The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 01

Husband Captured Is Now Wife's Bondage & Foot Slave.

Aug 4, 2024
17 min read
humiliationThe Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 01manacleschainsbondagebare feetslavefoot worshipshackles
The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 01
The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 01

The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 01

Tom became his wife's, (or more accurately), his Slave Master's bondage slave. After falling asleep after a satisfying meal, he woke to find his hands locked in steel manacles, his bare feet in steel ankle shackles, with a steel slave collar fitted on him. To round things out, he was also locked in chastity making him her bondage slave totally and completely with no way out of his predicament.

Tom wasn't into anything like bondage, torture, slavery. He was what is known as pretty vanilla. So, how did Susan manage to make him her slave?

Go back about 2 years to where it all started.

Tom and his girlfriend Susan had been together for a little over a year. They started a business together over the computer which after a few months became very successful. They were making a very nice income and life was good.

One day, out of the blue, they were passing a newsstand and had a sudden urge to buy a lottery ticket, which is something they never even considered doing before. Unbelievably, it paid off to the amount of $800,000. They were astounded!

After the taxes were paid, (leaving them $500,000), they looked for a house way out in the country, as neither of them cared much for the city. Since neither had any close relatives, there was no problem moving far away from the city.

About 6 months later, they found the house they both loved. It was actually in the middle of nowhere as the saying goes. Susan told Tom that she wanted to take care of some renovations that she had in mind, so he agreed to put off moving in right away.

But when questioned as to what renovations she had in mind, Susan became very coy and asked him to trust her.

Susan was often on the computer into the wee hours of the morning. When Tom asked her why so long, she said she was trying for more clients for their business and also keeping up with the contractors working on the renovations.

"Sue, it's been 2 months since we bought the house and you began renovations. When are we going to finally move in? And also, what are the renovations you are having done? What is the big secret?"

"We are moving in next week. You will have to wait to see what I have done to the place."

"Ok, I just hope it was worth the money it cost."

"Oh, I think you will love it. I know I do!"

"Well, at least you got to see it as it progressed. I haven't been out there since we signed the papers closing the deal."

A week later, they had moved in. Their furniture was sent ahead and set up to Susan's specifications. They walked around looking at everything as if it was the first time they were there, commenting on this and that, discussing possible changes. Minor things that would be taken care of in time.

"How do you like the renovations, Tom?" Susan was beaming.

"Everything looks great! We're really going to love living here."

A couple of nights a week, they would drive to the closest town for dinner and/or a movie. One night, after they got home, they started playing around on the couch. Susan shed her shoes and put her feet on Tom's lap. She started running her foot up and down Tom's chest. Then she brought her bare foot up to his mouth.

Tom pulled away. "What are you doing Susan?"

"Don't you like my feet Tom?"

"I like them fine, but just not in my face."

Susan looked disappointed and a little hurt.

"Tom, you are so vanilla! A lot of couples engage in foot worship, and also in a little light bondage. Would you consider trying any of that?"

"No, none of that appeals to me at all. Where did you get these ideas?"

She opened her laptop and brought up a couple of sites showing foot worship, and B&D. Tom was not at all impressed with any of it.

"I don't know why you got interested in all of this, but it is definitely not my thing. Sorry."

"All right; I just thought it would spice things up a bit, but if you don't care for it, then that's that."

"Tell you what Sue; I will be happy to indulge your barefoot fetish sometimes, if it makes you happy, but nothing doing with the bondage scene."

Susan broke out into a big smile. "Thank you Tom. Maybe you will get to like it after awhile."

"I don't know about that, but bondage is absolutely off the table. We clear on that issue?"

Susan just nodded her head and very softly said, "Ok".

They quickly settled in to a daily routine in their new house; continuing with their on-line computer business which was expanding nicely.

Well, 8 months later, they got married. As stated before, they had no close family, so they kept the wedding quiet and personal. After a quick honeymoon, they returned home to their online business which got even more lucrative than before. Susan slowly got the foot worshiping sessions to an almost daily basis. She even got Tom to start enjoying it.

