The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 03

Husband Captured Is Now Wife's Bondage & Foot Slave.

Aug 6, 2024
12 min read
foot worshiphumilationslavechainsThe Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 03bondagebare feetshacklesmanacles
The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 03
The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 03

The Bondage & Foot Slave Husband 03

Tom had no idea how much time had passed since Susan scared the hell out of him with her declaration that he was going to experience something totally new. No further information was given to him, but when he heard her maniacal laugh followed by the cell door slamming and the dead silence, he collapsed to the floor and shook and wept uncontrollably. His life was already hell; what else was she planning to put him through now? If only he could get an advantage to help him escape. He didn't even want to go to the police to turn her in. He just wanted to get free and go as far away as possible to be rid of her dominance over him!

But of course that was not at all likely. Here in his prison cell, he was manacled, feet shackled with his hands chained to his feet by a restraining 32" chain. He was further chained to the back wall of his cell by his shackled feet. To top it off, he was locked in a chastity cage with an e-stim attachment and wore a shock collar, although Susan used the shock collar less and less, in favor of the e-stim chastity cage, which was far more torturous.

Any time he was re-chained for torture and foot worshiping sessions, it was done carefully in such a way that even if he had the opportunity to grab the keys, they were never the complete set to totally free him. Susan was very methodical to insure that Tom, her slave could, and would never escape.

And of course, there was the chastity cage and shock collar to contend with. All she had to do was touch a button on her wrist, and Tom was reduced to a quivering weeping slave shaking on the floor. This convinced him to NEVER RESIST Slave Master! Tom was just a naked barefoot chained slave for the rest of his life. It was obvious that Slave Master was never going to release him so he could be her husband again and able to call her Susan.

All these thoughts running through his mind just caused him start weeping again. What was going to be next for him? His imagination was running wild! Of course, that is another of his Slave Master's way to torture him. She made torturing Tom into a fine art which left him in total fear of what she was going to come up with next to further ruin her slave's already horrible day.

Sometime later, it could've been days, weeks, or even months; time was getting ever harder to approximate, as Tom suspected Susan was putting sedatives in his food. He had no way of knowing if he was unconscious for hours or days. He was sitting on his cot thinking if there could be a way to determine how long it was since Slave Master last came to his cell, when he heard Susan opening the dungeon door and walking to his cell.

The last time she visited him, she gave him a new command to obey. When Tom heard his Slave Master coming, he was to get down on his hands and knees with his head bent down looking at the floor. Quickly obeying, Tom immediately assumed the position, quaking with fear.

The cell door opened, and he recited the newly commanded phrase; "Thank you Slave Master for honoring me with your presence. May I please have the pleasure of worshiping your most beautiful feet?"

"No, you may not, pathetic slave. Do you remember how to use the key to your manacles?"

"Yes, I do, Slave Master."

"Very well, here is the key and the key for the padlocks to remove the restraining chain to your hands and feet. Unlock and remove them now."

Tom was astounded! He was never allowed to touch any key to his manacles, shackles or chains since that first night he was taken prisoner and Slave Master made him remove his manacles and re-lock them himself behind his back!

However, he did what Slave Master commanded and removed his manacles and the chains that she gave him the keys for. When Tom was done, Susan put out her hand indicating he was to return the keys which he did quickly. Tom's hands were no longer manacled and chained to his feet, but his feet were still shackled and chained to the back wall. And Tom knew full well those keys were nowhere within reach. What next, Tom wondered, with growing fear, but afraid to speculate further. He didn't have to wait long to find what was next for him.

"Lie down, face down, and put your hands behind your back together Palms facing out! QUICKLY, SLAVE! I don't like you having so much freedom!"

Freedom! She called this too much freedom? Bare Feet still in shackles, feet chained to the back wall of his prisoner/slave cell, naked, and locked in chastity? If it wasn't so frightening, Tom would have laughed at that.

Needless to say, he responded with immediate, total obedience. Susan re-manacled Tom's hands tightly together, palms out as ordered: Susan discovered that with the hands manacled that way, it was impossible for a prisoner to get out of them even if he got a hold of the key. She then ordered Tom to stand. A chain was locked from his collar to his hands, and another chain was locked from his hands to his feet restricting the movement of his hands. This of course was not necessary, but it served to cause him more discomfort which delighted his Slave Master no end. She locked a ball gag on him, then, unchained Tom from the wall.

"Let's go, slave. Are you ready?" Once again, with that withering, frightening laugh.

Tom shook his head violently no, and tried to scream, tried to beg for mercy, but all he could get out was an incoherent mumbling.

"Look at you! Just a pathetic slave! I'll bet you never thought you would be my bondage and foot slave, completely owned and dominated by little old me in the 'before time', did you?

