The Clothes Make The Man

Kat's day of studying is interrupted by an unexpected visit.

Aug 2, 2024
12 min read
slavetoysThe Clothes Make The Mananalservitudepraiseservicefacialexhibitionismobediencefree use
The Clothes Make The Man
The Clothes Make The Man

The Clothes Make The Man

"Swinging by at 11."

A short message that filled Kat with an unexpected sense of anticipation in her otherwise dull day of studying. The following attempts at delving into her notes were haphazard at best. Every other minute, Kat would look over at her phone, interrupting what little progress she made. Until finally, that liberating text came. "Parked, two minutes."

It did nothing to resolve that anxious anticipation roiling inside, but at least now she wasn't resigned to her chair anymore.

With her books lying forgotten on the desk, Kat raced for the door. Pulling it wide open before thundering down the stairs. Even taking the last few steps, two by two, to get down faster. Finally, she reached the end and saw him through the glass door. Anthony, the man she'd met only two months earlier but who she now called her Master.

Impeccably dressed in a charcoal three-piece suit, one that wouldn't have been out of place in a board meeting. But, which made Anthony stand out like a beacon on the street. The suit was tailor-made and hugged his form, showing the broad shoulders and the edge of his collar bones, with the top two buttons undone.

The run down the stairs had left Kat breathing deeply, but it was that text of his that had sent her heart into a wild tumbling. Three little words that sent a spike of exhilaration through her body. Seeing Anthony standing there, she hesitated. It was his first unexpected visit since they'd had the TALK, the one after which Kat became his to use in whatever way he wanted. His slave, or as he called her, his little kitten.

Somehow, the corridor seemed much longer than it had ever before. Luckily while Kat's heart beat wildly in her ears, her Master was content to wait. One hand casually tucked into his pocket as those shining brown eyes watched her every step.

When Kat finally reached the door, the key slipped past the hole twice. Eventually, she managed to open the door with a flush on her cheeks, and the amused smirk Anthony wore only deepened that flush. The air between them seemed to crackle from anticipation, but there was a silent understanding. The hallway was far too public a place for a proper greeting.

Kat walked past to show the way to her own studio. The doors of the other residents stood in silent judgment as the twenty-three-year-old led a man older than her by more than a decade to her room. But Kat didn't care, not when she felt his gaze glued to the extra sway in her hips.

When they were finally behind the safety of her door, Kat stood before him. Eyes down on the floor with her hands held behind her back. Her voice was soft as she spoke, the words making her belly squirm.

"Hello, Sir."

The click of his shoes on the floor sent a spike of something through her before Kat felt the warmth of his hand on her cheek. And with it came that scent of his, the one that made her feel an instant need. The first notes were a burst of citrus and fresh herbs that immediately caught the attention. It was the heart of the fragrance that sent a roiling heat through her body. Black pepper interlaced with a subtle sweetness. Finished with the deep scent of pine on a rainy day.

Those warm brown eyes gazed down into hers as the scent and feel of him dug down deeper into her core. Triggering that primal part inside of her that trembled at the raw, sexual need he evoked.

"Hello Kitten, it is a pleasure to see you." The hand on her cheek stroked her skin, and for a moment, Kat reveled in the feeling. Drinking deep of his presence. Right until she heard the click of his tongue.

"Oh Kitten, you've forgotten already?"

Her eyes shot open in a wild panic. Five seconds was all it took for Kat to remember, but those five felt like an eternity. All the while, he kept staring with those golden brown eyes until she flushed a deep scarlet.

"Ah, do you remember then? Tell me." There was only idle curiosity in his voice, not a hint of reproach. But Kat knew something would come.

And with a halting stammer, she did, squirming under his gaze. "That I'm yours, Sir. And when we're together, I shouldn't be wearing clothes unless you say so."

An approving nod came from her Master. "Very good. I only have a bit of free time, but I thought of a use for you before our date tonight. And clothes won't help with that."

Anthony's words were emphasized with a push to the middle of her chest. Kat took a step back and another. Her eyes never left his while she started undressing. Every motion slow and deliberate while she bared her body. Fully aware that her Master wanted a show.

With a deft twist of her fingers, the buttons of her blouse came undone. The warm days meant that Kat dressed lightly, and the fabric parted to reveal her smooth, browned skin. The curve of her breasts was encased by the simple black bra, while the blouse was dropped on her desk. Her Master was a tidy man, and she knew he wouldn't appreciate everything being thrown haphazardly to the ground.

Her hands slid the zipper of her skirt down, even as Kat started to work it down her hips. The black panties were new, as Kat had discovered an appreciation for thongs. When she turned to place her skirt on the desk, she judged by that hungry gaze that his appreciation might eclipse hers.

Kat stood before him in only her bra and panties, her cheeks flushed in arousal and anticipation. The sheer want in his eyes made every insecurity melt like snow before the sun. Kat reached her arms behind her, unclasping the bra before letting it drop. Her nipples poked at the air from her arousal, but she felt them harden from the heat of his gaze. When the bra dropped on her desk, she fully turned around, knowing the pose he wanted to see.

