," I said, heading upstairs.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, and our weekend."

What's going on with Judy?

She's doing fine. As you're aware, she couldn't help but tease me about our love life.

No surprise there.

But maybe we need to help hers too.

Oh yeah, she found out we're both waxed. She wants her husband Bob to join in. He's not keen.

Yeah, okay. I'll help set it up, and you can handle the rest.

You and Judy are close, huh?

Before we get to that, there's something else. The last time I spoke with Judy was right before I had that big conversation with my mom.

Oh, right.

She had to know how it went. I told her, but kept it as vague as I did with you. She was shocked.

Judy's known your mom for longer than you have, so she must be in for a surprise.

She swore me to secrecy, but it's not like she'll tell your mom.

True that. There's actually one more thing. Since Judy's my best friend...

This sounds ominous.

Last week, George called me on the train when he and Chuck were returning from Washington. He was in the bathroom, so could speak freely.

"Linda, we cracked it!"

"You succeeded?"

"Yeah. We caught the embezzler. The partners think their system was hacked and that there was a ransomware attack. That's why Chuck and I were in as "experts". While George was working on the system, Jack and Chuck chat with the partners, sharing stories about their government espionage exploits. Eventually, Jack and Chuck managed to draw out information from one of the partners about a Marx Brothers movie. He cracked under the pressure.

"The rest is history," concluded George. "Mutt and Jeff were waiting in the parking lot to arrest the guy. Jack recorded the meeting, so there's more than enough evidence to charge the guy. He'll probably be taken into custody. And the missing funds should be recovered."

I was in awe, "That's so cool!"

"Not finished yet", said George. "A quarter of my bonus is actually yours. Chuck agreed that your creative thinking played a crucial role in solving the case."

"Wait, what?!"

"He thinks we make a great team. You spot the clues and point me in the right direction. I do the technical work. Any future bonuses we earn would be split."

"Holy cow…that's incredible! Thank you!"

"I'll give you all the details when I get back."

"I'll be waiting", I replied.

"Just one more thing."

"I can't take any more surprises...this is overwhelming!"

"I've never heard you say that before", he chuckled. "Chuck wants me to use you as a sounding board for future cases. Since I'm more linear in my approach to the digital end of things, your non-linear thinking would be very helpful."


"Yes. We share any money that comes from solving cases."

"This is unbelievable! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome!"

So, what's the update on Judy?

She's good. She knows we're both waxed now and wants her husband Bob to join the waxed club. He's not very keen.

Yeah, I'll help set it up and you do your part.

You and Judy are very close.

Seems like it.

Now, back to what you were saying about sharing future bonuses. It's a great idea.

I'm glad you think so. I reached out to Judy and we agreed that sharing bonuses was a good idea. We just need to choose a foundation to donate to.

That's elegant.


Has Chuck accepted this arrangement?

Yes, he has. He told me that it's really beneficial to have you as a sounding board. He said you excel at spotting clues and helping them reach a solution. He doesn't just use your thoughts, he also appreciates your out-of-the-box thinking.

That's fantastic!

The whole matter of Judy and the waxing party is still happening, right?

Yes, we're planning it.

What about Bob? Is he on board with the idea?

No, he's not. But we're working on convincing him.

This must be a tough task.

Judy and I have been brainstorming ideas. We're going to hold a little get-together at my house and get him to come over. Hopefully, he'll give in to the peer pressure.

That's a clever plan.

Chuck doesn't need to know about your other plans and you'll still have to help out in the nude.

I responded flippantly, "Guess I'll have to."

I faced George directly and revealed, "You should be aware."

"Go on then, we don't keep secrets."

"When I chatted with Judy, I mentioned my promotion at work and how I received a hefty bonus. I didn't, however, say the amount."

"Not an issue. We're not secretive if you know how to inquire. I'm glad you didn't divulge details."

"Luckily for them!"

"Have you discussed the Rizzo matter?"

"No way! I wouldn't even consider it."

"Thank goodness. Chuck was correct...a brainy, good-looking individual. Come here and give us a hug." He stood up and drew me to him.

I assumed everything would be fine, and his calming embrace confirmed my thoughts. But that's just what he does - making everything right. His leisurely, deep kiss felt even better.

"We should leave soon."

"What for?"

"We have waxing reservations, remember?"

"Oh right, I'll remember it's time when you get all smooth again."

I went first and experienced no anxiety this time, yet it was slightly peculiar waiting for George. I recalled how Siu had mentioned George, connecting him to his ex-girlfriend (their cousin), and his big penis. Trusting George, I brushed away the pang of jealousy. Siu must have touched it before. Geez, I'm so quick to be jealous!

After George's visit, he made the payment to Siu. We drove off.

"Requesting some Chinese cuisine?" he queried as he reversed out of the parking spot. "There's an exceptional restaurant on our way home."

"Sounds delightful. I'm famished."

"Chicken feet braised in soy sauce and General Tso's chicken it is then."

"I hope it's a buffet, all-you-can-eat."

He chuckled, "I guess I'm the suave sidekick here."

"I'm quick to learn, as you often mention."

George assumed his most famous Bogart impression, "Linda, I believe this is the start of a wonderful friendship."

