Gay Sex

The Big Breasts Club, Installment 2, Chapter 11-12

"R" and a Trip to the Shore.

May 2, 2024
47 min read
harembig breastsbustymffcollegeteenThe Big Tits Club Pt. 02 Ch. 11-12big titsbisexual
The Big Tits Club Pt. 02 Ch. 11-12
The Big Tits Club Pt. 02 Ch. 11-12

The Big Breasts Club, Installment 2, Chapter 11-12

CHAPTER 11: The Inappropriate Word

by BlueDragon


Belle grabbed my penis and attempted to thrust it into Lily's vagina, but fortunately, a hard dick lacks the flexibility to be physically pushed forward when the man holding it is lying flat on his back with his butt on the bed. If she had grabbed Lily and tried to pull the girl onto my penis, she might have been more successful, but that's not what she tried.

Belle lacked the leverage required to move my whole body along the bed, causing her hand to slide along my shaft. In the end, she managed to stuff no more than an inch of my penis into Lily's folds: just the mushroom head.

'Only the tip,' basically.

This penetration stretched Lily's labia slightly and made her utter a surprised cry, prompting her to hurriedly scramble away from my penis. She then twisted around, appearing utterly shocked by what had just happened. Was it enough to declare Lily officially no longer a virgin? At that moment, I didn't really care about the issue. All that troubled me was the fact that Belle had attempted to deny Lily's choice and my choice both, and I found this utterly unacceptable.

"B, what on earth are you doing?!?" I bellowed, shooting a glare at my so-called sister.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!" she recited, covering her cheeks with her palms and appearing remorseful, akin to Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. "I don't know why I did that!"

"You don't know?!?!" I repeated incredulously. "YOU DON'T KNOW?!?"

"I was turned on watching you hump on top of him, and when you positioned yourself and spread yourself wide in anticipation, I thought it would be a good idea to help. Help you overcome your fear, you know? But then I just..."

"You just assaulted Lily?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Belle moaned, now directing her attention to Lily. "I really have no clue what overcame me. I'm sorry. So, so sorry."

"It's fine, B," Lily conceded, kicking her legs out from between us and wrapping her arms around Belle. She approached me slowly, her face reflecting a concerned expression. I was still quite incensed by the incident, but seeing how her school friend's hand rested on my chest stopped me from advancing. Reading my expression, she brought both her hands up and tore Belle's hands away from her face, then placed them on Belle's limbs.

Seated in a criss-cross position, Belle buried her face in her hands, grief-stricken, undoubtedly reminded of the trauma that occurred when I took away her house key. While her fear of losing Lily might be greater than her fear of my wrath, it seemed Lily felt otherwise. Her serene expression suggested that she was far less fazed by the incident than she was by the prospect of losing Belle, as evidenced by the fact that she didn't appear particularly upset and was attempting to reassure her friend.

"It's okay, B," Lily asserted, stroking Belle's hands. "I'm not angry. I'd actually been contemplating it myself a million times, even now. It's just... it's not what I wanted. It's not like this. Not on a random Tuesday morning."

But we know how to do it, right?" Belle sniffled and wiped her eyes while sitting up straight. And after sharply inhaling her dribbling snot and then wiping her nose, she took on a serious expression and stated, "Then let's do it. Let's do it right. Before I lose my mind and do something reckless again."

Lily gave her bestie a wry grin. "Isn't the point for me to lose my mind and let myself... well... let myself do something reckless?"

"Being with Matty would never be reckless," Belle insisted. She sniffled again and wiped her eyes with the back of her wrist. "But seriously, we need to do it."

Niamh and I exchanged a bewildered look, both of us feeling like we were missing the key part to the entire situation, and her confused expression even more so made me feel relieved that I wasn't the only one confused about the whole thing. Still, I returned my gaze to Belle while shaking my head in disbelief and reached forward to grab her forearm to get her attention.

"What do we need to do?" I asked in disbelief.

Belle rolled her eyes and glared at me as if I were the slowest person ever. "C'mon, Matty. We've talked about this already."

"Talked about what?"

"A date, Matty," Lily said brightly, giving me a beaming smile that for once didn't have any nervousness in it. "I want to give you my virginity. You wanted me to be sure, and I'm sure of it now. But Belle's right: I've thought about this for a long time, and I want to make sure we do it right."

I blinked. "Why do I have a feeling of deja vu right now?"

Belle scoffed. "You know why." And then she pumped her fist into the air, I could almost hear her saying, 'Team Belle!' even though she didn't say a word.

"You'll remember that date was a complete mess," I muttered with a sigh.

Belle shook her head. "Sure, some things went wrong, and I'll admit that. But the most important part that mattered worked out fine."

"What are they talking about?" Lily asked, glancing back at Niamh.

Niamh smiled and explained, "Belle's told you about Mari, right? Her high school best friend? Matty took Mari out on what was supposed to be a great romantic date, with the ultimate goal of... well... the phrase 'taking her virginity' sounds a bit crass though."

"Mari wanted to share her first time," Belle clarified. "She'd always known who she wanted to share it with. So we spent a lot of time preparing and planning, and even though some on the date stuff went horribly wrong, like Matty's van breaking down on the freeway and the whole issue with the restaurant reservations, none of that will happen again."

"Don't jinx it," I muttered.

"The point is: I have some experience planning this sort of thing and I can help you make it the best night ever," Belle continued, keeping her focus on Lily. "I want to help you make it the best night ever."

"I know you do. That's why I'm not mad at you," Lily said earnestly. "You're impulsive and excitable and I understand why Matty gets annoyed with you sometimes. But deep down, your intentions are good. You've been an absolute gem, B. I really don't deserve you."

"Of course you deserve me," Belle insisted. "You're my new best friend. And this is just what best friends do."

So after all that, despite waking up to find a beautiful girl desperately trying to deep-throat my penis, and then having another beautiful girl achieve deep-throating my penis, and then making out with a third beautiful girl before returning to the first girl and nursing on her big breasts while the second girl continued to suck my penis, I had yet to cum.

I'd lost my erection in my anger at Belle, and even if the two small girls managed to clear things up and affirm their "besties" friendship, the mood just wasn't conducive to continuing. Besides, it was a Tuesday morning, and two of the girls had class to attend.

So the four of us got up and got dressed. I, blessed with a Y-chromosome, finished first and headed downstairs while Belle and Lily went to freshen up in the upstairs bathroom, with Niamh following me down but going into the downstairs bathroom.

Sam was already in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone, looking elegant and professional in a soft yellow blouse to go along with her black suit. We shared a passionate kiss that gave me a renewed sense of urgency, but even though my incredibly attractive girlfriend offered to dry-hump her body against my erection, she eventually patted my erection and then stepped away, saying, "I'm sorry, but I need to hurry."

I sighed in slight discontent but nodded my understanding.

Sam kissed my lips and then my cheek, saying, "Love you, Matty."

"Love you too," I said as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. However, I couldn't resist saying, "You know some college freshmen only take four or five classes instead of seven!"

"None of those college freshmen are me!" she replied with a chuckle. I heard her zipping up her ankle boots, and a moment later, she was gone.

Sam had finished cooking everything, and although I could tell she had been snacking as she cooked, I was the one who set the table and brought out the dishes. I focused on these tasks, and right as I finished, the girls arrived.

I wouldn't say I was irritated because I hadn't had sex - my anger was mostly toward Belle - but lacking release certainly wasn't making my thoughts clearer or smoothing out my behavior. I ate my breakfast in silence. Belle and Lily acted as if nothing had occurred that morning, with the pair of them exchanging playful giggles. Naimh was agreeable but a bit more mindful of my less-than-happy demeanor.

