
"The Box for Groping"

Nicole discovers a new method of earning income.

May 30, 2024
10 min read
wifedesperategropestrangerThe Grope Boxbig tits
The Grope Box
The Grope Box

"The Box for Groping"

Nicole eagerly waited by the window for her old friend Stacy to arrive. It had been two long years since they last saw each other due to their hectic lives of marriage and children. Finally, everything seemed to settle down, and they decided to catch up over a meal.

At exactly 1 pm, a gleaming white Range Rover appeared in their driveway. Stuart was stunned to see Stacy driving such a luxurious vehicle. When she greeted her at the door, they hugged each other tightly, showing their happiness at meeting once again.

"I really missed you, Stacy," Nicole gushed as they walked towards Stacy's car.

The car's interior exuded opulence, and the fresh leather smelled fantastic, leaving Nicole envious of her friend's new ride. She had been driving a ten-year-old minivan that her kids had destroyed over the years.

"I got this just yesterday from the dealer," Stacy shared as she removed her sunglasses, lowering them onto her head.

Stuart wondered how Stacy could afford such a lavish SUV.

"And how's Mike been?" Stuart inquired, struggling not to show her feelings of jealousy.

"Mike's doing great, but I managed to save up some extra cash myself," Stacy replied.

Stacy and Stuart drove to the restaurant in silence, and Stuart found herself desperately curious about her friend's mysterious income.

Upon arriving at an upscale city restaurant, Stacy pulled their car into the valet area. Stuart was overwhelmed by the fancy surroundings and bit nervous about the cost. Her husband, Mark, had had his hours reduced at his job, which left them tight for cash.

When they sat down at their table, a waiter in a white blazer provided them with menus and a bottle of champagne, to Stuart's astonishment. The prices were exorbitant, and she struggled with how to explain this to her husband, who considered their spending habits lately.

"Forty-nine dollars for a Chicken Cesar Salad … must be pretty good," Stuart said with a chuckle.

"Oh, it's the finest," Stacy assured her. "And don't worry about the cost. Lunch is on me," Stacy insisted.

"Stacy, I appreciate it but don't push your generosity," Stuart responded.

Stacy nodded, determined to give her friend the best possible dining experience. Stuart was dying to know her friend's new source of income, but didn't want to sound intrusive.

The restaurant turned out to have an even more lavish dining area than Stuart had expected. There was a valet parking service and white-jacketed staff. The waiter opened the champagne and poured for them. Before Stuart could even question this unexpected indulgence, Stacy placed her hand on Stuart's.

"Please, Stuart, don't worry about it. Let's just have fun today. Lunch is on me, remember?" Stacy begged.

Despite herself, Stuart felt comforted by Stacy's words and couldn't resist any longer. She had to address Stacy's mysterious fortune.

"Stace, I'm so sorry, but I need to know. How are you affording all this?"

For a moment, Stacy hesitated. Then, after looking into her trusted friend's eyes, she revealed the truth. "Trust me and swear to never tell a soul," she commanded.

Stuart raised her pinky for their childhood pact, and Stacy returned the gesture.

"About a year ago, Mike got laid off from his job," Stacy began. "Our finances dwindled to nothing, and I had to find a second gig at a college bar, where I worked with a stunningly beautiful 20-year-old named Brook. We saw each other almost every day, and I became curious when Brook wore expensive clothes and drove a brand new Mercedes-Benz."

Stuart listened excitedly as Stacy shared her intriguing story. The thought that her lifelong friend would keep this a secret from her crossed her mind. Stacy continued, giving in to her audience's anticipation.

"After a few days at the bar, I asked Brook how she managed to afford such extravagances. She hesitated, but when I told her about my struggle at home, she finally revealed this cryptic tip," Stacy said with a serious expression. "There is an exclusive club just outside the city with a secret room. The room has a low sliding door just big enough for someone to slip their hands through. Locals call it 'The Grope Box.'"

Stuart's cheeks flushed as she tried to comprehend her friend's revelation. Still, her curiosity won out. "Stace, what are you talking about? That's really strange."