After a while, Susan wore shoes only when we went out somewhere; otherwise she remained barefoot in the house and also around the property. She couldn't understand why Tom didn't join her in going barefoot. He told her that he didn't feel the need or desire to go without shoes all the time, but was still glad to do foot worship for her.

"Oh Tom, you are still way too vanilla. I finally got you to enjoy worshiping my feet, and you even let me play with and worship your feet, but you have to shed more of the vanilla. It will make life more interesting. What do you say?"

"I think its fine just the way it is. I really got to like worshiping your feet, and I have got to enjoy you worshiping my feet. I didn't realize at first what a turn on it is, so I'm glad you got me to this point. Are you ok with things as they are?"

Susan sighed and said softly, "I guess, Tom, but I'm not giving up on you yet."

"Ok, you keep trying. Meanwhile, let me at those toes."

One evening, about 4 weeks later Susan called Tom over to her computer to show him a website she had up. It had descriptions and pictures of various positions of metal bondage.

"What do you think Tom? Isn't that cool? I would love to try something like that. What do you think?"

He had no idea she was into any of that. "I think that's kind of intense Sue, I'm not sure I'd want to get into anything like that. Do you really think you would like something like that?"

She got a faraway look in eyes and said, "I don't know. Maybe it's something to think about. Who knows? Maybe I wouldn't care for it, after trying it."

"Well, you think about it and tell me where you land on it. I'm not promising anything though. We'll discuss it, but no promises."

About a week later, they were sitting on the couch with an after dinner drink getting ready to watch a movie that they were both looking forward to seeing. About 5 minutes in, Tom started getting sleepy and fell asleep. When he woke up, imagine his surprise finding himself locked in handcuffs, ankle shackles and with his feet bare. Susan was standing over him with a big smile.

"What's going on Sue? I thought you were going to think about this and then we were going to discuss it. Now I find myself handcuffed, shackled, and barefoot. You call this discussing it?"

Susan laughed and said, "We are going to discuss it, but we are going to discuss it while you're in bondage. You can get a taste of it while we talk about metal bondage. Also besides your handcuffs, ankle shackles, and bare feet, you missed that you are locked in a slave collar."

Sure enough, he was wearing a slave collar. She informed him it was a shock collar also to insure obedience. He was getting pretty angry by now. What was she thinking by locking him in chains and a shock slave collar?

"How long is this demonstration going to last? I didn't agree to this. Please take these manacles, shackles, and slave collar off and bring back my shoes so we can talk about this further. I was under the impression that it was you that wanted to be in chains!"

Susan almost fell down laughing. "Oh Tom, you are really slow grasping the situation!"

Susan told him that the manacles, shackles, steel slave collar and chastity cage which was to be locked on him in a few moments were going to be a permanent part of his "ensemble or uniform" as she put it. Also, having to go in bare feet was to remain permanent. No more footwear EVER!

"Susan! You just can't put me in chains and keep me this way! Please, you just can't!"

"Oh, but I can! Let me demonstrate the absolute control I have over you. I am going to remove your handcuffs, and you will re-cuff your hands behind your back for me. And here is why you will do it!"

With that, she pressed a button on her wrist, and Tom received a shock from the slave collar. He jumped in surprise. The shock wasn't really bad, but it got his attention.

"Ok, you just received the mildest shock I could give you; just to give you to understand that I have full control over you. That was the number 1 setting. If I were to turn the intensity to full, you would lose your bowels. That is how bad it would be. But I will be kind and only turn it up to 5 out of a possible 10. As of now, I am your Dominatrix and you are my slave. My permanent bondage and foot slave. You have not been bringing your best game lately during my foot worship sessions. This will now change! We are in the middle of nowhere, and what families we have, have no idea where we live or how to find us. Now, do what you're told!"

She handed him the key for the handcuffs, and he didn't want to experience the number 5 setting on the slave collar, so he unlocked the handcuffs, handed the key back to her and quickly re-locked his hands behind his back. She checked to see that he closed the cuffs tight enough, and seeing that he did, told him to follow her.

"Susan, do you really intend to keep me chained up permanently? What about the business?"