Luckily, Naimh couldn't stick around due to an early morning class and she shared a quick kiss and a sympathetic hand squeeze before leaving with Lily.

Only me and Belle were left: two college freshmen who hadn't signed up for seven classes and had no early morning Tuesday classes.

There were pans to clean and dishes to put away, so Belle and I quietly worked side by side, performing these tasks with minimal conversation. I stationed myself at the sink and soaked the pans while Belle finished taking care of the remaining items from the dining table.

We would typically let dirty dishes pile up until the afternoon to just run one large load in the dishwasher, but I was determined to wash everything by hand today.

Tuesday mornings had always been our chance to bond - often this included fun times naked and in bed, but I didn't want this with Belle right now.

I wasn't willing to forget what Belle had done. I realized that Belle had been a bit naughty for a while now. Going back to wearing a butt plug and trying to entice me, ignoring the group's sex boycott, ignoring Holly - these were all acts that Belle was prone to. She was playful, mischievous, and sometimes downright annoying.

Thinking about Belle being naughty made me want bend her over a couch, pull her underwear down, and spank her hard. But if I did, I'd want to immediately follow that with a strong session of sex. And Belle didn't deserve that.

So I cleaned the dishes by hand instead.

The plates didn't need to be polished both front and back, but I polished them anyway.

Forks didn't need to be cleaned between each tine as thoroughly as I did, but I cleaned between them anyways.

Glasses didn't need to be cleaned and then dried until they were spotless, but they were.

This took time and used an excess of soap and water, but I didn't care. I didn't want to talk to Belle at the present. Hence, I just kept washing.

And Belle waited patiently.

I didn't turn around to look at her, but I knew she was standing in the doorway. I could hear her sighing from time to time, but she didn't disturb my work. She waited silently. [Sam] kept waiting. [She] and her boyfriend had drifted apart, their love life more playful and sexual than caring and committed. Their blatant rebellion against the boycott had ended with an exhausting fight. While he was still in love, her commitment was waning due to both these issues, his unbalanced expression of affection, and her indifference to his needs.

As she unzipped her boots, Sam decided to send him a text: “Dear Matt, do you know that it's not fair to punish me for being me and not you for being you? I love you and want to be loved back!”

They weren't a typical couple, as indicated by the boyfriend's unbalanced expression of their relationship. But she was referring to their ways of playing out their steamy sessions. It's clear that Belle had pushed boundaries in the wrong direction and was gone in the morning.

Something had changed between Sam and her boyfriend ever since the "Born This Way" concert, making him much less open to her advances.

But was this activity worth risking their future? Would he ever return to his more sexual side? Or were they just tugging at a thread that would unravel their relationship? This text was her attempt to patch things up.

Unfortunately, he had yet to respond to the text. She decided to take action and sent a follow up, “Dear Matt, how can you possibly love me if you can't even return my love for wanting to be yours?”

Finally, there was nothing left to clean. I'd placed all the dishes in the dishwasher like a drying rack and washed the frying pans too. My fingertips were wrinkled, and my skin felt rough and ready to crack as I dried them with a dish towel. I wished that I had taken more classes this semester, like seven of them or even an early-morning Tuesday class, so that I could leave and create some distance between myself and the young woman waiting for me. But after a deep breath and a long exhale, I turned around to face her.

"'I'm sorry' won't be good enough," she whispered softly, her eyes red-rimmed and still moist from recent tears. "But I'm sorry."

"Yes, sorry isn't good enough," I replied, shaking my head angrily as I hung up the dish towel and then stormed towards the kitchen doorway.

"Matty, please." The petite woman put herself in front of me, her hands palm-up.

I simply gripped her upper arms and pushed her to the side to get through the doorway. As soon as I made it through, I turned and started sprinting up the stairs.

"I'm sorry," she called after me, following closely behind. Her feet hit the stairs just seconds after mine as she jogged as well. "I didn't mean to... and you didn't really... Oh, come on! This wasn't premeditated! It was just a mistake! Lily's okay with what happened. Why can't you be?"

I scoffed and flung my arm towards her. "Just because Lily's okay with your infidelity doesn't make it right."

"What infidelity?" she questioned, confused.

I pointed a single finger at her. "You cheated on me - Number One: you tried to take away Lily's choice of when and how she gave up her virginity. She had the option, the opportunity. We all know I would've let her if she wanted to settle on me, but I saw it in her eyes that she wasn't ready. She appeared paralyzed by the thought, yet here you are, brazenly admitting your actions. How could you do this?"

"Wait, what?" She seemed genuinely baffled.

I stared at her, narrowing my eyes. "Why are you so surprised? You tried to seduce her!"

"I'm not saying what I did was right, but I didn't betray anyone. I didn't mean to."

"You betrayed ME!" I bellowed, spinning around to face her. She stepped back, startled by the tone in my voice.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, looking perplexed.

I wrapped my finger around her face. "Number One: you took away Lily's choice of when and under what circumstances to lose her virginity. She had the option - the opportunity was there if she wanted to take it. I saw it in her eyes that she wasn't ready, yet you took it from her. You forced yourself on her."

"He didn't force himself!" Belle piped up, pushing past me to stand next to the other woman. "Lily was scared to do it. She's always frozen up at the last moment. She was so scared she couldn't bring herself to sit down on you. She'll never sink her bottom onto you, no matter how much she wants it. It's a mental barrier she won't overcome. She wants you to take her virginity yourself, and she's telling you to do it."

"I don't believe that," I hissed.

"I do," Belle insisted, looking me directly in the eye. "Lily and I have talked about it for weeks. She's confided in me about her fears. She was about to melt in your arms, but at the last second, she stopped. She's never had the courage to commit to you."

"I call bullshit. Lily won't die a virgin, and most likely won't even make it through the semester still a virgin, even though I wouldn't mind if that was the case. It's her decision and I'm not going to pressure myself onto her. That's not the way I operate."

"Oh for God's sake: you push yourself onto all of us, even when we're asleep."

That remark jolted me momentarily, and then I finished lamely, "Oh."

"That's exactly the point of this Mari-like romantic night," Belle continued frustratedly. "Lily wants you to give her her virginity and she wants you two to have your first time right. She's given you permission to push yourself onto her, and, for God's sake, I need you to push onto her!"

I shut my eyes and elevated both palms in front of my visage, leaning them thrice to cease Belle's movements. "All right, I'll entertain the notion. If Lily assents to me squeezing through, it's fine for me to thrust myself into her. Yet, this is a planned, future encounter where she's made the decision. Not an unprompted Tuesday morning incident. That's Lily picking the time and setting the scene for losing her virginity. Not you forcibly grabbing my manhood and pushing me into her!"

Belle paled and sheepishly murmured, "Misjudgment."

"Major slip-up, sweetheart." I frowned and raised my index fingertip. "You took away Lily's autonomy to determine when and how she loses her purity. This is absolutely deviating from your idea. It's Lily directing when and in what context she should relinquish her integrity. Not you forcing yourself on her at an impromptu time!"

"She would've been appears for it to occur then, I swear it." She gestured apathetically. "She was charged up and earnest to do it. The romantic outing notion was my attempt to ease her into a serene disposition, but if it'd occurred that moment, I can attest that she'd adored it and wouldn't've regretted it one bit."

"You're off your game, B." I rubbed my forehead and expelled an exasperated breath. "You're not comprehending."

