
The Catholic Finishing School's Fourth Part

During family weekend, college students are maintained in order.

May 14, 2024
10 min read
collegecmnfforced arousalcmnmThe Catholic Finishing Academy Pt. 04spankingenema
The Catholic Finishing Academy Pt. 04
The Catholic Finishing Academy Pt. 04

The Catholic Finishing School's Fourth Part

Story rewritten:

This is pure fantasy. All characters are eighteen years or older. Please read sections 1-3 before this part for context. The story takes place at the fictional Our Blessed Redeemer Finishing Academy for Men in Mississippi for males aged 19-23. All the students must remain naked at all times to foster humility. This is a CFNM narrative that revolves around the all-male students and the all-female staff. There will be some CMNM as well, due to the family weekend at the finishing academy. Additionally, there will be some CMNF at Our Blessed Mother Finishing Academy for Ladies in Arkansas, which is the female version of Our Blessed Redeemer with all-male staff. Provide feedback.

The students were all anxious as Saturday arrived. The freshmen were especially anxious. They thought they might get their clothes back since it was a family weekend, but Duke had dissented that notion during dinner the previous night. He stated, "No way. We have to remain naked the whole time."

During breakfast, some of the boys were discussing their plans. Justin overheard Brandon say, "I hope my father doesn't bring the belt. My grades aren't as high as he wants." This sentiment was common among the students. Thankfully, Justin and Lyle's mothers couldn't come, so they'd have a pampered weekend since they usually were the stricter ones. Duke shared his concerns, "My mother isn't coming, but my step-uncle Bill is. Moms at a church retreat. I hope Bill won't be as hard-hearted as my mother." Justin and Lyle recalled Duke's step-uncle Bill. He also attended their parish back home. He was a bachelor with a touch of gray in his hair. He was tall and had a chest full of abs. They'd seen him shirtless at a church pool party. Many women at their parish lusted after him.

At 9:00 am sharp, the finishing academy's gates opened, and the parents started to arrive. Justin and Lyle tried to hide among the crowd to witness the hilarious scenario of parents greeting their naked sons. They observed Brandon and Judd greet their stern-looking father. They embraced and left the academy.

They noticed Dukes step-uncle Bill arrived and gave Duke a warm embrace. Duke wore a smile. Justin and Lyle introduced themselves. Lyle and Justin talked with Bill for a bit, until Bill stated, "Actually, your mothers have requested that I give you a small gift from home. Duke will also get one. Drop by his dorm at 2:00." It sounded more like an assignee rather than an invitation. As they parted ways, Duke whispered to Lyle, "If it's the usual family weekend present that helps keep me in line, I'm sorry in advance."

Justin and Lyle decided to spend the time until 2:00 in Lyle's dorm, playing board games. They chatted about anything, excluding the potential gift they might receive at Duke's dorm.

At precisely 2:00 pm, Lyle and Justin knocked on the door to Duke's dorm. They still found it peculiar, seeing clothed parents walking around with their naked sons. Justin couldn't help but notice many guys, who had now joined their parents, sported red asses. Apparently, some of the guys' parents thought they were too old for a spanking, even in college. As they walked past Scott's dorm (the muscular black senior), they heard what sounded like spanking noises coming from inside.

They heard Bill call out, "Come on in, boys."

They opened the door to find Duke kneeling on all fours on his bed. Bill stood behind him. Bill had latex gloves on. The position Duke was in exposed his pinkish, taut ass cheeks, which stretched to accommodate the pure white tube protruding from it. The tube led up to a red, heavily filled enema bag dangling from the ceiling fan. Beside the enema bag were two additional red, full bags with their own tubes dangling down.

"What's.... What's going on?" Justin was dumbfounded, and his voice quavered while shutting the door behind them. Duke said nothing. He burned in shame. Bill said, "Boys, your mothers want to ensure you stay on the right path while you're away at school. Duke's mother mentioned this method helps keep Duke disciplined," he gestured at Duke's rear and the enema bag. He said, "Now come here and lie down on the bed, just like Duke."

Justin contested, "Dad, please. Not this. It's humiliating."

