Gay Sex

The Bondage Laboratory: Chapter 2

Prisoners undergo the Doctor's initial examination.

May 2, 2024
20 min read
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The Bondage Laboratory Ch. 02
The Bondage Laboratory Ch. 02

The Bondage Laboratory: Chapter 2

In the morning, breakfast consisted of two pieces of toasted white bread with a choice of strawberry jam or marmalade, a little bowl filled with mixed fruit, a glass of orange juice, and a cup of strong coffee. The meal rolled slowly through the chute in the wall to Reagan's cell. Although she was hesitant to accept anything provided by her captors, she couldn't deny her hunger. Once she had reluctantly taken the tray, she sat in front of the blue energy field that contained her, Milly sitting across from her in her own cell. The girls nearby were named Zara and Alyss, but not much else was known about them.

Milly asked, "How did you sleep?"

Reagan had shared with Milly all the events that took place in the doctor's lab the previous evening, but she had not mentioned the video of herself where she learned that all of this was somehow necessary and that she made her own choice. A pill given to her by the doctor helped her forget. She felt baffled by what she saw, so it was futile to explain it to Milly.

"I slept fine." Reagan lied. "You?"

"Yes, I did too." Milly answered. "The beds were surprisingly comfortable..."

The beds were comfortable and most of the time, she slept soundly. The food was delicious, and the cells were warm and spotless. It was hard to discern what this place was, but they were being treated pretty well.

Milly continued. "I could do with a shower."

Reagan chuckled and nodded her agreement. In her time with Milly, she decided she enjoyed her company. Milly talked a lot and seemed to blurt out whatever came to her mind was probably her coping mechanism. The noise didn't bother Reagan.

They had just finished their meal when a piercing alarm echoed through the corridors. Reagan and Milly immediately put their hands over their ears, and Reagan's back tightened.

"Good morning, ladies!" The doctor stood by the large door that connected to his cell, the two nurses wearing short white dresses, PVC boots, and gloves, and surgical masks. He clasped his hands in front of him, a big smile plastered on his face. One nurse held a stun baton as Reagan and the others approached the cell doors carefully.

"Did you all have a good night's sleep and appreciate your breakfast?" The doctor asked, his voice ringing with curiosity. There was no response. He frowned. "Apparently, we still need to work on your manners. I suppose we'll begin with that this morning! We'll start with your side of the block."

Reagan glanced at Milly, whose eyes were wide, and her face had become paler under the blue light of her cell's energy field.

"Restraints are now available for your use. Please, just put them on, hands behind your backs." The doctor ordered, his eyes on Milly as she walked to the back of her cell, returning moments later with a ball gag, leather handcuffs, and a matching collar. Despite her emotional state, she delicately placed the restraints on, beginning with the collar and gag before blindfolding her. Moments later, Reagan saw a nurse chasing down one of the other girls, crackling her stun baton before returning to the doctor and nodding.

"Very good!" The doctor said. "You complied quickly with minimal struggle. I'm impressed. You all come with me now. The rest of you can enjoy a bit of freedom until this afternoon."

Reagan observed as the energy field on Milly's prison cell deactivated, followed by one of the nurses guiding her out of the hallway. Ten prisoners, which included Milly, were then lined up behind her while the nurses interlinked their collars with lengths of silver chain. Once they had finished, a leash was attached to Milly's collar. The sonic sirens began to wail, and Reagan fell to the floor, fighting to keep her eyes open as the nurses led the ladies out of the hallway through the doors, which were beginning to open. She observed the Doctor smiling calmly at her before he followed his charges out of the hallway.

When the sirens finally stopped, Reagan pulled herself to her feet and was surprised to find that the energy field of her prison cell had also been deactivated. She stepped to the doorway, peering cautiously into the hallway, where she noticed nine other heads gazing in awe as well. The door through which the Doctor and the other ladies exited was now closed, but another door at the end of the hallway remained open, revealing an expansive area visible beyond it. She suppressed her anxiety and stepped into the hallway, noticing the other girls' heads swivel toward her as if anticipating her collapse or combustion. The floor was cold under her feet as she walked the length of the hallway, covertly observing the other girls in their cells. The majority were human, but she noticed a Lunar Elf and a Taritan with large black eyes as she approached the far door. She peered through the opening, seeing a large, hexagonal room beyond, with white floors, walls, and ceilings, resembling a communal area for everyone to use. Benches and tables were positioned in the center of the room, combined with a line of showers against the far wall.