Tom looked at her with pleading eyes as he was unable to speak. Always hoping she would relent, and spare him what she had planned for him.

"Whatever you are trying to say with those eyes of yours, forget it. I am locking your slave hood on you, and we are going to take a little trip. This will be the first time you will be out of the dungeon and going through the house since your imprisonment, but you are not permitted to even see it again. Slaves may not have the pleasure of seeing my house, which of course puts you in that category."

My house! No longer our house, Tom thought. Just another humiliation impressing upon him that he was beneath Susan's feet figuratively as well as literally.

"Let's go slave. I don't want to be late. We have a little distance to travel."

Susan locked the hood on Tom and prodded him to start walking. Tom resisted trying in vain to speak through the ball gag.

Susan sent a mild shock to his chastity cage as a reminder as to who was the master and who was the slave.

"You are going to obey me. There is no question about that. But if I feel any more resistance from you, I will attach a lead chain to your collar and bring you along like a dog on a leash. Would you care for that humiliation? I'd be glad to provide it."

Tom shook his head no, and started walking out of his cell as fast as the 18" shackle chain permitted. Susan had to guide him up the stairs to the dungeon, and then the stairs to the house itself.

While walking through the house to the garage, Susan said, "It's been quite awhile since you felt the comfort of nice thick carpet beneath those bare feet of yours."

Tom nodded yes in answer to her statement. It really did feel good, and he was enjoying the feeling while he could. However, Slave Master decided he was not entitled to enjoyment, so she off set it by sending shocks to his chastity cage. Not enough to bring him to his knees, but enough to override the enjoyment of his bare feet on the soft carpet.

"I'll stop the shocking when we get to the garage and you are off my carpet. You aren't entitled to the comfort and enjoyment of my thick, soft carpet. That is way above your entitlement, as my slave. Do you agree slave?"

Tom nodded yes vigorously, to avoid further torture.

A few moments later, Susan had Tom step up into her conversion van. She removed the chains from his collar to his manacles, and also the chain from his manacles to his feet. He was told to sit down, at which point Susan padlocked his feet tightly together, and also padlocked his feet to a ring in the floor of the van. He was told this is how he would remain until they arrived at their destination.

Manacled, shackled, ball gagged, hooded, and padlocked to the floor of Susan's van left Tom as usual with nothing to do but wonder what horror his Slave Master had in store for him. Whatever it was, there was nothing he could do about it, other than accept it, having as always, absolutely no choice. He was a slave in bondage to a Slave Master who was getting more and more frightening every day.

The drive wasn't too long. The van stopped and sounded the horn. Tom heard what sounded like a large garage door opening. The van then proceeded forward and swung into a parking slot. Susan shut the engine off, and came back to Tom.

"We're here slave. You better be on your best behavior, or you know what you can expect. Just do what you are told, and you will avoid some punishments."

Tom nodded his agreement. He thought he would do anything to avoid his Slave Master's wrath. His fear indicator was pegging past maximum, but he tried his best to at least look somewhat calm.

Susan unlocked his feet from the floor ring, and removed the padlock keeping his feet tightly together. She guided him out of the truck, then unlocked and removed his hood. Tom blinked several times as the light was bright. It looked like some sort of a warehouse that he was in. He tried to mumble a question to Susan, which she understood.

"No slave. I'm keeping you ball gagged for awhile. Now come this way."

They walked across the warehouse, and approached a raised platform where Tom could see other slaves standing by it, both male and female slaves. He looked confused, and tried to mumble another question to Susan. She knew what he was trying to ask.

Laughing, she said, "This is a slave auction. You and these other slaves are here to be auctioned off."

Hearing that, Tom went berserk, screaming fighting against his bondage as if he could break free. He stopped abruptly when he was treated to a shock to his chastity cage.

"You are going to be punished for that outburst slave! Keep up this behavior, and you will wish you were dead when undergoing the punishment I will deal out to you! Do you want even more punishment that you are already going to suffer for your behavior?"

Tom vehemently shook his head no. His eyes pleaded with Susan!

"Relax slave! I am only going to auction you off as a loan to a Dominatrix who will own you for 2 days. And, I will be there the whole time. Does that make you feel better?"

A reluctant shake of the head, yes.

"I am going to remove your ball gag. But if you cause any more problems, you will wear it the whole time you will be under the Dominatrix's control, as well as on the way home. You would get pretty hungry not being able to eat for 2 days. Also, you will be punished for your outburst before. Do you agree that you deserve it?"

Tom gave another shake of the head in the affirmative. Susan removed the ball gag.