She stopped walking and looked at him and said, "You can still type on the computer with your hands chained. Your bondage won't affect the business at all. However, I think you're not really needed any longer for the business. And from now on slave, you will address me as Slave Master! Yes, I like that! That is my title that you will address me by. My name is now forbidden for you to say. In addition: your name is forbidden for you to use. You are now just Slave. Is that clear?"

OMG this is getting more real by the second. She was giving him a hard look.

"Y Y Y Yes, Slave Master!"

"Ok, who am I and who are you?"

"You are Slave Master, and I am Slave."

"Very good, Slave. Now sit here while I lock your chastity cage on you."

Tom watched in horror as Susan put his manhood in a metal locking chastity cage that was never coming off without a key.

"Now that's done, I have a surprise for you. Come along and follow me."

He wasn't about to disobey. "Yes Slave Master." Tom followed as best he could with his shackled feet. The shackle chain couldn't be more than 18 inches, keeping him severely hobbled.

She took him to a book case, selected a book, tilted it out & pressed on a secretive part of the book case. The wall opened and he was pushed through. This led to a staircase which went pretty far down. When they got to the bottom, she unlocked a steel door.

"You are going to be spending a LOT of time in here!" She then pushed him inside. Tom looked around and almost pissed himself! He was terrified! It was a dungeon in the truest sense!

"When did this happen?" he said totally stupefied.

"I had a crew come in when I was having the renovations being done."

Tom said, "But now there are people who know about this!"

"No, I made a lot of contacts, and the people who did the work are all BDSM people. The so called 'Outside World' has no idea of any of this."

"This must have cost a fortune! Look at all of this!"

"Oh don't worry your little slave self about it. We, or should I say 'I' can well afford it. You can't afford anything now that you are my slave. You no longer have any money."

Tom was getting really angry. "Susan, this has gone far enough! Unchain me, and we can talk about all this."

The pain that went through him brought him to tears and dropped him to the floor.

"Who Said You May use My Name!? Who Am I Slave!?"

"I'm sorry! You are Slave Master! I am your prisoner and slave! Please, please don't punish me again, Slave Master!"

"That was number 5 on the scale. Should I turn it up and let you taste the pleasure of number 7 or 8?"

"Please No, Slave Master! I am your obedient slave. Please forgive me!"

"Ok then. So while you're down there on the floor, lie face down."

Tom didn't have to be told twice. He realized finally that he was totally helpless and his situation was hopeless. She wasn't fooling around; this was real. He was now her prisoner and slave, and there was nothing he could do about it. Tom was afraid to speculate what she had in store for his 'future'.

Susan locked his shackled feet together and then brought the slack in the chain up to his handcuffs and locked his feet to his hands in what she jokingly called a hog chained position instead of it being a hogtied position as he was chained, not tied. She got a good laugh out of that.

"I am keeping you, in chains and bare feet, my bondage slave, and also keeping my slave's cock and balls locked in a chastity cage 'permanently'! You have any problems with any of that slave?"

"May I beg Slave Master's indulgence to forgo the chastity cage; PLEASE, Slave Master!?"

"No slave you may not. So, do you have any problems being locked in this chastity cage?" She started to reach for her wrist where the shock control was.

"No, Slave Master, no problems! I obey your wishes and commands."

"Yes, you most certainly will! And, for making me punish you before, you are being further punished by remaining hog-chained in this dungeon for an hour or so."

"Yes Slave Master, You are right to punish me. Thank you." Tom was trying to learn quickly.

After about an hour in the hog chained position, Susan released him, then re-locked his hands in front and chained him to the dungeon wall by his slave collar, and shackled feet. Things were getting worse and worse. Tom thought it was as bad as it was going to get. Wrong! Susan informed Tom that he was going to be making videos which were going to make them, (sorry), her, a fortune. She assured him he would not be identified in the videos as he would be locked in a hood. Plus, she was going to have foot fetish friends of hers over at different days and at different times for a foot worship party with Tom of course, doing the worshiping. She informed him that he would be required to bring total satisfaction, or he would most definitely not enjoy the consequences.