"It seems safe," she declared over her shoulder, unsure if any of the girls were listening.

She stepped into the room, noticing the other girls now moving behind her. They chattered as they crossed the threshold, focusing on the showers. She considered Milly and her desire for a shower.

"Reagan, right?"

She turned to face a tall, blonde-haired girl who stood behind her. Like the others, she was naked and attempting to cover her breasts with one arm. The fact that the woman appeared more concerned about Reagan's bare breasts than her exposed genitals was mildly amusing to her.

"I'm Alyss," she said, smiling insecurely. "I'm in the cell next to you."

"Oh yes," Reagan responded.

"I overheard you talking to Milly the other night," Alyss said hesitantly. "Did they truly do all those things to you?"

Reagan, now turned, feeling her cheeks warm. Discussing these events with someone she had previously met was awkward for her.

"If you heard what I said, then you understand what happened," she muttered.

"Do you believe that's what's happening to the others?" Alyss questioned fearfully.

"I don't know," Reagan grumbled. She didn't want to dwell on the subject of their fate if she could avoid it.

Alyss followed behind her, asking, "What are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know," she exclaimed angrily.

She looked around, conscious that the other girls were all looking at her. Did they view her as some sort of leader due to her being chosen by the Doctor? Their gazes were making her uncomfortable as she headed toward the showers, seeking a distraction from the unfolding events. There were six showers altogether, positioned closely against the wall, with rows of vanity units in front. She switched on one of the showers and was taken aback by the pleasantly warm water. She stood under it and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the water cascading over her soft, blue skin. She spent an extended time washing herself beneath the water, attempting to ignore the other girls as they strolled around the room, talking softly amongst themselves and glancing at her.

Finally, she stepped out of the shower, wrapping one of the towels provided between the vanity units around herself. She plopped onto a stool in front of the unit, gazing at her reflection as she combed through her long, purple-blue hair. She had decided to return here. She had been given an opportunity to escape, and yet she had declined. Why?

The day progressed sluggishly, with the girls beginning to cluster together as they got acquainted with one another. Reagan wandered around the space, overhearing their chatter but not actively participating in any of the discussions. Alyss, for instance, was evidently frightened and used every opportunity to discuss the current circumstances and why they had been brought here. Others seemed content to engage in trivial conversations that revolved around their personal preferences or what they may have been prior to entering captivity. Sophia, the Lunar Elf, discussed the background of their race and assumed she had previously worked as a teacher. I found this notion far-fetched considering how seldom their species ventured off their home planet of Skathos or its satellite colonies.

I couldn't help but observe that all the women in the room were strikingly attractive. Some, such as Alyss, were tall with prominent breasts and hips, while others were smaller in stature. They appeared mostly unconcerned about their lack of clothes, which caused me to ponder if they shared more similarities besides their physical appeal.

Recently, they had just concluded their lunch, a spread of salads and cold meats that materialized in the center of the tables. Suddenly, a alarm sounded throughout the room, followed by a screen overhead commanding everyone to return to their cells. Most of the girls trembled as they each entered their individual chambers, watching the energy barriers flicker back on.

As soon as I entered my own cell, the excruciatingly familiar wail of the sonic alarm shook me to my knees. When I opened my eyes, I observed the Doctor and his orderlies standing in the hallway. However, Milly and the other girls were nowhere to be found.

"Good afternoon," the Doctor greeted brightly. "We trust you enjoyed the opportunity to stroll around and use the bathroom. The more you follow my instructions, the more surprises like this you will enjoy."

"Where are the others?" I demanded, irritation surfacing as I glared at the man's self-satisfied expression.

He chuckled. "You cannot help yourself, can you, Reagan?" he commented. "The others are all fine, I assure you. They'll be returning here very soon. For starters, though, we need to prepare you for this afternoon's experiment. If you'll please?"

As if on cue, a noise emanated from the back of my cell, causing me to glance towards it. The same restraints that had been given to Milly's group awaited my use: a gag, a collar, a blindfold, and cuffs.

"Please put on the restraints," the Doctor said. "Nurse, if you don't mind assisting Reagan?"