"I'm hoping you'll consent to that, however it seems Lily doesn't view it as you violating her agency. As a result, she's unenraged with you. However, Number Two," I announced, sticking up my middle digit to go with the index, "you erased my decision. You betrayed me. I'd pledged not to raise myself into her and violate Lily's purity on a random Tuesday afternoon. I'd surveyed her eyes and understood she'd be okay with it, but she wasn't totally sure about it. I'd already decided 'no.' So, as far as I'm concerned, you raped me unintentionally."

Tilting my scalp forward, I trudged toward the bathroom, flicked on the faucet, and splashed my visage using the streams. I was engorged (as though steamier than my earlier analogy), so I picked up the cup, deposited water to the brim, and drank it like a shot. Having drenched my face, I slung the cup down beside it, backed my hands against the counter edge, and stooped over to enable the droplets to hit the sink, effectively gasping heavily.

Belle's presence was detected through her shadow in the mirror, so I stayed facing the mirror and glared at my reflection, shaking my head in disdain and enunciating, "You harmed me, B. You attempted to rape Lily. It's something I can't tweak."

"I didn't rape either of you!" She objected forcefully. "That's a serious, demeaning word, buddy. Can we refrain from employing it?"

"Forced intercourse against a victim's will is synonymous with rape," I argued furiously, sustaining my use of the term. "Ideally, you tried to rape both of us. I desire your comprehension: you attempted to assault us individually."

"It shouldn't have actually come to penetrative intercourse," Belle puttered. "You weren't in command, and my erection would've delved deeper when she was merely gyrating against you."

"You still exerted initiative to try out sexual penetration without approval from either of us," I retorted. "If you're hoping the notion of rape is excusable, is that truly preferable?"

"I can appreciate you're flustered, but assuming Lily and I both deny that I assaulted her, where's the issue?" Belle shook her head, then strayed out of sight.

"I'm a component of the BTC." I repeated my previous statement. "Privileging security for a woman is a paramount principal for myself. You intruded on my personal sanctuary—you robbed me of my well-being, made me feel as if I inflicted a similar violation, which contradicts who I believe myself to be."

Belle's lips drew into a grimace, and she shifted her gaze for a moment.

"I'm very concerned about my safety. You assailed my safeguards. You made me feel like I was an active participant in harming her with your actions." I reiterated. "Every jot of my identity is rooted in respecting and preserving the safety of my women. You annulled my right to sanctuary and weaved me into a unwitting agent."

"You're not understanding it. Watch, I'll admit that theoretically, I could've coerced you. But not Lily; if you would simply take a moment to speak with her, you'd see I am correct." Belle waved her hands openly at my reflection in the mirror. "I'm not implying victim blaming here, but you realize the phrase, 'You can't rape a sexually eager individual?' I'm seriously stating that Lily was sexually eager. It's like... It's like... Well, to be frank, you could never rape me."

"Certainly I could. All it would take is a moment when you express disapproval or anything that signifies a lack of consent, and I'd have to halt. That's universal sex education from high school. And if I didn't stop, it would be rape: undisputed fact."

"I'd never utter 'no' to you, Belle. For the span of our lives, I'll never say 'no' to you. You have my complete and absolute consent to do whatever you wish with my body, any time, anywhere. Screw any legal regulations. I'm your Me, and I will always be."

I breathed out slowly and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "I know you're my Me, the manner in which I'll eternally be your Matty. Nevertheless, I could still rape you."

She chuckled, taking a step behind me and encircling my midriff with her arms. "Not if you were possessing my consent, because you do have my consent. Anytime, anywhere, in any orifice. For the duration of our lives."

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "I don't wish to discuss the subtleties of language at the moment."

"Then let's abandon discussing the language and return to what we do best." She braced herself up behind me, encircled my midriff with her arms, and delivered a tight embrace. "I adore you, Matty, and I detest it when you're angry with me. I detest the sensation of your anger towards me."

"Then why do you ALWAYS conduct acts that you grasp will anger me? Why do you consistently attempt to prick me? Why have you been promoting my sexual expertise to other women when I've made it clear that I'm preoccupied with managing the three of you while starting my freshman year of college?"

"Well, sure. You're right."

"Why do you process the words I say, and after that, carry out the exact opposite regardless of the repercussions? You knew I was withdrawing from penetrating Lily. You knew I wasn't going to forcefully thrust into her."

"Of course I realized you weren't going to, resulting in why I attempted to force you into her."

Belle sighed and hugged herself against my back a little tighter. Her minuscule body was in the region behind mine, so I could not see her reflection in the mirror apart from her arms, even though I was stooped over with my hands resting on the counter.

"View, I understand that I haven't had the finest control over my impulses lately," she continued. "I just can't help it. These thoughts merely traverse my mind, and I... I'm unsure. I've been naughty. I... I believe I deserve punishment."

I blinked twice and tense up a bit. "Uh, what?"

"I've been a misbehaving lass lately, haven't I? I must be disciplined." Belle's right forearm slid from my midsection as she relaxed her embrace a tad, and I sensed her hand sliding across my abdomen and to my crotch.

I stiffened and stood upright as she began stroking my manhood. Turning around to face her, I reached down to clutch her wrist while murmuring, "Now isn't the ideal moment, B."

"It's the optimal moment," she stated matter-of-factly while fighting my grip to have her hand back on my crotch. "Let me alleviate the pressure for you."

"No. See, this is what I'm discussing: I directly informed you that now is not the time, and you're doing the complete opposite no matter what."

"Then why are you permitting my hand to stroke your crotch?"

"I'm not... ahh..." I glanced down and realized that, surprisingly, my limp grip around her wrist allowed her hand unobstructed access to my crotch. Her fingers were directed downwards, momentarily tickling my balls as she utilized the flat of her palm to stroke up and down my rapidly expanding shaft.

My cockhead emerged above the waistline of my flannel pajama pants. Since Belle and I didn't have morning classes on Tuesdays and often wound up resuming our lovemaking after waking, I never dressed for school. And once the heel of her hand made contact with the sensitive bare skin of my manhood, she promptly pushed her hand under my waistband to grasp my shaft and begin thrusting.

"You're raping me once more, B. Opposed to my will."

"Do you not want this?" She tightened her grip, pumping faster than before. "I know you haven't released tension today. Let me help you out. Would you like to come inside my ass? It's been a while since we tried that. I didn't properly prepare myself with a butt plug, but we can still make it fit. It might hurt a tad more than you're used to, but then maybe I deserve to feel a bit of pain. I've been naughty, bad, and spoiled. I deserve to be punished, Matt. So punish me."

"B..."Before long, her hand became a blur of rapid-fire pumping on my dick, the sensations from her handjob so overwhelming that I couldn't ignore them. I'd leaned against the sink cabinet, hands clutching the edge, but made no effort to stop her. And we both knew I wouldn't fight her.

"If this really goes against your will," she panted, "just say 'no'. Tell me to stop and I will. But if you want to drive your big cock deep inside my tiny little ass and slam me against the sink right now as a punishment for being such a spoiled brat, then go for it. Claim me, Matt. Claim me right now. Take me however you want me because I am yours. I have always been yours. I will forever be yours. You couldn't force me because you have my consent. Because I'm your Annabelle."

"FUCK, B..." Suddenly I burst to life, grabbing the petite figure in front of me with both hands around her waist. I yanked her against the sink cabinet while I spun 180 degrees behind her. Belle was wearing a simple pajama set: flannel pants and a knit Henley. I swiftly yanked down her pants and her panties to reveal her smooth, untouched skin. I followed suit, discarding my own pajama pants as well. I planted my left hand between her shoulder blades, bending her forward as I forced myself behind her.