Bill responded, "Son, on the bed, or I take off the belt." Duke shook his head, "You don't want him to take off the belt." [

Picture: TBA


  1. CFNM
  2. all-male students
  3. all-female staff
  4. enema bag
  5. clothed parents
  6. spanking
  7. CMNM
  8. Our Blessed Redeemer Finishing Academy for Men
  9. Our Blessed Mother Finishing Academy for Ladies
  10. naked students
  11. humility
  12. all ages +18
  13. family weekend
  14. Our Blessed Redeemer Finishing Academy for Ladies
  15. all-male staff
  16. College

Lyle and Justin knelt beside each other with their arms outstretched, while Lyle's knees and elbows rested on the bed. Bill approached, and as Lyle felt a gloved hand pry his buttocks apart, he realized that Bill was preparing to insert an enema nozzle. Looking closely, Bill noticed that Lyle's anal region was ringed with black hair. He applied some Vaseline to the nozzle and gently pushed it inside Lyle, causing the chubby teenager to emit a low grunt.

It was then Justin's turn; he too had black hair around his anus, and he trembled slightly as the enema nozzle entered his rectum.

"Duke," said Bill, "You're the only one who's experienced this before, but the rest of you will have to hold the enema until I give you permission to empty yourself." Lyle and Justin could only respond with a groan. Bill reached for the enema bags and clicked them open, gradually increasing the water flow. Duke remained unaffected, but Lyle and Justin began moaning as their colons filled with warm, soapy water.

Both of them had never received an enema before, and they struggled on the bed, their stomachs steadily growing fuller. Justin panicked and begged, "Please, turn it off. I can't take anymore." However, Bill merely patted Justin's pale cheek and informed him that he still had more than half the bag's contents left inside.

"Oh no!" cried Lyle, already feeling too full.

Nearly three-quarters of the way through the procedure, all three men were groaning and squirming, straining against their distended stomachs. Duke was panting, trying to remain as still as possible despite the intense urge to release his bowels.

Eventually, the enema bags ran dry. The three men could feel a desperate urge to defecate that swelled within them. Duke attempted to calm himself as he had done with every enema since childhood, but Justin and Lyle were struggling to maintain their composure. Bill ordered them to stand and place their hands behind their heads in a humble position as a sign of their submission. The three men rose, finding it challenging to maintain their balance due to their distended stomachs. They were unaware that Bill had more punishment in store for them.

Seeing that both Justin and Duke's bellies had visibly expanded, Bill surveyed their towering forms. Duke's 23-year-old body, normally tall and slender, was now marked by a distended belly and a protruding, erect, eight-inch uncut penis with a red face. Justin also had a few chest hairs, and his abdomen was stretched out, his own thick erection similarly protruding from his pubic hair. Lyle, in contrast, was much more heavily built, but his erect penis stood out from his thick black pubic bush. Bill knew that his step-nephews were not only desperate to defecate but also embarrassed by their erections. They followed Bill's order, their faces tense from the uncomfortable churning of their intestines.

At this point, Bill declared, "Alright, Justin, you're up. Head to the bathroom and release yourself."

Justin hurried off, running water and passing noisy farts as he relieved himself. Afterward, he returned looking exhausted, his squirming bringing him back to life as he deflated. Lyle was next. By the time he returned from the bathroom, Duke was on the verge of falling to his knees, his ass clenched tightly and his sphincter leaking a drop of water.

"Please, I need to go!" Duke pleaded with Bill.

Bill gestured toward the bathroom. Duke hurried there, just seconds away from a disastrous digestive breakdown. Upon emergence, he was relieved to learn that the enema was over. However, Bill still had more in store for them.

"No, not quite," said Bill, determined to make an even greater impression. He removed a hairbrush from his bag. "You're first, Duke. Get over my knee."

The terrifying prospect of a hairbrush spanking sent a shiver down Justin and Lyle's spines, but they were still struggling with their full bowels. Unprepared for the next phase, Duke submitted to the hairbrush. The situation became worse for the two remaining brothers, as they discovered a hidden punishment waiting for them in the form of a spanking.

Judd lay prone on the bed, his dad pushing a cushion under his waist. The man was now counting out the number of lashes as his dad's belt crackled against the reddening expanse of Judd's posterior.

"24, thank you, sir." Judd gasped between heavy breaths. With the final crack of the belt against his ass, Judd cried out, "25, thank you, sir." His father said, "There son. I expect your grades to improve or you'll receive this belt at graduation." Judd had no doubts about his dad's sincerity.

Judd stood up. His dick had retreated inside his foreskin, and his face reddened just like the beard on his face. Brandon, the short redhead freshman, was waiting his turn while facing the wall. His dad guided Judd beside Brandon and ordered, "Brandon, it's your turn. Your chemistry grade is unsatisfactory." Brandon could only grimace as his dad escorted him to the bed, positioning him with pillows under his stomach. His scrotum and penis were pushed back, causing him to groan. The father ordered, "You'll count just like your brother. You'll receive 25, too."

