The Chair

She hoped to find a discarded one.

Jul 13, 2024
23 min read
first timeslutcumexhibitionismThe Chaircunnilingusorgasmdominanceblindfoldgrouprestrained
The Chair
The Chair

The Chair

To any imaginary outside observer, I looked bored. Well, I was! Sitting in my little apartment, watching TV. "Sigh, nothing is on -- as usual!" I groaned. "Wait! There's that antique show! People drag all kinds of stuff to this show. Look at it all," I ordered my four apartment walls. After a bit of time though, I murmured, "This gives me an idea! That chair on the show looked like it should be used for fire wood, that sort of thing that most people throw away. But the woman found out it was worth $300!" Looking around my two room apartment over the garage, I saw that I could use a small a table or chair near the bed.

Yes, I'd rented my parents' house out to help make ends meet and now I lived over the garage. I, Arin, was officially a landlady. And a furniture-deficient landlady, at that.

I put on my thinking cap. "Hmmmmmmm... how? Where?" My thinking cap was obviously not working, so I removed it, along with my bra. Cupping and kneading my tits finally woke up my brain. "The homes at the outside of town are pretty expensive and they might get rid of things I could use" I thought. Trash day was on Wednesday in that part of town, and I'd seen the trucks picking up there. I also knew that it's legal to remove discarded items off the tree lawn next to the street. "I'm working a dead end job and could use some good luck finding something free that I could use," I mumbled to myself. Then I continued playing with my tits, because after all, why stop when you've got a good thing going?

So early Wednesday I was up and out, tooling along in my nice used Honda, which might not be much to look at, but it'd never had failed me, and I felt lucky to have it. True, it's trunk is a little small, but hey, I was never planning to put a dead body in it or anything. I smiled at that thought. Then I had to turn my attention to my surroundings, since I was now cruising up and down the streets of the rich neighborhood looking for a find or two.

Turning one corner I found myself in a cul-de-sac. At the top of its hill there was only one large house surrounded by a substantial wall. As I reached the top and was turning around I saw it -- a chair made of heavy wood. It sort of looked like an old school chair with arms. It appeared to be in good condition so I stopped and checked it out.

Looking it over, I found it to be not bad at all. Its joints were a little loose, but I hoped that a judicious placement of some screws would fix them. I dragged it to the car, opened the trunk and then realized it would not fit. Damn.

As I pondered the problem, I heard the noise of a motor approaching. It turned out to be one of those garden terrain vehicles. The gates in the wall at the driveway opened and it was driven out, holding a trashcan with tree branches sticking out. The driver was just a bit older than me but he looked very handsome and had a decent build. "He must be the hired help, taking out the garbage," I thought.

Spying me, he stopped his vehicle. "Hello," he said, "do you need a hand?"

"Oh yes, Sir, I do. Can you help me get this in the trunk as best you can?"

He lifted the chair in and got some twine from his vehicle and secured the chair and trunk lid for me. I admired the muscles in his arms as he worked.

"Thank you, Sir," I told him gratefully. Looking up at the house, I stated, "This is sure a beautiful home. Who lives here?"

"Oh, some whiz kid made a fortune and now has retired to enjoy his life," he answered.

I looked up in admiration, amazed that some whiz kid owned it. "Wow, I must repeat, it's really nice looking! And what a location!"

"Would you like to see inside?" he asked. He whispered conspiratorially, "I know the owner and he won't mind." He smiled at me, and added, "By the way, that's an interesting necklace you're wearing. I believe it's called an eternity collar."

"Oh!" I smiled, surprised that he knew what it's called. "I like it a lot, and it's a real conversation starter."

He held his hand out, saying, "My name is Samuel, but my friends call me Sam or Sir." And he chuckled. As I shook his hand, he looked straight into my eyes. He was very handsome up close and I blushed. "My... my name is Arin," I stammered slightly.

"Very nice to meet you, Arin. Would you like something cold to drink? I know there's some ice tea in the fridge."

"To tell you the truth, I'm dying from this heat -- even this early in the morning. I'd love some ice tea," I replied honestly. Besides, I enjoyed chatting with him, and he'd been very helpful.

With a big smile he said, "Follow me up the drive." He drove the gardening vehicle, and I followed in my Honda. The drive itself, lined with shade trees on both sides seemed as long as the cul-de-sac. We parked to the side, near some garages. Up close, the house was bigger than I'd thought. I followed him as we walked around the back of the house, and I spotted a pool and an outside grilling area.