After that description of his slave duties, Tom literally sat down on the dungeon floor and wept. Susan just laughed at him, and then locked his hands to his feet so he couldn't even stand up and left the dungeon closing the heavy steel door and locking it, as if he could have escaped even if she had left it open.

She returned about 5 hours later according to a clock Tom could see on the wall opposite him.

"Slave, it's time to put you in your cell. And I noticed you looking at the clock. I want you to know, that is the last time you will have any concept of the time of day, or even what day it is! That clock is being removed, and after awhile, knowing the time will be something forbidden to you! Just another of my little tortures for you!"

"My cell, Slave Master? I thought I was to be locked in the dungeon chained to the wall by my collar and feet?"

"No, this room is to be used for entertainment and torture for me and my friends. Also, when you are permitted to speak to them, they will be addressed as 'Honored Guest'. And as always, I am Slave Master. Now, despite being tortured in this room, and made to worship your Slave Master's feet, plus any other humiliation you will have to endure, you will come to welcome the times you are brought out here compared to the time being chained in you cell!"

The thought of the 'entertainment, torture and humiliation' Tom was going to endure almost made him piss myself. He was never going to be able to get out of his bondage; she had him locked securely and there was no escape. He now knew that she was dead serious about all this, and his bondage was really permanent. Somewhere along the line she became a totally different woman. And at the thought of his 'cell' he was going to be chained in, totally freaked him out.

"Please, Slave Master, can't I just remain out here chained up in your dungeon?"

"No slave! You are going to be chained up and locked in your cell, and that is final!"

Tom lost it and started crying, which just made Susan laugh a ghoulish laugh that he would come to fear.

She unlocked the padlock freeing his hands from his feet and ordered him to stand. Susan then ran a restraining chain from his manacles to his shackles which she said were called transport chains. She then unlocked his collar and feet from the wall of the dungeon.

She led lead him to a section of the dungeon wall that was actually a very cleverly concealed door which led to another room that was about 20 x 20 feet. In the far wall of the room, was a heavy steel door with a port to enable her to look in at Tom, and at the bottom of the door was a service door to push food and whatever else through to him. Both of course locked as well as the door itself.

Susan unlocked the door and ordered Tom to step in. The room was 8 feet square with a toilet, wash basin and cot.

"This is your residence from now on when you aren't serving me or my friends. You will sometimes be spending days or even weeks in here. I hope you find it to your liking!" She gave that ghoulish bone chilling laugh at that remark.

"Please Slave Master! Don't do this to me, PLEASE!"

"Oh! There is just one other detail to take care of." With that, she chained Tom by his shackled feet to the far wall and changed his manacles with a pair that had an 18 inch chain so he could clean himself.

"There, that's better. Got you all set up in your cell, or as you will come to know it, 'your home'! There will be no escape from here! Right, slave?"

When Tom didn't answer immediately, she hit him with the shock collar. He fell to the floor and wept with the pain.

"I asked you a question SLAVE!"

"Yes Slave Master! This cell is to be my home! No escape from here or anywhere else you chain me up! Please, don't punish me further, I beg you!"

"Don't you want to thank me for not turning your punishment up past number 5, slave?"

"Thank you for your kindness! I deserved your punishment! Thank you for punishing me at the number 5 level, Slave Master!"

Tom said everything he could think of to say, in order to placate his 'Slave Master' in order to avoid more punishment. He was now in constant fear of the shock collar. But just when he thought that was frightening enough, Susan smiled at him. Tom shuddered, knowing that smile was the forerunner of bad tidings.

"Oh! In addition to your shock collar, the chastity cage you are wearing has an e-stim built into it. If you misbehave, you may feel the (joy) of the e-stim as well as the collar. Also, you are going to wear a butt plug. You will only be allowed to remove it to use the toilet or when I give you permission to remove it. Is that understood slave?"

Tom was going to beg for mercy, but the look she gave him, convinced him it would have been ill advised. He just shook his head yes.

Susan made Tom insert the butt plug she had waiting, and said she hoped that he would enjoy it. She was getting more frightening by the minute.