A nurse walked up to my cell, deactivating the energy barriers. Her stun baton crackled menacingly in her hand, and I snarled at her, baring my teeth as I attempted to dodge her. She responded by subjecting me to a powerful electric shock, causing me to collapse on the floor and writhe in pain. The nurse hoisted me up and yanked my arms behind my back, tightly securing the cuffs to my wrists. Then, she forced the gag into my mouth and fastened the collar around my throat. Surprisingly, she bypassed the blindfold and instead dragged me out of my cell, back into the corridor.

"Cozy?" the Doctor enquired softly.

I scowled, my gag cutting off my attempted curse, as he approached me.

"I did enjoy our encounter last night," he whispered in my ear calmly. "I look forward to exploring your body further, Reagan."

I hissed at him as he flashed a marvellous grin and stepped away. The nurses had guided the other girls back into their cells, all restrained and gagged alike. The nurses connected their collars together with chains, and when they entered my cell, I noticed them both grinning as they lowered my blindfold and fitted a leash to my collar. I was then led away, albeit clumsily, from the cells.

We strolled down the corridor for a while before stopping, the cooler temperature alerting me that we had progressed into the complex of passageways leading to the Doctor's laboratory. I could hear muffled moans coming from my right, amidst footsteps on the chilly tiled floor. I strained to call for Milly but the gag transformed my cries into muffled groans, earning me another sharp blow from an unseen source. We continued to advance, and after a length of time, I detected doors opening and closing. Eventually, we resumed moving once more.

It took a while for Reagan to reach the lab than she remembered. She presumed it was because they had to move slower due to them being chained together and none of them could see. Again, she lost count of the number of turns they made and after a while, she felt a hand on her shoulder halting her. The leash and connecting chain were removed from her collar and she was guided to one side of the room. Leather cuffs were fastened around her ankles, and shortly after, her wrists were released from the cuffs and replaced with a chain above her head. She groaned into her gag as the chain was tightened, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes. Minutes passed and she could hear the other women being relocated around the room. As her arms began to ache, she wondered how long she would have to stay like this.

"Beginning log. Day one. Participants: Alpa, Group B. Present: me, Nurse A, and Nurse C," the Doctor started.

She heard his computer start up, the only other sounds being the squeak of the chains and the occasional moan as someone fell or pulled futilely at their restraints.

"Let the games begin," the Doctor said coolly.

Reagan tensed as she felt someone approach her, her skin shivering as she recognized his nice aftershave.

"This is not that difficult. Think of it as a game. Whoever lasts the longest wins," the Doctor said casually.

Reagan shivered as she felt him run his hand up her inner thigh before pressing something small and hard between the folds of her pussy. He paused before pulling his hand away, frowning.

"Apparently, someone is ready to play," the Doctor whispered in her ear.

She flinched as he traced his fingers against her lips and felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she tasted her own juices on his fingers. How the hell was this turning her on?

"Let's begin phase one," the Doctor said as he walked away.

Reagan gasped, her fists clenching as her pussy was vibrated by whatever the Doctor had taped to the top of her sex. The other girls moaned, their chains rattling as they tried to dislodge the vibrators they had been given.

"Nurse," the Doctor instructed in a harsh tone. "Make sure subject Alpha Seven is firmly attached."

The sound of a stun baton cracked in the air, followed by a scream. The rattling of chains quieted, replaced by the hum of ten vibrators working in unison.

"Increasing the speed," the Doctor said.

Reagan bit down on her ball gag as the vibrator inside her grew faster. Her pussy ached, and the heat between her legs grew overwhelming as the device vibrated against her clit. She fought against the rising sensation inside her with every fiber of her being. She refused to give the Doctor the satisfaction of being the first to reach completion.

"Setting speed to max," the Doctor said mockingly.

Reagan couldn't help but imagine his smirk as she strained against the chains, drool falling from her lips, sweat pouring from her forehead as she battled the sensations between her legs. Nearly a fifth of the women moaned ecstatically into their gags, reaching completion before she could give in to the sensations. Just as she was about to give in and climax, she heard another woman scream out with hers, followed shortly after by still another.

"Subjects nineteen and seven have reached completion," the Doctor announced.

Her imagination portrayed his glee as she made a mental note of his desire for control. The victory, whether real or imagined, sparked a stubborn will within her. Five more women later, she finally surrendered to the sensations and let herself come with a silent gasp into her gag, her body flooded with pleasure. The sting of her cuffs remained, but for a moment, she was free of her agony.