Then he led me in through the door to the kitchen and my jaw dropped! "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "This kitchen is bigger than my entire apartment!" I turned to him, asking, "Are you sure you won't get into trouble having me in here?"

He smiled and whispered, "Naaaaahh. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." He chuckled. We clinked glasses in a silent toast, and sipped the refreshing ice tea.

He refilled my empty glass, asking, "Would you like a quick tour of the place?" I nodded, wide-eyed at the chance. "Bring your drink," he said, leading the way.

Moving from room to room on the first floor everything seemed to be luxurious and perfect. The deĢcor definitely had a man's taste, and much of the art I saw had a definite lean towards a subtle bondage theme. Don't get me wrong, It was all in very good taste and beautifully done. But if you looked close, virtually all the photos had some hint of bondage.

"I'm really impressed with this whole place! It's lovely inside and it's so big!" I gushed.

He answered wisely, "Yes, but it's too big really and I know the owner can get lonely sometimes. But he has friends and gives parties for select friends from time to time to ease that loneliness. He paused and scratched his chin in thought. "You know, the owner is looking for an assistant/house keeper. Would you be interested? You seem to be intelligent and down to earth and fun. I'd certainly recommend you to him."

"Do you know any details about the job?" I asked, curious.

"Yes, I know a few things about it." The salary he quoted was twice what I was making now and it also included room and board. And he mentioned that there were extras, like health benefits and also a clothing allowance. I must've looked startled at that last statement, because he explained, "The boss likes people to look nice, so he rewards them with more stylish clothes."

I put my fists on my hips, stating, "OK, what's the catch? This sounds way, way too good to be true!"

He spread out his hands as if showing they were empty. "There's no catch at all. I've been here for several years, and I can vouch for his honesty."

After we finished the tour of the first floor, he asked, "Would you like to see the room you'd use if you took the job?" I nodded. We went up a large staircase, and walked down a hall. Then he opened a door. "This is the room."

The room was great and I'd have my own bathroom. Unlike the other parts of the house I'd seen, this room had feminine touches to it. It was like love at first sight! The bath was a dream, having a huge tub. The room had a vanity and a closet to die for, not that I had that much to put in such a thing.

After the tour, we went back to the kitchen and he wrote a phone number down on a piece paper and handed it to me. "Take your time and call me one way or the other so I can relay your decision, OK?"

My heart was beating faster than normal on my drive home. I went looking for a chair, which I got, but also received a job offer! One of my tenants helped me unload the chair and drag it into my apartment over the garage. However, that night while lying in my bed, I made a decision to try to qualify for that job.

The very next morning, when it was a decent time to phone, I called the number and he answered. "Please tell your boss that I'd be happy to accept the offer, Sir. I'm ready to arrive whenever is convenient, if your boss approves."

"Splendid, he and I both like decisive people," he assured me. "Let's have you come here this Monday at 9 AM. Just move in for a trial period, and bring whatever you like."

I was elated. That gave me a couple of days to pack up and start a new life, hopefully for the better. I'm not crazy, though. I'd keep the option of the apartment over the garage open, in case things didn't work out. I didn't really know anything about his boss. And I suddenly realized that maybe I should have checked him out before rashly submitting my acceptance. If I found out anything bad, maybe the trial period would be over before it began.

I searched the internet for the address and who owned it to see if I could find out more about that owner. I found his last name and searched it. I was flabbergasted! The guy I'd met was the owner of not just that house, but also several tech companies and he was worth millions! I blushed scarlet, having thought that he was just the hired help! Thinking back over our conversations, I realized that he'd never claimed not to be the owner.

Nevertheless, determined to see this through, I finished packing and was surprised I had so little I thought was worth keeping.

Monday came, and I was at his gate right on time. Since I was expected, I wasn't surprised to see the gate buzzed open, and I drove up to the house. He came out and helped get my boxes out of the car. We carried them to my room and placed them on the floor. "I'll give you until lunch to get settled, Arin. I'll call you when it's time for lunch." Just like that, he still acted like the hired help, or actually just like a really nice down-to-earth guy. I smiled.

Putting my things away, I found that the time went fast. I was sitting on the bed when he knocked at my door. "Arin, lunch is almost ready out on the patio," he informed me. We walked outside and the grill was ready. Chatting amicably, we had a nice lunch with all the trimmings.