Her parted legs invited me in, pushing her backside further towards me. I guided my cock between her dripping nether lips, ready to penetrate her. Belle's tight, untouched pussy would not give way easily, but she was true to her word, allowing her muscles to expand and wrap around my invading member. With minimal difficulty, I glided into her, imprinting myself onto the walls of her inner sanctum in a way that made my spine tingle with pleasure.

"Holy fuck," I stammered at the intense feelings coursing through my body. I gripped her hips, pulling her against me for a closer union.

"Punish me, Matt," she moaned, looking up at me through the mirror. Her expression was one of intense lust and need.

I pulled back until I was on the cusp of sliding out, then slammed myself forward once more, making her yelp in pleasure. I followed up with another furious thrust.

And another.

And another.

"Punish me, Matt," she moaned before tensing up and crying out, "AHH!"

I glanced down at my hand, which was now on her behind, a stark contrast to the perfect skin that had been there before. The impact had been severe, and the glowing area betrayed Belle's pain. But then I noticed her eyes- my petite lover's face was contorted in pain, but it wasn't the same terror I'd seen in her eyes all those years ago. No, this was different. She was enjoying it.

I spanked her again.

And again.

And again.

Belle yelled out with each strike, her eyelids squeezing shut as she struggled to bear the pain. But I could tell she wanted it. Our eyes met in the mirror; the pain in hers fascinated me.

A part of me recoiled at her suffering- it conflicted with every fiber of my being to inflict this upon her. Matt had never treated me with this amount of violence. And yet, Belle was urging it on.

So I landed another firm slap on her fragile behind.

Her squirming grew increasingly excited and she begged for more. The contrast in her overall disposition twisted my emotions. I'd made her hurt, but she was enjoying it- she wanted it.

I slapped her again.

And again.

Her face contorted with each stroke, rolling her eyes back in pain, but she begged me to continue. There was no trace of fear as she grunted with every impact.

As I continued to spank her, it dawned on me- she truly wanted this. I wanted this, too.

So I focused on satisfying her craving for punishment, all the while allowing her to revel in her agony with a sense of peace, with no remorse.

"Spank me!" she cried through her tears.


"Spank me!"


"Spank me harder!"


Spanking a girl during sex wasn't new to me. Especially Naimh, who loved it. Holly encouraged it in her "Personal Slut" mode too. And even Sam enjoyed the occasional rush from a rough spanking from time to time. Giving girls what they want was my life's mission as part of the BT Club.

Despite the tears streaming down Belle's face and her obvious pain from each hard slap, I followed her commands.

"Punish me!"


Truthfully, I wanted to spank her just as much as she did.

In the back of my mind, I knew this might not be the best time for rough sex. I was still angry, and a part of me wanted to hurt her. I demonstrated this by pushing Belle hard against the counter with each powerful thrust, sacrificing my own pleasure for her pain. I focused on her crying face in the mirror rather than watching the pleasure of my dick thrust in and out of her wet box. We were playing a dangerous game.

But damn, it felt so good!

Each time I plunged my hard member into Belle's snug, tight teenage pussy, electric shockwaves surged through my body from the physical pleasure of taking such an amazing wet spot and the adrenaline rush of dominating her petite, little-sister-like body so much that she was practically pinned to the counter like a victim.

Belle's pulsing pink pussy clenched tightly around my Staff of Life as I fiercely pounded her, oblivious to her pain. She held on to the faucet with one hand and gripped the mirror with the other to protect her face from slamming into it.

She spoke no more about needing to be spanked.

But I continued to spank her.

Belle's commands ceased.

But I yearned to punish her.

I slammed her harder and harder and HARDER. I raised her right leg to the side, giving me better access to plunge deeper into her vagina.

I tugged her hair back with my left hand while caressing her strained red buttocks with my right without withdrawing my spit-coated thumb from her stretched asshole.

"You asked if you could help me cum because I haven't today, right?" I snarled, leaning forward to push all of my rod as deep into her as I could while still yanking on Belle's hair with my left hand and massaging her butt cheeks with my right. "You wanted to know if I wanted to cum in your ass, didn't you? You said even if you didn't prepare yourself with a butt plug, it would still fit. Let's see if that's true, okay?"

"Maaattttttyyy..." she whined, her body trembling and shivering.

"You said I'd always have your permission, right? Anywhere, anytime, in any hole?"

"Any hole, Matty," she whimpered, writhing as she took quick, tense breaths. "Any-- OW!"

I stopped her moans abruptly with a grueling slap. And another.


I had become the embodiment of her deepest desires.

I ravaged her so deeply and passionately that she couldn't speak. She shivered, her tongue briefly sticking out at one point as she seemed to nearly pass out. Her eyes fluttered shut before she turned her face back to the mirror to witness the raw emotion of being harshly dominated. I'd shoved her flesh over the edge of the counter, her feet flailing as she struggled to stay upright.

I dared not interrupt her sensual disarray by watching my throbbing cock plunge in and out of her. I mustered as much power into my thrusts as I could and pounded her so hard her pear-sized breasts swayed on her chest. This was playground domination. Deep down, I wanted to crush her in every sense, wanting to push her pain to new heights, and part of me craved the satisfaction of violating her body.

She didn't ask for more punishment.

But I kept punishing her.

I allowed the second slap to resonate, and shortly after, I instructed, "Say 'no' to me."

Bell raised her head slightly, her tear-stained eyes locating mine in the mirror. "Still yes. A thousand times 'yes'. For the duration of our lives... EEP!"



Then I was having sex with her again.

I maintained my thumb up her bottom and reached out with my left hand to grab her shoulder and force her petite body against my unrelenting thrusts. She put both her forearms flat on the countertop and bent her back. Her head fell back, and I could see her jaw protruding as she closed her eyes and simply endured my forceful attack, drool trickling from her slack-jawed mouth.

She hadn't climaxed once. Perhaps it was due to the peculiar position or perhaps it was just the pain. Maybe she didn't believe she deserved to orgasm because this entire encounter was supposed to be a punishment. Or maybe it was because I'd been violating her delicate body like a thoughtless jerk, taking my pleasure from her tight little hole while making no effort whatsoever to grant her own.

But eventually, her right leg slipped off the edge and she found herself lying belly-down on the countertop, her dinky legs just long enough to touch the floor on tiptoes. This one detail might have given her enough leverage to alleviate the pinching pain of her midsection meeting the unforgiving surface. And from there, she began to relax a bit more, gripping the faucet with one hand and bowing her head forward to focus on the sensation of my bloated wang going in and out of her warm and tight vagina over and over again.

I pounded her relentlessly, motivated by my own gratification. And I pounded her with a touch more rage-infused force.

"AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!" she began sobbing as I sped up my pace.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" I groaned, locked in on her distressed face, reflected in the mirror before me as I sensed my balls heating up.

"AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!" Belle howled, her eyes tight shut as she became aware of my escalating assault.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" I grunted out again, focused on her contorted expression in the mirror as I sensed my balls reaching boiling point.


"UNGH! UNGH! ... UUUNNNGGGHHH!" At the last second, I retracted my swollen prick from my Baby Belle's damp crotch and removed my thumb from her backdoor. I alined the head of my phallus with her slightly stretched hole and literally took charge by gripping my shaft and vigorously jerking off, expelling streams of hot jizz straight through the crevice into her anal canal and coating the lining of her gut with layers of frothy cum.