Bending over just enough to give the best possible view, Kat hooked her fingers into the waistband before shimmying it down her hips. Moving her hips in that motion she'd see so often in movies. And she reckoned that it worked, she hadn't heard him draw a breath as she revealed every tan line on her body.

The almost physical weight of his stare set the heat in her lower belly to a boil. And just when she wanted to turn to him, she heard him move. Kat froze at the sound that followed.

Clack, clack, clack.

It took a mere three steps before she felt his hands on her skin. That unbelievable warmth made Kat's eyes flutter. She willingly followed when he pushed her to bend over deeper so that her hands rested on the edge of her desk. The rough scratch of the stubble on his chin was offset by the soft kiss on her shoulder.

Anthony's whisper slid into her ears as the scent of pine and spice weakened her knees. "Which one is your toy drawer?"

"B... bottom left in my dresser."

"Good." Satisfaction was rich in his voice as her Master continued. "Open your legs wider for me."

With a burning flush to her cheeks, Kat obeyed, her body humming in anticipation while she heard him rummage around in her drawer. A mere two months ago, it contained socks, underwear and a single vibrator. Now it only contained toys as her Master had made sure to rectify what he saw as a tragedy.

Kat could only wonder what toy he would choose. It didn't take too long for Anthony to return. When Kat saw his reflection on the screen of her laptop, she squirmed in place. It was an image straight from her dreams, that powerful man dressed in an expensive suit. While she was naked, bent over at the waist, waiting for him to do as he wanted. To be used as his little slut for whatever whim he wanted.

A drop of her arousal slid down her leg when her Master finally stood behind her.

The heat of his body radiated towards her. Kat's heart nearly jumped out of her chest when he reached out to trail his fingers from the back of her thigh and over her cheek. Kat's breath became so deep that she was panting from that simple touch. Her core aching for more.

His soft murmur, "You're exquisite." did nothing to quell that anticipation inside of her. When he pushed down with that large hand in the middle of her back, Kat went willingly until she laid with her breasts squished against her desk. Right on top of the notes she was supposed to be studying.

"You really are a dream, but you already forgot a rule. And now, despite the fact that I'm limited in time, I really do need to give a punishment." There wasn't an ounce of regret in his voice, only a deep purr as he spoke each word deliberately. "Reach back and hold those magnificent cheeks open for me."

Kat started trembling while he spoke and did as she was told with shaky fingers. That first drop of cold on her little brown star made Kat cry out in surprise. But that cry quickly turned to a moan as her Master massaged the lube into her with a blunt, cold tip. Slipping and sliding in slow circles around her tight hole before he gradually started pushing. Kat pressed her forehead down on the table while she did her best to stifle any moans, the walls were far too thin for that.

Her Master didn't seem to care as he pushed that tip against her like the tide of the sea. Pushing and pulling in a flow that only he knew. Kat's breath was harsh as she felt the toy try its best to push past the tightness of her little star. With each push, it went in deeper, and Kat felt herself being stretched wider and wider. Kat finally recognized the toy, one of her newest additions. The silicone plug with a jewel at the end, a bright red with a stylized 'A'. To ensure she was marked.

Every time it came to a point where Kat was ready to scream in pain, her Master withdrew. Moving the plug in slow motions before he pushed again. Finally, the widest part pushed past the tight and the plug slid fully into her ass with a gasped moan.

When her hands fell away from her cheeks, Kat was left panting, gulping in air as she felt a spreading wetness on her thighs. Along with a fullness in her bottom, that was a new sense of familiar. But it was his voice that sent a thrill of pleasure through her body. The words were normal, even ordinary in some cases, but from him, they were positively sinful.

"Good girl."

While Kat's head swam with pure lust, her Master stepped away, his shoes clicking against the floor before he called to her. With a shuddering breath, Kat pushed herself off the desk and faced him. A picture of him at that moment could have ended up in a magazine. Anthony leaned casually against the wall, his posture relaxed and exuding an effortless confidence.

The charcoal jacket hung open, revealing the crisp white shirt, the top few buttons undone to show the wide contours of his chest. The few hairs that poked out only hinted at what lay beneath. But it was his eyes that struck her the most, dark and intense. Watching her with a desire that made Kat feel beautiful and sexy. There was hunger in those eyes, a hunger that made her knees feel weak, one that spoke to every sinful part inside of her.

A tilt of his chin was all that was needed for Kat to sink to her knees. Her eyes fell to the floor as she crawled toward him. Inch by inch until his polished black shoes came into view. Struck by a sudden inspiration, she bent down and pressed a kiss to the leather before lifting her head. From far above, he looked down at her, drinking in the sight. His voice was a growl of restrained desire while his eyes seemed a shade darker.

"Go on."