After lunch we both cleaned up and I was giving a refresher tour, geared more toward orientation. "One rule we have is to never go into the room in the basement, unless you're invited by the boss."

As we sat and talked, I decided it was time for this charade to end. "I searched the internet and I learned that you are the boss, Sir. You are the 'whiz kid' you told me about, and it's no wonder you'd not get into trouble by showing me around, because you own this place!"

He chuckled. "Please forgive me, Arin. I'm in the habit of talking that way about myself when I meet strangers. I want to get to know them without them being dazzled by my success story. And what I said about the job is completely true, and it's yours. Also what I said about the fact that this big house can be lonely is also true. When we're alone, you can also call me Sam, and save the 'Sir' for when company is here and you are serving."

"Of course I forgive you... Sam," I told him, grinning. "I'm glad I got to know what a nice guy you are before being flabbergasted by what you've actually accomplished in your life." We chatted more as he showed me around outside the house, especially the lovely gardens.

The next day at breakfast, he handed me a slip of paper with two addresses and said, "Today, go to the first address and allow them as much time as needed. Then go to the second address. The people will be expecting you at both locations. Just say that Mr. Samuel sent you."

"Yes, Sir. I'm happy to have something to do, finally. I know you're trying to ease me into the role of your housekeeper and assistant." I smiled, thinking I was running errands -- picking up some things for him.

I drove my little Honda into town and with a little effort found the first shop. Blinking, I saw that it was a high end beauty salon. I wasn't sure what I'd be picking up there -- maybe he used very high end hair products, moisturizers, and so on. I walked in and said, "Mr. Samuel sent me."

Hearing that, several girls came to me and walked me into the back. The next several hours were kind of a blur. They worked on me from head to toe -- literally -- and definitely on everything in-between. I experienced my first Brazilian waxing! Ouch! They also made me a blond and cut my hair short. They even supplied lunch -- I'd never experienced such amazing pampering! When I saw myself after they'd finished, I was very pleased. I looked HOT! I was in a bit of a daze with all that had just happened until I passed a guy outside and he smiled and said I was really cute, confirming my assessment of my appearance.

I headed for the next location, which turned out to be a clothing shop. Once again the words 'Mr. Samuel' worked their magic. This too was a novel, very amazing experience. The shop was out of this world. The staff took control completely, having me undress so they could examine me, head to toe. They took all my measurements and recorded them, handing me a copy, stating, "Give this copy to Mr. Samuel." Things started appearing... dresses, skirts, stockings, garter belts, tops, shoes!

I kept saying, "This is too much! It's way too much!"

But in response I was told, "His orders were that we should do the works. And we never want to disappoint him. He's a very important customer!" Three of the ladies had to help carry all that shopping outside and help me pack it into my car.

I was in a weird state of mind when I reached his house -- my new home. I marched right in, saying, "This is too much. I need to take it back."

He laughed. "No dear, you won't. I told you there would be extra benefits to the job. I like you very much and want you to be happy here. And it's for my benefit too. You know I like to have lovely things around me, and look how glamorous you are now. The salon didn't actually change you -- they let your natural beauty manifest itself. And I'm sure that the garments the second store picked out for you will look fabulous on you!"

It took me most of the afternoon to put those things away. Also in those moments I got rid of all of my old plain clothes except some jeans I loved. I put on one of my new outfits and headed down to dinner. Samuel was in the kitchen and when I entered he gave me a long whistle of appreciation, and a big smile. "You look wonderful, Arin! Do you feel wonderful?"

Bashfully, I had to admit, "Yes, I do feel wonderful. I'd never been this proud of my appearance before. Thank you very much, Sir."

"Good. Now we can get down to business. Next week, I want to have a party here, and I need your support, Arin. I want you to coordinate the ordering of the food and drinks, and store them away ahead of time. Here's a list of the stores I habitually use for the food and drinks, and the agency that supplies the help -- parking valets, bartenders, waiters, etc. and how much help I want. Here's a memo about the menu and the expected number of guests. I'd like you to order as if an extra two dozen people will show up, just in case." I was jotting notes, thrilled to be given such a fun, but important assignment.

He continued. "The day of the party, I need you to get the helping staff organized, and make sure the house is clean and in order. I'll have to show you the special room in the basement later today. Now, I know you've never done this before for me, so I expect that as you get started on these tasks, you'll have questions, so don't hesitate to ask me. I want your first party hosting to be a success."

Later that day, as promised, we went to the basement and he unlocked the door. We entered as he flicked the lights on.