"Just listen." Stacy said, adding, "When I bartended at the college bar, I met a man named Don. He was over sixty but seemed to know a thing or two about making money. So, one day, I decided to confide in him about my predicament, and told him I was eager to make extra cash. Don then told me about this secret room and how some women made enough money to buy designer goods and fancy cars. With nothing left to lose, I followed his advice one night. I entered the room, followed his instructions, and was left with multiple bills folded in my pockets. I kept this a secret from everyone."

"However, it's not really what you're imagining. It's not as terrible as you might think. You walk into this small room and remove your top. Then, when you're prepared, you open this tiny door in the wall - sort of a peek, I guess. Then a club employee starts calling for bids to see who goes next. They don't inform them how long you'll be there, so they typically don't want to miss an opportunity, especially if they see something they like. Once the highest bid is received, they swipe their card. That's when the timer begins. After they've paid the initial bid, they're permitted to approach your box. They close a curtain behind them for a bit more privacy from the other men. From that point, they have two minutes...to feel your breasts. Just a brief grope. No more. Often they will masturbate during this time, though. But it's no big thing. They can't see your face and it's completely secure. And when the two minutes are over, the timer starts counting up. That's when the real money is made. Two minutes is never long enough. They'll pay double for every minute beyond that. When the timer stops, you shut the tiny door and wait for the next bid to be called."

Nicole was startled by the information her friend provided. She couldn't believe her ears. How could Stacy do something like this? Nicole looked around the expensive restaurant, then remembered her friend's new Range Rover. Maybe it wasn't all that bad, she thought. Just breasts. It wasn't like Stacy was having sex with strangers. Was it as terrible as it sounded? Nicole cautiously studied Stacy's expression.

"You despise me, don't you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Do you despise me now?" Stacy inquired.

"No, Stace. Not at all! I'm actually a little envious. I was planning to keep quiet about this, but Mark's shifts have been reduced and we're just barely scraping by," Nicole revealed.

Stacy searched her friend's face, hoping for understanding. "Oh sweetie. I'm sorry."

"Maybe I should give it a try," Nicole mused. "I could use the extra income to help pay our bills, and who knows how long our minivan will last." She considered Stacy's suggestion.

Stacy eagerly anticipated Nicole's decision. She wanted her to realize she was not alone.

"Is it actually that big of a deal? And it's anonymous, right? And no one has to know?" Nicole clarified.

"Yep. The doors lock from inside, and there's a guard standing at the main door. None of the clients can even see where you enter. Trust me, I wouldn't put you in any harm," Stacy was confident.

Nicole felt a tad reassured. She knew Stacy's husband was unaware and promised incredible secrecy.

"Okay, so I'm in! Maybe just one time to help us get caught up a little," Nicole committed.

"Yay! Let's get you paid!" Stacy exclaimed, excitedly tapping her champagne glass against Nicole's.

After lunch, the girls drove back to Nicole's house. There was her dilapidated minivan in the driveway, confirming her decision.

"I'll pick you up Saturday night at 8:00," Stacy instructed.

"Great. I'll be ready," Nicole said with a sad farewell.

"How was lunch?" Mark inquired when Nicole arrived home.

"It was fantastic. We caught up on life and a comedy show is scheduled for Saturday night. You don't mind, do you?" Nicole asked, brushing her decision under the rug.

"Sure. Have fun," Mark replied.

Saturday evening arrived, and the white Range Rover pulled into Nicole's driveway. She hugged and kissed her family goodbye and climbed into Stacy's SUV.

As they entered the club, Nicole's heartbeat accelerated. She was more uncertain than ever before. She couldn't comprehend her actions. But she knew she couldn't turn back now. She inhaled deeply and made her way out. From within, they could hear the faint music and strong bass beats.

Stacy and Nicole walked toward the back of the club. A heavy door with a sign stating 'Employees Only' waited for them. Stacy knocked, and a large man in a black suit opened the door.

"Hello, girls," the man said while holding the door open.

Inside, they found a long hallway with four doors. Each door was open, and the tiny rooms were empty. A small sliding door with a lock mechanism was found above each room.

"Go right ahead. Select one." Stacy said while placing her bag in the second room.

Nicole inspected the hallway and entered the third room. She peeked back at Stacy as she closed the door behind her. The room was lowly lit, thanks to a small ceiling light. A hook on the wall and a shelf made up the room's furnishings. Above the tiny door, a digital clock was set to two minutes. Nicole heard the clang of the small door opening in Stacy's chamber. Stacy was already in action. She could hear men bidding all around.