Kat saw the evidence of his own arousal, the length of him straining against its confines. And with a deliberate slowness, Kat ran her hands up his legs. The soft fabric beneath her fingers while she felt his legs tense. When she undid his pants, the outline of his cock stood out against the ruby boxers he wore. Kat wet her lips before she freed him from that last barrier.

When she took him into her hand, she heard his breath hitch. While Kat stroked him, she pressed a kiss on the tip. Satin over steel. Her tongue flicked out to taste him, and that low groan only fed her own wetness. She didn't need her Master's hand on the back of her head to guide or as encouragement, but it felt good. That tight, almost painful grip on her hair. Kat moaned even as she lost herself in the rhythm.

Her tongue circled around his head before it popped free. While Kat stroked him, she ran her tongue around and over. Tasting every bit she could reach. Her Master growled when she squeezed and pumped with the very tip of him in her mouth.

"You've gotten better at that." His voice held a guttural edge while he took her head more firmly in hand. "But I haven't the time to go slow."

The words sent a thrill of excitement through her body, even when he started thrusting. Gently and shallow at first, but each thrust went deeper as Kat opened her mouth and relaxed her throat. Her thighs clenched together each time she felt him move, matching the rhythm to send a small jolt of pleasure through her. Relishing in his control over her.

The hands on her head became more insistent, and his thrusting was almost more than she could bear. But that relaxed as she tried to take him even deeper. Until she could take no more, with a hacking cough, she pulled away. Felt how her Master stroked himself now before guiding her head down.

"Lick my balls." Her Master was reduced to that growl that sent a shiver down her spine.

With her hands on his thighs, Kat did exactly that. Her tongue flicked out to please her Master. His pace became more frenzied, and she felt a tremor start in his legs. Her Master was almost there, Kat could feel it. Hear it. That ragged breathing was like music in her ears.

When the hand in her hair pulled she leaned back. Opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out. With her eyes closed, Kat didn't have to wait long, a first shot of something warm and wet splashed against her forehead. The next across her cheek before she tasted that hot, salty release.

The head of his cock pushed into her mouth, sending shot after shot of his seed into her. And Kat moaned at the feeling, his hands holding her to him and pulling her hair as he filled her mouth.

Only when Kat felt that pulsing cease did she swallow, before sucking gently. Milking every last bit of him before he finally pulled back. Leaning against the wall in such a way that it was clearly the only thing holding him upright. But the way he looked down at her made Kat flush, a deep satisfaction and genuine affection.

"You're getting better at that. My pretty little toy." Her Master leaned down to cup her cheek with his hand while he spoke with warmth. "I look forward to our date tonight and the reward you earned. I know that it's one that has featured in your fantasies." A curious edge wormed its way into her thoughts but Kat stayed down on her knees, listening. "But I can't stay much longer."

"Now then, you're to keep that plug in your pretty little ass for as long as you're able. When it becomes too much to bear, I want you to count to sixty, slowly, before you remove it. But be sure to bring it tonight, I want you to have it in that cute little ass when you present yourself."

"Yes Sir." Kat spoke with a small resigned edge to her tone as she thought on how many hours were between now and then.

Straightening his suit again was only a moment's work, but before Anthony turned to leave, he bent down. Cupping both her cheeks before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Until tonight, kitten."

"Until tonight." Her own words were a far softer whisper as she chose to revel in the afterglow. Deep within, Kat felt that yearning for a physical release, but she knew that the pleasure tonight would be much greater if she waited like a good girl should.

With a deep sigh, she glanced at the shower, dreading the cold shower she'd need. But once again thankful that she had a private bathroom and wouldn't have to make the walk to a communal one with the evidence of his visit out for all to see. A swipe of her tongue over her lips gave another taste of that salty release. And Kat hummed as she turned the shower to cold, wishing the hours would go by faster.

End of part 1


An: Bit of a different one this time, less of the bratty dynamics more along the lines of willingly submitting to desire. Anthony and Kat are a new couple to write about whose adventures will fit nicely into the slutty category. More to come and I hope you enjoyed this one.

Comments are always appreciated, fun to read about your experience with the story.

  1. Kat felt a pang of distress as she remembered her new role as Anthony's 'slave' or 'little kitten', instructed to be naked in his presence.
  2. Anthony, known for his impeccable dress sense, was now also known for his penchant for 'toys', keeping a well-stocked toy drawer in Kat's dresser.
  3. Kat was expected to honor 'servitude' in her relationship with Anthony, often found herself in states of 'anal play' and 'exhibitionism', except when giving 'praise' or 'service' was required.
  4. 'Obedience' was the main requirement in their dynamic, Kat always learned to quickly remember and follow Anthony's instructions, such as the rule about not wearing clothes without his permission.
  5. Kat found herself frequently in a state of 'facial' pleasure, often resulting from Anthony's 'use' of her in various ways, all part of her new role as his 'slave' or 'little kitten'.

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