"Subject one has reached completion," the Doctor said, smirking no doubt.

Relieved, she felt the vibrator stop buzzing, and she was left to catch her breath as the other women around her moaned and cried out their orgasms. The last to finish was subject three, Alyss, she noticed. She heard her opposite her as she came, her tiny cries of pleasure blending with sobbing hiccups as her vibrator fell silent.

"It looks like we found a winner," said the doctor softly beside Reagan, the sound of his voice causing her skin to crawl.

Quiet filled the room, broken only by the occasional grunt of agony from one of the other girls as they moved uncomfortably in their chains. Reagan could hear the doctor talking in hushed tones with the nurses but couldn't understand what any of them were saying.

"Move the bottom four subjects to the holding room," the doctor finally said. "Prepare the rest for the next experiment."

Reagan heard the sound of a door opening and clangs of chain links being opened as the other women were taken around the lab. She momentarily pondered what was happening to them and if they would be given the same choice to leave this room as she had. Maybe they wouldn't be foolish enough to stay...

Her body froze as someone approached her from behind, shivering as she felt the doctor dig his fingers into her hips and rub his hard erection against her ass. The smell of his aftershave and the warmth of his breath against the back of her neck made her hair stand on end, and she felt shivers running up her spine as he traced his fingers up her side and pinched her swollen nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"I'm glad you didn't break," he said into her ear, the scent of his aftershave and the sensation of his warm breath tickling her earlobe making her toes curl. "But I thought you would."

A whimper escaped her lips in spite of her best efforts as he twisted her nipple. She had always liked having her tits played with and was starting to get turned on again. He rolled her now hard nipples between his fingers before tugging on them sharply. She moaned and rested her head back against the wall as the pleasure shifted into pain as two ice-cold clamps bit down on each of her tits. She stood unsteadily on her heels as the doctor stepped away from her and instantly felt the clamps pulling on the skin between them as she heard Alyss gasp in agony. She thought of the clamps stretching from her nipples to Alyss' tits and felt that if either one of them moved, their clamps would pull painfully against the other's tits. They had to remain immobile to avoid injuring each other.

"Initiate phase two," the doctor declared before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Try to have fun."

She gasped as the vibrator taped to her pussy started buzzing once again. There was no build-up this time, it switched on full strength and the suddenness made her grunt, causing Alyss to yelp in pain as she did the same. She moaned into her gag, her eyes rolling back into her head as she felt her body on the verge of yet another orgasm when suddenly something cold struck her ass. More paddles followed, each impact sending a stinging pain across her ass and yelps of pain from the other girls as they were smacked in turn. The sounds of the paddles, the pain in her own ass and nipples, and Alyss' squirming across from her made her body ache with sensations. She fought to suppress the building pleasure inside of her but it was in vain. A second orgasm hit her, more intense and intense than the first. She moaned loudly as her legs shook and collapsed beneath her, her arms screaming in pain as the shackles held her upright, her mouth filled with saliva dribbling from her nose as her wet tits quivered.

Her ass aching from the spankings, the doctor announced her victory, and the vibrator remained on as the clamps refused to let go of her painful nipples.

Reagan's head swirled as the other girls groaned and cried out in a series of climaxes, their voices echoing that of the doctor's cold, impassive tone.

The girls appeared to be working in pairs now, with the vibrators only stopping when both individuals had achieved climax. Alyss was the last to reach orgasm during this round and it was no different this time. She could hear her sobbing as she struggled against the vibrator taped to her vagina, her persistent wriggling causing the clamps pinching her breasts to jerk and pull at her already sore nipples. The pain was intense, but there was a small part of Reed that enjoyed the feeling. Her inner thighs were wet with her own excitement, and she was on the brink of another orgasm when she heard Alyss let out a loud, shaking gasp as she finally reached the peak.

"Subject three is the last to climax again," the Doctor declared. "Nurse, move the others to the holding cell and ready our winning team for the final test."

Reed heard movement and the sound of a door opening and closing before the clamps were taken from her breasts and she yelped in distress as the blood rushed back into her aching nipples. Her blindfold was yanked off her eyes, and her cuffs were unlocked from the chains above her head. She groaned as she fell unceremoniously to the floor, blinking rapidly at the powerful lighting in the laboratory. She glanced at Alyss, who was kneeling opposite her, her head bowed and her eyes unfocused. The Doctor was standing to her right, holding a holographic notepad as he discussed the test results with one of the nurses. The other girls were nowhere to be seen.