And with my own spit for makeshift lube, I grabbed her hips with both hands and then THRUSTED, pushing my enormous pick into her ass entrance and stuffing my pint-sized doll's anus with a generous amount of my substantial cock.

"MOMMMMMMYYYY!" Belle cried out for the second time in her life, my heart skipping a beat in shock. I instantly eased up and, astonishingly, discovered two more blasts of pent-up semen in my sac to launch straight into her defiled derriere.

Finally, I comprehended that she was climaxing. Belle shuddered and shimmied beneath me, her physique quivering due to her mind-blowing orgasm. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her limbs flopped around beneath my heft for about a minute as she screamed yet again. Gradually, however, her torso and legs grew limp, and she crumpled limply beneath me like a boneless fish.

Over the next couple minutes, we were left gasping for air. Since I'd fallen onto her drained body, I figured it was even more difficult for her to inhale under my weight.

And yet, she was the first one to speak.

"Whenever... Anywhere... In any orifice... For the remainder... of our lives." Belle gasped with her eyes closed, her chest heaving as she gulped in air. And moments later, she added in a palpably earnest voice, "You could never violate me, Matty, because I will eternally be eager. Because I've been yours since the start."


-- CHAPTER 12: The Beach --


"Ugh!" someone grunted out, and as I sat up, I realized I had shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a pro, gagging only a little and keeping her head low, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. She then continued rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hand and sucking on the head of my penis as if I hadn't interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a second, just long enough to see the platinum blonde head pushing back down to my lap. My beautiful head girlfriend looked up at me, her warm, welcoming brown eyes bright and blissful in a silent "good morning" greeting.

I groaned, reached up with my right hand, and gently rested it on her head to keep her down for a bit while allowing my head to flop around on the pillow as I soaked in the incredibly rare and unique sensations.

I said "rare and unique" because although I had been woken up like this before, it was not very common for Sam to do so. Belle, Naimh, and Mari? Yes, all the time. But not Sam.

She is an early riser by nature, attacking life at full throttle with an always-in-a-hurry attitude. Most days when we didn't sleep together, I would wake up to find her already dressed and putting the finishing touches on 'brekkie' for everyone. But after our nights together, she would usually sleep in, feeling safe and warm and loved in my arms. And it was more common for me to awaken her in the special way that we both enjoyed.

But today, she did something different. I don't know if she woke up early specifically to surprise me or if it was just a coincidence that she woke up before me and saw my morning erection and decided to make use of the opportunity. Either way, I was okay with the outcome - my big, hard cock was in her mouth.

And I was going to enjoy this.

Having fully recovered, I opened my eyes again and reached back with both hands to fluff my pillow up for support to stare down at the breathtaking sight of my sexy girlfriend sucking my hard one. She looked beautiful in the morning light, no longer trying to deep-throat me but content to focus on sucking the mushroom head and occasionally glancing up at me with a smirk.

She took her time, making love to my cock, in no rush to make me finish. I never guided her head to thrust on me, choosing to rest my hands behind my pillow instead, letting her continue what she was doing. She did give me a few more deep throats and then tickled my balls with her fingers while dragging her tongue along the full length of my member from the underside to the tip, smiling at me in response to my expressions of enjoyment. When she asked silently whether she should continue until I came in her mouth, I told her with my eyes that I'd rather she climb on top of me.

My curvy, busty girlfriend with the big 36DD breasts wore a spaghetti-strap satin nightie and panties. First, she removed her saturated panties before crawling over to me. My erect member slid between her wet folds, blending her own lubrication with the leftover saliva from her oral services. I groaned and grabbed her hips, trying to get her to mount my big dick as soon as possible, and she giggled softly before reaching behind herself to raise my angle and then slowly slide herself down on me.

Her eyelids fluttered rapidly like a butterfly's wings as she felt each and every inch of my length spreading her inner walls apart. But once she had fully sat on me, Sam smiled down at me, crossed her arms over her chest, and started lifting up the hem of her satin nightie slowly.

My lover's soft, bare skin was revealed to me inch-by-inch, and I held my breath faster as the underside curve of her large breasts first came into view. With her arms still crossed, Sam stopped at this point, a mischievous grin on her face, and she twisted her torso to show off her jiggling breasts.

I whimpered, making a disappointed face like a whiny toddler, yet I held onto her hips. She chuckled and raised her arms, showing a bit more of her enticing cleavage. But she halted just before showing her nipples, causing me to groan. In reaction, she promptly pulled up her nightgown to show me completely, then dropped it back to cover her breasts. I lost my cool and pulled my hands up my girlfriend's chest, holding big handfuls of her huge breasts while keeping my elbows outward to prevent her nightgown from dropping back down. I then sat up to put my face on her large breasts, mashing them against my cheeks while holding her breasts and relishing the amazing feelings.

Sam chuckled, unable to control herself, and one of our other bedmates started stirring with the sound. I reluctantly pulled my face away from my blonde girlfriend's breasts and glanced over at my redheaded girlfriend. Naimh had been lying down on my left side, allowing me to spoon her from behind. She stretched her long, slender legs towards the foot of the bed while extending her arms away from the mattress. It took her a minute to fully wake up, but eventually she turned over to face us and gave first Sam and then me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning, Matty," my redheaded girlfriend murmured sleepily.

"Good morning, Neevie," I answered similarly, caressing her cheek with the tips of my fingers on my left hand. She leaned into it and then embraced my palm with both her hands, holding it against her cheek as if it were her favorite toy, Anchor.

I chuckled and then looked back over at Sam. She hadn't been actively thrusting herself up and down, just rocking her hips gently while using her pelvic muscles to keep me inside her. In any case, we both looked towards my right side where Belle kept asleep.

On our usual Friday nights, the four of us would spend the evening with Lily and Eva, delighting in each other's companionship through a delicious meal and wonderful friends. At the end of the evening, Lily and Eva returned to Mrs. Morris's home as Lily would always talk to her large extended family from Kaua'i on Friday nights (Hawaii time). And Eva clearly had no desire to stay and watch the rest of us having an orgy.

The previous night had been the first time I'd let Belle sleep with me after the R-word situation. Although I hadn't forgotten what she'd done, I had chosen to forgive her, and she'd been well-behaved ever since. So when Sam, Naimh, Belle, and I did what we usually did on Friday nights, it didn't even cross my mind to kick her out, and she happily fell asleep snuggled in the curve of my right arm.

During the night, the actual sleeping arrangements were typically determined by a coin toss or one of the girls graciously offering to sleep on the outside. That night, Naimh had been the one to make a proposal, as she'd spent every night with me throughout the week. Yet somehow I'd woken up with Naimh and Belle beside me on the mattress, so if Sam had switched positions at some point during the night and hadn't stayed close to me, it made sense why she woke up first.

"Unfair she's got a charming language to greet you," Belle murmured without opening her eyes.

I laughed as I wrapped my right arm around her and drew her small body to my side. With the way her body was angled, she snuggled her face into my side, and I could fit her round buttocks in the base of my palm. In truth, it was impossible to remain angry with such a lovely girl when her cute derriere fit so perfectly in my hands.

"Bonjour, mon cheri," I greeted kindly, recalling that Belle had taken French for her language class in high school.

She opened one of her pale green eyes. "Nice try, but that just reminds me of doing schoolwork. It's hard enough keeping up with the Irish Gaelic, Australian slang, and Hawaiian pidgin as it is."

I laughed. "Fair point. Good morning, Belle."