"Oh, that's so famous..."

"And I mean every word of it, my dear."

"You're so sweet." I squeezed his hand and fought against the onset of tears. "Ugh! Don't embarrass me!" When do I stop doing this? Probably never, I'd learn.

"Here's our destination." George halted the car in a shopping center. "Oh, dear! Are you okay?"

"Absolutely. I can't contain my excitement."

"Hmm, do I need to fetch a few tissue papers?"

A chortle later, I dabbed at my eyes. "Okay, I'm fine."

The House of Chong was moderately crowded. We were seated without delay. The old painting of a gilded, fiery-eyed dragon on the wall felt eerie, but George assured me the food was superior. We perused the menu after a few moments.

"Oh! I forgot to inform you..." I told him. "The bonus materialized in my bank account today."

"Cool. How did you feel initially?"

"It felt fantastic, yet unreal. I'm not accustomed to a six-figure balance."

"You'll adapt. Have you planned what you'll do with it?"

"I've never owned a brand new car. I'm on my third, all of them pre-owned. Perhaps I'll buy a Civic or even an Accord. I'll store the rest in the bank."

"You definitely deserve to spoil yourself. What about you?"

"I'll buy something pointless," he grinned.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, a secret?"

"Is it worth spoiling it?"

"Not at all. Most of it will be given away, some invested, but I should've mentioned that I plan on saving some for a lavish treat."

"That sounds great. It's nice and bold, both the indulgence and the generosity in one!"

"Thank you. Just keep in mind that, by the time the feds and the state are done, almost half of it will be gone. I'll help you with the estimated tax payments next week. It's best to get them out of the way and know what you truly own. I'll need to do the same."

"Thanks, but..."

"What is it?"

"I can't convince myself that I really played a big role in helping with the case. I'm sure it would've been solved even without me."

"Possibly, but..."

"Potentially, you mean?"

"Yes, that's the word. Potential. Chuck thinks you displayed potential for solving problems creatively and with mentoring, you could develop into a crucial player."

"Hmm, I see. So I was overpaid?" I exclaimed, a bit uneasy and perplexed.

"Perhaps, but think of it this way. Everyone, including Chuck, received an unusually high salary - something like three million more than normal. So why not share the good fortune?"

"Well, it seems unreal, I'd barely make that amount in six years! But you're right, if I'm worth the money they paid, then I guess it's justified."

"You're right. I used to think the same about my time at OTP. It could've resulted in nothing of importance. But Chuck had faith in me...and now you."

We had finally finished our Szechuan beef and kung pow chicken as we pondered what had just been discussed.

"Wow, it's so much better than the usual," I said while delighting in the food.

"The difference is the Szechuan peppercorns," George added.

"Based on your expertise in food, I'll agree with you. It's just incredibly delicious!" I replied absentmindedly, still trapped in my thoughts about Chuck, George, and OTP.

"It's different from what you'd expect, right?"

"Totally. So, let's go back to what you said...and it might seem you think Chuck hired me so that we'd work together more closely?"

George's chopsticks hovered above his meal, then dropped back to his plate, leaving his dish untouched.

"That's one hell of a thought!" George smiled.

"Maybe I'm losing my mind. But listen to this. Chuck's background is uncertain - I think he worked in military intelligence during his government career - so then, with that mindset of reading people to analyze strengths and weaknesses, identifying behaviors..."

"Holy cow!" I exclaimed.

"Should we feel suspicious that we're being used?"

"Maybe we should slow down and have a moment of silence. There's a lot of speculation in there."

"I see. A lot of ifs and coincidences."

"There are..."

"But you love a good mystery, remember those films? Mel Gibson and Danny Glover in one of them..."

"Yes, Lethal Weapon. I never thought you'd watched a color movie!"

"No, I suppose I'm too linear sometimes," George teased. "We've put forth some risky theories, but there's no evidence supporting it."

"I agree. A lot of assumptions."

"What do you think about paying us?" the waiter interjected.

"It was outstanding!" we declared in unison, in good spirits.


"No, we're set. Just the bill, please."

"Understood," the waiter said, clearing the dishes and leaving us to our wild conversations and shared laughter.

"So, it's decided then," I said, "Are we really going to go through with this conspiracy theory?"

"I think we should sleep on it," he responded.

"Maybe you, but I doubt I'll get any," I joked.

The waiter returned with our bill in a black pleather folder, and two fortune cookies wrapped in cellophane on top. "Thank you. Take your time."

"Don't leave," George said, looking over the bill and pulling some cash out of his pocket to give to the waiter. "Keep the change. Thank you."

"Thank you, sir," the waiter said with a big smile and left.

"If we tell Chuck about this, there's three possible outcomes," George began. "First, he'll find it funny. Second, he'll suggest we go to couples therapy. Third, we're right."

"Yeah, I'd almost forgotten about Chuck's hate for traitors," I admitted.

"I know, but it's important to consider the consequences. We don't know if anyone got hurt, but it probably didn't end well. I just can't imagine losing you."

"Neither can I, you."

"So, if we tell Chuck and we're right, and if we agree to get involved, we'll make it clear that we don't want to put ourselves in any danger."