The first strike of the belt echoed through the room, as Brandon shouted, "one, thank you, sir!"

Our Blessed Mother's Finishing Academy in Arkansas

Curling her toes, Judith felt her vibrating purity wand stimulate her vagina, complete with a stimulator causing madness on her clit. She and the other women in their purity course were titillated despite their efforts to focus on the situation at hand. In front of them, a young woman with small tits, which Judith later learned was named Kyla, stood humbly while being chastised by Father Jacob. The man of the cloth was thrilled to learn that Kyla had been discovered masturbating. This was considered one of the most abhorrent acts one could commit.

Father Jacob accepted his task with great joy. He was now smearing shaving cream perfectly all over her pubic hair. The humiliated young woman started crying as Father Jacob unsheathed a razor and began to shave her bare. After her pubic area was shaved clean, he wiped any remnants of cream on her pussy, saying, "Now, you want to touch yourself down there, then we'll have to do that. You'll receive twenty-five hard whacks between your legs. Keep your legs spread open the entire time. Do you understand?"

Her voice cracked, crying out, "Ye... Yes, sir." The first whack made Kyla shoot to the sky, shouting, "one, thank you, sir!"

The other women, sitting on their vibrating purity wands, all emitted an audible gasp.

Kyla's pussy lips and clit were gradually becoming brighter and brighter. By the eleventh strike, Kyla was more humiliated by the situation as she began to pee. A puddle formed beneath her, and the twelfth whack struck her mid-urination. He shouted, " filthy girl. You've peed on my hand!" He shoved his pee-covered fingers into her mouth and warned her, "You have eight left. Be careful not to step in that massive puddle you created."

Soon, by the time the priest had administered the twentieth strike, Kyla's legs shook and her pussy was as red as the one Judd witnessed when he saw his father punishing him.

Father Jacob grabbed Kyla's chin and turned it towards his face, saying, "Now, if you ever touch yourself again, we will do this in front of Monsignor Gregor and every other person in this academy. Now, go fetch the mop from my office and clean up this disgusting mess you made." Kyla bowed her head in shame, and with great care, she exited the gym, ensuring her feet wouldn't drag through the extensive puddle on the floor.

Returning with the mop, Kyla began to mop up her mess. Father Jacob glanced at his watch and looked to the gasping, stimulated women in front of him. He grabbed his laptop, saying, "It's time for orgasm." Judith sighed with relief. Father Jacob finished his task, and his eyes scanned the room as he watched the women shudder. Judith's massive tits bounced as she rocked back and forth on her purity wand. In the throes of her orgasm, she let out a loud scream, causing her body to shake. Her power squirter shot forth a massive amount of sexual fluid. Unfortunately for Kyla, she was too close to Judith, who was mopping up her spill. Kyla turned startled as Judith's sex juice splattered on the back of her legs. Through her pants, Judith said, "I'm...sorry."

After the climax, the women were permitted to leave the purity wands. Father Jacob passed a wipe to each of them, and they faced their fellow ladies, helping each other clean their vaginas of the remains of the lubrication fluid.

As Kyla finished up, Father Jacob commanded, "The rest of you may leave. Kyla, clean the purity wands."

As Judith gave a compassionate look to Kyla, who walked away without looking back, she moved down the line of purity wands standing upright on the floor poles. Carefully, she wiped the bulbous end free of the sweet-smelling residue left by the young woman.

Our Blessed Redeemer Academy in Mississippi

Duke, Justin, and Lyle had their noses pushed into the wall. Their backsides now held a brilliant crimson hue due to the hairbrush. Step-Uncle Bill put away the enema bags in his bag. Addressing the three men, he said, "Gentlemen, I hope this experience serves as a reminder of the consequences of misbehavior and struggling to maintain good grades. As for Justin and Lyle, after I tell your mothers about this initiative, it's possible that they may start to include enema bags in their home routine when you visit for breaks from college. Duke's mother has been a staunch advocate of the old method of enema bags since he turned 19." Justin and Lyle nervously exchanged glances, hoping their mothers wouldn't be persuaded by their step-uncle. They certainly didn't want another enema.

Bill bade them farewell and left them standing with rosy bottoms and empty colons.

Justin lamented, "Oh my gosh. Could this college possibly become worse?"

Duke warned, "Yes, definitely. Haven't you checked your emails? Next week, we're all assigned specific times for our Sex Ed seminar. We are all required to attend each semester."

Lyle pondered, "Why, what's wrong with sex ed?"

Duke looked uneasy and declared, "Oh, you'll soon find out."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de