I gasped, saying, "OH MY!"

The room contained bondage equipment, couches and a small self service bar. I noticed that one corner had studio lights hanging from the ceiling, obviously set up for taking pictures. I was impressed at the variety of toys. There was also a storage cabinet and I could only guess what that might hold.

Samuel was watching me take all this in, evaluating my expression. He seemed pleased with what he observed. "I took a chance with you," he stated, "since you wore an eternity collar, I had a feeling that you have at least a streak of kinkiness -- that you'd fit in here, and not judge me harshly."

"You knew the true meaning of my collar all this time!" I exclaimed.

"Let's just say I had a good idea about it," he stated, grinning.

This was a big load off my mind, since now I didn't have to be so secretive about my kinky nature, and could open up more to him. "Sam this room is fantastic! It's something that I've always dreamed about! I can't wait to see it in use," I told him.

The night of the party arrived, and Samuel told me to dress sexy since he expected that everyone else would be, also. The doorbell started to ring at around 8 PM as people started to arrive. Everyone seemed to be dressed in latex or leather. My eyes were drawn to the women since they looked so exquisite in their outfits, which left little to anyone's imagination.

One woman wore leather from head to toe with a web of restraints locking her in completely. A full leather helmet covered her face, and the helmet was locked, of course. Being led by the men, many women were on leashes, and their shoes would make any woman envious.

There were a total of five couples, since Samuel wanted my first party to be easily manageable. In my opinion, the evening went well. I watched like a penniless kid staring in a candy store window as some women ended up on things like the cross and the pillory and they enjoyed the attention being paid to them. My mouth watered as I imagined being used like that, but I had my duties as the party hostess to keep me occupied.

After the party, I started to clean up and Samuel helped a little. But after a short while, he said, "It's late Arin. Get some sleep and you can finish up tomorrow." Perhaps he found my chatting a bit tedious, because all I could do was rave over the costumes the women wore. Hopefully that was forgivable, because I'd never seen such great outfits in person. I also confessed that I was somewhat envious of the women bound to the cross and the pillory and being used by the other people. This confirmed my kinky nature, and made him smile.

Before he headed for his bed, Samuel chuckled, jotted down a quick note, and handed me a slip of paper. "This is the address of a web page. I want you to buy one outfit for yourself, but don't tell me what you've chosen until I see you wearing it at the next party."

It was too late at night to think clearly, so I put the note by my laptop, slipped into bed, and slept deeply. When I woke up, stretching and smiling, I went to my laptop and eagerly opened the web page.

It was a wonderland of sexy outfits, a one stop shop with seemingly everything a kinky woman could want. There was one outfit I kept coming back to. It had a package deal that included the complete outfit with all the accessories. But to me, the price was high. I found Samuel sitting at the breakfast table, reading a newspaper. "Ummm... I looked at the web page, Sir, and found something, but I fear it's too expensive." I told him the price, and he didn't bat an eye, telling me to go ahead and get it, and don't fret about the expense.

He continued, "I'm glad you're not telling me what the outfit looks like. I want to be surprised at the party." Impulsively, I ran over to him, and gave him a big hug and a kiss. It felt good that he didn't take offense at my forwardness. In fact, he briefly wrapped his arms around me and I felt him kissing me back.

In a tizzy, I ran back to my room, where I entered my size information and submitted my order. I hoped that they could deliver quickly, since it was just three weeks until the next party.

Samuel gave me more and more responsibilities, and seemed very happy with how well I was able to handle them. I took over the basic cooking duties, although he wanted to do all the grilling. We both were fairly neat people, so keeping the house clean was almost effortless. I did pick a new room each day to dust, vacuum and/or mop. I ran errands for him and sorted and opened his mail, at his direction. My life with Samuel was wonderful! I was treated well and he was very kind. I couldn't help falling for him. I thought he might also be interested in me, since I'd catch him staring at me and smiling.

We also had a lot of free time to sit and chat. As the time passed, we talked about his interests and mine. Our stories were similar in how we got interested in bondage and fetish. I felt very comfortable with Samuel and I hoped over time our relationship would develop into something more serious.

Time passed and about a week before the party I caught him peeking into my room. He was not entering, just peering inside. "And just what do you think you're doing?" I asked, silently coming up behind him before speaking.

He startled, and then began blushing. The pinking of his cheeks made him look like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Swallowing hard, he replied, "Not knowing what outfit you bought is driving me crazy!"