Anxiety and anger simmered within her as she stared at the Doctor. She pulled at the ball gag from her mouth before shouting, "Are you enjoying this, you disgusting man? Does this make you feel strong and powerful?"

He glanced up from his screen and she saw his lip curl into a smirk. "Subject one, were you given permission to remove your gag?"

"Fuck you!" she yelled. "Fuck this place! We all want to leave!"

The Doctor glanced at the nurse beside him and nodded. Reed tensed up, knowing she was no match for the nurses without her arms free. The nurse moved towards her, drawing her stun baton from her belt. Reed tried to fight, wanting to retaliate, but her legs were still unsteady and the nurse easily defeated her, shocking her with the device before pushing her back onto the hard floor. The nurse quickly rolled her onto her belly, gritting her teeth as the nurse shackled her legs again. She then grabbed handful of Reed's hair and forced her head back, jamming the ball gag back into her mouth and tightening the straps behind her.

ead back, shoving the ball gag back into her mouth and tightening the straps.

"You've always been a feisty one," the Doctor said, crouching in front of her. "But you'll learn your role here eventually."

Her muscles clenched as the nurse removed her knee from her back and lifted her back up to her knees, wincing as her side tingled uncomfortably from where the stun baton had struck her. Alyss merely gazed at her from across the room, her gaze empty and distant.

The second nurse appeared and crouched in front of Reed, revealing her perfectly manicured nails and short dress. She ignored Reed, positioning a large pink dildo with a suction cup on the floor before walking over to Alyss and placing a second one in front of her. Reed sneered at the toy before staring angrily at the Doctor. There was no way in hell she was going to ride that thing."This test is straightforward," the Doctor explained. "The one who endures the longest will win a treat for the evening... For those of you who choose to continue in this process, that is."

His words were met with tension and defiance. "You'll never have me in that position!"

The nurses moved forward to help the girls prepare for their examination but Reagan was astonished to notice that Alyss was already hoisting herself onto her toy. She watched in awe as Alyss balanced herself precariously on the tip of the dildo, grabbing firmly to steady it before careful lowering herself onto its length. Alyss's eyes widened, her pupils contracting, as she began to grind her hips rhythmically on the silicone shaft.

"Subject one," the Doctor said sharply. "Start the experiment."

Reagan stared back and forth between the doctor and the dildo between her knees, then at Alyss, who appeared to be leaning backward on the toy, her fingers splayed on the floor, her hair falling over her shoulder. Her breasts, which just a few hours ago she was so desperate to conceal, bobbed before Reagan's eyes, her nipples hard and erect where the clamps had gripped them. Reagan shifted, feeling a stirring of sexual desire despite herself as she paid close attention to the sound of Alyss's muffled moaning while she rode her toy. Her core pulsed with warmth and the deprivation of the orgasm she had just been denied intensified the wetness between her legs.

Timidly, ashamed at how much she seemed to be eagerly yielding, Reagan moved forward on her knees and aligned herself with the dildo. She gingerly positioned herself and slowly lowered herself onto its tip, relieved to find it sliding into her without any resistance. Her groan was audible as she slid further down its length, placing her ass on her heels while she took a moment to catch her breath. She refused to make eye contact with the doctor, instead focusing on Alyss as she rode her own dildo, adjusting her pace to match her friend's. A moan escaped her as she felt surges of pleasure spread through her body from the hip thrusts, each bringing with them a desire to escape.

As they found their rhythm, interlocked in the mirror image of their own pleasure, she heard Alyss gasp and watched as she leaned back on her elbows, her expression blissful behind her gag. Bullet vibrators still affixed to their clits began to vibrate, further driving home the incredible overstimulation. Saliva pooled around the gag in Reagan's mouth but she couldn't control it. The sight of Alyss was so entrancing that she couldn't look away. It was as if they were the only ones in the room.

Her body quaked as she felt the waves of pleasure build to a crescendo inside her, the shudders racking her as her orgasm overtook her in a blinding wave of intensity. Simultaneously, she was aware of Alyss shouting in ecstasy and saw her slump forward, her fists curling unconsciously against the floor. The vibrators fell silent, leaving only the panting of the two women trying to regain control of their breathing.