"Sounds good. Let's do it."

"Sure, but let's talk about it again in the morning. Maybe we'll have a different perspective in the light of day."

"Sounds like a plan."

He held out a fortune cookie to me. "Maybe this will give us a clue." I took the cookie, opened it, and read the message inside. "Wish on a star, but give your future a nudge..." I turned to George. "It looks like we'll have to tell Chuck."

George unfolded his fortune cookie. "Knowledge is its own reward."

"Well, there you go," I said.

We headed west, away from the usual summer shore traffic, with the sun setting and the day's heat dissipating. "It's a beautiful evening," I pointed out, reaching for my top button and unbuttoning it.

"I couldn't agree more," he replied, not oblivious to my intentions.

As darkness fell, I pushed back my seat and reached for my top, exposing my breasts to the cool night air. My nipples hardened in the breeze. "Are you comfortable?" he asked.

"I've got a better idea," I teased as I caressed my breasts and pinched my nipples, making them stand out even more.

"Ooh, the perfect car accessories," he teased, bringing a smile to both of us.

I lay back on the seat, parting my legs and touching my inner thighs. "I'm so glad I got waxed again," I said, enjoying the feeling of my bare skin against the cool car interior.

"You're a bad girl," he teased.

"How would you want me any other way?"

"Never," he promised.

My fingers moved down to my clitoris, teasing and caressing it through my panties. "Sacred rites, oh sacred rites, must soon be performed," I whispered, my hips rocking in time with my fingers' rhythm.

"We must hurry and follow the oracle's command," he said, his tone getting more serious.

"We must enter the temple and worship the oracle."

"Sadly, we have no choice but to perform the sacrifice."

This strange conversation, mixed with humor and desire, added to my arousal, and we headed home, fully aware of the pleasure soon to follow.

"Here is our destination," George declared solemnly as he pulled into our driveway. "Prepare the sacrament."

"I'm ready to perform the ritual," I said, revved up by our strange conversation.

"Be prepared for your arrival at the altar of the prophetess."

"I pray I deserve her blessings."

"You are the most deserving," he said as he opened the door for me, leading me toward the ritual chamber. "Set the altar and the ceremony must begin on time."

"As decreed."

Leaving a trail of my garments behind, the staircase echoed with every step I took, reminding me of the night I'd climbed these same steps with George, following me naked. I took my time shedding my blouse and skirt, only leaving on my stilettos - a required accessory. My pussy craved the ritual.

I debated 'prepare.' Keep it simple. Throw back the covers...lie on the bed...face up...knees bent...pumps firmly planted. Focus entirely on the door.

Steps could be heard climbing the stairs. George's stunning nude body appeared at the door. The power and allure of his impressive cock instilled a sense of arousal.

"I have come for your words of wisdom," he said, brimming with excitement, trying to hide it.

"Bow before the power of the prophetess."

"It is my honor," he said in a lustful tone, dropping to his knees between my feet. "Grant me your wisdom."

He began licking my pussy, sucking deeply on my swollen lips.

"Oh my god, yes!" I cried, my hands gripping the back of his head, holding him close as I thrust my hips up, glorying in the pleasure I felt coursing through me. "Ah! Yes! Eat me!"

He dutifully continued to cycle my lips in his mouth, moving up to my clit, eliciting a mixture of our combined juices.

I moaned "Oh!" as he found my ass, circling the rosebud, eventually slipping his finger inside.

"Ah!" I gasped as he slipped his finger into my ass, sending me over the edge. "Oh goddamn it, yes!"

My legs twitched sporadically, and my cries of ecstasy marked each intense spasm.

Once my spasms subsided, George stood, an evil grin on his face, shiny from nose to chin, his cock taunt and hard. I wanted it.

"I feel wiser now," he remarked.

"You have fulfilled your duty. You will be rewarded."

"Does the prophetess accept her servant's tribute?"

"Yes. Your labors will be rewarded."

George grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the bed, his cock brushing against my pussy. Holding his cock in one hand, he struck my clit repeatedly.

"Be careful not to anger the prophetess," I warned.

"As you command," he said solemnly, seating himself behind me, his cock sliding into my pussy.

"Give the offering."

"As it should be," he growled, pinning my legs to my chest. I could only watch my heels fall to the bed.

His relentless thrusts were rapid and deep, making me cry out each time his pelvis crashed into my pussy.

"Oh god, yes. Give me that big, hard cock!" I screamed, throwing caution to the wind.

"Take it, slut!" he yelled, his pounding cock a clear statement of possession.

"Fuck me. Fuck my wet pussy."

"Your tight, wet, slutty pussy," he stammered in surprise, each word matching each thrust.

"Oh...fuck! I'm cumming!" I bellowed. "!"

George groaned deeply, holding his cock deep within me...pulsing...shooting thick jizz.

George released my legs. He collapsed on top of me, his broad chest pressed against mine, both gasping for breath as we lay in a pool of our sweat.

After a minute of silence, he brushed his fingers through his hair, sighing, "Wow."

"Yes," I agreed, "That was divine."

"Indeed," he agreed, "We make a good team."

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