"G'day, mate!" Sam joked.

"Top o' the morning to…" Naimh began, then shook her head and apologized. "Sorry, sorry, I can't do that again."

I grinned and extended my arms to embrace Naimh and Belle next to me. Naimh tilted her head to receive a warm kiss from me, while Belle positioned herself with her elbows and softly planted a kiss too. When Sam descended, she slammed her sumptuous breasts into my chest and delivered a fervent kiss to me.

From then on, I alternated between kissing Naimh and Belle while Sam kissed Naimh and Belle. Once I grabbed Sam's buttocks and ground her clitoris onto my pubic bone, we picked up right where we left off the night prior.

Gosh, I adored my life.

After the delightful morning we had with the three paramount women in my life, I was in high spirits while driving through the slim streets of Berkeley to reach Skylar's dwelling on the north side of campus. My minivan navigated around to this location, where Skylar was eagerly waiting by the kerb. I parked my minivan near the apartment building's entryway, Naimh popped the sliding door, and all six of us greeted Skylar cheerfully.

"Hi there, Skylar!" Naimh beamed, hopping off the pavement and hugging her confidently.

"Evening, little one," Skylar amicably replied, a tinge of puzzlement in her voice. Her right arm remained attached to the duffle bag she lugged over her shoulder; she wrapped her left arm around Naimh's waist.

"Hello everyone," Naimh cheered, gesturing to the others as she swiveled to face the van. "This is Skylar. Skylar, you recall Eva, Lily, and I'll introduce you to Belle in the back seats. This tall beauty is Sam and..." Naimh glanced behind. "Where's Matty?"

"Et voilà," I asserted, stepping forth and removing the straps from Skylar's arm. I offered her a quick embrace and removed the bag from her clutch before stowing it in the boot. The suitcases didn't take long to stack; our experience with beach vacations made stacking efficient. Each girl embraced a personal bag, while I brought my twelve-by-twelve canopy, a large nylon beach mat, four beach chairs, and a portable barbecue, my collection of supplies. These elements would contribute to a packed day with no overnight stay in mind.

The previous memory of Skylar's countenance when I suggested she tag along for this excursion still lingered in my head. Her surprise was considerable upon my proposal before our Wednesday lecture. "Aren't you the girl I disclosed at the wedding, inviting you next time we visited?"

"Yeah, you did," Skylar confirmed, "but I imagined it was simply a spontaneous expression of the moment that wouldn't lead to any action. Similar to the cliché of, 'We should have lunch one day'. It doesn't occur."

"It did."

"Really? After Saturday night's events?"

"No problem. I informed you three they aren't like the overly possessive women you'd met before. Naimhe adores you, and the others are fine too. You stated you desired to meet them, correct?"

Expectedly, her consent was given, and I had her address to arrange our pickup. I pondered if she would be nervous, yet my concerns vanished when Skylar entered the van to join Naimh on the middle seating, informing Belle, "It's a pleasure to meet you, lady."

Belle burst into chuckles and playfully bumped Naimh, who was in front of her. "I'm feeling fond of this one."

Skylar connected with an optional salutation with Lily, just a handshake, and Eva glanced at her indifferently, neutralising any hope for an "Evelynn" introduction from the stern Russian.

I had returned to the driver's seat before Skylar focused her attention forward again. In contrast to previous encounters, Skylar paused before addressing Sam, allowing the two stunning blonde women to quickly evaluate one other. Sam was the first to extend her hand while smiling and introduced herself with a polite tone, "Hi, I'm Sam: Matty's Main Girlfriend."

Skylar blinked, possibly taking note of the title included with her name. I observed Skylar's gaze seem to narrow slightly before she returned a smile and firmly shook Sam's hand in response, "Nice to finally meet you. Matty's spoken highly of you."

"Has he?" Sam inquired with a hint of surprise. "I hope it was all positive."

While Sam engaged in conversation, I introduced myself. Beginning with a mock list on my fingertips, I playfully mentioned, "Sam snores in her sleep, she keeps her room messy with dirty laundry, she yells at me when I forget to put the toilet seat down, she can't cook anything without burning it, and--"

"Matty!" Sam scolded, shoving my shoulder lightly and appearing shocked.

We all laughed as I admitted, "I'm joking about all that. Sam can grill on the barbecue without burning it. However, she does yell at me when I keep the toilet seat up."

Sam rolled her eyes with amusement before playfully pushing me away. Pulling me closer, we shared a fast kiss briefly before dispersing.

Addressing the group, I confirmed, "Everyone prepared to leave?"

The girls inside the van cheered in excitement, "WOO!"

As I pilot the minivan northwest on 580 and headed across Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, the girls maintained a steady stream of chatter. Skylar, the newcomer, became the focal point of their discussions, as the others subtly sought information about her. Considering my inquiry, Skylar had provided comparable information to what I'd already gleaned during our dating trip: recent breakup, living alone in her one-bedroom apartment, and maximizing her time studying.

Although I chose to avoid pressing Skylar for more details and refrained from asking intrusive questions, some of the other girls didn't share my approach. They attempted to learn everything possible about Skylar, despite my warning them not to portray themselves as high school cat fighters.

Fortunately, Skylar displayed social awareness and a snappy wit to circumvent their questions and provide insight into their own lives. Naimh played a moderating role by intervening when necessary, limiting the teasing behavior of Belle and Lily, who were neither overly passive nor aggressive.

Sam stayed relatively quiet, mainly conversing with Skylar and obtaining general information about herself. With the exception of occasional queries, Sam stared out the front window while caressing my thigh with her hand. When the monotony of driving on the highway set in, I kept one hand on the steering wheel, and held her hand within mine, gently massaging her fingers.

Thirty minutes after leaving Berkeley, we exited the highway onto Highway 1 through Tamalpais-Homestead Valley. Sam pulled out a Thomas Guide map book from behind my seat and advised navigating the area. Although we had initially planned a beach day, we modified our plans to visit the Muir Woods National Monument for a casual hike.

An unseasonably warm mid-70s day welcomed us but remained cool beneath the vast tall California redwood trees. These gigantic trees stretched out in every direction for miles without end, even vertically. The girls wore shorts, t-shirts, and casual sneakers: Belle wore a skewed black French beret, and her reddish-blonde hair was braided. Sam, in a brown newsboy cap, also wearing shorts and a shirt, and sneakers, was the only one besides me with North Face hiking shoes, which didn't matter as the well-worn trail was relatively level. The likelihood of a spontaneous sexual encounter was slim with the girls remaining on the trail and a public space, so no additional hiking attire was necessary.

Sam quietly directed my attention with the map, instructing me on the path. Now modified to include a Muir Woods stop, we embarked on our adventurous outing.

A team of seven adventurers embarked on a two-mile hike through the Fern Creek and Hillside trail in the forest. Sam, a photography enthusiast, carried her professional camera with a wide-angle lens, capturing the fun moments of the girls. During the first mile, they searched for scenic spots and posed for photographs.

We had never been to Muir Woods before, as it was a tad too far from our usual hangouts. The four college students and the two high school girls all stopped in awe at the beautiful scenery, expressing their excitement and humor. One of the hikers in the group played the role of a tourist and took a group photo for us at the entrance sign. After this, Sam captured an image of the group inside a fire-burnt crack in a tree trunk, while Eva took a shot of us crossing an overhanging bridge, giving the photo a great forest background.

We arrived at Muir Woods, and no one in our group had experienced its natural beauty. We were all in awe, appreciating the picturesque view, making comments, and laughing out loud. An older couple nearby found our behavior unacceptable and asked us to be more silent.