Nicole inspected a peephole in the wall. Some men were lined up and waiting. A man working at the club stood at a podium, taking bids. The view through the peephole was fuzzy and unclear. Fearing she'd better start, Nicole took off her coat and hung it up. After that, she removed her shirt, revealing her black bra. Her enormous double D's were held securely by the bra. She unhooked the clasp, and her boobs hung free. Nicole's apprehension reached its peak. She stepped up to the sliding door slot. A small stool was there, but Nicole didn't need it. Her chest-sized boobs perfectly lined up with the slot. She took a deep breath and opened the sliding door, placing her breasts up to the slot.

The men started shouting as soon as they caught sight of Nicole's breasts. She glanced through the peephole and observed more than a dozen men raising their money while screaming. Nicole was shocked to find herself unclothed in front of a group of men. The club bouncer announced the winner of the first bid and took his credit card. A man approached her and closed the curtain behind him. Nicole peeked through the peephole and could see the digital clock counting down.

Instantly, a pair of hands palmed her breasts. It had been over ten years since someone other than Mark had touched her bosom. Nicole closed her eyes. This was unique and thrilling. It felt good, yet slightly wrong.

The man pinched and twisted her nipples. When she looked at the clock, she noticed it had started counting off more than two minutes. Just then, she heard the timer make a beeping sound. At that moment, the man let go of her left breast, and she saw a man struggling to tug his pants up. A slight beep signaled the timer had reached zero. The man seemed frustrated.

The clock continued to count down toward negative numbers and finally stopped at -1:03. Startled, Nicole closed the sliding door and stared at the peephole. The man exited and greeted the club worker. He frowned at the clock and muttered, "a minute and three seconds over." He swiped the man's credit card through a tablet and returned it.

Nicole was taken aback by what had just happened. She sat down on the bench and tried to process everything. Her heart still raced. After a brief moment, she regained her composure. She reckoned that three minutes and three seconds would earn her around $300. Not bad for three minutes. Nicole realized that the longer she waited, the less cash she'd make. So she stood back up at the opening and opened the door. The hatchet-like sound of voices yelling began anew. Shortly after, the club owner walked up, took a man's credit card, and strolled toward her room. As the curtain closed, Nicole went toward the slot, and the timer restarted after the previous one.

Two people just like the first one cupped her breasts and started to pinch her nipples. Nicole observed a pattern then, right on cue, a hand slipped out where she could hear the zipper being undone. She saw it as amusing how these men hurried to go past the time limit. This time, the man in the room had better luck. Nicole heard his moaning and released her breast with only six seconds to spare before speeding up again. Perhaps having such big boobs wasn't all that great, Nicole mused.

Over the next 90 minutes, fourteen men fondled and climaxed to Nicole's breast. Some completed their task within two minutes while others took more time. Nicole speculated that she earned around $4,000. After dressing, she nonchalantly opened the door of her booth and glanced outside. Stacy was in the hall on her phone and beamed at her when she observed her.

"How'd you do?" Stacy inquired enthusiastically.

"I'm not certain. It got out of control a bit." Nicole responded.

She wanted to hide the exact sum from Stacy, fearful that Stacy would be envious. Nicole thought Stacy hadn't made even close to that. As they approached the club foreman on their side of the wall, he congratulated Nicole and handed her a bundle of cash.

"Nice earnings. Stop by anytime!" He said.

Nicole swiftly stashed the money in her handbag, while the man gave Stacy her portion.

"Okay?" Stacy inquired.

Hesitant to tell her the exact amount, Nicole attempted to steer clear of the subject.

"Can we just leave? Let's count it in the car." Nicole suggested.

When they got in the car, Nicole pretended to count her earned money.

"Around nine hundred twenty dollars." She declared and displayed some cash.

"Not terrible! I made one thousand two hundred dollars! You'll reach there eventually. It was your debut, you know." Stacy said.

"I'm okay with this. It will assist me greatly." Nicole said.

"Then, next Saturday?" Stacy asked as they pulled into Nicole's driveway.

"Absolutely!" Nicole replied.

They embraced and Nicole proceeded indoors. Mark was watching TV.

"How was the performance?" Mark questioned.

"Fascinating." Nicole replied.

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