"Subject three was the last one to orgasm," the Doctor observed, sounding distant and detached. "Let's record this in the logs and then we'll tend to the aftercare."

Exhaustion washed over her as Reagan struggled to retain consciousness. Her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned forward on her knees to get up and collapsed sideways onto the cold tiles. She pulled her legs underneath herself and closed her eyes, attempting to gather her strength...


"Reagan, wake up!"

With an irritated groan, she blinked her eyes open. The doctor was kneeling beside her, grabbing her arm roughly to get her to look at him.

"You!" she snapped, shuddering away from his touch. "I don't want anything from you."

His expression softened, looking equal parts relieved and apologetic.

"You need to recover," he said. "Take this."

He held out a glass of water, which she curled her hand around and stared at with reluctance. He probably hoped she would gulp it down gratefully, ignoring her own feelings.

"I don't want anything from you," she repeated.

As if expecting this, he stood back up and walked away from the chair.

"Sit, please," he said softly.

She got up and reluctantly took a seat, uneasy at his invitation but something about the quiet sincerity of his voice piqued her interest.

"Did you know that you and I used to work together?" he said quietly. "Project Inferno?"

She frowned, her disdain as palpable as it had been two hours ago, but her insatiable curiosity compelled her to stay. "This is hard for you?" she sneered. "You of all people?"

He looked wounded. "You don't know the half of it."

Her lips tightened. "What do you mean?"

"We've both experienced the aftermath of that project, but our paths diverged," he explained. "I entered the field of medical sciences. You left."

Her eyes narrowed in confusion, fearing he was playing mind games with her, but his tone remained sincere. "Why are you telling me this?"

He sighed. "You don't have to answer me."

Taking in this statement, Reagan reconsidered her response. This was the real Doctor, wasn't it? The man that used to be her friend. The man who wanted to understand. "What happened?"

Reagan jolted awake, her breath catching in her throat as she sat up suddenly. She found herself back in her cell, enveloped by the soothing blue light of the energy field door. Memories of the lab flooded back - the bright lights, the nurses standing around her as she shuddered with pleasure again and again. She also recalled the Doctor and something about fire...a project?

Her anger flared as she slid her legs off the bed and quickly buried her face in her hands. She must have taken that pill again and chosen to forget. She'd walked back into this cell willingly, yet her mind draw a complete blank on why she'd made that decision.

A thought suddenly popped into her head, and she hurried to the door of her cell. The corridor outside was quiet and dark. It was probably almost midnight by now.

"Alyss?" she whispered urgently. "Alyss?"

"Reagan?" came the familiar reply. She turned to see Milly stumble out of her bed and make her way towards the cell's entrance. Milly looked exhausted, with a small red mark from a shock baton visible on her side.

"Milly!" Reagan exclaimed, feeling a sense of relief at the sight of her friend. She hadn't even given a thought to the other captives. "Are you okay?"

"Yep," answered Milly, hesitantly. "I... I decided to come back here, Reagan."

"I know," Reagan said, trying to wrap her head around the situation. "I chose to as well."

"But why?" Melly asked, holding her side gingerly.

"I honestly have no idea, Milly." Her voice trailed off. "Did anyone else leave?"

Milly nodded. "I think four girls left from my group," she said, "and three from yours. Alyss is still here though."

Reagan paused, weighing the fact that her friend was safe against her own feelings of confusion. While she was glad Alyss was okay, she secretly wished she hadn't stayed. Her nerves had taken over, making her feel completely out of her depth... What had the doctor said to make fourteen girls choose to return?

"Reagan?" Milly's voice pierced through Reagan's musings. "I want to tell you something I probably shouldn't reveal."

Reagan nodded again, leaning forward as Milly smiled weakly. "I think I may have enjoyed what happened today."

Reagan blinked in disbelief before quietly saying, "Just get some rest, Milly. We have no idea what the doctor will make us do tomorrow."

With that, Reagan climbed back into her bed and pulled the sheets over her head, trying desperately to fall asleep but finding her thoughts continually drifting back to Milly's confession. Despite her earlier misgivings, she realized that deep down, she had to agree with her friend. The doctor's tests hadn't been entirely awful...

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