The rest of the hike was enjoyable, and the calming atmosphere had an effect on the group. Even though we seemed to be a noisy bunch of college coeds, the quiet stroll through the forest was our escape, and we didn't mind the tranquility. The hike took us an hour to complete, and we got back in the car.

Our next stop was the Muir Beach Overlook. The view from this spot was breathtaking, and each of us tried to capture its beauty. We took a short walk down to the overlook, clicked a group photo in front of the edge, where it seemed we could stand on a cliffside for eternity. The weather was pleasant, with a few clouds in the sky, creating a perfect backdrop.

With a quick stop at the overlook, we decided to head down to Muir Beach. We found a secluded, less crowded spot near the beach where we could set up camp. Sam asked Belle and Lily to set up the nylon mat and beach chairs, and the other three girls worked on assembling the canopy.

There were some challenges, but Skylar was able to manage with Eva's help, who also took the time to tease Skylar about leaving her "pink construction helmet" at home. Once everything was set up, Naimh quickly wanted to go for a swim. Belle, Lily, and Eva agreed, while even Eva, who wasn't much of a beachgoer, couldn't resist.

In the evening, Skylar, Belle, and Lily wore their swimsuits under their hiking clothes, while Lily, Eva, and Naimh only took off their tops. Lily wore a cobalt blue bikini that perfectly complemented her tanned skin, displaying generous cleavage. Eva showcased her perky butt in a dark-blue Roxy surf suit with armflower patterns. Skylar kept it simple with a black one-piece swimsuit that let her curvaceous figure shine. None of them seemed self-conscious, happily dipping their toes in the water. But the best part of the day was that Skylar, who usually wore neutral colors, matched her friends this time with a pink bikini top.

Skylar might not wear candy-colored bikinis or flowery swimsuits, but she was in her element at the beach. Her towering height, delicate features, and gorgeous blonde hair were so perfect that even a regular swimsuit could not detract from her amazing body. We couldn't help but admire her as we packed and cleaned up.

Instead of conveying the story in a formal tone, let's imagine it's being told like a casual conversation amongst friends:

Sam, in contrast, was dressed to attract attention in an eye-catching, fire-red gown that flaunted her ample cleavage and accentuated her toned curves. She ditched her cap for a wide-brimmed straw hat with a red bow and snazzy Ray-Bans. While others were seizing the opportunity to plunge into the waves, complimenting the chilly weather, my lead girlfriend suggested an alternative—helping me with meal preparation.

I appreciated her commitment, but deep down, I wished Sam was frolicking with the other girls. So I guided her towards Naimh near the shore and urged Sam to engage in their beach activities. To encourage compliance, I gently tapped Sam's behind and instructed her to enjoy herself before heading back to the grill.

As I walked away, Belle playfully swung her hips at me. Realizing my presence could embolden others, I decided against spanking her, as I might've accidentally spanked everybody.

Lily, on the other hand, bemoaned her inability to play in the waves, lamenting that she lacked a surfboard or even a boogie board. She jumped into the water until it reached her waist, then bravely plunged beneath an incoming wave. Lily came up shivering, with goosebumps noticeable. Her pink complexion bore the brunt of the cold, prompting Irish Naimh to express her ignorance of cold weather. Regardless, Naimh ventured further, swimming past the breakers. She waved for Skylar to join her; the honey-blonde broad obliged.

Mimicking the others, the two pals invited their fellow beach-goers to join them. Eventually, Belle and Lily took the plunge, immersing themselves in the water.

There came a point where Sam and Eva were the only ones left on land. Even though she declined to remove her hat and sunglasses, Sam wasn't resisting the invitation entirely. She exchanged a few words with Eva, though I couldn't make out the conversation. The four in the water continued taunting their unwilling peers while Eva stood firm, stubbornly refusing to participate.

Eventually, Naimh, Skylar, Belle, and Lily made their way back. While the first three dried off (with Sam's lack of drying), Eva reluctantly swam to join them. Everyone lounged on the beach chairs or laid down on a mat during mealtime.

I passed out food, and Skylar politely refused the chicken and burgers. Instead, she opted for roasted corn and fresh-cut fruit. I initially forgot her preference at the wedding, so I chastised myself for my mistake by slapping my forehead and inquired if she was a vegetarian. She denied her affiliation, explaining that she generally ate vegetables to maintain good health. However, she enjoyed chicken and even adored sushi but refused red meat.

"You can go to hell!" Naimh exclaimed, jokingly threatening to ruin their friendship.

The group erupted into laughter.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll keep that in mind."

"There's no need," Skylar assured me. "If I need more sustenance, I'll happily eat the grilled chicken.

I fetched bottles of water and a few beers from the cooler. "Please ensure you can at least drink these", I asked.

"Absolutely," Skylar affirmed while catching the Guinness bottle I tossed her way. "A true Brit wouldn't let me down, after all."

Everyone burst out into laughter once more.

We chatted amicably during the next thirty minutes while noshing. It was almost low tide, so marine biologist Naimh urged us to search for mini crabs, lavender sea urchins, lime anemones, and a plethora of barnacles.

We donned our flip-flops and commenced walking on the stones, taking care not to damage the barnacles or slugs. Lily discovered a cluster of purple and orange starfish entwined. Eva indicated a large green anemone to me and giggled adorably when I put my finger inside, causing the entire thing to firmly hug my digit. And Naimh was thrilled over a crab that seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with her, alternately disappearing into a crevice and clawing its way back out while she sweetly spoke to it in Irish-accented English.

"So it's decided," Sam said. "Neevie's the crab charmer."

"Neevie has crabs?" Belle teased. "Is that what you said?"

"Oh, mature up," Sam huffed.

Finally, the crab vanished, and Naimh moved on. She spoke nonstop about the biological aspects of the critters and their explanations for living in this intertidal area, intriguing Skylar.

"You certainly know your stuff," the blonde newcomer stated.

"Let me know if I'm being too verbose," Naimh said politely. "I'm aware of my tendency to chatter a lot, and you don't need to stoke my ego."

"Not a bit," Skylar confirmed with a grin, prompting them to continue their venture farther down the shore.

While Lily continued having the same experience with Belle, I remained engrossed by the green anemone with Eva. Although not a rising marine biologist herself, Lily had an appreciation of sea animals. The two tiny ladies headed in the opposite direction together.

I was still stationary, perched in a squat by the anemone with Eva beside me and Sam behind me. Eva spoke about Belle and Lily, "I knew those two were like-minded from the start, but it appears they're growing even more in sync. And it seems Skylar and Neevie are kindred spirits as well."

"I'm glad for them," I sympathized, glancing at Sam before returning my gaze to Eva. "I discussed with you before that the four of us all miss our best friends who went off to college. Lily and Belle bonded quickly, while Neevie shared with me she felt quite lonely. And I absolutely sensed that Skylar was a misfit during our romantic night out."

Eva raised an eyebrow questioningly at me. "Is that why you invited her to tag along today? To help them both make friends?"

I shrugged. "I told you that Skylar wanted to meet the girls on Saturday and would have if not for the... uhhh... 'incident' Belle mentioned to you. She said she didn't have many friends and wanted to visit the beach. It's a win-win situation."

"A win-win for you if yet another stunning gal with large breasts chooses to enter your close circle of friends and subsequently considers what it'd be like to ride The BTC boyfriend's big penis," Eva complained.

"It's not like that," Sam retorted indignantly, kneeling down next to us.