"Oh, regarding your butt plug: I have cameras and microphones hidden in your cell, so if you remove it other than to use the toilet, I will know about it. You don't want to even imagine your punishment for that! Do you!?"

"No Slave Master! I will obey your command!"

"That's good. Because if you disobey...."

Tom felt the e-stim unit in his chastity cage engage. He fell to the floor screaming. The shock lasted about 5 seconds.

"I can program your cage to shock you at set intervals, and also program the duration of the shock. I'm sure you will behave and become a model slave. Right, slave?"

"Yes Slave Master! Please spare me the e-stim! I obey your orders and commands! I will worship you, and your feet, and I will do everything you command me to do! I beg your mercy."

She laughed and turned to leave the cell. Once outside, she stood there regarding Tom for a moment and said "So many times I wanted you to go barefoot with me and you wouldn't even do it. Such a simple request it was. What would it have cost you to do it for me? Now look at you! Locked in chains, helpless, your situation hopeless, no possible escape from your bondage, now and forever my bondage and foot slave! And look! Bare Feet! You are now forced to obey to my command that you will go in bare feet forever! Do you have anything to say to that slave? No, well, it's just as well you don't!"

She ordered him to come over to her. He started over to the door where she stood, and was brought up short of reaching the door by about 2 feet. He couldn't comply because his feet were chained to the wall and wouldn't let him get as far as the door.

"That's right slave! You are not allowed to get as far as your cell door. I have some food here for you which I will slide through the portal door after I lock you in your cell. I was thinking of torturing you for a bit to entertain myself, but, I decided to let you get acclimated to your permanent bondage & your hopeless situation."

"Thank you Slave Master! May I worship your beautiful feet now? But Slave Master, you are wearing shoes! It is so unlike you. May I remove them and worship your feet please?"

"Not right now slave. I may give you that pleasure later on."

With that, she slammed the cell door shut, locked it, and passed the food in through the portal door at the bottom. Tom hadn't noticed before the cell door was shut, but the light in his cell was very dim. Then, he heard her voice over an intercom system.

"Remember slave, I have a number of video cameras and microphones hidden in your cell so I can see and hear you at all times. When you have to relieve yourself, you may remove your butt plug. You will then use the toilet after which you will wash the plug and re-insert it. Your food will arrive via a shaft I had installed, so I won't have to come to you in person. For liquid, you have all the water you desire. The food will come at all different times to keep you off balance as to the passage of time. Remember, I'm watching you at all times. When I can't, you are being recorded so I can go back and see what I missed. So, make sure I don't see anything that will make me torture you even more than I am going to anyway! Enjoy your new permanent home!"

Again, that ghoulish laugh, and the intercom shut off. Tom sat down and tested all of his chains, hoping against hope that he might get out of at least some of them, but no luck. His ankle shackles were tethered by a permanent 18" chain non-removable. His wrist shackles were tethered by a non-removable 18" chain so he was able to clean myself, but the chain could be shortened by use of a padlock. Indeed, his wrists could be padlocked together as well as his feet. Tom's hands were chained to his feet by a 32" restraining chain. And of course, he was chained to the back wall by his shackled feet. Tom took this all in, knowing he was in serious trouble. Helplessly bound in heavy steel shackles and chains, also chained to the wall, with bare feet, and shock collar, plus a chastity cage wired with e-stm, locked in an inescapable prison cell with no hope of rescue or escape, he sat and wept until totally exhausted, he finally fell asleep.

To be continued.

  1. Tom was now fully enveloped in his proposed role as Susan's bondage slave, with steel manacles, shackles, and a slave collar securing him tight.
  2. Feeling humiliated and trapped in his current predicament, Tom was surprised when Susan introduced foot worship into their relationship, something he had never considered before.
  3. After Tom's initial resistance to foot worship and bondage, Susan managed to find a compromise - he would indulge her barefoot fetish, and in return, she would spare him from the more intense aspects of bondage.
  4. Despite temporarily settling into this new arrangement, Tom remained 'pretty vanilla,' and Susan continued to yearn for him to embrace more unconventional aspects of their relationship, including BDSM and bondage.

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