Giggling I playfully chased him away, saying, "Too bad! You told me to keep it a surprise, so I am!" I entered my room and closed the door behind me.

That night, I locked my door, and tried on the outfit. After some adjustments, I was very happy with the look and fit. If I say so myself, I looked really cute! I made arrangements with the salon for them to get me ready from head to toe the day before the party.

The afternoon of the party arrived and I got busy organizing the staff as they appeared, and watched them getting the bar ready and placing the food. I wanted to give the playroom a final quick dusting, and make sure all was ready for our guests in that special room. However, Samuel called to me and reminded me that time was getting short, so I'd better get dressed. I could tell that he was very curious about the outfit I'd selected, and hoped to get a peek soon.

I hurried to my room, determined to get dressed first and then do my final playroom check. I was certain that my outfit would be a hit. I carefully put on my dark stockings, which were held up by a garter belt. Then I added my black ankle strap high heels. Next I pulled on a ruffled under slip followed by a vinyl French maid's outfit. It was cut very low to show lots of cleavage. The underskirt held the main skirt of the maid's dress out at a sharp angle. As I moved it would shift and give people a glimpse of my butt. There were also ruffled panties with the outfit, but I decided to be naughty and not wear any tonight, so if anyone caught a glimpse of my butt, it would be bare. There was so much material under the dress no one would see my lack of panties, but it made me smile since it would be my little secret.

I hurried as fast as my heels would allow and I avoided Samuel as I moved through the house and entered the playroom. After a quick wiping of the surfaces, all was in order and I took a moment to catch my breath. I started to look at the pillory and remembered the last party when a woman was locked in it. I ran my hand over it and felt how well it was built, it look like something from a museum.

Ever curious, I started to wonder what it would feel like being locked into it. I raised the swing arm of the hasp off the loop on the base plate and raised the top piece, it was much heavier than I'd imagined!

I put my neck into the large hole and tried to align my hands. I could only place one wrist in its depression, because I was holding up the top piece of the pillory with my other hand. I started to lower the top, and my hand slipped as it neared its depression. My wrist fell into place as the heavy top banged down with a thudding sound. For a moment, I was just grateful that neither of my wrists nor my neck got pinched. I didn't yet realize that the swing arm of the hasp had fallen down and secured itself over the loop of the base plate! I was now trapped and I was bent over at my waist, which made my skirt and underskirt rise up, exposing my naked butt! That style of hasp required someone to physically lift its swing arm back up, freeing it from the loop, and I was all alone in the room.

I called for help, but this special room deadened sounds, so I got no answer. I could hear the more shrill sound of the doorbell ringing once and then again. Very faintly I could hear the heavy tread of Samuel's footsteps above me as he attended to the front door. Getting a little frantic, I pulled and pulled but had no luck getting free. I was trapped and would surely be the center of attention when the guests came into the room. The very thought made me hyperventilate and I got dizzy.

I could hear more guests arriving and dreaded the idea of being on display like this. The door to this room finally opened and for a moment there was shocked silence, then laughter and applause. I couldn't see anyone, but I could easily imagine what they were seeing, and I was so humiliated that it felt like my face was on fire. Some of the guests started to call Samuel to the room and soon he arrived.

I cringed a little as I heard him loudly exclaim, "So! This is where you're hiding!" He strolled over and came into my field of view, examining me and the pillory closely. "I see you got yourself in trouble. Did the hasp fall and trap you in?" he asked rhetorically. "For being so careless and not greeting my guests, you'll have to be punished."

I didn't like the sound of that, but I had little choice. He walked out of my sight and I heard the storage cabinet open and before I knew what was happening he placed a blindfold over my eyes. I opened my mouth to start to complain but a ball gag was inserted and secured behind my head. I stood there helpless, exposed, unable to see or talk, and not knowing what would happen.

I felt Samuel's hand grab my ankle and pull it to the side. He then tied rope around it. He did the same to my other ankle. I was so mortified, now spread wide for all to see. Apparently the women came to me first. Their soft, smooth hands touched me as they whispered things in my ear -- things that would make a sailor blush. The touches and lewd talk changed something deep inside me. What was abject humiliation before had now become very thrilling. I was getting wet and leaking as I was forced to submit. One woman noticed and spread my juices over my ass and legs.

Then the men came over, circling me with heavier sounding footsteps. They told me out loud very explicitly what they wanted to do to me. I was so excited -- helpless, spread wide open, anointed with my pussy juices and enjoying the attention.