Eva rolled her eyes and adjusted her course toward our beach position. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She repeated while biting her lip and descending to a brisk walk.

I glanced sideways at Sam, and we swiftly stood up to pursue Eva. The statuesque brunette strode forcefully across the sand, causing me and Sam to run to catch up. I joined Eva on her left, saying, "Eva, please."

Sam was more direct in her attempts at remedying the situation, seizing Eva's elbow and constraining it. "Slow down."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the hapa girl apologized again while shaking her head. "You two have been so supportive, providing me with great company. I shouldn't be such a sourpuss about this."

"Why?" Eva spread her hands out. "I consume your meals. I come along on your travels. You all are nicer than nice to me, and all I provide in return is rubbish. By any set of rules, I'm a horrible friend."

"You're not a bad friend," Sam argued. "You're carefree. You don't bother anyone or ask for anything, and you proactively assist without hesitation, for instance, setting up the canopy and stuff. In fact, it's rather delightful to have a buddy who can simply exist and not ask me for anything. Plus, you're the only one who revels in making jokes that only have a minimal appeal to me!"

"You're not appreciating me spewing rubbish at you right now," Eva said.

Sam sighed. "I know this is a first for me, but Matty informed me about your swearing at us the other day. But if I stopped being friends with people just because we had an awkward confrontation sometimes, I wouldn't have any friends around."

Eva smirked and started walking again, albeit more slowly so Sam and I could keep up with her.

"I genuinely adore spending time with you," I told Eva genuinely. "Ever since we resolved to be 'just friends' and eliminate the sexual aspect from our relationship, I thought everything was going wonderfully. You're clever. You assist me in the kitchen. And you actually make me laugh."

Eva shrugged. "You've got lots of bright, witty, and accommodating females in your life. Your life doesn't suffer just because you spend time with me instead of any of them."

"Their brilliance doesn't detract from yours," I insisted before leaning in conspiratorially. "Plus, you're an excellent video game opponent. Keep playing video games with Matty, and you'll secure a spot amongst us."

Eva laughed and shook her head. "I've clashed against Matty since we were kids. None of the rest of us took gaming seriously - only Alice and Matty did. I just want to defeat you."

"There's nothing wrong with that," I remarked with a grin.

Sam snapped her fingers. "Matty's been craving a gaming partner for a few years now. You could be his new 'Alice.'"

"His new what?" Eva appeared baffled.

Sam explained, "Alice and Matty have been gaming companions since grade school. The rest of us are not very enthusiastic players - not like Alice and Matty. And Neevie tries, but she's more of a cosplayer than a gamer. So, hang around, play video games with Matty, and you can think of your position with us as secure."

"Fine with me," Eva agreed with a smile.

"Wait, no, no. That's the wrong way to view this," I told Sam, setting up the chairs deeper into the shade and sitting down. I gestured with my hand as she also sat in a chair. "We play video games to have fun. I don't want you considering the video games as an obligation to remain my friend."

"I didn't intend it that way," Sam defended. "Alice and Matty have been faraway friends for a while."

I refocused my gaze on Eva. "You're not like Alice, and I don't expect you to be. You're simply Eva, a person I like hanging out with, and it's the totality of who you are that makes me want to continue hanging out with you."

"I won't be sticking with you if you keep trying to get into my pants," Eva responded.

"This issue was addressed―or was supposed to have been," I sighed, rubbing my head.

Eva sighed with regret. "I'm sorry."

"You apologize too often," Sam chided. "I merely asked a question."

I sighed again and turned my gaze to Sam. "What's that to do with anything?"

Sam shrugged. "We all have roles within our circle of friends. You happen to be missing a gaming buddy."

"I don't like the notion that our friend circle needs to fill roles simply because some of our best friends went to different schools," I said, shaking my head.

Sam nodded. "Of course, of course."

My focus returned to Eva. "You're not like Alice, and I won't expect you to be. You're Eva, a one-of-a-kind person I like spending time with occasionally, and that is the sum of who you are that encourages me to continue spending time with you."

"You might be too shy to ask, but I don't have that issue," Sam remarked casually as she trained her complete focus on Eva. "Come on, what happened? It's not like Matty would force you to open up, and we won't abandon you as friends if you don't share this with us. We want to help you if we can, that's just what friends do. So let us in."

Eva shook her head and sighed. "It's a long tale."

"We've got all the time in the world," Sam stretched her arms wide. "We both know Matty wouldn't pressure you to talk about your feelings, and our friendship with you isn't contingent on your story. But we truly care for you, and want to understand you better. That's what real pals are for."

Eva took a deep breath, hugged herself tighter, and then glanced over at the bay. All other beachgoers were far away from us, and Naimh and Skylar were still exploring the tidepools, while Belle and Lily were busy building a sandcastle. The perfect opportunity to have a private conversation presented itself, but she hesitated, sticking to her closed-off ways.

Sam sighed, stood up from her seat, and grabbed one of the other chairs placed in the sun. She transported it next to ours and placed it in the sand while staring hopefully at Eva. She clearly signaled it was time to sit.

But Eva refused, instead focusing on the view of the bay. She flashed a tiny smile, replaced by a more somber expression, then glanced at Sam and me. Her gaze lingered on me for a moment, probably realizing I was trying to create a sense of safety, before turning her attention back to Sam. With a reluctant nod, she started to speak.

"I should be grateful you brought me here," she said in her raspy voice with a troubled tone.

Eva stopped abruptly without saying more. Apparently exhausted, she turned her attention to the water, letting the waves gently stroke her feet.

I have no idea why I chose what came next. My instinct seemed to be in control. I rose from my chair and walked over to Eva, standing directly in front of her. I carefully lifted her chin, pushing her face up to meet my eyes. She appeared stunned but accepted my gesture. She deployed her usual dismissive wave, a silent sign that a verbal response wasn't necessary, yet she didn't push me away. A clear indication that she may have felt she owed us something.

I leaned in and embraced her, not expecting a return hug at first. Her arms flailed beside her as she stiffened. I felt my tender touch might have come as a complete shock to her. Despite this, I believed that physical contact, even without sexual intent, would be useful.

So, I relaxed, closed my eyes, and visualized energy from my body flowing into hers.

As her arms finally encircled me, they didn't tighten, but simply held her. I continued holding her, my arms crossed and hands resting on her shoulders. I left my chin positioned by her left ear, ensuring no confusion about my intentions as male friends. It took a while, but Eva reciprocated the hug.

And she broke down.

Her chin dangled, indicating her face had been buried in my shoulder. She angled her head just enough to lean against the hollow of my neck. Her arms tightened, gripping me as if for support. She shivered, initially experiencing small tremors, but they soon escalated in frequency and intensity.

No longer able to hold back, she began sobbing, voicing a profound anguish that echoed through her muffled cry. Her fingers clutched onto the fabric of my T-shirt, potentially hard enough to break the skin. Eva wept, shuddered, and melted down while I simply maintained the hug, providing her the necessary reassurance and support. When Sam stepped into my line of sight, I gazed quizzically at her, unable to answer her unspoken inquiry, "What the heck is happening?"

However, all of a sudden my arms were empty as Eva broke free from my grip and began dashing off, leaving small puddles behind. I could tell her eyes were bloodshot as she turned, quickly rubbing her snotty nose with her forearm sleeve and then wiping away the tears with her hands. I was so shocked by the abruptness of it all that I remained rooted to the spot, mouth gaping and eyes wide open.

Then it was my turn to scrutinize Sam with an air of confusion.

"What in the world just happened?"

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