"Thank you Slave Master. I hope you will be as lenient as possible when you punish me for my outburst. Please know, I'm so confused and terrified, the outburst happened without me realizing it."

"I may or may not take it into consideration. I will have to see what my mood is at that time. You will take the punishment no matter what. Also, you are first up on the auction platform. Right now!"

"Yes Slave Master."

Tom climbed the steps to the platform on his shackled bare feet to a spot that he was directed to, so he could be chained in place to the platform while the bidding was going on.

Slave Master addressed the bidders saying that the slave before them was only to be auctioned off to a Dominatrix for a period of 2 days. Not a permanent purchase.

"I use the slave only as a foot slave and to amuse myself and my friends for torture and foot worship. He is not to be used as a sex slave. I will remain with him for the duration of the lease. Anyone who agrees to these terms may start bidding."

It seemed that quite a few potential Dominatrix's were agreeable to those terms, so the bidding started, and went on for at least 5 minutes. The winning bid made Tom's Slave Master $5,000 richer.

The bidding over, the winning Dominatrix came up to the platform to take charge of her 'rented' slave. They unlocked Tom from the platform ring, and headed off to a private corner for introductions.

"Hello slave, my name is Jodie, but you will address me as Miss, or Miss Jodie. Never just Jodie or you will regret it. Understand?"

"Yes, Miss Jodie. Slave Master told me to offer information about myself. May I do so please?"

Jodie nodded 'yes'

"I am known just as 'slave'. I address my owner as 'Slave Master'. She is a strict disciplinarian, and punishes me only when I deserve it. She tortures me a lot and commands me to worship her feet, but as her bondage slave, I fully understand that is what I am to be used for. I must add that I dearly love my Slave Master. I was her husband and a free man until she locked me in chains and made me her prisoner and slave. I can only imagine that I did something wrong to deserve my enslavement. But, even though I've been locked in chains and tortured, I will always love my Slave Master. Even though she commands me to worship her feet, I would beg to do it anyway. I've learned to love her feet back when I was a free man and husband."

Susan introduced herself and, told Jodie her slave's name used to be Tom, which she took away from him. He is, as he stated, that his name is just what he is, 'slave'.

Jodie said, "You really have him trained. Permanently bound in chains, made to worship your feet, even though he loves to do it, subjected to various tortures, made to go naked and in bare feet, and he still loves you. Wow! You really have it going on! By the way, I noticed you have him fitted with a locking butt plug. That is really cool!"

"Oh, I only use the locking one when he is out of his cell. When he is chained up in his cell, he wears one that can be removed so he can use the toilet. But, he must clean it afterward and immediately re-insert it, or face a severe punishment. Right, my barefoot slave?"

"Yes, Slave Master. I obey that command and all of your commands as I must."

"How do you know if the slave obeys that command? He's in his cell all by himself. What is to say he leaves it out until he hears you coming, then quickly re-inserts it to avoid your punishment?"

"Good question. I have a number of cameras at all different angles that record his every move 24/7. Also, microphones so I can hear any noise he makes. He knows if there are times I can't watch him, I just roll back tape and replay it to see if he is being obedient."

"Wow! Nice setup! Since I now own him for the next 2 days, I would like to remove his butt plug for the duration. There may be some tortures that could possibly make him crap himself."

"OK with me. He is yours for 48 hours. Just know, he is not to be used as a sex slave. We don't do that at my place, nor do any of my BDSM friends. I get the feeling this is going to be a very informative and educational experience for myself as well as for 'our' slave."

If it weren't for the locking butt plug he was still wearing, Tom would have defecated right then and there.

Jodie said, "OK slave, time for us to get moving to my dungeon. My vehicle is over this way. Start walking, fast as you can!"

"Yes, Miss Jodie."

Tom started shuffling over to Jodie's vehicle trying not to break down in tears. He would have been quaking in his boots if he wasn't in bare feet, trying to imagine what tortures he was about to endure that would make him crap himself. And worst of all, Slave Master might make those tortures part of her repertoire when he was returned to her dungeon.

Tom thought, what horrors am I going to face this next 2 days? He was then directed to get in Jodie's vehicle.

To be continued

  1. Tom was given a new command during his foot worshiping session, ordered to remove the keys for his manacles and chains, a task he had never been allowed to do before.
  2. In the midst of his humiliation and bondage, Tom was surprised to find that Susan was granting him a rare moment of freedom, removing his manacles and chains for a short period of time.
  3. Despite being barefoot, still shackled, and locked in his chastity cage, Tom was now given the opportunity to worship Susan's feet, a task he had grown to love despite his slavery and torture.
  4. Tom's thoughts were filled with fear as he lay on the floor, uncertain of what was to come next in this strange world of foot worship, humiliation, and bondage.

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