Their rougher hands roamed over me, then they stopped. Someone asked one of the women to draw a number and after a pause she called out a number. They all clapped and cheered with approval. I sensed someone now behind me. Suddenly my ass was slapped, not hard, but it startled me. Powerful hands grabbed my hips and I felt a tip of a penis move along my pussy lips. I was shaking with anticipation. By now I was so turned on I would have begged for a penis -- any penis -- in me. But what came out of my gagged mouth was only a loud mumble.

All the men at the first party were handsome and I assumed these were as well, even though there were twice as many at this party. Blindfolded and restrained it was futile to try to guess who it might be. And honestly, at this point I really didn't care. I just wanted someone in me -- needed someone in me -- even if a roomful of strangers were watching. I felt the first penetration as my pussy lips were forced open and a fat cock slowly started to push it's way in. It was just right, feeling stiff and warm as it went deep and deeper. It was driving me crazy, entering so slowly that it felt like it wouldn't stop.

Then the movement of the cock intensified started as the person started pumping. The crown of that cock raked across my inner walls sending me to the edge and holding me there. The attendees of the party whispered among themselves. I was being used virtually in public, but I was teetering on the edge if cumming and didn't care about any audience to this performance. It got to a point where my entire world consisted of what was between my legs and that penis inside me. I was panting through my nostrils, my nipples ached from being so engorged, and I was leaking all over the cock skewering me, and the balls slapping against me.

Finally, I couldn't hold back any longer, and I clenched my inner walls as my orgasm rocked my world. Seconds later, it happened -- I could feel his jets of sperm shooting into me, filling me. I almost fainted with my knees buckling, but the women around me supported me and helped me to stay up. Someone was taking pictures. I knew this because they were very vocal about taking them through the entire party, pointing out good angles. I could just picture in my mind those images plastered all over the internet.

I stood there helpless, bent over, gagged and blindfolded and just used by a mystery man, one of 9 or 10. Blissed out and dizzy, I had no idea who'd just used me.

I felt a hand touch my face. A woman standing next to me explained, "He wants to thank you, slut. But you have one more task to perform." Gentle hands removed the ball gag. I

smelled semen, mixed with another scent -- probably mine. Then a warm tip touched my lips. I opened my mouth obediently and took in the penis, still wet from my pussy and his sperm. I sucked and sucked, until it was hard and I'd cleaned it and his ball sack as well as I could while still blindfolded.

Suddenly, there was a male voice next to my ear, whispering, "I told you there would be extra benefits the first day I met you, Arin! Thanks for that great fuck, slut."

"Oh my god, it was Samuel that just used me!" I thought. I wouldn't have minded if it had been any other man in attendance, but the fact that it was him made the entire experience feel even more special!

I broke out in a big smile and was left there for the remainder of the party. Many hands roamed over my body playing with my vulnerable tits, and fingering my cunt. Many naughty things were whispered in my ear. And Samuel's was not the only cock that used my helpless body, much to my delight. And a few mouths sucked at my pussy as hands played with my mound and clit. They may have mostly been female mouths, but I could swear I felt at least one beard. Being fucked while helpless and also having skillful cunnilingus performed on me gave me several more orgasms during the party.

Time has passed and we've had a lot more parties. Sometimes Samuel sleeps in my bed with me, and other times I'll sleep in his bed with him. And in either case we eventually actually get to sleep, sated and grinning. Samuel has thanked me again and again for coming into his life and sharing his kinks. He's told me often that he doesn't feel lonely anymore when I'm around. I'm very happy with my new life and man. I think he's going to marry me. I hope so, anyway.

I hope you also find your happiness. Just be open to new experiences. And maybe go looking for discarded chairs on trash days.

  1. The first time I attempted using the firewood chair in my room, I was surprised by the slight creaking sound, almost as if it was whispering secrets from its past.
  2. At the antique show, I spotted a slutty-looking blonde with a necklace that resembled an eternity collar, and I couldn't help but admire her boldness.
  3. I'd always been interested in exhibitionism, and the thought of showing off my new outfits in front of a group of people was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.
  4. One evening, while we were both reclined on The Chair, dominating him in a game of cunnilingus, he suggested we try it with a blindfold for a more intense orgasm.
  5. Group activities became more common in my new role, and I found myself enjoying the thrill of being restrained and pleasure being administered to me by multiple hands.

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